BaoFeng Antenna Side By Side Comparison

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so what's up everybody the question I get asked more than anything is which Baofeng should I buy but the question I get asked second-most in anything is which antenna should I put on my bow thing see guys long time ago rubber ducky antennas the antennas that come with ham radios have gotten a bad name for being crappy well I decided I buy a lot of antennas and do a simple crash course meaning I'm gonna do an apples-to-apples comparison I'm gonna do an equally bad situation for all in tennis and I'm going to compare them I'm gonna see how far I can transmit from my home to a given location and I'll go out as far as I have to until the last antenna stops performing in a way that I can understand so I ended up buying four antennas and I had one that I already owned is kind of like let's test this anyway because I've been using and I want to see how effective it is one of them is an honorable mention I did it because a fan asked and oh boy don't buy a stubby antenna spoiler don't buy a stubby antenna but to be fair let's call it out my name it's a diamond SRH 8:05 s wideband receive coverage it may be a good receiver it is a garbage transmitter next we have the Nagoya 7:01 this could be a counterfeit I've had this for many years before known counterfeits were known then I have the Nagoya seven-one-seven like this it's a little floppy you whippy one with aluminum kind of billet looking connector this is nice then we have the expert power what was it XP 6 6 9 C 7.5 inch and then the big kahuna as i called it is the nagoya na 771 vhf/uhf that has the little QR code on the bottom there this guy is very long at fifteen point six inches the general statement that I'll make for this entire video just to give you some cliff notes as we go longer is better with two meter and seventy centimeters so if you don't mind this thing not because it's heavy and it can generate a lot of mass if you set this down onto an antenna or I'm sorry if you set this onto a radio and you leave it on a table and it's going back and forth it will fall over okay guys so keep that in mind so let's see how I can count bark and get so I'm in a suburb here just gonna go down the road tenth of a mile maybe hype our BFF 8hp stubby antenna and then then we'll try the rest of them - okay one tenth of a mile let's try a stubby antenna ki6 n AZ Radio check k i6 n AZ Radio check nothing dead silence someone keyed up there for a second k i6 n AZ no let's try the rubber ducky see that's why BNC connectors are nice because you can just swap them out really quickly rubber ducky antenna from tenth of a mile from my okay aside from the stubby funky antenna this is the first aftermarket antenna expert power it's a six inch what's next okay let's go quarter-mile 0.25 miles away understand this isn't a range test this is a comparison and apples to apples comparison so they're in equally crappy conditions and I'm making them work in areas that are obstructed by all the houses here and all that stuff right is not an ideal situation but since they all have to deal with the situation at the same time it's a good comparison so we're going for 0.25 miles which will be right up here Oh we'll go point 3 right around the corner up here all right a couple houses in between us some trees this is a real-life test kind of if you will so it at 3 miles or 0.3 miles sorry 0.3 miles the stubbies dead let's try the rubber ducky just in case pretty sure this is gonna be dead though ki 6 n AZ Radio check total death total nothing there okay back to the expert power okay so that was actually pretty good okay the big boomer I got to roll down the window okay so that was that was point three miles so let's let's take the turn up here and we'll go to a full half-mile which i think is at the end of the street and see how we do I like I said this is just a comparison shootout this is not a a proper in the lab effective test or readout of the antennas this is just some on the street testing you can do better than this by all means go for it but if you needed to pick one antenna or two antennas this is going to give you a pretty good idea what to get okay here we go we're back to the expert power it's an S or dance it can be very intense with the expert power there we go hold my head you get a better thing though okay six anything really is that okay Nagoya 7:01 at Radio 6 na z radio this is not as the crow flies ding right I've made a couple of right turns but generally pretty straight we're gonna head over to a park right now see if we can oh look at this is this a new antenna somebody put up oh yeah all right I'm going over to this park with the idea being that this wide-open spaces might help my takeoff angle to get to the radios it's gonna be about 3/4 of a mile a straight shot if you are flying from my home ok we're gonna get a full mile away relatively a full month and we're gonna see if we can we can try with the remainders see how we do test s3 fast broken mostly noise not good not good at all from the nucleus seven one seven that's three at best and mostly noise ai6 na z radio good so at the end of the day the best bang for your buck is the nagoya and a seven seven one at about seventeen dollars on amazon prime that is it again longer is better you're going to get the same effect if you go with another brand like diamond longer is better in this case generally it had a pretty broadband coverage it was probably equally as good on two meter as it was 70 centimeter i know the numbers show that it's better on two meters but still performed admirably in both hmmm now aesthetically my favorite one is the nagoya seven one seven i like this really thin whip antenna and i like this aluminum billet it feels good it feels really good in your hand but something happened while i was using it well let's connect while it was connected to my bag i slid it in my bag walked around a little bit and the aerial got bent and it actually left a permanent kink in the metal here so i changed my mind I recommend the expert power the expert power very similar numbers to the Nagoya the little tiny one a lot more rigid antenna much more resilient the knurling is actually pretty nice and I think actually looks pretty good on the bow Fang BFF AHP for example and something very interesting the nagoya 717 is actually $15.99 on amazon and it's called a super whip interestingly enough the expert power XP 669 c is only $10 and it performs just as well as nagoya in most of the cases that you're most likely going to use the antenna again I think the knurling looks really nice there so what are some of my takeaways from this well one vhf/uhf is a line-of-sight radio transmission so if you have a clear sight to your target you're going to perform very well once you start putting buildings and trees and rock formations and other things in between you and your target your effective range is going to drop like a rock the reason why we get such good range when we're talking to repeaters it's because repeaters are way high on mountains and we can just kind of beam our RF directly to it and we get really good radius an antenna like this this expert power or the nagoya I can go almost 50 miles straight shot down to a mountain because it's line of sight and I'm directly in the path of that site so don't be discouraged these antennas perform actually much better in non tough environments I kind of made the test really hard where I put the receive radio because I didn't want to drive that far from home the advantage though is it's apples to apples the comparison is the comparison and which one performs the best is going to perform better in all kinds of situations so I hope you enjoyed this video I truly had fun making it and learned a lot more about HTS I thought I knew a pretty decent amount of stuff when it came to like dipoles and antennas for HF because I built a lot more antennas in that area I learned pretty quickly again that the grounding how the chassis works how your human body plays a part in it L is all very important I'm gonna stick with the expert power on my BFF 8hp I think it's kind of the best combo of cheap antenna with cheap radio that I can go ahead and beat up on it smash around regarding my ft60 are the receive antenna I wanted to mention I do have a diamond SR h77 CA on it and it will live on here forever it's a super long antenna it makes it very good receiver I've already mentioned this is one of the best front ends in the market when it comes to HTS but there you have it keep in mind these antennas are not compatible the SMAS while the connector is the same one's a female and one's male on the different radio so make sure you pick the right one if you have any confusion go to the link below to my Amazon influencer page and it will point out the right one for you hey guys so that will do it if you enjoyed this video and like to help me make more videos maybe go check out my patreon I've got some patreon only rewards that are shown on the page if you find them interesting maybe you'd like to give me a buck 5 bucks whatever if you haven't already please subscribe and make sure to hit that little Bell icon so you get notified when I post an update remember I have a Facebook page Hassan Aussie on Facebook you can ask me questions there ham related or even better go to the hammer you a crash course page which is on Facebook as well you get a lot more conversation going there's a lot more people that can help you out so I hope that covers it I'll talk to you guys soon see ya
Channel: Ham Radio Crash Course
Views: 370,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoshnasi, baofeng, uv5r, bff8hp, CHIRP programming, chinese radios, ham radio, amatuer radio, technician license, FCC study guide, principles of radio, Amateur Radio (Hobby), circuit, amplifier, CW, oscillator, tube, Lessons, broadcast, modulation, Broadcasting (Industry), Sending radio messages, learn ham radio, study technician license, program baofeng radio, ham radio crash course, ham radio technology, baofeng antenna review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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