Crash Bandicoot's Mobile Kart Racing Nightmare (iOS/Java/Zeebo) - DELISTED [SSFF]

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hey I'm Derek it's me Derek and it's time for a fresh and fruity band of cootie flavored video of stop skeletons and fighting let's flash back to 2009 the Black Eyed Peas had a Stranglehold on the pop charts with keyboard cap had a Stranglehold on our hearts it was also a landmark year for the Apple App Store which was then actually known as the iTunes app store in April in just its ninth month the App Store celebrated its billionth download now of course the vast majority of app store downloads were and still are games and believe it or not this first billion was before Blockbusters like Angry Birds and Doodle Jump I mean it's wild enough to think there was even a time before Angry Birds but who then during this time was the king of the App Store luckily for us Apple revealed the top 20 best-selling paid apps in celebration for that first billion so any guesses any guesses at all who was on top now I thought for sure the crown belonged to a flip phone staple like a pre-smartphone hit like Bejeweled or Tetris right I mean those games are like the original original time wasters but nope there fore at number nine respectively [Music] right nope that one's farted up at a still very respectable number 16. there can be only one and that one was none other than Crash Bandicoot nice for Cart 3D wait wait wait wait wait so you're telling me that while Sony's former mascot Superstar was grasping for relevancy on consoles this random Port of an old spin-off racing game that was actually originally released on Symbian phones was absolutely crushing it on the newly minted App Store well we have to make a video about that because keep in mind this was 2009 it had been a long long time since anyone had said the words Crash Bandicoot and best selling in the same breath and I have to ask you to leave you're hurting my elbow but a couple things about Crash Bandicoot Nitro car 3D actually more than a couple but it's just the intro despite its Legacy as being the app store's first hit game it has been completely delisted just one of countless others left behind in Apple's scorched Earth approach to preservation but it gets worse because we didn't just lose a significant and historic mobile game and a significant and historic Crash Bandicoot game but we also lost evidence of one of the most confusing series of games maybe ever and I don't just mean crash's entire run of mobile games just the cart Racers nothing can prepare you for this branding nightmare welcome to d-listed the show that highlights digital games pulled from digital stores or abandoned by the march of time and it's time to return to the beginning of the smartphone era and Beyond to look at the weirdest part of the Crash Bandicoot timeline this is the bizarre world of Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D but first welcome to my kitchen uh where I also have a collection of Doom games and Novelty chainsaws it's part of the video sponsored by combatier commeteer coffee are these little guys right here I've never seen coffee like this it is flash frozen coffee that comes in these aluminum containers that are recyclable which I really appreciate what is going on here I'm gonna show you what's going on here I'm gonna show you the the classic it's called Uncle Derek's spooky seasoned latte special here we go first you gotta have one dark roast Puck defrosted in the fridge overnight and of course a haunted table that shakes during shooting simply pour into your glass throw in your ice and then pour over your milk of choice it's fault so I added in the spookiest flavor pumpkin spice because I'll just be bought that pumpkin delicious I'm chilled and spooked cometeer ships monthly orders directly to you flash frozen fresh coffee right to your home listen I am a coffee guy making coffee at home with stuff like this is stupid easy like you saw how easy it was iced hot latte whatever you want light medium dark decaf yeah decaf decaf if you like me and you crave coffee even at night because I need my spooky lattes at any hour for a limited time you can get 25 off your first two orders when you use my code skeletons at skeletons if you've been waiting to try commenter now is the time use my link in the description below skeletons alright on to the show thank you for sponsoring this part of the episode spooky [Music] Crash Bandicoot is one of the most famous video game characters of all time for two reasons is a Titan in the pantheon of mascot Platformers and he has had it in messy Legacy yeah how you doing crash boom bang things got rough once the keys passed from Sony and naughty dog to vivendi Universal and eventually Activision he has definitely been having a moment lately though it has not always been blue skies for old Mr bakuti though through it all his kart racing games have been consistent despite the many sequels Crossovers and spin-offs there have been only three cart Racers team racing Nitro cart and tag team racing and they've been a relatively bright spot on his catalog okay maybe not tag team racing so much but if nothing else they have all delivered more than just your garden variety Mario Kart clones in fact it is this solid cart Legacy that led to Nitric heart 3D on iOS no doubt why I was such a hit the people love the bakut and people love a good coup Dart Racer so let's Dive Right In Crash Bandicoot nice for Cart 3D for iOS a game that has unfortunately become one of his rarest I'm shocked that I get to actually hold this in my hands big thanks to Matthias for sharing their old iPod touch with us as you probably kind of expect this being an iOS game it is hella delisted and nearly impossible to play unless it has been pre-installed on an Apple device from before the great iOS 8 apocalypse let's see if we're really missing out on much Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D was released on iOS day and date with the iTunes app store July 2008. it was in fact a launch title along with two other top sellers Super Monkey Ball and Crow mag rally so playing this game is truly going back to the humble beginnings of the smartphone era and I'm assuming the name was some kind of play to crashes Glory Days because Nitro Kart 3D has the character models of crash with the Titans with the modified courses of tag team racing it is mostly an original game but still a Frankenstein's monster of various crash games except Nitro card but it is in 3D so at least that title isn't a complete lie oh and get a load of this face what have you done to his eyes it's amazing every character has this deadened expression on their face like they're trapped against their will in some kind of squid game the character models barely ever animate and their faces never animate and everyone just looks terrified except for Polar you know polish is happy to be included you want to know how old this game is the intro movie is just literally a QuickTime movie file that you can pause or skip the game itself is full featured with 12 tracks across three cups plus extra modes like time trial story mode and my personal favorite quick race which immediately drops you into a random track yeah right on the main menu as soon as the game loads you can be in a race with a single click this feature is actually in the console version too but it is a super smart addition on the iOS version absolutely perfect for a little break at your desk or a quick fix on the bus I mean really the only mode that's missing here is multiplayer and taking on the game's story mode you'll tackle a series of eight missions that see you swapping control between crash Coco and Yaya a character born from the mobile Games the actual story is as standard as humanly possible you gotta stop nitrous oxide and cortex from you know doing bad stuff to Yaya's Island Paradise though the addition of a brand new character Yaya is very ranging from ensuring that one of your partners finishes the race ahead of the baddies collecting more Wampa fruit than the baddies or simply coming in first place yourself and that can appreciate that they aren't trying to reinvent the wheel with this campaign the thing is I found these to be really hard because these controls this is a Full Tilt motion controlled game with acceleration on all the time tapping the screen makes you jump tilting and holding will cause you to power slide and jumping off of ramps will cause you to Nitro boost when you land there is absolutely zero control customization this is how the game controls but it is a game that you can play the controls have a surprising amount of nuance but it's mostly okay for just racing it's when things start getting demanding that you really see the limits of these controls a few of these story missions really tested my patience collecting CRA sh in a races is also how you unlock stuff and in getting them all while also trying to finish in a decent position can be a surprising pain in the ass most of us could stomach motion controls in 2008 when it felt like it was the future like when we all thought that a movie being in 3D was worth twice the price of a normal ticket but a decade later nah son I really wish I could play this game on a controller I mean it's fine for winning races but the Precision you need to finish some of these missions grassland Paradise is Dune from nitrous fuel sorry Yaya but the races themselves track design is impressive and chock full of set pieces shortcuts lots of fun jumps and boost pads a few of the tracks are quite long but instead of three laps they are only two another Smart Choice the game just never feels like it's overstaying its welcome kind of a shame about the controls but I still enjoyed my time with Nitro card 3D it's not hard to see why it's sold well and it really feels like a product of its era in a Charming way it's the type of game that people should be able to go back to you know like the original Gran Turismo or Smash Bros now maybe I'm romanticizing this era a bit because it is currently so tough to preserve it and get a hold of games like this but I don't know magikar 3 needs neat Magic card three natural 3D gets five needs out of five because it's neat all right it's neat but of course Crash Bandicoot Nitro car 3D didn't just burst from the App Store perfectly formed we have a history here it is not possible to talk about this game without shifting into reverse and retracing the skid marks we have to I mean it because when researching this video I found the most confusing lineage of video games at least that I've ever seen listen we do dumb around here but Buckle the coot up so in 2001 the keys the Crash Bandicoot franchise changed from Sony to vivendi and Universal Sony's Golden Boy was no longer bound to console exclusivity and his first major outing Wrath of Cortex eventually landed on all of the big three systems but it was with the 2003 holiday release of Crash Nitro cart that things escalated this game this game right here would unfortunately set into Motion in cataclysm of events that no Prophet could have ever foreseen PS2 GameCube Xbox of course but why stop there why don't Port this Crash Cart across every platform they could easily run it GBA yeah Nokia engage you mean the future of gaming yes yes we can so GBA crash Nitro cart I know this is technically a show about d-listed games but we have the opportunity to talk about every single one of crash's portable Racers so why not and for a gba racer Nitro cart is about what you'd expect released alongside its console siblings in November 2003 it has your standard flat plane Maps your mode 7 style courses underneath your pseudo 3D Racers it at least has a decent range of racers and stages to choose from but also a totally unnecessary Hub world in the adventure mode which is the type of overachieving I can really appreciate the Nitro boosting is done by holding R and tapping the gas which is basically backwards from the console version that took me a bit to readjust but all in all it it's probably up there with Mario Kart super Circuit and Konami crazy Racers I mean it is at least better than ants extreme racing or Shrek swap cart or did you know they made a crazy frog racing game kart racing games on the GBA is a frighteningly low bar but Nitro cart I think still delivers but I'm Uncle Derek I got a reputation to maintain can't stop at the GBA not when I have access to something so much weirder than Nokia n gauge released a few months later than the other versions in summer 2004 first of all I was completely shocked to learn the crash Nitro card for the engage is nothing like the GPA version which is an extremely rare thing for an engage game you can barely glance the engage's Library without a gba Port slapping you across the face but no engage Nitro cart bucks the trend by being an honest to Aku Aku Port of the original game with actual 3D design coming to us from the always Dependable vicarious Visions Nitro cart on the engage looks great runs smoothly has a full Suite of unlockables and is virtually unplayable due to the system's stupid vertical screen or you'd think it would be but this port is actually tailor made for the engage's stupid screen first of all handling is super generous thank God because your field of vision is terrible thanks to that stupid stupid screen but this game earns the Nitro in the title I mean turns come fast it's nearly impossible to see what's coming up but it controls surprisingly well the 5 key is your accelerator with the two key being your hop and power slide the thought of doing a slide boost at first seems completely ludicrous and it is extremely disorienting but I found that by the third lap I typically gotten familiar enough with the tracks and was successfully Nitro sliding around tight Corners also hitboxes for items are extremely generous the game meets you halfway when it comes to getting items and Blasting opponents and with a packed roster of 8 erasers at once it has a Controlled Chaos feeling that I actually really enjoyed I will say this game does in fact move very fast and is much easier to play with the system a few inches from your face not a couple feet away from you with your arm craned around the camera sorry the footage is so bad I swear I'm actually not this bad when I can play this like a normal person it probably wasn't a system seller actually I know for a fact it wasn't a system seller but vicarious Visions made it work on the hardware and most importantly proved that crash Nitro cart can be done on a cell phone and now that we have seen the good examples We Begin our true descent into crashed Nitro Insanity I'm not even really joking here researching all this stuff gave me such a headache and for the stuff that I talk about that is saying something despite a strong showing on the engage it became immediately clear to all parties involved that it was not going to revolutionize cell phone gaming so of course Universal interactive turned from Symbian OS to the good old j2me here we have our first properly delisted version of Crash Nitro cart released in Fall 2004 almost a full year from the proper console version and you know you can't fault something from eating your exact expectations yeah the sound of getting a power up is the only sound in the game and I accidentally left my sound up too high and it almost gave me a heart attack the fact that this game only really utilizes a grand total of one-fifth of an average flip phones already small screen is a pretty impressive feat in that it's impressive that developer iPlay thought they could get away with something that just barely counts as an actual game the most basic tracks imaginable paired with interchangeable Racers if not for the occasional change in background and color scheme you'd swear you were playing the exact same tracks over and over again though if you stick with it you'll experience the unfathomable Euphoria of a jump over water while it in fact stretches the idea of a functioning video game this is where flip phone gaming was at props to the engage for really pushing boundaries you can't really hate on the Java Port here because this was the state of the rest of cell phone gaming it showed that Nokia was really onto something with the engage even if the initial execution left a lot to be desired even with the exact same screen real estate issues n gauge was far closer to a bona fide gaming experience but then again it was on the engage so of course it failed to make much of a splash crashed I chill car on Java on the other hand was apparently a million seller 2005 Savvy third major crash racing title crash tag team racing despite being an absolutely Bonkers game it reviewed about as well as nitro cart but sold less not even moving a million units it it too got a milk toast Java port in late 2005. but the name of this port crash racing what the hell kind of name is that I understand why they took out the tag and team from the title taking out the Bandicoot makes it sound like a destruction Derby or burnout game Crash racing naming decisions aside trust me we will talk about that in a minute it's better looking and better playing plus has the cart Fusion mechanic from tag team racing uh making it like the most faithful Port of a crash racing game but of course they went with that name I I don't know still it is pretty impressive that tag team racing was on the big three consoles plus PSP and Java based cell phones if not for the impending Mario Kart DS it would have landed there as well Mario Kart DS by the way wound up selling 23 million copies but I think some cart competition from Crash would have bumped that number down a little but anyway this is where the Crash Bandicoot team started playing it really fast and loose with the naming conventions despite releasing as a tie into tag team racing a vague name like crash racing sounds like you're also trying to tie it into the first crash team racing and not trying to like also promote the new game tag team racing this is our sign that branding troubles were a bruin as the years pushed to the calendar to the late 2000s bash creanna smush in his console games were at their lowest point 2007's crash of the Titans in 2008's Mind Over mutants were not exactly setting the world on fire however the money must have still been moving because the Mandate came down the market demands more mobile crash Racers and it is here where we see our first iteration of Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D rubber band decoding onto Symbian OS phones on April 29 2008. and if this looks familiar it should this is the same game that was released on the iTunes app store a few months later in July 2008 That's right The Awful Truth is that the best-selling game on the App Store wasn't even an original game it was a port but now that we've retraced our way back from the early days you can see that Nitro Cart 3D was leagues ahead of crash's last mobile outing in just two and a half years the technology had progressed by bounds we should probably mention that this game was made by polarbit using their proprietary fuse engine fun fact about all the polar bit games I've been playing recently in the credits they always claim that they focus on state-of-the-art content for high-end mobile and handheld devices and all their games are a mobile top-notch title and I found this to be mostly true they did good work and polar bit brought the goods with Nitro Cart 3D we have voices music sound effects and game and a full 3d racing experience that feels like a real game as opposed to a neat little time waster the differences between this version and the iOS version that would become a million seller are actually pretty minimal the first difference happens right away there is no skippable QuickTime movie here this version instead starts up with this bizarre animation of Crash spinning and doing the splits feels like it's supposed to sync up with the music but it doesn't crash and then it's gone it's oh God so weird no surprise they cut this for the iOS Port the iOS Port would also see some graphical improvements but both still have pretty bad pop in on the horizon for the time this game looks and runs great Symbian is missing two characters polar and dingodile were iOS exclusives patched in later in 2010. there are sound effects in this version I'd never heard in the iOS version [Music] I'm really the biggest difference here is no forced motion controls but then again I wouldn't say that a telephone number pad is much of an upgrade or so I assume this is of course emulation footage but [Music] ambient version it's been preserved and is playable through emulation but Symbian users who hadn't made the switch to Apple devices weren't missing out on too much it was a solid racer on either platform but let's stop let's stop for a moment I'm gonna take some aspirin uh and while I do this do me a favor look at that name look at that name Crash Bandicoot Nitro car 3D and really look at it and remember that and memorize it okay because it will be important the Symbian version the original version of Crash Bandicoot Nitro Cart 3D dropped April 29 2008. four and a half years after the original console version of Crash Nitro cart like that's kind of weird already right however Nitro Cart 3D is actually more of a version probably ain't right to call it a port a version of 2005's crash tag team racing except with everything in the way of the clashing cars together and in titular tag team play removed so it's very a port of tag team racing is definitely not a port of nitro cart at all I'd sooner say It's actually an original crash bandico game that just happens to have carts and the word Nitro in the title and both these games are already in 3D so it's not like some kind of huge get for these mobile games so what are we doing here is the 3D in the title here to distinguish it from the previous mobile crash Nitro cart no because as a matter of fact Crash Bandicoot Nitro car 3D resilient phones was released alongside a Java based 2D version called Crash Bandicoot Nitro cart no not Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2D just Crash Bandicoot Nitro cart I found an old press release where they refer to the game as the 2D version yet that is not the name now I know what you're saying is he really gonna keep talking about this and yes I am and does this mean that there are three separate games called crash Nitro cards and no there are two games called crash Nitro card and then this game game called crashed Bandicoot Nitro cart oh but don't worry don't worry bevendi would later change that name to something less confusing crash Nitro cart 2. I am losing my mind they dropped Bandicoot for some reason and now this is a sequel to the 2004 Java game a game that was barely a game in the first place despite the fact that it's actually building off of the second Java game Crash racing yes because I'll remind you it was apparently a million seller and therefore was a legacy worth continuing I guess oh but don't get confused and think that this is a sequel to the engage version either which is also technically a mobile phone version but is an actual Faith report of the console original but this means that before they retroactively made this one a sequel there were four different versions of nitro cart available on four different mobile devices five if you want to count the GBA but what about Good Old crash racing where does that fit into this picture it doesn't everyone's completely forgotten about Crash racing as well they should because it somehow still has the stupidest name of all so the 2D version of Crash Bandicoot Nitro Cart 3D became crash Nitro cart 2 and all is fine but of course nitrocart 3D ended up being a surprise hit on iOS and got a sequel and what is that game called Crash Bandicoot Nitro cartoon why why why why must you hurt why must you hurt me it dropped to 3D shove the Bandicoot back in there and thought they'd get away with it this means that at this moment on planet Earth there does not exist a game called Crash Bandicoot Nitro cart and if all this actually seems rather straightforward you are welcome because researching not to mention just Googling these games and putting all this together was a nightmare that neither you nor anyone else will have to endure this is my legacy this is what I leave behind this is my mark on the world this is this is what I was put on this Earth to do I guess but uh well what about Crash nice for cart two it is at least a massively improved game with so much more packed in it is essentially a downgraded version of nitro car 3D so we get a lot of the same additions Yaya panda a story considerably faster gameplay that same weird menu song and the music during races I really take this almost Star Fox looking aesthetic and look at all these game modes and if that were enough it now utilizes a whopping one third [Music] really the game it's fine it's all overshadowed by the fact that it exists in the first place and it's stupid name helped create one of the stupidest naming fiascos of all time the next game in our timeline is our old friend the iOS Port which again launched with the App Store in July 2008 we have officially come back to where we left off but the weird Legacy of nitro car 3D is far from finished if you'll remember after the engage system flopped Nokia brought it back as their very own app store the engage 2.0 that's right and Gage is back baby sort of and who better for Nokia's Apple App Store killer than good old Crash Bandicoot Nitro card 3D it's worth noting that this version of the game would have been entirely identical to the version found on other sympian storefronts though I guess it might have been easier to find on this flop of an app store in any case its availability on engage 2.0 meant that later Nokia phones with actual landscape display capabilities could have downloaded it which meant you could have experienced this game the way it was meant to be played horizontal and on a potato but honestly the engage 2.0 as a whole is all pretty poorly documented so I don't really know a lot of the technical details but what I can say for certain is that there was another brand of devices that could take Nitro card 3D Beyond just glorious landscape mode of brand of devices that could finally bring this game to a proper television to the living room but not just any living room Brazilian living rooms that's right where else would this Rabbit Hole take us it's Zebo time but it wouldn't be any time if not for the support of our wonderful patrons we're gonna stop the video for a second and say thank you to all the people that support us on patreon they help us make ridiculous videos like this you can help as well for as little as one dollar you can learn all about that also in the description below stop skeletons and fighting okay back to Zebo time because of course the Zebo got a port of nitro car 3D in fact it was another launch game for both the Brazil and Mexico gazebo debuts now this is my third version of this game but my first with the controller I wasn't a huge fan of the motion controls but this feels like a monkey's paw curling I really wish I could play this on a controller [Music] on both this game and the Zebo this game sucks it's a bad version of this game and a bad sibo game trust me you listen you can trust Uncle Derek on this it's tough to know where to start so let's just start the beginning this is what greets you at startup that weird animation again but it's even more poorly timed here because the song is like double speed for some reason [Music] why I mean before this song was a jaunty hoedown [Music] trying to get me to enroll in clown college when the drums come in they sound like they're being played by Animal from The Muppets their drum owe you money calm down it's just a Zemo game after that things get worse welcome to crash Nitro farts in 3D there is a race to the bottom between crash Nitro card sibo and Resident Evil 4 Zemo for the most hilariously terrible audio I've ever heard in the game [Music] but the winners probably still doing 32x but the most disappointing thing is the controls this controller as we talked about on this channel before is not good but there are zero games that control well or at least fine this is not one of them the controls feel even more overly sensitive and if you so much as get one wheel off the road your speed immediately plummets so I'm weirdly enough having a harder time keeping on the road with an analog stick and the game is way more punishing for mistakes this controller is making me Pine for a telephone number pad on top of that it's just a much more difficult game the AI drivers are much more aggressive with worse rubber banding all this while you damn cart won't stop farting my life for Doom 32x right now but there is a solution or at least an alternative remember the Zebo was released in 2009 and what was everyone trying to copy in 2009 the Wii that's right the Zebo had its own motion controller called the boomerang so far I'd say Nitro car 3D controls best with motion controls so let's see if that's still true for the Zemo port as you can see it's not very responsive but also too sensitive at the same time oh my God you are making me Pine for a tiltable iPod but I'm nothing if not thorough I have done my due diligence there is no good way to play Nitro car 3D on azebo but I want to cut the developers a bit of slack the Zebo ran on a custom version of qualcomm's Brewing which was very difficult to port to so difficult that devs typically had to redo games from scratch generating a cost of up to 20 times more than expected that explains why this game plays differently to the point that it's basically a different and much worse game but thankfully it wouldn't be the last mobile racer in the bandicart Legacy we've hit rock bottom now let's get right back to the top and that brings us to Nitro car 3D's 2010 sequel Crash Bandicoot Nitro cart 2. yet dropping the 3D from the title makes it sound like a sequel to the seven-year-old PS2 game but it's not I swear trust me I double checked I double checked and everything it released exclusive for iOS devices making it the Holy Grail of the insane crash Nitro tag racing team 3d2 super fuel titles of all the games we've mentioned so far in this video this is the only one that has not been preserved through some kind of emulation which is a shame because it's the best one with the bullets so Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2 is almost the exact same as nitro car 3D just better first off they kept the motion controls and added the option four touch controls which worked so much better but the motion controls are also improved here it's kind of hard to properly describe this kind of thing but trust me race car marsupial man seek will move better on top of that characters are no longer locked to certain Vehicles which is a nice touch it has a little more variety though only a few of the cars boost the character stats why would I choose a car that doesn't boost my stats some kind of optional hard mode I guess also this game is stacked with modes Mission cup time attack Eliminator collector arcade skill and the pizza resistance multiplayer finally a mobile game that could have had team in the title he went with that whatever multiplayer is open from the start but most of these modes and a lot of the characters and cars are locked initially but they start unlocking pretty fast as you work through cups and missions the game just runs so much smoother characters look like they have an actual Soul holy crap it also sounds better listen to this groovy song on the main menu thank you and it feels like I'm in a mid-2000s Old Navy or maybe I'm a little biased coming off of that Zebo Port anything sounds good the racing is even smoother now with improved frame rate and less pop-in levels have fewer obstacles less floppy squishy things and cannonballs the Collision detection for those traps and obstacles was always really rough made them way too hard to miss in the previous game polar bit wisely focused more on just turns jumps and shortcuts versus obstacles here in the sequel the final two cups have some seriously complicated and difficult tracks missions are still harder than just racing in Mission one you have to power slide and jump to get 80 000 points while also somehow still finishing at least third and it is insanely difficult I find it much safer just to race conservatively and not drift even though the motion controls are an improvement from the last iOS game I just could not keep it on the road trying to power slide all the time but that's actually when I tried the touch controls the first time and I beat that mission on my first try and then when I tried it again while capturing footage I actually ended up placing even better I still in general found drifting to be too risky to do during races but I cranked through those missions unlocking new characters and cars and with unlocking new modes in the cups it's a rich package I will say that some tracks are a little long and the previous game offset this by requiring only two laps on the longer tracks it is not the case here in the sequel and like I said those last few tracks are an endurance and I'll say this about both these games the rubber banding is great I've finished races with gigantic leads I've also been nearly lapped by first place despite being in second but there's still enough Racers on the track for that Mario Kart styled Controlled Chaos that's so much fun there are hate seeking missiles bombs Castlevania style stopwatches and slow down time a lot of power-ups that can ruin your run but there's no blue shells or big lightning bolts that can drop you down from first to last place on the final stretch the two iOS Nitro cart games are great games on their own but it's meaningful that they are also two great Crash Bandicoot games it is a shame that they are so difficult to get a hold of nowadays especially this sequel which is only on iOS the most tragic though is the multiplayer it was sorely lacking in the first one and is a big addition here in Nitro kart 2. in fact it is the first time a mobile crash racer had multiplayer since the damn engage I wish I could tell you how it is but it is hard enough to get your hands on an iOS device that has Nitro car 2 but then finding somebody else to copy to battle it out is basically impossible and by all accounts it was a pretty well received entry and crashes kart racing Pantheon that said it would also be the last not just racing game but last Crash Bandicoot game until the insane Trilogy seven years later at least the era ended on a high note but as the way things go it would not last Nitro cart 2 for iOS would vanish like all of crash's mobile Racers and now that you know all about these titles let's talk about how all of them are now completely lost to the cruel sands of time at least legitimately the first version to crash and burn would be the engage 2.0 release which died alongside the entire Services storefront in September 2010. it's the same story we covered on a previous video Nokia just couldn't find a way to make the engage work and ultimately pull the plug on the digital storefront incarnation that being said since this version of the game on the engage storefront ran on the same Symbian backhand as other n-series mobile devices players could still purchase and download the game from other sources including Nokia's follow-up storefront in the OV app unfortunately this era of gaming is sorely lacking in coverage and documentation and it's unclear precisely when applications available through it including MetroCard 3D would have been taken down you could probably assume that the OB Brand's discontinuation at the end of 2012 could serve as the date of the d-listing but then there's evidence that OV continued to be updated well into 2014 so really it's anyone's guess as to what to carve onto this particular Tombstone the Zebo version of nitro car 3D and bit the dust along with the Zebo itself with September 30th 2011 marking the closure of the console's zemonet servers and thus preventing the ability to purchase or even download titles this means that the only way to play the Zebo version of nitrocard 3D is to track down someone's decade old Zebo and hope it was downloaded before they shut it all down or that you're friends with a modder while Zebo modding is coming along it's my understanding that Zevo emulation might still have a ways to go which is too bad because more people should be able to play this game and the zebos many impressively terrible games which finally brings us to the iOS version and its iOS exclusive sequel two for the price of one here we go as with so many iOS apps that have been lost to time you can mark the first signs of digital decomposition with the release of iOS 8 on September 17 2014. it is here where Legacy apps on the App Store began to run into all manner of performance and compatibility issues this was a Crossroads either devs patched incompatibility with iOS 8 or they didn't and they simply died on the vine needless to say Activision weren't particularly inclined to try and get nitrocard 3D up to spec instead opting it to just languish more surprisingly Nitro car 2 was similarly left to rot and malfunction despite the fact it likely still had a decent number of people still playing it online ultimately though both releases would run their final Laps on September 19th 2017. the day of iOS 11's release and with the purging of all 32-bit applications from the App Store with zero interest on Activision's part and attempting to update and remarket these nine and seven year old games respectively the Nitro Cart 3D games could only be left to right off into the sunset preserved only by the iPods iPhones and iPads that have been formatted yet and that is it for crash's mobile racing games let me know if you have any other d-listed topics for us to cover uh I gotta be honest the reason we started this whole project was because we have access to a Zebo and you know gotta milk that Zevo we have one more Zebo video left and then we're done we swear but this still opened up for us a giant new world of mobile phone games we see a lot of comments for Silent Hill and dead space and other weird stuff and we'd love to do these but for some of these games yes there is emulation but also you gotta have a device with them already installed so if you have one or know someone that has one let us know email or Twitter at stopskeletons or at stop skeletons on Twitter email is probably better because Grace handles the emails and we've got new shelves look at the new background huh fancy right uh Grace's dad said wow that looks like a real Studio that only took 15 years anyway I am Uncle Derek this has been a crazy look at Crash Bandicoot Nitro car 3D of course huge shout out to all of our beautiful lovely patreon supporters also huge shout out to Matthias uh for Lending us their uh iPod um and also shout out to Kid Icarus who actually got us in touch with them and you can't do a video on YouTube about Crash Bandicoot games and not have good Icarus involved in some way so the Invisible Hand of daddy caddy thank you to those guys and of course our patreon support say support us on patreon a buck or two is all you need to get into the Discord watch videos early chat with us while we're recording our podcast vote on videos all kinds of fun stuff or maybe just feel good having your name here and supporting the dumbest Channel on YouTube the dumbest Channel on YouTube for 15 years damn it alright anyway I'm Uncle Derek got producer Grace over here behind the camera check out our new set I might do a video game tour soon I've kind of been promising a video game tour for like [ __ ] years maybe I'll finally do one it's probably time it's probably it's probably time yeah but until then uh this is Uncle Derek producer Grace uh we are saying goodbye stay powerful and we'll see you again real soon thanks for watching
Channel: Stop Skeletons From Fighting
Views: 62,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: delisted crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot ports, crash nitro kart n-gage, crash bandicoot mobile ios, crash nitro kart, crash bandicoot mobile android, zeebo, crash team racing, delisted, crash bandicoot ios, crash bandicoot java, java games, ctr, crash nitro kart games, crash bandicoot mobile game, crash bandicoot mobile gameplay, crash on the run, delisted games, crash team racing nitro fueled, crash bandicoot android, crash bandicoot mobile apk, yaya panda crash
Id: KB07oxJkd2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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