Ballet For Kids | Beauty And The Beast Ballet Class (Ages 3-8) | Be Our Guest & Tale As Old As Time

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hello ballerinas welcome to gbo kids today we are doing ballet for beauty and the beast so put on your ballet outfit or you can put on a princess dress and get ready this is one video in a series of ballet videos that we will keep creating if you like videos like these subscribe and hit the notification bell once upon a time there was a prince who lived in a gigantic castle one day a poor old lady who had no place to stay came to beg for help all she had to offer was a single rose the prince turned her away she warned him not to be deceived by her looks but his heart was cold and he refused she then turned into a beautiful enchantress he begged for forgiveness but it was too late she put a spell on his entire castle and he only had until the last petal fell to become kind and to have someone fall in love with him we can start in first position so look down at your feet and make sure they're the shape of a pizza slice ballet dancers don't just do dancing they're also actors so we are going to pretend to be the haggard old lady that comes to the prince's front door of his castle so let's hunch over our shoulders and let's get our scary fingers up and we can make a funny face kind of a scary face very good oh i love your old lady acting good then we're going to turn into the beautiful enchantress so let's relax our shoulders and we're going to put our hands up in a v so beautiful and delicate shoulders are relaxed down our back ribs and tummy are pulled in let's raise up on our toes and we can turn in a circle [Music] beautiful turns let's come down again back to brahma one more time haggard old lady and switch into beautiful enchantress up on our toes let's turn the other way [Music] so beautiful ten years later there was a girl in a small town named belle you might know her she lived with her father maurice and she loved books she loved to walk across the town to go to the bookstore to pick out her favorite books so we are going to pretend to walk through the town doing our beautiful ballet walks so let's go to the side of the room and i'll show you how to do ballet walks so we'll start in first position find your pizza slice shape point one toe behind you and then we're going to bring our toe up to our ankle and step through pointed walk walk walk and then now we're at the bookstore we're going to reach up for our favorite book in arabesque and you can even lift off your back toe a little bit if you want to beautiful and let's come back to first position up on your tippy toes turn around let's go the other side vivian you can lead so let's point one foot behind and then step through ballet walk ballet walk ballet walk beautiful let's reach for our book arabesque lift your back toe off beautiful okay let's do one more time on both sides tippy toe turn around point your toe behind ballet walk ballet walk ballet walk reach for the book lift your back toe off tummy pulled in shoulders relax down your back and back to first position up on your tippy toes turning around point one toe behind you ballet walk walk ballet walk reach for the book beautiful lift your back toe off back to first position beautiful ballet walks let's come back to our spot on the floor we'll find our first possession belle's father maurice is an inventor and he's going to take his machine that he invented to a fair and he's going to trot away on their horse so let's turn our feet parallel together and we're gonna practice our trots so we're gonna peel one foot off the floor so we're gonna go demi point point and then pick that foot up nice and point beautiful place it down again let's do the other foot demi point and then pick it up point point point point as you lift and put it back down again now we're going to alternate feet to do our truck so we can pick one foot up and we can go trot trot trot trot beautiful trotting keep going [Music] i love it let's go a little bit faster keeping your toes pointed beautiful trots let's come back to first position turning our toes and our knees out so the invention that the dad made was a wood chopper and it threw wood so let's do our plies while we watch some wood fly through our legs when we do our plies so we're gonna stand tall shoulders relaxed tummies in bending our knees making a nice diamond shape and a piece of wood flies through and then let's stand up squeezing our legs at the top squeezing your legs together plie straighten plie straighten beautiful plies plie straighten plie straighten plie straighten plie straighten one more plie straighten so maurice gets lost and he ends up at the beast's castle so let's do some plies in second position to make the shape of a castle so we'll tondu out to the side find our second position and when we plie in second position we're making the shape of a castle let's squeeze our legs at the top plie straighten plie straighten plie straighten plie straighten two more plie straighten last one plie straighten let's point our toe come back to first position beautiful the horse comes back alone and belle knows that something has happened to her father she galloped away on the horse to save him and she ends up taking his place as prisoner in the castle and all those that are living in the castle want to make her feel welcome so that hopefully that she can be the person that saves them and turns them back into humans so they want her to be their guest so we're gonna do a little ballet dance to the song be our guest so let's start first position hands on our hips we're gonna plie twice be our guest be our guest then we're gonna pk put our service to the test four times then let's tie a napkin around her neck tie a napkin round your neck sheree and we provide the rest we're gonna go up on our toes and turn in fifth position soup du jour hot hors d'oeuvres why we only live to serve and then we're gonna offer the gray stuff try the gray stuff it's delicious don't believe us ask the dishes then let's dance to the side they can sing they can dance after all fifth position turn this is france and a dinner here is never second best go on unfold your men you take a glance and then you'll be our guest be our guest be our guest beautiful should we try that one more time all right so if you need to pause and try that again you can so follow along with us we're going to start with our please be our guest be our guest pk put our service to the test tie your napkin round your neck shari and we provide the rest fifth soup de jour hot orders why we only live to serve try the gray stuff it's delicious don't believe me ask the dishes they can sing they can dance after all this is france and a dinner here is never second best go on unfold your men you take a glance and then you'll be our guest be our guest be our guest beautiful dancing good job eventually beauty and the beast become good friends and they start to have feelings towards each other we're going to do a beautiful porter bra to tail as old as time so we'll start in brah ba we're going to bring our hands up to first position and our fingertips are just at our belly button here then we're gonna come up to fifth position shoulders are nice and low making a nice oval shape and then we'll pop our fingers will gracefully open up and then halfway we're going to turn our palms down and come back to bra ba we're also going to add a plie when it says bends in the song and then at the very end we can do a fifth position turn beautiful are you all ready tail as old as time true as it can be even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly just a little change small to say the least neither one prepared both a little scared beauty and [Music] what a beautiful porter bra we are going to finish up with our ballet curtsy but before you end the video today make sure you go down to the description box and we put together a beauty and the beast ballet activity that you can download and also if you like videos like these don't forget to subscribe all right let's step to the side let's open up we'll point one toe behind take both arms out and then a little bend for your curtsy other side stepping to the side point point behind curtsy and then back to first position beautiful curtsy thank you so much for joining us today you did beautiful ballet dancing and we'll see you in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GVO Kids
Views: 392,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids ballet, ballet for kids, ballerina, beauty and the beast, be our guest, tale as old as time, beauty and the beast ballet, little ballerina, princess ballet, princess ballerina, ballet class for kids, ballet classes for kids, toddler ballet, ballet toddlers, ballet for kids at home, ballet for 3 year olds, ballet for 4 year olds, ballet for toddlers, kids ballet class, kids ballet dancing, ballet dancing, ballet, ballet kids, ballet class, kid ballerina, ballerina kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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