Baldur's Gate 3 - Gale Self-Destruction + New Patch 5 Epilogue

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the high Hall was once a beacon of Promise of wisdom of Celebration now well it's just a beacon for all manner of Horrors and pity I'd need a ream of parchment longer than an elder brain stem to cature the tumult I feel of that particular Prospect but I'm ready if that's the word you need to hear if you call on me I will not let you down I'm cautiously optimistic though with the time left to us and the amount still to be done it's best we don't take anything for granted who knows what shape these final moments of ours might assume not I not mistra not even you whatever my fate might be be I'll be glad to greet it in such fine company the brain it's high above the city now far away from any innocence I can end this now stop the absolute and spare the city the stage is set for my final Act M's bidding and the Redemption that lies Beyond you brought be right where I need to be I have no right to ask more of you it's time I spirited you to safety for this is a fate I must face alone as much as I enjoy your company I'm not willing to kill you just to ring out a few last moments it's just a choice between two deaths quick and meaningful or torturous and pointless it's now or never what I want perhaps not but what I need I believe so but it may not be the last turn of the page even if it seems so there's endless Wonder out there infinite possibilities perhaps fate will bring us back together before the universe dims gas and FY bloody m up you go then gaale let's make this count the whole world's watching th th no I think you're mistaken the name's Gale of waterdeep a pleasure to make your acquaintance though our time together will be exceptionally brief farewell [Music] and happy lad sh he succeeded he destroyed the nether brain the parasite it's with it dead along with the nether brain I am cleansed I will never be a filthy G but gaale he's gone he sacrificed his life for everyone he may not have been a warrior but he fought better than any of us his was a noble sacrifice I will ensure that all gith yanii know his name and his sacrifice what he has done today will start a fire that rages across the astral plain with their lost Prince return my people will burn away vet's corruption and it is all thanks to Gail the wizard who destroyed a nether brain I suppose we better on a gale but perhaps there's a library somewhere that has a [Music] bar a word please it's very well met I am a magical projection of Gail of water deep and if you see this manifestation that means I have prematured early perished alas on this occasion I appear to have been erased from this plane in both soul and substance so the usual protocol for revivification cannot be followed I am however available for the duration of this spell to assist with a tying of any Loose Ends related to my recent departure from mortality as I said I am merely a projection of gaale a highly accomplished one reflecting my Creator's flare for such magic but in no way my the great wizard himself he is gone the good news is I am here precisely to assist in cushioning that heaviest of blows I have been entrusted with the delivery of a letter to be given to one who cared most for me in life I hope these words do something to ease the tragedy of my untimely and honestly quite unexpected passing with that I'm afraid my spell is waning is there anything else you need of me before I blink out of existence how fortunate I was to know someone like [Music] you oh Hello darling I was hoping to see you Withers informed me about this little get together and I thought I show my whiskers I can almost feel Gail here among his friends in you some part of him remains doesn't it a crackling in the air isn't it that flare of magic and Mischief oh what I wouldn't give to snuggle up on his lap one more time just once would do oh I couldn't possibly unless well perhaps it's not a terrible idea Gail would be quite pleased to know we've made friends wouldn't he perhaps you'd be willing to come meet Gail's mother sometime she misses him so and I know it would do her heart a world of good to discuss her son with someone who knew him as he was jolly good I'll tell Mr diarios to be expecting you oh she'll be delighted things just haven't been the same without himself cluttering up the place enjoy your party dear I've heard you quite deserve a celebration
Channel: Praetorian
Views: 4,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Gale, Ending, Epilogue, Patch 5, New, Conclusion, Party, Withers, Explosion, Netherbrain, Act 3, Self destruct
Id: pXrYoXWlzgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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