Bar Rescue’s Grossest Pizzas 🍕🤢

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that's pablo he's putting the sauce over the cheese have you ever seen the cheese go on before the sauce no the sauce is gonna burn and the cheese won't brown this guy is ass backwards uh [Music] look at this bartenders are drinking behind the bar and jesse's letting them get away with it no wonder he's losing money look at this we have to figure out what else is wrong with this bar so i had to call somebody who could do more than just recon for me i called kevin undergaro kevin undergaro owns afterbuzz tv has over a billion downloads a year and will help me not only get recon but get market intelligence out of this bar i want to get some more market research so i asked kevin to talk to jesse and his staff so we can extract some market intelligence and determine what needs to be done i love getting the inside scoop on anything related to tv i'm here to help john taffer rescue another bar kevin could you order a pizza oh excuse me is it possible to make me a pizza i'll be more than happy to make you a pizza did you tell them it's gonna be like an hour there's no qos systems in place okay she's walking to the kitchen where are we this is the roller rink to the right this rig is clearly not bringing customers to this bar there's a kitchen the general rule of thumb we never go more than 120 feet there's no way in the world the food lands at the same temperature left at it's physically impossible so you've got a conveyor oven there it is okay and of course a residential microwave there's no printer or anything here jesse doesn't have an organized way of getting this back and forth who's in charge of this the bartenders apparently go back there and make this stuff and then bring it back pizza goes in the conveyor oven the conveyor is not moving a conveyor oven like that should not take more than five minutes no i'm hating life right now really i want to cook all night i wouldn't want to eat yep go ahead and stay here i'm going to wash the floor until that way you can run it as soon as it gets done i literally hate just standing around so we must at this point be at least 15 minutes or close how many drinks could she have made in that 20 minutes [Music] they're still in the kitchen these girls look at the smoke coming out of this oven that's filth guys so this pizza is going to taste like that filth this is the conveyor from hell so that was about 25 you tell them to make their own pizza burn they can come making themselves not their customers she burnt the pizza this employee has absolutely no respect for jessie look at the way she displays her attitude and doesn't care about that pizza why wouldn't you get a cook have some consistency this is so crazy to me make sure you tell jesse it's smoking no do you want to cook cook drinking behind a bar is one thing but there's no way for a business to succeed if the owner doesn't have the respect of his employees ask him again if they'll make you pizza really no luck on the pizza there's nothing i can do about it stay on the pizza thing for me is it possible your kitchen's closed the kitchen's closed because she knows she has to go back there and make it if i had one staff member in my restaurant that talked people out of buying food they'd only be there for an hour they'd be gone i went through four or five different people got four or five different answers and at the end of the day all i wanted was a pizza how's the pizza here pizza's awesome we'll get wings and then just get a burger look at this food chef what the hell is that oh right out of the can right at the drawer oh man this lady's got to be kidding me and now she's touching cheese she has not washed her hands she has not put on gloves pizza's looking good there's no way in the next five hours that dough could even cook in that thing look at that burger it's so low cooked you can see how it's just actually cooked almost it's on fat it looks like cat food i must can't rush your pizza [Music] where is she going [Music] look at this fryer outside i gotta say this is a first for me outdoor fryer now she touches that outside door to go back in i'm going in guys i can't let them eat this food alfresco fryer pizza just came up [Music] don't need that food okay no we're not planning to the hamburger and the french fries disgusting i'm not eating them where's frank frank is over at the bar right there [Music] hello tapper how are you nice to meet you nice to meet you too yeah so who are your partners when we meet your partner and your managers mr stafford hey don woody kruger good to meet you nice to meet you sean traffic thank you sean pleasure nice to meet you guys i've been watching your cook grab pizza dough then grabs cheese then goes outside into the parking lot to use a fryer there's raw food and cross-contamination everywhere who's responsible for this case that's that's my fault and i've spoken to the cook several times about using gloves she took a pizza and smeared it with her i am she had gone through that with her robin have i not gone through that she's not listening to you i know so that makes you a loser manager sean does that food look good to you no but you gave it to him anyway and then when you pour drinks for tracy and juiciano you even said well i might have over poured them a little they thought it was strong so i had to kind of come up with some kind of excuse for them i mean well they were strong weren't they yeah are you pissed about this or is this cool with you no it was cool when we were making money but it's not cool now how much have you been drinking tonight i've had a few drinks i'd you know i've been dealing with a lot of stress so you just can't handle it so you crawled into a bottle john you don't read my mail you don't see the bills that come in i just don't see the end in sight hey chun no you've heard all the stories yeah but this is this is my story my story we ran into some hard times then what are you gonna do about it are you gonna let it overtake you frank are you gonna fight back well i haven't put the hammer down so after one year of losses no hammer after two years of losses no hammer three years four years five years suddenly you want me to be your hammer no yeah i can fix it but then if i leave it to a wimp like you and you put out i can't help you do you understand that right now i'm not sure i can honestly because i'm looking at three guys that have nothing but loser emulating let's screw yourself i'm i don't have loser myself come on this raw product coming out of your kitchen woody i don't have anything to work with i did what he asked me to do no excuses woody because i will hold your ass accountable am i clear it's like i'm talking to children hi everybody welcome to opace let's get some drinks i want to see how dave and cyrissa work when they're sober but most importantly i want to see if karen can lead with a good attitude we need shots baby for a spoiler maker okay two pepperoni pizzas two of everything and two pepperoni pizzas so they're basic big box store pizzas yeah and how long do they take about 10 to 12 minutes with four pizzas and then you'll slice them and send them out let me ask you a question man the man what's wrong with karen's attitude tonight she's still pissed off i think she's really frustrated right now i know she's gonna pick it up if she smiled it would make a big difference it would it would make a huge difference and me more of the clientele as well say something to her i will so how long have we been open 40 minutes how many cocktails have we gotten out six in 40 minutes are you guys cooking pizzas for these two yes i have their two pepperonis in right now it's frustrating i'm getting frustrated i know you are too uh we just got to keep smiling and keeping these customers happy they're gonna love the product we've been here over an hour and we still haven't got a pizza joe two pizzas just fell off the back oh nice breaking glass right over there okay you guys have broken all your mixing glasses besides two you got two mixing glasses two bartenders there you go all right so i need two more pepperoni on the fly they've been waiting an hour for a pizza these two okay let me go check on that say something to them smile say something to them for you serve them do you not want to be here no i ordered i just talked to them a few minutes ago their pizza said i was gonna check on him i told him tonight i see her attitude she's working because i'm telling her too there's no change here matt honey can you just go get the pizzas i need shrimp for you to miss i wanted you to make shots not i'm i'm trying here i'm gonna try it oh here we go here we go two pepperonis yeah i thought you had a pepper i'm sorry the straight from the convenience stores what this is i can't finish the last two pieces he's like where does it say anything about a bar or cocktails or anything like that it doesn't it's almost like the bar is an afterthought looks like it's just a pizza shop we're gonna order some food too i think all right i'll take a cheese steak i'm just gonna do some cheese pizza all right maybe my selfie game will help me get a boyfriend like she's ready [Applause] oh oh my god i was supposed to eat this thing you said it's the best pizza on south street my dad is that the best pizza on south street no so he just put that sign up there on the voted at the best it's allegedly the best pizza on south street it doesn't smell right like something's got an off smell really good pizza usually has nice air pockets and bubbles in here this is like dense and flat looking like it's got a funky taste to it not too appetizing do you eat the pizza a lot do you like it you don't no i think i'm gonna wait on my cheesesteak so we can conclude this is not the best pizza on south street oh john taffer i'm gaylord how are you sir your daughter called me and it says to me you pretty much face drunk hair every day you get a you're a drunk really dorothy frank best pizza on south street when i asked laurier daughter where that sign came from she said you made it up it was total well i did make it up but it's not bull he's one of the best pizza chefs in new york is it both supposed man not even close to the best anything dorothy is the tourist what do you think of the place it was awful what do you see frank i see a lot of problems to be honest with you right here is a major problem john i opened up this refrigerator and the first thing that i noticed is that the temperature isn't right this is dough that you're gonna make your pizza with sitting right next to a ball of raw sausage that's inside a refrigerator that's not up to temp what is that oh my good chicken in an open container in a dough container so it's not covered it's absolutely disgusting how old is this oh a couple a couple days to oil that's raw chicken that should not even be on the middle [Music] everything in this box gets thrown away everything i mean look at all this dough this is your money look at this it's all dried out so where is the rest of the dough you're walking down your basement show us oh look at this this is disgusting i'm gonna throw up can anybody eat this dough is made fresh every single day phil this is the stuff he's serving oh i'll tell you why this happens you guys leave these doors open the hot air comes in here the yeast starts to react and it pushes up and blows everything over dough rises when enzymes in yeast feed on sugar and release carbon dioxide air pockets in the dough as the temperature rises yeast becomes more active left unchecked dough can rise too much and explode affecting the dough's texture and taste you want to eat this tom try this though [Music] [Applause] is that what you want to feed your customers dried up nasty dollar just been on the floor you ready to take responsibility for this i'm taking responsibility you got to come in here every frickin day don't you you got to watch these guys i can't believe it really i can't i'm sorry we got to get it out of here these guys open up this brewery it's a father-in-law a son and a daughter the name of the place and the beer is nevada brew works and i'm told the beer is pretty good but they also have a cocktail program here but they're not making any money off of it so these guys are in trouble and my thought is tony i'd send you in order a couple of pizzas and rob i wanted to go in the command center with you we can watch on the monitors for a couple of minutes so to get a feel of it and then i'll send you in to sit with tony i want you to pick apart that pizza buddy you know i will i want this to have your influence these people are in a hole they're good people there's a family operation it's a great part of las vegas i want to make them successful but this is not going to be easy you ready ready ready all right guys go ahead and let's go to the command center okay all right hey guys how are you hi [Music] so here we go so there's jason he's the owner there's ken who's jason's father-in-law how are you doing hi how are you good how are you good so this is your menu for the night if you want to pull that up on your phone uh it'll show you beers cocktails and food there's brie she's a bartender how's the pizza pizzas are very popular so they're in our brick oven there um i'm waiting for a friend um how long does it usually take for a pizza um right now probably about 10 to 15 minutes okay i'll get a beer sure while you're waiting ariana okay good choice good yeah very good there's kevin he's the cook what do you think yes service so far it's good yeah did a lot of cocktails seemed like oh for a brewery it seemed like uh you know yeah so i have a beer coming for him what can i get for you um i'm gonna try one of the cocktails um what do you like i like the berry pablo blue is my favorite it's kind of like a whiskey sour but we have our own berry syrup that we make in house so we add to that i'll give that a try okay yeah so why don't we get a six wings and then uh half pepperoni have cheese yeah easy thanks guys thank you thank you you're welcome i'm looking at all these tickets coming up on this printer what the hell are these tickets are these food tickets why are all these tickets out there can he cook more than one thing at a time okay here we go he's gonna pick up those five or six tickets what are we doing here put the pizzas in can't you cook more than one thing at a time you can't pavlov berry blue thank you very well thank you how's the drink it's not like the cocktails bad it's a little off and it's sweetness too yeah i don't know what they're doing no so the cocktail program doesn't fit the environment so they have a very upscale mixology program in an incredibly casual industrial environment with pizza pizza lends itself to a more casual beverage presentation the whole thing is disconnecting it's not making any sense to me at all i don't think he's even started making our pizza yet so he's all he's in the weeds he's having trouble he hasn't even started our pizzas and you got owners they're like you know obviously they're not doing well yeah and wouldn't you pitch in to help out right i want to go inside and see if jason even knows what's going on [Music] jason i'm jason john taffer ken how are you doing john nice to meet you bo are you okay with somebody waiting 25 minutes to get a pizza that's a little long did you know they were waiting 25 minutes no they're waiting that long but shouldn't you know yeah shouldn't you be looking at when the tickets come up and when the food goes out sure have you ever been in a restaurant business before no i have not this is the first time i've owned a restaurant so what did you do before this for this i was electrical engineer gotchas you have an engineering background yeah so very different from hospitality by the way the gentleman sitting at that table over there is tony g he's the the number one pizza chef in the world 12 years running owns pizza rock downtown oh number of other places sitting next to him is rob floyd's one of the finest mixologists in the country okay so let me go sit and talk with max because i'm gonna eat some pizza and i'll see you guys in a few minutes okay he has this for isaac all right guys well this is fascinating so they got pizza that's we still don't have a pizza here jason can you grab a seat hey gentlemen how you doing hey good we've been a half hour you still don't have a pizza i still don't have a pizza you know and it's it's pretty fast pizza right that oven uh looks like it's an 800 degree oven it usually cooks pretty fast we're a little short-handed tonight do you know how to do it do you know how to cook no if you knew how to do that you'd be able to jump in tonight and be a hero you'd save your customers if they weren't with me you wouldn't come back yeah but so i gotta train you i gotta make you cook you gotta at least gotta know how to make a pizza at least know how to dress a plate so what i'm worried is the business is running you you're not running it and i got to get you to work on it we got to get these positions properly we got to get a pizza we're over a half hour here for a pizza how many of you would wait 45 minutes to get a pizza you guys did do you like that no would you come back with that happening no and you don't even know what's going on jason come on three minutes give me a damn pizza 45 minutes does that work how many people are in this room is that acceptable even with him alone no i would have expected it to be out by now okay so we've been busier than this how long you been making pizzas about seven months seven months yep never made a dough before that [Music] do you know what he's doing does a little bit honestly he he has a little bit of skill even when you see him slapping he does a neapolitan slap who taught him that we we pretty much just went to youtube never have i had an owner told me that they learned how to create their pizza on youtube all right gentlemen i have the barbecue chicken pizza this plate's very hot please be careful how's the color of that tony the colors it's not really neapolitan you know it's not really the blistering there's a gum line here the gum line of a pizza is the gooey area between the base and the toppings excess moisture from sauce or toppings create a gum line by penetrating the upper layer of the dough causing it to cook unevenly to prevent this pizza chefs apply a thin layer of oil to the top of the dough which helps block any excess moisture from seeping through when you have a gum line a couple things too heavy a dough too cold a dough which isn't the problem not cooked long enough oven not hot enough oven wasn't turned off early enough you have crushed tomatoes here or something like that so it's kind of like it's just your cheese just falls right off so i mean details there's a lot to it i mean there's so much the only way you're going to make this better is with knowledge you understand that you cannot run this business without knowledge it'll take you down and you know pizza that's not competitive like this when he's down the street so this is competitive we have to get this to a higher level and i feel i'm being honest with you i feel that you put all this money into a business and didn't learn it and i don't know how you think you can be successful that way [Music] a lot of things in my mind sorry look at this there's a customer who just walked into the kitchen raviolis ravioli yeah look how comfortable he was walking and you know he's walked through those doors of course he has not the first time i had ravioli where's the ravioli this guy is a doormat he's being walked all over these guys are the biggest winks in the world hey eric eric look at that's huge do not understand why not well they got a pizza oven yeah how many bars try to cook pizza without a pizza on them that's an asset in a bar booth it's a beautiful piece of equipment low cost high profit there's a tank that's pablo put in the source over the cheese have you ever seen the cheese go on before the sauce no the sauce is gonna burn and the cheese won't brown this guy is ass backwards look at this freaking guy unbelievable he's grabbing his own chicken fingers or mozzarella sticks whatever it is and throwing in the fryer hold on hold on let me finish my order first please poor guy what happens if they burn themselves they get sued for a couple million well seriously he's working i'm almost done what are you making why did you let him make it because i like making it myself they don't care it's a free-for-all new york burgers don't get them nowhere more meat all the customers took all the beef the other people ate everything so it's no more that's it no more hamburgers and this is not just today all the time and when i try to say something they don't like it they think i'm the stupid you know what it's unbelievable to me to these people walking in and out of this kitchen and cooking this food if they can walk in the kitchen why can't you you probably could why don't you go in there and make us a pizza you guys hungry yeah go make it so believe it [Music] oh he just walked right in look at it nobody says a word not a word what's your name pablo pablo yes let's make a pizza pablo cheese goes on top of the sauce [Music] kill me please excuse me bye-bye you guys bother me today everybody freaking yes give me a loan let me work let me do my job please amazing never seen anything like it okay which was gracious all right i'll see you later now the only thing i would ever eat from this kitchen is a pizza because it was brought up to 500 degrees and the fact is it's the only safe thing in a whole damn place 10 minutes well i was born and raised in brooklyn take a little pizza see you later just walked right out with a pizza no one said a word took the pan too hey did you guys order a pizza i made you a beautiful pizza it's a bar rescue first it's the first time i have ever been able to send a chef into another restaurant walk into their kitchen cook us a meal and bring it out bring it out why do we have a slice of pizza everybody come on you know the basic dough is okay and the oven works like a charm the other was nice and hot and he actually cleaned it out for me probably you know how many bars would kill for that oven yeah i would hi this is john taffer click here to subscribe to paramount network on youtube for more bar rescue
Channel: Bar Rescue
Views: 6,306,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, grossest pizzas, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best of bar rescue, bar rescue best moments, bar rescue best of, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue paramount network, bar rescue paramount tv series, bar rescue jon taffer, best bar rescue, top bar rescue, bar rescue walk out, jon taffer, new season, compilation, best moments, bar rescue transformation, bar rescue compilation, bar rescue fight, bartenders
Id: wrvJHFerjnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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