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ah car radio what a beautiful place huh well not with these guys roaming around trying to steal people's donkeys but what if you were that guy a bandit to be more specific and what if you were destined to become the most famous and scary looking Bandit to ever live well in today's video We are Becoming just that hi my name is chanso and today my friends we are going from a normal boring lonely and quite frankly ugly Bandit to becoming the most handsome and dreaded Bandit to ever roam car radio now no more blabbering let's get into the video and here we are in the world of Kyle radio with our protagonist Nota bandito and today as I've already said in the intro we are playing with only Bandit troops okay I cannot recruit any soldiers from taverns any soldiers from cities or Villages or anything like that okay only band the troops the reason why I wanted to do this is because I feel like one of the skills nobody uses this goddamn skill it's like a baby that you didn't want but you have to have it anyways because you know you can't just baby right so yeah today we're trying to you know give some exposure to the rogury skill I don't actually know what the Rogue skill does what I think I'm going to go with 20 Bandit experience because you know okay so the first thing we need to do here is try to let's see here five Force Bandits I don't know if they're going to have they're probably going to have both right and I think two archers and two swordmen so I what I think I want to do is try to not get shot and just charge them you know but I'm playing with the realistic battle model right so an arrow to the Head means I'm probably dead I think but it also means that if I stabbed them in the head they die get out of here okay we do have some throwing axes I will utilize these bad boys don't worry oh I missed that was that was just sad wasn't it so this is yeah this is going to be automatically very hard to you know do anything here don't get shot we don't want to get shot okay nice we got a little stat there that's very good let's get another little stab here nice dude I actually just suck with these uh throwing axes to be honest like what is this oh nice hit him in the dick nice I mean it would be nice if anybody got donged you know like like maybe I can just ride on him and let him he died from that yeah damn it okay let's get out of this let's try to be quick here I don't know what to do so I'm playing with a troop overhaul that makes the Bandit troops well let's say a bit more interesting not just normal Bandits okay we got one guy left I think we can take this gun foot let's try and be a little bit cocky here okay let's be a bit cocky let's go up then with our sword oh God damn it dude it's too fast nice okay everybody died uh that is not actually that good and that is very bad we want them to survive maybe we should put some skill into medical here well that was very bad uh also I'm playing with the fourberry mod the cunning mod and that mod makes the Bandit hideouts super interesting okay oh right I can just scam people for money I got no money well that sucks uh let's buy something here let's buy or maybe I should not be able to buy stuff maybe I should be able to sell stuff I think but I shouldn't be able to you know that doesn't seem like something Unbound it would do no nine looters there's no way way that I can defeat nine looters on my own right like we need some smaller parties we need like six looters good bargain to me okay if we can get six looters and just get one down that would be great I just want to be able to recruit somebody you know of course it is at night so we're not gonna be able to see anything oh we don't want to be fighting on a bridge that is like the number one stupidest thing you can do let's go on the bridge what oh no no no no no I told you I told you I told you this is scary oh my God I'm [ __ ] my pants here okay calm down calm down calm down let's see this magical throw bro what is this why did I think this was a good idea I don't know I don't think this is a good idea I think this is a terrible idea oh my God this is what we call a standoff okay okay I can't see anything bro this is beautiful out there or maybe wait where's the sun oh it's it's night time there's no sun you goddamn idiot you know I sometimes I question my own intelligence okay we downed one we down one guys okay okay that's very good that's very good that's very good okay this is one guy left get hit by a truck you know what you know what I'm gonna do like I did with the last guy I'm gonna take you on in single hand combat no come here okay okay I'm gonna I'm gonna back up again okay oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay oh no this guy okay oh okay we got one down okay let's capture this guy okay you can now see we have some new Bandit troop trees they go from Ruffian to Lackey and then they can become a crossbow man a javel near a Horseman or an infantry Soldier very cool okay very cool oh that's perfect yes okay you go two guys two guys this is so good this is too good with you and I have my throwing axes so I should oh he has actually like a javeler ride in the dome oh no that's perfect standoff Russian standoff okay the Bell died that was bad that was really bad like I don't know how to make them not die you know I'm just too good okay we cannot recruit this guy so he's now our Ruffian he is now our baby boy oh I got a little bit of a headwear there okay we're still two guys let's try seven Bandits again God damn it this is good okay where's my guy just stay here just there don't die okay don't you don't have my permission to die they're not looking you're not looking hand damage hi hi very bad very bad okay get another guy stab him oh nice be down the hunter okay now we get an Archer ice that one guy there we don't want to overstay our welcome what are you looking at huh what are you looking at little little idiot nice killed An Outlaw Run Ruffian oh that was a spear with a dome okay nice we get another guy okay we're down two guys just from this encounter this is very good no don't look at me I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry don't hurt me don't hurt I'm coming to help you from there go go your sword nice tactical teamwork stab him in the back oh my God that was good okay we got two guys from this perfect two guys love it absolutely love it you know what I think I think we should get a companion you know we should definitely get a companion that wants to fight as bad as we do okay we are very much looking for someone to call our friend all perfect the bunny titled okay see here we can actually if we get enough prisoners we can build a safe house but we need to get strength into this uh hide up see this guy he has a really high medicine skill I think I want this guy you know what I think I do because I would like you in my in my thing come over here boy what a beautiful name let's make you our medic we need to just go around look for oh eight looters eight looters that's what we want nice okay let's fight these guys do we have a bow man yeah we do okay Bowman you go over there Bowman shoot them with a bow you guys run run for your life I am the master oh that's a that's a big dude kill the guy killed another guy this is bad are we winning oh they sucked they said off wait we won we won we got two more guys in our party this is so good we're expanding quick we know we're bounded lucky nice oh this is perfect we're now turning into true Bandits I love it I love it let's keep on moving we don't wanna stay still for too long when we get enough people I want to start going for uh villagers and stuff like that villagers and Caravans yes I will never take you alive huh well you were mistaken because that is exactly what I will do you think I don't want you alive I want you to live you know why I want you to live because if you live then I can abduct you and take you into my Army okay these guys are a lot harder to kill actually so we need to get his dead okay nice okay we shot him now let's get this guy around them come on surround them get him down no no clothes okay it's fine we get better gear let's get him a shield uh let's save the grain now go for the force Bandits okay they don't they still don't want to surrender that's okay okay look this is just uh charge I think yep just charge Adam don't die you can try to not die that is like my biggest uh biggest tip oh no no no very bad very bad very bad come on help me boys help me help me I can take the arrows just don't die you are not allowed to die guys you're not allowed to die go in here and show them what you're made of nice downed one we're down two oh it killed one get this guy guys come on okay we're down two people that's two archers that's two marches we're expanding so quick okay we have one Archer two Archer okay this guy oh we need more yeah we can't take another Archer we need okay we have two more Ruffians too nice we're now seven guys this is the really good okay we're gonna go to some shady old town and sell this okay let's go to La get and then we're gonna go for those Bandits oh nice okay let's sell all this stuff let's sell all this nice big fat stack let's attack these guys yeah let's follow on charge full on charge shoot them do whatever you want uh we need to get this guys okay yep yep okay a Hillman is dead but these guys the big boy guys those are the guys they want to keep alive get this guys I'm gonna get them alive no don't kill her guys they're both died everybody died God damn it God damn it okay it's fine it's fine let's go and sell all this stuff again dude we're getting so much loot okay we're seven people right now let's go up here maybe maybe we can actually go up there and see okay give away some stuff maybe we can give them a shield and some air maybe okay now they're at 36 okay 36 is pretty okay okay guys we just found ourselves in a bit of a situation here I have a mod that allows uh Bandit parties to get a leader okay and this guy seems to be kinda dangerous this might be kind of hard I think what we should do is we should stick up here and we should put our archers in the front we should wait for their Cavalry I'm going to attack their Cavalry anyways okay they're actually just going for me here I don't know what he has what he has okay he has okay he just has Bandit troops the same as I do okay nice okay no more archers I don't want my archers dying that is like number one cannot happen Okay let's get this guys worst boys okay here they come we need to take out these Horsemen okay and okay they're coming they're charging up we need to just get them down their horses this guy okay he's the leader this is really bad this is really really bad nice we got a horse like if we can get a horses we can get these guys too just running around this is where this is very intense very very intense here we got a horse nice we got another horse okay we're taking them out whoa whoa whoa whoa we blew up oh my God okay I think there's only one more guy yeah there's this guy oh they killed him oh my God they killed everybody oh my god dude this is so good okay oh look at all the prisoners oh yeah okay this is really good this is really good more archers oh my God yes get all the loot all the loot oh my God man this is so good okay we need to go and sell this ASAP ASAP oh my God man so much loot 6K from that's perfect that's really really good let's go up to this guys okay let's let's take out as many small Bandits oh nice oh this is this is very this is such a good start really really good really really good um so our guys should just be able to shoot these guys before it even come to us I think everyone is dead here we got one down nice we got another down okay very good let's take another party hopefully we will get a strong so we can ask them to join us that that is going to be Supreme very good okay we have a lot of archers now let's get him come on oh no what they killed one of them oh I hate you bro oh that's bad we lost an Archer that's really bad that sucked oh God damn we're looking like an actual like warlord bro oh my God okay we're back at The Hideout some stuff let's give them more stuff 78 nice we're almost a tenth of the way you're getting there you don't want to fight me it's in place yeah we're another Hunter let's just charge in here I don't think anybody can do anything against us it's just Ruffians like literally Cannon for their perfect let's just kill these guys can somebody survive maybe well one guy okay one Ruffians are right that's pretty good okay okay so Nutra is now uh somewhat of an established Bandit I would say he has yes his Lads speaking of lads another lad look look at those you're giving out those for free my guy I don't know how about that actually yeah damn fingers get this guy uh okay yeah now they actually want to join okay nice we just got like a whole bunch of new troops perfect that's very good so now we're actually looking pretty great this is so good we're gonna recruit can we do it with these guys no they they they want to die they want to die that sucks for you bro we now have a bulk infantry which is very good now it's actually like people that can we can just sacrifice let's get on biased come on Lads okay nice we gotta down we got another down we got two downs there good Bandit lack is very nice oh nice we got our first Mount The Troop very cool armor very cool okay let's go back to we now have a lot of troops we have a lot of Bandits okay let's go here this guy let's see if he wants to join us he does not want to join so basically all we do is just fight yep you just follow me bro follow me what a great opportunity let's get him shoot him firing squad come on come on come on nice okay we down one we're down to one you know at least it's something right at least it's something we're now looking very strong here 19 men very cool okay let's go to the hideouts give away some stuff we have a lot of stuff for you to have bro a lot of stuff 132 we got another step rabbit uh step Rebel okay boys this is what we've been waiting for man we are a unit of well uh established somewhat Bandits I don't even think they're gonna reach us okay first man is down from the firing squad let's see here let's see or we could we should probably oh close but not close enough okay now our Spearman is going to start throwing Spears at these guys oh my God what an on barrage yeah don't look at me bro don't look at me look at those guys behind you with Spears throwing at you so beautiful banner Lord AI I love it okay I think think I think we should do this we should start going and taking out like villagers and stuff I think that's something we should do definitely we got a hill Warrior don't want to join let's go to the nearest villager that we can find absolutely obliterate them what do you think about that okay we're attacking a caravan now Caravan of the Brewer let's kill this guys hopefully they don't have like tons of uh I probably should have checked this before hopefully I don't have tons of uh Horseman or something like that then it's gonna be quite annoying we gotta just charge these guys 21 archers God damn it it's a lot of orchards we have a lot of guys too you know so don't worry about it don't take anybody alive boys come on come on this is like the wild west of things come on boys come on let's get them they got camels and stuff these guys are exotic let's go we don't have time for this they're fleeing you can't be fleeing bro you can't be serious yes murder them let's show these guys what we can do huh come on boys let's go come here let's go let's go let's go perfect we lost two guys two Ruffians we lost we killed who went B6 of them and let's take these prisoners and let's deliver them to the Bandit Hideout I don't know I think you can do that I don't know though let's take all this loot too oh yes looking great let's return back to The Hideout yes our party is growing stronger let's give away all these things all these things we don't need the money we don't all we want is the food okay we don't want anything else then let's give away all this yes give away some prisoners too while we're at it these spearmen will do fine you can even have these lackies yes 328 power we're moving up in the world oh another Caravan are we faster oh you can bet we are okay we're much faster let's go another car and for us to Rob huh sounds great to me everyone just charge discharge we have three Horsemen very good these guys will deal with the uh insane amount of archers they decided to have in their little Caravan and the trees will also help a lot come on let's go boys show these idiots who is in charge kill the camels come on perfect save yourselves they say no losses absolutely no losses perfect we got a lot of prisoners too we should probably sell some of the loot but we should be level we're almost plant tier one when we get the clantier one we will be able to have a lot more of these Bandit troops give away some prisoners all the prisoners very good let's go to La geta let's sell everything except the date fruit okay let's go three thousand very nice very good let's take out this neighboring Hideout I think yeah this take out this neighboring one let's wait for it to fall everybody just charge come on man [Music] didn't match for us boys come on let's go let's go nice charge man charge no match nice he thinks he can kill me huh thank you no come on come on come on and we won now it's just this guy he thinks I will accept a Duo yeah right let's get him come on boys easy win let's go and help our brother ggs nice very good removed any competition I now recruited 20 Bushwackers so now we have approximately 24 archers and there's this guy standing here I did not give him permission to stand there look at the absolute wall of archers here very nice let's see these guys getting absolutely destroyed by my archers now don't get me wrong this guy probably has a lot better infantry than I do but why does that matter when his infantry is just going to get shot with pieces by this absolute firewall of archers there's just so many archers man I don't even oh this is so cool okay boys play number Raj of arrows that has never been seen before in the history of the bandits this is a goddamn woman here come on shoot with your heart's content shut up boys come on easy the leader is down the leader is dead easy win that's gotta be the most easiest way I've ever gotten in my life okay boys we're now 41 men strong I think we can do just about whatever we want right now we're the strongest Bandits that ever walk this Earth this guy he seems to want to fight me too let's see how that goes for you mister let's see let's do another test it's called how many arrows can you take to the face before you die arrows three Lads arrows free shoot them like you never shot anything before in your life the arrows are raining attack boys attack attack come on you're no match for me boys come on get him get him get these frauds get this Pretender easy win easy win let's go oh we got so many level UPS there perfect let's get some more horses right more prisoners more money we're looking stacked right now absolutely stacked let's return back to The Hideout once more 675. what we should do is give away some food because we have a lot of it oh my God that's a lot of food I guess they didn't want the food ah that sucks for you let's go and see if we can find anyone willing to fight us we have found another sea Raider Bandit party let's send them a little welcoming message shall we let's take the Cavalry and let's go and take out their Cavalry what do you think about that our Bushwacker forces are too hard to beat come boys let's see what these guys can do huh we're just surrounding them they can't do anything to us our forces are coming up on you guys there's nothing you can do shoot them to all hell no much yeah take all your horses and run into our Archer line do that see what happens huh charge boys absolutely obliterate them boys let's go let's get this guy in the ah got his horse down now he awaits and barrage of arrows what a victory what an absolute Victory we have now reached the strength of a thousand we can now build a safe house we now made it into our safe house this is what we have become we started from nothing and now we have become a large Bandit Empire with our own safe house and our own rules and that's a perfect place to end this video Nota became one of the biggest Bandits to ever roam car radio and that really shows you how any dream can become reality if you like this video consider subscribing and drop a like my name is jenso and I'll see you again very soon [Music] thanks
Channel: Chenso
Views: 109,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord, ultimate guide bannerlord, mount and blade mods, bannerlord bandit lord, bannerlord challenge run, mount and blade 2, bannerlord bandit, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount and blades 2, mount u0026 blade 2 bannerlord, bannerlord how to, bannerlord soldier, chenso bannerlord, bannerlord mods, Bandit boss bannerlord
Id: uvLYt8TgBxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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