Barbie Family & LOL Dolls Back To School Videos

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[Music] good morning guys wake up girls time to get up the bus will be here in less than 25 minutes Stacey wake up Chelsea wake up good morning Barbie the lights so bright come on guys good press your teeth get dressed we'll have a quick breakfast and you still have to pack your lunch box come on oh good morning guys come right in Chelsea how did you sleep pretty great actually I had a really awesome dream I didn't want to wake up I was in this really cool land of sweets and little marshmallows like talk to me and stuff it was pretty crazy right feed you to the bathroom wait wait I can't put my slippers on wait that's not fair have shorter legs than you good morning guys hello I'm in the bathroom a little privacy should have lost its or empty get dressed huh finally some privacy [Music] [Applause] I have ballet practice after school so I need to pack my bag I have my ballet back here my new favorite leotard my tutu and my ballet slippers and today's library did that mean I get to go to the library and get a new book oh it's so much fun I also have to pack some markers for it my art test of a marker that's poor all worn out but in my backpack a little snack yeah or after class I have gymnastics after school so here is my gym bag and today we have show-and-tell in class uh what should I bring my metal or my trophy Chansey where should I bring my gymnastics trophy or my soccer medal oh I don't know bring Bowl you're right I didn't want to like show off but I'm just not great of an athlete I'll put it in my backpack I also have to pack my homework I really have to start packing my backpack the night before today I have math class I need to pack my notebook okay great myself already should I wear this outfit or this outfit come on guys you need to go spaces and when do you care so much about what you went to school then she has a crush on Marcus Chelsea did you read my diary no of course not just like a mind reader okay I guess it's all fit is it they use the and Marcus sitting in a tree stop it [Music] Barbie can I bring my new squishy to class I don't think so Chelsea you know your teacher said no toys in school whoa but Katie always brings her squishy and then she takes a lot on the fuzz that doesn't mean it's allowed remember last time you brought your collection of shopkins and you lost them and then you cried okay okay all right you're all ready thanks for helping me brush my hair I'm ready to go [Music] [Music] how do you like those chocolate muffin Bob so good or do I read one in my large box hmm great I didn't know you guys would like them okay so after school Stacy you have gymnastics and Chelsea you have ballet uh-huh mm-hmm any activities for you skipper actually I'm gonna be babysitting for the Enderson family okay great Stacy just remember it's your turn to unload the dishwasher before you leave okay mm-hmm I love me some waffles get freaky you have to be waffles with your hands yuck it's so sticky it makes it taste that much better okay Barbie I finish unloading the dishwasher everything is back in its place huh okay who's buying school lunch today who's packing lunch I'm buying lunch here you go skipper here's some lunch money Thanks oh well guys that's my ride Lacey's mom is taking me to school today Barbie okay have a nice day bye guys I'm gonna pack a turkey sub my iced tea have a banana that I didn't finish for breakfast and some and some Cheetos how about you Chelsea I'm gonna pack eight peanut butter and jelly an apple some pretzels in a water bottle come on guys get your stuff the bus will be here in five minutes I wonder if our friends are already at the bus stop let's go bye see you later bye guys bye Barbie things [Music] [Music] fathers here do you want to sit next to me yeah sure come on everybody get in [Music] back-to-school shopping my favorite thing in the world no it's my favorite thing in the world no it's my favorite guys please don't fight we're here to buy everyone's school supplies today yes I have the school supply list right here it's a long one this year hmm where should we start I want to get a new lunchbox I want to get a computer we'll see oh well let's go in order hi guys welcome to school plus the best school supply store ever ever yes ever oh this is so exciting okay guys first on the list we need some crayons and markers oh I saw them right over there there's a whole aisle of them they have some here and over there and also there hmm I really want to go to the computer section look at all those amazing new laptops and tablets let's try them out computers make me so excited okay markers here we go one for you and one for your sister oh here they have folders and paper perfect and we need a blue folder now we need some composition books there's a few here to choose do you want the unicorn one sweetie yes mommy I will love the unicorn one I don't want any unicorns on mine I just want the regular ones please perfect the regular ones are right over here this one right here yup okay and the unigram one for your sister um these are so pretty I love it mommy I hope they also have a Hello Kitty notebook look how cute that is really pretty mommy I want to get it too okay mom we wanna help it's getting boring sitting here yeah can we help of course you can especially since your dad is playing with the computers and not being much help hey I'm coming hey I'm looking at the computer you know how much I love computers okay you can get the glue sticks and you can get the color pencils I buy the clothes sticks and I buy the color pencils okay deal where did I see the color pencils oh oh they have a big selection mm-hmm got it glue sticks glue sticks glue stick glue sticks glue sticks oh right there got it great job guys we still need pencils erasers sharpeners pens and some folders it's so exciting I know right there's nothing like starting the new square with some brand new school supplies I'll get the pencils and the pens pencils pens or pencils are right here and pens oh right there two packs for each kid hey sweetie look they have scissors here No daddy these are for babies okay then I got us folders they didn't have a pink one for me nope only blue hmm it looks like we need some highlighters but see highlighters Oh perfect they do have everything here these are perfect look at the microscopes that's so cool I want to get one yeah well we don't have science class just yet I want to be a scientist meet you no me no me no I'm gonna be a scientist oh look it's pop boy and his mom help on boy hi punk boy hi guys hi you're also school supply shopping nice to see you we have a lot of things to get Wow they gave us a long list of here I want to get a dinosaur backpack okay let's see if a hominid here hey guys hey punk boy hi are you guys excited to go back to school of course we are very mmm I'm not I just wanna hang out but we gotta go to school you know but at least we'll have some cool school supplies I want to get our dinosaur backpack where are hmm that's really cool I'm gonna get a Pokemon one well I'll see you guys later bye bye bye Polly okay guys which a lunchbox do you want I want the Pokemon one and I want the Barbie one please okay Wow a shopping cart is really full already and we haven't even gotten everything yep dad's house back-to-school shopping usually is lots and lots of stuff hey sweetie look they have calculators here I want this one do you want this one or the one with the Hello Kitty face oh one with the Hello Kitty face all right let's get it what a pretty car cure you they have so many pencils and colored pencils and markers and got my scissors meet you mommy daddy can we look at the computer yeah yeah come on I'll show you my favorite ones hi if you guys need any help in the electronics department let me know can I get a computer daddy well you're a bit young but it's never too early to start for you I was thinking something like this this one right here I like it can we get it we'll get one for you and one for your sister as long as you're promised you guys look it along of course we will yeah we will uh-huh we're best friends that oh you stepped on me sorry I hope they have such cute backpack here well guys it looks like we got everything we need we can go check out I hope you guys are right over here mom I want this lunchbox here that's a nice challenge Bravo where did you come from mm-hmm I got a pink one oh cool Wow look at all these school supplies this is gonna be expensive I'll take you right here sir mommy can I get this roller bag I could put all my books here and it has wheels perfect backpack for school can I get it can I get it please it is really nice yes you can get it I want one too oh one the green one please it's so convenient to carry my books in here okay please out on those bags okay no problem okay you're all set we'll get this bagged up right away thank you for shopping all right guys we're all ready for school isn't that exciting yep look at all our school supplies even a computer we're really excited thanks mom thanks dad school is gonna be awesome yeah [Music] does everyone have their school supply list I do I do too right here and I have yours Chelsea thanks Barbie I hope we find everything we need oh they haven't had like any school supplies I am totally buying them I should start buying notebooks and a novel what's on my list Barbie well your list is pretty short we need crayons markers three composition books two folders pencils pens erasers rulers glue highlighters scissors and I think that's it and that's supposed to be a short list I guess it's not let's go this way they have a big crew all a section Wow would you look at all these markers oh wow this is crazy so many calculators bah it's Hello Kitty heaven I'm totally getting this one or no wait that one's even cuter Stacy do you need a calculator mm-hmm here have this one Thanks look at this one it says I can count isn't that so cute yeah it's nice they have a pencil case this one has rulers and pencilled so cute I'm gonna get this pen huh is that a sharpener oh it is getting that too Oh No I'm already running out of space in my shopping basket can I use your shopping cart yeah sure hey chels you need a pack of markers and a pack of color pencils perfect you can get down so you can choose your obstacle supplies there's pencils and scissors and pens and highlighters glue stick I have a number-two pencil scissors and glue sticks okay I need to get a science textbook and a microscope I found more hellokitty school supplies notebooks and folders yay it's gonna be the best school year ever I really hope skipper is gonna like Hello Kitty the whole school year Chelsea how about these highlighters oh that's right I forgot about those hi and let me know if you guys need any help ah thank you my science textbook now which microscope should I buy excuse me what's a difference between those three microscopes the price but if you need a first school I would choose the middle one it's the best okay thanks I guess we'll buy that one I need to get this book for my reading class Tom Sawyer you need to get some notebook paper okay Chelsea which composition book unicorns or ice cream rainbow and pineapples what kind of question is that of course unicorn all right unicorns it is I need some folders folders and Composition books check okay I need a pencil case and some mechanical pencils okay Chelsea we got everything you need how are you girls staying with your shopping list um I think I'm done they didn't have any flashcards I'm pretty much done I just need to choose a backpack me too me three little but first I have to go check out the electronics section I'll see you guys are in a minute ho new computers do you need help with anything oh no thanks I am a technology enthusiast so I know everything about all these computers okay oh this is so cool this is a brand new notebook computer it's amazing it can run like 700 apps at once and also edit movies oh this is so cool Barbie can I get it what's wrong with the computer that you already have I don't think so skipper but maybe you can use the money from your summer job yeah I think I can use my current computer I don't need a new one but I want to try this one out what kind of backup do you like I think I like this one oh it's perfect I want this one I like this blue one what do you think I love the color how about you skipper I like this one but I also like that one this one is definitely it all right guys let's go check out [Music] yep I'm ready I can help you guys right over here okay I'm ready to ring you guys up wow that's a lot of school supplies I think I'm gonna have to restock my whole store you're gonna definitely have to stock up the Hello Kitty aisle I got a little carried away no worries that's what we're here for the number two pencils are on sale your total is two hundred and fifty five dollars thank you so much thank you for shopping with us have a nice day [Music] you're tickling me oh my goodness what time is it ha my alarm didn't go off this morning we are going to be late and I have a really important meeting oh my goodness girls girls wake up Thank You Mia for waking us up wha honey honey wake up we're gonna be really late honey honey wake up my alarm didn't go off we're gonna be late I kind of wake up the girls girls girls wake up girls wake up Gaby oh hey mom stare out wake up guys we are really late please get dressed right away five more minutes please where are my glasses I can't see anything oh good morning girl thanks for waking us up I'll take you out for a walk when the girls are waiting for the bus I better get ready quick I have a lot of patience as morning waiting at the doctor's office [Music] here my clothes I need to iron them before I go ah my meeting I can look like a mess girls please get dressed I'll be making breakfast in a couple of minutes and iron my clothes really quickly honey please just hurry in the shower I have to get ready too [Music] okay okay I'm almost done I already brush my teeth I just have to shave and then and then I'll be out of the bathroom okay okay okay I'm um getting dressed okay I'm ready I'll go get the breakfast started girl come on get dressed already I don't even have time to shower okay to get dressed oh wait mom forever in the shower I am NOT taking forever mommy I'm brushing my teeth did you brush your teeth already yep okay your pigtails are done you look really cute okay sweetheart thanks mom you're welcome but uncertain start eating breakfast they rested hard you cannot take this long to shower we all have to go we're gonna be late Oh teenagers Lala where is my curling iron we don't have time to curl your hair uh okay first make his brush it's not my fault we didn't wake up on time oh yeah this headband books are really cute I'm just gonna put a little bit of lipstick on Sarah come on sweetheart we have to go I'm coming I'm on the son oh geez [Music] okay I'm ready later not breakfast is the most important meal of the day choo-choo-choo daddy is a heart being a pediatrician well sometimes but I love my job okay guys we have about 10 minutes to eat Oh lunch boxes can you guys please buy the school lunch today I don't think I have time to pack everyone's lunch yeah okay I don't like school lunch mom I'll buy school lunch okay then I'll pack something quickly for you Nicky just get a sip of coffee here what a crazy morning I'm making you a grilled cheese sandwich for your lunchbox okay okay mom let me wrap your grilled cheese with some foil paper that way it won't get cold I'll also pack you a banana some potato chips and a yogurt do mommy can I pack this KitKat for us after lunch treat yes I'll make sure that you eat your fruit first okay even though our morning started off super hectic I know have a great day that's right make the best of it guys always do yes mom yes now I'm dropping off there on my way to work and you guys we have to go outside for the bus stop but the bus should be here any minute I'll wait for the bus with the girls and I'll take me up for a walk it sounds good [Music] okay you guys I hope you have a wonderful day good luck on your test Gabi you guys have a nice day good luck on your meeting honey you thank you come on Sarah we don't wanna be late mmm bye mommy have a nice day sweetheart I'll see you after school BYE MOM bye honey bye Mia [Music] where's the school boys oh I hear are coming easy Mia you can't chase after the school bus it's not hi Chelsea my dad my girls have a nice day I'll see you guys in the afternoon hi we saved you a seat yep thanks did you study for the test yep [Applause] all right let's go for a quick walk before I have to go to work all right all right girls finish your business you got to go inside I have to go to work I don't want to relate to the office [Music] during our school days we need to wake up super super early because we have to catch the bus and our day usually starts with a really loud alarm clock and which is usually my cell phone usually I'm pretty good at waking up but my sister she is a different story Oh time to get ready for school whoo and wake up we have to go to school pick up wake up we go through this every single morning during the week I shower during the nighttime so I have more time in the morning to get ready and do things like do my makeup and hair [Music] perfect if I have time I watch my favorite five minutes school makeup tutorial sometimes I even put the tutorial on my tablet so I can get ready faster GRU ranked we have a same powder a little powder oh no I got stuck in my hair a little mascara on the lashes perfect and since I'm just going to school I'll use some chapstick don't want to look like I'm trying too hard perfect now I can get dressed since we were uniforms to school it makes it a lot easier getting ready in the morning and no I am not waking up my sister she needs to learn to be responsible we actually got new school uniforms and these are wait here than the ones we were last year the ones from last year were super hideous yes yikes I'm ready to go good morning sweetheart breakfast is on the table good morning mom where is your sister I think she's still sleeping I tried waking her up but you know how she is I'll go wake her up Samantha Samantha Samantha wake up you're extremely late for school you're gonna miss a school bus and I can take you to school today I have a meeting in my office Samantha wake up I'm awake I'm awake I'm awake oh I am so tired why can't I be homeschooled so unfair what time is it anyway oh my gosh I have like five minutes I really have to shower well go some privacy no time to go down the stairs one two I'm here I'm here everyone don't worry and I'm not gonna be late for school Samantha your hair look like a bird's nest I even feel bad for saying that poor bird's nest it deserves more respect than that well who has time to do her hair and makeup in the morning not me you don't have time to sit down any breakfast it took out just grab something from the fridge and I'll drink it on the way hmm what should I take Sam we're gonna miss the bus hurry up okay okay fine fine I'll just pick an apple hmm my girls have a nice day bye mom I'll see you later come on Alexis you don't want to be late maybe tomorrow you'll actually wake up when the alarm goes off yeah probably not [Music] oh honey can you go get the girls while you finish making the breakfast yes of course wow this looks amazing as usual I just want to get a little taste uh-uh-uh-uh-uh not to the girls come down okay I'll just take a little sip of my coffee today's our first day in their new school I hope they're gonna be okay I remember being the new kid in class and it wasn't always easy good morning girls wake up it's a beautiful morning for your first day in your new school oh poor sleepyhead she must be really tired from all the moving we did yesterday wake up sweetie ah wait wait where's little baby next door where is she are you hiding it's not funny we have to call you breakfast come on sweetie wake up I need you to help me find your sister what's the matter daddy I don't know where your sister is she's not in her little bed I hope you find her sometimes she likes to play hide and go seek hmm oh no yeah I got some slobber is she behind the vanity nope behind the dresser nope under the stairs nope there she is she's hiding in the shopkins bag silly little sister oh you scared us you scared me little one now let's go get breakfast okay actually you need a diaper change little one I'm gonna put all my slippers and gorillas bathroom and then I'll come downstairs okay don't take too long okay get my slippers on good morning mr. fingerling oh no I gotta go to potty now I have to wash my hands and OH my tummy's rumbling I'm so hungry good morning sweetheart good morning mommy it's puppy still sleeping hmm I think so okay I'm gonna go say good morning and she has to eat her food oh yeah she's still sleeping the loo sleepyhead wake up pop I got your breakfast I'll leave it right here I'm sure he's gonna smell it and come right over good morning puppy I knew you were hungry you tickle me now eat your yummy breakfast you got an extra special breakfast today pancakes and doughnuts Wow thanks mommy thanks mommy honey are you excited to go to your new school today yeah you're gonna make lots of friends well I'm kind of really nervous but excited at the same time oh well eat up your breakfast because you have to go get dressed and brush your teeth brush your hair you don't want to be late on your first day back to school and you're gonna be taking the school bus like all the big kids hmm it will be okay sweetheart I promise damn gonna eat my breakfast now okay little one I have your bottle ready okay I gotta brush my piece now it's time to pick out an outfit um that one's too glittery that one's too green to cowgirl that one's a pajama and this is a Halloween costume Oh what should I wear oh I forgot mommy and I went shopping and I got these really cute overalls [Music] perfect I love it I'm ready all dressed mommy can help me brush my hair please of course but you have to clean up your clothes first you can leave your pajamas on the floor please put them in the dirty laundry my pajama shirt and my shorts time to fix my hair [Music] thanks mommy I'm gonna put some hairspray in your hair so I could stay in place all day just like mine and this one smells like strawberries I think you went a little overboard with the hairspray now make sure you have everything you need for school in your backpack oh that's right my backpack I'm gonna go downstairs and pack your lunch for lunch I packed you some mac and cheese in this little thermo here I added a tiny bit of carrots in there let's close it up so here's your thermo you have a spoon an apple and your favorite Arizona tea I also filled up your bottle with some cold water thanks mama Oh what could it be hi buddy um hi my name's pong boy I'm your next-door neighbor and my mom told me to come here and ask um my mom told me to come say hello and see if your daughter wants to go to walk to the bus stop with me wow that is so nice of you I'm sure she would love to oh it's not the sweetest thing go on sweetie hey hi hello punk boy nice to meet you it's really nice of you two to offer to walk with me to the bus stop since I'm new and I don't know anything here yeah sure no problem but we need to get going before the bus leaves us alright mommy I'm gonna go okay sweetheart I hope you have a really nice day you too Punk boy we'll be waiting for you at the bus stop after school have a great first day of class bye punk waves are nice the trick is to get to the bus stop early so we can get good seats you think she's gonna be okay yeah she's gonna have a great first day of school time to wake up I had a great sleep comfy comfy slippers put on a looks exhausted I keep telling her to go to sleep early so she won't be so tired in the mornings ah no wake up we have to get ready for school I not wake up ah ah ah ah hmm hmm how can I wake her up I have an idea let's take away her blanket I'm cold good morning onna good morning Elsa Oh No that's a way to wake up oh it fell on top of my books so Anna I had a great idea instead of going to the school's cafeteria for breakfast how about we go to that little cafe Olaf I think that's a great idea Elsa I am starving great so let's get ready huh okay but no going back to sleep I get ready I'll try it's just so comfy and my bed so warm me Jake my hair looks crazy I'm gonna jump in the shower I'm gonna go get dressed I gotta go get my uniform and I can't forget to turn in my beautiful ballerina sculpture I made it turned out pretty amazing don't you think now I can go get dressed Karen not all my hair is clean I need to pull it dry it and get dressed I hope I can do the little braid hairstyle [Music] [Applause] [Music] my ponytail looks good should I put a little bit of makeup on maybe just a little perfect how could that be come in hey guys good morning do you think I could borrow your hair strainer mine is not working and my hair is looking a little crazy this morning uh yeah of course it's right there take it thank you you guys are lifesavers do wanna come with us to eat breakfast this morning we're going to the Barbie cafe I wish I could but I have my first meeting before school at the library for the yearbook committee oh that's okay if you want I'll bring you something Oh things you guys are too sweet I'll see you in class bye bye Rapunzel we'll see you later enjoy your breakfast okay ah ah are you ready to go uh yeah just a minute I forgot to do my homework but that's okay I'll just do it at the cafe no biggie I'm ready I can't wait for breakfast I'm starving I'm ready for a new day full of learning this is such a nice change for once I'm kind of getting tired of this food at the cafeteria hi ladies may I help you yes please table for two sure go right ahead and take a seat thank you I can believe we're actually doing homework right now why because homework is meant to be done at home or in our case at our dorms not in the middle of our breakfast I know but if I don't do my homework I'm gonna get a bad grade oh uh hello ladies good morning and welcome to the Barbie cafe we're gonna get you guys today good morning I would like to have a tea a bagel and a cinnamon roll of course and how about you miss I will take a latte some pancakes some fried eggs a fruit tart and a chocolate sprinkled donut and a glass of milk and some lemonade and sure thing coming right up okay Ken did you get that order oh yeah I'll bring it right up thank you [Music] Anna please put yourself away the food is ready this is my last answer yeah I finished here you go mr. t bagel with cream cheese and a cinnamon roll and for you ma'am toast with eggs a doughnut and some pancakes a fruit tart a latte lemonade some milk here's also some cream and sugar for your tea and some Nutella kids you guys want to put it on your food anything else I can help you with no thank you it looks delicious oh I'm so hungry thank you Bon Appetit enjoy your food this place is amazing it reminds me of the arendelle bakery you're right it kind of does delicious this frittata is the best food I've ever had it's got Kiwi orange strawberries blueberries [Music] this cinnamon roll reminds me of the ones mom used to make us huh those were the days we better get moving though I have magic class today and I don't want to miss any new tricks I am so full me too let's go pay we don't want to be late for class all done here ladies yes yes we are it was delicious I'm really glad you liked it I'll take all these plates away from you are you guys ready to pay okay you had the bagel and the cinnamon roll tea pancakes eggs toast orange juice milk and fruit tart your total is $25.99 can I get one of these cookies to go please I'm yes will I've got cookie two and a cookie okay $30 here you go keep the change oh wow thank you that's very generous have a nice day girls and here is your cookie thank you very much come on Elsa we don't want to be late best breakfast ever now I'm ready to learn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning girls wake up time to get ready for school BRE wake up sweetie O'Reilly wake up such sleepy heads I'm up I'm up good morning mom I'm awake good morning Riley can you wake up your sister please I have a really early meeting today do you guys think you could pack your own lunch like a sandwich or something yeah of course have a nice day thank you sweetie I'll see you after school good morning biscuit are you hungry we gotta take you for a walk gotta make my bed perfect good morning my cutie pie Aubree wake up we have to get ready for school I know she was up late playing video games yesterday mm-hmm I'm gonna go get some breakfast I'm starving breakfast I'm coming Oh can't see anything need my glasses much better good morning sister I get to use the bathroom first since I got up earlier you can go take biscuit for a walk okay okay come on biscuit let's go for a walk let me get your leash come on great now I can take my time getting ready when I need to dry my hair now I have to brush my teeth perfect now I can go get dressed the bathroom is all yours Thanks hey what should I wear today [Music] so many options this one is one of my favorite oh this one right here and this one is perfect and I put on my favorite pearl necklace and got my favorite shoes I just need my backpack and I'm ready to go you need to hurry up we don't want to be late for school I'm gonna go start breakfast I'm so sleepy all this galaxy dress is so cool but but I wore it a couple days ago hmm oh this is perfect I love this outfit I'm ready I gotta check if it didn't you update on my favorite game hmm doesn't look like it YUM I'm so hungry what are you having I'm having some fruit a croissant and a vanilla fat Pacino mom bought some from the grocery store yesterday and you a toast with some cream cheese and eggs a tea and some orange juice looks good it tastes even better mmm so good I'll finish I'm gonna put the dishes away now we have to park our lunch for school awesome let's go before we miss the school bus time to get up I want to be the first in the bathroom before my sister [Music] [Music] I better get up and they're ready for school it's so cozy in here let me make my bed you know how much I love my mermaid bed hey go bunny okay my bed is made blanket huh mr. tinkles is still sleeping good morning chip good morning snowball snowball is one of the naughtiest kitties he's always up to no good this is my twin sister Ashley good morning Ashley good morning Kate I already showered so the bathroom is all yours Thanks now I can put on my uniform I left my uniform nice and organized ah the breakfast smells delicious I just love when mom makes pancakes nothing wakes me up like a good shower [Music] the snowball no mr. Larry the goldfish is not a snack come on snowball you know that go back to your house I'm sorry mr. Larry I'll put you right up here you'll be much safer I gotta get dressed here's my school uniform [Music] hey are you ready mom said breakfast the sir almost I have to pack my backpack of a click okay I'll see you downstairs good morning girls I am making some breakfast pancakes I'll have some mom I think I'm gonna make a fruit smoothie if that's okay no of course go ahead I bought a bunch of fruit yesterday do you want some I'll just have a couple of sips from yours okay are you guys packing lunch I am I'm gonna eat the cafeteria for today okay let me pack my lunch okay my lunch is packed okay the pancakes are almost ready [Music] perfect anybody want some eggs no thanks mom girls your father comes back from his business trip tonight so please make sure you're home early okay okay I cut out all of the fruits now I'm gonna put it in the blender some refreshing coconut water and now I blended mmm it turned out amazing do you want to try hmm looks so good I know right even though they are your cats I always remember to feed them and that's why you're the best okay girls let's eat my mom the school bus is here my girls have a nice day let's go everything is ready and organized in my fashion boutique I know a lot of people are gonna come back to school shopping so I have a bunch of fabulous shoes such a big selection to choose from I have handbags jewelry perfumes accessories and a bunch of fabulous dresses everything is so chic and glamorous I even have a brynee display on the window I'm gonna go check up on my sisters in the school supply store next door everything needs to be ready for back-to-school girls Holly's the school supply store coming along wow this place look great thanks Barbie well we have all the school supplies here thanks yep we organized F even I helped a little bit ah pink Chelsea teamwork makes a dream work now suddenly should be getting tons and tons of customers so put on your happy faces well we already owe a customer hello hi hi welcome to the Barbie boutique can I help you find something special oh well I'm here to do my back-to-school shopping um I'll take a look around and see if I need any help great of course you can try on anything you want thank you oh these are nice dresses but they're not really school appropriate got some really glamorous stuff look at the jewellery so pretty the shoes are nice too but I don't think there's anything here for school come on let's go inside hello hi hi guys welcome welcome back miss Punk I'm so glad that my dress helped you win the title in the beauty pageant yeah Oh judges loved it rocker I told you this is where I get all my outfits from for the pageant shows do look nice but I don't think there's anything here that's my style this dress is perfect it's just like mine but in a different color can I try it on please please please here you go I have an extra one right here for you you're gonna love it I already love it thank you oh I love it so much I'm gonna definitely steal the crown from Miss baby with this one just kidding try it on with this necklace okay I'll take it this just screams first day of school how about you did you find everything you needed actually no I didn't find anything here what it didn't find anything you like here can't have any unhappy customers wait right here okay don't move I'll be right back I need to make a phone call right now hello can I need your help I'm having an emergency here at the boutique unhappy customer I need you to help me get an emergency shipment right now you got it Barbie mm-hmm I just want to go by my school supplies I'm gonna go next door hi welcome to our school supply store do you have your school supply list with you uh yeah it's on my cell phone here you can use the shopping cart to put all your school supplies Thanks I need to get some markers these are pretty great put them in my shopping cart do you need a uniform what school do you go do I go to lol Academy oh yes you're gonna have to get a uniform everybody has to wear this uniform this year really uniforms not really my style mm I guess I'll have to buy one thankfully I go to lol prep and you can wear anything you want including this amazing dress hmm I guess school uniform it is oh they have such a cool pencils and pens here I'm gonna get this really cute pencil now I need to get some folders and notebooks Oh these notebooks have little mermaid scales this would be perfect from our baby a below folder well my shopping cart is getting full how about a new lunchbox you're right my lunchbox is kind of yucky and it has a bunch of stains from last school year hmm kind of like the pink one it matches my hair yeah I like it I'll take it this is one of our most popular ones okay I think I have everything I need are you sure I think I'm ready to check out please aren't you gonna try out the school uniform before you buy it what if it doesn't fit you you're right I didn't think of that I'll go try it on now well it fits okay oh you look so cute that's a really nice uniform okay I guess I'm ready to check out now I'll check you out right here okay so you had a notebook markers folder mechanical pencil a pink Barbie lunchbox in uniform is that all for you today ah yes I think so okay $34 is your total okay thanks for shopping what did you find anything you like umm yeah I'm actually gonna buy this one right here it's so pretty got it are you guys all ready to go back to school tell us in the comments and also tell us if you have to wear uniform or not you guys next time
Channel: Titi Toys and Dolls
Views: 5,692,562
Rating: 4.5054226 out of 5
Keywords: barbie, toy, doll, school, back to school, dollhouse, playing, barbie family, lol family, school supplies, morning routine, fun, funny, barbie videos, for kids, barbie bunkbeds, story for kids, baby goldie, punk boi, lol surprise, lol dolls, shopping, supermarket, school shopping, barbie episodes, barbie dream house, school bus, barbie toys, lol toys, titi toys dolls, packing, lunch box, brushing teeth, healthy, barbie twins, children, frozen, anna, elsa
Id: IkyNMV0r0MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 27sec (3927 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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