Appalachian Trail Lightweight Gear List: After 580 Miles

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[Music] i decided to finally do a list of my gear i was on the appalachian trail i actually haven't done the math yet like 550 around there before i got really sick and had to get off trail so yeah going through my gear was a little bit uh emotional this could be some of that water the septic shock water i was pretty satisfied with my gear so i just want to say what i brought really briefly what i thought about it and some things that i maybe would have changed so saw this in my videos if you watched them my pack was a hyper light mountain gear wind rider i think it's a 3400 size ended up ordering both a small and a medium through rei i have a 17 inch torso and i ended up getting with a small sticking with that one and i liked it i went with white because it was cheaper and a little bit lighter i forgot to mention i really like the dyneema the pack never wetted through and i did not use a pack cover or even a liner on the inside on the top i strapped my sleep pad this is a thermarest z light this thing is like five years old i cut off a couple of the panels i did not sleep very good on this i woke up like every hour and a half and like turn like a rotisserie chicken because my hips would hurt sometimes my legs would go numb i was getting to the point in trail where i was really considering upgrading to a inflatable pad and i probably would have done that but advantage you can throw this thing down anywhere i ate lunch on it every day i don't have to worry about puncture holes i'm probably gonna sit on it now okay so i'm going inside of my pack and i'll go through it how i had it packed up i put this in here as a placeholder in the top i would put my patagonia i got the nano puff it's a synthetic puffy i currently have it stored away with my winter stuff it held up really great i was really satisfied with it for me i was happy i didn't get down because it was such a wet spring that i had side by side i would put my diddy bag which i'll go through in a little bit in my tent body so this is the nemo hornet two person i got it on mega sale because it is the old edition they've since um updated it their rain fly cutout was pretty tall towards my head and i know that they've since lowered it in the newer model i think they maybe added like these plastic things to make the inside more filled out overall i was pretty pleased with this tent i was not confident when we had a lot of rain it's so thin that the floor would get soaked through pretty quickly i don't think i wrote out any major storms in my tent would stay in the shelter when i knew they were coming i was a little afraid of trees falling on my tent is this is the tent and the fly fits in a half bag the poles stakes which i would put down here in the front that was the most common thing that i think people would lose so underneath of this tent in my ditty bag i would carry my food bank this really made the size of my pack increase or decrease depending on how much food i was carrying this food bag is from light af like with their bear bag kit i've got the little rock throw with it two recommendations right off the bat in the beginning everybody has a blue bag whether it's from zpax or light app get yourself a sticker and stick it on there so that you know which bag is yours on the bare cables or in the tree i was really glad i did or drawn it or do whatever you want second tip that i would recommend is a carabiner with a locking system the line doesn't slip through this when you've got a really heavy food bag haul i don't know if you can see this but it would lock so it couldn't open i also use these to strap my crops on the front of my bag so that i knew that it was locked and they wouldn't fall off these are my crocs i got these from dicks so what was inside of my bag obviously food this is a towx titanium 750 milliliter pot size was fine came with a lid inside of it i kept a lighter i was looking for a mini but i couldn't find one fuel canister small one fits inside of this nice cut i would always have a bandana when everything was wet it kept this from rusting and also i know it's gross but i barely cooked in this but when i did i would just put my bandana in there sometimes i rinsed it out with my hand and then i would clean it off and have this nasty food bandana still in here and i'd hand wash it when i'd get to town a couple times i think i put this on the outside of my pack so what i use for stove on this thing for five years it's a little heavy what is it it's like a snow peak giga power i think it's like four ounces which is really heavy you can get a stove off of amazon for like 20 or 30 dollars that's an ounce or less the reason i kept it is i was cheap i knew it was reliable and there there's a self lighter spoon i did the sea to summit i think just a long titanium spoon they get the long spoon there's a handmade koozie i used darwin on the trail i think i used his tutorial i almost always freezer bag cooked and then i put it in here let it soak i kept my toothbrush stuff in there so that i wouldn't forget to hang it had a travel toothbrush which is disgusting and i probably should throw this away little toothpaste is permanent like retainer bars behind my teeth so i put one of those little flossers inside of these pharmacy pill bags i carried a whole thing of floss i could probably lose a little weight then my food bag was also always packed with a bunch of ziplocks to take turns buying them with other people in your trail group freezer bag kind we learned that the hard way that they'll melt if it's not freezer bags i think iceberg learned that the hard way i use ziploc bags for the garbage tmi uh i don't wanna don't know how i wanna talk about this for the women on trail i also learned a trick i'd use beef jerky bags maybe maybe i don't wanna go into that i might ever make a different video just for women i'll talk about that we'll skip that for now all right i only have two more things left got a medium-sized pod and a large box there's like an insert where you could put your platypus which i didn't use is where i kept my at guide i could cut a lot of weight but this was a strange year possibly was going to skip up more as the national parks were closed so that's why i actually carried the whole book i carried a pen every night i would circle where i stayed write down my mileage check marks scenic views i saw and that was addition to journaling on my phone every single night if you're gonna go with hyper light mountain gear i know i know i know they're so expensive in the exact shape of the pack i cannot recommend them enough in this pod on the very bottom of my pack i uh sleeping quilt and enlightened equipment uh revelation 20 degree yeah i got a 20 degree thing i probably would have upgraded uh to like a 10 degree because i was cold in the beginning i was really cold we had three nights at freezing we had snow we had some like hypothermic rain it was really a cold spring i think but it's a little bit difficult to stuff inside this pod takes more time than using a regular stuff sack that's for sure it was so worth it there's lots of reviews about all this stuff on the internet so i'm not going to do a full review i'm already talking too much small pod it's kind of a hodgepodge of different stuff so on top were the clothes that i wasn't wearing for the day in extras a north face woven hat you probably saw this in my videos if you watch them don't know if i'd recommend this i actually had a cold head a lot especially because my puffy did not have a hood so that's something i would have upgraded these are the rei co-op fleece gloves pretty lightweight however again i don't know if i could recommend these they're great for when it's dry weather but when it's rainy they are useless i didn't have rain mitts i got desperate one day and had a plastic bag over my hands trying to keep them warm this is what i wore in the summer to sleep in i wore this in underwear i was looking for bottoms but then i got sick i picked this up from a walmart when i was i don't know what town extra underwear i used the ex officio this year runs large so at least for women maybe size down i wanted contacts because they were contacts in my everyday life when i wear my glasses i have a hard time seeing um i think because of the strength of my prescription the acuvue uh one a days this is what i would recommend your hands are gonna get dirty every morning i had a fresh pair i washed my hands with soap before i put these in and then i had my husband mailing me these i carried about three to four weeks at a time sleep socks these are a pair of smart wool socks did not hike in these only had these for sleeping on the front here i would have my extra socks i had one pair of smart wool and one pair of dunk i was going with the approach of like trial and error on trail to see which one i preferred so then i was going to start buying more of which one i liked i actually liked them both for different reasons i keep the other pair you know that i wasn't using in here and if they were wet and smelly i'd put them in a ziplock bag so that all my stuff wouldn't stink similarly i had two pairs of and genji's they were a little bit different so the toe socks keeps you from getting blisters this is a lot of weight in socks but for me my feet were really important i also kept my pillow in here the arrows pillow ultralight regular i started with a different one that was five years old it deflated on trail so i got this from an outfitter in damascus i think sleeping in the winter i went with the cuddle duds route which are fleece pajamas i don't know they're actually lighter than merino wool they're so much cheaper too which is actually why i went with them a medium bottom small top someday would i get some merino wool ones probably if i had extra money i didn't mention this is also waterproof or water resistant and it did a good job none of my stuff ever got wet even when we downpoured what about something like my electronics i keep it in a ziploc bag inside of my stuff sack here i kept my attachers for my quilt they attach it to the pad these were gold and then i kept some letters that my husband had sent so electronics bag i'm filming this right now on my iphone 11 that's the only camera gear i took with me so my charger anchor power core i think this is a 20 000 comes inside of this pouch you could probably ditch it to lose weight i just kept it this thing weighs like a pound because they wanted to do videos that's why i brought it i have its charger cord iphone charging cord i really should have dropped this and sent this home i didn't need this at all because i had a double wall port charger so i could charge both my like battery bank and my phone at the same time if you're stressing about how you're gonna keep your stuff charged don't let me say that over at least from georgia to mid virginia that's the only experience i have in a little bit up north but don't worry about it there's going to be enough spots and that's even during covid when things were closed and i was still able to charge it can't speak to the northern part wish i could i'm rambling let's move this on on my pack i kept a bandana i ended up using a p reg i know gross you i'm not gonna go into it in my front i kept my reindeer this is the rei co-op rain pant this is extra small and it was still a little bit long on me i'm five four and a half these worked out well i was pleased with them rain jacket i have is it called a marmot marmot mermaid marmot precept eco it was a little bit lighter i was afraid of the durability but for me again i only went about i don't know 550 600 miles didn't break down i think this thing wetted out once or twice in the grayson highlands when we were going through i don't know if that was a tropical storm i don't know what that was but we were going through can i say the word hell we were going through hell [Applause] freezing in the front i kept a trowel this guy from rei the deuce number two i had my poop bag i probably shouldn't say that wipes in here hand sanitizer toilet paper i actually kept a compass inside of my like potty bag from what i had read the times that people get lost on trails when they're going behind a tree and they get disoriented and they can't find their way back you good so that if i ever got lost i probably wouldn't be with my pack i wouldn't have had access to this um so a little tip i don't know and then like i said before my tent stakes were on the bottom of this in one side pocket i kept my water bottle with my filter this is a sawyer squeeze regular it worked out fine back flushed it at hostels and in hotels no problems with that when i say no problems with that when i got sick from water it was from a virus not from a bacteria this thing did its job i just ran into a really rare fluke of there being a virus in the water and i also have a poor immune system so i don't think you'll get septic shock sawyer should work my side pocket i kept a full bottle of dr bronner's this is overkill in any other year the unscented kind i think bear actually liked mint when i left her trail hand sanitizer was off the shelf i had to wash my hands until someone gifted me some hand sanitizer i would pour a little soap in and some water and you'd get a lather inside of the bag and rinse off with clean water i was one of the few people who got a tag before uh emma cola shut down i was 12 66 march 17th on the other side i kept my polychrome i bought this from gossamer gear you can get a two pack for 10 bucks i put this underneath in my tent as a footprint i actually ripped one of them this i would recommend it saved my tent floor from the times that i had to sleep on roots because there was no other options like roots and rocks do you think it helped my floor from wetting out hip belts left side snacks right side head net spray i would get a different knife thing was not appropriate for the trail look how much it rusted open l knife they're wood wood swells i'm planning to upgrade to like a spyderco pepper spray i ran into five or six dogs just like running around a couple of them really made me nervous i had this ready in case i needed a pepper spray dog a human or maybe a bear i don't know slept with this next to my head every single night i also kept my headlamp in my hip belt pocket it's a black diamond spot 325. i bought a patagonia fanny pack from rei i really wanted a dyneema path everybody's distribution was on hold for corona so i couldn't get one so i got this my main pocket my wallet i kept some cash my credit card just for those pharmacy pill bags really came in handy again my headphones i carried this stuff not the whole bottle put it on my face and on my hands something i would do differently when starting is get sun gloves they might not look cool but my hands looked horrible right kevin my hands looked horrible yes age 20 years maybe more the age of more than 20 years the front pouch screen's stick i think the kentucky crew taught me this it's really nice to pull this out kept a couple pair of contacts up here chapstick and then a little hand sanitizer ping poles were black diamond i don't remember the name of these are five years old an aerodynamic handle on it worked out well i'm talking forever so my outfit my shorts i'll put a picture in are osell brand it's a running brand they're my favorite shorts for running so i figured if they were my favorite running shorts they'd probably work on trail they're the i want to say aroca but i don't think that's right they worked out really great my top is a patagonia kapolein air graphic tee i think that's what it's called an extra small this thing is really soft awesome don't believe all the hype though used to be smell resistant this thing smells really bad for a fleece i've had this thing for like five years i got it from a tj maxx it's a columbia micro fleece it was actually pretty lightweight a size small my sports bra is from academy sports bcg brand i was satisfied with it i don't know if i sent these home in summer i was about to brand called bay leaf you can get these on amazon for like 25 these things are really nice quality i hiked in these for probably about a week straight without washing they didn't like stretch out do seem to run a little bit big these are small and usually i wear medium maybe consider sizing down compression sleeves on every single day this is by a brand pro compression i have a bad history with stress fractures in my shins i also treated these with permethrin all of my gear that wasn't under garments had permethrin on them these worked out great i did get some rashes in them i was trying to wean myself off of them when i ended up getting off trail this is the hat that i wore constantly i don't know what brand it is it's a cheap hat with a long bill like a running hat super like see-through i went through two pairs of sunglasses brook one lost another one i actually liked having sunglasses this is the watch i wore just a regular timex watch because i wasn't gonna take my garmin out on trail i had a buff wore this thing every day really helped keep the sun off of the back of my neck i was about to cut this thing down before i got off and then my shoes are the brooks cascadia shoe i can't do zero drop my achilles won't handle it when i put them on i felt like i was wearing my running shoes a good fit they worked well had one water bottle in my backpack and because i have a poor arm reach i ended up getting these aqua clips hanging it right off my hip belt and i thought this thing worked out really really nicely i almost forgot to do my ditty bag this bag itself is a sea to summit the ultra cell 4 liter i had my glasses in a case that was pretty cheap and lightweight something that i found online that was really cool are these ear grips help keep the glasses behind your ears and without sliding down your nose like if you just look up sports ear glass holder on amazon that's where i found them i got a whole pack of them for i don't know 10 bucks i kept a small towel in here that i wiped down condensation on my tent this is my rock bag again this was part of the light af bear bagging kit i was really pleased with the cordage in it first aid kit i had antiseptic wipes all these little bags again are the pharmacy pull bags benadryl because i don't think i'm allergic to bees but i wanted something just in case a tick key pepto-bismol only used it on that morning then i got really sick before we thought before we realized how sick i was decoil tylenol i don't know if i would have brought these if it wasn't for coronavirus i didn't get it but i wanted to be able to treat my symptoms until i could get to a hospital in case i did i also carried a leave i usually kept that in my fanny pack use the leave instead of ibuprofen because the pills would last longer a couple needles in case i needed to sew or puncture anything band-aids repair tape in here for my tent if needed more assorted band-aids probably overkill moleskin i use this on my big toes it's like a moleskin tape thing it's actually pretty cool things of kt tape and in case i had knee injuries flare up or if my shins were becoming an issue league wide which i never actually use ear plugs in a little case you're going to need them everybody snores out there oh this was where my leave was scissors and nail clippers just a little guy my hair brush was one of these little flip out things didn't like it it damaged my hair i ended up chopping it all up anyways the bottom of this i kept a knee brace that i ended up sending home a couple weeks before i got off trail because i have an old knee injury extra hair ties this little guy was amazing it's this little ball i got on amazon it's the brand foot looks like it says foot on it i rolled my calves out my achilles my feet morning and night i'd recommend this over like a cork ball i have one more ziploc bag i swear i became a bag lady out there i kept caps extra caps for my water bottles on the nights that it was freezing i'd take my sawyer off cap it up and put it in here and then sleep with this bag to try to keep my filter from freezing okay super quick i'm just going to insert this because i forgot it there's this brand called road id the silicone bracelet is this etching where you can put your name where you're from two emergency contacts and then like another line where i put no allergies and then i put my medical condition if you get really sick um like i did i was still able to say my husband's telephone number iceberg knew that i had this on me with my emergency contacts something that i will do moving forward is get a garmin spot or some sort of garmin like in reach dubai i was really lucky when i got sick that it was in a place where we had service i was really blessed to be in the scenario that i was in so moving forward for me you can go down really quickly i would probably be getting some sort of emergency device wow this is way longer than i thought it would be this is what worked for me hiking from georgia to mid virginia from middle of march to early june yeah if there's any questions drop a comment and i'll try to address it for anybody watching this thanks for sticking along since being off trail getting back into triathlon training i actually have a triathlon race tomorrow i don't know how well it will go since i'm really out of shape i might put more videos out of adventures and things thanks for watching
Channel: Lazy Extremist
Views: 55,772
Rating: 4.9501038 out of 5
Keywords: appalachian trail, gear, women, lightweight, ultralight, thru hike, backpacking
Id: k21MrH4h4ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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