Q/E to Infinity: Why You Should Escape the Fiat Currency System - Robert Kiyosaki and John Adams

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Did he bring up Wall Street Silver ???

Great Job John !!

Anyone know if he brought up WSS ?? 78,000 Users in 3 months on silver ?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ivanbayoukhi 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money here's robert kiyosaki hello hello hello robert kiyosaki the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money and today we have a very important show you know the title is actually qe infinity that was when will this printing stop but really it's a discussion which is better gold silver or crypto that's a discussion and we have a very important guest today is john adams he's the chief economist for one of my favorite countries in the world aussie aussie aussie and i've been going to aussie since 1976 and when i went there to play rugby and my favorite sport and needless to say we lost every game but it was a good very good sports about it but anyway uh welcome to the program john thank you robert for having me thank you thank you thank you so your topic is qe to infinity and then you say there's no turning back now i i totally agree with you but i want to break it down to goal silver or what can a person do a crypto so we have some kind of a solution and you can't endorse any of it that's fine but um i i love gold silver and crypto because i have an enemy and we have an enemy in common it's called the federal reserve bank of america which gives printing and i like what you said about this no turning back so before we begin could you give us a little bit of your background on what you do today sure um so in terms of what i do today so i mean i am an economic commentator here in australia uh my main youtube channel is a is a channel called in the interest of the people that i co-host with my um uh with one of my partners martin north i am the chief economist for a company in south australia called as good as gold australia so we're south australia's largest bullion dealership and i've been with them for about three years so we're helping largely the retail market acquire physical gold physical silver um and in terms of my background i've had a very diverse background from working in federal parliament working as an economic advisor to a federal senator being a bureaucrat at various levels of government working for a big foreign council firm in terms of management consulting and uh yeah look i've been a writer for a number of mainstream media organizations in australia um largely about economics but uh covering politics and a whole bunch of other public policy areas as well so um why first of all what's going on in aussie because you know like i said it is really we had i had offices in five capital cities i love adelaide i love the hills and uh but what is happening in the economy there because i hear your real estate is in a bubble and stuff like that so what's what what's the macro of aussie sure so um in terms of what i've been saying for the last probably five years is uh we have the biggest debt bubble in australian history at the same time we've got the biggest up in the history of the world and uh like i mean your time is actually very interesting robert because uh i actually just gave my first seminar for 2021 last week and um i updated you know some of our clients about my revised view so two years ago in 2019 i said that australia has two debt bubbles a household debt bubble and a foreign debt bubble um and and you know obviously we've got a you know that household debt level is concentrated in terms of real estate and uh anytime i do any interviews with the people from the united states i like to say to people that uh you know in the context of um the household uh sort of debt bubble and the real estate debt bubble that americans had before the global financial crisis uh if you thought that was extreme uh you pretty much haven't seen anything um the extreme um if you look at the australian metrics we are way more extreme in terms of real estate prices versus sort of income and um and sort of yeah like in terms of income but also household debt of household debt relative to income but we are on much more extreme levels than the united states uh but my revised position is is that we actually have now three dapa three debt bubbles um and with covert 19 we've just seen uh the federal government here in australia state governments and territory governments will wrap up unprecedented amounts of of debt to basically save the other two bubbles um so as we went into um with with the lockdown in 2020 um the the reason well we had the biggest fiscal and monetary stimulus package in australian history and the reason why they were forced to do so is because without that stimulus we would have seen record amount of delinquencies and defaults in terms of mortgages and we would have had a financial crisis um similar to what you know for example the united states and ireland went through in 2007-2008 so in order to avoid that outcome uh kind of like what you said in terms of opening the show in terms of central banks continuing to print well we had the biggest money printing campaign in australian history coupled with the biggest rank up of um uh government debt um and you know what i would say government debt in the australian context if you look at from july 2019 all the way through to the projected june 2024 we're talking 975 billion dollars over five financial years and and there's no plan to pay back the debt there's no plan to balance the budget and basically we've ruined two generations of australians in order to save the financial system um and and you know the australian economy is in a very dire predicament and then the other thing i would say is in terms of how you open up the show about uh previous comments i made on other interviews about we can't turn back well uh particularly in the australian context if we ever sought to normalize policy what that's going to mean is that um i mean we're going to either we're going to have high interest rate costs um and for a lot of households that are drowning in debt they can't meet those repayments and that will obviously then lead to the harry dent scenario of a deflationary depression so the mentality having worked in federal parliament and having worked um in the mainstream media here in australia the mentality among the elite is that a and depression is the worst outcome of all and we must avoid it at all costs um and and and so that's why they continue to print and spend and because of that that's why i came out in 2020 with a forecast of we're not only just a forecast but a statement that we are seeing the beginnings of stagflation here in australia um and uh in in in the beginning of 2021 i said that with the election of joe biden and the 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package passed by congress and now a two trillion dollar stimulus package on infrastructure i think this uh stagflation process is going to accelerate um uh as we go throughout 2021 and beyond so um you know i said i first went to aussie in 1976 and you guys had the same problem then it's all just like to spend money they travel a lot have a good life yeah and their personal debt was high and then they the aussie real estate prices i mean it's a great place to live i i bought two properties in aussie one and um one in uh was that king's cross and one in rush cutters bay and i made a lot of money because the inflation was just going high as a quiet kite but i don't think they ever stopped borrowing money and so the reason i want to interview you today is because excuse me might be the canary in the coal mine i mean what's going to cause aussies economy and population smaller but is very similar to america very very similar so you're saying there's a personal debt bubble there is a real estate debt bubble the same as the u.s and now you have a nationwide debt bubble right yes yes i mean one of the points i'll make robert is is that um when you look at the um the the um if you look at the debt profile of american households before the gfc a lot of poor people got into the real estate bubble um when they when they couldn't actually afford to be in the real estate market um you know the the the big difference between america and australia is the bulk of the household debt is actually with high income people as opposed to low-income people and some some amer australian commentators have said well um you know there's no comparison between um australia and the united states because um uh people who can service the mortgages actually have the bulk of the debt now the problem that argument is that our debt profile is it is very similar to what happened in ireland so middle income to high income uh people in ireland ireland before the global financial crisis had the bulk of the debt uh and then and then when the gfc had crashed uh when the gfc occurred the irish economy basically went through the floor so while we have a debt different debt distribution compared to america um whether it's the america island or australia um yeah we are in a situation that we can never that we can ever return to and and the other thing i will say is that because you talked about um the 1970s so we did have obviously stagflation both in america and australia in the 1970s but if you look at personal debt levels um yeah i mean so the last time we had a household debt bubble in australia was actually in the 1880s and we had a depression in 1892 which was actually worse for australia compared to the great depression and now debt levels for households in 2021 are substantially higher than where we were in the 1880s on a proportional basis well one more question because another one of my really favorite countries is kiwi land new zealand and the great all blacks how does new zealand's economy compare to ireland and to aussie yes so yes um that they probably do have a very similar situation where they do have elevated levels of household debt and they do have high house prices uh but i would say that their situation is nowhere near as extreme as uh where we are here in australia so yes so do they have a problem short but is it is it is it as bad as where we are here in down under probably not and a lot of americans are running to new zealand to hide have you heard that yes yes i mean look i mean over the last few years i've heard a range of stories of americans losing confidence in the american government and the american legal system in the american economy and a whole bunch of americans want to escape so new zealand is definitely one of those locations where a lot of americans have fled to but it but the other interesting thing i should say robert is is that i've also heard a lot of americans going down to uh south america particularly in chile um and no doubt if you go down to the southern part of chile you'll find a few expat communities being uh i mean they're developing and they're growing and uh and yeah so that could be potentially another area where americans may um find refuge so would you you know like uh i'm not i'm not kidding you i love ozzie i just really really do would you suggest americans run there um uh well i mean i think it's like so so probably what i would say is that there are some advantages i think living in australia compared to the united states but also i think there are so there are definitely some um there are some disadvantages as well um so so yeah so i would say that the cost of living situation here in australia is perhaps more pronounced um than what it is in america but on the other hand while i think we have some corruption issues here in australia i don't think they're anywhere as close as to what the americans have yeah for those who may not know australia really is like the promised land to me it's you know you have great metal everything is great as long as you don't make your money there because your government wants to take it all the time yeah i think yeah i mean that that's probably another thing i would point out our tax rates are much higher than where the you know the taxes are in terms of the united states as well okay so you're an economist for good as gold australia what does goodness call australia do yes as good as australia so we've basically been in business since about 2012 uh where we're a retail dealership so we basically um we provide to the market uh gold silver platinum uh and a whole host of retail denominations uh we do storage we do insurance um and uh yeah so i mean particularly um as we continue to see money printing central bank um sort of central banks around the world get it out of control um i mean the the owners of the business thought that it was time to help more australians uh and we all we have a growing international client bases will help more people escape the fee and currency system and get into gold and silver obviously i've listened to you on multiple interviews robert and i know that this june if you uh started um like correct me wrong was it was it when you went to vietnam or before we had vietnam that he started i started buying silver in 64 when i was 17 because of gresham's law gresham's law says when bad money enters the system good money goes into hiding so when i was 17 in 1964 they started uh debasing our dimes and quarters and a half dollars so there was a copper tinge around it and i didn't know anything but gresham's law does apply because immediately i didn't trust my dimes quarters and half dollars and i started going to the bank and turning in dollars paper dollars and getting rolls of dimes quarters and half dollars and i'd pull out the real silver and i put the copper copper silver back in there and then i go back to the bank and kept trading the trouble was uh then i went to school in new york at 17 18 and my mother spent my money so that's it kind of made my point that poor people don't know good money from bad money that's the biggest problem my mom and dad had no idea why i was running back and forth to the bankers as kid high school kid turning in fake paper money getting rolls of dimes quarters and half dollars and pulling out the real silver and creating it and my mother says well i spent it while you're in school i'm going and i think we're talking about why there's so many poor people they don't know good money from fake money and i'm going to have one more question to you i'm excited about here in america you know you have the perth mint and we've heard that there's a shortage of silver and perth i don't know if that's true or not but when we come back that's what i want to talk to you about because the real subject here it really is qe infinity i don't think the banks can turn back they have to keep printing and the question is what are you going to do gold silver or crypto or bitcoin or ethereum so that's kind of my discussion today because we've got to know good money from fake money we'll be right back welcome back robert kiyosaki to the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money and today our guest is john adams he is a economist for goldus gold australia my favorite countries in the world and if i was gonna run i'd run to australia because it's it does happen it is fantastic place to live except you don't want to make your money there and uh and we're gonna be discussing his topic is qe infinity in other words can they stop printing i don't think so and that question next question goes where do you go then gold silver or crypto bitcoin or ethereum or whatever they got today but before we go on we have my dear friend harry um harry dent who i toured australia was several times and uh john what is harry predicting now well yes so so probably since the gfc harry then has been predicting a deflationary depression um and and when you think of what that actually means is so if you think in the in the classical austrian school let's say ludwig von mises about what is inflation inflation is the expansion of the money supply so to have deflation what that means is the money supply must shrink and the only way in the current context that that's going to happen is that is that the debt is going to shrink and how you're going to shrink the debt you have to have a series of defaults now every time we've had a point of crisis since 2008 the central banks and the national governments around the world continue to print and spend to stop the debt bubble from imploding um and uh and so far that has been successful so what do you think about the sovereign debt crisis of 2012 or uh for example the repo crisis in new york in 2019 or cover 19 2020 or even if you look at the end of um february 2021 in terms of how the bond market uh particularly the united states but it started to spread to australia uh japan and germany um every time there's there's um uh you know some sort of systemic risk coming to the fall they try to print and spend and provide liquidity so that you don't have that sort of situation from occurring so um when it comes to harry potter what's harry's latest prediction now well i mean so about three months ago harry gave an interview on stanberry research and said that he's expecting the stock market to collapse by 40 50 by april well here we are in the last week of april and so far that hasn't happened uh and i think your your assistant in the in the break said that his new forecast was going to be june july the the the the the uh stock market's going to collapse now um what i would say is it could be right you know you could be right well yes so what i would say is that in the absence of the money printing harry would be 100 correct so i've never sort of said that a deflation of depression is off the table but where i think harry has got it wrong is um i mean i did an interview with him uh in here in sydney in 2018 and i asked him well you know why can't the central banks continue to print to infinity um and he basically said that someone you know there will be voices in the market there'll be political opposition to the central banks and that opposition is going to stop um hyperinflation a lot of uh you know the q infinity type scenario that we have now and that opposition is going to prevent them from saving the bubble and that's how the bubble collapses well um so far you know three years beyond the the when i interviewed harry here in sydney um no one has stopped the central banks so um uh and and you know the other thing i'll say robert is is that now seeing the central banks starting to take over governments so you've got janet yellen now the treasury secretary you've got married raghi um now the prime minister of italy um and you've got a whole bunch of other sort of characters um mark carrie was head of england bank of england indeed indeed so yes so you're starting to see central bank officials now move into the executive branches of governments um and they're trying to solidify their political power um so so so whereas harry is saying that there's there's gonna be um uh political limitations to the central banks so far that hasn't happened and and and so that's why i think um we're going to see more of an inflationary situation moving forward compared to in terms of deflation and and you know i know we're about to get into this conversation about gold silver and crypto but but what i would say to your audience is is portfolio allocation is uh changes so dramatically compared to if you believe so if you believe deflation is coming your portfolio allocation would be dramatically different compared to if you believe that we're going to have some sort of inflationary outcome um and and you know before you know investors start to think about well what do i put what so whether how do i allocate my capital you really have to get the macro picture right um and you know obviously i've been studying economics for for more than 20 years um but i know a lot of people who do believe in the the inflationary scenario and there are some people who believe in the inflationary scenario so i think that investors need to really get their head around well um uh what have the central banks and the government's been doing since 2008 and any prospect of any changes moving forward so let me give you a chance to promote uh good as gold australia you know you say you sell to people outside why would an american i mean the real reason i would go to australia is behind your head it's sydney harbor i mean that is the most beautiful place you know if that's if there's going to be a crash i'm going to go there and buy in real estate because that place is so gorgeous so um why would an american buy gold from goodis gold australia well i mean i think it's well i mean the the united states has a history of gold nationalization so some people call a conversation what what fdi did in 1933-34 um and uh and obviously when you look into lbj you had a problem in terms of the demonetization of silver so um so yeah so the the american government has a history of um you know doing adverse things to american citizens whether it's taking people's gold away nationalization making the ownership of gold illegal um or doing things with silver we haven't had that sort of history here in australia so i do think that when you look at the context of property rights and and your ability to protect your wealth from a legal point of view i think there's less legal and political risk in australia compared to the united states so for those of you looking at john adams behind this behind his head as a picture of said the harbor and that leads out to the opera house and you know if there's a crash i'm coming oh yeah yeah i think it was so we would love to have you robert but obviously one of the big uh impediments perhaps for you coming is this whole notion of um cover 19 vaccines and whether they're going to implement some sort of vaccine passport so uh yeah i'm not sure your views on that but a lot of australians and a lot of people around the world are very nervous about this whole situation yes it's fascism to me but anyway uh tell me what i don't know if the perth mint is your competitor or what but what is the rumor about them not having enough silver sure so yeah so now um one thing i will say is that we are actually an approved distributor for the perth mint so we have a number of sources where we uh obtain product gold and silver and the perth minute um that is one of them so in the context of the perth mint i mean i've been on a bit of a campaign starting last year largely about what i call synthetic gold and silver um and and and and these sort of products are things like unallocated pull allocated accounts um and uh you know look so i mean look i probably could spend the next hour with you telling them telling you about what's happened with the perth mint but we started to hear a range of stories late through late february early march of people not being able to buy silver at the retail level in in perth from the perth mint we also heard stories of wholesalers not being able to buy large amounts of salt from the perth mint even though they said on record they have 60 tons available for sale um we we as a as good as gold australia we got told um that starting at the first of a first of march we cannot place any order on the perth mint um for for any sort of uh order um because they were running short of silver um but also we we started to hear a range of stories around um customers who had unallocated or pulled allocated accounts particularly in silver standing for delivery um and there was a commitment by the perth mint according to their website to deliver in 10 days and they just could not deliver in 10 days and you know on the one hand they said that they they had the silver where they had a manufacturing fabrication problem uh but but but i've had numerous people who have said well i don't want small products if you've got a thousand ounce bars i'll take those thousand spas and sometimes people have been able to get them uh in a lot of cases they have not um and it's been an ongoing saga going forward um and one thing i should say robert is is that um um so craig hemke from the tf uh chief members report and in terms of sprout money he wrote an article on the 2nd february saying that the silver squeeze movement was not going to manifest itself into a crisis in new york or london but it was going to result in a crisis either in perth zurich or montreal with these unallocated accounts and six weeks after he wrote that uh perth blew up so uh so so there are some very smart cookies um in the silver market who who have a very good feel as to uh you know what's happening in the physical market where the shortages are where some of these are synthetic fractional reserve programs are running um he recorded was the first of the market around the world to call it and he was dead right so cool that's what confuses me what is it an unaccounted accountable account what is that yeah so so yes so in the american context if you buy silver um or gold and you have it someone so you buy the physical and someone holds it for you i mean in the american context that's called uh allocated um allocated and segregated whereas in here in australia it's called allocated now um in the context of the perth min unallocated is um so technically you don't own any silver but you own a promissory note but what you have but in buying a promissory note you buy an interest in the working capital of the perth mint so the so that obviously the perth mint has a uh has x tons of silver that is on hand as part of their manufacturing process and they basically say that you buy a share of that um that unallocated pool um and and so in that context um if if the price of silver was to move will you can obviously enjoy that price exposure by getting a cash redemption at the prevailing market price or the other hand is if you want to convert from unallocated to allocated will you pay a fabrication fee and then they'll take that raw silver and then convert that into a bar that you legally will earn so that's what they call unallocated now so it's not really a futures contract it's really you have an iou to take delivery exactly exactly so this is the so i'm glad i'm talking to you because as good as golden as australia as an insider you know i i love silver you know people see me on fox television in america all the time saying i love silver and so the question i have for you for the average punter out there which is a better buy today gold silver or crypto um well in terms of my portfolio uh look uh so i don't own any crypto um and in terms of but why why why is that why is that well okay so so so what probably for three key reasons the first is is that um we have a long we have a 5 000 year history with gold and silver and cryptos have only been around for 10 years uh all about 10 to 12 years so we don't know if we had a really systemic financial crisis well what's going to have to happen to cryptocurrencies we don't really know so so i think that there's a lot of risk a lot of market risk that a lot of people in the sector haven't don't really understand because we've never gone through that situation before that's point one point two is that the big the number one reason why people are buying cryptocurrencies is because it's going up but uh but you know one thing i like to do when i allocate capital is i like to get a very deep technical understanding of what i'm actually doing and and for example robert if you gave me the code for bitcoin versus ethereum versus um litecoin etc um i mean now i'm an economist but i'm not not a cryptologist so i can't tell you at a technical level what do these codes actually do and what are the differences um and what are the risks and what are the opportunities and and i would say 99.9 of um crypto investors are not cryptologists and they cannot they do not understand these underlying computer codes what they actually do um and the only reason why they're buying them is because the price is going up um and and if you if you don't actually understand at a technical level what these codes do we don't actually understand the risk of the asset um so that's point two now point three is so the funny thing is i did a seminar in adelaide last week with the school of school australia and in the q a i actually had a question about crypto and i actually asked the audience um and there was about 140 people in the audience and i said well uh how many people here tonight actually own cryptocurrencies and about half the audience put the hand up and i said um how many of you actually understand that in 1996 the national security agency in the in the united states wrote a white paper for mit about cryptocurrencies and only one put only one person put his hand up and so the real question i have is well who was satoshi nakamoto i mean because i did say it could well be the american government is behind the whole cryptocurrency phenomena now i've got some different theories as to why that is but um you know a lot of people again haven't looked into the history of cryptocurrencies they don't know that the nsa wrote a white paper about this and and again i think there's much more to the crypto story than than what um the average american or the average australian investor are fully aware of i i agree i agree 100 but i you know i i'm a trader in crypto i'm not an investor do what i mean so when i when it dropped to 7 000 a coin i got back in so still i'm in the money quite a bit right now and i know i can go go to zero also so i'm well aware of that whereas gold i call gold and silver are god's money so i have a lot of gold and silver and the final one quick question aussie your economy is really dependent upon chinese because you're you're you're a resource company you're exporting to china house how many chinese are moving into aussie and how is your relationship with china making aussies um so so yes sir so what i mean probably in the last 12 months we've had limited um travel uh between between australia and terms of china but yeah we've had a lot of people from china uh well we have a lot of people from from southeast asia china and india come to australia every year because they come to get a university education here in australia um so and that process has been happening the last 20 years and and a lot of a lot of students when they graduate they they decide to stay here in australia as opposed to go back to china or india or wherever the case may be so so we do have a significant asian population um here in australia and you know and and like here australia everything's going well i think from a social relations point of view now when it comes to uh diplomatic elections um there definitely has been increased tensions between australia in china over the last 12 months a lot of this is driven by um our relationship with in terms of america so i think uh you know you know we're seeing um the strategic battlefield uh sort of changed quite dramatically as china's rise as china continues to rise a lot of a lot of um tension in southeast asia about the south china sea uh i mean our national position is that we we support the freedom of navigation through the south china sea and we oppose any restrictions on on the freedom of movement uh whether by china or any other country um but we have been more critical of various elements of the of the chinese regime and that has resulted in um worsening political relationships um and we have seen some sanctions by china or australia in particular commodities like uh i think there's been some issues with coal there's been some issues with wine and a couple of other sort of um uh areas as well but but our main export to china which is iron ore that continues because they they they need that iron ore and uh but obviously we hope we you know look like in terms of i think a lot of australians including myself we hope for peace and we hope for um good relations with both american china and we we hope that um that that any strategic disputes can be resolved peacefully yeah but you gotta watch out for those kiwis and other sneaky yeah yeah i'm not particularly afraid of new zealand i mean you know yeah like you know i think yeah well i mean we can talk about sport but uh yeah if they ever got out of line we could send down our military and take over new zealand within a few hours hey john thank you very much for the information and then how can people get in touch with you as good as gold if they want to talk about anything by the way i'm just i'm just happy to talk to john cause he knows so much about it this very important part of the corner of the world near china and sure yes so so yes so i mean in terms of myself i have i'm on twitter um so i look people can find me at adam's economics i actually have my own personal website adams economics.com uh so your people can look up as good as gold australia we have a website we have a youtube channel um and and yeah i think it's like feel free to reach out to me personally or reach out to the company and if you're looking for gold and silver platinum and we're definitely happy to help yeah john thank you thank you very much you live in god's country except for your time thank you very much thank you man take care and we come back we'll be finishing up with a final word on gold silver or crypto and what's happening with china and new zealand we'll be right back thanks john welcome back robert you're psyched the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money and today we're talking about it's qe infinity why they have to keep printing but the bigger question is a goal silver or crypto and i don't think we answer anybody's questions but either you're in favor not a favor and fyi we don't endorse anything although i own all three including ethereum um i don't endorse it but uh okay let's the rich day radio program anytime anywhere on itunes android or youtube and then all of our programs are archived at ridgedadradio.com and we archive it for one reason so you can listen to it again but if you have friends family members or business associates please listen to this program and discuss so i thank john adams go to school australia and i tell you what if you guys can sitting behind his head was a picture just in front of the cidna opera house and if the real estate market crashes i'm going there it is one of the most beautiful spots on earth it really is the whole country is spectacular they have such a great lifestyle but they're highly socialists you know they make california look like a conservative state and i just love the fun you know the the joking between ozzy and kiwi never stop and i just love it and you know my favorite sport is rugby and the all blacks are the spy all blacks and the wallabies are formidable i mean they just produce the best rugby teams in the world so that's why i just love that country i love the people and you know i have bought property there i wish i hadn't sold it but it is such a great lifestyle great people a lot of fun and they're right in the they're right in the middle of asia you know that singapore on one side and myanmar right now is blowing up they have vietnam they have china they have hong kong and they have taiwan and japan so it is such a uh crossroads for let's say english speaking so if you have a chance you haven't been to australia before please go there and you know take in new zealand too they're great great countries so anyway with that said sorry what did you think oh he was a wealth of information um but i you opened the show with we're not sure if we answered the question and john kind of made that point because we were talking about harry dent and harry's been deflationary and he's you know some people are calling for inflation hyperinflation so he said that your portfolio allocation will depend on whether what you believe in and that's where so i think it we did kind of answer the question if you believe what harry dent believes in you'll do you know hold a little bit more of this versus you know so i thought it was a cool show we touched on a ton of topics yeah and so this will definitely be one that we want people to listen over and over again and one question that i'd like to pose to our our listeners is if you caught the very end john was talking about how the nsa wrote white paper on cryptocurrency back in 1996. so if you would like us to bring john back on to discuss that because i don't think he's talked about it based on his talk i've never heard about it before and i don't he was very cryptic about it cryptic about crypto um if you are interested in us maybe talking about that topic let us know in the comment section because that is something i'm interested in that i definitely perked up so but a great great interview and um looking forward to harry's rebuttal when we interview him next week so harry's another good friend but he's you know you look up pessimists in the dictionary this picture in there and i agree with him he says he's always making these dates that don't happen and so that's why with the rich dad radio program we don't make any recommendations and we do our best to be as educational as possible so i thank everybody listening to the rich dad radio program and we have never been here before and america is now the biggest debtor nation in the world so that's why i've been buying gold silver and now crypto bitcoin and ethereum because i simply do not trust the central bank or the us treasury and things like that so anyway it's an exciting time if you have a chance to go to aussie aussie aussie it's a great place to visit thank you very much
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 207,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Quantitative easing, John adams, Good as gold Australia, John adams economics, New Zealand
Id: cpIJNBbPmz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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