Baffling Sumerian Anunnaki Discoveries That Hardly Anyone Is Talking About

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] to the ancient Sumerians Babylonians and Assyrians the Anunnaki were part of a pantheon of gods and goddesses who ruled over the day-to-day lives of humans down on earth while the different civilizations claimed and worshipped various numbers and kinds of deities the Anunnaki were generally considered the most powerful intriguing and mysterious in their own right modern researchers have uncovered some unusual characteristics and claims about the Anunnaki most authors have focused on these ancient deities as extraterrestrial beings who came down mated with or created modern humans and designed most of the great wonders of the world including the Egyptian pyramids with advanced technology while some dismiss their ideas and translations some very intriguing evidence still exists in the records and artifacts of various places on earth on the rock carvings of ancient Sumeria Egypt South America and Turkey mysterious similarities emerge one such pattern is the use of small satchels by many of the main gods and goddesses from those civilizations these days people use small satchels for both fashion and function but what were the gods using them for and why did deities worshipped in places far apart in both position and time use them too the earliest depiction of these satchels of the gods appeared in Mesopotamia generally considered the birthplace of civilization intricate carvings of their deities showed a bearded humanoid with vast wings an elaborate headdress long robe satchel and even a wristwatch travel halfway around the globe to find evidence from the Aztec and Maya civilizations in ancient South America here archaeologists have found depictions of their gods as humanoid with beards and headdresses and also carrying the exact same small bag other gods with bags locations include Tula from the Toltec empire gobekli tepe and Turkey and even Egypt the Annunaki explanation the striking similarities between cultures logically point to some connection or common influence with the ancient tales of the Anunnaki the explanation becomes clearer these Sumerian gods were said to not only control and guide human civilization but also to bestow on them great gifts of knowledge and technology with them people were able to build massive pyramids and temples all over the world the Egyptians Mayans and other civilizations whose gods and goddesses look nearly the same and carried the same bags would know nothing of Sumerian deities unless they were something more the evidence for alien Anunnaki coming to earth in various locations increases as historians and archaeologists uncover more information did extraterrestrial beings come down from some mysterious planet out there in the universe with the express purpose to develop our world and guide the people in it many guesses about the contents of these mysterious bags exist some mundane ideas include water seeds or that the carvings depicted deities receiving offerings from worshippers other explanations include the bags being toolboxes with high-tech gadgets battery packs to power them breathing apparatus so the aliens can survive more comfortably and simply magic although no researchers can find evidence that clearly states what's inside these handbags that show up all over the ancient world one thing is certain something about them was extremely important if it was regularly carried by the gods in the end the similarities between the stone carvings and reliefs found across multiple civilizations all over the world are striking due to the curiosity they arouse nothing was ever inscribed on a table or scroll that indicated what the gods handbags really were but their presence indicates one logical conclusion these diverse and faraway civilizations were visited by the same humanoid creatures carrying important items whom they claimed as deities and worship the 22,000 tablets of nineveh if carvings and images do not provide enough proof of the mysterious beings and their contributions to ancient civilizations around the world the earliest known library may help from the kingdom of Nineveh which existed somewhere in what is now modern Iraq comes a vast collection of over 20,000 clay tablets inscribed with information and stories from that ancient land found in 1850 by a British archaeological expedition led by Austen Henry Layard and Sir Stratford caning the clay tablets are now held in the British Museum over the years many historians have worked to decipher the tiny writing that fills the slabs from top to bottom where did these tablets come from Nineveh was part of Assyria that existed from 6000 BC until the 1500s see this successful city had many rulers and belief systems throughout the centuries a king named Ashurbanipal in the mid 600's BCE created a vast library with these clay tablets at its centre there's no question that ancient Nineveh and the Assyrian civilization at large was one of the finest and most advanced in those years it fought wars traded built magnificent palaces temples and other buildings including the library that held these clay tablets what do the tablets say the ruler Ashurbanipal left nothing out when collecting his vast library not only did he oversee the composition of every piece of cuneiform texts on the tablets but he also collected various artifacts his goal was apparently to record the history of humankind from the earliest days to his present time researchers pieced together the ancient Sumerian language largely from these tablets much as others use the rosetta stone for Egyptian and Akkadian languages some of the Ashurbanipal tablets were written in Akkadian which made the translations easier among records of historical events scientific ideas of the time and fictional legends and stories the clay writings awesome the deities worshipped in the area the revelations of unusually advanced building mining agriculture and other studies are answered by the stories of the anunnaki that have also been found the Anunnaki z' hand in assyria a special selection of seven tablets from the vast library was called the seven tablets of creation this together with a list of ancient Sumerian Kings who supposedly ruled for hundreds of thousands of years clearly speak of non-human beings with special lives and powers the Anunnaki gods ruled until the Biblical Flood which was also described in the tablets historical tales collected here includes Sumerian associations with the gods and goddesses who either helped to build or completely built the modern cities for the people and taught them advanced ways to prosper translations by a Sumerian scholar reveal a lot of information about these ancient aliens who traveled through space from their home planet to land on earth and prepare it for humans in Nana as Statue of Liberty unique carvings ancient clay tablets and the studies of various researchers have shown considerable similarities between origin and expansion stories of different civilizations around the world Europe and North America do not escape the ancient Sumerian and Anunnaki influences one of the most iconic symbols of the United States of America is the massive Statue of Liberty that now graces New York Harbor it was originally designed by Frederic Bartholdi a sculptor from France the idea came from the Civil War era edouard laboulaye a freemason who wanted to create a statue of that group's favorite goddess Lady Liberty's earlier inspirations libertas the Roman goddess of personal freedom is often depicted robed in a toga similar to one Lady Liberty wears sometimes she was shown naked as her other role in Rome was as mother to harlots women freed from prison often found themselves doing all sorts to survive thus for them freedom equaled service of another kind libertas holds aloft a torch guiding people to their own ideals of freedom but the Romans did not invent this concept nor the deity herself as with many religious ideals and images throughout history Libertas was borrowed from a more ancient belief system who the goddess was through time the Roman libertas is a recreation of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar the Greeks also worshipped this goddess but the writings of Cicero reveals that she was borrowed from earlier Middle Eastern civilizations in Greece she became Aphrodite in Samaria the oldest civilization with records of this goddess she was called an Nana which meant queen of heaven and she was said to have flown among the stars how the Statue of Liberty connects to ancient Babylon Ishtar or in Anna the combination of laboulaye is Freemasonry and the influence of ancient civilizations through time helped form the structure of what Lady Liberty looks like for example these seven spikes on her crown were said to spread enlightenment over the seven continents of the earth the tablets at her feet represent law in a loose sense Emma Lazarus is poem hatched into the statues base calls it the mother of X Isles which is very close to the Roman designation of Libertas as being the goddess of immigrants these similarities cannot come about by mere chance the physical appearance historical comparison to other cultures goddesses and the source of our design and building all combined to create a strong association between the Statue of Liberty and Nana or Ishtar the Babylonian goddess of personal freedom the Anunnaki in the tree of creation ancient Sumerian gods and goddesses played a role in the formation of modern religious beliefs - in the Christian Bible and various Gnostic texts the origin story of Adam and Eve and the tree of creation or the tree of knowledge of good and evil is repeated with various changes tales from Sumer of long ago describe how the original God Enki was actually the one who launched humanity by impregnating Eve as the cultures borrow from ones in the past the people who penned Genesis were probably influenced by Sumerian epic of creation that came before it makes sense since this was around 600 BCE when many Hebrews were enslaved in Sumeria or Babylon each follows a similar path of creating the heavens land plants and animals and then a man first and woman after the Sumerians story however includes multiple gods helping to create everything including multiple planets multiple gods and the planets at the dawn of time the Hebrews were monotheistic and unlikely to adopt the idea of more than one God working on the first people so they just took that part out when they made the story their own still in multiple places in the Bible including the creation story there is an us or we mentioned in relation to God who were these multiple gods and what were the planets the Babylonians spoke of on seven of the clay tablets found in the library of Ashurbanipal their creation story is laid out clearly somehow the Sumerians were told by these deities coming from the heavens that there were multiple planets out there including one called Nibiru this tale of the tree of creation is strikingly similar to the Anunnaki extraterrestrial idea that states the aliens came to earth to create a race of beings who would become humans the reason to mind gold for them which is uniquely mentioned in the Bible's first book of Genesis why the Anunnaki in their quest to create a population of gold miners the alien rulers create Adam and Eve which could either be the first two people ever or representative of a group of people these sumerian gods Anke and Enlil respectively gods of earth and waters and of air and earth are the main forces in the Anunnaki under their father Anu who was the top god in the creation myth it was Enki and Enlil who wanted to make people they were supposedly alien genetic engineers creating their master race the blending of Sumerian myths and the idea that the Anunnaki were actually extraterrestrial beings follow the same path instead of gods creating and then impregnating Eve for the first time the aliens did it and their attempt at getting the labor they needed to get the gold the tree of creation was symbolic of not only the dawn of what the Bible calls the Nephilim offspring of humans anunnaki angels or aliens but also of the highly advanced knowledge that the alien leaders gave them the Sumerian rod and the ring of divine kingship symbolism carved stone Stella's seals and other artistic pieces frequently show a god or goddess handing over a rod and ring item to a new or reigning king this is frequently shown as a type of gift to a ruler who's sacrificing or presenting something to the deities the general impression from the carvings and accompanying tails indicate that this rod and ring bestows divine kingship to the recipient role of religion in sumerian royalty in this powerful ancient civilization the priests and priestesses held much the same power as the king they made an upheld laws organized and lorded over trade agreements and held other important jobs priests could also be scribes priestesses performed dental and medical assistance to the people more importantly these religious leaders were the go-between for humans and the gods and goddesses who made up the Sumerian Pantheon as the people believed the deities controlled everything this was an exceptionally vital role the idea of divine kingship in truth the priests may have been more important than the Kings since they decided and reported who the gods and goddesses gave divine kingship to essentially much like the later Pharaohs of Egypt Sumerian Kings were bestowed their regal status by the gods directly this is what the rod and ring symbol represents symbolic meaning of the rod and ring structure circles frequently mean eternity and the ring in these Sumerian divinity King relationship echoes that the shape also brings to mind the Egyptian symbol for eternity or continuity although there's no way Sumerian Kings ruled forever since they were mortal perhaps it indicated that they would be blessed by the gods for that long the rod is akin to the classic Royal scepter or staff that many rulers throughout history of used in conjunction with the eternal nature of the Ring the rod may symbolize a period of time that has a beginning and an end for mortal rulers this would indicate his lifetime this idea is supposed to be a tale of Inanna gathering her measuring rod before descending into the world below combined the message that the Anunnaki bestowed upon the rulers of ancient Sumeria could have been that they had the favor of the gods who were eternal but only for their lifetime these Sumerian rod and ring design used on stone carvings and other artworks represents the idea of divine kingship and support while still keeping the eternal gods separate from the mortal kings although there's no direct connection between this symbol and the theory that the Anunnaki were extraterrestrial beings it would make sense that visitors from other worlds intent on creating a race of humans for their own purposes would present them with special gifts to indicate their perceived power on earth the Sumerian origins of Eastern Christians in these modern days celebrate Easter as the day Jesus rose from the dead they worship at church and engage in various symbolic activities such as hiding Easter eggs and leaving baskets of candy from the Easter Bunny obviously the Bible mentions nothing about painted eggs and cleverly wrapped chocolates what many Christians may be surprised to know is that Easter started well before Jesus was said to have lived Easter comes from Ishtar the ancient Babylonian goddess of spring and fertility in Sumeria she was called Anana who was the granddaughter of one of the major gods and Lille in their pantheon Ishtar the most commonly known name of this multi culture goddess was also called the Queen of Heaven she was a pivotal figure in the first religion ever to arise on earth her godly husband named Nimrod was described as a Sun God and was represented by many names across many ancient religions how does Ishtar relate to Easter besides the word itself coming from the goddesses name and the celebration being for the return of the king of heaven there are other similarities between our modern-day celebration of this spring holiday and what the people would do way back in ancient Babylon it seems eggs played an important role in the early celebrations of course they are a symbol of rebirth and renewal an ancient legend also tells of a massive egg that falls from the sky and landed near their civilization center this sounds suspiciously like some sort of extraterrestrial aircraft that aligns with the alien theory of the Anunnaki the legend continues by saying when Ishtar emerged from the egg she would bestow gifts to whoever found it other similarities between celebrations besides tales of a mysterious egg from the heavens much of the same things were done to celebrate the return of spring and the queen and king of heaven people and especially priests dressed in their finest clothes beautiful flowers were strewn about and people held special ceremonies at sunrise throughout the ages all around the world civilizations celebrate the return of the Rising Sun and the warmth that brings new crops in new baby animals these symbols associated with these things rabbits who breed readily eggs and flowers were used equally in Babylonian celebrations of Ishtar and modern Easter worship as well either this means that some real connection exists that strings together the ancient Anunnaki deities or beings with our modern belief systems or that cultures are very good at borrowing from one another for assimilation purposes either way when modern Christians search for painted eggs enjoy springtime candy or head out to church to celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ they may be surprised to know that it all began thousands of years ago with the Sun goddess who may have actually been an extraterrestrial the Annunaki family tree and immortality way back at the dawn of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia and around the area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers these Sumerians arose as a strong and considerably advanced group of people who worshipped a pantheon of God's called the Anunnaki as all gods usually are these celestial beings were immortal and quite powerful their family tree stretches through many generations their immortality means that more and more gods and goddesses were added to the group all the time the high god Anu the name of this God simply means sky he ruled over the heavens the stars and all the other gods in the Anunnaki family tree his wife's name was key translated as earth together they ruled the whole of existence and the people who worship them Anna was not only the main god worshiped by the Sumerians but his name is also the first part of the term Anunnaki which means sky or heaven descend earth thus the name of the family tree that describes the gods and goddesses of later generations was literally those who descended from heaven and came to earth they were described as physical beings who existed alongside the humans and helped them ancient Sumerians may have been superstitious but they were not unintelligent they described the extraterrestrial visitors who came to bestow them gifts and knowledge to advance their civilization as deities both would come out of the sky down to land where they lived generations of Anunnaki the Sumerians had an explanation from where Anu came from he descended from more nebulous forms that were not physically present with the people of that day such as Tiamat alternately called a dragon in the saltwater sea and absolute the personification of fresh water which is the source of all life different sources have different family trees of the ancient Anunnaki based on location and source an alternative one puts Anu the sky god above t amount and OPSEU as well as their most well known sons Enki and Enlil the Lords of earth and wisdom and air respectively alien bloodlines when exploring the idea that the Anunnaki were really extraterrestrial beings that came down to early humans genetically engineer them to be more intelligent advanced and guide the creation of ancient civilization the pantheon of gods and goddesses reads more like a description of specialties than magical powers although the source of the alien beings is lost to legend and myth they still may have appeared immortal to the humans due to their very long lifetimes which legends say measured in the thousands or tens of thousands of years as with most ancient religions and shared with the alien theories of the Anunnaki the gods bred with humans and created rulers and helpers the Annunaki demigods the up Khalu before there were human-alien hybrids or the Anunnaki themselves there were the OPCON Lu or demigods these were the creatures who existed before all human knowledge began they were described as Fishman and Birdman who attended to the tree of life their job was to give humankind the knowledge they needed to advance the moral codes necessary to do so within the God's acceptance and also protect them from the demons and illnesses Enki the holy son of the high god Anu was sent to me directly in charge of these demigods in various myths of those times they were referred to as his priests or sages the up callaloo themselves were not deities the OPCON lu is biblical Nephilim when combined with religious doctrines from around the world many see them as the biblical Nephilim who descended from heaven to protect and provide services for mankind this is also supported by the tales of them causing harmful situations as well as helpful ones the intricate combination of the legends from various sources tells of Watchers who fell from heaven or the skies and thus retain their quasi divinity while losing their immortality these basic characteristics apply to angels who fell with Satan the up Khalu fish man and the biblical Nephilim who were described as men of renown heroes of old all of these tales also mention a story similar to the Garden of Eden and the first creations of God falling from grace The Tree of Life is a common theme in ancient Sumerian legends as the people in the garden disobey they put on fig leaves or a fish cloak lose their immortal status and are cast out onto earth thus the later story from the Christian Bible is a retelling of the Sumerian tale of a dapper Adam becoming human he was watched over by the fish men near the Tree of Life but when he failed to follow the divine rules they facilitated his removal other common legends of the AB Khalu besides the dawn of humankind these fish and bird men op Khalu also had an influence on other common tales attributed more recently to a monolithic God for example the story of Noah's Ark and a great flood showed up first in Mesopotamian literature it was even mentioned in the quite famous epic of gilgamesh generally thought to be one of the first full stories ever created on earth the fact that the Anunnaki demigods legends transferred so readily to future civilizations and religions give us an indication of how essential they were to their function and belief system were these fish men and bird men truly fallen angels who rebelled against God to join with the mortal beings on earth were they primordial beings that simply tended the Tree of Life or were they the first alien visitors who orchestrated the rise of human civilization from its earliest roots either way the OPCON liu remain an intriguing idea with threads that wind through history the serpent of life wisdom in ninja Xena the intertwining stories that surround the tree of life and creation myths have another characteristic in common the inclusion of a lurking serpent in the biblical tales the snake was a trickster sometimes a symbol of Satan himself who tempted Eve with the knowledge of good and evil he invited her to become like God something she could ultimately not withstand in Sumerian lore ninja schita directly translates to Lord of the good tree instead of an evil force he was a God of vegetation and the underworld and not particularly unpleasant he sometimes said to be a great dragon instead of a simple snake and was responsible for planting the Tree of Life himself but this was also attributed to inky the creator of mankind and bestow her of wisdom ninja schita in other cultures earlier civilizations in the Indus River Valley had very similar tales of their origin however instead of accepting that they were borrowed or influenced by Sumerian and Mesopotamian lore they considered it a local story instead of a snake this figure looked more like a ball which is of course quite popular even today in Indian religious teachings it shared characteristics with the serpent even though these characteristics were varied and dual in many examples of folklore the dragon serpent or bulk could speak possibly transformed into a humanoid shape and act as a go-between for the gods in Indus Valley beliefs people needed to sacrifice the ball in order for it to reach heaven some considered ngoz to represent a closer version of ninja schita symbolism of the serpent of life and wisdom although the similarities between the various ancient cultures are intriguing and point to some greater overreaching truth it's the symbolism of the origin serpent shape that tells us the most about its meaning the early Indians used a ball because it aligned with their personal interests the much older sumerian serpent stands as the true origin of this character have you ever seen a medical caduceus this icon as a vertical rod at the center wings spread on top and chew intertwining serpents wrapped around it some indicate that the rod is the spine the Serpent's part of the nervous system and the wings represent the brain the two snakes are also indicative of DNA this image actually comes from the Anunnaki God Enki who was said to be the creator of all things and the Lord of all wisdom many attributes of a snake are attributed to him the idea of rebirth through the shedding of skin cunning and cleverness and the ability to survive despite hardship symbolically they also stood for wisdom and eternal light when this symbol of Enki is inserted into the Garden of Eden story the serpent takes on new meaning that clever trickster who tempted Eve was not a demon intent on the downfall of humankind instead it was a changeable force intent on bestowing great knowledge and wisdom on them this in turn supported them after they were cast out to earth and enabled them to create the advanced civilizations frequently contributed to the Anunnaki direct influence on humans Sumerian Anunnaki influence on world cultures from the very beginning when sumaré was one of the best and only civilizations in the world its deities legends and folklore affected other ones that arose around or after it while many people know the more common stories of the Christian Bible and can now see how even they were influenced by Sumerian tales other cultures throughout time have thus been affected the Anunnaki had an ongoing and integral influence on everyone from the first human beings on earth to the modern age historical evidence gives clues that support this theory in ancient Egypt the greco-roman period and even all the way across the ocean in South America Anunnaki influence in Egypt one intriguing style of artwork found in Egyptian tombs and temples is a winged disc motif well generally said to represent raw the Sun God its similarity to the Sumerian idea of the extra-terrestrial gods coming down to protect them is quite stark some say it even represents Nibiru which is the name of the planet the Anunnaki come from greco-roman Anunnaki the ancient Sumerian tales obviously have great influence on the early Christians and their Bible as well as Gnostic texts like the Jewish Book of Enoch there are also similarities between various members of the Anunnaki family tree and the gods and goddesses worshiped by both the Greeks and the Romans for example the Greek tales of the Gods overthrowing titans included one very reminiscent of Anu he was a god of the heavens and had a very similar progeny the concept of primordial gods that existed before the ones the people worshipped directly may have come from Sumerian tales South American signs of anunnaki influence it makes undeniable sense that ancient civilizations that were geographically close to each other should share certain cultural tales and beliefs for those people who do not believe in the possibility of the Anunnaki being extraterrestrial in origin the religious beliefs surrounding their deities could travel from Sumeria to Egypt to Greece over a period of some time with relative ease however when these same influences jump the Atlantic Ocean and end up in Central and South America it becomes more difficult to disbelieve some supernatural or alien influence when investigating both the folklore and artifacts from the Mayan Aztec and Olmec civilizations it becomes obvious that the Anunnaki influence stretched much farther ancient South American lore tells the tale of three gods named Kukulkan quetzel Codel and Veera kocha mostly humanoid with white skin reddish beards and usually blue eyes these would be very unusual features for a native South American person to have in those days not only were these gods unusual looking but they were also depicted with startling similarities to Sumerian gods partially reptilian or bird-like faces feathered wings and holding what could be pinecone and a small bag these similarities are difficult to ignore how did people all the way around the globe explain their gods in such a similar way if the Anunnaki were not just Sumerian deities and actually were extraterrestrial visitors who helped launch and grow humanity and civilization it makes sense that people's depictions and stories of them work quite the same to some the Anunnaki are ancient history nothing more than an interesting story of deities worshipped by long dead civilizations all around the globe however there are intriguing pieces of a massive puzzle that seems to indicate there's more to the tale from the Middle East and South America Africa and New York City come close to a mysterious connection were the Anunnaki gods and goddesses who oversee human lives or are they extraterrestrials who created modern people for their own purposes the obvious similarities between ancient artifacts and art across cultures aroused curiosity and definitely warrant more investigation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DTTV Studios
Views: 354,769
Rating: 4.6301403 out of 5
Keywords: anunnaki, documentary, sumerian
Id: yx3R3Ca6vOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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