Bannerlord 2 Workshop Guide For 2023

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what's up everybody it's me King Alpha hope everybody's doing great so I know it's been a really long time since I've done videos again um I have a couple I have excuses I guess you could say um if you guys don't know uh just really quick I am going to be having a baby um my son is going to be coming this year hopefully in June so um I mean something I definitely should have announced maybe in another video and I could just announce it that way and showcase you know just simple video of that um but anyways I just wanted to say that's the reason why I know I'm mixing content here but I've been playing a lot of banner Lord on switch and everything and it's been so fun ever since there's been these two mods that are just like literally a must-have on Banner Lord and it's just been amazing however we're not here to talk about that today we're here to talk about workshops now I know a lot of people have started playing on Console playing Banner Lord and also there's people still playing Banner Lord on PC now I'm playing on PC and I have mods but there's no mods that interfere with the fact of like how money works or anything like that no cheat code Etc so everything is basically um done from me just you know doing whatever um now in terms of workshops there's these workshops that I've made that it's actually been insane to the point that I've been able to have about 500 plus Gold return on them and I know a lot of people do enjoy using Caravans and everything however these workshops honestly have just been so so strong and so important to My overall uh Finance daily uh daily change and as you guys can see you know my total expenses are pretty high and my total income is pretty you know pretty low not insane but you know I don't like to cheese and grab every thief and all that type of stuff um so I like to just more or less work around the fact of me using um you know selling you know weapons that I come from war or this and that so a lot of my passive income is actually coming from my workshops which is really really nice and it's a good chunk of my actual daily exchange so I'm gonna show you guys the workshops now of course workshops do change in terms of prosperity Etc um but I just figured to show you guys how insane some of these things are and how you can get this but it really depends on what type of campaign you are playing now I have the wine press Theory I guess because wine press has been giving me so much in return as you guys can see 740 from prevan 625 from dung glass 511 from Marinette and 545 from seon or I'm gonna call it seon um and now we have Amore as well that's doing pretty good and prevent as well over here uh another city now of course this is later down the stage my character I play sandbox so my character is about like 34 years old and everything so cities progress over time and they do have better uh Prosperity over time so obviously the better the Prosper prosperity of the city the more your workshops will most likely make money depending on which workshops you actually have there um I've had sometimes I put workshops in marinef and even though marinef is a really prosperous City it actually does not produce that much money depending on what type of Workshop I do so um just to give you a quick uh preview of how I really first look off on doing workshops and everything is I usually go to settlements and I usually immediately toggle Prosperity um done glass is number one xion prevent and then Mariners so I do have workshops in all of these cities now are they the most prosperous in the entire Kingdom I'm not fully sure because I have to go and check the other ones but I'm at War and stuff so I don't know if these are the most prosperous cities however in my case I am Britannia and we are taking over blenders area and everything so I know my workshops would be safe here um one thing I want to suggest to like I guess any players that are basically trying to understand maybe in the early game um where is the best like what's the best Workshop to do or where how do you um like which what's your first Workshop you should do and how you should place it and everything because the thing is if you guys don't know Workshops can be destroyed if um let's say I'm a Tanya and I put a workshop in uh Austin's Austin I'm okay I'm messing up the names but anyways let's say I put a workshop in Revolt number 10 goes to war with landia it destroys your whole workshop and you actually don't get the money back or anything like that if I'm correct so you just wasted what like maybe 20 30k um just on a workshop just for it to be destroyed once your faction goes to war with that those people so obviously what you really want to do is make sure that you put workshops in places that won't be destroyed and won't um more or less like hurt your like you won't have to worry about oh no I have to build it again or I have to wait till peace um as you guys can see we own a lot of the map and everything uh personally you know this is a big campaign Etc but nonetheless how workshops work and I've noticed this is that workshops more or less go around obviously your uh you know the the little Villages that connect to the the city so prevan has one wine one grapes here so it does actually have a good um you know wine press here so you can actually make money off of this however the fact that there's actually grapes over here um and everything it actually helps out with the money as well because your wine is going to be trading to also multiple cities and this is my thought of how it works I could be very wrong so if I am wrong just please tell me um but I've been looking at it and this is how most of my workshops have been working is that I look at whether uh like cities around kind of have the resource that is more or less produced a lot in the area and then I make a workshop there for it and I just I've just been making money and as you guys can see um a wrong tab as you guys can see prevent is at 7 40. you know done glass all of these stuff all right are really really high and it's really really nice now if you look if you look at for example dun glass maranith and see on all of them have loads of of grapes so you can really do basically wine presses in each of the cities and make a nice passive income this is really huge if you're starting a battanion campaign or even if you're doing a campaign maybe like as the southern Empire the koozieites and you want to have a faction you're not going to go go to war with for a while you know you build some wine presses here and I tell you this you will make very very nice income uh passively in the early game if you can actually get your work stops working here and I think that's probably one mistake I made in the early early game is that I didn't do workshops immediately yes they did cost a lot but I also did have a lot of money as well and I was doing I was using my money for other things instead of having this nice passive income of you know I believe the passive income for my workshops right now is 3369. now this is obviously including the other two workshops I have as well which is omor and the other one in prevent but if you take those out I'm basically making about 2.7 k um on top of whatever I am making from these other two just from workshops and this is awesome and it's not like I do have high trade I don't have high trade there's no like oh my workshops do better or they produce more et cetera I believe you know you can get workshops to do better or something like that but yeah overall personally without even having trade high or anything like that my shops are doing great now I I will reiterate this it does depend on the city's Prosperity if the prosperity of the city is going up like all of these are which is 4.4 this one's going up by 3.2 this one's going up at 4.3 all of your workshops if you put the correct one like grapes is gonna do really really good the workshops I've noticed even though there's green around I've noticed beer really I don't know if they nerfed it or something but beer workshops really do not do what it used to do um I know some places are better with beer like if you do it at uh sonala or ascar usually grain and Brewery is pretty good but overall I'll say that like it just it really really sucks to do a um like a brewery here it just really I was making like 100 to 200 which just isn't worth it's not worth the you know 20 to 30k you are gonna be uh putting in to actually buy a workshop here um so I'm just suggesting guys I think the wine press theory is like amazing here again if you're playing as blandia this will suck for you if you're doing this like if you're doing wine presses in Britannia so be careful with that but why impress and prevan for example will work and will make you a lot of income because prevent is probably one of the most prosperous cities in blandia itself typically there's like a couple of steps to it for one you look at the city Prosperity two you look at the city and what it produces around at least within a nice Circle I always do these circles so for example I have an olive pressing per van and there's actually olives here so I just put you know an olive press here and it's actually taking the olives there Etc so it's trading and it's pretty good um sometimes funny enough I know it's low right now in terms of the uh 360 but sometimes I've seen it actually at five something so it really just depends on obviously all the Caravans if you're at War Etc um but again I think any City if you really just look at what's around um and what you can trade you just really need to go for the most prosperous cities um because those are the cities that will get you the most money and then just go around what exactly they do produce and everything it's going to be awesome I think a lot of people I'm hoping this little guide for workshops really do help uh because it's just one of those things where it's like a neat trick to know that done glass maranath and see on you can put three wine presses there and make a very nice passive income early on especially if you're not going to be at war with Britannia if you're sturgia again you got to be careful because you do go to war with Britannia a lot if you're of landia you do go to Aurora Britannia a lot and then if you're the Western Empire you do sometimes go to war with the um you know the Northern or Western Empire whatever you do go to war with uh Britannia so just keep that in mind um but this is just something I wanted to really show because of the fact that like I'm making such good passive income off of these wine presses it's amazing and linenwave uh uh wavery and omore is doing really really well as well which I did I took that off of this this produces flax my my actual more doesn't it only produces green and um fish but I took the flax from here and now I'm actually making nice good income from producing linen so anyways guys I hope this guide in uh more or less helps you out um because personally I think it's such a cool concept of the workshops I never liked Caravans but personally workshops are always something to like learn um and now that I know this I can do this for future campaigns just put um you know workshops in there and I'll be fine you know it's nice easy passive income especially now in the early game you can um basically get uh what is it like horses and sell them off really early and all this type of stuff so there's really early uh game stuff that you can make money so I hope this helps console players I hope this also helps any PC player that is you know struggling with more or less like um Workshop income and all that stuff so peace guys have a good one and I will see you guys in the next video alright peace
Channel: KiNGAlpha
Views: 123,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content creator, mount & blade bannerlord 2, bannerlord, workshop, guide, tips & tricks
Id: 3j9jPLG6bVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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