bad photoshops (minecraft edition)

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are or our

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That is lazarbeam, he is a proud member of our meme community

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MiMaN37 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
Photoshop battle are you ready to go to war this is about to be gruesome we're about to go to war with the polygonal lasso tool maybe throw in some some pen tools smudge tools paint bucket tools men I'm about to use all the tools of war to destroy my competition cause ladies and gentlemen we do these every two months but it is time for Photoshop battle we've got a sponsor this episode right oh this video is sponsored by raid Shadow legends rate is one of the most ambitious RPGs of 2019 and it's out now on iPhone and Android it might be on mobile but raid is one of the most intense and immersive experiences it can only really be compared with games on PC and console it's got giant boss fights an awesome storyline PvP and hundreds of champions for you to collect and customize just take a gaze at some of my champions oh this is ox he's my personal favorite all make can just straight up you eat people you just did I see here all day just destroy people if you have any doubts raid has over 200,000 reviews on the App Store and almost a perfect five-star rating so if you want to check out the game there'll be links in the description if you use my link you'll get a free 50,000 silver and a free epic champion it's part of the new player program so in case you are new to the war to the war front are we we just simply go to the Photoshop battle subreddit people post images then everyone competes to make the stupidest Photoshop this counterfeit $100 bill yes that looks like the legitimate face that would be on a hundred dollars all right let's just start with some basic Photoshop I'll flick some of my talent yes it's beautiful this'll work I don't think it can improve the original but I'm trying my best [Music] Yeah right I know it's not good if someone handed you this you'd think it was a real hundred tall it's just me face slapped on to a hundred dollar bill now like the [ __ ] part of the fun is photoshopping my own stuff but the other part of the fun is same when everyone else did what did working at do I've already lost he's already gone and done mate national treasure I mean the Nicolas Cage face kinda just does look like my face you don't say what did this guy do right if this was a war I've just been blitz rigged he slapped the face on Elon Musk I'm gonna give the wind to the guy that did the full blown paint Photoshop battle this 3d pump will be oh my god that is the gayest thing ever all right just like the French in World War two after getting blitzed rigged I will come back and sweep [Music] look at this great Photoshop what a great Photoshop yeah this is how we come back in the war boys this is how we do it this is how we fought back against the Blitz rage that's some incredible work you know you've been playing a little bit too much Minecraft when you see minecraft in everything let's go to war over this boot this Photoshop battle look I'm sure there's gonna be some b-movie ones but we'll see what did sergeant pepper do ya say he's gone I've got a b-movie one detective B this supposed to be like sick detective Pikachu now none of these guys did minecraft B's therefore they all suck and I win so you guys we've already won a Photoshop battle oh yeah this is an image of Texas cops guarding the ice cream remember that chick that like licked the ice cream or something so uh yeah let's go to war boys [Music] oh now I brought out the big guns I actually put effort into this YouTube guarding moneybags from getting to the laser beam chatter the moneybags keep trying to get in look I rarely even get the demonetised yellow symbol anymore but my ads still suck I don't get it alright let's see what the other combatants have to offer maim a fish I seem all the time he's a good fighter that is just horrifying what did Mandalore do okay this is gone so many layers deep they've just added John Travolta Meimei fishes responded and now Barack Obama's involved all right so clearly the police are guarding a super secret Club and all I can think of is like how do I get invited to this party why don't I get involved let's eat like some of these people submit stuff that I just don't understand they guarding an aquarium I don't all right well I obviously want it but if I'm not allowed to win it I'm gonna give it to the weird Austin Powers Barack Obama John Travolta thingy ah we've got another b1 how coincidental and holding up a B all right you all ready for a super incredible Photoshop this way let me tell ya minecraft truly taking over everything yes look at that how do I keep coming up with these incredible ideas see what the competition's done not really sure where I was going with this always done a full animation oh it's he's made the ants start eating the beasts it's not a Minecraft B tag-team match some people come up the dumbest crap alright alright I think the winner is obvious it's obviously me look at that incredible Photoshop um so this is a seal emerging from us I actually got this one from toasted he sent it to me with the message saying yo Photoshop this into a bellybutton look I don't know why toaster wants it I don't think I want to know why toasted what's that but always here for you I got you alright which will be the best belly button for what we need a yes well my god belly buttons up close do not look good I'm gonna have to blur all these belly buns I think I'm gonna be sick I'm still not really sure why oh stood wants this yeah well I can think about is what is he gonna do with what's he kind of Tim is it me I'm not really sure if I'm a fan of what I'm done here but there you go there you go may enjoy well I definitely almost certainly lost this battle because I did that for toasted but that's what friends do alright let's go to war boys seal on the moon wow that's um I don't get it but that's that looks kind of cool steaming man huh oh my god bro they have stretched that seal out but it does it does look good as a manhole cover is Johnny ah yes a classic a seal also has an axe and is ready to devour shining through the ice and this is the flip version of that goat seal oh god oh god if you know you know alright if you know you know oh god it's man driving a coffin I feel like I'll probably get flagged for something if I Photoshop this so let's just say if written fari I got no respect he's at a Funeral but he's driving the Gogh damn see these people are too dark I couldn't I couldn't have got away with that now Mario Kart definitely wins that one all right the next battlefield is simply a starfish just chilling out alright I got no idea all I've done is all I've done is add a sponge so it's like Patrick and SpongeBob just chillin easiest victory real ever alright let's see what the the plebs have done yes those are sandals Patrick now see this guy added the starfish to spongebob but or cuz I just simply made spongebob in real life mine took more effort just keepin Keanu company oh look at that why does it always look like Keanu needs friends you join wick you shouldn't be sad alright no I think mine was better because it's outside the box oh no I won I won the war so there's this image of willem dafoe like pointing something and you can just tell he's hidden some body somewhere it reminds me of someone this is just this space here is part of his face here it reminds me of someone i'ma fight I'm gonna show you i'ma show you tell me right now you do not see the symbol Aries tell me right now you don't see the similarities in a Sunday thumbnail is it just me or is she sound about the crazy eyes right like no joke I can't tell where Willem Dafoe ends and Sunday starts like that's no hey nothing wrong with Sunday just whatever hmm it's the eyes the eyes just remind me of him he's finally going home Willem Dafoe pointing to the Flying Saucer to take him back to his home planet yeah there's like there's like three submissions like it's not a war here it's not a war more like beatin up a defenseless opponent oh damn oh man got swag please don't steal me girlfriend mate all right what could we do with this old bloke eh [Music] Hey look at him now he's a legendary fortnight skin I've used cold laser to buy this old man guys it'd be the end of gingy if our grandpa came here let's go whoa very unoriginal but I thought it would be funny oh I get it they're trying to say he's the red flag of Bulls gonna charge it I'd like to see the bull try this old boy could just crank some 90s and destroy that bull look like he was missing something hey hey they gave him a cane that could be his pickaxe that could they could sell that pickaxe in the shop with him I just make sure don't forget cold laser every time grandpa man comes out a different kind of sip oh my god that was it was someone above Palpatine this whole time like I know I made some jokes in this video but I think I legitimately won that war easy claps brah this is an expressive wasp what could we do with this the my craft be strike again my who cares about wasps minecraft just added bees when you least expect that you're gonna get hit with the Minecraft bee it's my secret weapon all right I don't think anyone's gonna you know stand up to my minecraft bee oh god that put him in a renaissance Petey oh it's close its close but I think I've got it like some people are too talented the way he's like the blender that into like a comic book look that's insane no I was good not as good as a Minecraft beta no interesting interesting no I don't like how you blended it made it doesn't stand up to my minecraft B oh oh that was an easy victory ADC claps my next tattoo it's gonna be a Minecraft B subway bag kid it doesn't many comments on it but I will Photoshop it anyway yeah I'm not sure if I'm happy with Paul hook here but I just thought he'd look good as a character from csgo look some some Photoshop is better than others right honestly I'm looking at the competition they did they might as well not have attempted easy victory alright that is another episode of Photoshop battles congratulations you have survived the war now I just love it because I like to mess around in Photoshop obviously I suck at it but how do you improve it something you practice it you get better we get to do some funny memes don't forget code later in the fortnight Photoshop and minecraft item stores as always if you want to see more of these ones both play like button from hitch up with the yo
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 12,270,353
Rating: 4.8472095 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, photoshop, challenge, gaming, gameplay, lazarbeam
Id: 6_W0EZXr8AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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