Baldur's Gate 3: All 7 Origin Character Introductions (Very Minor Spoilers)

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foreign don't be shy I promise not to bite until we've been formally introduced my name's a Starion and I've spent a century stalking the night hunting for pretty morsels just like you a man called casadore made me what I am kept me like a pet forced me to do his bidding no more at Apple's influence broke his dominance over me and now I can finally pursue the one thing I've hungered for these long dark years Revenge I'm going back to Baldur's Gate track casadore down in his lair I'll be the last thing the bastard ever sees since I was born in the cold reaches of space I have known but one purpose to wield a silver sword and ride a red dragon in service of my Regent the gift Yankee Queen vlakith step on this path is to slay a mind player and bring its head to my queen there's no flesh I will not cut and no barrier I will not shatter to see it done I am the one who summed us I am the undying Queen's most unshakable Warrior I am Lazelle of khalir [Music] well net stranger you find yourself in the presence of the renowned Wizarding Prodigy Gale of watervy please no need to be intimidated my virtuosic talents once caught the eye of the goddess of magic herself mystra who named me her chosen and her lover thanks to a slight miscalculation on my part that relationship eventually soured as did the greatest of my powers now I'm merely a humble wizard on The Road to Redemption unless I can find the path to something greater my name is shadowhunt loyal servant of Shah goddess of darkness and loss there is little more I can tell you than that my lady Shah tasked me with a mission of such secrecy that I surrendered great swathes of my memory in order to safeguard the knowledge of it all I know is that I must bring the artifact I hold to Baldur's Gate and that nothing can stand in my way my goddess is watching seven years ago I was exiled from Baldur's Gate the city I call home my name is will but the people of the sword Coast call me the blade of Frontiers champion of the meek defender of the essence [Music] the truth isn't quite so simple but they're right about one thing I hunt monsters and I always catch my prey my latest Target is a devil and I'm right on her tail once I'm through with her she'll never escape the fires of the first hell [Music] ten years ago I was sold to the arch Devil's Ariel she put a Hellfire engine in my chest and made me her prize Soldier Escape now thank you mind flayers and I've got a few scores to settle if this engine doesn't burn me to Ash first I'll need people I can trust an infernal mechanic and a serious amount of luck but you know what I'm not worried after 10 years in the hells I can take on anything I've got my chance at freedom and believe me I'm going home my friend said blood Whispers to me kill kill again my ruined body yearns to reap death in this world when this vowel urge calls it possesses my whole being injured Beyond repair I know nothing besides this I must resist the dark urge lest it consume my mind I must discover who I was and what happened to me before my twitching knife hand writes a tragedy and plot
Channel: Spell&Shield
Views: 47,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tF4ZzpEEHr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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