Back to school "Refresher" || Learn to read and spell

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[Music] teacher aya online tutor [Music] hello children today we are going to read another set of [Music] sentences are you ready let's start this is my pet dog [Music] again this is my pet dog your dangerous children [Applause] this doll is mine [Music] again this doll is mine your turn to read children [Applause] this fruit is sweet [Music] again this fruit is sweet your thing today children [Applause] that is a bird [Music] again that is a bird your turn to read children that is a penguin [Music] again that is a penguin your turn to rate children [Applause] that is my school [Music] again that is my school your turn to read children [Applause] she is my friend [Music] again she is my friend your gingerred children she is my classmate [Music] again she is my classmate you the injury children [Applause] she is my sister [Music] again she is my sister your dangerous children [Applause] he is my brother [Music] again he is my brother you're trying to read children [Applause] he is my best friend [Music] again he is my best friend your tinder children [Applause] my favorite color is red [Music] again my favorite color is red your dangerous children my favorite food is pizza again my favorite food is pizza great job children now let's try to read the sentences together are you ready next time this is my pet dog [Music] this doll is mine [Music] this fruit is sweet [Music] that is a bird [Music] that is a penguin [Music] that is my skull she is my friend [Music] she is my classmate [Music] she is my sister [Music] he is my brother [Music] he is my best friend my favorite color is red [Music] my favorite food is pizza [Music] great job children hello children [Applause] today we are going to read phrases but first let us know what phrase is children phrase is a group of two or more words that express a single idea but do not form a complete sentence examples are a red ball [Music] again a red ball your turn to rate children [Music] a fat cat [Applause] [Music] again a fat cat your turn today children [Music] a big fish again a big fish you're doing today children [Music] a blue heart [Applause] again a blue heart your dangerous children [Music] a block car [Music] again a block car your daintred children my pet dog [Music] again [Music] my pet dog [Music] you're going to raise [Music] children my pink doll [Music] again my pink doll you're doing today children [Music] my favorite toy again my favorite toy your tinder children the blue bird [Music] [Applause] again the blue bird your turn to read children the green worm [Music] again the green worm you're going to read children [Music] the yellow dress [Music] [Applause] again the yellow dress your tinder children [Music] the tall tree again the tall tree your twin turret children [Music] great job children now let's try to read the phrases together are you ready [Applause] a red ball [Applause] [Music] a fat cat [Music] a big fish [Music] [Applause] [Music] a blue hut [Music] a black car [Music] my pet dog my pink doll [Music] my favorite boy [Music] the blue bird [Music] the green [Music] worm the yellow dress [Music] the tall tree [Music] great job children hello children today we are going to spell another set of words [Music] are you ready [Music] let's start let's spell the word tiger [Music] tiger [Music] e r tiger [Music] you're going to spell children [Music] let's spell the word lion [Music] lion l i o n lion your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word elephant elephant e l e p h a n t elephant you're going to spell children [Music] let's spell the word butterfly butterfly b u c t e r f l y butterfly [Music] your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word horse horse h o r s e [Music] horse your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word frog [Music] frog f r o g prague your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word rabbit rabbit r a b b i t rabbit you're trying to spell children [Music] let's spell the word turtle turtle c u r t l e turtle your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word giraffe giraffe g i r a f f e giraffe your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word snake snake s n a k e snake you're going to spell children [Music] let's spell the word chicken chicken c h i c k e n chicken you're going to spell children [Music] let's spell the word fish [Music] fish f i s h fish your turn to spell children [Music] great job children now let's have a short quiz are you ready let's start children can you spell the word tiger [Music] tiger t i g e r tiger [Music] children can you spell the word elephant [Music] elephant e l e b h a and t elephant [Music] children can you spell the word horse [Music] horse h o r s e horse [Music] children can you spell the word frog [Music] frog f r o g frog children can you spell the word turtle [Music] turtle t u r t l e turtle children can you spell the word chicken [Music] chicken c h i c k e n chicken [Music] children can you spell the word butterfly [Music] butterfly b u t t e r f l y butterfly children did you spell all the words correctly [Applause] great job hello children today you're going to practice reading sentences [Music] are you ready let's start [Music] ben has a pet cat [Music] again [Music] ben has a pet cat your tinder is children [Music] the cat is on the mat [Music] again the cat is on the mat you're doing today children [Music] the rat is fat [Music] again the rat is fat your dainty children [Music] sam has a red cup [Music] again some has a red cup [Music] your tangerine children [Music] ted has a toy car again ted has a toy car your ginger red children [Music] the toy car is red again the toy car is red you're gingery children [Music] pat has a net [Music] again what has a net your gingery children [Music] the bed is big again the bed is big [Music] your ginger children [Music] anna fed her pet dog [Music] again anna fed her pet dog your gingery children [Music] the map is in the bag [Music] again the map is in the bag you're going to rate children [Music] the bag is red [Music] again [Music] the bug is red [Music] your gingery children [Music] great job children now let's try to read the sentences together are you ready let's start the cat is on the mat [Music] the rat is fat [Music] sam has a red cup ted has a toy car [Music] the toy car is red [Music] pat has a net [Music] the bed is big anna fed her pet dog the map is in the bag [Music] the bag is red [Music] great job children hello children today we are going to read another set of races are you ready children let's start [Applause] in the house [Music] again in the house your tinted children [Music] in the library [Music] again in the library your turn to read children [Music] in the car [Music] again in the car you're going to read children [Music] on the table again on the table you're going to read children [Music] on the road [Music] again on the road your dangerous children [Music] under the tree [Music] again [Music] under that tree your turn to read children [Music] under the sea [Music] again [Music] under the sea [Music] you're going to read children [Music] over the fence [Music] again [Music] over the fence your dangerous children [Music] over the moon again over the moon your gender children [Music] early in the morning again [Music] early in the morning your dangerous children [Music] go to school again go to school your turn to read children [Music] eat the fruits [Music] again eat the fruits your ginger children [Music] drink the milk [Music] again drink the milk you're going to read children [Music] in the garden [Music] again in the garden [Music] your turn to read children [Music] great job children now let's try to read the phrases together are you ready let's start [Music] in the house in the library in the car on the table [Music] on the road [Music] under the tree [Music] under the sea [Music] over the fence [Music] over the moon [Music] early in the morning [Music] go to school [Music] eat the fruits drink the milk [Music] in the garden [Music] great job children welcome back children today we are going to learn how to spell some of the basic words are you ready start let's spell the word [Music] drink drink the r i n k drink your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word eat [Music] your turn to spell children let's spell the word table table t a b l e table your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word chair chair c h a i r [Music] chair your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word dress dress d r e s s dress your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word [Music] food food f o o d [Music] food you're trying to spell children [Music] let's spell the word [Music] fruits fruits f r u i t s fruits your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word wash wash w a s h wash your turn to spell children [Music] let's spell the word brush brush b r u s h brush you're going to spell children [Music] let's spell the word read [Music] read r e a d [Music] read your turn to spell children [Applause] let's spell the word [Music] right w r i d e right you're going to spell children [Music] let's spell the word study study s t u d y study your turn to spell children [Music] great job children now let's have a short exercises are you ready [Applause] can you spell the word drink [Music] drink d r i n k drink children can you spell the word table table d a b l e table children can you spell the word chair [Music] chair c h a i r chair [Music] can you spell the word dress [Music] dress d r e s s dress [Music] children can you spell the word fruits [Music] roots f r u i d s fruits can you spell the word brush brush b r u s h brush children can you spell the word read [Music] read r e a d [Music] read [Music] children can you spell the word right [Music] right w r i t e [Music] right [Music] children can you spell the word study [Music] study s t u d y study children did you get all the correct answer great job welcome back children today we are going to practice reading sentences [Music] are you ready children let's start this is a red apple again this is a red apple your turn today children [Music] this is my red bug again this is my red bug your turn to rate children [Music] this is my favorite ball again [Music] this is my favorite ball [Music] your dangerous children [Music] that is an airplane [Music] again that is on airplane you're going to re children [Music] that is on eagle again that is on eagle your turn to read children [Music] those are mango trees again those are mango trees [Music] your gingery children [Music] this are my favorite foods [Music] again this are my favorite foods your turn to read children [Music] this are my toys [Music] again [Music] this are my toys you're going to read [Music] children my favorite color is pink [Music] again my favorite color is pink you're gingery children [Music] there are three dogs in the river [Music] again there are three ducks in the river you're gingery children [Music] there is a rainbow up in the sky again there is a rainbow up in the sky your dangerous children [Music] the basket is full of fruits again the basket is full of fruits your turn to read children [Music] there are plenty of animals in the barn again there are plenty of animals in the barn your gingery children [Music] great job children now let's try to read the sentences together but this time let's try to read faster this is a red apple [Music] this is my red bug this is my favorite ball [Music] that is an airplane [Music] that is on eagle [Music] those are mango trees [Music] this are my favorite foods [Music] this are my toys my favorite color is pink [Music] there are three ducks in the river [Music] the basket is full of roots [Music] there are plenty of animals in the barn [Music] great job children hello children today we are going to learn the alphabet are you ready let's start [Music] a a is for apple [Music] and [Music] aladdin [Music] airplane [Music] ax a [Music] b b is for [Music] ball [Music] b blippi [Music] banana [Music] bear b c [Music] c is for cat cake [Music] cocoa melon carrot [Music] claw [Music] c [Music] d d is for duck dress [Music] dora [Music] dinosaur drum d e e is for [Music] egg eat [Music] elmo elephant elf [Music] e [Music] f f is for flower [Music] frog [Music] flash [Music] fish [Music] fruits [Music] f g g is for guitar [Music] giraffe [Music] goofy glass [Music] grapes g [Music] h h is for hat hen [Music] hello kitty [Music] honey [Music] hands h [Music] i i is for ice [Music] island [Music] iron man iguana [Music] igloo [Music] i [Music] j j is for jet [Music] jelly [Music] jasmine [Music] dog war [Music] jacket jay k [Music] k is for kite kangaroo [Music] kermit the frog [Music] key [Music] kiwi [Music] k [Music] l [Music] l is for lion lemon [Music] lilo [Music] lips [Music] lamp [Music] l [Music] m [Music] m is for [Music] mouse [Music] mango [Music] mario [Music] milk [Music] magnet [Music] m [Music] n n is for snail [Music] noodles nemo [Music] nest numbers n [Music] o [Music] o is for orange [Music] owl [Music] oscar onion [Music] oven [Music] o [Music] b [Applause] b is for pizza [Music] pumpkin [Music] peppa [Music] pencil [Music] pirate [Music] b [Music] q [Music] q is for [Music] queen [Music] quail gilbert [Music] quill [Music] quilt [Music] q [Music] r [Music] r is for rainbow rocket rapunzel [Music] rice [Music] rabbit [Music] r [Music] s s is for [Music] sun ship [Music] santa claus [Music] soup [Music] shoes s t t is for tomato [Music] tree tom [Music] turtle table tea [Music] u u is for umbrella [Music] unicorn [Music] ultraman [Music] uniform [Music] utensils you v [Music] v is for volcano [Music] vulture [Music] vanellope [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] violin [Music] vegetables [Music] v [Music] w [Music] w is for whale [Music] well [Music] wendy [Music] watch watermelon [Music] w [Music] x x is for xylophone [Music] x-ray [Music] xerox machine [Music] x [Music] y y is four [Music] yarn [Music] yoshi [Music] yo yo [Music] yogurt why [Music] z z is for zipper [Music] zebra [Music] zoe [Music] zigzag [Music] zoo z [Music] thank you for watching children [Applause] hello children today we are going to practice reading sentences are you ready let's start ted has a hen again [Music] ted has a hand you're going to read children [Music] da hen is red again the hand is red [Music] your dangerous children [Music] the red hand is big [Music] again [Music] the red hand is big [Music] your dangerous children [Music] tim has a big pen [Music] again [Music] tim has a big ben your tinder children [Music] [Music] is in the bag [Music] again the pen is in the bag your turn to raise children [Music] the ham is in the pan again the hum is in the pan your turn to read children [Music] path has a fan [Music] again path has a fun [Music] your tinder children [Music] pam has a jam [Music] again pam has a jam your ginger children [Music] roy pass a net [Music] again [Music] roy has a net your dangerous children [Music] [Music] the net is big [Music] again [Music] the net is big you're going to read children [Music] great job children [Applause] now let's try to read the sentences together are you ready let's start ted has a hand the hand is red [Music] the red hand is big [Music] tim has a big pen the pen is in the bag [Music] the ham is in the pan [Music] pat has a fan [Music] pam has a jam roy has a net [Music] the net is big [Music] great job children [Applause] hello children today we are going to practice reading are you ready next time this is a dog [Music] it likes to play fetch [Music] it likes to eat bones [Music] it can bark [Music] it can wag its tail [Music] again this is a dog it likes to play fetch it likes to eat bones it can bark [Music] it can wag its tail you're dangerous children [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a bunny [Music] the bunny is white [Music] the bunny is soft [Music] it's favorite food is a carrot [Music] it likes to hop again this is a bunny the bunny is white the bunny is soft its favorite food is a carrot it likes to hop [Music] you're going to do children [Music] this is a cat [Music] it is fat and brown it's baby is called a kitten [Music] it slips on the mat it says meow meow again this is a cat [Music] it is fat and brown its baby is called a kitten it slips on the mat [Music] it says meow meow [Music] your dangerous children [Music] so [Music] this is a monkey [Music] it is small and brown it has a long tail it likes to eat a banana [Music] monkey likes to climb a tree again [Music] this is a monkey it is small and brown it has a long tail it likes to eat a banana monkey likes to climb a3 your gingery children [Music] [Music] [Music] great job children now let's try to read together are you ready let's start [Music] this is a dog it likes to play patch it likes to eat bones it can bark it can wag its tail [Music] this is a bunny [Music] the bunny is white the bunny is soft it's favorite food is a carrot it likes to pop [Music] this is a cat it is fat and brown its baby is called a kitten it slips on the mat it says meow meow [Music] this is a monkey it is small and brown it has a long tail it likes to eat a banana monkey likes to climb a tree [Music] great job children remember to always practice reading so you could be a good and a fast reader also if you are new in this channel please don't forget to click the subscribe button for you to be updated in every new lessons you can also share this video to your friends and classmates thank you for listening children see you on our next lessons [Music] you
Channel: Teacher Aya Online Tutor
Views: 867,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alphabet, ABC alphabet, alphabet flashcard, ABC flashcard, ABC video for toddlers, ABC video for kids, Teacher Aya, Teacher Aya Online Tutor, a is for apple, b is for Blippi, c is for cocomelon, back to school, back to school refresher, learn to read, learn to spell, read phrases, practice reading, teacher aya, teacher aya online tutor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 1sec (5701 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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