Backdoor Full House To Win $6000+ Pot In High Stakes @ Bellagio w/Poker Legend!!

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welcome back to the poker vlog this is episode number 170 and for this one we're playing a little bit higher stakes than normal we're playing 10 20 with a 20 big blind annie at bellagio so it's up in the high stakes area in that room um i hope you guys enjoy it be sure to hit the like and subscribe buttons a lot of you guys still aren't subscribed so i'd appreciate it if you would subscribe helps out the channel all right let's go ahead and get started we're on the strip in las vegas and it's an absolute mad house we arrive at bellagio to play high stakes the poker room here is packed the reason everyone's out is because it's fight night the main event is poiyier versus mcgregor i'm about to have my own battle with a lot on the line i buy into 10 20 for 5 000. usually when there are big events going on in town games tend to be better i'm not disappointed at all today i make my way up to the high stakes area i take my seat and i'm amazed at the lineup it's about the softest 10 20 game that i've seen here i played with some of these guys before but a few players i've never seen which is a good thing because they're probably tourists that aren't pros the very first hand i'm in the big blind eight deuce offsuit there's also a 20 big blind annie in this game so i put 40 in the middle before i was dealt cards onto the gun plus one limps in there's a great sign of a good game usually there's no limping in tough lineups middle position player limps in also good the button calls the small blind calls i check we're going five ways of the flop in a limped pot the dealer puts out 885 with two diamonds once again this is my very first hand of the session and i made trips small bond checks i don't want this to check around i fast play it and bet 60. under the gun plus one folds the middle position player calls he could be on some kind of draw the button pauses and looks as if he's contemplating a raise that he just calls i'm somewhat concerned that he could have trips or better the small blind folds it's down to the three of us the turn is the jack of clubs none of the draws get there checking seems reasonable since i got called in two spots it's kind of scary i don't want to give players a free car in case they have draws though i bet 160 the middle position player reaches for chips quickly and is happy to call i really think that i have him beat the button choose this as the time to put in a raise he makes it 560. i get the sense that he has me beat but it's difficult to fold trips right now maybe he has pocket fives and i can still make a better boat or maybe this is some kind of semi bluff if that's the case then folding trips would be a disaster i call for 400 more the middle position player isn't sure that he wants to call this amount if the best hand he can make is a flush or a straight then he could be drawing dead ultimately he puts in another 400 he could have something like jack ten of diamonds and we'll have full house outs the river is another five i take a play out of noah's book and i make a boat i'm concerned that every worst hand is gonna check behind me if i check i don't think either opponent will take a stab as a bluff given how this has been played for that reason i take the initiative and i bet twelve hundred the middle position player doesn't like his hand anymore he furthers my suspicion he was on a draw he folds there's a good chance that i'm chopping with the button i definitely don't want to see a raise from him he just calls i might have him beat i turn over my cards we don't have the winner at least not outright the button shows queen 8 offsuit we luckily got bailed out on the river to make a small profit since we chopped the middle position players money it's my first hand we kicked things off with a pot of over four thousand dollars next i'm in the small blind with ace king offsuit under the gun plus one opens at 60. middle position player calls i'm not going to fly and play this out of position i three bet to 300 i'd be fine taking this down pre-flop since i don't even have a pair yet instead under the gun plus one wants to go to battle he calls the middle position player folds we're heads up the flop comes ace queen three rainbow we have top top it's difficult to get paid from hands that are much worse and i could be up against ace queen and queen still i check for deception to hopefully induce a bluff from much worse hands and partly for paw control in case i'm behind under the gun plus one's looking confident he bets 400 i'm not worried about it since my hand is intentionally under wrapped i call we get a great card from the dealer the turn is the ace of spades we've made trips i check under the gun plus one isn't feeling as good about his hand anymore he checks back there's almost no doubt in my mind that i'm best my opponent is probably very weak there's some chance that he has a worse ace though the river is a six it's a complete brick i don't want this to check through again i bet 1300 to target hands like ace jack ace 10 or maybe even a worse suited ace that decided to call my three bet in position pre-flop my line should look a little odd since i checked called flop and now i'm betting on large side perhaps i can get called even lighter since this looks strange without too much thought the opponent folds his name's billy he'd later tell me that he had jack ten of spades king on the river one time could have been a fun one it's a good start we're up over 1100 on the day some people are away from the table it's six-handed one without pocket threes under the gun i raise the 60. the button calls he's a wreck player who doesn't like to fold at all i recently saw him call a pre-flop raised and then multiple streets including a large river bat with queen five suited he won the pot but he only had a pair of queens and a bad kicker we're heads up out of position the flop is ace nine three rainbow we drill a set with the best opponent at the table to do so against if he has niece i should be able to extract a lot of money from his hand for that reason i'm not slow playing i bet 60. with zero hesitation the button calls we appear to have him hooked he doesn't look like he's going to be folding the turn is the seven of spades there were no reasonable draws on the board so i expect to be up against hands i can call large amounts going forward i bump it up and bet 180. again very little time goes by before the opponent gets his calling chips in the middle my plan is to bet big on the river the dealer puts out the deuce of hearts the opponent's light calls with queen five and a previous hand are still in the back of my mind that coupled with this being an ace high board and people especially not liking to fold pairs of aces sets this up perfectly for me to go for the home run i over bet pot making it 700 maybe the button will have two pair and can call easily maybe he'll think that i'm just trying to bluff him out of the pot and will try to keep me honest this isn't an easy decision for him he's in the tank perhaps i got too greedy he lays it down i probably could have made a few hundred more how to bet less it's still a win and we're about to play another fun one with him i straddled under the gun for 40 and i have 10 8 suited under the gun plus one opens at 140. the cut-off was the opponent from the last hand calls he likes doing that i defend my straddle for hundred more we're going three ways to the flop out of position it's jack nine deuce with two spades and one club we flop an open ender and a backdoor flush draw i check the pre-flop razor checks our boy in the cutoff bets 280. drawing the straights when their flush draws out there from out of position is typically not a great idea particularly when only one side will make the nuts and there's an additional player behind since the pre-flop razor checked he probably won't have anything and i at least have the backdoor flush draw i consider putting in a check raise a big part of me wants to do it i know the cut off doesn't like folding much though i call one time to see if i can improve on the gun plus one folds immediately it's heads up the turn is the three of clubs we pick up the flush draw i check this is when things really start to get interesting rather than check back the opponent bets 400 it's a very small sizing considering all the draws that are out there i suspect that he didn't know what to do put out a bet with a week one pair hand it's almost as if he's betting to see where he's at this is a small enough sizing that i can reasonably call to see if i can hit one of my outs on the river i take a more aggressive approach and nudge him in the direction of folding if my read is correct that he wants to see where he's at i put in the check raise to 1400. my line makes very little sense and i never try it against someone who i thought was a top level player i suppose i could have jackson played the same way but i'd mostly check race the flop with my strong hands there's an immediate look at dismay from the button followed by a lot of sighing and shaking his head he realizes that he shouldn't have bet that amount and maybe shouldn't have bet at all the opponent folds we capitalize on the situation by getting a huge bluff through things couldn't be going much better than this we're up over 2000 already the game has basically become 10 20 40 everyone's straddling i'm onto the gun and the straddle with king nine of hearts the hijack is a newer player he opens at 120. small blind calls my hand is too strong to fold i call for 80 more three of us are seeing the flop we haven't done this in a little while but if you want to see us flop a huge hand it'll take some extra run good run good is generated from you guys hitting the like button so that's what i'll need you to do on the count of three ready one two three jack ten four with three hearts is what the dealer puts out we've got the second nuts with a straight flush redraw and two opponents in a straddle hand that was raised oh yeah small bond checks i checked with the pre-flop razor he doesn't seem to like the flop much he checks back i doubt he'd do that with anything better than one pair the turn is another four we're slightly downgraded but no big deal small bond checks there's absolutely no reason to think that we don't have the best hand i want to get this pot pumped up i bet 280. the hijack doesn't quite believe that i'm as strong as i am he calls small blind folds i'm not 100 sure what to put the hijack on i don't want to see the board pair again though the river is the ace of clubs i'm kind of concerned that i could somehow be up against aces or another full house of some sort i would have much rather seen a card like the six of spades come out on the river but it's a bit ridiculous to be too worried about monsters under the bed the ace could actually be a great card if the opponent has king queen offsuit with the queen of hearts or ace jack he called a fairly large bat on the turn maybe you can call another one here it's difficult to have a hand as strong as i do i want to get paid a lot of money when i flop king high flushes i just bet big as a bluff now i've got 800 as a big bet for value the player double checks his cards this is usually never a good sign on the river especially when it's followed by a shove that's what this player does he tanks for a while then rips it in for 26 30 total this is not a spot i want to be in he probably would have bet the flop with a set of jacks or tens he could have slow played the ace high flush but he's wrapping more of a full house with a jam over my big riverbed does he just have aces there's only three combinations of that i still think that he would have been aces on the flop most of the time maybe he could have ace four suited too but there's only two combinations of that possible does he somehow have another offsuit hand with the ace of hearts that he's decided to turn into a bluff people rarely bluff rivers for large amounts and smaller games they get more creative and big games like this one but i don't know if this guy is a type to do so it's 1830 more for me to call i don't love it but i can't get away basically cool he's for him what's totally one two twenty seven thirty six twenty six thirty the player has ace four diamonds which connected quite well with the cards that you see best on the board there i should have been able to make the fold i don't see how checking river would have been best but certainly betting smaller or bet folding makes sense i get punished for the maximum in a sixty two hundred dollar pot by run a run or full house i'm no longer winning on the day i'm stuck a thousand i've got to try and shake it off i pick up ace jack offsuit on the button i open the 120. the big blind calls he's a viewer named alex the honor of the gun straddler calls we're going three ways of the flop in position it's queen eight seven rainbow we all check the turn is the nine of clubs we all check again the river is the ten of hearts we make a straight the big blind bets 240 representing at least a jack and possibly king jack for the nuts under the gun folds i call guess what we have a similar result as the last hand that we went over when we have a strong hand that we make a river call with and the opponent has ace forward diamonds oh you thought we lost again nope we have the winner and scoop the pot after someone was trying to get some bradley dollars i think so yeah you want to be on there yeah all right what's your name dude shout out davis alex my name's alex shout out to davis shout out to davis ernie all right i'm gonna mute that i obviously didn't mute the shout out i have to be able to mess with people a little bit alex had a great reaction though it was as if when i told him that i was gonna mute the clip i muted him in real life i saw his lips moving but no words came out let's watch again so you guys know what i'm referring to i'm gonna mute that that's wild i hope alex is able to regain his voice and that i didn't accidentally put some kind of little mermaid spell on him or something you know what else is wild legendary poker commentator vince van patten takes a seat at the table to play with us about to start playing with you and your reputation so it's very strong i don't think he's in any danger of going broke we get involved in a hand with him here we have a6 of diamonds in the hijack we're playing six-handed and the straddle's no longer on vince slims in from under the gun i raised the 80 in order to isolate him cut off calls vince calls we're going three ways to the flop it's ace king 10 with two hearts and one diamond we have top pair and a backdoor flush draw the board's very wet vince checks i don't want to give anyone a free card i bet 180. ideally the opponent behind me will fold he can have lots of combos that are ahead of me including the nuts unfortunately he calls vince folds now heads up and we're out of position the turn is the nine of diamonds i really don't know if i have the best hand or not i know that i have a lot of equity since i turned a flush draw i don't want to bend get raised i check the cutoff isn't checking back he bets 360. i call let's hit a diamond one time nope the river is the ten of hearts the heart flush draw gets there but if i was up against ace queen ace jack or even ace nine i'm chopping with all those i check the cutoff is thinking about firing eventually he checks back i flip my cards over imagining that at least some of the chips will be coming back to me none are my opponent surprisingly has ace king suited he didn't three bet me and he flopped top two pair no three bet huh derek the session's coming to an end as we pick up queen 10 offsuit on the button under the gun plus one opens a 60. he seems like a competent player but what's interesting about him is that when he was setting his chips down on the table to enter the game he saw we were all straddling for 40 dollars onto the gun and he picked up to leave because he didn't want to play a game that was 10 20 40. that's a big tell that he's not comfortable playing for larger amounts having that information it makes me want to stretch out my range a little wider than normal i call the 60 knowing that i'll be in position on the pre-flop aggressor i can put them in some tough spots the big blind also calls three of us are in the mix the dealer puts out queen 5-3 with two diamonds we have top pair the big bond checks under the gun plus one checks okay i probably have the best hand i bet 120 for value the big blind folds under the gun plus one check raises to 400. i don't get the sense at all that he has a very strong hand maybe he's turning ace jack or a king jack a heart's type of hand into a bluff and he's trying to get me to fold something like eights or nines i have the queen so there's only one combination for a set of queens that he could have i don't think that someone who's concerned about playing this big will necessarily be opening from early position with fives or threes i called for 280 more for heads up the turn is the deuce of hearts under the gun plus one slows down and checks this makes me even more suspicious that he has a hand with little or no showdown value if he happens to be strong i don't want to bet and if he's weak then i'll just get the showdown cheaply from here for the win i check back the river is the ace of spades this is a terrible card because if he bluff raised with some kind of strange ace high hand he now has the winner it looks like he did connect with the ace because he puts out a blocker bet at 540. this feels very similar to the type of bet that i faced earlier when i turn my 1080 clubs into a bluff this guy probably doesn't know where he's at and he seems afraid he has 2 000 behind and i already know from the moment he sat down that he doesn't want to play big pots there's no way that he'll have a spore after checking the turn on a wet board i don't want to call with my relatively weak queen instead i bring his biggest fear to reality just seconds after announcing him all in the player lets his cards go we used all the information that we've gathered since before the opponent even got delta hand and we use it against him to steal a big pot before racking up [Music] [Music] that was a strange one i got bailed out big time that first hand with the eight deuce and then um ran really well and then uh lost a six thousand dollar pot with uh the second nut flush flopped it so if someone told me before i started the session that i was gonna lose a six thousand dollar pot and only lose five hundred and thirty dollars i feel pretty good so that's what happened i played for let's see i think i think somewhere around three hours and 45 minutes or something um game was great and i was running good my bluffs all got through pretty crazy one there at the end of the queen 10 off suit i shouldn't have even been in that hand in the first place but uh felt like playing which is the last words of a lot of uh bad hand histories or maybe it's maybe the maybe that's the first couple words of a lot of bad hand histories anyway um pretty happy to to get out of there only losing 500 um yeah i probably could have folded that king night of hearts and actually i was on the i'm just bad at folding bad at folding big hands and um i don't think that he's bluffing there really ever so i could have saved myself like 1800 on the river maybe even more i could have probably bet smaller on the river and still that folded so that was unfortunate but if you take that hand out i win a ton of money that's it for this one guys i hope you enjoyed it if you did i'd appreciate it if you hit the like and subscribe buttons helps out the channel quite a bit and uh be sure to hit the notification bell so that you're notified every time i put out a new video if you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know in the comment section i'm happy to get back to you um this was a fun session uh i didn't win but made some big hands early on got some huge bluffs through so that these are these are my favorite steaks to play it's just a lot of fun um playing bigger and i'm getting more and more comfortable a couple meet-up games coming up we're going to houston august 7th and 8th so we're going to the texas card house there and then we're going to the texas card house in austin august 11th and 12th and then we're going to start doing some meetup games at the hustler in the los angeles area that'll be in september we don't have any dates set but uh i'm looking forward to that so um both andrew and i will be going to all those stops i'll have some more information probably in future episodes alright guys hope you're doing well stay safe good luck at the tables and i'll see you next time
Channel: Brad Owen
Views: 457,869
Rating: 4.9663911 out of 5
Keywords: Poker Vlog, Best Poker Vlog, Poker Blog, Best Poker Blog, Best Poker Content, High Stakes Poker, High Stakes Poker Vlog, High Stakes Poker Hand, High Stakes Poker Bluff, How To Play Texas Holdem, How To Play No Limit Texas Holdem, How To Play Poker, Poker For Beginners, Best Poker Tips, Best Poker Training, Best Poker Advice, Tips For Beginning Poker Players, Las Vegas Vlog, Las Vegas Cash Game, Las Vegas Poker, Bellagio Poker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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