"Banshees of Inisherin" stars Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson

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you do like me I don't like me yesterday   oh did I yeah on screen there are two friends  whose relationship has come undone in real life   they truly are the best of friends both Oscar  nominated for the film The Banshees of inner   Sharon Tracy Smith is in conversation  with Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleason [Music]   Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson are peas  in a Hollywood pod they're both accomplished   actors both Irish and both are part of a great  on-screen Duo that falls somewhere between Butch   and Sundance and Thelma and Louise both men  were at the Golden Globes earlier this month   where Pharaoh won best actor for a musical or  comedy Brandon I just I love you so much I love   you so much and after the ceremony both were  down with covid so how does it feel to be out   of isolation oh straight in Jesus that was a rough  week it feels fantastic yeah this was their first   TV interview since coming out of quarantine  yeah no it's really nice get out in the bus   um I went for a swim this morning which was  just the most so liberating experience it's   been a busy season for the pair since their  latest film became a worldwide sensation he used to be the best of friends we're still the  best of friends no you're enough who says we're   not said somewhere else [Music] she's evina  Sharon is about two men on a Windswept Irish   Island whose friendship is coming apart if I've  done something to you just tell me what I've done   to you when you didn't do happen to me I just  don't like you no more is it like me yesterday   their lives are deeply intertwined but  banshees is not a buddy film any more   than Titanic is about a pleasure Cruise their  breakup is both hilarious and heart-rending   but anyways I just wanted to say I was sorry  we relieved with that leave me alone Park huh   I've already told you haven't I yeah I know I  was just I mean why can't you just leave me alone I'm curious with the process did you have  a discussion about maybe we shouldn't speak   to each other throughout this film  we touched on it I was a bit nervous   about that why just because I love the man  and I was nervous about Jesus are we going   to have to give each other space and then  when we saw each other for the first time   in a couple of years to start this we just  said do you need a bit of are we going to do   a little you know and we looked at each  other and we went ah no I don't need it for two weeks in Bruges in a room like this would  you no way Farrell and Gleeson have what looks   like an easy chemistry that comes across on screen  if I growing up on a farm Rouge might impress me   but I didn't so it doesn't their first project  together as Hitmen in 2008 In Bruges got rave   reviews of course they're a lot more than a Duo  the 67 year old Gleeson a former teacher who only   started acting full-time at age 34 has played  roles as diverse as Mad Eye Moody in the Harry   Potter series series hello complain a cook in  Paddington too oh no I I wouldn't say complain oh   that's a shame because I just love it when people  complain and himself there's a sketch comedy host   I'm Brendan Gleeson if you don't recognize the  accent I'm Irish [Applause] [Music] Brendan you   did SNL reluctantly you did Saturday Night Live  yeah you're great I did yeah Colin talked you   into it well he didn't he didn't like he said look  do what you want but here's my take on it yeah and   I would take that seriously look I like clowning  around don't get me wrong there's a thrill about   it it's a kind of a White Knuckle right so  I really did so thanks for that car yeah man 46 Colin Farrell has been doing this a bit longer  doing everything from fighting Tom Cruise [Music]   playing the penguin in makeup that almost  completely obscured his leading man looks   but as different as their careers and their  lives have been they were friends from the   jump what about you clicked I don't know it's  just easy the first time I met him was in a   room at the Chelsea Hotel I had recently put  the jar down right I was sober about a year   and a half or something like that and he opened  the door and went into the room we sat down and   I I know that this mounted like a pint every now  and then and I certainly had a reputation and the   reputation was now that I was recently sober he  knew that anyway he said will you have a drink   and I for a second I went and he said he said uh  I have some I have some and he went to a mini bar   that looked like it hadn't worked since the 50s  and he opened it up and he pulled out two bottles   of water and he went to have Stellar sparkling  and I just in that moment I swear to God as the   sweetest thing did I ever tell you that I mean  you were there of course did I ever tell you   that I noticed it ever anyway in that moment the  Simplicity of that gesture told me there's a man   that looked after you there's a man that will  take care of you there's a man that considers   people just have this tremendous sense of time  slipping away on me party and I think I need to   spend the time I've left thinking and composing  just trying not to listen to it anymore that   dull things that you have to say for yourself but  I'm sorry about it I am like and at the risk of   getting all mushy here Brendan Gleeson told us he  feels the same and that Farrell's a true gentleman the kind of guy who helps ladies in long dresses  up the stairs at award shows well just generally   with the people around him obviously with his  children with me with Jennifer Collidge he's   walking upstairs and I was a cheap shot that  was only to get closer that was about that   was more than about me than about her let's be  honest it was a duality about that because I   knew I said look at the Magus I didn't know  there was a fire there I was accused some   man out of the way oh stop no no but that's  who you are actually that is and I've known   a lot of kind men in my life I've been lucky  about that you know my father was a kind man   and I I knew kind friends who were who you  know who were there for you I don't find it   odd but I knew immediately I knew amazedly  with him so that's why the Friendship lasted   because he's somebody who considers people to an  extraordinary degree only because I'm one of them only because I'm a person and come March Colin  Farrell might be a person with an Oscar and he   might not be alone both men were nominated for  Banshees within a Sharon along with co-stars   Barry Keoghan Kerry Condon and director Martin  McDonagh people have said to me that and she's   just floored them just took them days and they've  been a bit haunted by it what do you think when   people say that to you that it that that's very  humbling it's very yeah because I've done plenty   of things that people haven't connected to  you don't always go to work and and create   stuff that people connect to and it's not a  science if we knew how to get it right every   time every film would work on every level it  would work for the audience it will work for   the critics and it would work commercially and  that's magic that's money in the bank you know   and you can't expect that all the time so the  fact that it's arrived on this one is fairly cool   so while banshees may very well rake in a few  more Awards Mr quits all it quits it's already   given these two a gift so this is a very sweet  time and I get to see him get to spend time with   Kerry and Martin that we wouldn't otherwise so  in that way that's the kind of window I climb   through to enjoy this whole experience rather than  taking it too serious you know instead of focusing   on the horse racer who's nominated exactly just  to be sharing it with the other Lads and whoever   is around and the films and the filmmakers I still  get giddy about the whole thing anyway do you know   what I mean do I need it no but is it a bit of  crack yeah it's a moment in time and then move on [Music]
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 242,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS Sunday Morning, CBS News, news, banshees of inisherin, colin farrell, brendan gleeson, movie, film, oscar, nominations, tracy smith
Id: AV8YygJkgn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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