Baling Hay With The New Tractor

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oh hi everyone hi you went today and got chicken feed still in the back still back there and it smells like chicken feet so it smells like chicken feed oh she's really strong very strong chicken feet so it's layer layer feed for my layers and then starter starter feed for the starters yeah because I've got a whole bunch of turkeys and all the eggs all the chicks that I hatched with the incubator and yeah I have turkeys laying on more eggs I mean those turkeys wanna yeah they like being Broody I took a lot of the eggs away because I didn't think they were all fertile when I candle them so anyway what do you mean there's more might be more little birdies yeah I'm just letting them lay because they want to okay well that's interesting it's hot in here we have had some pretty warm weather yeah this whole week has been kind of unusually because we're what four days or five days of 90 already yeah and uh so yeah it's a little ahead of schedule normally we get our 90s in July and yeah sometimes into August but yeah generally July until July but a little early this year yeah typically it's 75 right now is like our average and we're running almost 20 degrees above that so and not only that it's dry out so we haven't had well actually all of may we only had eight tenths of an inch and normally we get like three three and a quarter oh really so we're we're kind of behind but uh the old school thinking is you know a year normally average is out so we've had a lot of rain this spring so I figured we'd get a dry spell at some point and it happens to be happening right now yeah the reason we're in here is we're gonna go check a field that we mowed of hay first cut and grass hay to see if it's ready to bail they raked it yesterday and we didn't think it was ready to go so we just went and hit it um we just went and rolled it again rolled it well the rake and we're gonna go take a look at that and then I wanted to take a look at the field that we're gonna leave for rice seed a field of cereal Rye so we're gonna go do that a minute we're gonna take you along first field wait this is really there's a little field behind the woods there but oh and you're always checking hey I was always told you always reached underneath and then you pull out underneath but you said he just rolled it so oh it seems to be well I rolled up this is Grassy stuff too but yeah oh there's a tough spot right there I can feel it but that's a piece of alfalfa right there well I would say it's almost ready to go maybe another half hour okay how many Bales do you think we'll get off this I don't know put your estimates in the comments then maybe I'll let you know at the end maybe what you know to help you out a little bit it's about 20 acres so oh yeah there you go 20 acre field over here I saw something there's Wild Roses you're starting to Blossom kind of windy oh boy that's poison ivy I'll be okay oh those are little yeah I'm keeping those oh they smell good we stopped and got a few roses petals off of another Bush that I've been keeping an eye on when I keep getting some of these because I'm going to infuse these in some oil this is I'm gonna get these ones that smells so good it does you don't like this smell these are little wild roses I'm gonna get these petals we're gonna Infuse them in some oil and put them in a safe or drink them as a tea or what for your hands oh okay it's heavily deer area go into the field here this is our Rye oh this could make me itchy look at you well yeah this is our cereal Rye that we say we're saving this field for seed and you can see right now that it's pollinating here see this yeah it just tells you that this variety is it's a tall variety yeah I thought we would take a look at it just to see but yeah that's good uh this sure could use maybe a drink too but it's cracking ground and this isn't even play no see what I see ladybugs all over this oh I wonder there's one there and there and there yeah what do they do eat the bugs the aphids off of it maybe yeah so so yeah it's uh this is what we're saving for straw in for seed and I just thought I'd get a look I wanted to look at it before we uh before it starts going down because uh once it gets pollinated and the seeds the head start filling the seat it seems like Rye likes to fall on itself yeah stems are so but there'll be a lot of straw here I mean yeah it will be so and do you will you be coming in here and spraying it some people think that um straw is sprayed for weeds and things No I um very rarely does people spray wheat for weeds I just it happens every now and then but it's not a widespread practice um the reason maybe it depends on where you're at and how tall wow the reason some people around here might spray their wheat for weeds is to get it through the combine it's very hard to get if you got really if your wheat is really weedy and green green weeds it just don't it don't combine very well at all and it's very hard on the combine so so then somebody might come in and spray it or round up to kill everything but it's not necessarily for the wheat it's to kill the weeds yeah so it'll go through the combine um some people spray their rye and wheat for weeds before they like when it's growing but it just depends on who it is and when they do it but we won't be no no this is really this field is actually very clean so there's no weeds in it to Mount anything yeah so it'll do quite well this is how many rose petals I got there's two different varieties there's the pink kind and then there's the little white ones but this is all I got I didn't want to like burden Kevin and have him pick with me just because I know he's got things to do so I'm gonna put these on my curing station and let them dry I'm not going to put these in the dehydrator because they're so delicate but oh if you could just smell these they're so nice let me show you my curing station it's over here so I have this little Greenhouse that someone sent me last year uh and I converted it kind of into a curing station so it just Zips open and close it has four shelves and I can just um put all my um herbs and everything that I'm curing um which I'm going to be using for medicinal purposes and I don't want to dry it with my my food dryer which puts heat to it so this is what I'm doing there's um lemon balm here this can probably come out and then I have um these are peonies that are just opening of my own these are rose bushes this is Rose Petals of my own mine are just starting to open as well I did some a few days ago and that's how big they end up being more peonies the smell in here is lovely and then I have some herbs down there but what's actually drawing moisture out is this little thing called a dehumidifier it's got a little bit of water in the bottom already and this just um quietly runs all day and night and it just draws the moisture right out without needing to without needing to add heat to it or anything so so that's my little curing station and these little rose petals are going to go in there next definitely got windy um so I'm at the field where we're bailing Kevin's having some issues because um we don't have a shield what's that called he got it plugged once actually he might be plugged right now I'm walking over to him a minute there's supposed to be a shield um that comes down well I'll show it to you so I don't have to explain it but anyways The Shield broke and it kind of just rusted off the Baler is 20 some years old so it it definitely is seen its better years but Ethan was gonna make a new Shield and hasn't got around to it so The Shield helps prevent the hay from um it kind of keeps it down so it doesn't fluff up and plug and so he's been plugging it looks like how's it going going I think something bro uh oh the chain oh is it did it stop spinning or yeah well that's because it's so full I didn't give you any I didn't bring you any water too bad we don't have reverse on it right here no sure would be handy sometimes where are we supposed to be looking all right the gears yeah he thinks it's something more serious all right go ahead and do it all right there's a key that goes on oh so the shaft is not moving that shaft can't even see it let's just finish got me to turn it hold on oh there's the key all right I'm ready all right [Music] oh he's up two boats uh 18 Bales so far so if you've guessed 20 bales uh you better guess a little higher there's no statue or anything all right I wonder if we should have came out I thought I was trying to tell you 15. well he's back at it got the key fixed that you broke well it didn't break I think it fell out which was a little odd but just gone the key was gone out of the shaft in the uh sprocket that was attached to it I really just gone so we pulled the cover and then we uh found a new key put it in and we got it back going and then Ethan wanted to run so I'm letting him run because this is the first time bailing with a 74.95 it's 180 horse it seems to actually bail quite well they're quite strong on it because we had a an older 7495 that we used and that had less horse and that seemed it seemed to work it a little harder than what this was but this is a newer model 74.95 it still has more horsepower so seems to be working good and uh so we're just coming up to check out of and see how he's doing and some of you have asked where's the Challenger the Challenger we still have it it's usually hooked to the Manure Spreader almost full time now now that we have the 74.95 so uh it's still a Workhorse for us so we keep using it [Music] foreign a lot of you asked what that yellow tank is on the back that is when we first got the Baler we used to use inoculant or some type of an inoculant product which would um keep the bales from Heating and molding in the inside um so anytime hay is above ideally you want it around 14 but anytime it was above 18 or so we would put inoculant inside the Bale so um it's just an Immaculate applicator that we've never taken off the Baler we don't use it anymore we haven't used it in many many years um we just like to make sure that we bail it dry if not we just leave them outside for a while to to sweat out [Music] if you would scoot jumper like this we gotta lean in you look so good over there it smells like chicken feet so I roll my window down it's hot in here no no I like it so now we're just sitting here that's what we're gonna talk about so the reason we're sitting in here oh hi everyone Welcome to our Channel so the reason we're sitting in the vehicle wife is laughing her laughter abounds yeah it probably works laughter is good medicine wears off on you but uh let's hope so
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 128,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baling hay, square bales, large sqaure bales, hay, baling, new holland, baler, massey, massey 7495, new holland bb940, faming, farm wife, farming family, grass hay
Id: VseH-ZvOWvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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