Baffling Ancient Megalith Discoveries That Are Leaving Researchers Totally Speechless

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new baffling discoveries made in the colossal ruins of Baalbek Lebanon provide evidence of a past super civilization so technically advanced in ancient times that many researchers are left speechless Baalbek is the name of the archaeological site in Lebanon in Roman times it was known as Heliopolis or the city of the Sun the biggest enigma that have historians in an uproar is just how old are the ruins the original Canaanite temples could be two thousand years older than the Roman remains left today the question is had the Canaanites done what the Romans did in other words did they build upon the site as well the oldest part of the ruins at Baalbek fit absolutely no known culture and were originally employed for some mysterious purpose to further increase their mysterious origin and original use these megaliths are not foundation stones as they're always declared they represent the top course of stones of the original edifice whatever that may have been the heaviest stone block at Baldock is 1,650 tons so that's gigantic beyond belief but there it stands a block of stone that's weighing two three four or five tonnes is a huge heavy stone and when you start talking about fifty or a hundred tons things start getting epic five hundred tons then everyone including engineers are completely stunned above that the mind boggles many of these megaliths are much older than the archaeologists are saying including Baalbek Baalbek is a partial Roman temple and mainstream archaeology is saying that Baalbek is a purely Roman temple and that the Romans built all of it what you really have there is a pre Roman structure with massive blocks of what they're calling ash Lars they're the foundation stones of Baalbek and you have almost the same thing at Jerusalem at Solomon's Temple the gigantic blocks of stone that are the base of Solomon's Temple one called the Western stone is a giant block of stone that wasn't visible until the Israelis dug a tunnel along the base of King Solomon's Temple and that allowed us to see the stone these are the super megaliths that historians and engineers should be trying to figure out first yet we always are told how they shifted five ton blocks around with sheer force many believe the remnants of this culture have been wiped out in a flood of epic proportions and as sea levels of risen that's where we should be looking research is slowly coming telling us the flood thesis might be true during a high-resolution mapping of the mediterranean sea floor researchers discovered an enormous stone monolith resting in the Sicilian Channel ancient people have crafted the monolith however it's unclear how ancient people living at least nine thousand five hundred years ago we're able to cut extract transport and install the stone there are hundreds of known sunken cities in the Mediterranean alone Malta boosts many of these and mysterious cart ruts that go into the sea Malta at one point was hit by a giant flood like Cataclysm we know this from guard alum cave above the coastline which had Ice Age animals compacted inside an ancient flood ancient civilizations always seem to head back to Atlantis Lemuria the megaliths in South America as well as underwater ruins and the Bahamas are no exception Atlantis was tied to the underwater Bimini wall with Edgar Casey's prediction however Atlantis as a story is traced back through Egypt from the Egyptians story of Solon Atlantis was a global civilization before 10,000 BC and that's the legend of Atlantis but archaeologists and historians like the civilization starting in Sumeria gobekli tepe seems to uproot this long-held concept and what we're obviously looking at is a restart of civilization perhaps many times that's what you would expect from a global Cataclysm of epic proportions any traces of civilization before the 10,000 BC era would essentially be labeled Atlantis India speaks of tail like this and the lost continent of Kumari Kandam the Tamils claim that they're part of a lost continent that's now underwater south of India between Australia Sri Lanka was part of this - meal at lion Kingdom when we come to Peru in South America we come across so many similarities with Egypt and cyclopean super megaliths we really must consider the Atlantis thesis as highly plausible maybe these myth tellers are recounting their forgotten history the huge blocks of stone located at ollantaytambo and Peru are a fine example of high craftsmanship heavy lifting and bizarre techniques being replicated across the Atlantic with a practice known as Keystone cuts these uniquely shaped cuts done in megalithic blocks is a very unusual way to put blocks together but you find these key stone cuts in all kinds of different parts of the world puma punku-- in Bolivia is a prime example of these Keystone cuts and their cuts and blocks of stone upon which molten metals are poured into the motif the Keystone is always across the joint leading many to think the metal connection is hermetically bonding the blocks together [Music] [Music] what when we come to the megaliths of Easter Island and particularly to the quarry on Easter Island we get into the mind-boggling territory once again Easter Island is a triangular island with up to three volcanoes and there's a fourth volcano sort of in the center of the island a little bit off to the side and it's this one where all the statues on Easter Island were quarried there are hundreds of statues recorded at Easter Island some were moved out of the quarry and placed around the islands facing inland supposedly to protect the island what happened at Easter Island is they made all these statues left them at the quarry they didn't do anything with them they didn't move them anywhere they're just sitting still at the quarry in a sense on the side of the hill in fact most of them are buried up to their chests according to the early natives on Easter Island what they would have to do is move the statues to the edge of the island according to the Islanders there Easter Island Rapa Nui was part of a continent a lost continent like a Lemuria this continent their homeland sank beneath the ocean the only part of their land that didn't sink beneath the ocean was Easter Island to protect their Island from sinking like the rest of the land they put statues all around the edge of the island supposedly the statues walked themselves Easter Island being a volcanic island is a puzzling and magnetic anomaly so strange people often feel an unusual sense of energy there it's often being compared to the magnetic vortex of the Bermuda Triangle these statues are 40 to 50 feet high but most of them are buried up to their chests some are lying down and the green slopes of the volcanic quarry was there a cataclysm that washed across the island and buried them how would thirty feet of soil have built up around these statues in even 500 years they're supposed to have been built it's so baffling like these statues have been there for thousands and thousands of years and perhaps some volcano had to go off to half bury them all the statues that were put up around the island facing inland they're standing on platforms they're not buried it's almost like the Easter Islanders later went and got some of these statues from the quarry and put them up around the island at the Museum on Easter Island you can see the inlay in their eyes and they would use whale ivory to put in his pupils and there would be a piece of black obsidian as the eye itself before we leave Easter Island we must address the rongorongo script it drives the story it's crazy because they're left puzzled no matter what way they come at it it seriously messes up their tidy timelines Rango Rango is Oceanos only indigenous script it's found in Easter Island only in the center of the Pacific Ocean over a thousand miles from any continent the script was first identified in 1864 however the baffling mystery is that it's exactly like the indus valley script rongorongo writing is identical to the indus valley writing which would be mohenjo-daro and the indus valley the civilization in pakistan and then half in western india a civilization which goes back to at least 3000 BC in 1932 wilhelm de Hevesy was the first academic to suggest a link between rongorongo and the Indus script of the Indus Valley Civilization in India claiming that as many as 40 rongorongo symbols had a correlating symbol in the script from India for a while the idea was entertained and debated until radiocarbon dating of the Indus Valley culture was placed between circa 3300 to 1900 BC a finding which officially separated the two cultures by over 2,000 years recent research however has opened the debate again as the finding of indus valley DNA in australian aborigines suggests a contact between the two cultures circa 2000 BC the Pacific is riddled with enigmas in Micronesia a mysterious city called nan Madol on the island of Pohnpei have sparked debates whether it's linked to gunung padang in indonesia on the southeast corner of pawn PI the huge city is built into the ocean of the giant walls built out of basalt there's over 250 million tons of basalt stacked up in 100 artificial island walls that are 30 to 40 feet high in some places using prismatic crystals of basalt weighing 10 to 30 tons apiece there's so much stone and materials in Nan Madol the mind boggles how much effort went into building it and why considering the Great Pyramid is 6 million tons approximately and 250 million tons for Nan Madol means entire mountains would have been dismantled to get the material for the city bizarrely the 8 sided prismatic bath salts are magnetic giving off strange lights everything about this place is off the charts when you get your mind around 100 artificial islands it's mind-blowing how anyone could have done this 250 million tons of basalt stacked up into these walls 30 feet high yet archaeologists have it all figured out in some ridiculous timeline just like Easter Island the native inhabitants are detached from the original builders with little more than legend to explain it why do we always see around the planet huge cut blocks of stone when smaller ones would do a great example of this is in aswan egypt the unfinished obelisk in the aswan quarries where the aswan dam is 100 miles from luxor the top the obelisk has been squared off and cut and there are big trenches going down the sides that have been dug out of solid granite bedrock it's unfinished because of a natural fault they couldn't see from above the sheer size they were attempting to quarry out is beyond belief yet there it is the obelisk of Aksum is truly amazing that it was transported between continents twice during the last 100 years however the reason for delay and repatriation was the sheer difficulty in duping it as a society today if we struggle shifting obelisks ancients managed and again why didn't they build them so big if they did struggle what was the gain in doing so amazing megalithic work in Ethiopia didn't stop an obelisks it continued until 900 years ago with the rock cut churches of lalibela an amazing feat of stonework although a marvel look at we can easily see how something like this is quarried slowly working stones over 500 tons is another matter entirely whilst most megalithic regions in Europe boasts some huge camp stones like the antic carrot dolmen in Spain and let table demo shown in Brittany most of the megalithic sites that encompass the nomadic culture who built them are built of more manageable size megalithic European sites run into the thousands upon thousands there everywhere look at a map of Europe you'll find dense hotspots of megalithic activity in various regions Brittany is perhaps the most famous the broken obelisk there Legrand Munir bree-zay this stone obelisk has the honor of having once been the largest known standing stone in Europe and the largest of a huge 19 stone alignment today the Munir is broken into four pieces which still lie where they fell the stone is estimated to have weighed about 355 tons when complete and who have stood over 20 meters high it was hand mauled into its present shape and an ex-player was once visible on the middle fragment John Mitchell reports the nearest source of similar stone at over 50 miles distance and even though newer reports suggest only 10 kilometers north of RA it still highlights the fact that the location outweighed the difficulties involved in transporting such large stones over long distances dole dobrze ton obelisk at 9 meters high is still hugely impressive we're talking Neolithic times 4000 BC at 3,000 BC and the idea we've been given of this time is little more than cavemen the opposite is true we're talking sophisticated transport of heavy materials in in his spittle terrains over large distances the biggest megaliths of Europe seemed to occur in the further epochs 4000 BC and the lighter megalithic work seems to be when this culture dwindles out of the existence around 1000 BC the commune of Karnak has more than 3000 standing stones from the Neolithic period these standing stones or manures are dotted around the landscape but appear in their highest concentration at the alignments as known as the Carnac stones rows and rows of stones erected in lines stretching almost as far as the eye can see it's the largest megalithic site in the world clearly size is not just the only component of the mystery complex layouts patterns and geometry are at play astronomical alignments and observations layered into the monuments provide a layer of enigma that enthralls everyone who visits them there are also the jaw-dropping numbers of sites involved some 35,000 catalogued symbolic arrangements with the same architectural features mostly across coastal Europe but also mountainous regions inland there's an estimated 40,000 on catalogued lying in wait whilst each country tries it's best to catalogue vast lists of sites and various states of ruin there are some 31 wiki pages listed it's taken nearly two centuries for historians to admit that all of Europe's mysterious massive stone structures may have had one origin source the problem lies in that they've been painted as hunter-gatherers one notch up above cavemen since we're talking about megalithic structures from the top of Scandinavia near the Arctic Circle across the entire British Isles from northern coastal Europe to the Mediterranean Basin every island in the Mediterranean Basin and right up to the middle east of Jordan and Israel if you showed photos of the structures stone circles and dolmens without telling the observer the region they were from there would be resounding confirmation of same designer same architect same concept the observation is obvious rudimentary and compelling anyone has tried to link sites over distances says either been ridiculed or shunned why because historians would have to admit seagoing vessels and a Mariner culture it's almost as if what happened in coastal Europe was the remnants of a culture or survivors of a lost culture scattered and they might try to keep the knowledge architecture and astronomy alive whilst the some this might seem like a reach it has serious credence and is highly plausible when you study megalith the gear up as a whole and admit the obvious a common origin of all science in fairness there are issues with a common origin a recent study has laid claims that Brittany's megalithic region was the original epicenter of this marvelous ancient architecture evidence suggests several pockets all ignited at the same time northwest ireland Evora in portugal and brittany all show massive projects in the 4800 bc era almond Ray's crumb lack in évora even shows remarkable similarities to brittany alignments the data we see on the ground doesn't match the study which lays claims that the oldest is brittany and everything else follows Scotland and Malta show remarkable similarities fossil which are at the two ends of Europe Sardinia Corsica and Malta in the Mediterranean Sea being relatively close to each other all show such diversity in age style art and architecture it doesn't make sense at the same time in portraying all this we have signature monuments like dolmens in all these regions like a beacon saying we all have the same concept mariners seeking refuge in Europe from an unknown common source fits the scenario perfectly but Mariners from where from when some time before 5000 BC people versed in massive megalith the construction hit Europe at different locations and set up camp what looked like independent cultures doing the same bizarre unique style independently is really one group with specific ideas scattered doing things individually the question is we're the megalithic builders of Europe's pond from the same megalithic global culture the style says no Peru looks so unique precise and like a showroom masterpiece of masonry craftsmanship whilst megalithic Europe looks so rough cut hewn and strewn together there is the Enigma of dolmens reaching Korea in the Far East that says anything is possible and that our planet Earth really is smaller than we think we often underestimate our ancestors sure they'd be in awe of our modern technology but when we look at the resilient monuments they created the great pyramids Stonehenge theme why of Easter Island we're left speechless as well and wonder how they do that often this question remains unanswered and these wonderful structures are still shrouded in mystery the dolmens of Korea are equally such an enigma dolmens and Korea are generally single chambers with two or more vertical stones supporting a horizontal capstone forming a tabletop there are examples of dolmens in China and Japan but Korea has the highest concentration of these prehistoric megaliths around 35,000 structures more than the rest of the world yet compared to dolmens in other countries in Korea these structures have only recently been analyzed the ping Mai dolmen in hua Sun weighs 280 tons and is by far the largest dolmen in the world it has fairy legends associated with it just like its European counterparts the ganghwado Minh is perhaps the most recognizable of these korean structures anthropologists estimate that it took 200 to 300 people to erect the megalith it also has folklore associated with it associating this time with a wizard in other korean legends dolmens are referred to as houses for witches or the work of ancient saints though these outlandish folk tales are entertaining they do nothing to debate the origin of these structures however like Merlin the magician in the UK and his association with megalithic monuments its instrumental to note the folklore and megalithic craze is almost identical though thousands of miles of when we see ancient structures around the world ancient lost advanced technology and cross-cultural connections we must question everything who really created the great civilizations of the world and who were our real ancestors what made it possible for ancient cultures such as the Inca the Maya and the Egyptians to suddenly appear on the timeline of history already endowed with very advanced skills and cosmic knowledge these questions are not adequately answered by conventional archeology we need to look through the eyes of the ancestors revealing evidence that challenges the mainstream historical view we've often been given a narrative and then told what to think about it we never get the facts to speak for themselves megalithic Europe has been confined to its own borders and each little megalithic district has been in the control of modern countries there are some who think that the Middle East and the farthest corners of the North Western Europe were in contact the stone circle at Gilgal repay min Israel would fit right into the categories of stone circles and Cairns of the British Isles the Gilgal drop aim also called the Rouge amel Jiri megalithic monument in northern Israel near the Sea of Galilee contains almost 40,000 basalt rocks resembling a giant target from above and boasting intricate stone arrangements within the circles range from 8 feet in height to 15 feet tall in the centre archaeologists estimate the site was constructed as early as 3000 BCE though its purpose remains unknown Israeli archaeologists have found it aligns with the summer solstice sunrise and that the location may have been used as a place to gaze at and track the Stars working like a kind of ancient calendar on the island of Menorca in the Mediterranean Sea megalithic monuments called talas Catalan for tables attract visitors far and wide archaeologists aren't sure what purpose the tallest served though independent researchers have shown deep astronomical significance making an arc in the sky the talus were constructed between 1,000 and 3,000 BCE official studies reveal how many are already drawing attention to similar t-shaped pillars of Gobekli Tepe while we're talking about a possible six to eight thousand years difference in the epoch of construction the t-shaped pillars may have an astronomical practice associated with them that gets passed on equally the dolmens of Korea and those of Europe are also separated by two to four millennia yet the concept of Mythology is passed on somehow if we first get over the hurdle and accept transoceanic contact between ancient cultures then we can solve some of the problems of megalithic similarities the colossal Olmec heads are a perfect example to exhibit this point no one would argue their indigenous features yet we can't just say case solved either it doesn't mean West African megalithic builders came one way set up camp and started a new culture it's much more complex than that we're talking a global worldwide civilization made up of many cultures traversing and trading symbols ideology concepts construction methods styles artifacts materials resource all get traded across vast distances today and as far back as men as existed on the planet this only happens in a world that's connected by sea or by land or both the Corsica megaliths are eerily like gobekli tepe also this Mediterranean island exhibits bizarre features just like the Ice Age monument of gobekli tepe the strange faces carved in the standing stones look remarkably close to the earth amman we even have the same h symbol carved into the stones the more people look the more connections they find perhaps the gobekli tepe builders didn't decline they just moved on and migrated with their astronomical observations and stone technology the connections keep coming the earth a man has his long fingers around the navel as do the gobekli tepe t-shaped pillars the Easter Island statues have long fingers holding the belly or focused on the navel we find the same practice in the coastal lowlands of Guatemala the pre-classic period some 2,500 years ago the statues are all drawing attention to the navel area with long fingers this is the very early colonization phase in Central America not Mayan supposedly some unknown independent chiefdom in guatemala wealth these specific practices and artistic styles across different cultures are huge indicators of a connection there's no band of archaeologists traversing the museum's of the world looking for them put it like this every megalithic region and megalithic culture have their own individual styles yet there are commonalities between sites that shouldn't be there archaeology concentrates on the individualistic and megalithic researchers concentrate on the connections Keystone cuts is another fantastic instrumental concept that cannot be explained by archaeology on various continents the practice of Keystone cuts appears puma punku-- is one place where you can visit and see them openly was there a megalithic technology or advanced group traversing the world teaching knowledge trading knowledge or migrating from place to place if there was a cataclysm or worldwide flood that some have suggested it would explain the migrations it would also explain the common origin and limited transoceanic contact each megalithic culture as it moved on and isolated itself was left to progress flourish or dwindle out of existence one of the most remarkable megalithic cultures to last so long on this earth was the san agustin culture of colombia so very little is known about the ancient peoples of san agustin or their culture they have no written language and had already disappeared several centuries before Europeans arrived in this part of the world but their legacy is sealed regardless of how much or little we can learn about them after all they were responsible for building the largest group of monuments and megalithic scholars in South America this mystery is unlikely to be solved any time soon but san agustin isn't about solving mysteries it's about experiencing the wonders of a lost civilization the real mystery of san agustin lies in the identity of the skilled peoples who built these remarkable statues and burial sites archaeologists and anthropologists have been baffled trying to piece together some part of their story the earliest remnants of their culture date back to 3300 BC and these archaeological sites were abandoned around 1350 ad they were rediscovered in the 18th and 19th centuries and most of the burial sites were looted in search of gold the fact remains they survived the longest of all megalithic cultures right up until medieval times then like every other megalithic culture vanished [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DTTV Studios
Views: 141,731
Rating: 4.7439351 out of 5
Keywords: ancient, documentary, baffling, mystery, megalithic
Id: irYuOzu5NXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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