Baldur's Gate 3 Actors on working with Neil Newbon

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Neil Neil's helped you a lot I know and he'll he'll probably yeah he's a definitely he's an expert at everything that guy I don't I don't know anything he's bad at you know can you find his weakness tonight I will find his weakness and exploit it that can be my next task get I'm just gonna fight I'm just gonna exploit me no what is what is Neil bad at I don't know that's a very good question I think he's bad at resting yeah oh my God I'm not saying anything yeah being still being still that's what Neil's bad at um yeah no he's he's been he's been amazing he's kind of held held my hand all the way through this I'm very grateful for Neil newor um and all all of the origins actually like uh Deo wild who plays laelle the irony that that she is one of my most wonderful friends when Lael and shadowart hate each other I know but we like just we just like I adore that woman so much and yeah and yet do we get on in the game not at all but um yeah no the the the the actors on this game have are just I love how everyone's so invested in it you can tell like when you're watching forance or hearing a performance you can tell the difference between if the actors I mean it sounds so lame but having fun um like for example Neil who plays a staran like he was having the time of his life in there I can tell and you can hear it and then if you have an actor who's new who's who's just tense that's like a huge part of our job is to essentially just be like okay it's okay it's all right what we're going to do is this is this is how this is how it's going to be um and ultimately it's not all about like let me go in and give you a shoulder rub but it's about um it is about relaxation because you know what it's like when you're nervous like your whole body your whole body just seizes up and I mean that's kind of the opposite of where you want to be if you're going to be giving a great performance and the worst thing as well is that they have by the time they've reached us they here for a reason we've gone through their reals we've gone through their casting we we want them to be here and there it's getting them in that head space of you're here for reason you can do this we believe in you let us help you do that and so sometimes it's just climbing people down from their anxieties but then some people just hit the ground running so yeah it's understanding the character and as as my as the the lovely Neil newborn says is is we and and other people said you're not to judge the character you're like so if playing a villain or a good guy you know you can't you can't say well I wouldn't do that but they would yeah so we could understand a little bit about why um yeah I think that's that's my preparation as it were is that the biggest thing you've learned from him or is there something else that sticks in your head that you've learned from Neil over the years I've learned I've learned a lot from NE and and I'm very fortunate because I get to go and the reason why I was telling the story about me taking the camera to his course is that I actually ended up being the videographer oh you did yeah for Neil's oh nice so I've I've seen I want to say so you've seen him talk a lot you've learned a lot definitely you got the cheat sheet that's right I'm his Sue Chef no not no he I've I've learned a great deal that that is one of them um and Trauma like I think there's a really good one about trauma like if you've if you've if you haven't dealt with a trauma in your past that's like more than seven years old then don't use that to kind of affect your performance um he's a bit he is actually Neil's is a bit more method I've learned you know it's you're not in it for yourself and I that's kind of where my background is from anyway um but in terms of actors and you know in terms of in terms of Nail's kind of influence he's like you just you just you can't be in in this game you're serving the story kind of thing you're serving the story yeah you're working with with so many different creators and it's it's a it's a village right it's you're working with lots of other people who are trying to tell the same story and you can't block that by saying well actually I want to do like you can to an extent but like you know it's collaboration it's just the way you mentioned Neil did you did he direct you no Neil never directed sadly but I know he did direct some of the sessions yeah so you just met him in the corridor or whatever he was just yeah we met him between in a in a break I think a couple of times and then I was doing another game I came in and and he was doing a session oh wow um so I met him a couple of times and I know he's doing a live stream he's organized a live stream he's passionate passionate about are you gonna join him on that or you don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna talk to him about it I haven't managed to since I got back from Spain I haven't managed to speak to him but uh I'm hoping to yeah if if everything aligns timing wise that yeah I can I can be there there was a lot of nerves those first day it was like doing a first day at school and you have those Jitters and all you want to do is not fall flat on your face and everyone I think on set did a really great job of welcoming me in Neil Newan was one of my crossovers who's also in balers Gate 3 as a starian think he liter Legend I mean literally but he was actually I think the first person I met met when I walked on to set first on the first day um and was so generous about his time and resources and is a is he's just an outgoing and generous person he's always championed you Maggie yeah oh well okay well that's just because he's amazing but uh yeah no he I mean he really was a definitely a mentor for me throughout that process because he has so much map experience and then the second he learned that I this is my first time it was like oh amazing um here's everything and the whole cast did that as well um so it was a really lovely working experience and Larry's the same way quite honestly I really loved it was a lot more intimate because it was just me in the map booth and then me and the directors that I was working with did you ever work with Neil I worked with Neil I worked with Neil directed me on a couple of sessions yeah yeah yeah man even sometimes so um when you're in the volume and you're you're doing the work obviously well maybe other characters did this but I did I was never acting with another actor in the volume yeah so not not once was I doing that but what I did have sometimes if the other characters line had been recorded I could get that played to me and then I could play off that line which is an act's dream if you've got something to work against then then that's perfect so um yeah no Neils Neil's brilliant man Neil's brilliant and even host the game's release him just giving me advice and and just bits of wisdom man because honestly without him and a couple other people in the building at pit stop I would be lost you know because I I I had no idea all this stuff post the release was going to happen so you had everyone Lucky Duck yeah yeah I know Neil newborn directed me too yeah I like but yeah um you you you never really knew who you were going to get I think you know they've got um kind of three main map Studios and then one that they can use in an emergency um and so you know in really busy days they could technically kind of have like all of them on the goal um and so it is just who's free to direct I'm sure it was way more organized than that but but but you need a lot of directors um so yeah I got to work with so many incredible people so lucky this character's Journey has been absolutely extraordinary and I can't thank swen and Lian and pit stop and Josh Weeden and Jason Latino and all those of and step Rooney the writer enough to say thank you so much for giving me this H mate sorry for giving me this character because it's allowed me the totality of an acting experience in a project sustained over four years I've made friendships I've had fun I've it's allowed me to sustain myself as an actor and um honestly man you gonna get me well man for the first time sorry it's been one of the best games gifts and characters I've ever played really has well we're gonna have to do this again on camera know we're don't recording don't [Music] worry
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 32,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wSQ0tgvRFyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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