Finding The Limit. Big Backyard

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[Music] [Music] [Music] mutters as you're gathering in the corral here's how this works exactly 60 minutes to run four point one six six six six six six six six six seven miles and when you get back here you then get to one again and you're going to get keep going until all of your friends have decided stop where me and the dogs play the dogs a role in it and I will not be happy you have to be I painted our starting Corral with everybody here you have to be in it every time the bell rings if you're not in it you're not in it it's pretty simple concept right you got 30 seconds everybody have a really good time out there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm running the backyard because I don't think that there is any other race out there like it it's just this perfect combination of what I hope is mental and physical will and really trying to figure out you know like the strategy behind it and I really love races that there's a huge mental aspect to it and for me having this kind of like timed loop every hour on the hour is that ultimate mental challenge because you ask yourself like when when is enough enough or how long can I go and I love that challenge or thrill to it [Music] we'll check to watch so I started I'm actually competing in obstacle course racing about ten years ago and then slowly morphed into ultras and endurance events and I really like the longer stuff so I've kind of dabbled in a little bit of everything I don't have a very strong running background in terms of I didn't run in college I you know was never a road runner super competitive and that but I've done like longer multi-day things that I just really really love so it's kind of the time on feat that I enjoy let's go handsome sewer fellow collie do for Kumar strolling here cloud to beat doe backyard water you're sweating I started I that is a new hotel uber you go for the day men survive island that suits a movie a comedy here is thanks of all men being Libya classes boy poor boy refugees criminal team entail a hidden there I see the most fun supermomo lead in the t-mobile of India is only for time for the possible few she's coming saying the heart of Lulu yes olive oil much star people corner yeah Chuck I even have a technical fault II mean you know I mean I assume Papa Lincoln made Mindy Danny will salute our was it at each console force Kelly a lift of money yeah put Dayton suddenly in a camera must kill you so when I can read our on this the Garmin do a loop so it's okay do you have a nickel me that is concert so so the arm is killing 40 but an in silver there but I'm gonna source Beast that's not absolutely so so a spa fatimah naout kneel and say dr. Vega City English at against pursue the mayor which micro some set out in st luke's the security bali some do or at career perfect somebody wasn't English army or did our fashion here maybe everyone solar my first ultra was 2011 I think and it was a 24 hour race around a loop so I'm no stranger to loops I kind of like how it's broken up I was here last year but yeah I followed Guillaume and Harvey to year two years before that or the year before and watched what they did which is incredible and it looks super fun and I want us to give it a try so yeah last year is my first first go at this and I'm pretty disappointed I didn't make it 200 miles so at least that this year [Music] my name is Guillaume I'm 35 years old I'm French I've been living in Los Angeles for nine years and I just moved back home months ago and so yeah I came here to Nashville Tennessee was like big backyard ultra and it's gonna be fun so I started running when I I mean two years after I moved back to the states I was you know I didn't have friends didn't know anyone and I thought running was a good way to explore my surrounding and meet people so I started to run running some marathon and then I heard that people were running the montane and found that it would be amazing if I could try so that's what I did I did 150 K I loved it so I signed up 400 K and 100 miles and then you know little by little Here I am running more than 200 miles that's a big backyard UTRA so yeah I mean in trail running is really appealing to me because you have a lot of troubleshooting to do know race is easy you always have problem and things you have to figure out and because of that no rice is the same so each time it's a new adventure and there's a quote I found fun so I heard the first time I heard about big bike Cara was from a friend Andy Pearson and he's actually running this year too with me he told me about this crazy race that a guy puts in his backyard and you have to run this loop for when now we're on every aware everyone start again and at the beginning I was like why not I mean sounds sounds interesting because it's very different than the normal races that you found out there and what truly was appealing to me was there is actually no finish right the race finishes when you're the only one running around so so for me that was also very appealing point so I decide to come two years ago and I need up winning the race and it was it was really fun I'm it was painful let's be honest but it was fun too and I met a lot of friends and the community here is amazing so I came back last year and Here I am again lining up to try to be a big biker champion he's trying to be the last one to be the last person everyone is competing with each other right but at the same time you don't want the other people to drop out because he's a dropouts and it's one person less to run the game and at the end if you'll need to you don't want the other one to to drop because if he stops the RACI stop and if you haven't reached your limits there's no something like that you want so at the same time you're competing with each other but at the same time you're running with them right and you want them to perform as well as they can so that's what's really cool is that race is that in the end we are all supporting each other we are all cheering on each other and we all want the same thing meaning that everyone has fun doing that and so that's why you see a lot of like people cheering on each other helping each other you know giving food etc etc because at the end this race is really not a race against those are people I saw really with yourself right so who is the best doesn't really matter if you had fun and if you reach what you think where your limit that day that's what most important and so yes that's what the ambience and atmosphere is so great in this race everyone's big family and big family with one goal finding who is the best on that day my hopes what I would like to see more than anything else would be for a woman to win women can win the New Zealand champion is a woman the women of one backyard ultras in other places you take the strength and speed or kind of out of the equation and it becomes the person who's the most competitive a women can be just as competitive as men one of the one of the really things I like about it is it's it's a sport in which women and men don't you don't need a woman's T you don't need any kind of handicap they can compete at dad and I really it disturbs me because I've gone around to these all the other backyards and they just have a ten they just stuck that they have to have a women's division and every race I've gone to where everyone competes together men and women are in it to the very end when the bigs has been three times that a woman has been runner up and it's just so close to seeing one win but when I've gone to a race where they have a women's division the top woman will quit one lap after the next the last woman quits because having a women's division just cuts their legs out from under it takes away that motivation as an athlete you know it's just you've got to make you got any excuse to quit as a winner it's awfully hard that's one more temptation to have because a lot of this will be about fighting all the temptations to quit all the reasons your brain can come up with to say here's a good reason you shouldn't do the same doing well so far you know I'm so bright now see rows of people so gonna be good I guess people want to play the game want to buy the time there are been times where I were mentally where it's kind of that question like physically what is my limit and then mentally what is my limit there have been races where I feel like I found my physical limit I don't know if I've ever really found my mental limit to be honest I think that it's been oh is my body that's been like the limiting factor but I've always wanted to go on and so that's kind of what I anticipated this time around is that like I don't I don't know where my mental limit is I think the X Factor is kind of the body holding up so hoping hoping that that plays along so that I can test the mental side don't be like failure you're making me feel bad all right so I've just been spending a lot of time on feet as as as much as I can I generally like to run a lot of mountains but I've been doing like flatter slower stuff for this my train is actually pretty unconventional I don't do very high mileage at all and I haven't been actually coming off of injury about six months ago and so I don't know this is the total wild card for me to be honest it's like I'm mentally I'm in it but then like physically we'll see so I don't think anybody's cracked the code to help two perfectly trained for this but you know it should be interesting [Music] [Music] we start running out and we go back [Music] this is the one loop you wanted to do quick so you can try to get all that trouble you can before dark and not be out there stumbling through the roads and hear the whistles give you like shows this is just fantasy xiv am I glad steam German gardenia huffed me nude allah told me i'm yeah [Music] [Music] thirty Seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a guy who made the Twitter account mid quads I don't know no see about me so for the community you know for the challenge and both of those things are very important to me because when you go for something you've never done before and you challenge it's very hard and having that community to support you is something very amazing and something I mean that's great so yeah you know I try to do all try and try new things in general to get out of my routine get out of my comfort zone and that's something I you know I like I wish yes they forgot [Music] actions really ugly torture Bay it's why burn avanti today the Mattel the 40-hour Finland especially false it usually for diya mainu it lubricants Nasheed max if all the build-up sales was no superior meal in peptide power kill the ugly related to especially the near for flu but boy movie Stuart who normally Tardeo tell you me and Fisk be constant the Sarah pan for who heretical vasila well in many people ba-ba-ba-ba again we've gotta be just on the cool side yeah definitely and this entire football [Music] [Music] receive [Music] dragging my heart [Music] when my skin feel c70 Murphy I mean I think I keep doing last races because I want to find my limit I I hope that I have not found it I would like to do more than I did last year at 183 miles I think I I know I can do more so if my body stays in tune which I think I have done a lot of different things this year to get ready for it then then I think maybe I hope that actually I hope that someone else finds their limit and I can keep going the the race will last as long as the second person decides it will last have a new program during you see see what was right tried to make it count yeah it's benefiber world which he may be on the trailing will pass since we like change switching and stuff but we see you're good chunk Oh still make it a couple more five more drops than the last two laps surely that close to a hundred they hang on to a hundred and then quit good job like I try to compensate so it was me and then then the heap I couldn't move and you know I mean didn't came 400 so it's very up for me to go through the tower it's part of the game so I hope every everybody do do well and I hope there is I go as far as I can fun time so what's really really important for race is like the backyard is to take care of yourself meaning starting from the first loop you want to eat you want to drink because later on that will pay off right and time is ticking all the time you wanna train that never stops so you want to make sure that everything yeah like you have kind of a plan you'll take care of your feets of course you take care of your nutrition hydration and you want to run your own race because it's really easy to just follow someone but if it's not your own pace then in the long term that won't work out for you so but if you are able to stick to your own plan and take care yourself then you should do very very well in those kind of races [Music] thank you I actually not looking forward to the road because I hear from other people who run it that it's actually very painful after a while because there's no variation like this and so I think the road will be kind of a nice break but it also scares me because it is a lot of pounding on the body and it is very monotonous so I'm here with Maggie guttural who ran last year and I have you know we ran the Berkeley marathons together and we're really planning on staying as much uptime out there as possible I think what's funny is that I don't really view any other people here as my competitors even though I know they technically are this really does seem like a race against yourself and I know at the end it's really not a race against another person until there's two people left and so till then everyone is my friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's funny because I told myself I would like wait a few days to kind of think about like let it settle in would I come back but I'm like ah it's just cool it's a really cool format and it's almost like it's like the weirdest non race race but and everyone's celebrating each other and a great community and yeah it's cool [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] about positive law [Music] you're pulling [Music] good job [Music] a few dollars and actually live like a funky a lot if the Chi Chima they are freely about hope make like give a frisk but the air at each citizen the tascam and tascam as a pastor who know percent I spotted sis for a few Dalia a common decent flow or what at the VA good practical sati Papa - Papa / park since total first re Yemen s especial Petrelli in the manure analyst in assembly syllable warm and no actor this poor cost I go poo or here the lavas treason smells so many I mean unlike some initial neutrophil did simple from something more foreign her life at the station Magog my assistive I used to be a Cheon I'm an excel piston assisted chamber my will they say determinant wonderful eyeball essence who leave it open for a dignified Sen lava day yeah so again awesome and started for for their teams of severe wound so in menu sampling the Mandan language certificate under equal forward thanks guys [Music] now I can't tell if I'm hallucinating you guys are your real [Music] [Music] not really [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thirty seconds [Music] [Applause] [Applause] roxtor hell of a performance [Music] [Music] thank you oh my god I like crying thank you I found my limit in the summer of 2018 no idea when I'm dead my walk across the country I ended up about the last 1,500 miles that I just had to go and it dead out as hard as I could go there was no way to eat enough food to restore your body I lost like 40 pounds and when I got to the ocean I was the last 500 miles I don't even know what powered my legs to keep going except that they kept going I had some pretty severe injuries in you just make yourself go on and really I don't think I could have done it except for the influence of being around all the great athletes I've had the privilege to be around I was not a great runner myself but I've been fortunate to the kind of people I've been able to see perform to know personally to associate with you don't it's not like you sit there and say wow I can't quit because look what I've seen this person do or that person do is just like that you take that and you imbue it in yourself you've seen it you know how you just don't quit and I guess you can catch it like a disease or something but I was when I got to the ocean I had a deadline cut off to make it by it's a four month trip I made my cutoff by two hours alright and don't stop dude your sentence water is blue France can we okay lots of Cheers lots of cheerful Gavin said be smart from the ball go slower those really so no you sound your gun you're good Luis water Luis water grey is dealing we figured blue for water would make sense later a few more yeah it was kind of storms coming the lap times in two minutes once it gets rainy it's so easy now yeah and then the add water like to that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you no it's the backyard this thing is I saw him I fell really hard and then I didn't reach tie my shoe and I got up and he's right behind me it was like it's in the first mile but I sped up a lot to try to change it this chapter is so dark on that trail more than ever yesterday yeah though the heavy wind were bright yeah well congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] World Championship Melia talk to us career entities the master thanks for good and he's no stranger to seeing awake for three nights in a race apparently not I still don't know he'll stay up all night go ahead [Laughter] [Applause] I wanted to spend some extra time that was an exceptional experience my heavens where they see my phone at all so I figured out your ups and downs because on my computer about the time that you started perking up people said we're writing what grades used to wake up to that you were still in the race and said ah everyone's getting up it's morning at home that's why you're picking up and you've been dying during the day because it's the [Laughter] [Applause] breath [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I said all along the women could compete equally with the men in backyard and now it's proven that that is a fact
Channel: Trailbear Films
Views: 143,176
Rating: 4.9174604 out of 5
Keywords: finding the limit. big backyard, finding the limit, ultra running documentary, trail running documentary, backyard ultra, ultra running, Maggie Guterl at bigs backyard, Amelia Boone, Guillaume Calmettes, Leon S Hansen, running ultras, Trail Running and Ultra Running documentaries, Trailbear films, ultra running dok, backyard ultra last man standing, backyard ultra quarantine, lazarus lake, barkley marathons, trail running, ultra marathon documentary, running documentary
Id: djjWsQy9RgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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