Bad Money Drives Out Good Money - Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, and Kevin DeMerrit

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(upbeat music) - [Announcer] This is The Rich Dad Radio Show, the good news and bad news about money. Here's Robert Kiyosaki. - Hello, hello, hello. Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Radio Show, the good news and bad news about money. And today, we have a very important guest and a very important subject. And the subject is one of my favorite subject, that's gold and silver, what I call God's money. And this is a very important program, but I wanted to say thank you first to our guest, his name is Kevin DeMeritt. And he's made me a famous man. I never thanked him. So I wanna thank him publicly 'cause Kim and I were just in Park City, Utah. I mean, just yesterday or day before yesterday. And they still have to wear masks and the only thing they recognize are my blue glasses. (Robert laughs) I just, I realize if I hadn't worn my blue glasses on the "Lear Capital Show" on Fox News, you know, people, "Oh the blue glasses, the blue glasses" but without my blue glasses, nobody recognize me. I'll be another guy with a mask on. Wasn't that amazing Kim? (Kim laughs) - I've never seen so many people come up to you in two days. - 'Cause I had blue glasses on. - "I've seen you on TV. "Oh my gosh, I read your book, "I loved it you changed my life." Nonstop for two days. - Yeah, so I'll thank Kevin for making me a famous man with a mask on. (all laugh) - Yeah. Robert, I think you became famous from your books more than I made you famous but thank you very much for the compliment. - You know, when I walk around here, nobody knows me in Phoenix but I went to Park City and that's where all the rich guys are like, "Oh, I know you 'cause we watch Fox. "You are the silver show, you talk about Lear Capital "and all this stuff." So anyway, it's the power of what you do and I appreciate the push. - And Kevin DeMeritt is the founder and operator one of the largest precious metals firms in the U.S., Lear Capital. - And we've been working with him for about eight years now. I mean, it's been fantastic relationship. - And what I like about the show today, what we're gonna talk about is Kevin is the expert and kinda the behind the scenes because there's a lot of information out there. - Misinformation. - Misinformation about gold, silver. So, we're gonna get the straight scoop from Kevin today. And I think that's really, really important because we are the... We do our best to bring the real news, not the fake news. - So, my background just real quickly. 1964, I started saving silver and the reason was in '64, the dimes came out with copper around them. With a copper tinge and then the quarters had this copper tinge and then the half dollar had a copper tinge. And that's Gresham's law, and Gresham's law states that when fake, when bad money enters a system, good money goes into hiding. That's one of the most important things you can get from the show and why you should listen to Kevin. Gresham's law is when bad money enters the system, good money goes into hiding. So in 1964, I'm like 16 years old. I'm looking at this little dime, not silver anymore, it's copper. I'm going, "there's something wrong here". And it was intuitive, nobody told me about Gresham's law. You know, my teacher didn't ever talk to about this, still don't talk about it in school but the money went into hiding. So, when I'm on Kevin's program, "Lear Capital", and I'm always saying, buy silver, buy silver. I'm not a Johnny-come-lately. Since 1964, I've been saving silver. And it is not high intelligence. You don't have to go to stock trading school or real estate school. You just keep getting real silver. And we got tons of it now and there's a lot of confusion on it and that's why I wanted to have Kevin talk about it not just silver, but gold. And then we have fake gold, fake silver with paper gold fake gold, you know, all this stuff's going on. So, that's why we have Kevin DeMeritt. on this program 'cause it's Lear Capital. He made me a famous man with my blue glasses recommending silver on Fox news. And so we really wanna thank you for the relationship there Kevin. You guys have been great for us. - Yeah, to you as well. It's been a great ride and I appreciate it. - What's your background really quickly, 'cause you're too young to be around in 1964. So, anyway, what happened? (Robert chuckles) - Yeah, well, you know, born in '65. So. (everyone laughs) One year after they took all the silver out of the coinage. You know went to school to be a minor in economics, a major in finance, immediately I came to California, I got a job as an international banker. So, we were putting banks together for large corporations import, exportation, things like that. And in that field, you'll learn a lot about currency because you're having to hedge the currencies and gold and silver being one of them. If you wanna capitalize a bank with gold and silver it actually made it a lot easier than capitalizing it with a currency because I can hedge one thing as opposed to trying to hedge against two different types of currencies. - Can we say that currency is like the peso, the yen, the euro and the dollar, right? - Yeah, at that time we were, you know we didn't even have the euro, it was lira and you know, everything you had in Europe. So, it made it even more difficult. And I worked there for a few years and then was recruited to a precious metals company here in California. They've been in business for about 20 years and really learned the ropes from a gentlemen there. Was there for, I dunno, three and a half, four years, went back to banking for about nine months and said, you know, I really love the gold and silver market. I wanna move back over. It felt so great to put something physical and real in someone's hands that was easy to buy, easy to sell, had never been worth zero. And it's 5,000 year history at the time. And you know, that was a pretty good investment to me. If you wanted to be conservative and accumulate some wealth - Like you know, a dime 1964 was 10 cents, today it's $2. You know what I mean? - Right. - If you think about that technical, yesterday was dollar 94. So, that's how much the dime has gone down. It's down now 94, I think a half dollar's nine bucks or something or you know, I mean that's how much fake money has invaded our system. Again, that's Gresham's law, bad money drives out good money. And when I was 16 years old, I started saving this stuff. And then in 1972, I flew behind enemy lines in Vietnam to buy gold and then back in '72 it was the illegal for Americans to own gold. So, that's why I'm not just on Lear Capital, Kevin's company. I mean he doesn't even pay me, I'm just famous for my blue glasses. - But I remember that time when the dimes and the quarters changed and I was only seven-years-old, but even I knew something because I would go through all of my parents change and I'd pick out the silver ones, I'd pick them out and I still today have them in a little box. And how did I know that I'm seven-years-old? Why would I even know that it's different? - And that's a very important point 'cause you look at world history, Hitler came to power because he violated Gresham's law, not he did, but the Germans violated it. - Right. - Zimbabwe went down because Mugabe violated Gresham's law. Venezuela is in trouble right now, 'cause they violated Gresham's law. What happened when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in 1971, again, he violated Gresham's law. So, most of our problems today go back to Gresham's law, when bad money drives out good money and that's why Lear Capital... I mean, when I speak for you guys, it's from the heart (laughs). - I really appreciate it, you know, the funny comic strip in Germany was the guy who goes into the store to buy, you know, the product with a wheelbarrow full of money and he parked it outside and when he came out the wheelbarrow was gone and all the money was still there. The value of the dollar, it had crumbled. And like you said, this has been happening all the way through history. You know, something unique that I think people get a kick out of is the reeds around a quarter, the little reeds that are on the outside of the quarter. And, you know, people always think they're there so you can hold the coin- - No. - Untrue. Back in- - Roman times. - Roman days, they would take a very sharp knife or something and they would just scrape off a little bit of the gold coins. And it kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller which is basically exactly what you're talking about with Gresham's law, right? And finally, they made the coin smaller but those reeds were put on the outside of the coin to prohibit people from scraping the gold off the side, you could see the reads were gone. So, yeah, this has been going on a long time, but people in governments devaluing the dollar or their dollar. - And the reason I wanted Kevin on is because I'm such an old guy, you know I don't trust anything that's paper. Do you know what I mean? And today this is a rumor and that's why I wanted Kevin to kinda clear it up, the rumor is, reason I say I buy gold and silver, but I take delivery of it. I mean, it's mine and it's in safes all over the world. I don't trust anybody, I don't trust the government but our gold and silver is in safes that we control. So. when I see people buying SLV or GLD, which are ETFs I call it paper gold and paper silver. And I'm in the market pretty tight but I'm not behind the scenes like Kevin is, the rumors I hear that for every gold or every silver piece, 'cause I love silver the most. For every piece of silver there's actually 500 pieces of paper saying, they own that silver. I mean sometimes 500 claims are derivatives against that one silver coin. Now, the reason I want, you know, Kevin to come on a Rich Dad Capital he's an insider, he's been in the business, he knows what it is. So Kevin, what is the truth? What's the difference between a paper ETF silver, paper ETF gold and the physical- - And ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund, so it's a fund. - Yes, so a SLV Exchange Traded Fund usually holds silver derivative contracts that are backed by the silver, right? So. (Robert chuckles) - Yeah, that's what I thought you would say. Kevin you're talking to a marine, that went over my head so fast. - Yeah, so when they say that these are backed by physical silver, they're trying to convince you that the COMEX has enough silver to back all the contracts, which if you added up all the contracts you don't need to be a mathematician. You can quickly find that this is a highly leveraged speculative type of the field but it will go up and down with the price of the silver. So, what the Exchange Traded Funds do, is they'll take some portion and each one of them are a little bit different. It could be 20% in physical, silver and the rest in derivative contracts. Just a piece of paper saying that I can go get this silver at some point, or I'm going to match the price, one of the other- - And Kevin they're betting that nobody's gonna go and collect the silver, right? Because if everybody went to collect the silver it wouldn't be there, correct? - Well, yeah, in the Exchange Traded Fund, I don't even know if they're betting that anybody would collect the silver, because if you read the fine print it says you can take in kind distribution. Well, in kind would be a stock, so I'm going to have my silver stock that's backed by these derivatives and a little bit of physical gold and I'm gonna give you another stock as payment if something went wrong and you wanted the physical stuff, you will never get the physical inventory out of one of the Exchange Traded Funds. There's not enough in there to do it. - Yeah, in kind comes from the German road, kinder, baby. And so what it means here is this, you go on and say "I gave you a hundred dollars," and you say, "can I have hundred dollars in silver?" I say, "No, we'll give you a hundred dollars back." - Right. - They just give you back more paper. - Correct, so people get confused with that in kind, thinking they're going to get silver. No, you purchased a paper stock and you will get paper stock back not physical stock. - It's called toilet paper. (all laugh) - And the worst part, Robert, about these Exchange Traded Funds to me I give people these two examples. So, if you were a customer and came to me and said, "I wanna purchase an ounce of gold" and I said, "Okay, great. "I'm gonna purchase this ounce of gold, "however, I'm going to send it off to HSBC bank in Europe "and we're gonna keep it in safe storage for you." And you say, "No, I wanna hold it. "No, I'm gonna ship it off somewhere else to you." So not only do you have a paper problem you could have a location problem. If something happens in one of the countries where these Exchange Traded Funds, physical, whatever they have in physical is stored. I don't know how I'm going to get that back either. But then add on another layer and say not only am I going to ship it off to a different country I'm gonna buy, let's say half of your physical gold and I'm just gonna give you a piece of paper that represents the other half. If anybody thought about it that way would anybody buy an Exchange Traded Fund at all? And I doubt it, but people just like to see the up and down in the price and say, I'm gonna take advantage of that, not thinking it all the way through, in my opinion. - Yes and what Kevin's talking about, that's another way they manipulate the price, you know, the actual physical price of the gold or silver. So, that's why you see the price going up and down. Just recently, we had the Reddit stock tried on attack the silver market, like they attacked game stock and game stock is more phony than the Colmex, but anyway. There's so much phoniness going on. That's why I have, you know, Kevin DeMeritt here from Lear Capital, because he's gonna clear this up but I just want you to know that Kim and I are for real. We actually do own physical gold and silver. It's hidden in different vaults throughout the world because we don't trust confiscation, you know from 1933 when they took it. But that's how much we are... I really do not trust the U.S. Government or nor do I trust Wall Street and we're gonna go into what you can do when we come back. Because I think J.P. Morgan was just fined for playing games with gold and silver. - That's right. - So that's why Kevin DeMeritt is from Lear Capital. He's the guy we speak for and we've got to get educated. We're not saying don't buy ETFs. We're saying, just know what you're buying. We'll be right back. Welcome back, Robert Kiyosaki, The Rich Dad radio show the good news and bad news about money and we have a very special guest, Kevin DeMeritt, he's of Lear Capital, he's made me a famous man because in the time of masks the only thing they recognize are my blue glasses and Kim and I were just up in Park City the other day and everybody recognized my blue glasses 'cause we were wearing masks. But were talking about a very important subject here, it's about physical gold and silver versus fake gold and silver. So, it's a very important program, Kim. - Yes, so Kevin is the founder and operator of one of the largest precious metal firms, Lear Capital. And here's a question I have for you, Kevin, is what's happened with the price? I mean, the price is just like stuck and it's low and it's, what's going on behind the scenes? - Yeah, so I think there's been a lot of speculation in the market. Yeah, you know, obviously on the stock market the cryptocurrencies have been going through the roof. So each one of the investments just gets their turn. But I think in the gold market with interest rates coming up just a tiny little bit, there's been a lot of playing around in the derivatives market from some of the bigger players on the break. Robert had brought up, you know, J.P. Morgan getting a huge fine because of the manipulation in the markets there. It was billions of dollars worth of fines. They look like they'd been manipulating the market for quite some time. And I think there's a lot more of that out there, in my opinion, just with the paper markets over the physical market. Because if you look at the physical part of the market which should really drive price, there's an enormous amount of demand on the physical side, where on the silver you can't even barely get any- - [Kim] Right. - And the price is pulled back there also, but usually they'll start to work themselves out over the long-term. So, in the next six to nine months, you know, even City Group had come out and said, you know they thought gold would be $2,500 an ounce, you know sometime by the end of the year. So, I would kind of agree with that prediction. - And for years, like I said, I started in 1964 with silver. And I said, it's not how much per ounce it's how many ounces do you have? - Right. - And today you can't even get the stuff. And what Kim is talking about here is demands is at an all time high from the retail, like we're retail, then there's the professionals like Tesla, Sony, Apple. They buy silver for production in industry. And as retail guys like us who buy it from outside. But the problem is the price is manipulated. So, here we have all time high demand. I can't even get the stuff. The price is going down and you know people are going nuts. I mean I call people up and I say, "Have you got any silver?" They go, "No." But the price is going down. So why is that Kevin? - Well, again, you have the paper side of the market selling off the paper side and on the physical side that this paper should be backed by, you can't get any. At the beginning of the program we talked about the U.S. Mint had shut down production of silver American Eagles. They only have a few jobs to do and that would be a big one, right? To produce silver American Eagles and gold American Eagles and they've just discontinued the silver American Eagle program saying that it was a design change. In reality, I just don't believe they can get the silver at all. Silver forecast is much, much better in my opinion than the gold because provided administration is looking at implementing a $2 trillion, you know, climate program or green energy. And if you look in 19 or 2019 solar panels used about a hundred million ounces of silver that year. I don't have 2020 numbers yet, but a hundred million ounces in 2020, if they're going to add which is about two and a half billion dollars, by the way if they're going to add $2 trillion to that and some of that's going to find its way into solar, then I think silver is going to get much much more difficult to get over the next 24 to 36 months and where we are today. - And Kevin, when you say the U.S. Mint cannot get silver is it a mining issue? Is there not enough silver to be mined? How come the government cannot get it? - Well, over the past nine months or so you've seen here in the United States and even around the world, just an enormous amount of investor demand for physical silver. At the same time you had a lot of the mines shutting down or working half shifts because of the pandemic. So, you had this perfect storm happening where the physical supply wasn't coming out of the ground but the demand side of it when you look into the future is much greater than what the supply side can get to market, anyway. - I think the whole point is, I think they've sold it. It's not there. - Well, yeah, some of these mines pre-sell their silver production through a futures contract so they know the price that they can sell it for when they pull it out of the ground. So, a lot of it has already been spoken for I don't know how you're going to include this $2 trillion and how much of it's gonna go into solar but a decent amount of it will, because it's one of the most popular green energy products out there. So, you know, if we went to 200 million ounces about $5 billion worth of additional demand, not counting investor demand and other industrial demand the price of silver should be much, much higher than where we are today. - Right, at Rich Dad, we don't make recommendations. You know, we're an education company. We buy what you wanna buy, sell what you wanna sell. But the reason why I have Kevin on here is this. If you're buying an ETF or you're buying silver what's happening now, is if you can't find physical silver you have to buy into the future. I mean, I have I have to take delivery in July sometimes where before I get it instantaneously and the reason Lear Capital is (indistinct) not endorsed today and not interested 'cause we got to do your do diligence. But if you want to buy physical silver, can you buy it today for delivery from Lear Capital in the future? - Yes, we try to deliver all of our silver within 28 days. I mean, that's our goal is getting it to the customer within 28 days. - So, when would a person buy paper silver or paper gold in ETF? - You know, if you purchase silver and it's extremely heavy, you know, purchases much of the physical silver as you possibly can if you don't wanna put it in a depository and you feel more comfortable calling up your stockbroker and saying, "Hey, "I want to buy more silver through an Exchange Traded Fund." Really what you're doing is just betting on the price of silver. There's nothing backing it or there is something backing it, but not 100% of all of your money is going to be backed by the physical silver. So, you're really just, I believe silver is gonna go up and I wanna play that out through an Exchange Traded Fund. - So, if the silver runs out, they're just gonna give you the dollars back. They're not gonna give you a silver. - Well, correct. They couldn't give you silver today. I think if all the Exchange Traded Funds wanted to pay out physical silver, I don't think that is possible. - Right, so I wanna give Kevin opportunity to plug Lear Capital, 'cause I'm working with you guys for eight years now, he made me a famous man with my blue glasses, every night on Fox. I get sick and tired of seeing myself on that. Here I am again, you know. I'm worse than "My Pillow". I'm selling silver, you know, and other guys are selling gold. - You're a better looking guy than the "My Pillow Guy" though. (all laugh) - But anyway, how does somebody deal with Lear Capital? How many different ways are there? How many ways can they access you? Get information, 'cause you guys offer a lot of information which is why I support you guys. - Yeah, you know, I wanted to do something special for you today and I'm glad you were talking about this dime. So, we've got a whole information package that we send out to people it's completely free of charge. They can look at, you know, gold, silver platinum, palladium and all of their options in there. Speak to a personal representative so that they can ask questions and get their questions answered. And then we have a couple of special reports, one on silver, one on gold that we just are releasing here in the next couple of days and I would love to offer that to your customers free of charge. But I found about 75 silver mercury dimes. They were minted from 1916 to 1945. They look great, put them aside for you because I knew I was gonna do this program and any caller who calls is going to get one of these silver mercury dimes up to the 75th person. - Oh, that's generous of you. That's generous, that's an antique. - That's an antique. - It's called a numismatic in the business, you know- - And Kevin what number do they call? - Sure, if they give us a call at +1 (800) 511-1960. (800) 511-1960. You'll get all the information and the mercury dime now. - Okay, I'm gonna call that number (laughs). I want a mercury dime. - You bet. (both laugh) - Pre '64. (Kim laughs) - [Kevin] That' right. - So anyway, any further words of wisdom in all the years you've been behind the scenes you know, Kim and I just buy and we store it, we don't sell it, we don't move it. So, any advice for people who are newbies coming into the market for the first time or wanna get more education? What do they need to know, that only a person like you would know? - You know, I think it's think longer term, you know, you've brought up, I started purchasing gold before it was legal, you know, back in the war. And, you know, gold was trading at $35 an ounce and here we are at $1,700 an ounce the silver market has gone up tremendously. It's all time high is $47 an ounce. I think people have become so enamored in making money overnight, like game stock and the cryptocurrencies. Just take it more slowly with your physical precious metals, just start accumulating accumulate over long periods of time. You look back, it's amazing how much wealth you can accumulate when they're pumping up this mensch, you know, dollars into the economy in this much debt. I think taking it slow and thinking longterm are my best pieces of advice. - And your longer term with your expertise where do you see the price of gold and silver going? - You know, I think in the next three years, the gold price could be around 32 to $3,500 an ounce just based on the amount of money that's been printed. The silver price is much more exciting. I would say that, you know, we're at 25 we could easily get back up to 47. We've already been there with less debt and less money floating around. So, I'll keep it at 50. I think it can go higher than that, but I'd like to think that in the next three years, we can get to 50. - Yeah, my number is 100, you know, just because I remember when silver hit 50 and then it dropped right back down when the Hunt brothers tried to corner the market and I've been waiting for 50. It touched it lightly, but I think, you know, the demand is set so high because of the green new deal. - [Kevin] Oh, absolutely. - You know, I meant. Gold is not really used. It's not an industrial, but silver is not only a money or a currency, but it's also industrial- - That's right. - And supplies are down. The supply- - Supplies are down. It's very expensive to start a mine and try to find more silver. There's not a lot of silver reserves out there. It's an incredibly capital intensive business. So it's not, you're not just gonna go out and open up a mine and it's gonna be up and running in six months. Usually those are three to five year project. So, there's not gonna be a lot of additional silver coming on the market. - Well, you're talking to two people who started two mines, I started a silver mine in Argentina and a gold mine in China. We don't have 'em anymore. (all laugh) - And his least Government has one of them. - Yeah, I bet they do.. - Have you heard, China's just have a lot of gold, she adds, my gold (mumbling). (all laugh) - But I gotta tell you too, the very first house we bought, our very first personal residence we bought. We didn't have any... Our businesses were just starting, so we didn't have cash and all of the sudden the broker calls and says, "Okay, the deal's done, we've got it done, "and we need to close tomorrow." And they needed like $20,000 and I'm like, we don't have $20,000. How are we gonna make this happen? So (chuckles). - But we saved gold and silver. - Because we always save gold and silver, so I opened up the bedroom closet door and they're in the back, all stacked neatly were all these silver bars. And so I put 'em in brown grocery bags and walked them through the streets of (indistinct) to the precious metals dealer and cashed 'em in. That's how we bought our first house, Thank God for silver. - Yeah, there's a lot of those stories out there. I gotta tell you, you know, and that's the longterm, you know, part of it, but put it away for your rainy day and you know, you feel pretty good about it when you have it, when you need it. - Right, so once again I'm gonna go back to Gresham's law, bad money drives out good money. And the reason we're in financial trouble today is because without financial education people have no idea what Gresham's law means. And Gresham's law brought to power people like Adolf Hitler and Stalin and those guys because of fake money. So, the reason Kim and I, for all these years, we don't save dollars, we save gold and silver. And now we do some Bitcoin because when COVID hit I thought, well hallelujah brother, you know. So, we bought Bitcoin at really low prices, but we stopped but we always save gold and silver because it's just what Kim says, it's called liquidity. Liquidity means there's somebody always out there who wants to buy it. Is that correct, Kevin? - That's right. - Would you buy it back? - Absolutely. - Yes. - We've always purchased everything that we've sold. And the other great part of that piece of news is if you take a stock here in the United States and go over to China they may or may not purchase that particular stock. But if you take an ounce of gold, anywhere in the world it's worth the same price anywhere you go. So, that's a great store of value and a lot of liquidity. - Right. Anyway, Kevin, you know, thank you very, very much. And again, you know, please go to Lear Capital, check out what they offer. If you can get your hands on a real, real pre 64 dime, keep it forever, 'cause it's God's money. Gold and silver are God's money, Bitcoin is people's money. And we're just saying, screw you to the U.S. Government. That's all we're doing for printing fake money. Anyway, thank you, Kevin. - Thank you, Kevin, appreciate it. - Thank you very much. - Great work. - We'll be right back, where we'll summarize what we said. Kevin, thank you. - [Kevin] Thank you. - Thank you Kevin. - You guys have a great day. - [Kim] You too, enjoy. - Welcome back, Robert Kiyosaki, the Rich Dad radio show the good news and bad news about money. I think I gave our guest today, Kevin DeMeritt of Lear Capital has made me a famous man. And please check out what their offers are. You can listen to the Rich Dad radio program anytime, anywhere on iTunes, Android, and leave a review and all of our programs are archived at We archive them because we're purely educational. We make no recommendations to buy or sell gold, silver or ETFs. But you wanna to listen to this program again 'cause you'll learn more. But more importantly, if you have friends, family and business associates who are still working for money you should listen to this program. Because as I said, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the rich don't work for money, work for assets. We save gold, silver and now Bitcoin. And that's what we do. My house is not an asset, buying houses right now 'cause the prices are going up and it's a very dangerous time. So, this is a really time to get educated. Listen to this program again, discuss it with friends, family and business associates. What do you think, Kim? - What I love about Kevin and the website is is they're education based. They want you to get educated. They're not just there to sell you something. And I like what he said about silver. I mean, silver, the price is so suppressed right now but they're talking about, you know, going solar and all of these different green energies and they use silver. And right now people can not get silver. So the price has to go up. He said not, you know, nine to 12 months the price is gonna come up. But I, and you've been saying this for ages, that silver's really the play over gold because of the usage of it. And it hasn't been... It's tough to, as we know, it's tough to start a silver mine - We were up in Park City just a couple of days ago. Park City was founded because it was a silver mine. - That's right. - And now they're all tapped out. I mean, you can't even go in the mine anymore, but anyway, Sara, what'd you think of Kevin? - [Sara] Kevin was great, I love that we had somebody who does this for a living, deals with gold and silver, for a living. I thought that he offered a interesting perspective. The one thing that I learned and probably took away from this show the most was the ETFs versus physical aspect and how the derivative, you know, there's so many derivatives on one piece of silver. So, I thought that was interesting. - Yeah and he said that on the ETF certificate, it says you can take in kind. So, you're not gonna get the silver but you might get another share stock 'cause an ETF is just a share of stock. - Paper. - Right. - And that's Gresham's law, bad money drives out good money. And that's why all you guys out there with ETFs and SLVs and GLDs and all that. I'm not saying don't buy that but you're a loser 'cause you don't know what you're buying at least understand what you're buying. So, Kim and I have no ETFs. We're not saying you don't have an ETF but understand what you're buying. So, that's the reason we will love Kevin. We love Lear Capital because they're an education company but they're into the real stuff, not the fake stuff. And so we're an education company. Make your choice, you can buy fake from your local stock broker. And thank you for listening to the Rich Dad radio program. - And thank you, Kevin DeMeritt, appreciate your education, appreciate you getting people educated about gold and silver.
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Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Kevin DeMeritt, Lear Capital, gold price, financial education, federal reserve, robert kiyosaki gold, federal reserve gold, greshams law of money, kim kiyosaki, gold etf vs physical gold, gold etfs explained
Id: HHfK29g-H9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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