Barbara O'Neill - Part 8: Hot and cold fomentations

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back ladies and gents now you saw how we did the huntin calls to the feet we talked about how you could do it to the hips and how you can do to the hands how do you do it to the back or how do you do it to the chest so now I'm going to show you how you can do it to the chest now there's a couple of ways you can do this you can wet a towel wring it out roll it up and you can heat it up in a microwave but I'm not very microwave savvy so I'm going to show you the old way and that is to dip towels into very very hot water and we're going to lay it we're just going to pretend that Joshua has a very severe chest infection in fact it can be pneumonia it can be bronchitis it can be asthma whatever it is and the type of type of water we're going to use is the water in a gas state it is steam now what I'm dealing with here is boiling water which gives off steam now there are certain things that you can do which I will show you so that you will never burn so right Joshua I'll never burn to anyone and the way so I'm gonna be applying steam to his chest but I'm going to be doing it in a way that he it will not you will not burn his skin so there are some basic procedure seizures that you can do to do this so we're going to endeavor to do three minutes hot 30 seconds ice-cold I've got a nice big lump of ice in this one here but it's alright I will not apply it to Joshua until he's nice and warm because we're warm-blooded creatures you always begin with the hot and you always end with the cold now what I have here is I have Joshua's feet in a bucket of hot water and for the whole procedure which will be about 15 minutes his feet will be in hot water I have a kettle of boiling water there and every now and then I will check that to make sure it some it keeps it keeps its heat so one of the things you do to prevent burning the skin is you put a dry towel there so I'm gonna begin by putting the dry hand towel there so there's my dry hand towel so Josh I'll just get you to take your shirt off one of the little boys asked me if I could do it to him I said his chest not big enough so you see I've got a dry a dry towel down there and I'm just going to wrap the rest of Joshua up so you can see his tail there and I've got boiling water here and it was we found we found it hard to get some nice thin towels because everyone tells are nice and thick nowadays and you fold it like this this is a nice old one you might have to go to the second-hand shop and get some nice old thin towels and you twist it and you dip it into the boiling water and you leave the ends out so that you can twist it and when you twist it you can get all the water out I am I lived in a rainforest for 12 years and I learnt this method from books and their old books and this is the old way of doing it and by twisting it you can get all the water out but my hands aren't burnt because I've got the dry end just as well I do my push-ups a yeah now that will remain hot for quite a while in fact it's boiling hot and I'm just going to get another towel here so what you can do and remember that's keeping its heat and then I threw it very quickly let it come out very quickly and I'm just going to make it into a pack about the size of Joshua's chest which will be about that that's hot and I can wrap it up and then I can walk over to my treatment room where Joshua is and I pull this out and I lay it on and then I cover him up and then I'm going to talk to Joshua I've got a nice little piece of wool here and the wool will keep it now Joshua how is that beautiful too hard yeah okay so what I do now is I lift the tail up and I want the moisture off his chest and it's the moisture on the chest that may burn and then I come back down and I say - Joshua how's things very hot we come up again and we and he will never burn if I do this and I just use my hand to wipe that moisture off and this is Joshua's first one so it's going to take a few times how is it Joshua still quite hot still too hot and I said to Joshua you must tell me you're not allowed to be brave and I'm just taking the moisture off the skin it's the moisture on the skin it's the steam that penetrates a very deep house that Joshua better yeah Beata sorry it's New Zealand okay and I washed Joshua carefully and I talked to Joshua this morning how is that getting hotter now too hard yeah okay too hot we wipe it again you got to work with the person I can assure you that after I've done a cold washer on Joshua he will be able to handle more okay so I just see you just wiped that moisture off the skin it's the moisture on the skin that may burn how's that yeah it's fine oh that's fine that's good that's good so we're looking at about three minutes never let the air get to any wet bit because that will chill it but this dilates the bronchioles now when my son had asthma the doctor told me I had to put my son on ventolin to dilate the bronchioles but then I discovered that ventolin reduces lung capacity how is it too hot now too hot that's fun I take it off you will find that in the 3rd 2nd and 3rd I won't have to do it this much but it's quite fine you've got to work with your patient but this brings incredible relief to a to a congested chest because the steam has that yes the steam penetrates through the chest wall penetrates right in and just open those bronchioles mm-hmm eventually it will be permanent and so this is what drove me to find alternatives for my son who was only 14 18 months old he has severe asthma how's that yeah see he's handling it now had severe asthma to the point that he's from his ears to his hip his whole body every breath would be like this and his nostrils would flare with every breath I was scary that's why I took him to a hospital but I noted that really what they were doing in hospital wasn't doing much all right and then then then to discover that ventolin reduces lung capacity I thought I got to do something else here and then I went to a naturopath and they told me about the hot and cold compresses I had to take Peter off all weight we're having a little bit of dairy at that stage Peters are 31 now actually 32 just turned 32 and then um and then um so I I started doing the hot and cold compresses on his chest the doctor said the naturopath said to me if you could give him an enema when he had his breathing distress how'd he give a 14 month old an enema and I thought my little Peter loves his elder brother who's six years older than him his little submarine and this submarine had a motor on it with a propeller and he was never allowed to touch it but he would just watch so I said to James James Peters very sick we all know that I've got to give him an enema I need to distract him can he hold the submarine motor just while I give him the enema James agreed so you always work with the will of the child so we laid Peter down he's 14 months old I had the equipment ready we let him hold the submarine motor he looked like this because he's never allowed to touch it and he's looking at James and then just as I'm about to put the catheter in I said to James turn the motor on and James turned the motor on and I could have done anything to Peter at that point so you see how you work with the child to do it do you know that giving him an enema and I just put the water in and he held it for maybe five minutes and I had a little pot there and he sat on the pot and it brought his breathing distress from 24 hours down to five hours just giving him an enema that's another water treatment and we do hot and cars on his chest about 14 months he had about three or four more very serious asthma attacks where this is what I did then we were able to bring him relief the five hours that he had the breathing distress was was very hard but it got easier and easier and easier and from two-and-a-half he has now had no more asthma now if you look in at the pictures of my son in the back son's in the back of the book he's one of the ones that's got a chest like this it's very slim he doesn't look like an asthmatic he had severe physiological asthma and yet were able to conquer it it's about time just when the patient's getting nice and comfortable he nice and comfortable we take the cloth off and you wrap him up quickly because you don't want him to chill and you throw that away and now we have that now we apply the ice cloth and he's looking forward to this you're not allowed to scream you're on camera he's laughing that's a good sign but it's actually nice when it's so hot isn't it he didn't agree never let that chill me and we won a good 30 seconds cold and that was only about ten wasn't it it's good fun isn't it Josh huh yes it is good fun and you see while we're doing the cold because we want that reaction we want the blood coming to the area and even with this lovely dark skin I can see a big red patch on Joshua's chest now you dry and you must not have any moisture on that skin because it's the moisture on the skin that could burn now that was the hottest pack the one that the first one I did his skins a little bit used to it now and now that he's had the cold he can handle it a little bit hotter so that was the hardest and here's a strong young man and I had to lift that about four or five times that's right that's alright you got to work with the person now maybe someone who was in their 50s or 60s I might have to lift it ten times that's alright that's alright because you know that after the cold now you see even with that coal Joshua's chest is not cold so now I will not use that cloth because it's a little damp that must be a dried that you put on because remember it's the moisture on the skin that could burn and that's why I keep putting my hand on to take that moisture off the skin and the moisture on the skin is basically Joshua's perspiration reacting to the to the heat so in a minute I'm going to be moving very fast I have to move very fast once I've done that yeah that's right yep I'm doing it here so you can see got a bit more hot water so I've got another finished towel this so I dip it in boiling water is best you can always cool it down but you can't hit it up and it's um Josh who can testify it's hot because what you're dealing with is steam and you're dealing with steam because steam penetrates very deep remember that'll stay hot for a long time all screwed up like that so you work very quickly now to keep your heat it's very hot that'll keep it hot Willie you let me know to do what never press you know the press you just sit and let the steam going Duke what - what you can do this on the spine you can do it on the abdomen I'll get a towel I'm not far I'm not far do you guys remember it's his perspiration that can that's coming up so you want you want the moisture off that skin and as you can see from the first one the point comes when he can handle it yes that's right good now can you see that was only three lifts that time sometimes about this time the patient might like a cool cloth on your head would you like a cool cloth on your head yes before he does you see what you're doing you're reading them you're reading them nice yeah oh nice see that gets hot very very quickly because remember your Heat now this is very very good training for Joshua because Joshua like to become a doctor isn't this good training this is the best training is that enough yep yes sir is the Chester huh too hot now you see I started to read that you started to move a little bit uncomfortably that's why you can see you can you can get more out of reading a person's body language yeah and he's being very polite when he's comfortable and assured that that temperatures fine I'll put a little bit more water into his hot foot bath and I also don't want to burn their feet say very cautious there oh and Joshua's gonna go he's free yeah thank you later okay Beth yeah how's that do you want that down a bit is that better that like that yeah it's a pity in nursing now the nurses don't get on the ward for a couple of years you know the last important thing for a nurse is to read the patient is to have a lot to do with the people because I remember coming into a man's bed one day and he was holding the back of the rails going like this I said he you okay said yeah yeah it's not okay easy is that on yep and then you get a person who whinges and complains and there's actually nothing wrong but they're making a lot of noise so it's just it's just reading reading what they what the body tells them see I can see he's relaxed now and when I was over doing the curl I could see a bit of discomfort happening there so from when he can handle it then you take her three minutes I'll continue the story of Peter when Peter was seven the naturopath contacted me and said I'm going to be speaking at the Asthma Foundation and Peter's the worst case I have ever seen severe physiological asthma he said I know you're very busy up in the rainforest homeschooling my children with six children he said um just tell me what you did because he said you know more than me now so I told about the enema the effect that had I told about the hotend cause I told about the dietary changes the different herbs etc etc he got back to me a week later he said I gave the talk at the Asthma Foundation he was in Coffs Harbour he said they were very resistant at first but he said they relaxed and started to listen and became interested and at the end of the meeting and lady came up to me she had a little seven-year-old boy and she said when this woman was explaining or describing her son's asthma he said it was as if he was describing she was describing Peter early severe physiological ask me you see my sister and my father both had asthma so Peter had got it in his genes he said the Potala seven now the child has cortisone every day a glycerin enema every second day and the child's been given two weeks to live he said and look at Peter oh that was very confronting for me well most people don't go with the alternate weight because they don't know it they don't know it and you can see this is taking a bit of work isn't it in fact there's in the little book that you're going to get tonight ministry of healing there's a wonderful passage in there it says that nature's process of healing and up building is gradual and to the impatient it seems slow the use of natural remedies requires an amount of care and effort that many are not prepared to give but in the end it will be found that nature untrammeled does her work wisely and well I didn't get Peter didn't hear from his Asmus straightaway was 16 months when I started treating him naturally but from two-and-a-half he got he got no more and he's he's got very big chest and arms now he's a very strong healthy young man and what a most a cymatics their chests don't develop properly and do they genetics loads the gun lifestyle pulls the trigger and many are sick through ignorance they don't know now Joshua's looking really comfortable right now and I've got more ice in my back and I'll just get a bit more now the effect of opening the bronchioles will continue for even two hours after the treatment Joshua's chest is glistening with perspiration and he's really looking forward to it I can tell by the startled look on his face and we want a really good reaction here so we're going to bring in two you might not like me anymore it's a beautiful piano player he might not play the piano for me anymore he's cringing it's brief its brief see that is hot now that's just pulled the water out of his chest so we're doing this to equalize the circulation we're doing this to continue that stimulating effect that the cold that the cold breeze and you probably notice I'm very kind I'm probably not doing the full 30 seconds ah he'll have the strongest chest in the world no of course that's the beauty of it let's say you do this to your child and you've actually diagnosed him wrongly it doesn't matter because you're working with the body the body can heal itself but it's a it's the most powerful treatment on the planet no drug will will do this so sometimes people say our natural remedies are slow this isn't slow this is quick this has a dramatic effect very quickly now if someone had a very severe asthma attack remember I said if you do this this will the effect of this can continue for up to two hours so if the person's severe you might do it too early if they're not severe you might do it three times a day if if you did this at night that and put them to bed with onion poultices on their feet and gave them some onion syrup and only gave them light soup at night they'd usually sleep through the night you'd have no trouble in the night so we're putting on the next eye I was asking everyone I don't want the nice big fluffy towels I want the little thin old because the big fluffy towels they're they don't work so so we're putting on a dry hand towel and we're doing our next one the the best way to do this and as you can see this is pretty powerful is wool so what I did at home see one of those um those cream woolen blankets I cut it into four then I used the world the wool holes that's heat longer but this is certainly holding it long enough and again you can do this you can just wring out wet towels and put them in a microwave I hear but I don't have a microwave so that would probably be a simpler thing to do it's good to do is even on a rainy day get a few of you together and practice on each other because in a crisis that's that's a very hard time to do it in I'll do it here so you work very quickly now because this will cool very very quickly but Joshua can testify that it hasn't cooled down hardly at all and we carry it to the room put it on put the wool on the wools the best and then wrap it up and watch Joshua closely hmm - what are you doing this crisis new boy today boys yep yep well the hydrotherapist number-one rule is warm the feet warm the fit you warm the feet the whole body's warm so when the when that's happening he's not going to get chill even from the cold you just keep the feet warm the Feder of reflex for head chest and abdomen so feet being in hot water just helps to UM cover those areas all right mm-hmm see the third one he's handling haven't had to wipe it at all that's good so this third one is actually the most powerful and usually they can handle it because their bodies used to it now but remember that steam penetrating through opens those are bronchioles breaks up congestion increases the blood supply to the chest area very nice on the spine you imagine how nice this is on the on the spine if someone has a sore back painful back but the quote that I just gave you nature's process of healing and upbuilding is gradual to the patient that seems slow impatient that seems slow the use of natural remedies requires an amount of care and effort that many are not prepared to give that's why the you know there's a lot of work isn't it but you know all you have to do is have it handy and it's not that hard you just have to have this this stuff here well it's difficult if they're sitting because it'll try to fall down you really want them totally flat so that it it goes on their chest cold now what we're going to endeavor to do tomorrow is demonstrate the sodium bicarbonate reps and that's the treatment that we we do specifically for cancer patients to alkalize alkalis the tissues because cancer loves the acid environment [Music] very cold because these heads quite hot so this whole treatment really heats you up no that's a bit difficult to do it then just make sure that their feeder feeder warm I spun now what you can do - I didn't do it here and your best having a wool compress if you do this is before Joshua lays down I get a hot compress like I've been doing on the chest I'll lay it down and he lays on that and that just remains there for the whole time I do the hot and calls but I didn't do it because you really need wool because wool will keep that heat longer feet hot enough GP is not going to do it the only people that will do it is you yeah and how I learnt this I've never had any training in this I was up in a rain forest like you know my children got the little bits and pieces and I was just beginning to discover books that show you these things and I got a book of dr. Kellogg and the water treatments and really I had the book like this and I'm trying bits and pieces and and that's how I worked it out by doing it on the children and different people heard about it and they would ask me for help or advice in fact I got the nickname earth-mother up in the rainforest and then the little church I went to I said to them I'd like to give meetings and how that came about was interesting because every morning I would say father in heaven what can I do for you and I'd always get the impression your children train your children and then one day I'm saying father in heaven what can I do and I got this impression in my mind give me Jesus demonstrate how to do this I've got quite excited so that next time I went to church I said to them at church I'd like to give meetings and they said sounds great we'll do it on a Sunday afternoon and so that's how it started that was 1992 and I would demonstrate on my children like I'm demonstrating on Jeremy and Joshua because they were used to having all these bits and pieces don't and that's that's how I started and that's why I say maybe have a little grip together a few of you to get together and do it on each other it is just so powerful and yet there are no side effects like many medications do have so this takes a bit of work it is true but if Joshua was having a asthma attack after this he would have relief for several hours and at the same time the onion on the feet and at the same time the hot peppermint teas and the flu bombs and all of that comes together and if you're doing all of that you may only need to do this once or twice a day but the the effort is far worse worth the the reaction that you get and see the hot and calls I did that is so easy that's that's an easy one the wedge she'd pack that's a little bit of work but then there's other things you can do but if you've got a baby that's very hot that's where I find it's great because the mother can huddle the baby wrapped up in the wet sheet and and the world anytime you got trouble is if that wet sheet gives exposure to n you'll get chill yes with one oh yeah oh yes the person we then 4-seamer will love you if you do this to them brings that brings a lot of relief mmm so you might you might practice on each other and then just find like someone within four-seamer and say do you mind if we do some water treatments on you and and go to their home and practice that but you see what I did you just watch them carefully and you put a dry towel down between every hot compress and again if they've got a microwave that's much easier roll up the wet towel you've run out in the microwave and you just wiped the skin and can you see that those first few were very hot and your patient will tell you I can handle it and that's why I said to Joshua at home I said you're not allowed to be brave you must tell me if that's because I don't know but as you can see by the third one it's it's easily handled and that's that's why being your own doctor you got to listen you got to watch you got to interpret so what the gentleman just said is this is a lot of work but practice makes perfect and have your equipment in the corner and practice on each other and I see my son Peter today here's a testament to how no asthma severe physiological asthma and yet none since the age of two are half because of these natural treatments that's worth it that's worth it how many people who are still getting asthma and they're in their 40s 50s and had it since a child and what they've got now too is the effect of the side effects of the medication did you know that eighty hundred years ago every nurse was taught this and did you know that hospitals have big hydrotherapy units but because it's labor intensive and because drugs came in it's just so much easier to give a drug unfortunately that's that's taken it you heard of the San Hospital in Sydney Cindy what Sydney big hot big seven-day Venice Hospital they had a huge hydrotherapy unit they had bars and fermentation tubs and all sorts of things sits bars and unfortunately that's all gone now because it takes time and some people say oh it's very dangerous working with boiling water that's pretty dangerous working with ventolin hmm and let's say Joshua had been burnt we'll just put aloe vera on it not heal but you know if you do it right he won't burn it's like um people say I'll be careful donut the boy climbed the tree he might fall out and hurt himself I'll be careful riding on the road what about being on the computer and what the violent video games are doing to their brain better to be knocked off your bike with a car or fall out of a tree and get a broken leg then the damage done to the brain from the violent videos you see we've actually forgotten what's really yeah yeah one one lady had asthma from the age of five I said what happened at five she said we moved into another house and little mushrooms grew it in the carpet in the corner of the lounge room so that ladies asked my came from breathing in mold see that so it can come from breathing in mold and we've got a series at home we showed our health center called is your house killing young and one one couple they they had twin boys who were five and one of the boys they had to take him to hospital every month with severe asthma well let me tell you the story they they didn't know what was going on so they got this team into the house and they pulled out the little boy's bed and the carpet under the bed and the wall had all black mold on it now this little twin there was no mold in his corner so can you see that um it's very important I usually have my wire up there you got to find out why it's happening a common cause of asthma is allergy to Dairy I talked to a man last night who grew up on a dairy farm and he said that he's um one of his brothers could not handle the dairy and was put on goat's milk and often the most common symptoms of a dairy intolerance with a child where the baby is asthma and eczema and asthma and eczema can sort of flip flip one to the other so you're right it can be allergies to to dairy that's a common one to wheat that's another common one and also there's a bit of genetics there notice with Peter there was the genetics but we were having a bit of dairy so I had to stop all that and that was the main thing I saw with Peter and then I had to strengthen his chest and I remember the naturopath said to me everything you're doing to Pleader he be as strong as an oxen as true yes so this is probably gone nearly five minutes I thought I'd be kind to because it's certain it's nice isn't it I think very very nice that hot on the chest sometimes I'm kind and sometimes I know ideally after the cold see that see that's hot on my straight away that what what is the best thing to do now with your patient is that they have a tip and shower not hot not cold because Joshua's whole body will be perspiring now is that right you're feeling very hot after this treatment the other thing you can do is you can sponge the whole person down and I'll demonstrate this with one of Joshua's arms and he'll probably like it if I don't demonstrate his whole body so you get a cloth and we'll get this on here yes he's very warm and I just go over and then I dry it's all right Joshua relax I'm not gonna do it to your whole body so then because his whole body will be hot and I'll just do a clue 30 seconds to his chest because this is the last one and take that he down is there a shower here no okay no not really outside it is a concern if it's outside your window and the mold wastes are coming into the house that's a concern now I'll use a bit of cold water to finish the hotfoot bath on the feet so if you just lift your feet up over there yep and he's got nice strong absolutely reaction there just that was cold weather there's a towel you can put it straight down on the town and it's over so it actually doesn't take that long okay you can put this towel around Thank You Joshua thank you thank you so that's how you can do that to the chest incredible result now you go to casualty you'll possibly be waiting four or five hours in casualty and you know if it stayed home and you've done that you and even though it's a bit of work in a bit of time it's so powerful seeing casualty there's a priority list you might go into casualty and the nurse will say we'll see you in a minute and then someone's just come in been in the car accident they're fighting for their life and they of course they have to attend that and then look that we can get to them in a minute oh someone's having a cardiac arrest and and it can end up being that you hear is therefore part along mm-hmm so um look out for your woolly blankets don't throw out your thin old towels keep lots of hand towels you've got kettles and then you can do this simple tremors as I said try doing it on each other get a little grip get get a get a box that you've got all your stuff in and it has a very powerful effect and you can even start at home by just doing hot to cold finger bars and foot so I think if your attention look forward to seeing you tomorrow where we'll be doing another more intensive treatment on which is the sodium bicarbonate wrap so look forward to seeing you tonight [Applause] you
Channel: Wicklow Street
Views: 28,447
Rating: 4.8921003 out of 5
Keywords: Barbara O'Neill, Wicklow Street, hot and cold fomentations, natural healing, Invercargill
Id: 2_AOUm_5s5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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