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hello everybody and welcome back to another video now the thing everybody's been talking about is the new Barbie movie so I have actually been challenged to dress one of my horses up and myself as Barbie now I feel like it's a little bit of Barbie and everyone and I was thinking you know which horse would probably be the best because actually I feel like I've dressed all of them up but Duke because I did like dressing my horses up for Halloween video and you guys absolutely loved that I was thinking Joey's probably a little bit too dark like it's not the right color to be a Barbie horse Duke's a little bit too small I mean Casper I feel like he hasn't got the inner Barbie in him like he's quite a shy horse and then I thought you know what Mickey Mickey is going to be the perfect Barbie horse I've even got some horse safe paint we can put in his Mane I've you know got a little bit I've got a little bit Barbie I mean my hair is already long and blonde so I feel like I've got a good head start with that I have put a little bit of pink eyeshadow on so I'm getting there don't worry this is not my full Barbie outfit because first have to clean Mickey and for sure he is going to be dirty come on in wait okay [Music] I'm sorry Mickey but you were not looking like a Barbie pony why is there mud in your nostrils we now have a Mickey I mean I've got to say he does look quite like a Barbie pony he's got his blue eyes um he's also like a light color as well I mean I always think he looks like a unicorn but he's looking a bit of a disgrace at the moment his tail is disgusting his nose has dirt in like he's going for more of an Oppenheimer Vibe than a Barbie Vibe and we want you to look more Barbie so I'm gonna get him cleaned up and then we're gonna make you pink I mean he is kind of already a pink pony he's got like sort of pink skin but we're going to make him proper pink pink pink hey he's like girl what are you tying me into this time like what do you do what are we doing you're very patient you're a very patient good boy aren't you Mickey oh no I just I just number one I kissed his very dirty nose and number two you have now got pink lipstick on your nose I mean I didn't I didn't kiss the really dirty bits that's fine okay so maybe I could give him a little lipstick kiss actually I don't know that might look a bit weird I know some one of my friends did that for Valentine's Day and it was a very cute photo shoot but you're a bit disgusting Mickey you're a little bit you're a bit crusty I don't know how else to describe it really foreign [Music] Mickey's tale is very not Barbie [Music] all right this is where the fun begins I've got some pony paint do not worry this is non-toxic designed for horses it's chalk based so it literally washes out with one wash I've got some pink here which I feel like will really release Mickey's inner Barbie but I thought I could put not obviously all red because red isn't really a Barbie color but maybe some of this red in the pink will make kind of like a darker pink because this is quite pastel and you know we want Mickey's Mane to pop we want him to be looking fabulous so I am going to get a paintbrush and then it will be time to paint a pony I guess he's been painted before and he was a very good boy I mean he he's gonna have some food he's just gonna be standing there like Yep this is my laugh I'm a YouTube horse all right so I have my pot I have my paintbrush now it's time to do some mixing and hopefully I get this the right color I don't want to put too much oh too much red in there we go how much paint do you think we'll need because obviously I don't want to waste any should just put a tiny although that is actually a really nice pink I want to go for more of like a that's more of like a bubble gum pink I want more of like a hot pink all right let's mix it together and see what it goes oh oh tell you what I think I might have done that perfectly first time because that is a that is a darker pink and that'll really stand out on him okay I'll do a little tester patch on his main and we'll see what it looks like oh there is a lot of paint on here oh well I can spread it about okay Mickey all right there we go oh yes that is like the perfect pink do I do like little stripes and do you like different colors I feel like I'm just going to get this on my hands I'm not even gonna try being careful wow look at that this is like my childhood dreams coming true so this might be a bit of a process guys I think this is going to take a little while I'm giving him I was going to say highlights then but they're not light so technically they're not highlights I'm giving him just like some some Stripes is that how I'm not a hairdresser I'm probably not saying the correct terms um but here we go we're giving Mickey some but a pink in his Mane oh my goodness he looks so cute he looks like a he looks like a raspberry ripple ice cream I don't know why a bit random but he does look tasty so a bit of an emergency we've run out of pink paint however I have been mixing the white paint and the red paint together and that's worked pretty well I also have some purple and I've kind of made this pinky purple lilacy color and I thought you know what having a bit of Dimension is in his name a little bit of you know different colors I think could actually look really cute I might actually braid some pieces as well or plat them so hopefully don't know okay let's move the paint away from the pony and we'll see what this looks like compared to it oh yes that is such a nice pink actually so we've got like a hot pink and then more like a pastely purpley pink Mickey you are gonna look so cute let's go we've got a little bit of a problem not too big though Mickey's tail is now complete and I think it looks incredible however while the paint's a little bit wet and there's kind of flies about and he squishes his tail he's kind of accidentally given himself some sort of zebra stripes here but what I'll probably do is once he's all dry just get like a wet sponge and just wipe it off because it comes off really really easy I've used this paint quite a lot of I've seen quite a lot of times I probably dress Mickey up like once a year it's like the annual kind of dressing the pony up time like this isn't his everyday life although I think he's actually really enjoying today because it's literally stunning here being pampered and has some food so he's he seems very very content and very happy but anyway I feel like you know we're almost getting there I feel like I need to get myself barbied up now get changed and if it's a little hoof oil on his Hooves we were going to put paint on them it just wasn't sticking properly we probably should have got some special like pink who foil but I've got black what Black Hoof oil that I use on Joey so you know what he looks a little bit more out there he looks a little bit more like a kind of toy pony I guess but I think he's looking very cute hey Mick and don't worry we have a pink head collar to put him in later too now Mickey's almost done it's time to transform myself so I'm gonna get into the back of it's gonna call it the Barbie truck can I call it that because it's kind of I mean it's not pink it's more of a lilac but it's close enough to be on brand we'll take it we'll take it um but also you know if I'm going to get changed into Barbie do I call myself Bobby as me am I besmee let me know let me know anyway I'm gonna get change and I'll see you in a bit Barbie is now in the house this is sort of the outfit that I've gone for I'll go through the outfit sort of top to bottom so starting off my hat is a Stetson um I actually got this when I was in Colorado so that's quite cool I wanted to go for sort of like a cowgirl Barbie theme because obviously it's going to be with a horse next my eye shadow is actually the beauty Bay pastels kind of one went for this um pink which is called lovesick there we go actually it's kind of probably inspired me to go for more of like a bold makeup look so I'm definitely more of like a natural girl just pop that down on the side next up we have my Lumiere t-shirt in watermelon um of course had to go for the bright bright pink of that then my belt is Fairfax and favor this is in the blush so I kind of have like all the different shades of pink on me at the moment these are just some Pink jeans they're very light pink because they put I don't know if they look white on camera and these are from Berkshire I've had these for ages and then boots of air facts and favor and the these are the breast cancer tassels I believe so there we go got the sort of matching pink so that is my full outfit that I'm wearing I just need to grab Mickey's hair color and then I think it might be time to shoot some content bring it right back [Music] so we have just got some absolutely incredible shots with Mickey here also he now has his lemur watermelon her collar on if you hadn't already spotted that so we are well and truly fully pink now I think he looks so good but um now we've got all the content got everything that we need the most important thing is to make sure that he's happy and he's comfortable which has been my top priority for the whole day and always is um so now it's time to give Mickey a second bath I mean he's actually had he's had so much fun saying because he's literally been here with a halogenet while being pampered like what more could a pony want food and pampering okay so anyway I'm gonna give him a quick wash down this will come off really easily with just some water and then he can go back out in the field and chill for the rest of the day hey Mick good boy okay back to the wash bay time to get you clean we need to de-bob you and then he'll go and roll and then he'll be disgusting like always in good man I'm now changed out of my Barbie outfit just because I thought you know what it's not going to be very practical for washing a pony with even though all the stuff coming out is pink and I was wearing all pink thank you for the kiss there Nikki don't know what that was um anyway now it's time to give this boy a bath and if I remember from last time all of the pink should very easily wash out good man I've also changed his head collar because I didn't want his head collar getting all dirty either so this one I thought you know what I can clean it a bit easier good boy [Music] so Mickey isn't the biggest fan of having his face washed so I'm gonna try and use sort of like a damp towel and kind of rub it off you can see quite a lot has come out it does say on the bottle that darker colors um take a little bit longer to wash out but the rest of him is looking pretty good he might just have a bit of a oh thank you very much Michael he might just have a little bit of a pink four lock for a day or two but I'm sure rainy England will rain on him and then it will wash out eventually but his main on this side looks great it's literally just his fallock where he hates having his face washed yes foreign [Music] oh my goodness Michael what has he done to himself that's what he thinks to being Barbie he's like I'm gonna have some more snacks now you are disgusting you are very cute but very oh my gosh even it's made it's everywhere and that is what it's like owning a horse that you buff and then they roll and then you bath them and then they roll and okay they're playing Chase now bye Mickey see you later all right well guess that is the end of today's video Duke wants to say hello hey little man he's very sweet but anyway thank you so much everybody for watching today's video to go and see the Barbie movie let me know if you enjoy it um but yeah um thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all next time bye well done Duke I mean you weren't even really in the video but well done for being in the outro and being cute yes you've got your little baby fly mask on hey yeah stop the Flies getting in your eyes oh isn't it like they're about to go fencing like on guard I've got my little fencing hat on boy yes [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 456,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, pony, horse girl, girl, fun, how to, equestrian, horsey, satisfying, cleaning
Id: qv_SPg3oego
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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