BAD GOALKEEPING HABITS TO GET RID OFF - Goalkeeper Tips & Tutorials - How To Be A Better Goalkeeper

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to be a better goalkeeper you must master the basics but also get rid of the bad habits which you may have developed that cause a delay within your career so in this video I will tell you about all the bad goalkeeping habits you must get rid of the first bad habit is a very common mistake which people do all the time and they may be even doing it subconsciously that is spitting on your gloves you think spit on your gloves gives you more grip and well it does for a short period of time have a spit on your gloves actually ruins your trusty gloves spit on your gloves will only make your gloves permanently stink but the spit is saliva which is designed to break down Foods so just imagine what that does to your gloves saliva will destroy your latex completely making your gloves have practically no grip anymore as an alternative use water to clean your gloves regularly for the best smell and grip at all times another bad habit with gloves is getting up on the palm of your gloves when you get up using the palm of your hands then the soft spongy latex receives all the damages from the floor the latex should be protected if you want it to last longer imagine if you are getting up with the palm of your gloves on artificial grass the sharp Turf will slowly but surely deteriorate your glove's lifespan instead of getting up using the Palm get up using your fist backing of the gloves can take the damage unlike the frontal area another negative habit which some people get into is a pat down I understand that the pat down can be used to help the goalkeeper have always used in the pat down can be too dangerous I saw a goal being conceded because a goalkeeper patted the ball down and went through the legs the pat down would generally be used for powerful shots to take the sting away from the ball instead of carrying it to the sides have a getting into the habit of just patting the ball down for every catch is incorrect this is because the pat down can bounce off an uneven surface will bounce off your boots or even you may patentable in a way they accidentally get it through your own legs a good habit is to get into trying to catch every shot and train and only once you drop the ball you force the path down if you don't try if you're training you are letting a few shots pass you then that may subconsciously translate into games costing your team goals you must try all the time in training you must play to the best of your ability to great in games you must train like you play and play like you trained that means at a high standard all the time great players take warm-ups and cool downs and trainings and matches seriously all the time but average players only take matches seriously you must play at the top all the time don't lean back when catching a ball otherwise you can cause yourself many problems which lead to goals if you lean back then you lose all control over the ball and can drop the ball in dangerous areas Bossa can let the bull through lead into goals instead lean forwards when catching the ball have your body weight going forwards it will allow more control and stability over the catch catcher probably 70 more footballs for the next one is diving backwards in some cases the only way to save the book is to dive backwards have a for normal shot if you dive backwards you lose control of the ball if you don't backwards and you parry the ball you risk the Paragon into the oh also dive backwards makes you save less shots as you want closing the distance the ball has to travel before it reaches the goal if you dive forwards slightly diagonally then you are saving many shots with ease this would decrease the Boost travel towards you and if you were going to Parry the ball then it would go far away from the goal but diving backwards can be useful when the ball is being looped over your head or trickling past you first saves are good for short ranges if you're a goalkeeper Pony does foot saves then that is a big negative you gain no control of the ball by only clearing the ball that just leads to giving another opponent another opportunity to score only making foot saves makes it equally as good as if an outfielder was stepped in Gold the first save is good for reaction saves 1v1s a close quarter scenarios but using them for normal saves is incorrect advice to get out of bad habits force yourself to use your hands when you take a goal kick you wonder why isn't that pool going far there could be many reasons however lots of goalkeepers lean forward when kicking lean forwards doesn't allow you to get the most distance on the goal kick in fact it is the exact same thing which prevents you from achieving far and high goal Kicks When taking goal kicks lean backwards as that way the ball will naturally go up make it your goal kick reach a further distance when in the 1v1 or when scooped to the ball he did k-shaped save or scoop he was assured that the knee is pointing the right direction if you go down on one specific knee all the time then that time will be good for some occasions but not others if you go down to the knee pointing the wrong way when scooping the ball then you may concede lots of goals due to poor protection from the barrier and the ball will bounce off your leg if you don't catch it making your recoveries harder next time when scooping the ball in a 1v1 wait a second to think about what you would do go down with the knee pointing the same way if the ball is heading towards the same direction if the ball is going to your right ensure the knee is pointed to the right we miss out another bad habit Keepers get into is claiming a cross using the wrong leg as a barrier of protection the protective leg is up to keep you stable in case of an aero collision and to protect you as a goalkeeper using the wrong leg when claiming the cross can lead you to getting hurt and lose a balance when in the air potentially concede on the goal and claiming the cross always ensure your protective leg is the one further away from the goal lastly stop staring at the ball when it flies past you if you try and train in that's great but if you try and train it and don't go for shots which are even impossible to save then you will not get better if the shot is way too difficult and you don't dive then you are not testing your limits but if you die for shots which you know you aren't saving then you may even surprise yourself if there is a sweaty just die for the ball as you may embarrass the opponents even if the shot is heading to the top Corner die if it goes in it goes in but there is always a chance you may save it if you got to this end of the video comment down below save and goodbye
Channel: OP1GK
Views: 507,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to be a goalkeeper in football, how to be a goalkeeper in soccer, how to be an amazing goalkeeper, how to be confident as a goalkeeper, how to be better as a goalkeeper, how to be scouted as a goalkeeper, how to be a good goalkeeper, how to be a goalkeeper beginner, how to be a better goalkeeper, how to be a better goalkeeper in soccer, how to save as a goalkeeper, how to be better at goalkeeping, become a better goalkeeper, how to come out as a goalkeeper, goalkeeper saves
Id: o4mKiuljfbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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