Top 10 Huge Ancient Mysteries That Will Probably Never Be Solved

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welcome you're watching the universal toptenz experience the whole gamut from the latest discoveries in science to the frankly weird and wonderful from the serious to the light-hearted it's all here in our brand new Universal top tens the top 10 unsolved ancient mysteries 10 the Roman dodecahedron owes these hollow Roman dodecahedron 'he's made of stone and bronze has sparked much debate as to what they are they have so far to date been approximately 100 of them discovered these amazing constructions consist of twelve sides each with a small circle on each and each corner has a protruding peg er archaeologists and scholars have for many years pondered what they could be some have suggested that their nautical devices candleholders astrological tools religious objects agricultural equipment to help sow seeds and even an item used to calibrate water pipes in all no one really knows for sure what they are it's also being speculated that the mysterious objects weren't Roman at all and in fact religious relics taken from the Druids during the Roman invasion of Britannia and Caledonia 9 the devil's Bible known as the codex gigas the devil's Bible is a monstrous medieval tome written in the 13th century by a priest who was said to have made an arrangement with the devil so as to complete it as per legend the priest has been condemned to be walled up alive as disciplined for breaking his promise to God the book is said to be manufactured from over a hundred and 60 creature skins and requiring two individuals to try and lift it the codex gigas contains the total Latin interpretation of the Bible along with therapeutic equations messages on expulsion z' and an extensive delineation of the devil himself twelve pages of the first original copy are mysteriously missing and they may have contained startling information the book is set to have a full page image of Lucifer the fallen angel which gives the book its nickname and its sinister reputation the devil is shown crouching as if ready to jump out of the page with a green face small red eyes red horns claws and two red tongues like a serpent rumor suggests that the pages contained mysterious satanic writings and the technique for conjuring the devil himself ate the Siham a lines the Siham a lines in western Bolivia are a progression of monstrous illustrations scratched into the earth numbering into the thousands they were first discovered in 1932 and are three to ten feet wide and a cover of vast area of 8700 square miles and seemingly make up a web-like plan they have been listed as the largest archaeological discovery in the Andes and may in fact be the largest in the world drawing the known Nazca lines in comparison scientists are baffled as to what they represent researchers have concluded but they were initially made by the indigenous individuals who lived close to the volcanic region known as the SAR Hamas spring an expulsion of gushing lava however a no good reason some have guessed that they were utilized for religious purposes or astrological references while others believe that the lines have secret hidden meanings like the Nazca lines of Peru the geoglyphs were most likely created through the process of scraping away the dark oxidized rock on the surface to reveal a lighter surface beneath no one knows for sure why these people took the time and effort to pave such seemingly illogical criss-crossing trails onto a plateau sever the wrong go wrong go writings steeped in mystery Easter Island is one of the strangest places on earth it is home to the huge stone Maui statues that gaze upon the skies and ocean there are those who believe that the entire island was once used by extraterrestrials as a means to communicate with the ancient civilization that once lived there but there's still another mystery one that is linked to the famous Polynesian lands a mind-boggling arrangement of glyphs believed to be one of the earliest forms of communication by means of writing symbols rather than characters first found by using a rod in 1864 the glyphs are sent to date back to around 1200 BC and include symbolism like that of different religious signs found throughout a large area until this point researchers have not had the capacity to decide precisely what the glyphs state or their connection to any outside societies the glyphs were cut into wood utilizing small shards of shark teeth such writings have never been deciphered and may hold answers to the island's mysterious past 6 the underwater ruins of Japan submerged off the shoreline of younger guna Jima is Japan's very own Atlantis a large submerged city accepted to be no less than 5,000 years of age first found by a diver in 1955 the city was at first thought to be just an odd arrangement two bizarre shaped rock formations all of which strangely included flawless right angle points and straight lines later discoveries uncovered everything from a huge stone passage to cut stairways and lanes to vaulting towers the Japanese government does not officially accept the discovery as an ancient site it has become known as the city of the German individuals specialists speculate that the city didn't actually fall into the ocean like the famous Atlantis stories but rather ended up submerged as ocean levels ascended over thousands of years divers have also identified quarry marks in the stone rudimentary characters each tanta carved faces and rocks sculptured into the likeness of animals one such example is that of a sphinx that resembles a Chinese or ancient Okinawan King as researchers keep on examining the submerged site many trust this specific site could hold key data to other hidden submerged communities around the globe five Laos Plain of Jars in the northern szene Qin territory of Laos an unusual gathering of vast round items litter the countryside these mysterious stone cylinders are accepted to be more than two thousand years of age they received relatively little Western attention until the 1930s when a French archaeologist by the name of Madeleine Kalani began surveying the area though there were reports that the cylinders had items with them such as carnelian beads jewelry and axes the site was mostly looted by the time Kalani arrived the mysterious cylinders found at the location known as The Plain of Jars a fault have some connection with an antiquated burial service ceremonies these mysterious constructions are made of sand stone and weighing something approximately a tonne each these items are in a region which endured significantly during the American secret war many of the cylinders were broken and damaged by Rockets no one really knows for sure what the cylinders were used for only that they are extremely old today visitors are not permitted to enter these locations and they guarded by high fences for the mysterious giant stone spheres huge stone spheres in nyquist Delta Costa Rica have been baffling archaeologists for many years they were first discovered by the United Fruit Company whilst cutting down jungle to make way for fruit trees these mysterious stone constructs are perfectly spherical to the millimetre and range in size up to two meters in diameter and weigh as much as 16 tonnes these fears a man-made item shaped from the molten stone known as granodiorite a large number of these structures have been transported to different prominent areas in Costa Rica as well as purchased by wealthy businessman during the early excavations of forest lands in Los Angeles to make way for the railroads hundreds of spheres were tranqued from the ground using cranes and pulleys in some cases so many were found that the local Los Angeles newspaper reported them as fossilized dinosaur eggs to date the purpose of the spheres have remained unexplained similar stone spheres have also been found around the world in China Olivia Russia New Zealand and Malta perhaps the most unusual one is the sphere of Easter Island only one has been discovered inside a stone circle and found at the center of the island 3 the Baghdad batteries in 1838 while working in what is currently Iraq german paleontologist will hem Konak found various clay containers each concealing an iron bar encased in a copper barrel Koenig distributed a paper in which he revealed that he had discovered antiquated batteries all galvanic cells many believed that they represented an astonishing innovative advancement given the age of the cylinders the batteries are dated to the Parthian time around 200 BC Elizabeth stone a specialist in Iraqi antiquities and archaic exploration has stated that many historical researchers do not buy into the battery hypothesis regardless of the restriction to conics hypotheses Smith College art history educator dr. Marjorie Cenacle has understudies fabricate reproductions of the cylinders which delivered voltage when filled with citric acid squeezed from fruit speculations as to why batteries were needed a varied however most popular theory is that the battery charge assisted in the process of electroplating other metals with gold the electroplating process uses a small electric current to put a thin layer of one metal such as gold onto the surface of another such a silver researchers suggest that many ancient artifacts in museums that are thought to be gold may actually be gold-plated silver author and investigator Erich von däniken has theorized that batteries may have been used to like primitive filaments to cast light into the temples by the Egyptians whilst they carved their hieroglyphics into the walls as there was no sign of any smoke damage on the ceilings should they have used fire light and clearly no sunlight would have reached many of the temple chambers to the hellinikon pyramid while it's genuinely regular to name the Egyptian pyramids the stuff of antiquated secrets it's something totally new to find comparative structures all around the globe such is the situation with the pyramids of Argos Greece and their most popular structure the hellinikon pyramid like many other pyramids the structures base is rectangular rather than square and the steeply inclined sides are made of various size blocks that fit together like a crazy jigsaw puzzle similar to the pre incan walls of Peru it is built of locally quarried grey limestone though it's vertical base part incorporates the rocky outcrop of the hilltop on which it stands the base has a further anomaly the southeastern corner of the pyramid is replaced by a recess that gives access to a narrow passageway which in turn leads to a doorway this is the main entrance to a single chamber with vertical internal walls the room is about seven meters square and though its walls do not reach full height it's clear that the ceiling would have been well below the apex of the pyramid the genuine reason for the hellinikon remains obscure while the riddle of what was inside the hellinikon is unquestionably captivating what really interests scholars is the way it was evidently built in 27 20 BC making it altogether much older than any of the Egyptian pyramids that is if the Egyptian pyramids have been correctly aged it's also no surprise to find that the hellinikon was like many other pyramids aligned to the stars won the hypogeum of hell self Lainey the hypogeum of south-south Lainey was not by any means found until 1902 it has been thought to be a burial place or sanctuary but as time has passed it seems to have been used for much more mysterious undertakings the only preserved example of a subterranean labyrinth architecture in Europe the hypogeum was used from four thousand to two and a half thousand BC and consisted of three complex levels cut out of the bedrock with painted walls of ornate design the most puzzling part of the building is a peculiar chamber referred to as the Prophet chamber in which words spoken at an ordinary volume were enhanced a hundred times and capable of being heard all through the whole structure the chamber is also precisely tuned to a hundred and eleven Hertz making it resonate when that specific tone is vocalized while sitting in the center of the chamber the hundred and eleven Hertz can scientifically be proven to heal internal and external wounds up to six times faster seemingly our ancient ancestors had knowledge of sound frequency healing the hypogeum remains one of the world's unknown ancient mysteries [Music] thank you for watching the universal top tens please like share and subscribe to our channel for all the latest info thanks and fun [Music] you
Channel: Zohar StarGate TV
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Id: HTJtrRW-tbs
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Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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