Background Fetch - HTTP 203

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SURMA: Yeah, but there's really no other way to do that. Like-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: That's where-- SURMA: That was very intimidating. JAKE ARCHIBALD: [LAUGHS MANIACALLY] SURMA: You activated it! [MUSIC PLAYING] JAKE ARCHIBALD: So-- SURMA: So. JAKE ARCHIBALD: A little bit different. So. So. So a little bit different. I've got the thing. SURMA: That's our faces! JAKE ARCHIBALD: That's our faces. I've built the HTTP203 Progressive Web app. SURMA: Ah-ah! JAKE ARCHIBALD: And this is for our podcast, because I don't know, did you know, we do a podcast as well? SURMA: Yeah, it turns out that most of the videos are actually podcasts just turned into video. Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. I don't care about the video. I don't actually-- the podcast is where our hearts are. Right, we don't-- SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: Give or take this, really. We just do this, because we have to. SURMA: Yeah, [INAUDIBLE]. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But this is the podcast. SURMA: Oh, you built-- so basically, you built a little podcast thing. JAKE ARCHIBALD: A little podcast app. Yeah. And it works offline, because it does. And you can download the episodes to work offline, right? Right, right? SURMA: Oh, that's neat. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So what I'm going to do is-- well, do you know what, I'm going to go onto a slower network. SURMA: Ooh. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because I think that's an interesting thing to do. So people can have a look at all the interesting networks we have here at Google. One of them, we have a 3G network. SURMA: So this is basically our proper internet connection, but the access point just makes it bad. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: So we have a quick way of testing how things behave on a bad network, because that's usually quite interesting to look at. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It is, yes. So right. I'm going to download one of these episodes, like that one. SURMA: OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And so it's downloading now. SURMA: Ah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: You'll see now-- SURMA: Oh, there's a mini progress bar. Look how cute! JAKE ARCHIBALD: A mini, tiny progress bar. So if I-- let's set this one off as well as a shorter one. Now, this is kind of how things work on the web today. Right? SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It's slow. Whatever. But that's fine. But here's the problem-- is if this app gets closed, which if I put the phone-- this is a big phone-- SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: If I put the phone in my massive pockets, then at some point, this is going to be collected from memory, because you'll be using other apps. These devices don't have as much memory as other things. So we can sort of emulate that by doing this. SURMA: Yeah, this is basically your phone in your pocket. At some point, the memory goes, nope! JAKE ARCHIBALD: And it might not be the whole browser, it might just be that tab's gone. And we go back in, and ugh! SURMA: Wait, I downloaded this. Why is it not downloaded, Jake? What did you do? Write a better app. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. And because it's the tab was in charge of doing that download. And the tab closed. And it stopped. SURMA: Yeah, but there's really no other way to do that. Like-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho! That's where-- SURMA: That was very intimidating! [LAUGHTER] JAKE ARCHIBALD: [LAUGHS MANIACALLY] SURMA: You activated it! [LAUGHTER] JAKE ARCHIBALD: Things have changed. So this is the Progressive Web App based in Canary. SURMA: It looks the same. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It looks the same. Subtle little differences. Ooh-hoo. SURMA: Look at that Parallax! JAKE ARCHIBALD: Parallax scrolling. This is an animation worklet. SURMA: Ooh! JAKE ARCHIBALD: I'm using all the modern things. SURMA: We should link to that article that someone wrote about animation worklet in case people don't know what it's about. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, we should. Is that one of your articles, is it? SURMA: It might be. Who knows? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Excellent. Brilliant. SURMA: People should go and find out. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It is a good article, actually. And it's what I used to figure this stuff out. So I'm going to do the same thing again. Let's download-- let's download these two. Brilliant. Now, some things are different. SURMA: Oh, look, it's integrated, like notification stuff. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Integrated into notification. And we've got progress here. We've got the icon there. SURMA: That's neat. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I'm going to do something magic. Oh, that's the Chrome Beta one. That's the old way. And this is the Chrome Canary one. So they've gone out of memory. SURMA: Just close them all. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Close them. SURMA: Ah, look, it's still up there. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It's still up there. And we can go back. SURMA: Oh, that's neat! OK, so it-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: And it's still there. SURMA: So what is this, what you're using? JAKE ARCHIBALD: This is Background Fetch. SURMA: That's a good name. It's a fetch in the background, isn't it? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, it is. And so as you say, yeah, it'll not just battle through things like-- [? near ?] the app closing. It will go through connection changes as well. So I'm actually going to switch networks. So that was-- it's going to cut the download. That's going to stop. And then it's going to-- you know, once it connects onto this other network, it's essentially going to resume, but it'll be able to resume from the same point it was at before. It's not lost. SURMA: Provided the server supports it. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Provided the server supports range requests. Good catch. Now, it's going to start downloading a whole lot faster. There it goes. So we've just got one through. And the next one's through, because it's this fast network. And those are now downloaded. SURMA: It actually works. That's amazing. Who would have thought? JAKE ARCHIBALD: And they're now available offline. SURMA: So is it still a fetch? Like, is it still just a response object from me on the code side? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well-- SURMA: OK, I'm sorry. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I thought we could have a look at this. So this is how you would kickstart one of those things happening. SURMA: OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And like I said, I designed this API, so be nice. No, no, be brutal, be brutal, and ask questions. SURMA: All right. So this is actually main thread code, this is not service worker code yet? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: So you're just waiting for the service worker to be ready, because I guess the service worker has something to do with it. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, it does. SURMA: But you're kicking off it from the normal Javascript [INAUDIBLE]. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So it's hooked off a service worker registration. Now, you could still do this within a service worker or a worker. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: This is an example from a page, but yeah, it can be done elsewhere. So you get swReg.backgroundFetch.fetch. SURMA: Oh, it's just a new fetch call, which seems to have the same parameters, just with a name at the start? JAKE ARCHIBALD: It's slightly different parameters. So the-- SURMA: Oh. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So you're right, it's the name at the start. And then it's URLs or request objects. SURMA: And an array of these, even. JAKE ARCHIBALD: An array of them. Yes. And that's important, because we felt like if it's a podcast, it could have artwork with it. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Movies can be spread across thousands of files. So that's [? typically how it starts. ?] SURMA: True. And you want to have, like, one semantic group of downloads. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: Where you could cancel one, you want to cancel all the other ones. And that's something that a developer shouldn't have to re-implement, I guess. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. SURMA: OK, that makes sense. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly that. And then the option objects, where you can give it a title. That's for the notification. Icons for the notification. And then the download total, that's for the notification kind of as well. Because if you've got-- SURMA: It can figure that out? JAKE ARCHIBALD: If you've got 1,000 downloads, we don't to block on starting all 1,000 of those. SURMA: OK, so I guess the notification is mandatory. Like, you're not allowed to do a background fetch without the user knowing about it? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. So you can do-- if you're fetching one thing, you don't need permission, because the idea is it's super visible. Like, it's in the notification tray. You can cancel it from there. So-- SURMA: But if it's multiple thing grouped into one notification, it's a bit diff-- OK, I see that. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So it's the same pattern as proper downloads from a website. You can start one of those without any permission. If you try and do multiple at once, it will ask for permission. SURMA: OK. So will the download total get automatically corrected in case I provide a wrong value? JAKE ARCHIBALD: No. It will be enforced. So this is one of the things we wanted with the API. SURMA: Oh-oh! JAKE ARCHIBALD: If you say, this is 10 megabytes, and you go beyond 10 megabytes, then you get canceled. SURMA: OK, what if I give too much? JAKE ARCHIBALD: If you provide a download total that's higher than what it turns out to be, the progress bar will get to 80%, and then it's done, and you're fine. So it's not an error. SURMA: Interesting. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So if you're unsure about the download total going-- SURMA: Be conservative and-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. But the idea behind this is we want to show the user-- because if they look at that notification and it says, this website is downloading-- SURMA: You might be using their-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: --10 megabytes, you think, I'm fine with that, you don't want them to end up actually using 500 megabytes. SURMA: Yeah, because they might be on their mobile plan, not Wi-Fi, right? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yep. All of these are optional. If you don't provide a download total, you get an indeterminate thing. [INAUDIBLE] SURMA: Oh, but that's OK? JAKE ARCHIBALD: It is OK, but the idea is, if the site's not going to tell you how much it's going to download, the user's more likely to cancel it, because they're like, well, I don't know what this is doing. I'm not getting any promises. SURMA: So what's the name for? JAKE ARCHIBALD: For getting it later on. SURMA: Ah! OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So you get back a backgroundFetch registration object. I don't actually have the-- they didn't do a code slide for this, but you can do swReg at backgroundFetch.get. You pass in an ID, you get the registration back. And once you have the registration, you can start doing things like this. SURMA: So wait, what is bgFetch? JAKE ARCHIBALD: So that is bgFetch here. SURMA: Oh, sorry. JAKE ARCHIBALD: This is the registration object. So it's the same deal. SURMA: That is the registration? So a new fetch returns your registration object? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: Not like-- a normal fetch would return a response. This one gets you a registration object, because progress is probably much more important in a long-running fetch scenario. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, it is. And this is like a grouped progress as well. It's for the whole thing. So you get these-- it's very similar to how XHR works. But this will also give you things like .ID which is the ID you've already provided. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Things like .Abort, that you can cancel it from code. SURMA: Oh, that's good. Yeah, because you might want to build your own UI for canceling it, right? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. SURMA: But you have in your thing. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. SURMA: Can it also do upload? JAKE ARCHIBALD: That's a good question. Not in Chrome right now. SURMA: Because one of the biggest issues in-- or long-running issues-- that fetchUpload still doesn't have progress, and you always have to go back via either XHR or do a weird second channel to the server that reports back how much has been uploaded. So I feel like this would be a good fit. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Chrome's current implementation doesn't support request with a body, but the spec does. Because one of our use cases is uploading a gallery of photos. SURMA: Yeah. Or just like a bigger profile picture. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And so you want to hit Send, put the phone in your pocket, don't care. And you could set all that up when you're in airplane mode or offline. And it will just figure stuff out. SURMA: That's going to be interesting, because I think resumable uploads are tricky. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Resumable uploads are not in the spec, and it's one of the things that me and a couple of engineers might look at next year. SURMA: Ah! JAKE ARCHIBALD: And that would be-- SURMA: 2019, the year of resumable uploads. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, maybe. So as well as progress, you get-- this is on the same registration objects. You can match things. This is very similar to-- SURMA: Meaning I can look into the record of an individual file of a grouped download thing? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. So this is me getting the podcast. It will resolve as undefined if it's not there. Then you get a responseReady, which is another promise for the response. Because you might not have the response yet. SURMA: No, true. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And the response might even fail to arrive. SURMA: If you queue up 1,000 files and you match on the last one-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. Exactly. But this will give you an in-progress response as well. SURMA: Ah, neat. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So the idea is as you're downloading the MP3, you could start playing it. But that bit's not supported in Chrome yet. SURMA: Can I add access to the streams as well? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well, the response will-- SURMA: Oh, it would be a Response object. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So responseReady. SURMA: So the responseReady says, the same as in Fetch, the headers have arrived, but the body might still be in progress. And it can start and-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. SURMA: OK, that's cool. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. Exactly that. So this is all stuff you can do on the page. But this is what happens in a service worker. You get top-level events, backgroundfetchsuccess. SURMA: So I get to blame you for this event name. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, you do. I originally called it backgroundFetched just to try and be short, but people said that's weird. And I can see where they're coming from, especially because we've got-- SURMA: Why not bgFetch as the success? JAKE ARCHIBALD: We've shipped now, mate. SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: Not changing it. SURMA: I've been told that as long as only one browser has it, you can still change stuff. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. And it's not in stable yet. So-- SURMA: This doesn't minify. It's a string. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well, it will gzip with the other-- only-- actually, there will only be one of them. Actually, you'll have backgroundfetchfailed and backgroundfetchabort as well. They're the three events you get in your service worker. SURMA: I'll open an issue on the spec. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Thank you for that. Thank you. SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: So this is-- you get the registration object. SURMA: Yup. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And that's the same that we started before. SURMA: Oh, now, that's the same-- OK, cool. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And this is where-- backgroundfetchsuccess-- after this event, those requests and responses are gone. SURMA: Ah. So it's your responsibility to put them in the cache. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. So this is what I'm essentially doing here. And this is one of the things we're thinking about making a helper method for-- for, like, put these in that cache. SURMA: Yeah. I mean, we already have cache.AddAll. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, but that takes just requests. SURMA: I know but I feel it's a similar helper method on a cache-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: A PutAll. SURMA: Yeah, something. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Or some kind of transfer. Yes, that is what we're thinking. SURMA: That seems reasonable. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because we also think it might be difficult for browsers to do this without copying. And so I transfer the rest. Yeah. SURMA: So if we think along videos, where they can be split into multiple files and they're probably quite big-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: --what's the story there with Cache API? Because I feel like I would get wary about quotas and things. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well, if you've got it here, you're taking a quota anyway. SURMA: OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So as long as we can implement this without copying, you're not doubling the quota. That's why we're thinking about introducing a transfer method-- to make it easier for browsers to do that shift rather than it be a copy operation. SURMA: I mean, this is something you probably don't want to just easily lose, because the browser needs to claim space. It'll probably be a good case also to look at Persistent Storage API, whatever it's called? JAKE ARCHIBALD: That is what I'm using in the HTTP203 app as well. SURMA: Oh, cool. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So if you've been added to the home screen, or bookmarked, or there's been a strong signal of usage, you can ask for persistent storage, and you'll get it. The thing-- it's worth just asking for. And if you don't get it, it's fine. SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: So another part of it. And this is the last bit. SURMA: backgroundfetchclick? JAKE ARCHIBALD: backgroundfetchclick. This is-- SURMA: Ooh, let me guess. When you tap on a notification? JAKE ARCHIBALD: When you tap on a notification? SURMA: Yes! JAKE ARCHIBALD: And so again, you get the registration, and you can decide what to do based on maybe how the background fetch is doing. SURMA: I've never used the clients, dot thing to open something. I need to look into this. But this is really cool. So you get to decide how you react to a click. And apparently, you're deciding what to do depending on whether the download is done or not, which is cool. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. Exactly. Because if it's successful, we can go to the latest podcast. If it's not successful or-- so this would be if it's in progress or it has failed. Just go into the Download screen, and presumably, you would have an error there or something, maybe. I don't know. SURMA: All right, cool. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I was just kind of making this up. But yeah. And so as a result, this is what you get for that-- this kind of download system, where you can just sort of click a load of stuff, and it will just happen. And if the tab closes, if you're offline when you press these things, it will still work. SURMA: You said in Canary behind a flag? JAKE ARCHIBALD: It's in Canary behind a flag, and we are going to move to an origin trial for it. SURMA: Ooh-ooh. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So the details-- we'll have it soon. SURMA: Do we have an article on this, by any chance? JAKE ARCHIBALD: I have it ready to land at some point. It might have landed by the time this video comes out. SURMA: You will find out by looking in the notes. JAKE ARCHIBALD: In which case, there'll be a link down the-- what's that bit? SURMA: [INAUDIBLE]. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Below our faces. SURMA: The [INAUDIBLE]? Yeah. Also, [INAUDIBLE] appreciating this nice Parallax. Ooh! JAKE ARCHIBALD: And yes, we'll link to an article of how to do that as well. SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: Brilliant. We could cut out how long this is taking to connect. SURMA: Oh, look, it's blazingly fast to connect. I mean, it's just an authentic experience. Is it kicking you out? JAKE ARCHIBALD: There we go. Connected, no internet. Come on, figure it out. Figure it out. Figure it out. Come on. SURMA: Ey! JAKE ARCHIBALD: Ey, that's good. Right.
Channel: Google Chrome Developers
Views: 24,290
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Keywords: Chrome, Developers, Google, Web, service worker, background fetch, GDS: Yes;
Id: cElAoxhQz6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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