Bangkok Street Food - $2 SPICY SQUID!! | Real Local Thai Food!

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today I'm taking you on a Thai street food tour of bangkok's we're gonna be eating some really popular street food that's popular with taxi drivers and tuk-tuk drivers we're gonna have boiled beef we're gonna have some stir-fry dishes and then we're gonna have some meaty grills it's going to be a lot of delicious Thai food and I can't wait to share it all with you coming up right now [Music] hey everyone good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark Wiens I'm in Bangkok Thailand a lot of delicious food coming up and we're gonna start this morning with a place for braised or boiled beef soup which should be just up ahead [Music] [Applause] yes here we are you can already see a crowd of people up there music music [Laughter] this place is just boiled beef [Laughter] this place is so friendly on the sidewalk and you'll smell the aroma the fumes of the boiled beef and the broth before you even get to the cart they have all the braised boiled beef parts at the front you can get a mix you can get a bunch of different things they put it all into the bowl I got everything and then they add in some Chinese celery and then that broth that broth is something truly spectacular there's pineapple in the recipe giant beef bones in there oh Mulberry oh okay oh mulberry leaves are in the recipe in the broth okay okay foreign it's a traditional it's a traditional recipe so the more we sit here and just Converse and hang out just they're just so friendly and so welcoming and hospitable and the just seeing and analyzing the suit more but there's so many ingredients that go into including pineapple lemongrass galangal lime leaves mulberry leaves from the possibly from the bush right back here and they boil the bones for over three hours with all the herbs and spices and the medicinal uh ingredients that go into it and then combine it with all the The Boiled beef part what a recipe so clean so refreshing will be very stinky yes but this one is not oh okay okay so so so that's that's why there are a lot of people here become his fan club okay okay so he boils it so it's very clean tasting if you buy it since four or five o'clock in the morning okay and and the the soup it starts to be at awesome [Music] oh okay oh you can eat rice they also mentioned free rice free sauce free all the condiments and even the tea is free as well oh I'm so excited beef soup in the morning and this place has an incredible story we've just been talking with uncle and his family has an amazing story but before I tell you I start on that broth we have to start eating okay here we go oh that's just so beefy all the different parts there's room and there's stomach there's beef there's meatballs there's everything let me be a piece of that beef first with a bunch of that broth before we season like the man I was talking with was saying it's so clean they really know how to clean and cook the organs and the story here is that Uncle who started it he's a former policeman he was a cop for 40 years he said that he loves to drink and hang out with his friends and hang out and so he loves that culture and so when he retired he started this little stall uh just serving something called gam which usually means drinking food for his friends they are still doing it right over there yeah good morning good morning thank you very much thank you very much his friends loved it so much that they said you have to keep on making it and actually he was open every day but then during covet he decided to reduce the hours so now they're only open for three mornings per week okay so next move is to take some of the beef let's try some of that some of the chunks of beef this is the beef braised beef meat and dip it into the sauce provided oh there's tons of shallots in here there's oh I think it's mukwen is there makwan inside of the sauce it's similar to Sichuan pepper and then there's chili in here there's a lot of Sawtooth coriander as well look at that sauce oh yes with that sauce the citrusy flavor of the maquen similar to Sichuan pepper and similar to prickly ash has a little bit of a Zing unit and a little bit of a citrusy flavor with the chilies with the shallots I love the chunkiness of all of the Chateau coriata in there as well and that beef just melts on your tongue oh that's so good Chase with the broth and then Additionally you can also season your bowl of soup [Music] [Applause] [Music] chili vinegar I'm also going to add some dried chili flakes to it as well that'll bump up the heat a bit [Music] oh wow yes oh man the flavor the beef is so tender and so clean and then you can eat that along with rice it's so good there's a basket of shallots on the table but you can just Serve Yourself shallots and grab a shallot with a knife on the table peel peel a shallot and I think you could maybe I'll take a bite and then Chase it with a shallot let's grab a nice piece of oh here we go I think this is room and full dunk in that extraordinary sauce Charlotte so crisp so juicy so much flavor then there's also a whole basket of herbs you can eat let's do it there's tree basil there's holy basil there's uh oh even water Morning Glory [Music] and that just kind of plunges the palette refreshes the mouth from all of the flavors and the beefiness okay let's move back in all of the parts oh look at this piece oh yeah give this one a nice full submersion in the sauce the organs are so clean and so like tender wow just slightly elasticy in a good way what is this part is this the is that the tail it's either the tail or something else that looks like the tail that melts in your mouth with a little bit of [Music] gelatini material in it okay we've got a bunch of Meatballs as well hold up excellent oh man so tasty oh that was so satisfying so good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] just overwhelmed by the friendliness and hospitality just genuine friendliness and that's a real popular spot especially for taxi drivers tuk-tuk drivers and cops [Music] as we're walking to our next street food stall having a little chance to walk around actually directly translates to the big roundabout and it is a huge roundabout with a statue of King taksin in the center and the history of it is that it's a big Transportation Hub on the tonburi side of the West Bank of the chaoplaya river and it was originally set up to be the Transportation Hub with a bridge connecting the East Bank of the chal praya which is more of the business side of Bangkok to the tonburi side and so that's the history today it Still Remains a massive Transportation Hub the roundabout So Many Roads connecting and offshooting from the roundabout as well as one of the main train stations in Bangkok here at wongai as well and of course there's a lot of delicious food in and around and the surrounding streets of and now we're stepping into this is Market this is another big attraction [Music] foreign [Music] this is one of the best and the biggest markets fresh wet markets in Bangkok there's just an abundance of all the ingredients that go into Thai food there is a lot of delicious food to eat within the market as well maybe we'll come back and do a tour within the market but for now we're just going to walk through the market and get to the next place to eat [Music] we're at a place that serves it's called ahan tamsang which means food made to order and that typically refers to stir-fried dishes and so they they don't even really have a menu I mean you can choose any combination of stir-fry dishes whether that be stir-fried minced pork stir-fried squid stir-fried whatever meat on hand crispy pork belly I decided to go for squid stir fried with basil this is just some of my favorite type of food in Bangkok everything fried fresh made to order such friendly service he just knows exactly what she's doing and I ordered a dish which is called muknapow or kapow which is squid stir-fried with holy basil she adds in some string beans she adds in I ordered it extra spicy she adds in some garlic a bunch of crushed chilies stir fries that down and then uh tosses in a handful of kaplow which is the holy basil which gives the dish its name its signature taste it wouldn't be pad capral without the holy basil and that's what makes it smells so good oh man those fumes the chilies just spewing into the air a cloud of chili smoke smells so good that goes onto the rice with a kaido a fried egg on the side this is just pure happiness this is oh I just love Bangkok street food and things like this it's so good foreign [Applause] just make me happier than sitting on a stool balancing on the sidewalk on the side of the road chili fumes in the air that are just cleaning out your nostrils delicious food and extremely friendly people this is this is why I love street food so much okay here we go let's start off with this oh it's Saucy garlicky basil hot and fresh foreign [Music] oh wow yes spicy garlicky salty saucy hot and fresh in the aroma the peppery Aroma of the basil the freshness the crunch of the long beans extraordinary but we do need to add some of that which is the fish sauce and chillies especially to the egg and just kind of drizzle it to make it complete nice bucket here of Chili's there's some shallots in here as well onto the egg oh yes okay let's just tear right into that egg yes all pure happiness let the sauces mingle the chilies the yolk s oh wow just simple everyday Thai food like this there's some of the happy happiest food that you'll eat so much flavor and Yin got another dish um pork stir-fried with bamboo shoots which also looks really good I'll just try hers real fast oh excellent I love bamboo Foods I think they're pickled bamboo shoots as well so they have a little bit of a brand new Taste of them so tasty in this place they set up for lunch we are right along yeah Road on I think that's soy ha soy five and right in front of a coffee corn Bank this is the spot oh great lunch time [Music] oh yes on our way to the next place next up on this Thai street food tour we are at La balek this is a roadside stall with a giant meat cabinet they're famous for a dish called lab which is an isan mixed meat salad isan style they have all the meat fresh meat but you order she mixes everything up fresh mix the lab they have the grills going this place is incredible [Music] which is the grilled beef marinated and then grilled beef and then we're also getting lab with beef which she cooks everything over fire over charcoal so she just she hand chopped the beef then she cooked it over charcoal now she's mixing in all the the spices and this is kalkua which is toasted sticky rice powder chilies go in fish sauce and then all the herbs green onions and mint goes in we also got a dish called which is uh beef which again Cooks down on the charcoal I mean it's almost the same recipe as lab except this is slices of beef beef pieces like steak instead of minced chopped beef [Music] so this place serves isan food and isan is the northeastern region of Thailand which is a huge region which borders the Mekong River and uh which is just across the river from Lao and so they share many cultural and food similarities but isan food is very popular throughout Bangkok there's many people from isan that have settled in Bangkok and this is about as isan as you can possibly get in Bangkok actually this place they don't even serve sontam which is the the pounded papaya salad or the salad mixes this place is just hardcore meat all the meat dishes the grilled meat dishes the lobs you can get raw lab here too which is also delicious looks incredibly good and it's very tempting but I got the cooked version I'm just gonna go in for that lob first the mixed minced beef she chopped it by hand oh wow yes oh it's meaty it's sour the lime juice it's refreshing it's herbal you've got the Smoky toasted flavor of that rice which is pounded into a powder and yet it still has this crunch to it and then this type of food must be eaten with kanyol or sticky rice because what you can do is just take a take a ball of sticky rice you can actually kind of smash it squash it in your hands compress it and then you can dip into that you can dip into the juices let it absorb into the juices pick up a little lob while you're at it the garlic the chilies the lime juice oh happiness okay here's the wrong High this is the grilled beef dip into the sauce oh the sauce okay let me take this bite and I'll tell you about the sauce [Music] oh not so much going on in your mouth and the first thing is the freshness of the beef it's just so fresh and so muscular and then about the sausage that Uncle actually makes your sauce specifically to your liking when we ordered he asked us how we want our sauce and we said we want it sour we want it it's a little bitter spicy and so he actually mixes the sauce for you according to your taste what a what a just customizable sauce that's a that's incredible so next up we're gonna have thumbnail which is like thumb sap this is wow that's a lot of fatty chunks in there you can see some that thick layer of oil on top that's just straight up like boiled beef and fat [Music] that's a melted cow right there in a bowl oh man it's so oily and so thick when you taste that fragrance it's been boiled with a lot of herbs for sure and that is just straight up melted cow in a bowl after that oily bite one thing you can do is Chase with vegetables is um I think this one is mustard it's I think it's similar to Wasabi let's see oh yeah oh yeah keep on coming oh that immediately has a Wasabi effect this soup is just insanely insanely meaty you have to chase every bite with some of the basil or herbs to balance the oiliness oh man that is so good again the last dish we got is the namtok again this is a straight up meat dish grilled or if she slices the beef and then it's all the same spices as the lab oh oh wow yeah the acidity of the lime juice the the MSG is also bumping up that flavor that's without a doubt the fish sauce in there the green onions and again the fragrance of the kalkua natoshi sticky rice that's also what makes it just so tasty not everything here is just I mean this is straight up the real deal Taste of esan this is authentic this is Hardcore Meats that's without a doubt foreign love this texture of beef is this so natural you know it's not overly tender it's not it's just the the real deal beef that's just natural tasting you know it's not not overly tender and marble this is just Real Deal beef man I love ishan food absolutely love it so satisfying all that sauce oh man you just want to cake up as much sauce onto your bites of beef as possible um and we're gonna sit here finish the rest of this meal so good today I mean everywhere that we've been people have been so incredibly friendly the food is Top Notch and these really are real deal authentic places where taxi drivers where delivery drivers where cuckoo drivers like people congregate to hang out to eat delicious food and to socialize I'll have all three places highly recommended listed in the description box below that you can check out and I want to say a huge thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now for lots more Thai street food and food and travel videos goodbye from Bangkok I'll see you on the next video foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,602,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thai food, Thai street food, Bangkok food, Bangkok street food, Mark Wiens, Bangkok food tour, street food tour, Thai food tour, street food, Thailand street food, Thailand, Thailand travel, things to do in Thailand, Mark Wiens Thailand, kaprao, squid, food, food videos, food vlog, street food videos, street food vlog
Id: MmW1g5ApLXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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