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this is Batar the youngest of three brothers hailing from one of the oldest and most respected Jose Clans Batar followed his brothers from a young age who started a mercenary company that was successful for quite some time this was because due to the size of their Clan and how many male heirs are in it they were entitled to no lands so they chose to make their own fortunes unfortunately during the latest war between the Jose and the northern Empire their company was ambushed Behind Enemy Lines chaos ensued and those who could flee including Batar chose to get away with their lives after coming back to the battlefield Batar discovered the cold lifeless corpses of his two brothers he rounded up the remaining men gathered as many bodies as he could and headed home to bury them after putting the souls of the Dead to rest Batar plans to avenge the Fallen no matter the cost hello everyone welcome back to a brand new video and a brand new series this is episode one of a series that I've been very excited to bring you guys uh it is the cousey warlord series now the mounted Archer playstyle is a playstyle that I really like and enjoy playing but I've never done a crazy uh series before which is weird but uh yeah here we are now the reason I started a new series is because as you might have guessed uh Banner or just did a full release and a lot of mods got updated and everything and I did not want to stay in 1.8.0 I wanted to come to the full release and yeah I cannot believe that this game is finally out guys rest in peace to all the homies that did not make it all the way here so yeah we will be sadly abandoning The Game of Thrones mercenary don't worry about him he'll be fine Dirk is a cunning man and I think he'll be all right he'll be all right so here we've got our new protagonist Batar Batar is a man through and through he just got done uh bringing his brothers in their home Village and he came straight to the closest city to drink to their memory him and the people remaining in their mercenary company now in terms of the mods that I'll be using for this playthrough you guys keep asking about mods in every single video I I post a lot of you keep asking it's always in the description I don't know what to tell you in a lot of videos I tell you that the mods in the description and people still ask in the comments I'll look uh editor please write in the in the screen right now that the mods are in the description down below alright the mods are in the description down below thank you so I'll want to talk a little bit about plans for this series and uh for this episode as well um we are just going to try and bring honor to our family's name and to our fallen Brothers we are going to become a cousey warlord we're going to wreak havoc in this world we are going to conquer By The Sword and by the bow we will avenge our brothers we will own land we will become powerful I will carry on my brother's dreams uh you know in their place and for this episode what I'll be focusing on is basically rebuilding our broken mercenary band I'll go around uh gather some boys gather some money so I can pay uh the men that will be under my command we get some cool Loot and uh we go and negotiate a contract once we have like a big enough party we go negotiate a new contract with the kuzei kingdom under my name because now I'm the leader of this mercenary band and you know we kill as many Northern Empire bastards as we can I swear this feels like the Dory series but from the other side you know that's so cool actually we kill as many of the northern Empire bastards as we can and if the cousey stop their Crusade against them we become a vessel and we revoke War once again alright then let's get this adventure started alright we are here in uh Orton guard oh oh look at all these mods the bank The Scholar ship the crew troops oh we got some cool troops here but we can't afford them so what we'll be doing is uh we'll go look for some Bandits some looters whatever we can get our hands on for some uh loot to sell and make some money and to also like let the boys release their frustrations from uh that last Ambush that happened to us so yeah let's go look for some people hey 15 looters I have a mod that does like an overhaul of pretty much all um troop trees and as you can see these looters have uh which bad Lackey and rufians oh you you'll you'll be selling your lives all right you'll see uh surrender or die but as you can see did you just hear by the way now Ben and Lord has voice lines it has voice lines and as you can see with the mod uh that I got from Steam Workshop they have Steam Workshop support now that these guys are not just normal looters all right here we go Mountain archery baby it's time it's time the high tier looters are actually good for us because the we'll be getting the some cool loot all right all right we should we should just stay away from them and just like pepper the more right boys don't get too close but yeah I love this kind of playstyle uh uh you just feel like Genghis Khan bro like you feel like uh you feel like a man is a pain in these people's asses oh our first skill of the campaign our second kill of the campaign what a headshot oh got him [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God [Laughter] yeah our first Victory first of many to come man do I love mounted archery not a single casualty such a satisfying playstyle you guys don't understand I'll keep the upgrades until uh later on when we have the money for it we'll keep we're keeping our uh traditional cousey drip unless we find a better traditional drip we are not switching all right we'll take everything we really need the money right now let's keep hunting 45 looters we can do it stranger unless you want trouble man that's the trouble is exactly what I want right same thing we did last time bitmen go away you guys follow me same thing boys just we keep poking them until they lose their minds that is literally all Genghis Khan did literally one of the most influential armies in the history of mankind this is this was the strategy hit and run hit and run until they lose their minds no no don't get in there don't get in there spoke at them poke at them from a distance voice no need to get close make them lose that morale okay get away get away get away the boys are getting uh they're getting ideas we don't want to lose anyone oh man I am not as killed as uh threat gaming in archery uh if you guys don't know he just started a super super cool series that I will be watching on his second channel uh scratch plays I think the second channel is called shout out to him very very cool lad uh one of the nicest people I know but yeah he started the cool little playthrough where he plays as the Robin Hood with no targeting reticle unlike me a pleb um and he's only gonna be recruiting uh companions no soldiers very very interesting uh uh play through and I advise you guys all to go uh give it a watch I I really enjoyed episode one and I'm looking forward to more from him uh but yeah we are dissemiting these boys as we should be oh nice let's go this is gonna be a cool series are we taking prisoners no we keep our movement speed uh won't hurt to upgrade these two just so they have some Shields ah nice nice we can sell a lot of these give me that yeah I'll keep it I'll keep I don't need Shields I'm proud because a warrior I don't need any Shields I'm not seeing any looters so let's just go sell our stuff I sell all of these sell all of that so all of those oh my God we almost ran out of food good thing we came back then get some butter rain eat the boys really well all right cheese some fish and some meat I need some protein right we'll get two step horses and we get 600 very nice it's a lot of looters get over here what do you want with us can we get 32 yeah we can yeah we probably can let's go we're just gonna hit our shots you guys go as far as you can and we go and pepper them boys follow me let's ruin these people's lives [Laughter] I'm laughing because I like how we we just like every fight we go behind them just destroy them oh yeah we're Landing those headshots but our boys keep it up hey man yeah yeah okay I won't say anything I think you're slick there you go I think I just dismembered him [Laughter] run them down run them down trying to run away good thing we have horses huh I know right very nice very nice that's what I like to say boys like no one tell me that the cousin were this fun to play I think we can update these guys yep uh uh oh throwing daggers I'll take him very stylish very nice and we protected the Caravan you better you guys better remember that a thousand from now uh I would like to get some more horses and uh some of the villagers here will probably be selling some but yeah I feel oh okay one more looters one more party don't get into the forest yes we caught them before they got into the forest let's get these bastards hey boys let's go oh just imagine how terrifying it was to go against the Mongols man oh my God it is terrifying I feel like I'm borderline cheating man oh crispy headshot oh sorry sorry I'm gonna kill my one of these guys one of the boys one of these days was that it let's go too powerful I'm really curious how this is gonna work against Lords and an actual military I mean not a lot of things on these guys let's take it all right let's go sell and then we'll go get some horses but yeah we just got 2 000 from just that bit of uh fighting and the boys have probably warmed up all right also any recruits oh yeah oh yeah baby and we're paying almost 100 per day oh another 900 all right work you and 24 of your peasants are helping the locals around their Village by gathering resources and working the land 200 for working for the people very nice very nice some Sumter horses and mules very good I'll pay 600 [ __ ] uh lose one of the mules yeah another paycheck come here I have one with you guys and now we have even more horse archers so this is gonna be uh it's gonna be something else infantries just stand here actually you're gonna be fine they probably won't even reach you look how many horse archers we have oh oh oh they just shot in the air oh baby oh baby oh we got cool Lancers as well [Laughter] I'm not gonna fight inside the forest I'll win it's just it won't be fun it's not my preferred strategy my ancestors did not fight like that all right it will be blessed for me to play to fight like that okay we should probably oh if we try and negotiate a contract right now we could probably go and like wreak some havoc in there I do want to recruit more people before I actually do that let's see what can I sell well I can still do these though okay I'll sell some of these boom and then I'll recruit these too all right we got 29 people right now um I'm debating like I I shouldn't really negotiate a mercenary contract right now because they do pay uh based on how many people you have in the party so ideally we'll want to work our way up to 45 people and then we start negotiating for a mercenary contract I say we just keep doing jobs and fighting until we have 45 people and then we negotiate a contract and there is a quest right here let's see escort Merchant Caravan should be great let's go well no stranger peace to you what is your name that is a good busy accent right there all right I heard you had a problem sort of bandage rear lately uh-huh new Caravan but I fear it will be plundered 350 for each day the Caravan is on the road consider me the man for the job all right let's see here there goes the Caravan and we stick with it if this is gonna be Raiders it's gonna be some really good equipment it is Raiders 61 of them oh man if it is readers and it is there's gonna be some good equipment but also a good test to see because they're also mounted archers there's gonna be a good test to see how will fare against actual troops ooh it's dark there are other mounted archers on the enemy team I'll just tell my boys to charge I'm not going to lead them because that's going to be awkward as hell oh wait what a shot okay I'll follow the other mounted archers start working on them oh who the [ __ ] are these guys yo oh my God who are these guys how'd I not see them if that if that uh tree wasn't there I'd have gotten that knife though to your problem I think you could stab my horse like that do you know how uh dear uh creates a horse to him is better than his family in some cases it is in his family it's because I'm playing a good day the horse [ __ ] jokes won't stop you know oh that was close who the [ __ ] is that guy [Applause] oh I ran out all right let's go foreign how are we looking boys God nice give him an impossible angle good he didn't shoot at me that's a trick from all the way in the bed warband days if you give them an impossible angle they just won't show you what can they do oh my God [ __ ] I took it in the head you get them yeah yeah we got him please don't tell me we lost people only I got knocked out bro my boys are too strong the actual Caravan lost some people though oh even the length is better I'll take it more arrows yeah we'll take those instead of the Baggers and the better shoes yes grain can we take everything else to sell very good there's another fight right here I can't fight I'll watch the battle if I send my troops I'm gonna lose them all I'll watch the battle instead I'm knocked out and I'm giving orders get em boys get him he's just a looter get him boys oh nice looking back at them while he's running away that's kind of funny there he goes I think he's just yeah he's running around away let's go ggs boys we leveled up from that very nice oh that's just a better weapon all together Master worked here Horseman boots fashion over stats boys you know how it is on this channel and some good horses very nice I'll take everything else to sell it looks like boom see why I told you this is gonna be a lucrative Mission let's go sell our [ __ ] we are pretty fast now very good we'll sell our [ __ ] and we'll get some recruits to bolster our people even more 2 700. oh yeah all right boys we've got uh almost 3 000 Dinars let's just wait for our employer to finish what they're doing then all right let's fold them boom boom boom boom don't know stick aha we're going to the southern Empire I see okay more Raiders don't tell me this is oh my God this is gonna be a uh Woods battle but again RTS because I'm knocked out eventually you stay here good don't don't go into the lake boys don't don't don't do it you're not that stupid oh yeah buddy the boys made short work of the Raiders they're already running away someone shoot this guy he's on your way why are you celebrate and kill him ah they ran away all right very well done any cool loot that you guys earned us oh some good stuff we'll keep it all some more looters okay we just send troops to these guys nice one person died shame keep everything boom and uh we keep going hey Quest completed four thousand that leaves us with four thousand two hundred amazing let's sell everything we have so we're not uh weighed down another thousand from the gear that we sold and we're looking pretty damn good boys let's go and like get our party to 45 people and negotiate a mercenary contract foreign troops cost a lot I'm almost out of money and they're not even filled up on them 900 we have 800 left that's four days of wages I think I think we could survive on 42 people instead of 45 or I think we'll be fine uh anyone here him of the lake nah that person can negotiate a mercenary contract for us so let's go look for someone who can room okay and me here will wait for one of them to show up I'm on now I'm spending money here oh there we go all right I don't think I know you peace to your stranger it's YouTube me here uh my name is Batar sir may I ask your name mihir uh I'd like to discuss something I'd like to enter the service of Khan monchuk my sword is yours for the right some 130 Dinars for every group of enemies even Christians come on man I'll accept you can count on me as of now your enemies are my enemies and your honor is my honor and here we are we are now at war with the northern Empire it is time to avenge our brothers and get paid while we're doing it let's go wreak some Havoc all right let's see here what's the War uh looking like they've got more war exhaustion more casualties uh they lost the thieves yeah we're winning very nice very nice uh the armies are over there so we we could go yeah we could go take a look let's go that perk just lowered our wages by 10 Dinars amazing else follow the armies most of the action is going to be around the armies anyway oh you want me to catch that guy for you let me do it oh are you guys still gonna back me up please they do I would ask you for your name you know we're at War right so you surrender red and hope that perhaps things would not uh come to fighting at least not today you heard me you yield or you fight you're not surrendering so dude okay all right all right I mean I've got I've got a hundred people on you here so this is a terrible terrible place for uh horse archers oh my God what the [ __ ] also is this a new map that's actually beautiful as hell this is beautiful map God damn his faults are extending this much come here nice boys I know let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go is the Infantry over there fighting all right uh push back push pull back pull back pull back pull back pull back everyone pull back pull back don't get don't get baited into it pull back just like that just like that and just pepper them all right we don't need to fight these guys they don't have horses like us where the [ __ ] are these guys boom nice nice we just poke poke that's the name of the game for the cousin we poke very nice we got them sandwiched here they can only block from one side their formation is bad their formation is bad this is great nice this is for my brother the Imperial bastards take this run them down everyone run these bastards down they will know fear by that because they horde all right let's run the last guy down very respectable respectable effort from one of those guys get his ass everyone big mistake oh my God I oh my God you see all those arrows that was a nice shot oh that was a beautiful shot let's go I got the last uh kill in the battle let's go let's go we thought those bastards the lesson they will never forget the terror that they've witnessed today I've lost one person ah a fair sacrifice I'm not interested in prisoners the loot though these are going to be some nice souvenirs that I'll be taking home with me not bad I'll take it I'll keep it I'll take it do I want this doesn't look that bad to be honest so just take it yeah yeah I'll take it straight up upgrade actually I like this this style more yeah I'm not gonna lie all right take everything else let's move I'll stick with the main Army they're going to be Siege umbrella oh baby join the continuing Siege let's go let's go we're going to besiege the force people in the because they have signed a mercenary contract the more the merrier here we are boys Batar is about to go get himself some Imperial kills it's our first Siege as a mercenary company I'm excited and monshuk himself the Khan is here himself let's prove ourselves to the counter right who knows with enough uh kills if I prove myself enough here he might just make me a vassal one day oh I love the banners alright I'll wait it out and see where their Siege weapons are going to strike I don't want to die among the first uh first wave foreign my boys Stay With Me it's a good approach here probably The Siege ladders we'll just follow them I was kind of close right boys to me all right boys we're gonna go through those volleys and reach the siege ladders all right oh my God that was devastating all right let's go let's go let's go let's go everyone with me with me with me get out of here come on you're gonna get killed dangerous here get up I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't let's go let's go ideally I find a nice vantage point maybe maybe up here if there's no one on this I'll kill the people who are operating The Siege weapons get them to stop uh killing our boys see here [ __ ] boom okay now this one is no longer working very good very good are they gonna come up here if they do boy do I have a surprise for them if they come up here hey the boys we're already here all right let's see here I know where we can get some kills oh yeah oh yeah I'm gonna Farm some kills actually let me check something out if there's a Siege weapon up here oh there is none okay I can just shoot from here then yeah oh this is evil I hope I don't fall I actually feel like I'm gonna fall okay I actually want to try that hold on move move move move move move foreign express delivery for these boys move move pick it up from here put some Giggles all right move move move move special delivery well they're still there oh this is gonna I watch this [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh that was evil that was straight up evil okay I need a better angle do you want to fight let's go got him come here nice get him lads these are just just weak Imperial men let's just scare them because they hoard is Unstoppable yeah come on come on you bastards [Applause] I need to regroup with my boys come on you [ __ ] I'll send you all to hell I'm hurt bad oh they're ignoring me big mistake big mistake hey wanna archery I just got knocked out he sends me to sleep boys he sent me to sleep I could actually be dead I I have like uh death uh settings turned on oh my god let's trade up blood hey we won let's go let's go let's go killed seven people felt like more to be honest and we got some really good uh skills from that very nice boys he has acknowledged me thanks for the help stranger we haven't met properly uh have we what is your name Batar well met Batar I am montruck thanks for your help and I hope we meet again are those twins behind him yo acknowledges dust Boys let's go oh yo our own Banner let's go let's go let's go let's go I've never actually found it before so uh that is a first hey we took umbrella let's go uh let's sell everything we have it sells for 8 000 my God so even if we don't want to use it it's worth it absolutely worth it ew crossbows ew Bose is where it's uh 8 000 gold very nice very nice that's beautiful not to the featherless a fellow cousey let's see what he's all about what is your name my name is Batu sir tell me about yourself I'm one of the Highland Clans in the Far East I do not know if you are familiar with their ways uh-huh a man of another Clans to my father my father has seen his uncle many years before it was my job to avenge my father but the play carried off his killer first uh I know exactly what you're after Revenge because so am I this is a brother right here I'd be expected to kill his brother instead is how it is with us uh-huh I'd always a talent for setting conflicts and in this case it seemed to be clearly that that fate had ended the feud while my mother begged me not to my cousins begged me not to they said I should spill blood not words my family said others would mock my father's memory they told me I had a choice do my duty or I would no longer be of their blood well you're not after Revenge but I am so come work for me instead I'll motivate him with money instead of Revenge for his father you're caught lacking my friend at least he's got his own uh horse but I'm not spending money money on his armor you're gonna have to earn it boy all right boys it seems like that's all the time we have for this episode what a really cool episode to be honest I am loving this character I'm really feeling him I'm feeling this role play it's super cool because they play through is something I've wanted to do for literally years at this point and uh here we are looking forward to see how this story progresses looking forward to become a vassal of manchuk this is a playthrough that I see like Batar wants to establish his clan you know like Advance them a little bit and become more and more powerful he's not gonna become he's not going to be a mercenary his entire life but yeah really hope you guys enjoyed much love and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Simo
Views: 151,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord khuzait, bannerlord 2, bannerlord mods, bannerlord mercenary playthrough, bannerlord but I play as a soldier, bannerlord but I play as a mongol warlord, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord game of thrones, bannerlord episode 1, bannerlord guide, bannerlord review, bannerlord simo, simo
Id: rYK9Z62DeQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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