The end of Apple Silicon’s reign

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this may not be what you want to hear especially if you recently bought an apple silicon Mac but we are on the verge of having other potentially less expensive Alternatives that are going to give us the same or even better performance than Apple silicon all right folks you can't make this stuff up this is the stuff that Hollywood movie scripts are made of here's the backstory as you might have heard by now Apple silicon has been a wild success for apple and even for the entire industry because it proved that arm-based processor can be shoved into consumer machines and consumer laptops to be more specific because they can increase efficiency quite a bit in play English what does that mean laptops can have more power and last longer that's it and I have a ton of tests on my channel to prove this well during this time a little Side Story has been happening a company a little startup called nuvia was started we've got three people that started this company Gerard Williams John Bruno and Manu Gadi who are these people oh Gerard Williams former Chief Architect of Apple silicon John Bruno he spent 5 years at Apple where he founded Apple silicon's competitive analysis team Manu spent 8 years at Apple as lead s so architect responsible for Apple's Leading Edge mobile s so's in other words Apple's arm chips hm nuvia started designing Arm based chip of the own surprise surprise now this part is important and I'll come back to why newvia chip that they've designed is a server chip destined for a server with 12 performance cores and it didn't have any efficiency cores fast forward just a little bit to 2021 when Qualcomm purchased nuvia the whole company in 2021 and it purchased well didn't purchase you can't purchase people that's illegal but they they got these people people at least three people on board fast forward a little bit more to 2023 and Qualcomm just announced their new Snapdragon Elite X chip which I'm not making this up is an arm-based chip with 12 performance cores and no efficiency course hm I wonder what happened there maybe just maybe this is the same chip that nuvia designed based on the brains that designed Apple silicon and they're going to take this server chip and shove them into laptops in 2024 they're promising insane speeds that rival Apple M2 chips even in some instances show benchmarks that rival the M2 Max chip actually beating the M2 Max chip that's not bad that's good we we should like competition right as consumers I do for example this Snapdragon Elite X does look pretty impressive although it doesn't quite beat the M2 Ultra in a number of cores department but it does have apple bead in certain cases it uses the 4 nanom process whereas apple is still on the 5 nanom process which is not as fast and the Snapdragon cores Peak at 3.8 GHz while Apple's only Peak at 3.5 GHz and Snapdragon supports Wi-Fi 7 whereas Apple's chips only are at Wi-Fi 6 only I still have five in my house but let's for a moment assume that the new Snapdragon chips will be faster than anything else we might have seen before does that even matter vendors have been converting their Mac software to run on arm for a few years now and we're mostly there so that's a huge head start Windows forarm though is just starting to wake up a little bit late to the game it will get there eventually but it's nowhere even close right now so even if we get these new chips on new windows machines in 2024 the software won't be there because so far vendors have been mostly ignoring the tiny tiny windows for our market and I've covered my Microsoft developer oriented arm machine called project voltera which was a cool name that they later officially changed to Windows devkit 2023 uh and you can see my de tests on that machine comparing it to Apple's machines on this channel I'll link to some of the videos below the like button and that box has a decent processor in it too but there's a constant wall that I kept hitting software Google support oh hi is this Google yes yeah uh do you have the Chrome browser yes oh great can I use it on my Mac yes our software is available for mac oh uh what about arm yes our software is available for arm on Mac just download the Apple silicon version oh um I also have a Windows laptop yes we do windows as well oh it looks like I have Windows for arm do you support that um sorry got to go hello listen I'm not too worried about it good things will come to Windows 4r arm it will just take a little bit more time and look at Apple usually apple is the one waiting to bring features to their ecosystem features that have been around for a while on other systems that have been tried and tested so in this case Microsoft is doing the same thing now they see the consumers are demanding arm-based hardware and software so they will ramp up my guess is that 2024 will be the year where windows for arm really starts to become more of a common thing imagine a Windows laptop that will last for days without needing a charge yes Qualcomm reported that Snapdragon X Elite is going to be delivering 60% higher performance at Peak power and use 65% less power at the same performance level when compared to different uh Intel chips like the uh the 13th generation i7 for example but we know that we know that the Intel based i7s and i9s are not extremely efficient are they but that's not where it ends qualcomm's presentation also revealed their new s so will be 50% faster than the M2 while consuming 30% less power what I want to see this so with the new Snapdragon Elite X coming is this the end of Apple silicon Supreme Reign at the top of the food chain maybe but not without a fight from Apple I see on the day that Qualcomm announced their new arm-based Snapdragon chip Apple announced a surprise October event which could be the launch of their M3 chips there are plenty of rumors out there and speculations about this including that this M3 will be a 3 nomer process I don't know who knows it's Apple we don't know benchmarks are not yet available but definitely subscribe to this channel to see updates and developer Focus tests that I'll be running once those machines launch and I get my hands on them now here's why I believe these rumors when I upgraded from the M1 Max MacBook Pro to the M2 Max MacBook Pro I actually didn't notice that much of an improvement not like I noticed uh an improvement in my wallet weight see apple needs to keep consumer attention on them and they need to deliver something that really makes a difference and fast Apple's earnings call is coming up shortly so they need to drum up some serious excitement here so they can save 2023 and get a head start on 2024 what do you think they're going to launch leave a comment down below now while we wait for all the new chips make sure you're familiar with the current arm landscape I made a video comparing Apple silicon with Qualcomm chips inside Microsoft's arm-based desktop machine which you can watch next by clicking right over [Music] [Applause] [Music] here
Channel: Alex Ziskind
Views: 446,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elite x, x elite, snapdragon, snapdragon vs m2, software developer, software development, programming, programmer, Qualcomm, Snapdragon X Elite, Apple, ARM architecture, battery life, power efficiency, laptop technology, performance benchmarks, Oryon CPU, processor review, Apple Silicon, Nuvia, ARM-based processors, M2 Max, M2 Ultra, M3 chip, Windows for ARM, Project Volterra, Windows Dev Kit 2023, WiFi 7, software compatibility, Apple event, tech rumors, developer tests
Id: honVlz3wn_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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