Bambu X1 Carbon 3D Printer Review

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] but what's going on did a company send us another 3D printer uh yes this one is from bamboo Labs the uh the new kid in town they sent me the bamboo lab X1 series combo to take a look at people are definitely talking about these at Murph quite a bit as well carrying handles on the case the UPS person appreciated that and so do I because I'm gonna have to set this on the ground pull it out oh it just does this have that multi-filament system on it too the more 3D printers I review the more companies send them to me it's like I'm becoming a 3D printer review Channel I know people have commented that but I saw someone commented like Ben why don't you build things it's like I've been working on a really long term pinball programming project for spooky it's actually been a year now and yeah well yeah it is kind of my day job because in the past remember when I did the show I was making a show and I was getting paid to build things on the show that after I've stopped doing that I was quote unquote semi-retired for a few years but now I'm like okay now I'm gonna you know I still do like my controllers for Disabilities but I spent about four days a week on uh Unity C sharp programming for pinball I'm probably gonna do another machine after this one too so okay so this is the X1 they also have a lower end model called the p1p that one is kind of similar in the same price range is that creality K1 I recently reviewed I had them materials are really nice it's all all the panels are glass this this feels like aluminum yeah it is Aluminum when it does the filament Purge to start a print it does it in the back of the printer and then it actually comes out like this so poop shoot so to speak and then you can go into a printer litter box this reminds me of Thanksgiving and you get the turkey and like the the giblets and the liver and the heart are like stuffed inside the turkey and you gotta pull them out man this thing's in there tight yeah more arrows just like the other printer looks like they've got some sort of plastic carriage for this well yeah you got to take the giblets out and that's how you make your gravy you know you gotta mix it with the turkey juices there we go Oh weird there's like a mushy desiccant in it huh it feels like the peanut butter from an MRE let's get this out onto a tray yeah this thing just screams quality uh the the p1p is kind of the same thing except for there's no enclosure there's no sides to it um you can always add that on but I think it's one of the ways they make it cost reduced all right kind of gotta sneak in there and get it I'm going to use this flexible extension tool from iFixit this video is not sponsored by iFixit who's a guy who's always like I bought 10 broken PlayStation fives I'm gonna fix them Tronics fix he's always talking about iFixit right oh great it's now it's I stuck now make sure you have a long hex key before you try that that was like just the limits of mine it's like a little wiper here oh I bet they could use this to do like material changes without having to do Purge blocks you just dump the material at the back here let's just toggle for I wonder yeah so the K1 they had the tube going through the energy chain here they've got it outside of it and a much uh looser curve at the end if you recall when we did the K1 video that was something that I thought was a design flaw in that printer looks like that's not an issue here this what does that do [Music] the quick start guide is okay thin considering the price of this printer like it says uh oh remove the phone from underneath the build platform but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to remove that until I actually Z it up then it looks like here this must be the filament chain system okay so I guess that goes in that far and then one of these is six pin and one of these is four pin okay says you can go to into either one of these I wonder why there's two oh I bet you can daisy chain them there must be some sort of like filament cutter in here so notice there's four separate extruders up there so yeah oh yeah those extruders up there must attract the filament bring it to the cutter and then oh that's probably why they have a lot of a lot of stuff set up for purging because you'd have to purge this much material I assume guess we'll find out why am I going to use the rear spool holder if I'm using this spool delivery system at the top so let's just skip that step oh there's even more screws these ones hold the bed in place pla plate there's two other plates that included cool plate okay found a panel in the back with this inside of it is it a charcoal filter possibly oh yeah it probably is they have like a closed-loop air system and they run the fumes through the charcoal filter to absorb the fumes [Music] my ribbon cable is kind of difficult to get in place and of course oh yeah let's get it on is there a soft power on yeah look at this holds four filaments they've got their own Motors or actually maybe it's a linear uh a linear detector a linear detector you know basically detects movement I don't know I guess we'll see what happens I don't know two languages lady English and bad English yeah these are in here pretty tight I didn't want to force it so I'm just going to let it bring the bed up looks like uh this is one of those printers where you use the glue stick as a release agent rather than a stick agent [Music] oh wow those are long pieces it kind of looks like a head of GLaDOS holy crap oh man that is one thick bed bamboo lidar wow [Music] is lidar a portmanteau or an acronym it's like it was like laser infrared distance and ranging is that right leave a comment below it's making a bunch of different oscillating sounds so I wonder if that's input shaping light detection and ranging so uh it's kind of like a portmanteau and an acronym like modem or motel but not scuba whoa look at that Rod it looks like that's weird it's like some sort of black carbon I've never seen one like that before in a picture there's the input shaping yes shape that input oh there it goes oh I should probably now you can't see anything except the fact I need a haircut it's shaking the printer to get its resonant frequency the cola Tesla would be proud yeah speaking of resonant frequency I'm printing a input shaper test block on the Maker Gear M2 so I can run the input shaper detection on it later oh yeah carbon rods hmm hmm I think I can figure out how to lubricate some rods a Delta 12 Niner to ATC we're coming in for a landing uh Roger Delta 12 Niner you are clear to land so it's like I put the filament anywhere I want oh [Music] this is as good as mine whoa does that mean it's done [Music] I give it an ass I stuck it into the tube until it grabbed it and now it's doing this oh it's got active Drive Wheels for the spool itself oh that's awesome I've always wanted it I wanted to build something like that because that is the number one problem is like when you just pull this to make the spool rotate it causes it to get bound up but if you actually rotated the spool with the filament in theory that shouldn't happen what's something simple like soup well this must tell you what to load for multi-colored Parts the response time on the touch screen isn't the greatest yeah see two colors of pla place above filaments into the AMS slots from left to right so which was it was a left second left second right rightmost you should they should have like a little number on it well the instruction manual said I could put the filament in wherever I wanted that back button is precariously close to print now okay this is 23 minutes see what it does I mean is it going to just pick whatever filament is loaded I wonder you probably have to tell it what's in what kind of reminds me of a pick and place machine looks like it's taking a mesh bed level and notice there's a chamber temperature so I'm going to leave the door closed the 28c isn't that hot bed 35 that seems kind of low [Music] 35 degrees that's almost freezing well it must be okay with this filament being loaded over here looks like We're Off to the Races doing input shaping again I wonder how fast this is going to print I would assume it's 300 to 500 millimeters a second apparently I'm going to print a bare skin rug of a polar bear that got hit with a steamroller while we wait a cat it's a weird Purge section you might see it this way oh I bet it's using this lidar to look at the width of the things that it's printing out [Applause] yeah see how they're right under the lidar sensor hmm so Clipper does something like this too I believe that's for its pressure Advance where it will print multiple lines and then I think you can like take a photo of them and then put them into the software and then it will be like oh okay this line that I printed that's the best line and then it'll use whatever that those settings were for the rest of the print is it gonna do this again over there I don't know it's just gonna get started now yeah notice on these lines how there's some different thicknesses like right here there's some over Extrusion and then back here is more normal Extrusion so yeah it's calibrating itself and then using the lidar to actually analyze the plastic that's been laid down that's pretty hardcore for all that once this thing gets past the first layer I would expect it to cook with gas oh wow that's actually etched aluminum very nice was it taking the self-test time into the estimate because now we're down to 15 minutes it's kind of like how a third of your flight is just taxing on the runway or 90 of your flight if you're in O'Hare [Music] it's like the scenes in the office or they're trying to see what Michael is doing through the bathroom door [Music] and now we're up to speed we need to look up how fast this printer can go this doesn't seem I mean this seems like it might be like 150 to 200 millimeters a second it's pretty straight lines here so I wonder if this print is a little conservative speed that's interesting it takes it in chunks I wonder if inside of this there's like some slack bamboo printer look what you did [Music] the top surface or the Top Line layers really smooth it almost looks like you know non-printed plastic yeah look at that top one there you can see it was going like so yeah this is glue stick as release agent it's a crime scene very consistent bottom layer you can see the lines almost seems like it should be a little bit more compressed well I mean obviously we have these fine detail of numbers oh gee it's in millimeters I would have never guessed but yeah the actual like top surface because usually the top surface of a print is the part that looks the worst it does seem like 23 minutes total of a princess is kind of a long time again like a third of that was the calibration I wonder if it does it has to do that every time or if it's only you tell us do that only every time because something like input shaping it's not like the resonant frequency of your printer is going to change overnight this is the cup of a carpenter there's a little bit of an air gap C9 has a gap on the sides I did some more reading on the AMS system so yeah there's a hub in the back here so it brings all four of the filaments to a hub and then it can advance them only one of them advances into the center of the Hub and that's what comes out the back of the unit and apparently it does do an active drive when it reverses it so these front spinning wheels actually do Drive In Reverse so that was that reverse motion we saw so a negative apparently you're not supposed to use cardboard spools in this now I consider that a negative because I try to get cardboard spool filament whenever I can because the truth of Life Is Random Plastics like these aren't that recyclable a lot of them just get piled up and personally from an environmental level I want to use cardboard so they said cardboard spools can be a problem on this I'm going to give it a shot anyway because most of my filament is on cardboard spools one of the most recyclable things in the world it and aluminum cans foreign so is it retracting the previous filament seems like it's working you know what the actual problem might be is not the fact that it's cardboard but the fact that the cardboard might flake up and create dust which can follow the system you see this discard rule this is a super and it'll get turned into napkins no problem oh also they have RFID in their branded plastics it's not required to run the printer but then it will tell the printer oh this is what the color is so over in the software which I'll show you in a bit it actually knows this is green this chamber is meant to be airtight and these panels down here you can open them up and they have removable desiccants actually keep dust off the prints as well or the off the filament it looks like it was purging the old filament out the uh the chute the green filament let's see if [Music] yeah that's so cool that they have that shoot because normally the purges end up on your build platforms you have to go in there and you know grab them off of their hands are you a cat yeah are you a large loaf so this does give you this this does include the setup time with the print estimate the 42 minutes for this whole thing seems a bit High the quality isn't even remotely close to the bamboo but this one can print out one of those in about 42 minutes as well so yes it seems like even though the bamboo can do high speeds it seems like it's more the focus is more on quality and ease of use Ben this this video is not about that printer like what's about printers in general see I still even have the old MakerBot and this signed autograph I still need to give to Felix someday [Music] okay here is the bamboo software it looks like it's based off of prusa slicer which itself is open source this would be the user view like that analog shaft yeah this is a good one okay over here does the printer know that I have another spool loaded doesn't seem to so how it's got a one here that was the pla basic it must have detected that with the RFID what do I do it with this oh there we go number two all right so let's take this one and get rid of it oh yeah so if you're like oh I've got four of these loaded this is what I'm going to use apparently this can actually if one of the spools runs out it can actually go to the next spool and continue on so that is a great feature like between that and like the uh the slack that I was introducing like I think that that could be a killer app okay so I manually added a second spool here already just synchronize yeah do a re-synchronize okay so even though it's loaded filament automatically on slot two there's no RFID chip so it hasn't populated that in the list so I think right right here it should say filament present unknown instead of having to add it manually and then you would say okay tell the system what it is so it's generic pla now it should appear over here change filament of course it's off the bottom of the screen sorry I still got these weird 1610 monitors that I've had for like 15 years the pro Dells what is it bud you were whiny uh I don't think it's how do you change the color it just randomly kicks out here we go randomly picks a color I wonder how you do multi-color stuff on this I wonder if it's like the old days where you actually have just basically you create two models and you mix them together there's also really cool stuff I saw it at Murph like people will use multi-color printers to create like um plastic lithographs where they'll put really thin layers of colors together and create like really amazing artwork I think you need extra software for that though okay so let's see quality layer height is this like a strength oh come on let's just turn on Advanced wall Loops too that seems kind of low I usually go like four to three infill pattern oh there's quite a few all those different patterns at the top and the bottom do we have a cubic oh there's cubic okay that's what we want Oh that's oh internal solid infill pattern okay yeah that makes sense because that would be different from the I've never seen it described as the sparse infill pattern before uh 15 should be good so I did look it up I think this printer it can go up to like 500 millimeters a second but the default out of the box like what they recommend is 250. and that's that's not the fastest printer but I think the goal with this printer is like insane accuracy and uh you know all those lidar things I did print one small thing last night with the first filament that I loaded in uh let's see so is there an overall speed other outer wall travel Speed 500 acceleration yeah is there just like a global I guess there isn't maybe if I turn off Advanced oh I don't even get a speed option without that this menu selection is radically different than the standard Spruce soft spruca it's made of trees the standard prusa software Prime Tower well we don't need that well yeah wait would this even make a Prime Tower because it's got that that shoot in the back I am a skirt guy I don't like brims all right actually we do need support for this so how is the support generated must be that's all support oh yeah so this works like prusa does of course it does it looks like it's got oh it's already guessed it pretty well right there uh let's see sphere fill okay uh how do I how do I do it do I have to slice to see it well that's way too aggressive I want you to paint me like one of your French models your French stls let's see let's get rid of that red because it's distracting so let's try to paint it oh but it's like in a mood this morning actually now now he's not used to me working in the basement in the mornings because I spend most of my time upstairs programming these days so Bud's like what are you doing down here I'm gonna be needy and whiny foreign look over here type of support normal Auto so we want normal manual it's like you know he's like yeah you have all these 3D printer programs or most of them are based off Cura or prusa slicer I think Super slicer is also based off Bruce's slicer and they're all slightly different but they're different enough to kind of annoy you see I still might I still like to use simplify 3D even though the new version wasn't that great okay this should be fine it's probably Overkill but whatever yeah so let's see how it's got these different layers at the top okay yeah so it's got all the same features as well of course it has the same features as Bruce's laser because it is prusa slicer Bruce Wayne why are you dressed up like Batman that's because he is Batman was oh I can't wait for Dune two you know he's he's got to say the line right he's in it you know he's he's the emperor the spice must flow I also went and saw Oppenheimer and he also does indeed say the line but probably not in a scene that you'd expect him to that definitely subverted my expectations all right let's see print plate filament to AMS slots oh is this if you can't connect to the printer shouldn't there be a question mark at the end also why does it think it's going to go into slot a what oh it's a mouse over click to select AMS slot manually okay so yeah I think this should be better it's connected to the printer it knows that I've loaded a filament into spool 2 even if it doesn't have enough RFID chip so it should there should be like grayed out like there should be grayed out boxes for the ones that aren't loaded and like it should say a currently loaded unknown filament no RFID chip you've mechanically loaded a generic filament in slot 2. so tell me that you've done that like the fact that you won't tell me because it doesn't have an RFID chip that makes me nervous so you have to click on this and then hit this I'm just kind of like a UI not I just especially when there's all these different uis and don't even get me started on point of sale kiosks all right there are unknown filaments see it knows there's filaments in there so why um yes it is definitely an unknown filament but I know what it is external spool oh that must be the one that goes on the back I didn't even bother loading that one like this is weird it looks like everything's like at 45 degree angles actually that's kind of like what was it called pronterface Pronto face oh that's right there's a camera in there let's turn that on wow yeah see it hits that thing I think that that arm in the back that flops back and forth that's actually just to like help film and fall down the Chute so it's kind of like a big brush or like a stick like it's like a stick shaking out cobwebs I just realized something with these feet I thought they were meant to fit inside um this Frame here which they did nicely but then I realized no they're supposed to sit on top of this glass it was easier to film because I could film right through here I guess I guess you can still see it kind of wow this is weird I restarted the print because there was an issue because I so I forgot to remove the Light Art strip from the last print so I just stopped the print and I restarted using the control panel and now it's using green again it's not using what the heck okay it's running now it looks like printing these strips is an option although I guess when you're starting a new filament it probably isn't a bad idea [Music] let's take a look inside oh that came off pretty easy let's take a look at the first batch of prints that I did on the X1 Carbon this is using their included basic pla that's one of my standard caps that I use for my single headed controllers Let's do an interface test I'm sure it will fit what a shock it fits perfectly all right let's look at it in more detail I'm gonna zoom in on the action where's my flashlight yeah the print quality is really really good very very consistent lines the first layer is quite perfect on the model there's a little bit of a brain fart it's a chamfer a fillet well anyway you can almost kind of see it on the end there the bottom of this is ever so slightly tapered and the underhangs on these notches look great yeah maybe right there that might be a layer start I think it actually might be starting the layers inside the print which is smart the only thing that might look like a negative is the bottom looks slightly under extruded you can kind of you can well you you can definitely see the individual lines I would would have expected that to be a little bit more smushed but I guess that's what they want like the inside where that there's a little bit of a shame for on my design it actually resolves because usually the first layer has some amount of elephant's footing I mean it's really small it's like 0.03 inches let's see how the release is released when you begin the beginning hey remember in The Rocketeer when they go to the nightclub the singer that's Jan levison Gould no Gould you know Rocketeer is something they should remake people are like no it's a classic no The Rocketeer has a lot of issues you were just distracted by a 21 year old Jennifer Connelly we all were if there was a rock a secret jet pack in World War II it wouldn't have been invented by the Americans and it would have been invented by the Germans it should have been the Americans trying to steal from the Germans not the other way around and it should have been set in World War II the thing is there's nothing for him to do with the jetpack he flies through cornfield he flies through a skylight he flies to a blimp that's all he does there will be way more things he could do with a jetpack in the theater of war in World War II and then you just have like a French version of Jennifer Connelly and she's like in a village and he like saves her and stuff and then then there's like this there's these bombers these American bombers being attacked by like Advanced German Jets and it's like oh no we're going down and then look out the window there's a racketeer and then he goes and he fights he becomes a foo fighter deep cuts for you oh yeah he had that fits really well like can you see the little bit of a shake that's like the tolerance because yeah man this prints really really well I mean yeah when you get to the top where the layers are kind of spread out over the Curve it looks less good but like and this is just 0.2 millimeters as well this isn't even the highest setting there is some overhang unlike this Arrow here of course it has to be expected it wasn't lies Jenny it was acting yeah see this part here so you've got this inset screw hole and then it's got a chamfer for the flat headed screw and it's got another chamfer around that like usually when I print this this is usually like hung over because you know it prints like this yeah so this I don't think did it put it I don't know there weren't any overhangs in it it just printed it just like this they did it didn't generate any support here well again it's going to be using the prusa style supports so it creates a little lattice under the top and bottom surface and then it puts the vertical columns vertical columns the department of redundancy Department puts the vertical columns on top and below the lattices where is it lat High so yeah this isn't the fastest printer I've ever seen but the quality is really really good now you might be looking at this and saying that doesn't look like good quality it's like no that's exactly what the scanner picked up so normally that error doesn't resolve itself in the print very well but it did on this printer yeah you can see it over here as well I should probably take that into mesh mixer and fix it these are the scans that resulted from that uh quality ferret scanner I reviewed a couple months ago all right I think I want to try some polycarbonate all right so close this okay how do I unload filament oh I guess it already was retracted back to the hub and you just kind of pull it out all right [Music] let's try a polycarbonate benchy or Shippy is I like to call it the Shippy bench oh it's clear polycarbonate all right let's just stick it in here push it in takes it up now polycarbonate is kind of considered an exotic filament well it's not that exotic but I've never used it before so I wonder if this machine will automatically tell me the settings for it so I can just kind of print and go all right it's been identified by the RFID tag so let's go over to the computer okay so over here slot four bamboo PC okay right click on this tell it we want to use slot four it's weird that it's not labeled down here why doesn't it say bamboo PC oh look it made it transparent that's cool plate is not suggested for use with printing filament bamboo PC if you still want to do this print job please set this filament's bed temperature to a number that is not zero wait is the cool plate not heated why is all the information on Reddit seems like everything's on Reddit okay you have to click this okay filament Cooling I wonder if I should not do this without having the engineering plate because apparently they do have different types of plates like there's a textured Pei plate for instance okay Bamboo PC all right so if I change this to pla basic I do not save the changes oh I guess it does the cool plate is 35 degrees Celsius so I guess that's not that cool so if I go back to this it says it wants it to be the engineering plate 100 degrees gosh that's pretty warm oh what's the worst that can happen [Laughter] all right so print plate so this is something I noticed like we said that it's polycarbonate and it's going to pick well we clicked on the model we said oh it's you know the polycarbonate then you go to hit print and so it's already automatically selected the polycarbonate slot but if you are using a non-chipped filament you have to actually click here and manually select a different uh filament let's do the automatic flow control since we're changing it all right let's give it a shot wow I can watch it print on my screen instead of having to turn my chair around 180 degrees it'd be cool if on Halloween if they had like a jump scare pop up and like scare you still quite quick even with polycarbonate which prints at a much higher temperature than POA at these temperatures having a completely enclosed build platform is going to benefit you because it's going to keep the part from warping all right hopefully we can remove it too bad ah still the whole thing is still warm like the heat from the bed must continually go into it well why wouldn't it well even still yeah it feels the whole thing is warm I guess that's the point one simple hack for your bamboo printer the magnet [Music] these are really nice prints you know I should do I should what is that thing that uh game badge the one that has the bud game on it maybe like for an experiment for this printer I should like design like a really nice looking case for that it would be like one of my little Portables imagine how good this would look at point one I guess it would probably just look like a piece of molded plastic the battery I had in the game babe see I just used a bunch of like cheap quadcopter batteries because they were cheap but if you wanted to be slick like a flatter battery would allow you to make a more svelte unit this one could be good 850 milliamp hours oh that's plenty what's this almost from a Garmin oh that's almost exactly the same size and these both have more power than the battery we used I think that was a 350 milliwatt hour these would run the game badge for like seven hours at least okay this is the front half of the game badge case it's got layer 53 of 57 but it still has 24 minutes to go I guess that must be the ironing time so it's going to somehow smooth the top layer of it using heat and apparently that takes a long time but let's see how that compares to a standard print of the same object printing the final layer now what is that Gap there that's kind of weird this must be the ironing layer I should probably keep the door closed during this looks like it's just doing a raster pass with the tip of the hot end all right here's a bunch of different various prints of that game badge case uh here's one using the pla that came with the system this is standard pla again the sidewall is very nice this one was printed at 0.1 millimeter layer height you uh you can barely see the layers you can if you have a magnifying glass the sides feel really nice top layer is still pretty good that is usually like if you're actually trying to get like a high quality visually good print the top layer usually is where you run into problems then I printed that same file this is the same file with just a generic black PLA and we had some bubbling here on the top layer not nearly as good of a result and then of course this had support material on the inside which wasn't removed on this one the support material is pretty easy to remove it's again it's the prusive style because it's using proof of slicer here's the same file but I printed it with this side down so it was printed like this some of this stuff actually tore up didn't stick quite well this is a nice smooth surface on the inside though you can see we have some bubbling so uh yeah I think I might print another one of these but let's move on to the front so this is using a slightly lighter color plastic I think these are both uh not hatchbox over these are both Overture yeah on the uh cardboard spools this one printed pretty well I think I only did this one at 0.2 millimeter layer height let me double check yeah this one's at point two I didn't remove all the support material because I'm not sure if I want to use this one yet so then I printed this same file the same filament using the ironing setting and this is where after it's done it goes over with the hot end and actually kind of irons it out and yeah you definitely get a much smoother surface it's not like perfect but yeah it's definitely improved it doesn't quite look like an injection molded part but it gets it a lot closer yeah and that took about for part this size took about 15 minutes to do that not too bad so right now I'm printing the buttons with a slightly lighter colored gray and I'm also going to do the ironing on them although instead of doing raster I'm going to do concentric circles outward so if there are artifacts from the ironing which there are you can see horizontal artifacts from the ironing and that's the printing went this way actually I think it was this way the printing is always a diagonal and the ironing was horizontal so you can see artifacts but still it's pretty cool how that worked I should say remove the support material I should have all the pieces I need now there was still some bubbling here like before but the welding reduced it a little bit so let's use everyone's favorite some hot glue she really hot glue the edge of the batteries not the center oh well it's kind of a short power cable on this okay then we have reset button and the program button okay got a little bit of a tiny bit of glue as well I'm sure it's sort of in the right place let that set for a second okay let's slide USB port into place looks good we've got and this part I probably could have designed a little bit better I should have had the screw the things that actually hold the PCB in the back then I could lay this into the front I guess I could put a little hot glue in it oh no I must stop with the hot glue I'll just I'll just line it up yeah it'll work that one just kind of eyeball this oh no look what happened oh no I did not hit her I did not do it I did not oh hi Mark these are three eighths might be a little bit too long do I I should have quarters of those size two screws let me a lot yeah this looks like a quarter that's the cup of our Carpenter I need to drill that hole out a little bit bigger yeah you want the entry half of the screw mounts to be free and clear so the threads don't grab so you want to freely that way you know it's only grabbing onto the threads on the other side Reset Program cool that way you can go program reset to program it this one is a little bit longer because it goes through the PCB and I didn't quite reach I'm gonna have to get like a half inch I don't have any black screws that are half an inch long that sounds like a job for nipx there we go that could be a commercial honey we've got to cut this chain link fence sounds like a job for nipix I didn't really realize it until I built a case but the screen is not exactly centered it's about 1.5 millimeters to the left and I'm going to adjust this case again I'm going to move the speaker to the front I mean since we don't have that lanyard here so we can use the adhesive ring on the speaker and put it right there I think that's pretty much where it is on the Game Boy and then the speaker has a felt front so I'm just going to expose it to the world who cares I should have called it the game Badger I mean I live in Wisconsin for crying out loud although it's kind of lame how everything in Wisconsin is like oh it's Badger what am I gonna call my plumbing company I know Badger Plumbing wow what am I gonna call my rug cleaning service I know badger rugs I think they should they should someone in Wisconsin should open a uh check advance payday loan and they're gonna call it Badger money and then when you don't pay it back they Badger you to pay it back yeah wow Badger payday loans are you called that because it's Wisconsin go Badgers no we call that Badge of payday loans because if you don't pay we're gonna imagine you to your dual pay and by Badger we mean break your kneecaps oh fun fact with uh Fusion 360. if you want to import dxf files create a 2d file like this and send to your object on the zero zero position of the page because that is where it will Import in Fusion 360. that should well we can always adjust it later so yeah so if I take this let me say save that and I'm going to delete the other layers just temporarily you've got me begging you for Mercy why don't you believe me you got me begging we should line that up with the speaker oh wait I can't move the dxf after I import it so I'm gonna have to go back a step there's a farm in the south of France Where Mrs Buckley grows peas and they're the best peas you've ever seen speaking of seeing things I can barely see where this is centered yeah that looks pretty close should be able to sink this into the case game badger yeah I'm gonna reprint this with the big speaker hole and the text on it all right so I'm going to hit print plate yes I have to manually select is that A2 yeah okay A2 and let's see sure we'll do the flow Dynamics calibration again why not do it and you have to do enable AMS because we're using the multi-system I extended the speaker wires down from here over to here okay that's where they should be in the future I mean this would be a good place for a speaker I got so hung up on oh having some clip holes that I didn't realize that was a that was a good place for speaker instead of putting it like behind the PCB anyway speaker has some adhesive on it but I'm going to give it a little bit of extra love well just a tiny little bit hot glue happy little clouds happy little hot glue I have it printed this file several times making adjustments as I mentioned the screen was a little bit off but then by adjusting it I made it off in the wrong direction so I fixed it until it broke got the ironing on the back the black didn't iron as well we have a reset button we can push this dark gray did Iron pretty well game badge text they're resolved pretty decently all right let's try the d-pad speaker out front definitely helps I probably should put a headphone jack on the next one of these [Music] [Music] attack switch d-pads are never going to be as good as carbon film d-pad just because there's a lot more throw and pressure if you have to apply to it ah there's a robot there let's get this guy what what's that bud you want to play the video game based off your life oh my life what's the matter Michael the pressures of my modern office have caused me to go into a depression isn't that just a fancy word for feeling really bummed out see even if take the office away from us and put it on some service nobody has we can still share it and recite it as part of our part of our oral tradition oh [Music] dual-sided textured PE I play for bamboo lab double-sided oh one side smooth and once that's got a texture wow [Music] oh forget it today free delivery Monday well you know you wouldn't even notice the difference because you know the magic of editing it's Sunday morning the doorbell rang at like 6 a.m and uh the plate arrived wow looks like the outside of a space station yeah so it's smooth on one side and Pei on the other let's see if it fits in the machine okay this is the Pei bed it fit pretty well not perfectly but whatever as long as the door closes yeah okay so I've noticed when this thing uh Z's it does a pressure push kind of like any cubic so um yeah the surface of the material probably doesn't really matter so if this is thicker or thinner it shouldn't matter the nozzle should be able to detect it let's give it a try before I print it I'm going to reselect bed leveling since the bed has changed hopefully this works out okay so this printer is pretty easy to use and there's a lot of automatic settings and things done for you but at the same time it's like I wish I had a better idea of what it was doing like if it was like less automatic I mean there are probably ways to make it more manual I just I just feel like sometimes it's like okay well if I tell her to do a mesh bed level on this print does it mean it's going to store that Z data for the next print I mean there has to be an answer to that but I don't know what the answer is I wish I wish I knew okay is it gonna like put the strips down for the lidar Extrusion calibration great is it going to save that data so okay let's say I print with um the polycarbonate and it does the lidar strips and then I put the polycarbonate again can it just use the existing data from the last print without having to do the strips again like why would it change so those are the questions I'd like to know if you know the answer I guess I could probably just email the company as well because they said they would answer any questions but yeah because because setup time on this printer is a significant chunk of the actual total print time so I would like to know that it's worth it you know I would prefer that it not check things twice but it doesn't need to build plate localization marker was not found it's scanning the build plate look at that there's a little tiny QR code especially in today's world with like right to repair RFID chips and spools even if you don't require them or Optical scans of build platforms that's going to make some people nervous see it's doing a pressure Z anyway just like the any cubics do they basically have a force sensor inside the head there kind of like how a little Coastal scale works so why does it matter what the material is I could I could put a slab of uh milled Steel in there like Ave and it shouldn't matter actually I guess if it doesn't print maybe uh maybe it does it does matter oh terrible adhesion okay a quick check not right at this time actually says you have to set the plate type so let's go textured Pei apparently it will actually change the G-Code okay yeah the bed's going up to 60 now so that's pretty normal for PLA and Pei nope still not sticking on the textured bed okay I feel like an idiot the cool plate flip it over engineering plate oh pet g a b s TPU papc but how do you know this one's going to be flat look at all the detritus on this how can you ensure this is gonna be five this actually does have a little bit of a texture let's try this one next although I'm disappointed out of the box the generic one didn't seem to work I'm gonna try and copy this badge and put it on the Pei because this channel has been heck hacks not Ben heck accepts the world as it is oh irony of irony look what I found on printables by Joseph it's the codes so what a shock other people have done this I can't believe it let's see if this works [Music] Well a different message at least [Music] teaching gears almost literally because they're secure in here this is a wheel from my lawnmower which has power front wheel so it like pulls itself along but this wheel spins out the whole time so I thought about making like a death wheel I think it might just barely fit on this print it would be kind of like snowshoes except for grass so like a polycarbonate thing that clamps on the outside of it with big honking teeth yeah Mad Max lawnmower here we come but is excited for the death wheel aren't you bud [Music] ah my wheel is printing holy cow it's massive that went right up to the edge of the build plate I'm actually surprised it printed it it's so close it's really warm inside actually it didn't make too big of a dent uh the polycarbonates well I think it said 200 grams so I could print like four of these actually almost five oh no are my measurements off I put a little bit of Tolerance on it I guess maybe not enough the heck is this error front cover of tool head fell off he's mounted back fell off oh this is a magnetic Snap-on see this is what came loose that's odd yeah it was kind of a jar before okay it looks like it's back in place now what did it bump into confused portioned the bed on the engineering plate side looks like the tool head is scraped off the surface do that is it because the other side was doing that as well everything's flat ah yes look at those Amazing Grass tires it's like snow tires but for grass I did think about making them spiky but I didn't want them to tear up my lawn either all this totally enough clearance let's give it a try deactivating safety features safety features deactivated they definitely flip left on the other one but maybe they slip a little too loud thank you let's try it under his own power I'm just gonna try to Hold On Loosely but don't let go pulling itself nicely it's like walking a dog hey those work great they're less effective on concrete which shouldn't be a surprise but for grass yeah cool let's build something else [Music] I'm gonna swap out polycarbonate now that I've made my wheels I still need to actually use those wheels in the backyard but uh I'm filming this like the second to last week of August 2023 during this huge Heat Wave so yeah haven't really been in the mood to like mow all right let's load this chipped pla basic White it's working on some controllers this morning so my work here is done I've got some uh Xbox controller Parts I could print so uh let's try some parts in white [Music] both sides of this plate in the sink and then I tried to print it just raw and it didn't stick so I had to re-glue stick it so yeah they say the glue stick on this acts as a release agent basically has a barrier between the plastic and the surface but it also seems like it does also act as an as an adhesive [Music] this is very much a multi-week review I just haven't had enough time to do one big review and one chunk of time so I'm doing a piecemeal all right here's some uh stock PLA and this is the filament that they sent me okay now it's sticking really well I don't necessarily care for like how does The Purge in the back so it's like you have to like reach in the back and pull that Purge off for next time whereas the calibration stuff is all in the front it's like they have all this automatic all these automatic features but then sometimes it also feels like you have to do more manual things when we built things on the bendex show a lot of the times we would deliberately make everything out of white material because it's easier to photograph although sometimes it's like too blown out it's a pretty good print quality the first layer is super smooth these are rear secondary triggers so they it's this in the cap player so the right in this case the right analog stick is duplicated down there that's what that's used for so this one has support obviously I haven't tried the tree support there's automatic tree support where instead of like building scaffolding it makes like these fractal looking trees fractal looking trees that's very redundant thing to say it looks more like what you'd see on a resin printer I thought about well it would work better for like larger openings that removed pretty well what was I think it was the uh printer was it that was using oh I think it was one of the any cubics where any cubic started using prusa slicer which again this is based on but I was having a real hard time like the overhangs or the supports to the overhangs were sticking way too well but this one seems pretty good it's a little bit of overhang there which is to be expected although shouldn't really I mean it's a pretty small hole a little bit of a zip there at the top material going to the screw hole it's probably fine some things it'll try to put support material into places where you'll have a hard time digging it out so generally I try to avoid putting it in there it's like a little bit of a got in there it goes pretty clean part I know the parts that I print aren't very interesting however I've printed them many you know hundreds and hundreds of times so I have a lot to compare to like you know they're good bass lines for me like this is a good Baseline for intricate detail with support and overhang actually I think I'll print a few more of these since I need them and the white pla is uh nice and bright white remember that hyper pla we had on the creality K1 that was a little waxier I want to take a look at this piece that I did so this is for my single-handed PlayStation 4 controllers so I had a couple prints I don't know which I think these might have been from The Flash forgery which has a lot of ringing in it so I've tried the same thing on the bamboo it's a large flat surface let's see how well that removes pop it off like an ice cube tray now this is just with um quote unquote generic pla now if you recall when I was looking at the Creole Decay one the K1 is obviously creality's response to the bamboo and that printer didn't do as well at high speeds with non-hyper pla filament so this isn't the bamboo filament but did a pretty good job oh there is there's some lifting here look at that it lifted off the bed a little bit there oh it's quite a bit of lifting there and the part's still usable but probably because those bridges aren't fully formed there's a gap kind of strange how that resolved the bamboo printer it is it is very nice it does some things extremely well however I'm not going to say it's perfect I mean there are some things about it that I think are worse than other printers especially like like it has that insane setup you're like oh it's doing all these things to calibrate and yet you can still have some printing issues and the print time on something like this um isn't really that I mean I can do this one on my 150 millimeter printers in about uh an hour and six minutes since this was 54 minutes yeah so it's definitely it's definitely not meant to be about being the fastest printer it's more about high quality although yeah sometimes I've run into more than one first layer issues I would say most of the problems I've had with this printer so far are first layer issues calibration but you shouldn't have to do that every time you should only have to do that when you swap the bed around like if I flip the plate over or if I put in a different plate so so far I'm going to say the biggest drawback or flaw I've seen with this printer is the plate and the first layer issues and the fact that I still haven't gotten it to even work with Pei I printed another part that I needed I did the flow calibration this time see how each one of the lines is different so this is a piece that has a lot of supports and also has to fit inside something else so let's see how the supports removed pretty easily now these M tines should have a tying counter on the screen these tines fit inside something else that's why this is a good test it's kind of weird that they did that well I did paint on supports still printed pretty well pretty good what do they call that when you print in midair let's see if it fits without any modifications so it goes in there and then these go in the side oh I forgot analog cap right often I have to like shave down the sides of the tines oh yeah oh yeah very snug let's see if it releases that's what these little slits are for here to remove or pop open the tines oh yeah it releases just fine cool very accurate print nice see I removed the screws so it's less labor so I can not raise the price here we see the bud cat in its natural environment watching the 3D printer print and now the cat has chosen to go into the human seat so it can smell the farts let's take a look at some other stuff that I printed for my 700 controllers it's for the PlayStation 4. just do a digital zoom in yeah where's my flashlight oh wait I should go up my my new flashlights in the swap meet yeah it's one of these guys let there be light yeah really nice layers there is a seam here I thought that was randomized on these I guess not really nice I think the main thing I've noticed with this printer is like yeah sometimes for all that probing and whatnot the first layer quality it's not always the greatest and then I still haven't gotten to stick to TPU yeah that's nice though I think these are I think these are 0.2 millimeter quality layer height look at this thing has a stand a hook and a magnet this movie has an explosion and a vampire [Music] there's a mess in the corner here from bud and getting that plants water this is the plant through a very early episode of the Ben heck show where we made the automatic plant rotator the plant has grown quite a bit since then there were three stalks thanks to bud there's only one left but this plant is kind of like too tall so I think it'd be cool if I can make a thing to like keep it centered so I was thinking we could do it with 3D printers I need to get the profile of this pot so I am going to do a life hack I guess I'm literally hacking it aren't I and it's probably far enough get this piece of paper with a bubble level taped to the top of it there we go we have to make sure it's level because we're going to use this to model the pot in space so we do if we draw this into Fusion then we do a revolve we want to make sure that it's actually accurate that slopes in more than I would have thought this is why I still have a scanner in the year 2023 in the year 23 23 if scanners are still to be in the year one million and a half mankind is enslaved by giraffe he will pay for all his misdeeds when the Treetops are stripped of the leaves all right so anything you scan comes in full size so this is the actual size so we've got this now I'm going to bring this into Adobe Illustrator so I can trace some lines then we can export that to Fusion 360. in all the world there's only one technology a rusty spear for practicing proctology oh yeah they brought that show back I haven't seen it because I don't have Hulu I don't have like all these Services I just I don't know I just it's just too much you know it's like it's too much money wait do I I think I think I have Netflix I can't remember if I do I should probably cancel it because I'm not watching anything I mean I've got Amazon Prime but that doesn't count straight line okay I'm going to select those and hit Ctrl J that'll close it make it one thing I'm gonna let me get the dimensions I'm gonna get the dimensions I'll do it from like actually I'll do it from like this inner lip here he may look like a watery wimp when in fact he's a bloodthirsty shrimp all right the diameter was 13 and a half so that means it's going to be uh 6.75 to be half of that all right let's go back over here grab that come back over here so that was this lip right about there at least with a illustrator when you export a dxf from illustrator and take it into Fusion the upper left corner of the file will become the zero zero point so by doing this I will Orient everything in space as it actually will pertain to the piece let's say the stalk is it's about three quarters of an inch thick toward ass all right so let's do the front let's go into dxf and of course they want me to load it off of the web and to that I say no take your cloud and shove it up your cloud oh no it's upside down yeah for sometimes sometimes it comes in upside down I'm not sure why it's probably the face on which I applied it I would have applied it to the rear it probably would have been okay whatever all right so let's go in here so this is this is the profile of the plastic so I'm going to go into edit sketch and let's do are we in America units yeah let's do Let's do an O3 tolerance layer and then let's make the actual thickness of what we're going to build so that was O3 let's go ah it doesn't have to be that that was a quarter inch just yeah that's fine so take so if we want to represent the uh the pot so let's take that let's go to revolve now since we made it centered based off the diameter we can actually just hit this and boom there is a representation of our lid or our Edge so let's get rid of this pointless Taurus it's kind of like if you have a car that you don't need it's a pointless Taurus yeah I'll be here while we try the veal all right so we want the same axis but we only want to go probably about 10 degrees maybe not even that and then we're going to go symmetrical so it goes from the center so it's 10 degrees in both directions so now we put 5 that'll be 10 degrees total that's probably big enough all right let's hit okay I got a new Menard song spend all your money spend all your money spend all your money at Menards hi there you a homeowner yeah well you're going to spend all your money at Menards we've got everything you need to spend every weekend fixing your house oh honey I never knew owning a home would involve so much digging that's what they all say well come on down to Menards leave a comment below how Bud needs a friend believe me I've I've heard it from many of my friends are like you know I think your cat needs I think you need another cat it's like and this is going to well not the total length of the dowel but this is where the dial will be is it a dowel or a rod which would make it a Rotty McDowell nothing but not three points uh see all the dolls at Menards are in English units right so the angle I mean see we have this tells us everything we need to know because we have the center point we have the ring we have this so what I'm going to do is actually I guess well this will figure it out for us so we go 90 degrees away from that and uh so if it's a quarter inch we probably need at least half an inch on each side and maybe go points three so then take that make sure that's locked to 90 degrees here so we type 90 hit return that locks that to 90 degrees that my computer thinks about it so I have a first gen threadripper which means Windows 11 is going to turn this into e-way that should be a song making uh The Brave Little Toaster but about e-waste and apple would be like oh we're gonna Sue to stop this we hate this here at Apple we care about the environment that's why we make phones that people only keep for two years we're actually really a fashion company disguised as a technology company don't tell anyone especially not iJustine hey speaking of hi Justine if you want to laugh there's uh there was a Tommy so YouTube show made like I don't know 10 years ago I think it was made by Machinima and it was called the Tommy wish show and uh he's in it and you know he acts like himself anyway uh yeah iJustine was a guest star on it once it's kind of kind of crazy you know I didn't really understand the whole thing with iPhones until I saw an iJustine video and she was treating her iPhone like she was buying jewelry and I'm like ah I get it now also does this make sense yeah so I don't know what we do maybe like probably at least well really you only need three but so I'll do six I guess this means I have to go to Menards today you know I actually don't go there that much unless I'm doing like a project or something yeah the vet was like oh you know you should really feed your cat less it's like well got a question for you which one of us works from home with a needy orange cat and has to hear them whine if they don't get as much food as they want oh right that's me so let's do something similar let's take this let's finish the sketch finish him revolve axes again let's do uh five symmetrical another thing is we have to make this ring so it can come apart because if we slip it down over the top of the plant we might like kill the plant or break something I mean it's an old frail plant there we go then if we do five of those they should yea the power of math one thing you have to worry about when you're putting a bunch of things on the plate is yeah the extrusions kind of spill over because they have like a base for their scaffolding so you have to make sure you don't have any collisions with extrusions and then other parts I'm not quite to the part where I do my overview of the printer but I will say this thing isn't as fast as I thought it was going to be again I'm just using the recommended settings um yeah but compared to like something like a a voron this isn't the fastest printer on the market it's more about quality and of course the AMS system one thing I really like about this AMS system is that if you want to remove a filament when the machine is off or not running of course you just yank it out you don't have to like go into the menu or do anything because the filament's already been physically disconnected and see the slit that I made I can just cover it up with the parts that I printed that is assuming they fit I never had any doubts cool I'm printing the ring part now we know you have a choice of Airlines when you fly Delta and you get a cookie biscuit out of the deal all right that didn't take too long to print I did the flow control since having printed this filament on this picture before that sounds like pretty good it's like one of those like lame gears from Castlevania 3 where it's like not actually what a gear would look like foreign got some rods from Menards looks like they're all roughly going to the same height mostly selection for the lake Demolition Man device I'm putting on the plant Mr Plant you will find 15 credits for a violation of the verbal morality code I feel like I'm installing some sort of dystopian Philip K dick mind control collar on this thing that's kind of vaguely envisioned how this part would go I thought I had finer twine but I guess this is the best I got probably would have been easier just to like cut this plant like have it be short again but I don't know anything about plants does that actually work wait a minute I just spent like an hour cutting bushes earlier today that is absolutely how plants work darn plants you can't stop them kind of makes me think of horizon zero Dawn or the whole younger driest pre-anchion civilization Theory stuff is like how long would it really take the planet to erase us probably not nearly as long as we think and you would never know we were here plants leaning to one side so I'm gonna have to double up on this side because yeah and we have equal thread around it it won't work copyright strike this Warner Brothers this plant was once unloved lost tossed away listing to one side hapless in life but now thanks to one man and a 3D printer from bamboo the plant stands tall and erect much like bamboo the plant not the printer [Music] I want to try a double color print phone selection pla pla place above filaments into AMS slots from left to right according to the sequence no the main piece would be brown and the textbook would be dark can you change these it looks like they're baked into the G-Code so I have to change my filament to match this I mean it should still work either way I'll run this one with the bed open because I don't think the heated chamber is going to be that important for pla doing input shaping again wonder why okay it did the flow control test using the first filament the base filament but yeah it's not going to do two full control tests is it because this this filament's already here unless it doesn't offset maybe it'll tell me to remove the detritus that's such a great word detritus Ooh say it again detritus it's weird that it was purging the color that it was already in there well I suppose yeah I would have to make a purge block at each level I put some painters tape on the cover because it was popping off every so often it might be a magnet issue I can check and see if some of the magnets came loose again for what I've been using this thing what two or three weeks now and oh yeah the cover just magically pops up it's cool that it's a quick release magnet thing but if it's gonna randomly pop off then maybe it should be held in place better like maybe a latch and magnets look who's purging now is it doing a lidar scan of the pieces well if it only has different colors on the top and the bottom we have to wait a little while before we see the next color change one thing I've learned recently with this printer and the quality K1 and then putting Clipper on my Maker Gear is that I think the reason they like core XY which is what this type of printer is where it's got like the two belts intermeshed so to speak I think the reason these printers are are more popular now is because the forest and either the extra y direction is pretty similar unlike the bed Slingers where you've got a huge variance in the resonance in the X and Y axes so I think that's why printers like this they're more consistent therefore they can run faster speaking of which I just cleaned out the printer's litter box so we can see exactly what is pooped out by this procedure and the top surfaces of the coin on the right it looks like it's leaving some gaps I'm guessing that's where it's going to put the other material yeah I'm curious as to what it's actually going to do a material change it's got to be soon though this looks like the top of the coin I wonder if one's up and one's down so they both have something on either side but they have one face up and one tails up yeah it's purging it out of The Poop Shoot yeah about that arm is to help it fall down the shoes ah there's the sound oh that's not much of a purge at all I'm gonna try to set up my own multi-color print I downloaded this cat yin yang thing cats and yin yang seem uh quite appropriate look I get lined up properly well it's because it was two pieces to do this manually Nathan Drake you found the Lost Treasure now I'm going to climb up this wall blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bamboo peely right yeah okay then slot three is a dark color all right cat yin yang very appropriate it's like ah the cat is super cute and cuddly the next morning it's like be quiet cat STL is too close to others well is that because I have support enabled I mean is it I mean well it drew the purge blocks so I must know that I'm doing a multi-color print and see what happens when I slice it filament change times 12 I suppose that means it's also 12 layers 50 minutes to print most of it's going to be the filament change times oh it tells you how much of each filament it's using that's cool oh and how much gets flushed um 0.7 meters and 0.6 meters how come they say Pluto is like what 60 million kilometers away why don't they say at 60 Mega meters away space would be the perfect place to use Mega meters how many mega meters because it has to be a term to express this distance in mega meters you would need to convert kilometers to Mega meters gee I wonder how you would do that oh so it's actually 5.9 Giga meters away I demand that NASA start using the term Mega meters 49 minutes I suppose it's going to be spending all of its time doing The Purge blocks oh there's what the purge blocks will actually look like this block isn't too ridiculous it's probably because a lot of it gets purged out the back okay so this this is actually slot four this is slot three okay let's just do the bed leveling all right let's give this a shot they're on I know there's unknown filaments XCOM Enemy Unknown it was aliens it must be switching to Black now I see both colors in The Poop Shoot maybe I can mix up some nice gray well this actually is more of a dark gray than black oh it's already done a couple layers I just can't see them because they're dark neat to get switching to Black now got 28 minutes left here are the sparse infill layers Purge blocks are not too bad once you've got the Poop Shoot so The Poop Shoot well I mean you're still wasting filament but at least it's uh going into the Poop Shoot and not taking up I mean I've seen multi-colored prints where the purge blocks are bigger than the multi-color print itself it's closing up the top layer so it must be getting close overhangs look pretty good it's done [Music] good let's take a look at the multi-colored prints here's the bamboo coin oh it looks like it must have done ironing on these surfaces as well yeah it only printed at the first couple of or the first top surfaces but yeah it looks pretty good so you could glue this together and make a coin yeah I should put that in my box of stuff to give away the kids it's a much bigger print here's the purge block with the multiple colors see how well this removes it's a lot of surface area there's no worry about it popping off during the print process foreign the bottom surface looks really good also is this yeah it's definitely fused together wait can you pop it out I heard a little bit of a crack unless you really attack it I don't think that's coming apart where's the orange cat oh I should have printed it in Orange it'll take about 50 minutes it's kind of a long time for a small part but the color changes actually went pretty fast oh look at let's look at the waste bucket right so we've got the purge block from the printed bed and then here's everything I pooped out the back yeah you can see it did make gray on several occasions yeah you can basically see the transitional poops so yeah that poop shoot is a nice addition and it uses it when it just does normal filament changes as well not necessarily when you do multi-colored prints because when you switch which uh spool you're using the AMS it effectively does a purge change anyway but yeah I like the fact that you can with the AMS you can just pull the filament out you don't have to like heat up the hot end and then pull it out and then stick it in while the hot end is hot the printer is already mechanically disconnected it for you as part of the procedure so even if you're not printing multi-colored materials the AMS seems pretty handy just for printing multiple colors or having them on hand because the first time was like oh it's not that hard you know to change materials or change the colors but you know when you had to preheat the hot end it takes time so I like I like the fact that it makes it pretty fast to swap the color even if you're not doing multi-colored prints I should make this I should drill hole in this and make it into a giant like 70s Medallion necklace for bud what's the matter bud you don't like your 1970s Let's Get It On Medallion I should have printed an albatross oh he's consigned to his fate all right so I loaded up two of the spools two of the sample spools that came with the printer itself one of them is pla carbon fiber and then one is pla support all right here's the game badge case again all right so this actually is oh I did update okay Bamboo pla carbon fiber now what I want to do is I want to see if I can make the support in a different color filament for support sport okay so we should be oh yeah okay we'll select slot two uh yeah do that automatically all right so there's the black carbon fiber stuff and oh look it's like a little organic forest in there wait it's not even how is that supposed to work look at that it's not even like I I don't think that's going to work the way we think it will one hour 54 minutes that's not too bad considering it's a you know a two color part there's our Purge block over there did the flow control for carbon fiber carbon fiber sounds super cool and all one thing you got to think about with these printers though if you have exotic materials where there are things embedded into the plastic such as carbon fiber or steel copper or even wood those things can actually wear down your nozzle faster than other Plastics because if the elements that are embedded in the pla go through the nozzle sideways kind of like uh you know instead of going straight through it actually comes to get worn down so it's a bit of a crap shoot when you do that so just keep that in mind if you're going to print with uh abrasive Exotics that you might have to swap your nozzle more often than you normally would that was a selling point with the old MakerBot replicators like oh yeah you could print uh you could print an exotic material with the other nozzle actually this printer yeah with the Dual nozzles you could do it without a purge block I never tried that I remember that they're talking about that like 11 years ago Jean-Claude Van Damme is the universal solvent don't leave your seats stick around [Music] Jean-Claude Van Damme is you know universal solvent stick around that's crazy like that that glue stuff is like a shiny blue yeah I hate to tell you that it was blue for anyone watching this on a blocking my television I Googled the materials while it was printing actually it's not water soluble it's meant for use with certain filaments like carbon fiber that way you're not actually printing the support out of carbon fiber as well which they say might make it too hard to take the support Material off so I guess lucky guess on my part well that part stayed on the sheet see if it's true to its word oh that part came out easily yeah apparently this support material isn't supposed to be used with pla fairly well but once you get it it comes off and doesn't leave any residue behind I got into these screw holes that's not where I want it to be I should have painted it manually support block is interlaced layers that's kind of cool looking in the waste bucket it's like someone had a haircut [Music] now that I've put the bamboo lab X1 Carbon 3D printer through many many Paces let's talk about what I felt were the pros and the cons okay starting with the pros very high build quality it's a very nice machine the print quality is also very very high some of the best print quality I've ever seen on a 3D printer at least a consumer grade 3D printer and for the most part it was very easy to set up and use the AMS automatic material system was very handy not just for multi-colored Prints but just for having multiple colors of filament available and it's really easy to swap them around like you don't even have to heat it up or have it cool off you can just pull the filament right out of the AMS and stick another one in and the Machine handles the rest of it automatically so I'm guessing there's some sort of built-in cutter in there someplace as well and I love the poop shoot at the back of the uni unit that purges material out the back so you don't have it piled up in the corner of the bed or hanging off the bed some of it did end up in the bottom of the chamber but I guess that's probably inevitable some of that's probably also my fault so yeah it's a great printer however it's not perfect I don't think any printer has really become like the Plug and Play microwave of printers quite yet so let's go over the cons I had trouble with build plate adhesion from time to time there were some times I had to abort the print because the first layer just wasn't sticking on that same note I couldn't get the Pei bed to work I ordered an aftermarket bed the Wi-Fi interface required you to sign up and log into the bamboo website I'm never a fan of that I don't like it when printers try to get you on the list or something and there are other plenty of other Wi-Fi enabled printers that don't require you to do that at one time the tool head cover popped off for some reason it's just held on there with magnets I guess that's for quick access so it's kind of a pro and a con it's easy to take it apart but it can accidentally get jostled off uh yeah just overall there was for the price of this printer okay well bamboo lab sent it to me for free to review however I do know that is what it is one of the more expensive consumer printers so for the price I it did seem like there was a fair bit of tinkering that you still had to do it didn't just perfectly work out of the box and then also the software it's based off prusa slicer so you know it's it's a well-known software however uh changing the filaments and saying oh we're going to print with this filament and it's going to be in this certain slot that part was a little confusing I think they could obviously they could fix that with software that's not a big deal but at least in the model that I had I felt that was still a little more confusing than it probably should have been so overall it's a really great printer it's not perfect but it is one of the nicest consumer printers that I've ever come across and the print quality as long as the first layer sticks is amazing so yeah I definitely recommend it it's a great thing to have around the shop and I hope you enjoyed this review and enjoyed looking at all the projects I made with the bamboo lab x1c carbon 3D printer with the AMS automatic material system oh
Channel: Ben Heck Hacks
Views: 33,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bambu, X1C, X1 Carbon, 3D printer, cats, rocketeer, AMS, bambulabglobal, bambula
Id: hHx2H-IPeBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 38sec (5918 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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