Baer Plays RimWorld (Ep. 2)

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that's an improvement welcome on back to you buddy thanks for keeping the sub up as well appreciate that 18 months in a row psychic soothe every colonist of the male gender smiles with contentment some distant engine of happiness is stirring is projecting a powerful psychic drone over this entire region on the frequency that only seems to affect the male gender I'd like one of these where's where's this in my life can I have a happiness generator is that and can I buy one I'll take I'll take 12 just call it beliefs there you go that's wholesome all right so when sinto is idle I feel like we got to have something for him to do so let's figure this out we wanted to make a smelter but we don't necessarily have the resources or do we that's steel right yeah we actually have a decent amount of Steel maybe we could do that smelter Delta mm hmm hmm working on the research now - yeah you know what let's do it let's do it get another addition to this section here dun dun dun dun not much a wave Hills in the mountains on this map there's a little bit over to the left here but not a lot that's what people were saying we might be at a bit of an issue or a bit of a disadvantage with the fact we don't have a lot of steel or resources to mine I suppose so we'll have to deal with that do you need to do okay see a plan for me is we go ahead and build some but we'll build the smelter in there what's another thing we could build them there kromm Elin Archer thanks for the raid well come on in everybody how's it going appreciate the support thank you yeah I think smelter and then probably like a sculptors to stone cutting table to something like that that seems good okay so let's go BAM work speed penalty outdoors I'll we're gonna enclose that so it's not a big deal stone cars table next to that not gonna be a problem and the rotate good yeah we'll get the door there too what the [ __ ] she looks like a zombie she's just gonna walk around then or she just taken off is she leaving I think she might be leaving yeah okay fair enough see it yeah I did forget the door here so we'll go ahead and put that right there there we go hey bear why's chubs called chubs that was the name that he had when we went to the oh cool yeah - Wayne - eight great that was the name that he had when we went to the shelter and our rabbits are named chunk and heifer and we figured it was pretty damn fitting for our dog to be named chubs so we stuck with it how about we go ahead and haul some [ __ ] that seems fine the order to get all these rocks out of the way but that if we're gonna do that I suppose we'll probably have to increase the size of this dumping stockpile zone as well so let's do that all this [ __ ] all that out of there I'll eventually get a walkway don't go in here - if I feel safe enough in the use of that with those resources you detected a cluster of cargo pods crashing nearby whoo fun please do get those components and let's haul this as well steel slag chunk could be useful Syria there's no mini-map I guess is there can you like enable that you put dumping stockpiles around your sandbags to slow down Raiders days as they approach them oh yeah that's smart I like that that's cool yeah we might end up doing that hey Rick doing good how you doing no mini-map okay sorry looks like we do need to go ahead and set orders to chop some more wood here - let's do that this for just take up a lot of power all right yeah we got to connect Conda what's up over there - might need another generator I guess something like this maybe Buffalo's self tamed it just decided to tame itself okay hi buddy oh oh you're friends now great that's wonderful good it's extremely convenient named him croissant oh we can name him right how do I name him you can't Oh lame can you name the ones you tame yourself you can't name him until he likes you ah no you can't name him yeah you can totally name him your name is you know what raffle raffle rattle it up ex clam raffle you want to be a muffle Oh now's your chance welcome to the bear pile Janus thanks for your subscription my friend appreciated welcome to the pile do your badge your emotes mommy bear daddy cool yo you can train it to haul stuff that's awesome that's so cool okay draw on the winner here has been Bruce no underscore unfortunately buddy but there you go Esmond Bruce's won the raffle you are our Buffalo in here oh how you doing pigs dogs can know but muffle Oh can't ah he's so big though you could haul so much how are you doing you want to come be friends with your uh with your boy over here that sounds like fine once they build this conduit over here I imagine that might be enough to get that going people have been saying a common area like a dining room would be ideal for the next for the next facility it seems like a good idea to me to this will probably do that that he just eats walking through doors what a smart muffle oh wow okay let's see what I do actually I'm gonna have them clear out all this [ __ ] and then we are gonna build ourselves to the bear we're gonna build ourselves in the Grunk McGruff thank you very much for that subscription appreciate it do advise me mouth buddy we gonna build ourselves a mess hall right here right here's where this is gonna be you can designate animal-free zones ah who's that oh I see okay how do I control the area that it is where's area one smallest mess hall ever yeah that's probably not gonna work is it I just realized that's not really looking all that solid I'm gonna cancel the plants too but now whatever [ __ ] it architect zone expand a lot area this one ah okay thanks oh so we can make whoa [ __ ] we can make a like a big old animal old patch and just keep him in there okay let's not do that let's do get rid of all this and then mark where you don't want it to go then invert the region oh okay yeah that makes sense well I guess I should also include this right okay so we'll do that and then we go to the animals choose this and say invert oh wait no no no yeah no that's it right and then they'll stay out of that but Milo can go anywhere he wants he's a good boy cool okay that's pretty easy oh yeah mark the fort with the farm - good call so let's see it expands or no hold on if we're allowed areas you're rid of all that perfect cool easy enough all right and now we need more resources to get these things finished hog because we're out of wood again god damn dude and ones idle why is he idle why can't you can you not gather wood plant cut why are you not doing that always be chopping I was like she should be right plant cut includes chopping wood right I would think so you would all the dang time that's what I thought if your animals are hungry there will be able to ignore zones to eat crops okay noted okay there she goes oh she was playing horseshoes I didn't realize okay that's why she was doing that okay got it now yeah I just need to have like a bunch of a bunch of wood marked for chopping pretty much at all times I'd say let's go down like this all that [ __ ] all this all this all that all that there we go doo doo doo yeah we did draw the buffalos name fluff it's been Bruce is our male muffle oh they still weirdly fixated with horseshoes they do they do seem to be big fans I'm glad they find recreation in the simplest places are you pretty low on basically everything now research would planting to replenish chopped areas good call nearly halfway to brew beer brewing so yay hmm so close so close mmm gross and hey we're mr. muffled okay needed honey grow hey you know another growing's about I'm imagining right where's that something you can do over here grass everywhere me Yeah right he's not gonna have a problem right you can just eat that stuff you'll be fine I gotta remember again how to change the change the thing I'm growing here though I forgot Lord democracy when I thank you for the hours of entertainment you give me I'm know things aren't always the best you mean a lot to us thank you buddy that's awful or off kind of you appreciate that think of it a thousand biddies bear hugs do you oh I am strolling just chatting [ __ ] my bad I changed my title to the [ __ ] Ninja Turtles - everybody's coming here looking for mutant ninja turtles Hey buta do being a professional there we go that's better I was really confused when I got here and saw rimworld yeah I'm glad you click through to see me do whatever rise of the Mutant Ninja Turtles what's wow Bears playing a Ninja Turtles game glad that's at least enough for you oh yeah I don't think I'm getting any meals made either you know what I feel like we're falling behind on most things here so we need to go hunting let me make her priorities higher on hunting will she just go hunt things I have to choose things for her to hunt right so let's do nothing muffled oh I don't want to do that she's all this [ __ ] don't do that bear no no not the Boomer loves okay okay okay [Laughter] just small game got you all right so we'll go with stuff like the doe alpaca seems safe enough right gazelle I can probably hunts safely turkey seems okay kill them Rob yeah get them you know deer or safe yeah raccoons I could probably handle more boom rats though can get the hares and get the rats squirrels okay there we go cool oh my gosh just started immediately Jesus can do captain Bammer I'll get them all we're like what are you doing you'll get it eventually just keep on shooting and sinto I mean maybe you ought to help out even though you're just bad yeah you you're not gonna help you're not gonna help at all you're gonna you should get out of the way actually did you leave this place would you move over here please thank you no you really Ali's chopping down these trees she'll get it eventually man perfectly safe yeah good lord this is absurd hang on a second come here let's make this a little better huh how's that come on you got it get this damn thing get up there get the turkey she hit it oh my god she hit it it's bleeding why go backwards though why hunt it what are you doing oh she's sleeping god damn it god damn it it's just gonna bleed out I know it's sleeping chingu sternos welcome back eighteen months the rail thank you buddy appreciate that well c'mon in mm-hmm thanks for the support stay hydrated oh yes sir check work recreation rest schedule you can modify it is that for individual people under restrict oh okay yeah I see you can choose the hours that they go to sleep I got you I probably don't really need to mess with this right now though right that seems like it's a little bit more advanced and we're taking forever to get this research done - Oh make it all free time no sleep it's not a [ __ ] charity no sleep ever fine as you wish no one ever gets to sleep this can't backfire alright yeah immediately after I did that I was like I feel like I should pray let I'm gonna sleep we'll just we'll do a little bit of sleep a little bit of mandated sleep I'm not Rockstar right topical comedy teehee [Music] I paused and we're actually hunting again though getting some food out of it alright we're still doing this right I think I changed the bill but oh it's cuz I have one make kibble that isn't being done how do I make kibble go get it go get it what don't don't walk in front of her dude watch out this is not a good place to stand meat and hay so we need another grow zone then don't we I might just add onto the side of this one that's kind of okay in my mind yeah fine [ __ ] it seriously hurting for food yeah I'm trying to work on it these colonists are in poor mood and may have a minor mental break what do you need oh it's his alcoholism it's almost gone though I think we can wait that out and now we do hey hey grass okay cool oh we have berries [Music] just realize that yeah okay so that's a little bit of food good he's about to cut all this up now we have leather to its right I didn't realize we'd be getting that from the things we're killing welcome to the Bearpaw blade thank you very much for your twitch Prime subscription walls with a pile bear hugs please for the newest member of the pile appreciate you she's blasting womp rats back home bear bear finally got him good lord tame it can we oh my god grills grizzly bears may attack upon failed taming gin shot boolean thanks for 18 months to rel buddy appreciate it major break risk oh [ __ ] it's it's the damn alcoholism isn't it is it the damn alcoholism oh god brace yourselves for a Dan raid brace yourselves for the Dan raid everybody get down here it comes feeling shaky everything pisses me off I keep thinking of drinking Dan raid Dan with the big fat host Raiders welcome hello hello hello welcome on in I was going they're attacking immediately without warning they strike ferocity hello everybody i am playing rim world for the first time or for effectively the first time here it's out in 1.0 now just came out of early access today so decided this was a good opportunity to check it out now we're huntin oh man I really want to get over here and use these buildings actually that should be it we should build over in this direction for sure so that we can use these existing structures sold a million copies before 1.0 I mean that's a pretty damn good indication of quality right she just spraying [ __ ] blood all over the place over here he's not doing anything valuable ridiculous hey it's gone down to a minor break risk at least I think he's finally getting through his alcohol withdrawal let's find out oh god there's two now okay now just the one Dan's little brother is right there bear you can't swear like that my bad my bad my bad little bro is watching welcome back for 13 months in a row that's almost a whole year welcome back thank you very much for the recent scription appreciate it enjoy badge maybe boats all them sleeping buffalo and this bear that I'm apparently still gonna try to tame I don't think I ought to do that let's just just let him be for a little while okay so you know what I might yeah this has been staring me in the face for a while I think it's about time that we knock out these walls and rebuild this structure just like that we deconstruct those yep there we go and then we got to redo the zone there we go okay no the irregular shapes I had to fix it man I'm sorry and to be done man this music is fantastic how is this not oh you still haven't gotten the conduit spilt over here okay I hope the room is cool enough can we find out how do I find out the temperature of this room oh there it is down here in the corner and yeah it's more than cold enough yeah minus five okay so we're fine I don't play with mods no room this is my first time playing the game actually so I'm gonna be very much experiencing in its vanilla form they've take it easy thanks for all the help appreciate it what's the bloody tile Florida room this is our butchers table looks like a dungeon doesn't it but yes that's the butcher's table like a torture rack or something check the meal order anything for that is that waiting on meat we have a lot of meat now right yeah we got some rat meat packets survival meat all we can click on this yeah ok so that won't spoil good awesome well the bill is done oh that's why okay so we got to do some more we should just do it infinitely for now until I see some reason to change it and then Oh until I have X Oh goddamnit again within scent oh wait a minute is he all he's counting up on that oh [ __ ] I thought that was counting down that's bad that's gonna be a while yikes we're still just going for food anyway told you addiction is a [ __ ] yeah no kidding huh the reason you want to stop with simple meals to stop great to find out lavish meals right so yeah though I mean like it doesn't really make a difference if I'm doing X or forever if I'm gonna be going in here and manually maintaining it anyway right but I guess we'll just do it until we have what like 15 try that for now one mean mother how you doing welcome yeah I'm actually feeling pretty good about sending fans off to do hunting for the most part the difference is you need your cook to do other stuff all very true yeah so I guess I don't want to just cook you infinitely yeah that makes sense okay so now that we have this on hand for our next objective we're gathering the resources to make that work out fine meals aren't worth it not at all what's the difference a very complex meal and much of the ingredients are wasted somewhat complex meal from a combination of meat and plant ingredients huh fine meals are worth at lavish isn't yeah it seems like it mmm Oh a mood buff yeah that might actually be pretty damn helpful for us here huh the constant shots are a reminder of how good the hunting is going how effective she is I mean she's improving her hunting skill the more she does it though right so it is it's what we want out of her yeah I think she actually started as a seven didn't she make an airlock for that fridge cuz every time they enter an exit it gets warmer how do you make an airlock that would be in temperatures where's that hmm oh just two sets of doors oh okay I see hmm I guess I wouldn't be too tough yeah we can do that oh [ __ ] not that yeah all right that's fine fair enough combat supplier from sovereign dominant dominion of Yuliya they'll hang around the colony for a few days before leaving you can attack them but this will anger the faction whoa hi guys holy [ __ ] it's a party hello oh boy well then let's see let's make some friends I guess to arms oh no they're friends right I hope so who's the most social of the bunch 2:04 well it's Don de listen alright trade with his old the combat supplier yes please cool wow this is complex okay let's see now you're dealing with straight-up money - that's cool so how much money do I have oh I have silver you only sell items door holder traders at their Nina orbit route okay okay hmm money is silver I see okay then price you received from selling this hmm I see okay sell the club right yeah we did have that extra limestone Club so we'll give him that murder them for their goods Wow hmm frag grenades that seems pretty good it's only one though hmm what about medicine medicine seems pretty good too all the frags are infinite oh [ __ ] I'll be pretty good then right counts as a weapon that's infinite okay um I mean I don't really have like a good point of reference of what is very valuable here unfortunately so I'm guessing that like a grenade you'll probably kill yourself with those grenades all right maybe you'd better stay away from that for now then oh I can give him a gift cool probably increase our our relations with them right neat while it's house would be more useful they're cheaper to give him a boom rad gift yet um I can take them all time I guess it's a lot of money though maybe we just don't buy anything Louis show soul and their stuff isn't that great yeah yeah okay well let's just sell the Mason off we go where the hell are you going oh he's collecting the turkey okay all our guys have weapons now whoa well not all of them I shouldn't say that like one of them's using a knife so I don't know if that's really necessarily good enough Cooney the kid we're cutting the kid probably welcome para think of the bits rather thank you very much for the sports we hear that everybody do the hunt major break risk yeah the shooting skills decent the rifle being good investment while nobody's shooting skills really all that good besides Fanta who's still just not very good its shooting a sleeping squirrel and just blindly missing continuously he's really threatened why is this not we're all [ __ ] we're out of wood oh no the food's gonna go bad it probably already is [ __ ] [ __ ] all right we got to make collecting the wood a higher priority it's all gonna spoil while we're asleep I can pry it yeah I can prioritize refueling it right quick you got to focus on doing that task okay so hang out so where's incent oh he's going to bed do that cuz he's got wood it's just on the ground so long as we can just keep this fueled okay there we go there we go get the hell out of there breakfast I need to keep my breakfast man it's gonna go bad there we go okay it's frozen again thank God whew just keeps shifting goddammit I haven't researched batteries yet now we've still making progress on frigging beer brewing I was hoping we'd have another person by now haven't gotten lucky enough okay so got several things to do I do still feel like I need to hunt more eat breakfast I'd love for him to just blow up one morning tasty bear you ready folks ready to start the day gonna have to be aggressive in your human resources department if you want more people I mean we're just kind of depending on raids though right waiting on the game to help me out any B's guys all to leave they're making me very uncomfortable now raise the priority on hauling I see yeah it is fairly low oh we got a gift wow thanks cool okay raise research while you're at it - yeah we'll go ahead and do it okay that's probably better nice gift good good good we need it I need to get more food - men keep cooking keep cooking keep hunting the gift was gold 17 pieces of gold I just realized it's the first of juga steeper made you get zipped over in December II that's great go get it just a big old dead gazelle they're delicious no God hey bear want me to do something fun sure nothing yet plenty of meat you can lower hunting too - otherwise Fanta won't do other stuff okay yeah that seems right yeah she has been pretty much only hunting huh it's been her extreme priority spell that is fun isn't it two months in a row thank you buddy welcome back in she's still hunting though you know what I might put that on three now hmm yeah we're doing okay god damn it into dope Vincent Oh need a table and chairs they're getting a mood debuff every time they eat Oh are they okay well tell you what since we're not really using this bed for these things right now I think I'm just gonna go ahead and put a table and chairs in the in this room here and that way we're not having them suffer or you know we can well actually I really don't want to build another room so let's do this two by two yeah that works and dining chairs cool okay did you do yeah didn't with the prisoner we're just gonna mock anybody that we have kept captive with our delicious meals she's taking so damn long every time she goes out hunting like this - but it's like basically necessary for us to survive but we do have a lot of meat now so maybe it's not an LR yeah yeah you know what Fanta let's just go ahead and we'll lower that to work free again we don't need that too much anymore now I haven't set orders for the smelter yet let's uh yeah let's go ahead and smelt metal from from slag get that going and I mean that's probably a low priority but why not and then what's this one I'm not gonna do that until I have like a specific need for it I don't think well it's raining that's cute look like hunt was still going to be the first job she does even at three oh my god what about our potatoes too huh do we need to harvest these I guess we do huh probably need to send the send the order for that there we go and I imagine those will be stored in here too the hell are we building this okay good your grower will are Auto harvested oh okay okay so I better undo that then I still need to get those berries do all right make it progress I should make another grow zone I think yeah I've been so focused on the hunting I've forgotten that we should just be growing our own stuff so let's make it like right and right down here that works and let's make rice potato farm usually ups a lot of taters good good and work alright how are you doing man you closing in on success here 24 percent gonna take forever damn it guess whose notification didn't go off and ah well you're here now old Gale oh yeah thank you all for hanging out they appreciate it this has been a very fun stream today learning rimworld getting my bearings here hahaha bear pond feeling good like a rake a recreation room for the hey meetings I did actually want to make that that seemed like a fun new thing to do you know we could do I just realized this we can make I mean it seems obvious now but we can build this like this and then we can build the door through here or we'd even knock this wall out oh [ __ ] raid time a group of pirates from dagger gang have arrived near by attacking immediately oh sure gizmo really attacking immediately hi yeah this certainly looks like it he's on the move okay here we go draft to the walls here he comes gizmo on the run is he gonna destroy my [ __ ] from the other side where I can't get to him not my muffle Oh gizmo don't you [ __ ] dare gizmo gizmo kill him kill this son of a [ __ ] No No get him get him attack now acceptable fire it will get them die oh you [ __ ] melee attack and sinto kill I'm shooting my generator no I can't do that oh my muffle Oh come fight us you go I'm gonna shoot in sin toenail I got him did we save him oh I gotta help him I gotta treat his wounds where's my veterinarian no not fire at him how do I fix him make an animal bed to treat him I have an animal sleeping box gizmo looks dead he deserves it he tried to [ __ ] alright yeah on draft there we go in sinto I guess needs to be a spot man animals sleeping spot is it just one tile at a time I can't seem to drag it bigger I know needs to be bigger is that okay I feel so bad he's so bloody oh you just need the one tile okay Wow oh there you go buddy he'll get better you'll be okay see the Bloods already gone off his face he's fine okay so this is still a prisoner bed I don't know where we brought him where the hell did he go oh he's probably dead yeah I think he died oh he's in the dump well let's get his goodies I guess you want to make a grave for the person you killed or they'll give a debuff really okay okay then well to do that that's got to be in recreation right no grave this corpse is a debuff when witnessed okay just do it over there I guess makes sense top dongle welcome back 27 months in a row welcome back dub tack thank you very much for the recent scription appreciate you 2x minor break risk building a solid floor out here I'm gonna knock out these walls and we shall expend our available space within there move the research station to reinstall ad what does that say oh yeah that's what I want cool so yeah once that's done we'll do that and we have a lot of stuff queued up you should probably prioritize construction seems that way huh yeah we're still low on food but like well I think that's mostly because we're not cooking any meals anymore right I don't know maybe not it's probably just a lower priority oh yeah he's getting treated good good boy getting better getting better we're fixing him up poor thing gardener doesn't seem to be touching the crops yeah we just need more people man there's too much to do I mean another but another body another pair of hands goddamn it at least in sinto is really just on the cusp of a break and nut well I mean Jesus his moods getting real bad you got enough wood for now okay so I'll just make that a low priority then plant cut yeah that's why he's doing that cuz that was his too and now his haul is on to those who's gonna be getting all this [ __ ] that's out here so tell you what let's let's make I shouldn't have him cook I shouldn't have anybody judging nobody [ __ ] cook but hmm I guess I could have kept the pyro yeah reanimate gizmo and imprisoning individual bedrooms equals buffs for your people oh [ __ ] no idea and lots to do do not know don't go goddamn hunting just we can't even allow you to do that anymore right now you got way too much other [ __ ] to do you got a construct you got a well you know what this is a problem two dauntless doesn't even have construction enabled so that ought to help a little bit can speed things up here I also love this song whole soundtracks been top-tier [Music] how's he feeling I'm still hurt and he's getting better though [Music] you have music sets like a perfect atmosphere I love it it's fantastic I love that this bear is still just hanging out with us the nanny and him in a little more loving for him oh that direction I see heatwave an unusual heat wave has begun it can kill quickly if people start getting heatstroke stay cool by building a cooler or getting deep under a mountain [ __ ] that sucks so I'm guessing then well I definitely need to get this construction complete so I can get this second cooler underway it's almost there so close where's that third person right oh it still [ __ ] slow what are you doing just having a bad day don't want to do anything I'm gonna stay hydrated y'all okay yeah I do I do kind of like that airlock setup finally getting this [ __ ] built I think I need to expand the storage area a little more don't I there we go [Music] is that a new area does I do it again I keep thinking I'm dragging it out but yeah it's all the different area [ __ ] so delete that delete that and then just redraw the whole area can't storage through walls I see so it won't even let me do it [ __ ] we gotta wait for that to deconstruct that's annoying that's okay extreme break risk man god damn it his mood is awful I can't have him do this stuff I gotta have him like prioritize his recreation or something prioritize playing games oh boy oh yeah I know what's making food either hot [ __ ] love medicine as well Jesus Christ he's the material oh I got a do I have a bill on this yeah bet priorities under the restrict tab okay so you need recreation all day go have fun buddy no he's not doing it [ __ ] Kyle probably can't play horseshoes cuz the shakes right uh dammit hmm though the cooler in the sleeping space oh yeah good call there we go keep them a little healthier a little happier I need somebody butchering to be able to get the supplies to cook now though right so why is he not doing that because these need to be butchered right and this is also oh [ __ ] this is not cool enough it needs this to be powered and it's not reconnect now the priorities too low right now I think for anybody anybody to be cooking at the moment well actually you why are you not cooking why are you doing research do cooking dude switch off your smelter oh good call yeah how do you switch it off I guess I could turn this off can you turn it off designate toggle power ah there it is nothing will actually happen unless colonist comes it flicks the switch by hand oh I see okay you should be cooking or butchering yes bear okay now we're doing it check health for developing heat strokes heat plus unconscious it okay yeah be careful to that fifteen percent five percent of the heat stroke okay at night though it's probably not gonna be as bad right it is very hot though okay now that's finally reconnected so this thing's finally gonna be cooling down we got the meat in here and should be staying refrigerated Rico yeah I'm hearing that from a lot of people glad to hear it like they still rest enough you'll be okay animals can get the heatstroke - oh no or body what's a passive cooler if we give everything on the power grid eats a certain amount of watts and your generators only produce so much okay yeah I'll keep that in mind very very good next to campfire oh here it is yeah the work priorities this is the thing that like I know has been a big or is a big factor right and just making sure that you've got all this set to make sure that you're doing what you need to do and I should pay more attention to it so we need to like see the prioritizing left to right okay let's see was basic mean oh I see we should make this a top priority just so we turn this off right oh they did turn it off okay good I don't know if they need to necessarily change anything at the moment I think I'm okay with what I've got right now do you know worries Rico good to go have certain people do certain things that way people have less responsibilities and stuff will get done that makes sense yeah yeah so like especially for the people that are specifically skilled at those things and let's see let's take her off this then and let's do I guess in sinto can be the plant cutter yeah oh [ __ ] raid time a group of pirates from dagger a dagger gang they are hostile goddamn Bard who's coming in well [ __ ] let us prepare accordingly not like that oh he's kind of far away actually okay hold on wake up wake up why can't they come from the north I guess I better build sandbags on either side huh hiding your cooler and wait for the heatstroke to melt maybe we should hold on oh hold on again keep holding on now we should probably try to kill him how you doing Bard it's still one dude he's just got a knife I don't think he's actually ooh he's a shooter but he's also another goddamn pyromaniac he's not even coming toward us you know what [ __ ] it I'm just gonna in draft go about your business no I was gonna raid but it was too damn hot seriously I just can't deal with it anymore oh well that sucks is it still cold yeah it's still being kept cold at least it's not spoiled okay it's a bummer cold but raw oh did we not cook it no one's cooking I have this set though prioritize cookie so why oh that's why cuz no one can do it they're all terrible at it - whoa Oh God Oh No Oh God first of all first of all get out here kill this [ __ ] not my muffle oh right run from incent oh oh it's it don't please it's a mutiny oh no oh no everything's I'm losing everything my muffle Oh run run it's my extreme break oh I'm aware of the extreme break risky just murdered one of our colonists and everything just fell apart completely Wow holy [ __ ] that fell apart didn't it you see alcohol was the problem we all knew from the beginning that it would be and then turns out it was right yeah and then he just plays horseshoes welcome to rim world bear indeed he's just playing [ __ ] horseshoes now I'm gonna reload this one I think I'm gonna call it good that was a good like introductory save file but I'm not gonna try to save this one though real rimworld starts now yeah geez that was brutal dude that's to be expected though I guess man good learning experience though I think I like avid a lot from that from that save file the reactions from people playing this for the first time is hilarious that was good that's about what I expected I save scum before each raid yeah there you go let's go get tons of mods I was on like basics difficulty here yeah let me go ahead and pull that up again I was on Cassandra class excuse me Cassandra classic on medium so we'll probably just do that again I feel a lot better about being able to start off fresh for next time though anyway yeah thanks for watching y'all appreciate it great stream lots of fun thank you for the help I'm learning in this game it was much appreciated I'll be back for more more than likely tomorrow morning so come on by for that more rim world coming at you here on slash barre TV of course every single stream here is brought to you by madrenas Coffee madrenas Capcom / Barrett at he used the code bear copy say 40% anything on the online store also brought to you by better help exclaim help in the chat online therapy and counseling service that I use myself and highly recommend I find it to be excellent ah let's see York renders streaming sim Assassin's Creed Odyssey and he's sponsored so I'm gonna send the raid love off that way of course the LSS is always going this time as well I may even be on that myself but you got you gotta help your boy when he's doing the bounty right you got to give him the bounty love so let's go raid friend or send him a few viewers his way hopefully give him that bounty boost but feel free of course if you like you all go ahead and watch the unless s as well do as you will I'm gonna simply read love over doors way thanks for watching everybody I'll see you tomorrow goodbye you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 16,097
Rating: 4.9676552 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, baer plays rimworld
Id: WpRJBpwj9Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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