Baldur's Gate 3 -- Staying with the Emperor (ending)

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over I can't feel the tadpole they must have all died with the brain that means I can't turn into a mind flare not that there's necessarily anything wrong with being a mind flare of course and rightly so you are better now than you have ever been I have crossed blades with countless Warriors among the tears of saluna but none so resilient as you SAR you may have succeeded but I have failed gith son is dead and vth has abandoned me I will be hunted by her Inquisition to the ends of the world I must leave I have nothing more to gain by being here the world looms before me never has it felt so vast so empty but at least it will be a world in which there is no Grand Design [Music] the G Yan are leaving it would have been hard to imagine passing ways from them peacefully once with the gith Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city small moldering waiting to be rebuilt you are a mind flare the very thing you sought to eradicate whatever self you possess is quickly ebbing away your friends and enemies alike are ripe for manipulation and if not manipulation then consumption soon you will not be able to trust yourself at all you be a monstrosity Beyond redemption or not perhaps you are unique among athid kind perhaps you will retain enough of who you are to resist your nature a rogue mind flare like the emperor the risk is certainly yours to take will you your fate will be what you make of it now you are your own Master but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown I'm not sure about um drink in hand but I think we've all earned some reckless abandon how about you any thoughts on what's next quite right and so long as it doesn't please you to munch on my cerebellum I'll be right behind you I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the ow what the their concerns are so trifling are they not look at you you're glorious the greatest Ally I could have wished for you know this partnership doesn't have to end here you and I could do wonderful things we could rebuild the Knights of the shield and run it together what do you say have I ever told you how much I enjoy you lead the way it's hard to say what your companions make of you now
Channel: CheesyYams
Views: 190,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jgIDqW4C2hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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