Bargaining for Absolutely Everything! Bangladesh - 24 Hours

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Poor guy got scammed dude lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/charul0ta πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Absolutely ripped off lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/squad746459 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
how much for the Helvey how much $15,000 15,000 that's too much for me I'm looking for like 300 a belt for 300 USA you're gonna smack me welcome back guys right now we are out here in Dhaka Bangladesh just landed and just like last time I hadn't researched this place because I kind of just booked the ticket on a whim kind of makes you a little uncomfortable but I've gotten to a point where like I'm comfortably uncomfortable time now is 10:00 a.m. about rules are simple super simple 24 hours bargain for absolutely everything if I can't get a deal on it I can't get it really nice technically might not have a hotel find out you'd be able to eat or drink might not be able to even leave the airport anyways first issue I just realized is that I lay over it in Sri Lanka but they didn't have ATMs in the layover area and I don't have a visa for Bangladesh so if you get one on arrival but it's 50 US dollars so they better have it ATM otherwise I don't think they take credit cards so I don't know what's gonna happen is there an ATM around here Oh excited need to get my visa oh how do you take credit card oh I have no cash okay no I have no cash whatsoever hotel number I didn't get a hotel you know I don't know how do you I was just gonna go to the center and walk around you have to have a hotel okay all right so try to be low-key here too many times in no photo but um supposed to have a hotel didn't have one he was really mad feel like such a clueless foreigner I was gonna make up a hotel like Holiday Inn or some [ __ ] hopefully they let me in all right let's do this hello sir how are you doing of the booking all just gonna go pay cash yeah I don't I don't want to pay with my credit card is that okay all right thank you all right so I was pretty funny I'll see you guys on the other side of immigration [Music] [Music] you got cheaper than $13 500 for 12 gigs five gigabytes I can't do like six gigabytes okay is there another place down here I'm getting this one for 1,000 oh cool all right cool okay thank you sir all right so I was actually just about to leave I already just wrote it off like there's no way I'm gonna bargain for a SIM card he's like all right I'll just give you 22 gigabytes so that's 10 gigabytes more so I'm actually quite surprised like I said I already wrote it off that I was like we're not getting a SIM card here at least hey I guess you ass and they grant your wish so alright now let's not a taxi yeah sexy where to where where's that I don't understand what you're saying hello what's up I don't know where I go I need a hotel Amy Hutton yeah well like in this area I just pick some random hotel on my Google Maps how much you get there how much 500 1,500 get 13 kilometers not 1500 though let's go too much that's too much no I'll give you 700 I know you can you dance yeah yeah that's yeah that's 700 good for there's no traffic jam yeah you can do 700 so I found the sexier a 1500 it's like 50 kilometers this place is only like 13 kilometers away you can do 1,000 1,100 taco more I'll give you I'll give you 1,100 taka 15 1,500 like 50 kilometers look 15 kilometers yeah look how much taco 680 gun yeah that's what it says 1,100 I'll take I'll take a rickshaw you act like I'm gonna get shot yeah I'm gonna get shot outside I can't I can't walk outside not safe okay do 1200 we got it 200 200 200 yeah 200 200 yeah thank you all right so I was kind of relying on somebody to just take me to a hotel then I quickly realized all right I'm gonna have to do this hotel thing on my own so I'm gonna get dropped off at this random hotel that I found and now we're gonna bargain that and I'll see what we can get hello how are you I think what he was trying to say was it's like this is the safe one huh you need huh I help you [Music] [Music] you America the USA thank you nice to meet you alright nice lord nice warm greeting anyways let's go find these hotels and see what we can get hello sir good how are you this hotel yeah hello do you have any rooms not yet no yes tomorrow what time is checkout that's okay this is the cheapest room you have how big is the room yeah I can have a look okay check out this room check out this room yeah okay how are you I hope I do too that's pretty good alright yeah let's go downstairs alright okay do you have a cheaper a cheaper room like for 4000 you do 4,000 on that give you 5000 you're not it's a fixed price you can do 5000 you said yeah one night 5000 hidden right yeah yeah No twin room what do you mean if I want to expand how much is it but the King room 5500 twin room cheaper why is it a higher price a little bit bigger okay how about we do two nights for nine thousand otherwise I'll go to a new hotel no okay okay yeah yeah okay I'll show it all look at it guess he wants to really sell it so he showed me this other room he really wants you to stay two nights that's a good price yeah thirteen thousand yeah that's okay you can't do two nights for like nine thousand I'll say two nights for like nine thousand you cannot okay I'll just stay one night done that's okay all right all right thank you you got the card yeah okay is there like water fruit basket and that's free that's free oh sweet all right cool all right thank you sir all right so we got our nice room he started at he said the room was like ten thousand taka then he said discount for you seventy three hundred and then I got them down to five fifty five hundred not bad for what I'm getting with this room like as you can see it's like really nice good thing is we got the water that comes with the hotel we got some food so this will hold me off until later last time I went without this and without that well actually no I I went to the bar and got some free alcohol and some nuts that some guy gave me so wasn't too bad however it's not ideal but I want to get right into the city go out into these markets and uh let's see what we can and fines do bargain for whatever so uh let's get to it [Music] alright so now we're gonna go to New Market I'm gonna find a rickshaw tuk-tuk or whatever to get there it's 1.7 miles away so yeah let's just find the tuk-tuk I don't wanna walk that far hello sir hey get a ride a new market yeah how much to the new market you do you do one you do one no okay let's stop here at the side there's some ray-bans here alright how much for Ray Bans how much for these three hundred one hundred yeah yeah you do 100 100 no you can't do it I'll give you 150 150 sorry yeah okay 150 the Ray Bans alright thank you interesting to see everybody's a lot of people's beers here are died like bright orange like you can see the guy behind me it's like the third or fourth guy I've already seen why is that no just for visiting the sites like the park and whatnot a new market how much you do one it's right up the street one no you all okay okay we'll do one fifty so we walked like like 0.2 miles none of this guy just conveniently rolled up so we're just gonna take this the rest of the way all right thank you all right what do you got no bags hello how are you oh we got that Tommy Hilfiger in here Jordan how much is this 500 for the Tommy Hilfiger Air Jordan took a lab right 500 I'll give you three 200 for this 200 500 500 you do 200 so you can't fix price fixed price all right cool all right cool all right thank you okay this market looks huge brother what's up I kind of bounced you have hello brother what other so you got Giorgio Armani boss diesel what about these up here like the Gucci about LV how much for the hell V how much $15,000 $15,000 yes not 1,500 yeah yeah no that's too much for me 15,000 1,500 no it's too much for me I'm looking for like 300 a belt for 300 USA you're gonna smack me three 300 only one piece yeah no okay yeah you'll do it he's got some for me though I don't know you tell me thank you thank you okay I'll come back to your shop so first deal at the market I thought he'd spent 15,000 efforts are you crazy at 1500 so 300 it's like four bucks all right hello what do you have how much for bananas how much is this America yeah yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you how much do you sell in one day seven thousand at twenty taka seven thousand good all right cool nice to meet you bro Colin Colin yeah oh thank you you guys have nice name suits oh okay all right see ya [Music] all right guys we're all here look at this traffic this traffic is just something out like him look probably the worst traffic I've ever seen in my life anyways what we're gonna do is I seen a bunch of like optical shop around here I've never worn glasses in my life in the beginning of the video you might have found the sunglasses our Almanac typically I don't wear sunglasses but there's music sunglasses buy a certain brand that I'm not gonna say because I'm not sponsored I got a minute Airport and honestly they're so cool so what I want to do is because I don't feel like looking like a douche bag wearing sunglasses indoors all the time I'm gonna get lenses for them either the clear ones or what I really want are the transition lenses from clear to sunglass whatever so uh let's go into this place and let's see what we can get hello hey I'm looking you sell lenses clear yeah yeah yeah [Music] 7,500 you have cheaper than some yeah sure let's do it okay yeah yeah color-changing that first sunlight right but it's clear to even what percentage change 15 for 15 five kind of expensive it's a fixed price how low can you go that's still expensive um yeah no it's too much about twelve to twelve no profit four thousand five hundred thousand five hundred okay what do some change hmm Alec ten that's sweet okay not this one okay how does it look mother's love bet yeah next time come back thank you I look kind of weird I look II I look nerdy oh do we get the original shades nope alright thank you alright thank you thank you sir have a good one it looks so weird when it's clear I tell you they look way better when they're dark but uh I'm pretty happy with them they seem pretty cool so these right here these frames right here quite thick but dude I'm telling you these are so like nice you fall asleep real quick wearing these if you want to like wear them the better on a plane like seriously it's cool because like it's like opposite of noise-canceling you can still communicate with the outside world without having to turn your music down and it's perfect for traveling I think where most people want the noise canceling I don't want the noise canceling because I'm sick of taking my headphones on and off and whatever but no I don't know maybe it'll grow on me so with that being said I'm exhausted I'm gonna wake up early tomorrow and we're gonna head out and do some more stuff tomorrow so uh let's call it a night right here and uh see you guys later [Music] all right just woke up a little bit ago finishing the last of this fruit here anyways um I got a chunk out at noon so this challenge finishes two hours before then so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go - I don't know we're just gonna go two legs maybe some cool looking spots here and uh we'll see what happens with the rest of this and I'm gonna grab my gear we're gonna head out so let's go hi we're all here hello oh hey what's up we're all here they realize how bad the pollution was started coughing up a bit already anyway if we can go to this luggage shop I saw earlier because my backpack at the hotel is packed to the brim it's like at least a good 30 pounds so I could probably lighten my load so let's go check this luggage place out see what kind of deal we can get if we can get one enough yeah let's get it hello looking for some luggage like something like this no probably a small size like this cat one yeah 1,200 you have something for cheaper some cheaper than 1,200 well what about like one cheaper but this size 1000 last can you do like 700 on that one oh you can't what about this one what's your last on this cab 1200 can't do 700 okay I'll go around the corner there yeah I think I need the 20 though yeah I need the 20 for sure do 1000 on that last price oh you can't okay all right thank you I can do 1,000 yeah okay okay we got it 1,000 all right cool this fit in there yeah it'll fit in that cool all right cool I'll take it here you go all right thank you yeah I leave today though all right we got it we got the cat luggage seems pretty decent all I need to do is have it last for one trip oh let's see what's happening over here a lot of people clamping and [ __ ] what is this what is that okay okay okay I should I should actually it's gonna get wild okay it's like a protest or some [ __ ] yeah look at this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I thought I was gonna Stampede it for a second get the hell out of there I mean the [ __ ] are there still stampeding over in the streets over there I think on that note I'm happy with this purchase and I'm done testing my luck on the mean streets of Bangladesh so anyways guys if you liked this video make sure to go check out the other video just like this it was the first video of this new series I started and yeah that's very similar to this one and I think you guys would really like it also don't forget to Like share comment subscribe I'll see you guys in the next one and I love you guys later
Channel: Collin Abroadcast
Views: 1,417,887
Rating: 4.8690753 out of 5
Keywords: Bangladesh, Dhaka, New Market, Indian, Designer, bargaining, hypebeast, bargain, Fake markets, Gucci, haul, replica, counterfeit, try on haul, adventure, fake, imitation, travel vlog, Solo Travel, black market, sneakers, luxury, shopping, vlog, fashion, designer, trends, shopping spree, cheap, asia, travel, shop, GH5, Spree, market spree, bonanza, bazaar, scams, bollywood, Silk, Fossil, silk scarf, bargain for hotel, 24 hours, how to travel india, Colin Abroad, 24 hour challenge, Colin Abroadcast, Louis Vuitton
Id: xonYdf16tJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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