BackUp your Opencore Hackintosh using Carbon Copy Cloner

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foreign [Music] books in this Tech tutorial I'll be showing you the easiest way to back up your open core stroke Hackintosh install for this you're going to need a piece of software called carbon copy cloner I will leave a link to download this in the description below now once you've installed carbon copy cloner you will be asked to run a trial which is free for 30 days I believe now I am a registered user this so I will start mine up once you've okayed the trial you'll be presented with a window similar to this [Music] I've blank task on the window here you've got the list of tasks and on this side you have the source and destination drives that you'll be copying from and to so I'll begin by showing you how to create a new task up on the top down here you can either click new task or from the top hold down menu go to task new backup task either way works and see in the task bar here that's your new task has come up I'm going to name it open core backup and you can see that these have become blank so for the source we can just drag and drop the system drive that we're going to be copying from and the drive that we the backup drive that we want to copy it to now I have a SSD external SSD here which I'm going to be using now you can run what's called task filters so let's say your system drive has a lot on it and it's it's slightly bigger than the external drive you want to put it onto so one of the things you could do is you run a task filter and you can choose items you don't want to be copied over for instance in applications here I have all the Adobe Cloud locations so I can just switch these all off because they take up a lot of space and I can install them later on close that done that is now ready to run you can see the task has become red show you that there are some tasks on there this is now ready to run copying from the system drive to the backup Drive so you would click Start I already have a task that I run previously that is exactly the same thing so I'll just click my task It'll ask me to say this to us because you can have multiple tasks so when I click on that allows me to save the task I've already done click save just for showing you and I've selected the task as you can see that I already have that has filters on it now as I've run this before this is going to take a short amount of time as it's your first time running it it may take anything from 20 minutes to an hour or two depending what you're in internal devices and your external devices mine are both ssds so they did should do fairly quickly they will also after each time you back up they will get quicker and Cricket because it's got less to back up [Music] foreign [Music] as you can see it's comparing all the files that are previously on my backup drive it won't do this for you the first time any other times that you do when it will do so mine will run quite quickly I'll let it run through to the end [Music] there you go it's done for me it was only a minute because I like I said I've already run this once before once this is done you can correct carbon copy clover [Music] the next thing you'll need to do is to mount me if I on your system drive now I'm using a quick action called Mount EFI there is a link for installing that downloading installing that in the description so any more information on that it is featured in a previous video that I did and that will be linked in below as well so here's the system EFI I also want the EFI from the backup again quick action it always asks for your admin password installing anything or mounting anything like this your system and password that you used to look in if you're unsure of which is which if you click on the right click on the EFI it shows the icon from the system install and it has one I'm going to delete this EFI from my external drive and this is what you will be presented with a blank EFI you just copy the EFI folder across from your system Drive boom and then you can just close and eject the EFI from the system and I just select both and eject both from the external drive you now have a bootable external drive you can boot your open core install if anything happens when you try to do an update and I recommend doing a carbon copy and a backup prior to doing any open call updates or system updates just so that you've got something to revert back to if something goes wrong well I hope that helped and don't forget to click subscribe and the bell to get any notifications of any new videos thanks and I'll see you again soon [Music]
Channel: PandorasBox
Views: 5,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opencore, hackintosh, boot loader, bootloader, macos, update, easy, mountefi, backup, ccc, carbon copy cloner
Id: jKhiO0J0Xlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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