BACK TO THE FUTURE (1985) Breakdown | Ending Explained, Making Of, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed

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[Music] welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul AKA Steven spilburg in this video we're breaking down Back to the Future the movie Kick started one of the best trilogies of all time and today we're going to be going through it scene by scene selected by the film registry for film preservation this is easily one of the best movies ever made and I can't wait to talk about it pretty much everyone to know who went to film School in love with this movie and the script Su it's taught in almost every University this is something where almost every line in has a payoff at some point and I was blown away when revisiting it with a a loser YouTuber breakdown at more critical eye to it so come with me Morty sorry Marty as we travel to the past and talk about Back to the Future you son of a [ __ ] I'm in and the film popped up as an idea in Bob Gail's head when he was one day going through his dad's so yearbook seeing his pops as a team made him think about his past and what life must have being like when he was in school being a dad myself like I feel like my kids will remember how cool I was or or they'll either think that or just what a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's something that we as kids often don't wonder about our parents either and all the wild things we've done our parents probably did too when I was your age I never chased a boy or called a boy or sat in a parked car with a boy already am almost 18 years old it's not like I've never parked before what so that was a [ __ ] lie going wild at parties Petty vandalism not hitting the thumbs up all those bad things that we've done they probably also did too our parents had a time before we were born to where they probably weren't burdened with glorious purpose now this had girl thinking that if he had a time machine he'd go back and see his dad to see if they'd become friends Marty and George share somewhat similarities with them both having dreams that they want to achieve George is obsessed with becoming a rider and mody just wants to play the guitar on stage George for not achieving his goals has somewhat had an effect on his son but in the end both get their time in the Limelight I can't guess you guys aren't ready for that yet but your kids are going to love it telling this idea to Rober zakus the pieces started to fall in place and when Spielberg wasn't board the ball really got rolling gayen zamus created a draft in 1980 with them saying they wanted to do something different than what had come before you see typically time travel movies they showed the past as being a fixed Point whereas the pair had the idea that things could be changed there actually a number of different things that alter in the film which we'll talk more about as we go through the movie still though the first draft was was a far cry from what we got with the DeLorean being completely absent that had the time machine being a room with a laser-like device that helped with the time travel when I hear about it I I kind of Imagine The ttis and apparently this device then got put inside a fridge this was then taken out to an atomic bomb test with that being the basis of how to get home however Spielberg right Spielberg he apparently worried that kids right might start climbing inside their fridges and this would make some believe they could use one to survive a nuke years later we we'd see something similar in Indiana Jones dear M just cracked up a bit learning that anyway the time machine was going to be made by a corporation but Seas felt an individual was going to act better the say looked at real life figures such as Einstein who doc Brown's dog would later be named after Einstein died during 1955 and his theory of relativity is used for the time machine test Einstein theorized that motion caused time to move differently which meant meant that a clock moving would tick slightly faster than one that's just stationary I think for God's sakes Jim I'm a YouTuber not a physicist after a number of revisions the DeLorean got brought in as its design had an almost other worldly field this also had inspiration from other time machines with the interface being based on the time machine film from the 1960s this had the panels on the machine being green red and yellow with those colors also coming across to the panel in the car the the car was then going to be driven into the atomic bomb test but this was eventually removed purely because of the budget that you can catch a couple of nods to it as the van the delorean's first roll that of has a bumper sticker on it this says one nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day also a disclaimer I keeps say nuclear wrong in every single video um I did used to do an impression of a Russian guy go I must have nuclear weapons and since then it's stuck and I'm just keep ruining my videos even more and more do not watch my Oppenheimer breakdown I find your proposal M acceptable at the end when mty speeds Back to the Future we can also see the cinemas playing the atomic kid according to the wiki there were several of the ideas that didn't make the car with Mod's actions drastically changing the80s instead of coming home to where he pretty much left things the entire planet would have hoverboards and flying cars we all know from our own history we wouldn't get those until 2015 but but his moves changed it to that now George was also going to be a famous boxer which led out from him knocking out beff after saving L rain however remnants of this plot line still remain in the film with Marty carrying a punching bag into George's Back Garden this then led into a deleted scene and it would have Marty giving him boxing lessons and finally figuring out he was a lefty throughout the film he writes with his right hand but in the end he punches with his left the Better Health Website did a big report about how kids used to be encouraged to write with their right because left-handed this was seen as being awkward most things were built with right-handers in mind and there was a big push against this being adopted in the ' 50s so George striking Biff with his left was finally him shrugging off the life he'd been bullied into and standing up for who he was in more ways than one a universal head said shinberg didn't like the title due to the word future being in it he said they should change it to space man from Pluto because reasons I guess man wanted this my name is Darth Vader I am an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan change to I am spaceman from Pluto but Spiel B did something that shut that idea down he sent him a note saying ah mate what a what a what a great joke that was hey what a [ __ ] great joke you did there mate almost thought you were being serious you [ __ ] which shinberg was way too embarrassed to fight back on he's made you look a right knob now production for the film was hit with a couple of snags and I'm sure you all know this story about Eric stz this even got referenced recently in the flash when they were talking about who's starting back to the future I know I've seen all of them and Eric staltz is not Marty McFly they explain Marty mcai here now what happened is that he was playing Marty and malora Harden was playing Jennifer so we could have had an alternate timeline with Jan from the office but in the end she got let go too Fox had actually always been the first choice for Marty but he couldn't make it due to his contract with Family Ties you see Meredith Baxter was pregnant at the time and this fox needed to appear in the show more than usual ual stals was cast but things weren't working and on said he said to have been very difficult to work with man apparently refused to answer to anything other than Marty and this was so bad that when he was told he'd been fired Christopher lyd said who's Eric I thought he was called Marty IMDb trivia also says that Tom Wilson who plays be almost got his collar bone broken during the lunchroom scenes Tom asked him toone it down but stals just kept going and he caused lots of difficulties everyone knew that he wasn't right for the roll and after 6 weeks of shooting Baxter had returned to Family Ties stals was then called into a room and killed sorry sorry he was called in and told he wasn't right and apparently stals also agreed too Harden was then let go because she was too tall to play against Fox and The Producers had realize that size Matters that's what she saidel thus they managed to work something out with Fox but it still sounds like it was a really grueling shoot Fox would film Family Ties in the day and then dve over to the set and work from 6:00 till 6: all the scenes shot in the daytime they were done on the weekends with everything working out all right in the end also I'm DB trivia yeah says that stals went on to play the fly in the Fly 2 who was called Martin so he went from playing Marty McFly to Martin the fly nice nice when they they include a joke you can steal and there's still a shot of stals left in the film but this own change in the timeline drastically changed the outcome anyway that's the making of which takes us into the movie itself now let us go back to the [Music] future That's The Power of Love Now a famous phrase in film is show don't tell boil down to its Basics it means that film's a visual medium and it's often better to convey something with images rather than a character telling us what's happening now why I'm telling you this and not showing you is to talk about the opening shot which convey so much information it's one of the best openings to a film ever the doc Browns we begin looking at several clocks which are all set to 753 later on we learned that this was part of an experiment perfect my experiment worked they're all exactly 25 minutes slow and one of the only clocks that's correct is the one on the floor which is currently set to 818 this subtly gives the idea that docks been messing with time and we also have two different time periods here now as we move through the room we see some decorative clocks including one with a drunk man slumped up against it this kind of reminds me of the homeless guy that Marty Sees at the end when he finally returns back to the future he said it he said it this guy is actually the character exm red Thomas whose election trucks we see moving through the 50s in the 80s the May's Goldie Wilson whose truck we also see moving through two bringing these moments full circle shout out to Eric for his video on the Deep dive for poting out that the way the bum swigs the bottle here is also similar to what Lorraine does in the car l later on with myty we also get an odd to harl Lloyd Safety First when we see a small figure hanging from a clock this is of course foreshadowing the moment in the climax where Christopher Lloyd hangs off the clock tower doing this ends of breaking the ledge which is another cool detail that appears in the film when Jennifer and Marty sit in front of it at the 10-minute 30 Mark we can see the ledge behind them is absolutely fine however in 1955 the dark ends up breaking it which is something that then goes on to affect the future C to the hour 41 Mark and we get a hell opter flying by and can see that the ledge has now been broken off now from this clock we then go past one that has the word regulator on it before then going down to some newspaper clippings this says that the brown Mansion was destroyed and that the estate was sold to developers Bob Gail spoke about this on the commentary and said this was all sold after funder's time travel research Al so huge shout outs to mudron on Reddit who pointed out why the doc's Mansion might have burned down later on after dark us this's fire extinguisher we can see that this leaves it almost completely empty so man probably had an experiment that went haywire but he'd overuse the extinguisher and couldn't put it out Safety First next we move down to photos of Edison and Benjamin Franklin the two of which well one of which was a famous inventor Franklin carried out an experiment with a kite in the wind which was struck by lightning like what happens at the end later on Doc can be seen talking to a picture which he refers to as being Thomas this is actually Thomas Edison calling back to the photo that we see here now next to them is also a picture of Einstein who as we mentioned played a part in Doc's inspiration on top of this was also Leopold Stasi who was also used as a way to style his look underneath this is the JBC camera that later gets used to film The First Time Travel attempt next to this is also a Burger King cup with rappers just littering the room now when mody ends up leaving Doc's lab we can see his garage backs onto a Burger King restaurant explaining why there's so many rappers in the House the TV is then turned on by one of the clocks but this one has to have had the right time this is like this purely to show us the report and this is where we learn of the plutonium theft Duck's been out and about and hasn't been home hence why we then see the dog food piling up in an already full bowl at this point we watch his mod ENT is and he rolls his skateboard over to the plutonium box so those shots they tell us so much info that it's hard to argue how good this scene is now from this point we cut to an amp interface which we can see labeled crm114 this is actually an artist Stanley curi who's used the number in a lot of his films including Doctor Strange Love where it was on the radio system blowing up the amp my man's he make an entrance and it's at this point the film really gets going now as Marty skates outside we sees he hitches a ride and then travels through the town center of Hill Valley this shot is later repeated in 1955 which just goes to show how times change over the decades if you've ever moved away from somewhere and then gone back you'll have no doubt seen how even a couple of decades all things I love this place being a central location as it perfectly demonstrates the differences between the 50s and 80s now as he goes down the main street we can see there's two signs with Goldie Wilson's name on them hinting at the character we're going to meet later on there's also lots of adult entertainment spots and theaters and a better than what it was like when when red Thomas was running it mate also I wonder if red and Goldie being colors shows that the Mayes have a theme to them and maybe the guy with the adult theaters is called Blu-ray Hey cuz he sells adult movies Blu-ray hey [ __ ] sake now the name Hill Valley that was chosen because it's an oxymoron and that means it just sounds like your bug standed town where they cared so little about naming it they chose two things that don't even make sense down the line I'll talk about how these shots are repeated through the rest of the trilogy and yes you're right I will be covering all the films let's go if that's something you're interested in then please smash the Subscribe button and I'll see you back in the future when I release them soon now driving the truck we see a man turn around who's rocking what's totally not some Mountain Dew product placement this is actually stun coordinator Walter Scott who put this scene together cuz the man's all about safety first now from here mody skates up to the school where we can catch some graffiti on the wall next to a tree you can see Lorraine Del Calvin which foreshadows the fake name mod uses with his mumler rain I was wondering if this graffiti was from 1955 but that means the school wouldn't have been cleaned since then instead I I just think it's a little in joke for when the set decorators were putting this less than pristine look together after bumping into principal Strickland he says now let me give you Nichols with a free advice young man the so-called Dr Brown is dangerous he's a real nutcase now you might be wondering why a high schooler is hanging around with an old man you see r that store pleas sure look let let me explain Chris you see you say Bob Gail was speaking to the sight Mental Floss and he talked about how the pair met he said for years Marty was told that Doc Brown was dangerous a crackpot a lunatic Marty snuck into Doc's lab and was fascinated by all the cool stuff that was there when douc found him there he was delighted to find that Marty thought he was cool and accepted him for what he was you see M stayed with him because he got to use his guitar and it's all just one big misunderstanding the Poli the police are wait waiting for me outside aren't they [ __ ] and the principal rattles off how he's just like his dad and how no McFly ever amounted to anything yeah well history is going to change it's a nice little line of dialogue that then leads us into M's audition here they play The Power of Love by huie Lewis in the news with hu himself playing the teacher carrying out the audition huie initially just wrote this song but the creative team weren't exactly thrilled with it since it didn't really time with the movie they said they needed one more that was in line with the plot and after showing him the film The Band made back in time which is another Banger now on stage we see M playing play alongside a guy who looks a bit like Donnie tette but this is actually Michael J Fox's guitar instructor behind the scenes shots of this have been shown on the Blu-rays making a nice little Cameo for the guy who helped him learn it at the clock tower Marty talks about how he's too scared to send his audition tape in but Jennifer then drops this line it's like dark yeah I know I know if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything which is something that appears throughout the film with a person who relays the message getting the credit for it at different points you know if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything like I've always told you you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything lots of timey why me wibbly wobbly stuff with Doc Brown telling mty who then told his father and then told him bringing things full circle also I love how mty just checked out the girls at walk past him and it's literally that mean with a man getting distracted get out of here kid you got no future I mean I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection this lying about him having no future adome subtext to the plot as we're meant to worry that Marty might not get back what right here right now in the cafeteria what if she said no I don't know if I could take that kind of a rejection around the area you might have also noticed that there's businesses closing down and it seems like it's a dying City Center on the bench we can catch a sign for Z's Jewelers which says that it's now in the Twin Pine Mall this shows that the businesses are moving up there and it sets up one of the main locations that appears in the story on top of this we can also catch two women petitioning to save the clock tower this headline documents how it was struck by lightning with one of the women telling him and got struck in 1955 and stopped at that exact moment this gives Marty all he needs to know so he can use his info to power up the time machine however Mar's distracted by a 4x4 which is what he later ends up getting bought by his parents someday Jennifer someday Mar's dream of taking Jennifer up to the lake in that truck is something that he gets to do at the end but here it seems like it's just a pipe dream just above the women we can also see a sign that says ask Mr Foster travel since 1888 this shop's clearly been around for a long time and we can also catch it at the hour 41 Mark in 1955 though you can't see it here we have other shots of the sign for this that says time to travel which is he it's a little time travel joke that at this point Jennifer writes down her number which begins with 5555 indicating that it's completely fictional stop stop ringing it huge shout outs to webborn on Reddit for pointing out that Duc Brown's number is kondik 54385 with K andl both being on the five digigit meaning the number is actually 5552 Al so as Mary puts it away you can see you can see the theater behind them showing ory American style make make sure you subscribe to the channel to watch us breakdown that as well shabow anyway if you're a fan of these classic movie breakdowns then you definitely need to check out our partners at Aro film they remaster a ton of movies and release them on 4K Blu-ray giving you the best version of the film that you can possibly get right now they're selling carry inovasion of the Body Snatchers with a special edition also coming soon they're out for pre-order but if you want something already on the site then you'll get 10% off with the Cod heavy spoilers use the code heavy spoilers to get some money off these great movies and huge thank you for all you guys support at this point Marty hitches his way back home to Lion estate where we see the outside of his house later on we get a better shot of this where Biff hasn't smashed George's car like it's a like button now a cool detail back in 1955 is that mody comes across a billboard of what these homes will look like placing next to the shot we see at the end it actually lines up really nicely with the way the real house looks George's car being wrecked is also just toos nicely at the end as here Biff crashes it whereas there he's cleaning it a and look uh now Biff I want to make sure that we get two coats of wax this time that just W don't con me you look closely at where Biff's waxing yet you can see hasn't even finished the first coat up yet and he's just putting that on now you don't don't try to C me Biff now inside the house George is a lot more like his 1950s V verion with him having the slick back Reesa hair and pocket protector this shows he never really grew out of that state and is sort of just trapped there being a weak man also here we can see that George is wearing glasses Ras in the alternate 85 he doesn't have them anymore according time I'm DB trivia this is because he could afford to get contact lenses so instead he just wears them Eric also pointed out that we can see he's got gray hair whereas in the earli versions a slick back look makes it seem darker this is given by the grease in the product which in itself was a big thing in the 50s now Biff blames him for not saying the car had a blind spot and that he spilled beer all over himself which means McFly's got to pay his cleaning Bill he also have some really good lines here that pay off much later when we get to the diner hello hello anybody home do till Monday hello hello anybody home think McFly think think McFly I got to have time to get them retied do you realize what would happen if I handed my report rep in your handwriting I got to have time to recopy it you realize what would happen if I hand in my homework in your handwriting I'll get fired I'll get kicked out of school you wouldn't want that to happen would you you wouldn't want that to happen would you would you of course not Biff would you well now of course not I wouldn't want that to happen now look I'll uh so what are you looking at Butthead those reports on up tonight and I'll run them on over first thing tomorrow all right okay Biff well I'll uh I'll finish set on up tonight and then I'll uh bring it over first thing tomorrow morning hey not too early I sleep in Saturday oh M your shoes untied okay not too early I sleep in Sundays oh mfly your shoes on tied don't be so gullible McFly don't be so gullible McFly I don't want to see you in here again George stands and admits that he's not good at confrontation and during this we see his fist clenching up this is almost like he's trying to throw a punch and thinking back to what he should have done when he was a teen the car being toled means M can't take the trip and George's weaknesses are affecting his life too from here we cut to George eating a box of peanut brittle which looks worse than some of the videos we put out and there was actually a deleted scene in the film where he bought a case that he didn't want from a neighbor this was to show that he would just do what he was told but it was already spelled out in the prior scene so they ended up cutting it at this point they start watching a show which is something and also pops up during the 50s Lorraine ends up slamming Down A Cake which is supposed to celebrate her brother they're getting out of jail unfortunately man didn't end up making it out and we meet this character back in the past you're my Uncle Joey got get used to these bars kid obviously the bars are well well you get that but I love how he's wearing black and white as well just like a prison uniform now Mar's family are kind of down on their luck with his brother working in a fast food restaurant and also taking the bus at the end this is the complete opposite with George's change affecting the whole bunch Lorraine then recounts how she and George met with both the ball and thunderstorm also getting mentioned know it was then that I realized that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him and take notice of the life box there too with a game playing off the line that we've just heard cut to M's room and next to the clock we can also see Pepsi free this was a version of the drink that didn't have any caffeine in it and it's what mody later tries to order at the diner right give me a Pepsi free you want a Pepsi pal you're going to pay for as the camera pulls out as well we can see a big version of the photo that Mari later has of his siblings now at this point he travels to the Twin Pine Mall which leads us into to watch the most famous Easter egg of all time doc says oh man Peabody on all of this now when M travels back to the ' 50s he knocks over one of the pine trees this is later revealed to be at the Peabody Farm which we can see by the mailbox outside when muddy returns here at the end we can see the MS Now call Lone Pine Mall and this is due to Marty knocking over one of the trees in the past Peabody's son is also called Sherman which I found out from the making of notes this is a nod to a Big Show 1959's peabod in probable history that involved Sherman and his dog Mr peabod they travel through time to get to certain points in history and according to the trivia on the 2014 film the characters also travel back at 88 mph haven't seen it but that's a pretty cool no and Bob Gil also talked about how on October 685 how people showed up to the mall expecting Marty to arrive he didn't and sometimes patience doesn't pay off now dark also explains that DeLorean needs 1.21 GW of power before Einstein arrives at 121 according to IMDb jigawatts was mispronounced from gigawatt and this was due to a science official the creative team hired basically just saying it that way Einstein getting sensory times also similar how dogs were used on space missions in early orbits to test whether flights were safe safe for humans after sending him Einstein's Z return and this leaves the car completely covered in ice I feel like this might be down to a going against entropy which creates a frosted effect all around the car something similar was seen in tenant when an explosion was reversed which then created ice Zuck also reveals what happened the day thought of time travel I was standing on the edge of my toilet hanging a clock I slipped hit my head on the edge of the sink and when I came too I had a revelation and this kind of reminds me of what happened with Isaac Newton when he discovered gravity later on when Marty arrives at his house we can also see he's got a big bandage on his head from it now from here we get the first of many things that were referenced in Avengers endgame as I'm sure you know there is a bit about how back to the feature 2 is a bunch of [ __ ] but here we also see the plutonium's red fluid this is what the pin particles were designed on and it's not the only thing here that would pay off down the line doc talks about how he wants to travel into the future and see who ends up winning the World Series Back to the Future 2 of course involves the future and it also has has a big plot centered around sports games either way dark brown starts to Rattle off his plans for the video and we can see he's got a red notepad in his pocket this is actually a one for Gremlins which Steven Spielberg also helped produce at this point the terrorist shows up which leads Brown to say he doesn't know how they found him oh my God they found me I don't know how but they found me it's probably cuz you got your name printed on this side of the van mate anyway it leads to him dying and Marty driving off hitting 88 mph he watches he's Tak back to the past to play some shitty games that suck ass sorry couldn't help myself now after crashing into the farm peab buddy thinks it might be an alien and the DeLorean was actually chosen because it looked a bit like a spacecraft shout outs to you say the little man on Reddit for pointing out that the delorean's designer also gets a little ND in the credit there we can see he's credited as being a time travel consultant which is a nice little joke if if you stick around and watch them now the speedometer was also change too with they're getting a top speed of 95 instead of of the original 85 this means that they can show it goes up to 88 rather than just hitting 85 and then not going past it Marty then ends up traveling to Li State before he wanders into town here we see a poster at the cinema with Ronald Reagan's name on it which Le gets reference when talking about the president who's president of the United States in 1985 Ronald Reagan the scene was actually shut to resemble a Twilight Zone episode where is everybody which has a man wandering into a Town Square looking confused both were shot in the same pack L at Universal with the creative team deliberately giving an odd to it now here we catch several things we saw in 1985 including the Texico garage and the clock tower which now works along with this we also have the sign for Hill Valley which popped up at the 6 minute and 37 Mark in 1985 here the slogan is a nice place to live whereas in the past or the future I'm guessing it's not because that's been taken away now the dinam M meets his dad and Biff along with Billy Zayn who plays the character a match man doesn't get any lines in the film but he carries around a match stick in his mouth which makes him look cool so I might start doing it too we also meet Goldie who's inspired to be may but since it happened anyway he would have done this without mty now at this point mty realizes his dad was a Peeping Tom which is a bit weird but either way he ends up getting hit by his Grandad's car which means that he swaps places with George he says Stella another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car would you makes me think that he might have hit George before woken up by his mother he thinks it's all just been a bad dream but it's your worst nightmare mate cuz your mom's trying to [ __ ] you that's right baby it's an incest story ow and she calls him Calvin Klein because that's what was stitched into his underwear which was the fashion at the time in the translated versions they changed this to Levi struss in Spain with it being Pierre codin and France because Klein wasn't know outside of the US now line she's a bit full on so you can see how she would have woed a pushover like George girls taking cheeky little looks and you can even catch in the mirror peeping at Marty as he goes to put his pants on around the table they roll in the television with this dinner echoing the war that the family had before this is showing the same episode of The Honeymooners which also aired during 1955 after being freaked out by his mom pitching his leg he ends up leaving and we then get this line you ever have a kid who acts that way I'll the you now after he heads at to Doc Brown's Manor we see the garage before them panning up to the bigger house inside man's got a different dog with this one being named after kernus Duck's also rocking a mind reading device but there's actually the possibility that this might work you come here from a great distance you want me to buy a subscription to the Saturday evening post you want me to make a donation to the Coast Guard youth auxiliary for distances Mod's travel from the future and this Saturday evening posts what mty used to read the date on as for the Coast Guard man's rocking a life preserver and he explained he was a sailor to not get any suspicion so maybe it does work but either way he doesn't buy modes from the future class of 1984 pretty mediocre photographic fakery they cut off your brother's hair as we know the photo starts to fade as time changes with his brother slowly disappearing as the P starts to alter also if you zoom in on the photo you can see his brother's hair is indeed starting to fade which is a really cool detail now Doc then talks about Ronald re and asks if Jane Wyman's the first lady however by 1955 Reagan was married to Nancy so the timing of this it is a bit off Reagan however really loved this line and when he was watching it he asked them to replay the scene Ronald was such a big fan of the movie he even quoted it during his State of Union Address never has there been a more exciting time to be alive a Time of rousing Wonder and heroic achievement as they said in the film Back to the Future where we going we don't need roads after revealing he knows about the flux capacitor we see his doc starts to believe him and they drive to where the delorean's hidden out I love the eeriness of this entire scene and it then leads into them replaying the tape of the time machine doc then asks what he's wearing well this this is radiation Su of course because I want to fall out from the atomic Wars this of course comes in the wake of the invention of the atomic bomb and there was worry that it would lead to more and more Wars when first exiting the car M asks if docs got a devour suit who were Bann in the ' 80s known for wearing them on stage Brown then says no wonder your president has to be an actor he's got to look good on television this was actually a little joke about JFK who in the debates was said to look so good that it helped him get elected realizing he can't generate the power to send him back due to the lack of plutonium the pair then realize they can use lightning to send him back to the future although they want mody to lie low they realize he can't because he's slowly being erased traveling to the high school we see before the 80s hit and it ended up get getting covered in graffiti huge shout out to Tokyo no and Reddit for pointing out that when they first see George we can also see a poster with Ron Woodward on it this is an OD to ronal T Woodward who worked as a key grab on this and the other movies now other schools pretty much the same there's one key defs we see in the ball later on the gym is different to the one mod auditioned in but there is a little poster that points this out earlier in the movie when we first met Strickland you can see a poster behind him talking about the new gym there's also a guy who puts a kick me sign on George his back who later tries to cut in and take Lorraine from him still though he stands up to him too bringing things full circle from here when he also got believed by him my then tries to introduce lorine to him and Doc is like [ __ ] hell mate your mom thinks you're the most handsomest boy in the world and not in the same way that my mom thinks I'm the most handsomest boy in the world realizing that the enchantment and the seed Dan will be a good place to hug them the rest of the movie then all builds towards that Marty goes to George in the cafeteria and look look at this this guy over George's back keeps bloody keeps bloody looking at the camera and that's why you're not a famous actor now either way George refuses to share his stories with Marty because he worries that if he showed them to people then people wouldn't like them this is of course similar to Marty who's also in the same predicament in that he refuses to send his tape to the record label there was actually scene in which Mar would put his tape in an envelope but in the end he just leave this on the dresser this was deleted but you can actually see this envelope at one point in the film at the hour 47 Mark we see Marty leaving his room and in his hand he's carrying the envelope This was meant to show that Marty had had a change of heart and in the end he was going to send it off now Mar ends up stepping into s Biff harassing his mother so why don't you make like a tree and get out of here this line was actually improvised by Wilson who got really into the character by channeling his own life everyone describes Tom as being an ice sky in real life with him being a far cry from how he acts with Biff however Wilson was actually bullied badly in school and he said said he channeled this into Biff to make him the big butthead he is now Biff tannan was given that surname after Ned tannan who at one point was the head of universal and the next scene we get this line from George but I can't go to the dance I'll miss my favorite television program science fiction theater and this is actually a little metao cuz the show had an actor called Michael Fox in it I don't know if you know mate but when registering with sag you have to submit a unique name in order to not cause confusion with credits this Michael added in the J with this being a little nod to the actor in that science fiction theater that night Marty ends up going to his dad in the suit which is when he puts on music to wake him up this has the name Edward Van Halen on it and this is because the band Van Halen refused to lend their name to the movie Eddie didn't mind though and he gave permission to use his name and apparently the licks we hear are performed by him now you might also catch there's a haird dryer on his belt which he uses like a gun during a deleted scene according to IMDb trivia this was something doc left in the car but it was never addressed so they just cut that bit out they're also going to have Marty knock George out with chloroform which explained why he slept in so much that he missed school the next day now that has George going to the diner where he orders a milk and make a chocolate throughout the film we learned this is called L Diner and in 1985 Lou still keeps ownership over there it's called Lou's aerobic Center showing how he ended up changing the business now guess what mate how about I've had a cold again so I've been recording chunks of this video at different points forgot to point out that when Marty goes to pay for the cough we can also see puts a guitar pick on the counter showing he carries one at all times that's back in the video though CU of the magic of editing and outside the dino we can also see a sign with some records on it this is advertising The Ballad of Davy Crockett who gets several nods throughout the film upon entering the din of the sun can be heard in the background and Lorraine's brother also wears a raccoon skin hat this is building off the back of the Davy Crockett craze which was a big thing throughout the whole 50s now from here we see George swaggering about as he asks L rain out a lot of his mannerisms were based on the naughty Professor not that one the one with Jerry Lewis that was released in the 60s the GID I noted out with the white jacket and the way George dances by himself being in line with it guy is so nervous he says density instead of Destiny but the Ws broken up once more by Biff Mar ends up saving the day inventing skateboards and making his mom fancy him even more sever of the moments here would later be Rift on in other movies with them doing a lot of it beat for Beat Down the Line I'll talk about that more when we cover those films though but it always ends with Biff getting smashed like it's a like button now back at dos who sees he's trying to watch the end of the tap but he refuses to hear about what happens next however as we know he'll eventually play it which leans in with his acceptance that it's okay to change things and just say what the hell now we see he's mapped out a model of Hill Valley which would later be referenced in Loki when Obi does the same thing for the clock tower we can see that he's using one of his own wrist watches which has a time set to 10:04 that's because that is the time that the light in strikes and it shows that the man's got some nice attention to detail now you might also notice that just before he points to the clock tower head that we can see he's got a wrist watch on both arms this was done to show how obsessed with time that he was and I think it's a really cool detail that just helps to add into the character with a little wind up car that pops up in the franchise down the line we sees this ends up crashing into the theater down the road this is something that Marty does at the end in real life because obviously he didn't have the room to hit 88 and then hit the brakes the right that arrives asks him to the dance with dog pulling a [ __ ] sake's face throughout now one of the major questions people have about the movie is how don't Mar's parents remember who he is why don't you explain this to me like I'm five Bob Gail eventually explained it to The Hollywood Reporter and asked them if they remembered a kid that they met for 8 days at 17 do you remember someone you met on holiday for a week and chances are that that you'd probably struggle gilen said that they'd have a bit of a hazy memory and 25 years later without a photo it wouldn't really connect now cutting across to the clock tower we then get this line are you sure about this storm since where can weather men predict the weather let alone the future this actually plays up in part two when we have the weather running on Cycles meaning that the weatherman is finally able to predict it other aspects are payoff down the line of setup here too with Mod riding a lettered to Doc this is then put together by Doc and part two ends with Doc sending mod a letter coming directly from the past everything's kept under WS literally and we even catch Brown bribing a police officer to keep things Hush Hush anyway Jam to the enchantment into the SE Dan and we see Marty nervously waiting outside for George to show up however I don't even think man had to intervene cuz Lorraine realizes it's wrong when she kisses her son which is a bit gross mate you but your Dodge double it Alia Thompson she said that she kept this dress and one day her daughter Zoe wore it on Halloween Zoe's often been said to look a lot like her mom and this luring cosplay probably went down a storm according to the behind the scenes trevia they also played a little prank on Michael J fox at this point as they had him doing a spit take but they swapped it out for real alcohol man ended up drinking it anyway and then doing the spit take but the scene can be seen on the outtakes way he he looks a bit shocked now George saves the day and Mar's enlisted in the band with him still having to play the song so his parents get together Marvin Marvin you got to play see that's where they kiss for the first time on the dance FL they can't kiss they can't fall in love in I'm history really love how they use the term I'm history there and as we see the band's called Marvin Barry in the star lers as we learn his cousins Chuck Barry aka the father of rock and roll and Marvin makes a call to him after Marty plays Johnny Be Good mod even gets a song Credit in the credit which not sure about the Optics on that mate but we can also see the drummer playing a swing style since rock and roll drumming hadn't been popularized yet originally this was going to lead to the dance turning to AI which would then have police showing up I'm DB trevia States Mar would also tell doctor's secret ingredient in Coca colola which would then cause history a change upon arriving Back to the Future everything would run on cocacola and we discovered Duc had invented pretty much everything and had used the drink to make money Mario also plays a Gibson es 345 which wasn't actually brought out until 1955 but the movie is so good that I'm going to let it slide mate I'm going to let slide this one time Al though the school doesn't necessarily drive with a guitar shredding George has become popular now with students even telling him he should Rumer class president the whole school love him and Marty tells Lorraine his true name which he says is nice but not nice enough to name your first born after AO and when they're in the street doc runs to the back of the shot while mody stays in the foreground this composition is used throughout the film at several points with Doc and George being the ones to do it symbolically this could show that Doc's almost like a father de Mari with these moments all mirring each other the doc says Marty has exactly 7 minutes and 22 seconds which is a really cool detail because from that point when Marty travels back it's exactly 7 minutes and 22 seconds climbing up the clock tower he's then scared by one of the statues which were originally made for the 1982 film cap people here we also see lightning in the clouds above them which had to be done with models and this was due to CGI not being Advanced enough to pull it off lighting Fiber Wire they were able to capture the effect and they also use to make bride to create the wind during these moments anyway Marty ends up driving to the spot while doc desperately tries to reconnect the wires the DeLorean at this point doesn't start and Mar flicks the headlights on and off to give the morse code for S so now there are few times few times I'll be back in time the DeLorean had its own sentience and it refused to start up at this moment it said that it's like the Tardis in which it was saving it until the right moment and if that's what you want to believe mate good for you and that's the time I'll be back in time the dock sliding down from the clock tower is the only scene that appears in all three films this was performed by stuntman Bob jks who also got paid for them without doing any extra work anyway mody arrives back in the 80s moments before Doc Brown was killed watching the terrorist arrive Mod's enabled to start the car andless he runs after them all but he shows up too late Duck's gun down and love the way mty goes to open his mouth to say no but his pass self says it for [Music] him so real that doc ended up wearing a vest and in the end it's all finding Dandy mate returning home we see his dock goes into the future with him then traveling out to the air2 15 waking up in a similar position to how he was earlier in the movie we hear back in time over the radio and we see him coming across his new life Man's having quas horns for breakfast his he works in an office and his mom and dad are looking completely banging Lorraine's lost way and it apparently took 3 hours in the makeup chair to make the couple look elderly George ends up getting the first copy of his book as well and this is titled a match made in space on the cover we can see Mod's yellow hazmat suit and he's bringing a man and woman together who are sitting in their bed clothes you get that one mate you know what that means and we see outside as Jennifer arrives for the sequel they had to reshoot the whole bit because Jennifer ended up being played by Elizabeth Shu sadly Claudia wells's mother was diagnosed with cancer and then she went to care for her instead of taking on the role originally we were going to have George flicking through yuk from the 50s and at this point he'd see mody in the crowd man then said nah it couldn't be but it is which was going to be the line that then ended the film however they wanted to tease something else and thus they went in this direction on top of the car we can also see a Mr Fusion which was also used years before in the movie Alien the dark brown Powers up the car by taking things out of the trash and we can see a can of Miller High Life huge shout outs to Eis cool and Reddit for pointing out that this was known as the champagne of beers they noticed that earlier in the film when Biff grabs a can from the fridge that this is just a can of your BG standard millerite this George he's now living the high life and drinking a delicious can of Miller High Life sponsors of the channel ciao when the scene was shown at audiences it was displayed in black and white because ilm hadn't finished the effects still though the audience kept cheering and it made the execs realize they had a major hit on their hands thus they moved the release State forward and this only gave the production team nine weeks to finish it was a rush but they got through it and managed to get it out back in t ow the movies obviously had an insane Legacy and I'm sure you're well aware of how big it was both zcas and Gail have retained the rights and both have stated they'll not authorize any sequels or remakes as long as they're alive which don't challenge Hollywood with that mate you know you know they've got the snipers either way this movie held a record for staying at number one for three months making one of the most successful films of all time would of course go on to spawn two successful sequels and I think it's one of the best trilogies ever love the posters as well mate and and I feel like Trilogy should have poster themes just like this because look how good it looks I bloody love it and I hope you've loved it too and we will be back with Back to the Future Part Two you want to see that early then please consider joining our membership and for just 99 cents a month you'll get early access to videos you'll even get audio versions of our classic movie breakdowns as soon as they're made and huge thank you to everyone who supports us we really appreciate it and if you want something else to watch then check out our two latest breakdowns which will be on screen right now that is The Truman Show and Apocalypse Now which I feel are two of our best videos hopefully I see you over there right after this and huge thank you for sting through my cold I've been Paul you've been the best and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 298,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: back to the future, back to the future breakdown, back to the future ending explained, easter eggs, hidden details, things you missed, movie twist, back to the future movie details, back to the future movie breakdown, back to the future explained, back to the future movie reaction, back to the future movie easter eggs, ending explained, back to the future 3, back to the future things you missed, back to the future analysis, film analysis, michael j fox, DeLorean, doc brown
Id: J5exx4q2skY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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