Back to School (3-Hour Reddit Compilation)

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was there anybody in your class at school who you hated and got revenge on copied it from a post of mine a couple years ago at my high school kids love to embarrass kids taking shoots so they would kick open the store door and laugh at them my junior year some kids a year below me did it to some nerdy kid thinking he would not do anything back until he came into the lunch room with his crap on a paper towel and slapped the kid who kicked the door open in the face with it that was pretty much the end of that joke this is easily the best thing in this tread was on a school music tour and this kid who bullied me in class decided to throw stuff at me on the coach i kept all the stuff and waited for him to get off the bus and threw it back at him bearing in mind i had avoided confrontation for two years i finally cracked he punched me in the arm i punched him in the chest hard as i could and i saw tears well up in his eyes as he staggered off but that's not the end none of the teachers saw this fight so it continued myself and three friends were in our room before dinner and this kid and his mates decide to raid our room they nick a few packets of candy etc and run out myself and friends barricaded the door and then went out via the balcony and got a teacher the bully and his mates were caught trying to bash our door down their rooms got searched for our stuff and the teachers found booze they were 15 so illegal various drugs and a blown-up toilet as in destroyed their room was wrecked and it was about 5 000 pounds 7 500 of damage the bully and his friends were suspended and had to pay for the damage and banned from future school trips but there's still more we were in malta so they couldn't really be sent home on the last day we went to the beach myself my roommates and a few older students hired out some pedal boats and went out on the ocean the bully and his mates decided to follow us we were just chilling in the sun when the bully's boat comes over they stop a few meters away and swim onto ours full-blown fight kicks off my teacher had hired a jet ski kind of thing and comes racing over just as i'm pushing the bully off the boat the teacher stops and sends waves flying the bully slips and hits his jaw on the boat wasn't broken though him and his mates swim off and leave us alone get back to school the next day and they're in deep crap banned from sixth form eleventh and twelfth grade and in isolation for two weeks after their suspension and paying the damages it was glorious that's awesome [Music] during fifth grade a kid harassed me mainly about my weight i usually ignored him while we were walking up a hill to our art class he noticed i was on my crappy phone he took it from me and found a picture of my sister he started saying how much he'd love to frick her i shoved him down and grabbed my phone then continued walking up the hill without a word a lot of the time when he physically attacked me i would silently push him away and the teacher would get intervened well this time there wasn't a teacher pushing him down max p the skid off he ran at me and i turned around stuck my foot in the air and pushed him backwards by now my friends had stopped walking and were laughing their asses off while i calmly stared at this kid who had caused silent tears to be shed for a year he stood up reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife i couldn't run faster than him i knew that so i'd have to seriously fight this guy now something about realizing this and thinking of how much of a douche he was and how he had really hurt why feelings for the past year pee me off enough to literally tackle him and start punching the crap out of him i just went to town pulverizing his face i stood up and realized i was bleeding the sucker stabbed me with the knife but only like the very tip it felt numb with pain and even though it was small my friends started flipping out they ran up the hill and got a teacher while my bully rolled around in pain and i stood clutching my stab wound that was really just a cut after we were both in the principal's office the principal saw i was stabbed and figured i was acting out of self-defense logan got a few months in juvie while the girls formed over big tough me it was great hi freaking five man you took on a guy with a knife that takes some balls when i was a freshman there was a sophomore who would bully me in our pay class told the end of the year the class was in the locker room changing while i had my shirt over my face this guy slapped my face i finally lost it i immediately chased after him and shoved him this caused him to lose his balance and full face first into a row of lockers the kind with padlocks exposed i felt vindicated for finally standing up for myself but the best part was hearing all the other kids in the class ridicule him for being punked by a freshman nothing great sixth grade i wasn't the most beautiful girl so i was picked on because i was overweight all the time the popular girls would pick on me so one day i noticed the most popular girl in class had a tissue sticking out of her bra she started picking on me and i instantly came back with i'm going to go cry about it can i borrow a tissue from your bra in front of our whole class during indoor recess instant tears never seen that girl cry before it was the best moment of my sixth grade year stupid comeback but he was a hitter never felt like such the best part of this story is how the last sentence just dissolves into nonsense it makes it extra funny somehow the kids in my neighborhood were always pretty brutal towards me i had a long stretch of awkward years and one day early in high school i got caught up after the final bell of the day and was rushing to make my bus home i was running in a full sprint and saw the bus pulling away i ran after it only to see the ringleader of my neighborhood miscreants flipping me off and throwing papers at me from the back window of the bus and the rest of the neighborhood kids laughing at me they never stopped the bus for me that same kid has since had several duis and a laundry list of misdemeanors and now works at one of the areas only full-service gas stations the feeling i get when i go out of my way in my shiny audi to that gas station just a special request him to pump my gas is the best revenge i'll ever have i just fist pumped in real life you bet a couple years ago i'm in my early thirties the guy my cousin just married asked me if i knew his co-worker who was a couple years ahead of me at my high school i sure did he was a monster and tormented me daily throughout elementary school i didn't see him after elementary school for a few years and when i was a freshman in high school i had vague thoughts of kicking the crap out of him until i discovered sad to say he was huge and jacked not happening fun fact one thing he did when he was in sixth grade was tp spray paint and break windows in the house of the one african-american family who had moved to the neighborhood this was in the north east in the early 90s real winner here anyway i told my cousin-in-law that i did know him but it didn't have much to say and i stopped talking i didn't want to start badmouthing someone my cousin-in-law might like especially since this was a new family member i'd be seeing the rest of my life so i didn't say anything and that was the end of the story also i thought fast forward another year or two and i'm having drinks with a cousin and her husband he says oh by the way you really hated didn't you i said why yes i sure did he said he could tell because even having only met me a year or so before that he knew i was positive and effusive enough in general that if the only thing i can say about someone is that i know them and i won't say anything positive or interesting that's a bad bad sign he was right not that i had realized it at the time anyway as it turns out the cousin-in-law was not just this guy's co-worker but his boss and had been doing a pretty crummy job the cousin-in-law was wondering if he should keep on the staff and he was wondering if i'd have something good to say about him when i absolutely did not he let him go i can't say i did cartwheels of joy but i have to admit i'm not sorry it happened people always told me that the bullies would get theirs eventually and it's only occasionally true so knowing that i played a small part in getting back at this guy is really fulfilling tl dr without knowing it i was giving a thumbs up or thumbs down on whether my childhood tormentor should get fired i gave him the thumbs down and still came out looking like the nice guy i like how this works out just by you being really upright and true to yourself no violence or anything good one got a lot of fat jokes from this one kid throughout seven of my years in school got them all the time from most people but there was real hate and venom behind this one kid's insults during a biology practical i hid a cow's eye in his sandwich and kept half an eye on him during the lunch hour judging by his reaction he got a good bite of it before realizing after that people were drawing eyes on his books notes making jokes about it he never heard the end of it i know this makes me lower than him but i have no regrets got a lot of fat jokes i heard a cow's eye in his sandwich taking your eye out and putting it in his sandwich seems a bit extreme there was this girl in high school that was you quintessential popular bee that everyone really hated she was probably the meanest person i've ever seen up close 10 years later she works at denny's i go in as often as possible to drum up casual conversation about my life and then over tip as much as possible this butthole kid in my school when i was younger bullied me since seventh grade just the regular stuff you'd expect from teenage douchebags gay bashing calling me a f and so on i'm truly convinced he's in the closet and secretly obsessed with me because he just goes out of his way to be a dong quote i think all gay people should be put on their own island away from everyone else anyway once upon a time in math class when the teacher wasn't paying attention he'd throw dimes and nickels at me from across the classroom and usually miss because he has crappy aim i'm not the confrontational type at all and have barely spoken in the class but this peered me off to no end on a particular day one of these dimes hit me in the back of the head the entire class was quiet and i just blew up i turned around and said at the top of my lungs in front of the teacher and all if you throw another freaking coin at me i'm going to get up and punch you in the freaking face got no response and everyone in the room was staring at me so i continued you're tough enough to throw it when i'm not looking but won't admit it when i call you out p i don't know what came over me but the best part the teacher stared for a moment before commenting well said and resume teaching he hasn't done anything to me since moral of the story stand up for yourself if anyone ever picks on you bullies thrive on silence and their biggest fear is being called out and i regret not doing it sooner [Music] my male classmate was always a dong a practical joker but he picked on me the most he threw spit balls from the back of the class to me i sat at the front put twisted stapler bullets on my chair at every opportunity called me names sometimes pushed me around and usually got me humiliated in my class so one day during class he was doing his usual spitballs it was a good day for him because it landed on my hair from that moment something within me snapped and i got up calmly from my chair with a mechanical pencil in my hand i stabbed him squarely at the back of his hand he looked mortified but he took it like a champ the layer of the pencil broke and stuck to his skin i must have stabbed pretty deep there was some droplets of blood from the wound before he could do anything the teacher came in and started class so he couldn't excuse himself when class ended i saw him bolt towards the bathroom my friend leaned over and whispered to me you know that he likes you right i just sat there feeling half guilty and half victorious welp he didn't disturb me much after that oh and this was when we were 15 oh tl dr felt like arnold and helga from hey arnold but with a little blood my only tattoo is a piece of pencil lead stuck in my arm he probably still sees it and thinks about you you'll be with him forever yeah back in kindergarten this punk kid would tease me for having a weird name so one day during nap time i was sitting at my desk head down when i saw the kid heading out to the bathroom when i heard him returning i casually stuck out my leg he tripped face planted got up lost a tooth and started crying i smiled and went back to my nap that's pretty thug for kindergarten during my junior year there was this bee we'll call em in my gym class she would single out a few people to torture with her minions and i was one of the lucky few she would shoot dirty looks call people names single them out in games like dodgeball all that kind of stuff one day she decided to tell her super senior douchebag friend to single me out in floor hockey and he purposely hacked sticks with me and smashed my wrist it ended up only being sprained but i was p nonetheless a few weeks go by and we start playing dodgeball i was going one-on-three with some senior boys and then they hit me so i started walking off the court then this bm starts yelling at me get off the freaking court you're out b and all that stuff and i was like yeah i'm fully aware of that if you weren't such a dumbass you would notice that's exactly what i'm doing and then she proceeds to call me a bee and stuff and i know that was a [ __ ] comment but all my rage throughout the year was pent up and i was about to release it i walked over to her and said okay what the heck is your problem i've done nothing to you so i really don't understand why you're acting like this towards me then she just starts laughing with her little b friends and i start walking away she then says yeah you better walk away rage ensues i did the 180 and punched her square in the temple knocking her to the ground this is the first time i have ever gotten into a physical altercation with anyone and i'm not an easily angered person so of course everyone was surprised and the teacher didn't even notice until her friend was like naz just punched him in the face what the frick they got a security guard to take me to the discipline office and he was like okay we're gonna go to the nurse first and i was like why i punched her he was all surprised that i didn't hurt my hand or anything and that i actually knew how to throw a punch and gave me a high five throughout the next few days i had people i barely talked to coming up to me and giving me hugs and high fives telling me how they've wanted to punch her in the face for so long and were glad someone actually did it tl dr punched a b in the face became school hero got bullied in secondary school eventually i had enough and pushed him down a flight of stairs and then walked into class like nothing happened i was picked on continuously by i guess what most would call a bully ten years later he apologized for being such a douche and i accepted the apology and moved on with my life i sure showed him when i was in fourth grade this annoying third grader kept messing with me he would run up behind me and try to knock me down all the time especially since he was just a third grader that was trying to bully me it peed me off and i decided to end it before it got out of control i saw him standing there doing nothing like and butthole one day at recess and remember how much he had been bothering me i started running as fast as i could straight at him from across the playground and knocked him flat on his back he got up and tackled me and we rolled around on the ground wrestling for a little while before one of the recess monitors saw us i got in trouble and had to write i will not fight or something like that 25 times during one recess he never bothered me again after that though comma standing there doing nothing like and butthole one day at recess wtf i guess i spent a few recesses being in butthole myself there was another boy who was continuously picking on me then one day we were all playing basketball and he started again i was soapy that when he turned around i kicked his butt literally so hard that he went up in the air and then landed on the ground even my foot hurt quite a bit so hard did i kick him he stood up then went 5100 meters away while clearly being in pain and with tears in his eyes and then came back after 15 minutes and played further like nothing happened never bugged me again after that i had a bully in middle school who bothered me since i was a fourth grader he was one of many but none of them ever had the balls to pull something physical the last week of my final year at that middle school he decides to pull some crap and starts talking to me in an attempt to get a rise out of me in any case it worked i was fed up with everyone's crap that on top of being forced to attend graduation from a school i despised with a fiery passion caused me to drop all sense of civility and composure it just so happened he had his mouth wide open when i spit at his face i don't know where i got him but i hope it was in the mouth i figured this might actually get him to throw a punch so i'd have an excuse to go freaking crazy and bite his ear off or something after letting one rip he sat there dumbfounded for a little while he then walked away and came back five minutes later threatening to kick my butt he never did anything i never really understood believe the saying success is the best revenge until recently i was extremely skinny and weak in school and got a lot of crap from bullies it was not a good time in my life at all i did okay through school but somehow ended up with a decent office job making good money i'm proud of what i've become but i don't really see myself as any more special than anyone else one day i was on my lunch break from work and stopped at a gas station to grab a snack and a drink i got my stuff and walked up to the register behind it was chris let's call him chris like to throw me against the lockers at school throw stuff at me in the hallways and just mess with me despite my never really knowing him all that well he was just overall a bad person and from things i heard after i left the school he continued being a waste of space so here was chris i was 21 when i ran into him he had to be around 23 or so he worked at a gas station and from what i had heard through the grapevine was still doing a ton of drugs and whatnot the next part of the story could go with me saying remember me [ __ ] but it doesn't i didn't say anything i'm not a bully he didn't recognize me from the look of things so i just let him live his life i just kept that victory in the back of my head that occasionally the universe does things right and bad people don't amount to much in middle school i was the shortest kid in class today i'm six feet three and was the easy target for bullying one guy in particular stood out as particularly dickish let's call him philip philip happened to live in the same neighborhood as me about 10 houses down the street the thing to keep in mind here is that in elementary school he and i used to be friends but we fell into different crowds as we grew up despite our growing animosity our parents were still friends and neighborly oblivious to the fact that young philip enjoyed borrowing my lunch money and play fighting after school he was suspended twice for bullying crap and started to develop psychopathic tendencies coming very close to expulsion at one point phillips parents ended up divorcing in high school and took split custody of the three kids philip moved to texas with his dad his mother and two daughters stayed in florida you can kind of see where this is going i dated his younger sister in senior year of high school we never had sex mind you just dated for a month or so but what's important is what happened in that month phillips parents were talking about reconciling for the benefit of the kids on thanksgiving philip and his dad came home for what was supposed to be the trial run for reconciliation everyone was to be on their best behavior all smiles etc etc i was invited to the dinner and philip had no clue i would be there when he walked in and saw me he instantly turned red and was visibly filled with rage he went into a frenzy right there demanding i'll leave his house he came up to me and shoved me when his sister informed him we were dating he lost it he punched me in the jaw and started screaming he was going to kill me he grabbed a carving knife from the table and it was evident he intended to stab me everything was stopped by two words get out his mom said that in an icy cold whisper that still chills me silence in a seething voice she told philip and his father that they were to never set foot in her house again and then she looked at philip and said you are the reason why our lives are crap you are the reason why our marriage has been ruined and you are the reason why i will never let you back into my life no words were said after that they left and i never saw philip again tl dr indirectly cost my bully his parents marriage well that got dark pretty quickly one day in second grade a girl stole the prize i got for winning a game of math bingo she just went into my backpack and stole it i told my teacher about it and she made a whole classroom search it was in her backpack as it turns out there was tons of stolen loot in there she later transferred schools in high school this girl wiped her feet against the back of my jacket being an awkwardly shy kid i cried silently inside and watched on as her friends laughed about five minutes later she tripped walking down the bleachers and fell on her face if ever there is such a thing called cosmic revenge that was it back in eighth grade there was a kid who thought he was the toughest gangster to ever live he was a tiny guy about five feet tall he would always talk about how he beat some other kids up and how awesome his gang banging brother was i have no idea why kind of a stupid thing to brag about anyway one day we were in the gym playing soccer and he kept calling me a p to try himself look tough at the time i was about six feet tall i got so fed up with his crap that i picked him up by his neck and walked about five feet to the soccer goal and threw him into it and the teacher never looked up from his laptop he never said crap to me again [Music] i'm in fifth grade this kid would always pick on me let's just call him jason every day during pe he would always make fun of me and call me a weakling i was fairly small and knew myself that i was not very strong and was usually always picked last during dodgeball basketball etc etc well one day after months of him just always making fun of me he was in front of me making fun like he normally does and i just decided to kick him as hard as i could in the balls in the boy's locker room he started screaming and crying and i told him to never mess with me again and he never did after that after that incident though i got more crap from a lot of people because hitting a kid in the balls is really cheap i guess it was but he should have never fricked with me to begin with wherever you are jason thanks for making my life a living heck for two years during middle school and i hope from that point forward you never picked on anyone else frick you that's my purse i don't know you what black market existed in your school teachers punished us by making us write i will refrain from extemporaneous vocalization during valuable pedagogical opportunities 50 or 100 times as homework so over the summer we would do up a few hundred sheets of that and we could sell or use them as necessary even the teachers and simpsons were smart enough to change up the phrase i sold pmags i'd acquire after japanese businessmen would leave them in their motel rooms the cafeteria not school run kind of just a cafe inside the school would charge three dollars for for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so one girl kept the ingredients in her locker and charged one dollar when the school caught wind and shut it down they tried to guilt us all by saying how the cafeteria was someone's livelihood and we were taking away from that but like four dollars for peanut butter the market adjusts this is tyrannical regulation a p ring kids would find their dad's vhs poorness or magazines and sell them to this kid then he'd turn around and sell it for profit funny thing is that when the principal caught wind of it and found all the pee in his locker but the money wasn't there the kid used the locker under his and hid it all in the bottom the p hustler dude is now a suburb security analyst i asked him at our reunion how much he thought he made back then he claims 900 in four months drugs and soda same dude too if you bought a soda from him during school he'd know you weren't a narc and would then sell you eat after my mom owned a sweet shop and sweets were banned in our school as we had to be healthy meals and all that so she'd constantly give me bags of sweets to smuggle in and sell every day at dinner made an absolute bomb comma made an absolute bomb starts with candy dealing moves onto terrorism i used to sell bootleg movies in high school not the kind of bootleg where you take a video camera into a theater but i knew someone who kept getting early versions of movies that i guess are sent to theaters they had some message about it being for screening purposes only internal use i don't remember exactly and giving them to me i'd burn a bunch of copies and sell them to people for five dollars they were high quality and still early in theaters they're called screeners our high school had an internet filter an enterprising friend of mine set up a freebsd server in his basement and put together some 256 millibars flash drives with an executable version of firefox could run directly from the flash drive without installs and rssh client you could plug it in connect ssh then use the server as a proxy for all the firefox traffic and get around any website you wanted those flash drives were a hot commodity let me tell you you could set up in the library and just start casually browsing a banned website and people would start coming up and asking how you could do it iodized salt and simple black pepper in the lunch room i'm not kidding this was around 2004 usa our cafeteria coordinator was trying to do everything healthy and by government rules so no added salt to bogus but whatever but she also took the pepper too kids in my school didn't really pack lunches as most of us got reduced lunch i was pee as they just boiled canned veggies and gave them to you in a bowl with the juice and wasn't going to stand for it i was also a huge butthole in high school so i made a plan i bought salt and pepper shakers and put them in a zippy bag to carry in my backpack i broke them out at lunch every day and shared with about 70 kids we made it through for about three months and then they finally caught on who had them i got silent lunch detention in a separate room for a week and i made sure i put my salt and pepper out on my table every day but then when i came back to the normal lunchroom like 30 people had salt and pepper shakers shakers everywhere and the coordinator was pee oh it makes me laugh even today she still refused to put out salt and pepper but we all had it anyway it continued until i graduated from there [Music] playstation one and two memory cards stuck on a boss want the treasures without having to beat the game on ultra hard there was a guy who in my grade who for a fee would play any game and get where you wanted to be then give you a memory card to copy over the save file naturally you had to return the memory card to keep the ball rolling for everyone the og pro gamer in fifth grade i sold fairies to every single one of my classmates for one dollar each i gave them names and back stories and drew little portraits of each then would toss them an invisible fairy and then collect from the next sucker freelance artist ppps positive participation points these were little yellow tickets that teachers handed out to students who were participating positively every month there would be class wide and school-wide draws for prizes the more ppps you had the greater your chance of winning was didn't take long for kids to copy the template in word and start selling stacks of ppps this feels like it's straight out of diary of a wimpy kid i forget which book but when the teachers used to give out points for being nice and people would just use the photocopy room to print out stacks of them jan sport book bag strings i was in school when jansport backpacks became popular at least in nyc they were and one of the things everyone loved were the strings on the zippers it became a huge problem where students were stealing strings off of others and either hoarding them or selling them the solution became using a lighter to partially melt your strings together so they couldn't be untied without breaking them leaving your book bag unattended anywhere was the equivalent of leaving your car parked in the wrong neighborhood in 70s 8 as nyc just remembered i ran a short-lived market selling scientific calculators back in high school as well i actually found where the school stored theirs and was stealing them little by little i'm not proud of it but my morals were very loosey-goosey back then that is the most specific weird thing ever money is money i guess [Music] i studied in a boarding school and we had a black market for acorns yes icons kids would collect the acorns from the ground paint and shape them so that they spin like be blades the other kids would buy them to compete in the acorn battle which is similar to be blade that's freaking rad though and this will be my gig when the ai revolution resets us to rural low tech lifestyles [Music] in eighth grade 2001 i got a playboy from my older sister's bf i cut out the nudes and sold them one at a time to the rest of the guys i knew a five dollar magazine turned into close on fifty dollars i didn't get caught but a few days later another kid tried the same thing with one he stole from his dad's stash he was caught school tells his dad dad is unusually p off about it turns out it's dad's favorite issue bc it was cindy crawford in the centerfold this is an actual problem with antiquarian books especially ones with maps [Music] originally we only had vending machines in the field house so people would give jax money to go get them snacks and sodas eventually it became sort of like a service with a field course some kids mimicked it with junk food from the convenience stores and it became a black market of the rarest candies some kids were peddling stuff from japan others from the uk it was a high stakes candy market of the best stuff ginger flavored kitkats pear drops maltesers black currant shoes and more eventually the faculty began to notice strange ongoings on and alerted the principal which found the whole thing rather amusing a few weeks later we had vending machines throughout the school but for that one semester it was a lawless land smart principle he could have done what many would have and have done crack down on the sellers but instead he just undercut a market and dealt with the issue having undergone less hassle slime in middle school the school band selling slime so people would sell in the hallways or under the table during class [Music] oh man i was our high school black market my sophomore year i believe the school took all unhealthy snacks and drinks out of the vending machines candy soda so i stepped up and filled the gap until i graduated i started carrying around a backpack full to the brim with various full-size candy bars and sodas all of which i would sell for one dollar the sodas were the real money maker i could get a 12 pack for three dollars and make 300 profit on a good day i would generally make around ten dollars and usually at the very least three dollars or four dollars the school did give me warnings a few times when they did locker checks and found several boxes of soda and candy bars but i just claimed they were for me and nothing came of it as a senior gift for my ski team the underclassmen gave me a creepy trench coat from which to pedal my wares it was great the year after i left another kid on the ski team stepped up and started offering the same service i've been told makes me happy to have left something of a legacy i did this too except just the pops no candy bars i used to buy 24 packs of pop for about seven dollars and sold them for one dollar each i usually had to restock two three times a week because we had around twelve hundred kids at that school made frickin bank it was nice our school band center gel pens for some reason we ran that crap like a prohibition era speak easy for about three months anything banned becomes an instant commodity for some reason kids in my school decided that sx wax surfboard wax was cool to chew on the school banned it suddenly everyone was buying and selling sx wax this was in colorado very far from any surf the 80s were a weird time in high school a kid on the wrestling team had parents who constantly went out of town on business so he drained their swimming pool and would host fight nights with the fights in the pool it was cool beat that but he facilitated betting and made himself more money than a high school kid should have he tried to recruit anyone in the school who looked like they could hold their own in a fight eventually bands started playing at them and he started burning cds of each event's music they were printed and numbered so each one looked like the now that's what i call music cds but instead of now they said bta source was in a band that was asked to play we declined he didn't empty and refill the pool for each event he emptied it once and it stayed empty but his parents wouldn't have noticed nor cared either way it might have been called whoop that butt i don't know it's been a while i don't know about black market but we had two places you could be during recess the gym or the playground during the winter the go-to was the gym underneath the bleachers in the gym we legitimately had a pokemon eugeo gambling ring in which kids would put up their lunch money i later found out from one of the kids who ran this little exchange that it was actually heavily rigged shocker bubble gum and chewing gum it was in middle school huge huge supply for chewing gum down the road there was a little cafe that sold those five packs of gum for 10 cents i walked in with a five dollar bill and bought as many as i wanted i sold each stick at 25 cents each and 50 cents for big red i made a huge profit people started getting jealous and i got into a few fights over the amount of gum i was selling finally the school caught on and told the store not to sell gum to students anymore and thus my days as a gum dealer ended only on redid can you find someone as a gum dealer not really black market but i hope that counts when i was in middle school b blade was hyped i was into it too and found out that there are way newer ones in japan but not here looked further and found fakes that looked almost like the real ones but way cheaper you know where this is getting bought some for me to create interest in them showed them the fake boxes all in japanese so they thought it's real and bought a bunch of them i made something between 400 500 euros in half a year was trying to think of a let it rip joke about how you rip those kids off but i give up well in college i happen to know all the people that could get me every drug imaginable like forget that we also had chemical engineering students one of which got caught making high quality m to pay his student loans breaking bad spiritual sequel confirmed context i went to an international school where everyone is rich as frick so one day in first grade i brought some candy to school and this rich white kid offered me one euro for a 10 cent suite this kept on happening for a week at that point i started buying more candy and bringing it to school i was filling my pencil case with candy and hiding the money i got from kids in a special rack that i made in my bag with a knife i carried this on for two years until one time my mom was cleaning my bag so the cut and put her hand in and to her surprise there was approx 1 000 euros my parents beat me so hard i have never tried selling anything ever again i was one of the first kids in my high school to have a scanner this was back in the middle 90s and people just didn't really have them my family did student parking passes were 150 each i bought one and then scanned it and made duplicates that i would sell for 75 each they looked okay but the school never really checked them that good they just wanted to see the little thing hanging from your rear view mirror in that it was the right color the teachers had a different colored one i stopped doing it after more people had parking passes than there were spaces in the lot some people made a lot of money in middle school from selling slime there was also the obvious vape sellers but slime interests me more kids paid 0.45 for lunch but teachers paid 1.25 cents seniors got paper trees and were allowed to eat anywhere on campus teachers would pay kids a dollar and get lunch delivered we had these sherbet straws called pixie stix chewing gum and any trading card we also had this gambling game that involved getting your coin as close to the wall as possible liars poker with the serial number on dollar bills i would literally trade bills with my dad till i found one with a grip of aces took him three months to get curious took him 20 minutes to calm down after learning of my gambling with him like that took two minutes to let him know i had a net positive of around 80 dollars he then proceeded to slip me bills with good number sets my bus driver in elementary school used to sell jolly rancher lollipops on the bus he wouldn't sell them until we were off school property the story was he spend time in prison we called him slaughter he had a deep scar that went down the right side of his face this sounds like a story from the book the candy store collars my school required uniforms namely a polo or button-down shirt with a collar on it you were allowed to wear a shirt or a sweater over that collared shirt but you had to have to call a showing at all times at some point someone got the bright idea to go to a thrift store buy a bunch of cheap collared shirts and cut them off you could then just stick it in whatever shirt you were wearing and bam it looked like you had a collared shirt on blow pops no that's not an autocorrect thing blow pops the candy suckers with gum inside this was high school we were kind of sheltered lol i commented further down before i saw this my brother used to sell blow pops in the early 90s he would buy boxes of 100 for like four dollars and sell them for 25 cents each he made a killing homemade slime kids in my middle school bought and sold this like some kind of drug deal huge fights broke out as kids failed to follow up on various ious some as high as 20 dollars it was wild i was in elementary school during the beginning of simpsons mania for some odd reason a black market emerged of drawings of simpsons characters but lisa homer marge a sheet of their heads would fetch like 25 cents a one dollar got you something more elaborate it got so bad our school made announcements and cracked down on the trade even drawing a simpsons character on a piece of paper would result in a teacher staffer whatever snatching it from you no questions asked in junior high it was blue raspberry blow pops our school was next to a bulk store so kids would get boxes for a few bucks and sell them for 25 cents a pop and much better way to spend a quarter emo i would get like 50 people a day asking me to addrop spiderman into the spider-verse but i got it from someone else who airdropped it to me first rightfully so that movie is dang near perfect mountain dew one dealer he makes around 3k a year every season he buys out the store of all the special drinks ie liberty brew holiday brew etc and sells them a dollar for one or two dollars and fifty cents for three the kids entrepreneur i'm glad i know him as a friend so i get special deals [Music] kool-aid gummy bears it started out in middle school with a single friend of mine selling them in little ziploc bags for about four bucks or so in high school his older brother the cook would cook entire pot fulls and give my friend and his friends the distributors hundreds to sell at different high schools in the area some sold 200 bags in a day i've tried them twice or so and i must say they are pretty delicious the quality improved tons over the five years this went on as well [Music] beta fish fight club we had open campers lunch so kids would go to the local petsmart buy two betta fish sell them to whoever wanted to fight that day and they would dump the two fish in the toilets to fight beta fish are notoriously known for having to be kept alone because they'll rip the other fish to freaking shreds the winner will get flushed down the toilet so glad i never experienced that stuff public school in america is weird just want to say i never supported this it is fricked up but selling beta fish to fight was a legit black market at my school and this is why you now have to be 18 plus to get any pet from petsmart petco smelly pencils i crap you not i had it for a fundraiser in high school four hour band trip walked into the middle school for an hour every day for two weeks my band instructor had to reorder by wednesday of the first week i funded about four people alone thanks to middle school kids lining up to buy five ten at a time to be fair smencels were the crap not a black market but a crustacean underground railroad first a little background the sophomore biology class at my high school would dissect crawfish as part of the curriculum the crawfish were kept in buckets of formaldehyde at the back of the classroom on the ground anyone could reach into these buckets and pull a crawfish out while the teachers it was a weird combined class with two teachers because reasons idk backs were turned and no one would be the wiser i had some friends who had acquired the locker combination to a girl in our group they'd like to pull pranks on one of which was making a mess in her locker with the cherry on top being a stolen crawfish claw placed in the locker among other things well my friend d thought it was hilarious how easy obtaining the claw was that he wanted to see if he could take a whole crawfish without being noticed which led to how many can be liberated before it's noticed as the weeks went by d heroically put himself in harm's way to liberate as many scared dead crawfish to freedom as he could each time d would bring an empty soda bottle to class when the time was right he would fill it with formaldehyde to recreate what they are used to the little guys need to be comfortable after all and place a crustacean in the bottle at the end of class he would smuggle them out with no regard for his own safety by the end of the school year d had liberated close to 10 crawfish and rehoused them successfully into an empty locker where some say they reside happily to this day tldr i invented soft core flesh trade when i was in kindergarten i discovered my friend a girl didn't have a dong that was the most freaking mind-blowing thing ever so i invite my male friends to see her they were even more mind-blown than me the next day they asked her to see the lack of dong again but she refused because she wasn't friends with them so they came to me and offered me some candy and bubble gum to ask her obviously i quickly turned this into a business opportunity and by the end of the day i had more candy than i could carry in my rather large pockets i don't think there was anybody in that kindergarten that day boys who didn't get to enjoy the view of a smooth tea i gave her a cut too for every client the principles of fairness and integrity have always been a huge part of my upbringing the next day parents were called little porno sonic got yelled at a lot by the principal of the kindergarten by her parents by his parents candy had been confiscated rights of small and medium entrepreneurs meant nothing in that particular institution i was pretty amused by this for the first half then halfway through i realized that my daughter starts kindergarten next week you bastard somewhat related but when i was in college i ran a free illegal bar for my friends out of my dorm room using alcohol that i stole i had a whole system worked out for stealing the booze from this big grocery store chain and the entire time none of the employees suspected a thing i made friends with a bunch of them and they would always say hi to me and chat whenever i would go which was about two three times a week i actually did get caught for the stealing but not at that grocery store only when i tried to do it at target back home in chicago i got arrested for that and felt really stupid for what i was doing so i gave up shoplifting however i never got in trouble for my bar and i had a lot of fun mixing drinks for my friends also made my room the spot to hang out before going to hit the parties later on sold playboy mags to classmates for alcohol when i was 12 stroke 13 year of age it was quite an easy economy sunday mornings at 7 30 a.m i'd go to the newsagents when no one would be there pick up a bunch of the adult mags from the understanding news agent who realized i was selling them to classmates monday morning distributes them to classmates who bartered with alcohol so i was going into school with three four magazines and three four classmates were coming into class monday mornings with bottles of beer alcohol in their school bags to trade just thinking back i wish i had sold the alcohol onwards frick good time though some funny stories from classes where i knew someone had alcohol in their bags before the trade went down and could have a bit of fun in class with the teacher comma who realized i was selling them to classmates when you are buying huge amounts they can tell by your wrist and forearm size if you are a user or a reseller rabbit pelts in fifth grade we went to an indian mounds camp and in the gift shop they had rabbit pelts one kid bought a ton of them and then sold them at a higher markup once we got back to school he was making good money until the teachers found out all kinds of software it started with stacks of diskettes containing ms.6.22 or games like stunts and hot rod and leisure suit larry later we started burning cds and at some time twilight cds started going around good times my friend sold spring rolls his family was vietnamese and they were awesome he started in grade 9 but by grade 10 had to start taking actual orders during the week and sell any leftovers every thursday he did this weekly and was killing it much like other comments selling food at my hs wasn't permitted as we had a cafeteria my friend was called down to the office by the principal during his math class we thought it was because he was in trouble but the principal actually just placed a big order for an event or something he got away with it after we graduated he became a chef and i got a job dishwashing at the same restaurant i asked how much he made he wouldn't tell me how much he profited himself but he donated four thousand dollars to charity high school class trip chaperones what was the craziest thing you witnessed or had to deal with when i was in high school two girls got into a fight on a field trip inside the u.s house of representatives in dc capitol police had to escort them out but didn't make a sleeve girls you can't fight in here this is the war room not craziest but how about dumbest i took a group of middle and high schoolers on a week-long trip about 15 years ago the students were responsible for bringing money for 10 meals one 17 year old brought eighty dollars for the week an appropriate amount however at the very first stop he spent 78 on candy and tractor trailer trader magazines i'm a bit of a tough love kind of fellow so i warned him that he was going to be skipping meals this week because we weren't going to pay for him i'm not sure he really understood what that meant until he left his bag of candy on a table that night in a common room and found it empty the next morning later that week i also had to give him a talk about why hitting on the mentally handicapped 12 year old was inappropriate it was a difficult week for all of us had a terrible chaperone on our school's 8th grade trip to washington dc 15 years ago we were at what i believe was the cia or fbi headquarters for a tour and my entire group was letting except for me they were at capacity chaperone didn't even check to make sure everyone got past the metal detectors and kept walking past the hallway nobody seemed to give a crap that i was an out of state school kid and my entire group was inside not even security this was pre cell phones being a huge thing ended up linking up with another group that couldn't get in down the road and went to the mall when i met up with my group later on the chaperone seemed in phase by losing a kid not too crazy but i was leading a trip of high school students to go to a movie i did attendance and all was good we got about 15 minutes from the school and as i walked up and down the aisle i noticed a student i didn't recognize i asked who he was and what he was doing there he looked at me and said i'm randall i heard you guys were going to a movie bus had to turn around and go back to school to drop that ballsy jackass off turns out he was suspended and was hanging around the parking lot and just decided he would come on the trip i chaperoned a group of fourth graders on an overnight trip around midnight one of the girls calls my room to tell me one of her roommates was locked in the bathroom crying i got her out easily enough it was just a simple preteen girl misunderstanding but the part i'll never forget is another girl sitting on the bed the entire time just staring into space i asked her if she was okay and she said i don't get affected by this kind of thing i don't have emotions she was nine her mom was the school counselor i don't get affected by this kind of thing i don't have emotions she was nine her mom was the school counselor oh um okay that will probably mean therapy lots of therapy with a different counselor this is a total reversal of the way it should be i went on a ski trip at 15 and both my parents came along my mom taught at my school and everyone knew her she was a normal chaperone my dad is an oversized kid and had never chaperoned before but they needed men and he likes to ski my dad proceeded to prank everyone to ridiculous levels including putting wet clothes outside so they dried frozen and coating the shower head and vaseline so everyone had nasty greasy hair the worst was twofold and torturous he put icy hot on the toilet seat and little ketchup packets right under the lip a female chaperone with the victim and got ketchup all over her pants and i imagine an unusual burning sensation on her thighs and butt pranks were explicitly outlawed at that point dad was sent to the corner dad sounds like a character jim carrey would get casted for this was from my roommate during college his marine biology class went to see world in tampa for a few days every spring semester and most of the juniors and seniors that didn't really have scholastic ambition the ones not taking physics ap chemistry anatomy etc would always sign up for this class to be able to go on the trip on one of the last nights of the trip the class was staying at a camp that had barack style accommodations with a large room with bunk beds the girls had one and the guys had a different one but separating them were the bathrooms that were accessible to boys and girls they would send the boys in first and the girls in second or vice versa long story short my buddy snuck into the showers with a girl to do what teenagers do and ended up getting caught in the shower with the girl but the teacher immediately pulls him out and calls his parents house no answer so she demands to get his dad's cell phone number and promptly calls his dad his dad answers and she immediately tells him what she caught his son doing his dad acts like he didn't hear or understand her and asks her to repeat it it turns out his dad heard her very clearly but he was also sitting around the campfire on a hunting trip with his friends so he asked her to repeat it so he could put her on speaker and his friends could hear what his son was caught doing it may have been his proudest moment of his son my buddy never got in trouble for it by his parents and his dad never even told his mom the teacher immediately pulls him out hot my wife chaperoned a group of high schoolers on a trip to europe including a few days on a mediterranean cruise ship they all went aboard found their rooms and unpacked my wife wandered around for a bit and 40 minutes after boarding found a bar on the upper deck she went in and started to order a drink when she saw one of the boys at the bar he came over while she was ordering and the bartender turned to him and said the usual sir when i was in high school i went on a class trip to mexico where we lost a freshman he was missing for an entire day and nobody knew where he was he eventually showed up completely fine but he refused to tell anyone where he'd gone five years later at a class reunion dinner he finally told the story of where he'd been that day he was so desperate for weed that he jumped on the back of a stranger's atv and rode 25 miles out of the city to this guy's dealer at the dealer's house he befriended another man and two women and ended up spending the entire day getting blazed on a hill with them he hooked up with one of the women he'd been smoking with and then got a ride from her back into town when he finished telling this story we were all speechless the teacher who led the trip had his face in his hands for five minutes another guy got a tattoo from an incredibly sketchy tattoo paula in mexico city we were not kind to our chaperones when i was in hs we played baseball in atonement at myrtle beach the hotel we stayed in came with a small kitchen area that included a small stove after we finished playing one day we came back to the hotel to find out the room i was staying in and one next to it had burnt down the guy i was rooming with and i had gotten a pizza the night before and set the empty box on top of the stove as we left someone's bag bump the dial for a burner and it turned that stove on all of our rooms were next to each other so they were empty and no one noticed until the fire was rolling pretty good my mom chaperoned one of school trips once i asked her a question about leaving and said hey mom when are we leaving one of the kids that used to bully me said that's your mom and in turn my mother replied that's a boy had long hair and looked pretty girly pretty much shut him up for the rest of the trip cause everyone laughed at him which in turn he left me alone from the non thanks mom your mom is a freaking savage i took a group of high schoolers to fl for a fine arts competition we went to the beach on the last day and one of them disappeared towards the end he showed up 30 minutes later showered and ready to leave the beach because he had knocked on the door of one of the beach houses and asked to use their shower we had a very long talk after that a talk about how he's clean as a mother and rest of you are salty and sandy he wins took a trip with my rotc group to norfolk va they walked us through a training session for submarine pilots i guess that's the correct term anyway we were allowed to ask questions and one guy asked how fast a sub can go they replied that's classified i was the idiot who said the speedometer goes to x seems like that's pretty close since their training and all dead silence nearly three hours of debriefings along with going through the film in my camera this was 1994 later my master chief and i got to join the rest of our group i don't ask what the speed or depth was on the gauges after all that i did my best to forget and succeeded while the specific info is classified if you look up submarines or ships on wikipedia there is usually an under estimate on how fast or deep they can go our high school band trips always had something crazy going on orlando saw the airline go bankrupt a week before the trip so we took buses non-stop all the way down chicago saw us get to a high school that had a student dress up as the kkk there were was security everywhere this was at the same time the rodney king riots were going on ottowa saw a kid run away we found out later it was because his parents were highly religious and they wouldn't let him do anything vermont had one kid on a dead kiss a girl and she reacted badly he got a verbal beat down from his dad i've also heard of kids being sent back home at the parents expense my personal favorite was two girls at disney and they steal a couple of items of course security is right on them and they are sent home pronto who the heck steals at disney i was a chaperone for a high school ski trip to canada i was doing it before i had a job good enough to pay to go by myself few stories that you might enjoy since these kids have no idea how to handle alcohol or their horniness the trip one one of the kids started acting really funny about 20 minutes into a 14-hour bus ride he puked all over himself and it reached i told the kids they have to deal with it as i had the whole front sector of the bus trip two doing room checks for alcohol these two teens were too drunk to hear me knocking and checking the common room was let involuntarily by one of the kids they walked out of the room but but naked after i presume having sex trip three after the first two trips i had figured out how to coral these kids and get them to comply i had a really awesome group of kids too they made all the check-ins and were good kids the last night there i caught them going back in the club 18 plus indoors card i suggested it's late and they should just chill in the room i found one kid with alcohol poisoning who had to be looked after in another room i ended up talking to these kids about stuff and life in general when the trip director walks in this so far was the most problem-less trip until now the guy takes me outside and accuses me of getting the kids alcohol and kicks me off the trip right then and there he told me to pack my crap and get out of his hotel room at 3am so here i am with 90 pounds of ski gear no money and i don't speak french we were in quebec i ended up befriending some awesome canadians who worked the night shift at the resort they drove me to a bus station where i took a greyhound back frick that guy oh wow i can't even imagine how angry i would have been in that situation you are probably a bigger person than me because i feel like i would have resorted to violence and i am typically a passive person i know one but it's probably not what you were expecting i went on a school trip to paris in ninth grade on one of the days we had a bus trip that would take all night so all the kids were sleeping during the night i came to learn later that one of the teachers had to pull an all-nighter because he noticed the young bus driver was ready to fall asleep at the wheel so he stayed up all night talking to him to make sure nothing bad happened he said it was pretty close a couple of times on the way back we took a small bathroom break at a gas station during the night the teachers on the other bus there were two buses miscounted the number of students and forgot one of the kids in the gas station in a foreign country they pretty much made the biggest mistake of their lives btw the kid got a ride from a truck driver home so that ended well somehow it was a fun trip the kid must have known the rules of the road free ride for a bj not a class trip but a band trip sort of of my local music school to hungary to a large music event called the helicon festival in kesley so every two years this festival is held and a bunch of dutch kids are invited from the town where i live in jello i usually tag along because i speak both languages and can therefore act as a translator anyway a couple of years ago some of the other chaperones teachers who led the bands and such and i got a lot of really good beer that we put in my room in the fridge a good three hours later the beer was gone but it didn't take long to figure out a couple of the chicky c had swiped it so i went to knock on their door and get my beer back this was at about 2 a.m so way past there not really enforced bedtime i clearly heard laughter and partying going on from their room so i knocked on their door and moved to open it unfortunately their door was locked i started banging loudly yelling in my most threatening voice to open this goddamn door right now one of the kids clearly yelled oh crap it's a v dutch and it went super quiet about a minute later the door was opened by a kid in his boxes and a t-shirt rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he said yeah what's up we're sleeping in the most convincing i just got up voice he had of course when i moved into the room and turned on the lights there were a dozen or so of them drinking our beer fully clothed i didn't get them in trouble but i made them pay for my beer i was not a chaperone on this trip but i was a student on the trip we went to guatemala to work with habitat for humanity and there was probably 60 of us on the trip from high school incoming freshman to graduating seniors now this was our last day and we were headed to the airport to go home our chaperones got everybody up and did a head count and we went to the airport in vance we get to the airport and we start wondering where our two youngest students were they were the only incoming freshmen turns out they were still at the hotel because when the chaperones tried to wake everyone up they just knock on their room doors and they screwed up the head count so here are these two thirteen-year-olds in the middle of antigua guatemala with no adults and no spanish skills the leader of our chaperones ended up taking the trip back to antigua to get the boys they had to come back on a later flight that's as crazy as it ever got for me on a trip as far as chaperones go not me but i was on the trip a group of my female friends were in their room and just doing the usual girl stuff or so we thought out of the three girls one of them fell asleep the two other girls called two other boys over and they proceeded to freak the girl that was sleeping apparently slept it through but when i went to ask she told me she definitely was awake and heard everything the room right beside theirs could even hear the action was the high schooler in this one but finally got a story that fits these threads back in high school we went on a trip to lille in the north of france we went on this tour with the metro where there was art at each of the metro stations so there i was with this big backpack that high schoolers take with them everywhere in this metro station our group of students was waiting for one of the teachers and a few classmates because the doors of the metro closed on them and they had to wait for the next metro for a few minutes being tired of waiting i take of my backpack and put it against this small wall near the metro rails themself the metro then arrives and our group is complete so we go to check out the art in this station which was downstairs after that we went back upstairs to go to the next station when there are some people looking suspiciously at a backpack and are on the phone so my teachers ask what is going and they ask whose backpack that is turns out i left my backpack there i go grab it without a care in the world and the teachers quickly get us on the next train in the train one of the teachers tells us that the people on the station had seen the backpack lying there in the station and thought there might be a bomb in there so they had called the police and the bomb squad and that is how i caused a bomb threat in france tldr caused a bomb threat in france by being lazy i'm from the uk and when i was 19 i went back to my secondary school to supervise a skiing trip to austria the kids were aged between 11 and 16 and we had an entire floor of the hotel we had to take it in turns to do corridor watch us supervisors would sit in the corridor and check all the kids were in their rooms by curfew and not try to swap rooms it was all quiet until the last night the kids had to be in their rooms by 10 p.m so we started our watch then the first movement we saw was an 11 year old trying to sneak out of his room wearing only boxer shorts and way too much links deodorant in his hand he clutched a 20 box of condoms after questioning where he was going he admitted he was off to see his girlfriend who was also 12 after sending him back to his room we settled down again to hear a 3 30 a.m screams coming from another room turned out a 14 year old girl had oh dead on e and was having a fit in the bath was an interesting evening i hear these stories and feel as though i'll had a sheltered life in my pre-teens ran across a pair of my students students making out in the museum at mount vernon she quickly pulled down her shirt he extracted his hands i pretended not to have noticed it was awkward 16 year olds and the ump calls out at second i was the oldest student just about to graduate high school on an art trip the art teacher had a very young son that took most of her time our first cheap lodging was hunting cabin that were in very bad shape the carpet was samples of irregular shapes and colors glue down to the floor the beds were nasty there were rat traps along with us were three boy hungry freshman girls while one had gotten in some trouble and was trying to get back in her parents good graces the other had a lot of rumors about them they were also very stupid at the first motel when they saw the rat traps a boy said that if they saw a rat to just stab it with a nice icicle sure enough they saw a rat and when we came to check on the noise we found them standing in the bathtub with icicles in their hands so for the last night we switched hotels the girls spotted some college age guys on the way in they managed to find them and the guys started a party the one girl who had gotten in trouble came and got me there was one guy drunk by himself and the other two in bed with the other girls there was a case of beer some wine coolers a bottle of whiskey and a bong in the room i informed them that i really don't care but i'd rather not have to deal with this there is a chaperone next door these girls are 15 and you are breaking enough laws to put yourselves in prison for a few years you might just want to get out now while they had a chance as much as i love the mental image of an icicle you might want to know that the word you want is icicle i'm late to the party here but i had to chaperone a large group of high school kids for an 11 day leadership session at the state university i got off the elevator at the boys floor one night and several dozen boys ran out of the common room laughing when they saw me i was compelled to investigate it had something to do with a styrofoam cup by the sink but as i approached i heard a commotion from the closet when i opened it a kid was frantically trying to pull his pants back up i nope the frick out of there and let my intent do the questioning as it turns out each common room had a bun hot water dispenser for coffee or tea next to the faucet or the other boys on the floor bed this one kid to dip his balls into this water 210 degrees fahrenheit he actually did it and they gave him a wad of cash they had collected sweet deal right well we marched him down to admin and to avoid any issues with the parents they made him call his mom and explain exactly what he had done his horrified mother insisted that we take him to the hospital immediately and give all the money back tl dr kid hard boiled his huevos for nothing but an overnight trip to the adjust to have a couple doctors poke at his meat sack i'm no masochist but twenty dollars is twenty dollars wasn't a chaperone but during a high school trip to mexico a female student was hit by a bus at full speed and basically eviscerated in front of everyone everyone came back from that trip looking shell-shocked everyone came back from that trip looking shell shocked well not everyone oh boy do i have a story it was from an irish friend who went on a school trip with his year nines once age 13 stroke 14 i can't for the life of me remember where they had gone but what happened on the first night was chaos by the time the kids had unpacked the teachers were in the staff quarters absolutely smashed and the chaperones were planning on going into town and visiting the pubs by the time this was coordinated all these 13 years olds were all dolled up and hit the town as well and somehow ended up blind drunk the chaperones were also on the way to being drunk when my friend received a call from an obviously drunk 13 year old girl saying they needed help because the girl had passed out when they got to her she was barely conscious and it was only about 9 00 pm they dragged her back to the place they were staying and got her in the lift it was at this point she shat herself did no one notice until she lost her balance and slipped landing on her arse and thusly shooting the shite out her tiny little shorts and all over everything they had to drag her into a shower and have her friends clean her up she looked very unwell the next day and it took ages to clear her shite from the carpet tl dr pocano i was the student in this situation haven't chaperoned enough trips to get good stories yet i was a senior and my high school band went to the uk for a week as part of a tour to our sister town in wales my on-off girlfriend was in the band too now my wife but we were currently off the whole trip we hooked up like crazy she'd blow me or we had sex everywhere we went in bathrooms hotel rooms the ferry we took on the irish sea i was seated so she was helping me the bus with people around even a castle it was awesome one chaperone walked in on us the first day to give my some allergy meds and saw that we were coming out of the bathroom of my hotel room having just done it so our friends could peek in but as we had finished up there was no evidence of anything going on we were told girls weren't allowed in boys rooms with the door close it was cracked tl dr banned trip to uk did it everywhere we could and even some we couldn't added three countries to my list of locations went on a field trip one time to dc on the way there some kid pulled and opened the side emergency door of the school bus while in motion the chaperones freaked out but we had a teacher on the bus she walked over and closed the door while on the highway i peaked in ninth grade on our trip to the state capital we were moved into the supreme court room everyone filed in filling in rows i started a new row all the way up at the chief justices chair no one seemed to occur much until i decided to put my feet up on the bench or whatever it is called and tipped over backwards in the middle of whatever the tour guide was babbling about also ninth grade but in the state science fair at the university i bought a mini basketball and skipped out to the arena down the hill two on two in the middle of budwalton arena the year after the university of arkansas won the national championship people talked about that for years i was never this cool again i broke an overhead bin once on an eight-hour flight from london toronto that's my high-low light long-time elementary school teachers which of your former students surprised you the most by their adult life outcomes or personality i had a severe speech impediment in elementary school to the point where teachers would foist me off in the reading room for kids with learning impairments and difficulty reading to get extra assistance during class despite the fact that i was writing and reading at a very high level the only person who vouched for me was my speech teacher i met with her three ex a week during elementary school she allowed me to stay in her classroom during lunch when they forced us to go to the playground and it was five degrees out she gave me work to do over the summer so i could get to a point where i could actually say my name properly which had been my only goal he encouraged me to tell my fifth grade teacher that i was reading at a higher level than he suspected and buoyed by her confidence in me i did it and was moved to the highest reading group i just told my parents this story earlier this year and they were so angry i had been ashamed to share but grateful i had an adult vouching for me i ended up graduating speech in fifth grade after years of working with her and she was so proud she had changed my life and given me the gift of speech she believed in me when other teaching professionals simply heard me talk and assumed that it was easiest to assume i was a slow learner i am now the communications director for a government official in my country i messaged her on facebook when i first got my job to tell her that i wouldn't be where i am without her she remembered me of course she said i wouldn't let her forget me and she couldn't be more proud she is one of my biggest online cheerleaders and i couldn't be more grateful for her work i quite literally would not be where i am without her that is so touching and inspiring thanks i had a student that used to get into fights and was extremely aggressive and violent towards others on the last day of fifth grade his last words to me and his class were frick you many years later he came back to the school i'd been teaching it and looked for me so he could give me a big hug and apologize in his words i was garbage when i was here thank you for putting up with me and i'm sorry i cried like a baby i was so proud of him e you know teaching can sometimes be a thankless job and a lot of the things i'm really proud about are usually only shared between me and my students they don't give out a lot of medals to teachers you'll know anyway thanks for your time and attention overwhelmed by how many people got to share one of the best moments of my career with me in this freaking post the student whose social skills were non-existent and whose academics were equally as troubling as in college taking nuclear physics i swear he was easily like three grades behind when i knew him in primary junior grades canada i started in elementary school one of my first students i had when she was in third grade her father was abusive when she was younger and mom left him and was raising her on her own but her mom was also heavily involved in gangs she was very behind compared to the rest of the kids but she was always very helpful to the other children me and the staff i had a soft spot for her and she ended up being one of my favorites teachers will often say they don't have favorites but that's a lie a couple years later i was moved to fifth grade and i had her again she was struggling a lot by this time but still i never gave up on her and she never gave up either later when she was in eighth grade i was moved to middle school and once again i had her again by this time her mom's lifestyle had had an influence she always wore red threw up gang signs and used to get into a lot of fights at school one thing that was different was she had caught up academically with the rest of her peers and actually even surpassed many of them she used to come by after school and started seeing me as a mentor and we had a connection as i too was heavily involved with gangs in my teens and early 20s when she moved on to high school she kept in touch her high school was across the street and she used to come by after school all the time to check in she eventually got involved in student body became the senior class president and was on the honor roll all four years she got accepted into all eight colleges she applied for she is currently on a full-ride scholarship at stanford university and plans to continue with gradual school she is very involved with the community too she is currently 20 and a waitress but is planning on doing big things and i know she will i'm so proud of her ro amazing job you made a huge impact on her life the world needs more teachers like you i'm not one of these great success stories but i'm back home visiting and actually ran into my third grade teacher at starbucks i was working on my laptop wfh but my parents wifi is crap so i work at starbucks when i visit i saw her sit down and just kept bugging me why she looked so familiar because i swear when i was in third grade i thought she was at least in her 50s so she would have to be like in her late 70s now or something like that chalk it up to a child's memory anyway when i noticed she was getting ready to leave i asked if she was miss third grade and she said yes with a kind of confused tone and i explained who i was and that she had been my teacher she was so excited to see a former student and kept thanking me for taking a chance and saying hi to her and that she wished more students would do that because she loves getting to hear about her former students lives so i guess if you are on the other side of this question and you see a former teacher don't be afraid to reach out and just say hi explain who you are and just thank them for their role in your education she remembered me as the little girl obsessed with acting and reading still true today i guess my mom might count since she's worked at the elementary school i attended since 1993 but she recently told me about one of my elementary school classmates i was actually pretty good friends with him but i thought he was a bit slow and apparently he had been evaluated for learning disorders several times in early grade school he apparently just started a surgery fellowship at a prestigious hospital in philadelphia he definitely worked very hard in grade school and middle school and now that i look back he definitely sought out the smart kids in class and tried to befriend them and see how they thought not me but know a guy lovely quiet chap who lived to draw teacher said his work was no good went on to be a senior effects artist and later works for a major computer games company and can of course draw we call it primary school in the uk and my mum's friend taught ewan mcgregor in p5 apparently he was just a normal kid youngling my brother was tutored by an elementary school teacher and he was a complete mess of a student as a kid she was helping him transition from a top prep school to public school because the prep school didn't feel he would ever amount to much in their care she tried several methods to keep him organized and help his reading skills to no avail she continuously checked in with his teacher worked at the same school to see his progress and constantly had to talk to him on behalf of the teacher everyone loved him he was just another mess we ran into her a year ago and got to tell her that he got a full ride to law school at an ivy league school blew her mind but proof that some kids thrive in different learning environment terrible through traditional school but when he got to college he thrived because of breaks between classes time to study picked his classes which were focused then trying to cover a thousand topics in a year and got to know his teachers thank goodness for my parents holding out hope all those years haha i read it as tortured and for some reason it still works kinda not me but a kid who used to be my friend he was studios he got good grades teachers loved him he was well behaved he wasn't bullied he didn't bully other kids he had a lot of friends he wasn't popular but he wasn't unpopular he was definitely more popular than me though no one had a problem with him since he got good grades his parents let him do whatever he wanted they bought him whatever he wanted he had the latest video games and consoles as they came out we love sleeping over his house because we could stay up all night jump on the trampoline at two in the morning and we didn't even have to sneak out for mischief we could just walk out the door anyways he moved in eighth grade i was sad a couple years back someone sends me a facebook message of a local article this guy stabbed someone 23 times and is awaiting a murder trial i have no clue where his life took a hard left turn but it did clearly why oh oh that's wild and sad it's strange when it's someone you knew i teach english as a second language and i had a kid who spoke arabic who barely could master english in the beginning to be expected of course well eight years later he's on his way to being an astrophysicist he came to school to find me to tell me last year and i've never had a prouder moment teaching he told me i was the only one who believed in him not mine but my mom's story she used to teach the second grade and there was a kid who was ruthlessly bullied because he had another finger on his hand he didn't come from a very good background and had to work jobs in the middle of school for his family this is pretty common for low-income families in india he was shouted at a lot by the principal as he missed like half of the school so my mom told him to come to our house so she could tutor him every few days he's now studying mechanical engineering at ayat very prestigious university in india and reached to my mom on facebook and thanked her i was expecting famous pianist not an elementary school teacher but as a former child i have something to say for mr foley freak you mr folly i'm good at drawing as a former child lympheo i've been on our pta for a long time does that count there was a very skinny quiet kid who was super smart the other kids picked on him quite a lot but he never stood up for himself i always thought he would work for nasa or something as he was so smart i saw his linkedin a few months ago and he is now a prison officer at a maximum security prison half the smart kids from high school are doing great and the other half of the host at applebee's and it's so confusing i had to be tutored for reading during elementary school the same teacher came to my house after school a few times a week to help me years later my mom ran into her and she asked how i was doing she was so incredibly happy and shocked to hear i was an english major applying to library science graduate programs reading all these people who didn't do so well as a student but very successful now just makes me feel like crap because i was a pretty good student academically and turns out not very bright after i graduate same here i was top of all of my classes and always getting told that i had loads of potential then i left school and had a massive psychiatric breakdown and now i have done literally nothing with my life not a teacher but my best friend in high school was the most picked on kid in a high school of 4 000 students he definitely wasn't much of an academic and seemed destined for barely getting through life he's now worked his way up in fast food has franchised a couple dairy queens and worked for homeland security in between till homeland security is connections in dairy queen not me but my soon-to-be mother-in-law we were out shopping together for a gift for my fiance we ran into a former student of hers she was working at a makeup counter of the department store we were shopping at they talked for a little bit and i thought it was sweet that this girl still remembered her elementary school teacher after we walked away my soon-to-be mother-in-law told me that girl working at the makeup counter was her best student ever and she graduated high school as the valedictorian the valedictorian of my graduating class had a mental breakdown ran away from college and had everyone thinking she was dead for almost three months her family found her in key west with literal peroxided looking hair she is doing better now but the pressure to perform is insane for those poor people i'm not a teacher but something along the lines happened to one of the kids i graduated with she was top of the grade 4 academics and sports woman of the year every single year since we were 13. she was head prefect in middle school and head girl of our high school in our metric year both her parents were senior management at our old middle school she was very very rich both her parents drove sport cars and she got an audi suv for her birthday she also lived in a pose huge house last thing i heard from her is that she got accepted into one of the best universities in the country stellenbos university for veterinarian science i mean if anyone was going to succeed it would be her she's now a secretary at a rundown accounting firm in pretoria that's badly in debt she's also been to rehab twice i have no idea what happened to her but it just shows nothing is cast in stone you had me pose huge i had a math teacher in high school that was an absolutely evil person to any student that dared to ask questions one day she refused to answer questions so when i was lost i just sat back in the chair and observed rather than taking notes she went on a tirade in front of the class about how i was a quitter and would never amount to anything i ultimately became a teacher to correct these issues in education and a few years ago got my first assistant principal job guess who taught math there yep the same math teacher we obviously had issues with her but i made a point not to hold a grudge and honestly she seemed super proud that i had been successful apparently forgetting all of the horrible things she said to me and all of my classmates while in her class she was surprisingly pleasant to her kids not a great teacher but good enough to avoid trouble well in 2019 i walk by her door and hear her yelling at a student in an incredibly familiar way i put her on leave to investigate and all of the kids shared exactly what i knew she was evil we told her she would resign and that based on the evidence we had we were doing her a favor instead of firing her right then and there this lady all of a sudden remembered how mean she was to me and claimed that i was retaliating for how mean she was to me in high school and refused to quit ultimately i fired the teacher that made my life heck in high school and i'm not going to lie it was kind of nice i was mean to my students since decades ago is probably not the best defense to being fired for being mean to students i was voted most likely to burn a book ended up writing one [Music] my dad was a bad kid in school like really bad four teachers suspended half the year expelled from school dances etc anybody in their right mind would bet their life savings against the chance he'd make anything of himself professionally well now he's 49 never went to college but worked his way up to his current job making six figures and had been offered promotions to pay more talking to him and meeting him you'd never guess he was probably the worst kid in the entire school district plus he'd beat my butt if i ever did the crap he did i'm pretty late to this thread but i hope at least one person gets to read this i happen to work at an auto parts store the town over from where i grew up i moved to california to the heart of the central valley myself along with my two other siblings were placed in the local k-6 school i had the fortunate pleasure of having miss edisho who was such a loving and caring women she was always so kind and gentle that on few occasions i haphazardly called her mom i used to cringe at that but i think maybe she found it sweet a woman strongly resembling her came to the auto parts store late afternoon with her husband they were looking for a light bulb and being the lone cashier assisted them the more i spoke to her the more i asked her questions i could feel it this woman her demeanor was so similar to my kindergarten teacher at this auto parts store we have a rewards program which involves your phone number to earn rewards points well as typical i asked her for her number and at my amazement mrs adisho appeared on the screen i immediately had to ask her excuse me are you miss adisho the one who taught at el capitan i asked since i think i was one of your students i am am at the moment i was 21 but even after more than a decade she remembered emmy she said am she asked me how i'd been what i had done with my life i informed her that i was going to junior college and had applied to a couple ucs here in california berkeley ucla davis i told her about me getting published about my academic achievements i want to become a doctor she paused for a moment and her tone changed to something somber she said thank god i thought i had messed two kids up frankly i don't blame her i knew what she meant the school was underfunded understaffed and underprivileged she did the best she could and perhaps felt it wasn't enough i replied not at all i think you did a great job we said our goodbyes soon after and she walked slowly out the store with her husband standing by the door she began to cry but her crying wasn't sad it sounded like relief joy and maybe happiness her husband hugged her and they walked back to her car i saw them drive away and i wonder what kind of impression i made i wonder why she cried out of joy and getting rid of the guilt to just idk how to say it off her chest knowing she did a good job my mom taught all the way from elementary school to high school and always used to tell us about this one student this guy was at the top of his class in academics was the star in both the basketball and football team was adored by all the teachers and everyone was talking about all the great things he was going to achieve in life he got into a really good school for the 11th and 12th grades one of the best in the country six months later news came about that he'd tried to commit suicide but survived with permanent damage to his spine our whole school was in shock because this guy was supposed to be the real deal he was supposedly great at everything i was in seventh grade when we all found out i wasn't necessarily close to him but i'd spoken to him a couple of times and i never knew someone that tried to take their own life so i was pretty shaken he still visits our school sometimes and has to walk in crutches permanently he's very open about his problems he had a severe and daryl addiction which his parents supported being doctors and leaving a school that was a constant echo chamber telling him how great he was getting into the real world and realizing he was just one among many over-achievers brought him into depression the school he went to was a boarding school and with no access to daryl he was constantly on edge he's a lot more humble now and gave a lecture in our school on academic pressure he's now helping students as a guidance and career counselor i feel as though i can comment on this from a few angles but only currently from the angle of a former student when i was a kid i was a bit of a smart butt loved to skateboard and found my way into a ton of trouble there were a few incidences but one that stands out was when i got caught bombing cars with eggs from the overpass some of my teachers understood me and that my behavior was perpetuated by a precarious home life and helicopter parents i would act out as a form of rebellion but there were many teachers that just thought i was a trash individual and they let me know it well to the hypothetical surprise of those teachers that weren't fond of me i'll be graduating with my masters in special education with a 4.0 in two weeks and will now be the teacher watching students surprise me through the years can't wait i think this applies to me i was the kid that never passed exams the first time kids would tell me in middle school i would never graduate first semester of high school i didn't pass 7 out of 14 classes right now i'm halfway through a master's program for bioscience engineering at one of the best universities in europe i would still call myself a mediocre student but it's getting better dart my thesis will be about vertical farming and for the first time in my life as a student i'm excited i moved so much in elementary school that i went to five schools spanning across two states so reading this thread is making me go but in a good way i was teaching third grade i had a kid that would literally shoot spitballs in class through a straw kid would bring his own straws to school and chew notebook paper to shoot this happened every day probably seven or eight times a day i'd catch him doing it he would just start freaking with other kids poking them with pencils and crap loudly in the middle of class now i hate sending kids to the principal because i feel it undermines my authority in the class this kid was different though he got sent to the office average twice a week just couldn't deal with it he goes on to high school i don't hear good things about him i don't hear much just that he'd fallen in with a bad crowd it's 2005 when i'm teaching him in third grade flash forward 16 years and i pull up to a red light on my way home from work red lamborghini who is sitting there in the driver's seat of course this kid no sunglasses actually he had pretty nerdy hip jeffrey dahmer glasses on mr igor he says and he smiled at me seemed really genuinely happy to see me i didn't even had time to compose myself realize it was this kid and respond before the light turned green and he rocketed off he had this smile on that i'll never forget good for him looks like little fella straightened himself up most of the bad behavior comes from a bad background which influences the children not a teacher but i do have a story back in elementary school i was always the smart kid as definitions of smart elementary school kids go it means i'm good at algebra another kid struggled with basic stuff even into his high school years i meet him about half a year ago in relation to a business inquiry in germany he's apparently now a business owner which has to do with tutoring but since expanded into a small consulting company we're having dinner next friday that's fantastic i taught pre-k for about three years almost 30 years ago i taught in separate years two boys who would go on to be murdered together before even graduating high school they were tortured by an adult psychopath in a flophouse drug apartment naked bound begging in front of a captive audience including some kids they'd known as long as they'd known each other they were stuffed into the trunk of a car driven to the gas station marched to an area just out of sight of several businesses doused in gasoline set on fire and shot execution style the man who shot them was mentally ill to start with but also used them to the point of near constant psychosis he'd just been cleared for discharge after a 72-hour involuntary cycle and had only been home two days he was still an acute paranoid psychosis but had been assessed evaluated by impatient psychiatrists are safe to discharge home but they were the same age as my child they knew each other from first grade on they had a lot of closer friends in common some of whom i'd also taught way back all those years ago some of whom had been unwilling witnesses to their friends torture in the hours leading up to the murders one of them committed suicide a week later anyway i'm now a practitioner and aiku and have been for 20 years spent several years at a level one trauma and burn hospital got really familiar with the terrible things people do to themselves and others none of it hit me like these deaths had i hadn't been desensitized yet and i'd taught these kids how to tie their shoes and write their names they'd been in classes on field trips and sports teams to birthday parties with my son for so many years the way their lives ended or were irrevocably changed was as shocking as it was gruesome taught jim and had a little dude who excelled in my class but was a thug and everything else my wife's food truck catered for a bike run where a lot of outlaw emcees took part i saw the kid there and he was now the president of his own outlaw he remembered me and introduced me to his old lady and other gang members i was super proud of him my mom has been a teacher for the past 25 plus years there was one student in particular that stood out this kid was insanely smart in high school perfect grades he also got scholarships on scholarships plus full ride to almost any college he wanted i think he wanted to be a physicist or engineer for nasa after high school he headed off to college and fell off of everyone's radar for a few a while we learned a few years later what happened the extreme pressure to always be the best ended up getting to him everyone in his life understandably had super high expectations for him but he couldn't handle it he had a massive mental breakdown and ended up dropping out of college and went to work in some chain fast food place i didn't know him personally and only met him in passing but even i was sad such a brilliant mind someone who had a lot of potential reduced to a tiny fraction of himself it's been several years since then and i hope he is doing better yo him taking five ten years off to decompress and then continuing with life sounds like a great life to live he has a lot of potential and some time off from life sounds like the perfect treatment i think he has such potential to do great things teachers have read it what's the most interesting thing a child has brought in for show and tell not a teacher but we had a kid bring a military-grade smoke bomb of some sort into my high school once for some class project he thought it was a dud all i remember is a whole crap ton of red smoke and then everyone going home early at least you aren't the guy who thought it would be funny to set off a tear gas grenade in the locker room one of my professors told me that when he was in first grade a kid in his class got his toe cut off in a lawnmower accident the kid brought in his toe in a jar for show and tell like suspended in some fluid or [Music] i had one little guy bring in rocks and fossils to my class teacher here now i love that stuff too so i'd bring in pieces from my collection as well it started with bits of obsidian amethyst chunks local mollusks in shale and it went back and forth for several weeks we even traded a few pieces i'm friends with his parents and they were cool with it then i brought in a big complete fish fossil from a local river complete with sparkling scales he thought that was cool then he brought in a complete fossilized beehive i was gobsmacked i didn't even know this was possible his parents and i contacted the local museum and that fossil is now on public display it is the finest of its kind found in british columbia and the kid dug it up on his grandparents farm i can tell an interesting story my youngest sister is adopted from china we have a cousin white like the rest of us that's a model and at this point was in a lot of magazines like cosmo vogue etc my sister brought in magazines to show off for show and tell all the crappy little third grade girls made fun of her saying that the girl in the magazines wasn't her cousin because of the white chinese thing the next time it was my sister's turn she brought in our cousin in the flesh with a bigger stack of magazines checkmate b when i was younger my sister got my grandparents to bring a miniature horse to the school for show-and-tell mind you they had to drive 3.5 hours to do it in the horse road in the back seat all the way there and all the way home i think she won the award for coolest show until that day a kid in a couple years lower than me had a dad that was a banker he brought in some cool play money and even handed some out to kids including me when i showed my play money note to my parents they were shocked to find it was actually 2 100 bills i'm from the uk a letter from the school went out to all the parents asking them to bring it back to school imagine that kid was in a crap load of trouble a bit difficult but b had a pet day at school and most people just brought their cats and dogs at lunch we did a big show where people with pets walked around in a large circle i remember hysterically laughing cause this one girl brought her pet fish and was trying to walk with it we were probably about six or seven at the time so she was really struggling with the thing and trying to walk without sloshing the water props to her though she loved her fish we had this day too i went to a rural school in arkansas kind of close to the texas border as a kindergartner i once brought a home in pigeon to show and tell the class tied a note to its leg and we released the bird the next day for show and tell i brought the note that's awesome a child's trekking stick made out of a human femur legit despite the legality of using human remains being in question and some serious side eye from me all year during conferences the story of how he acquired it was quite interesting apparently it was a family heirloom and the kid's great-great-grand someone dug it up from his backyard in rural virginia back in the early 1800s and named it no joke lemuel despite the legality of using human remains being in question as far as i know it's perfectly legal to own and transport human remains in the united states my son was assigned to bring his favorite book one day well he was absolutely fascinated with the phone book that recently came took it to school later learned every teacher heard about internet generation kid who loves the phone book aww this is actually so sweet tbh the phone book is pretty cool for someone who grew up with the internet as a primary means of communication it's a look into how things were in the past not a teacher but my cousin brought me in for her show until item once she was five and i was one so i don't remember it but apparently her classmates really liked me i brought my granny once in grade one or two she was scottish with a thick accent and i proudly promised the class that i would translate for them if they couldn't understand what she was saying she talked about that until the day she died not a teacher but i remember a student brought in a sword which he claimed his grandfather took off of a japanese airplane that he shot down during the war i don't think his parent knew he took it i still can't get around how a little kid was able to sneak what sounds like a katana to kindergarten when i was in kindergarten we did show and tell by the letters of the alphabet idk how others did it so when we get to w i brought my dad his name is wes i grew up around horses so when we were on h my dad brought a horse for us to pet the town i lived in was really small so it wasn't the weirdest thing my sister's class did show and tell the same way she got el so she tried to bring in our aunt couldn't figure out why because her name starts with v and she's an artist in ny nothing el related of course everyone tells her this then sister gets all mad and is like but lesbian starts with l she ended up taking an lp i'm not a teacher but when i was in elementary school i brought in my pet squirrel my dad had a schedule in which he was off work that day so he brought her to the school for me in her harness and leash i had a kid in grade 1 bring in his sock he said it was smelly and used it for training to cope with bad smells seventeen five-year-olds rolled on the floor in hysterics best show until ever he sounds destined for greatness great smells taught at a rural canadian school last year kid in grade 6 brought in pictures of a hunt he went on with his old man one picture was of this little four-foot boy holding a severe deer head check this crap out was what he said to his friends as soon as he arrived that morning in elementary school 1991-ish i brought in a jar of mercury my grandfather got from working in a steel mill the school didn't like that my parents got it back oh wow in middle school a kid brought a lot of mercury in and broke the jar it was in hazmat got called school got evacuated it was a fun day my old secondary school tutor told us that when she did her training they had a show until day and a kid brought in a shark tooth necklace and said they were from real sharks his uncle had killed while away he passed the necklace around and while talking one of the other kids went if these are from a real shark why do they say made in china on the back the other kid without missing a beat when they were chinese sharks done i wasn't the teacher in this case but a guy brought in a slave collar from before the civil war this was a history class and we were discussing the early 1800s we had all learned about slavery of course but seeing a thick iron collar and chain that were meant to be placed around the neck of a human being so they could be sold as property to this day it's the only thing i've ever seen that just felt evil someone brought air in a bag from his room he opened it and tried to get everyone to smell it he told everyone afterwards it was just a fart and everyone just lost it had a student who wanted to bring in a dummy hand grenade he was somewhere on the spectrum and was super into military history and he could not understand why he couldn't bring it into school it had no explosives but was 100 accurate in every other way to be fair i had trouble understanding why he couldn't bring it in my best friend in the third grade went up and presented the teacher he said this is mr teacher he's very old and likes to eat carrots he promptly sat down with the look of triumph i took a sword in once wrapped up nicely and secretly my parents had no idea and my teacher was very shocked when i swung that out i can still remember the look on her face i was in grade 12 bio when we had a two-bodied pig born in the barn one nose two eyes four ears and everything further back doubled i brought it into class and caused quite the stir according to my eight-year younger brother the teacher still talks about how awesome it was to see one of my kindergarten students brought in a legit set of russian matryoshka dolls every time she opened one and there was another inside everyone in the room lost their crap every time god a most hilarious show until i can remember lol not a teacher but my mom is and has wonderful stories one of my favorites is this kid that forgot to bring something to show and tell instead of panicking he just pretended to hold something about a foot big in his hands and presented his invisible car i'm talking describing the structure of the car where he got it it was some basic store like walmart or something i can't remember and how he liked to play with it he even took extra care to carry it back and put it carefully on his desk moving it a bit to the side so he could access his coloring sheet just to have fun my mom asked him about it a few days later and he goes oh that yeah i got bored with it so i gave it away what a neat way to wrap up his story kids are crazy creative he missed an opportunity saying that he couldn't find a demo i'm not a school teacher but a leader for a program in a church stuffed animal night some little boy brought in a devil plush toy that said i love you in a creepy voice i worked with the three five-year-olds out of the 16 there that night 15 left crying and one left laughing stan is okay with this when i was in elementary school my great-grandmother brought in her husband's military medals from his time in service during world war ii she sat with the class and explained all about his service and what each medal ribbon represented close to 30 years later and i still remember her sitting up front talking to us not a teacher but a student to preface this my family tends to have macabre humor even when i was young for show until one day i brought in a story the night before my mom and dad were in the garage building shelves with big rubber mallets i walked into the room and asked what's all that banging to which my dad 10 feet away from my mom started shaking the mallet at her and said oh i'm beating your mother suddenly the head of the mallet flew across the room and hit her square in the face breaking her nose but that's not what my class heard they heard the story of how my dad was beating my mother with a rubber mallet and broke her nose this resulted in some fun trips to the school counselor and a visit from cps why did i tell the story to my class in all the commotion i never got a toy for show until and that's all i had on hand it was a fun time on all sides their mother's sign set which apparently is what a child at only seven years of life will call a pipe and other drug paraphernalia it took social services all but two hours to have the child removed now a few months down the line i'm learning they have already been housed with a few foster families but it never works out a truly lovely but troubled child not a teacher but my favorite memory of show and tell when i was in kindergarten the first time we had show and tell i bought in my favorite stuffed animal think honor the late 80s cartoons it was one of those sitting in the classroom circle i remember looking across and seeing the exact same toy being held by another little girl we were so excited about it she became my best friend and still is today all because of a crazy stuffed animal my dad found these opium bottles from the canadian pacific railroad and he took it home telling me it was over 100 years old my nine-year-old brain took it to school and we got a call i was the student in grade one or two i brought a skinned rabbit face in for show and tell my aunt from newfoundland sent it to me in the mail cause i guess they eat rabbits i think this was close to easter which was most likely the reason she sent it then didn't realize how creepy that would have been for my teacher my little brother took a cleaned rabbit skinned at his show and tell because he and his friends used to go rabbit hunting with their bells and arrows obligatory not a teacher i brought in my great uncle when i was in kindergarten he fought in world war ii and was an anti-aircraft gunner he had a shell explode near him and had huge shrapnel scars on his legs that he showed off i explained about bombs and debris and he told stories about his time with the canadian army and lying about his age to go fight my teacher thought it was pretty morose and that we were a bit young to discuss war but i think he did a good job of explaining things on a level five-year-olds could understand i honestly think it's so cute when kids are like i am bringing you for show and tell like me i'm honored thank you not a teacher but my little brother once made a rocket out of tampons glued to a stick and took it to school the teacher called my mom and told her all about the rocket he was in first grade so the rocket was not a school threat but it was just funny also he once took a bag of grass to school and the school called and asked what his intentions were he told the teacher that he likes dealing with the weeds with dad in all reality he liked helping dad garden and liked mowing the yard with his toymo and extra dad please tell me you or your parents have a picture of that rocket not a teacher but in third grade i had a bunch of baby chicks hatched i think i originally brought in a toy but then my grandpa came by to drop off my lunch i had forgotten right when it was my turn to show and tell my grandpa had brought in a runt baby chickley was keeping warm in his coat pocket and instead of the toy i decided the little chick would be my show and tell for the week my teacher loved it the kids loved it my grandpa loved it it was great not a teacher but a kid at a school local to me bought in a deactivated stun grenade teachers brought the army in kids were evacuated my son feels his rock collection is no longer interesting enough to be fair every rock is a stun grenade if your aim is good i brought in pictures of my family vacation to the world trade center for a kindergarten show until that was on the 9th of october 2001. dang dang i wish adults could have shown until at work you could do a little presentation and tell jokes or stories or show off a cool hobby and it would bring you closer to co-workers tbh not a teacher but in high school one of my friends brought his newborn sister's placenta our biology teacher got all up in it and was handling it and seemed super stoked that my friend brought it to show she gave him some gnarly extra credit if i recall there's this website that makes teddy bears out of your baby's placenta when i was pregnant with my first daughter i emailed my dad the link and told him that would be his christmas present that year obligatory not a teacher but in kindergarten we had a project that we each had a predetermined day where we had to bring in our most special favorite things one kid brought in his nes a couple brought in toys or doors on my day i brought in my dad we were super poor at the time and i know he didn't get paid for taking the day off so i know my parents had to sacrifice to make it happen i will remember getting to spend the whole school day with my best friend forever the moment you told your dad you wanted to bring him in as your most special favorite thing was definitely way more valuable to him than a day's worth of pay my aunt from washington sent me as she got from her roof and photos from when mt saint helens erupted for a science project i got extra credit for that and any time show and tell came around through the school years not a teacher but i brought in both of my cats our school allowed kids to bring their pets in for show and tell but most people brought in things like hamsters and mice and other small animals i brought two fully grown cats my brother brought his horse to take your pet to school day he was the perfect horse for it since he didn't care if kids hung all over him or weren't too careful about the strength of their pets he was a great old horse not a teacher but i heard a story of a kid who during winter found a bee's nest which appeared to have been vacated of all these he brought it to school and as it sat there it warmed up that suddenly some bees came flying out eta this very very loosely if at all fits your question but i hope it's allowed anyway this isn't for show-and-tell but i've had kids come in with a few weird things i teach preschool the parents bring them in with their weird toy and laugh telling me it's what got us out of the house memorable ones are a spray paint can lid one year old found in the garage on the way to the car dad had dropped off and mom gave me the most wtf look when she picked up that night and i handed it back to her a hair tie a hot wheels and a handheld bubble machine that was broken three yellow a little bubble wand necklace three yo with no bubbles in it a bag of marbles i think he was three a 24-pack of cheap dollar store crayons two years old one dollar and some random change two years old wanted lunch money in a baggie like his big brother the best one though was a two-year-old who found iraq at the beach over the weekend and he would not let it go mom said his nickname was pickle and so i come into work to find a plane grey rock sitting on my counter with pickle written in pretty letters by mom not a teacher but i once took a mammoth's tooth in for show until once it got passed around and everyone seemed to be really interested in it i had to leave it with a teacher during the day because i was afraid it would get damaged teachers have read it whatever happened to the kids in your class that was scary smart what they ever make of themselves nobel laureate incarcerated i had a teacher in high school taught us history every now and then he'd tell a story of when he first started teaching there was an insanely smart kid in his class just brilliant could do anything he wanted got accepted to uofo had some problems had to leave the school for a semester no clue what happened to him until my teacher visited the vietnam war memorial in dc the big black wall covered in names that one found his former student he said it was one of the saddest moments of his life and even when he'd tell the story years later he'd still tear up a bit over it that was sad thanks for sharing but daniel and your onions the top scoring student in my graduating year went to university to study theoretical mathematics suffered a mental emotional breakdown and returned to my high school to work as a gardener it was by all accounts some relay beautiful mind crap he was found scribbling equations on the walls of the hallway outside his dorm room my stepsister is super smart genius level has a degree in biomechanical engineering can't hold down a job because she has a meltdown over stress as a parent i worked with a classmate of my daughter in an after-school activity her friend was scary smart in high school he taught himself ap physics because it wasn't taught in their school he graduated at the top of their class and was an all-around athlete in four sports anyway he went away to school full-ride scholarship to colombia miss competing in sports transferred to a school on the west coast finished his ba in science is now teaching hs locally and is the school's baseball head coach that school and those students are so lucky he is the nicest guy and will do wonders to help his students autistic i had an autistic boy in my class who could without paying any attention to what was going on blurt out the answer to long division or three-digit by three-digit multiplication problems he was bored with the curriculum in my room and would lay his head on his desk and cover it with his math textbook then periodically he would yell out random answers in a perfect pikachu voice to the problem the class was doing on the whiteboard he was prone to small fits of violence so while i dealt with them without too much inconvenience once he went to the junior high school they didn't and he was placed in a private school which costs the district 45 k year i bet he just floated through school not a teacher but my brother's friend was a genius got a scholarship was going to be a chemical engineer then he was writing code for the synchrotron here in town then he was going to med school then he ran out of scholarship because he couldn't decide what he wanted to do most now he owns a moving truck and from what i hear he loves moving furniture finally one that didn't die or go crazy i teach kindergarten and i had a four-year-old girl late september day come into my class that could read and comprehend at a sixth grade level after the first month of school she was assigned to a one-on-one tutor that was teaching her fifth grade learning material by christmas she stayed in her grade appropriate classes for social reasons now instead of entering her freshman year of high school she is taking independent study courses and training full-time to be an mma fighter so in other words batman not a teacher but a good friend of my friends was the brainiac so to say in high school he ended up overdosing on painkillers i think it was pk's at least and dying in college one of the top kid at our school ended up working out at a gas station for like five years before disappearing buddy of mine was friends with him and said that the love of his life ran off with another guy after they graduated from college apparently the kid just checked out after thst and stopped giving any crap about life quite a few became university dropouts i've noticed a pattern those kids who dropped out they were the kids who were very intelligent they lacked work ethic kids you can't coast on your smarts in university the few who were scary smart and were driven usually became very successful some programmers some engineers some lawyers and politicians one even went to harvard and last i heard he was doing really well that was years ago though don't know whatever happened to him also some of them died i'm not a teacher but i do have a story about one particular kid who was gifted some australians may remember this my mum's friend went to school with a kid who was one of the smartest kids in the state i don't know what subject he was so good at but anyway when he was about 17 she says he started to do a lot of drugs it changed him one night many years later she had been keeping in touch with him a little bit over the years he came over to her house unannounced he was homeless and he asked if he could have a shower being friend she said okay gave him a meal and they talked for a few hours even though he was doing so poorly he was able to maintain an intelligent conversation about two months later she heard about a man who had stabbed a police officer more than two dozen times and fled the scene it was him he then led the police on a three-week long chase so the very dense bushland the professional trackers who had been hired to help the police said they had never seen a man able to move though that area so quickly even when they followed a trail which he wasn't after three weeks he was recognized at a cafe drinking a coffee when the police apprehended him he did not run or protest he was schizophrenic and had no idea what he had done he didn't even know he was being chased for three weeks one of the most brilliant undergraduate students i've ever had suddenly fell off the face of the earth midway through the second course he took with me not even completing the final project he didn't talk to me again despite repeated emails and my efforts to help him turn his grade from an incomplete f into the a he was on track to earn a year and a half later i happened to run into a young lady who looked uncannily like him on campus and we exchanged a brief look of familiarity on a hunch i emailed one last time expressing that i hoped he was doing well and that there were no hard feelings no matter what caused his absence she yes she replied that she had been struggling with her identity had a bit of a breakdown that semester when she finally realized she wanted to transition and was too embarrassed to reach out to me after the way she left things in class and ensure of how her professors would take it i tried to express that i was supportive of her as a student no matter her gender identity but we lost contact again after a few more emails and i think she was still ashamed of dropping out i think she since moved to a different department she's a brilliant student and it bothers me to this day that her schooling was so impacted by her struggle to come out as trans and by her fears of non-acceptance i just hope that she's able to apply her mind to the fullest wherever she ends up and that she gets the credit she deserves for it what i like about this one is that there's so much hope to it she's still a bit confused now and obviously it's not ideal where she is but i have high hopes that she will find her peace and back to being badass again i'm a music teacher i had a student take up instrumental lessons in senior high school quite late to begin learning as a school student he blazed ahead and was on track to complete advanced level exams he quit unexpectedly murdered his mother and then wrapped her in a blanket before skipping the country as far as i know he hasn't been found it was strange thinking how many hours i spent alone in a room with him i've always found composing an aide to thinking through all the other issues in my life and work that haven't found a solution yet ominous music if you are posting about yourself consider the possibility that you may never have been as smart as you might have thought depends what you consider to be smart the dumbest guy i have ever met a contemporary with next to no people skills had a double first from cambridge he is now and has been for a long time a college professor guy i was mates with in school he left at 16 and went to be the t-boy at a local factory he was just very good at getting on with people watching and listening and learning on the job very smart in this way so he eventually ends up as a deputy manager and then the company gets bought by a us corporation american management like him so much he is hired and transferred to their head office in delaware where he and his family have been now for some 20 years he is r d manager gets paid handsomely his kids are schooled well he has a massive house with a pool a few cars for the family a boat international travel and an apparently happy marriage all because he is smart enough to get on with people and education never taught him that those who can analyze and always get on with a random guy can do anything i'm a newish teacher and i'm very hopeful for all of my students to go out and do big things but i had a colleague who had a student who went on to city councilman who was pretty smart teachers also rave about this one who became a teacher himself apparently he was brilliant the tad lazy though laziness is a disease i don't want to be lazy i went to a school that had a pretty stellar gifted program so i knew a half a dozen kids who were incredibly scary smart at a school for smart kids these were the ones who made everyone else look like idiots first off all went on to ivy league schools two are politicians now still small time local staff one will be a senator someday the other will likely never get past city stuff he's very idealistic and won't associate with the party he doesn't have enough money to have ideals though but i always vote for him when he comes up in an election either way another one just graduated medical school and is an intern and another is a software engineer the others i lost track of interesting point none of them are lazy kids who sit around lamenting about how they could be something if they were only motivated to do so it not a teacher but everyone called me a genius in high school sadly i just don't have the motivation to apply myself i freaking hate these threads i go into here expecting a treat like a charming story about a m f trans or something but then i have to drudge through post after post of internet geniuses talking about how great they are without a hint of irony there's a story of mf trans in here somewhere trust me i went to school out in the middle of some fields a lot of the kids in high school were poor and didn't really give two shoots but this one girl she moved to america when she was eight didn't know a lick of english by the time she was nine she was at the top of her class i went to her house once it was very very noticeable how incredibly poor her and her family were but she just had something in her she knew she wanted to do something exciting and important with her life sje graduated with something like a 5.0 gpa app classes and earned a full ride to harvard when i asked her what she wanted to do she said something along the lines of i don't know maybe be a brain sahean and write a book she couldn't decide what she wanted to do because she wanted to do it all i feel sad every time i think about her she wrote me a letter hour junior year saying she had wanted to be my best friend since middle school it was more like a poem really the way she wrote it i don't know why she liked me i never hung out with her enough i couldn't understand her as a person she was so intelligent and somewhat strange but she has been such a role model for me since my first year in college i haven't talked to her since high school but last i heard she is still at harvard i hope she's doing well if anyone is going to change the world it'll be her i've read a lot of these comments that say i was a smart kid now i read it in my mom's basement all day and i've come to a conclusion the american educational system caters to the bottom middle of the road student higher level students are not challenged enough high school is easy for them and they're able to just coast by your memory alone then they get out into the real world and have no work ethic i know this holds true for me and the saddest part is that i'm a teacher and i find myself often teaching to the middle of the road one got married and is a teacher another got married and doesn't do anything a third went to work for a genetics company where i can only imagine the horrors she will create she's chaotic evil i'm from a [ __ ] small town in swmo one of kids in my class went to mit undergrad and then stanford for grad school i remember coming back from state university and seeing him at a party we talked for a minute and i asked how mit was he said it was unreal and he was working with a professor in england doing hodgkin's disease research on mice i didn't feel the need to tell him i was still undecided i helped teach stats for a few years in a grad program where i was also a student my students weren't kids of course but their career paths now almost 20 years later are pretty interesting to me the super smart ones have generally gone far if they chose to some of them made deliberate choices related to lifestyle and work family balance that may have limited their career trajectories but they're still achievers what's most fascinating is the successes of a few of my former students who were heavy on charisma and let's be honest bullshitting ability they had more of these qualities than they had raw intellect and they've gotten pretty far up personality and leadership can make a big difference this is my eighth year of teaching and i got an email this summer from a seventh grader i had my very first year she's two years into college and going to graduate within another year she's hoping to get a job at microsoft i have no doubt she will so proud in all honesty i tend to get somewhat frustrated by people claiming to be unfulfilled geniuses because high school was very easy for them but they went to college and didn't have the study skills or time management abilities to succeed there are some legitimate cases where people do have breakdowns but most of the time people want to claim that they are victims to rationalize their own inadequacy actual geniuses in many cases breathe through high school because it's very easy then get into a very good school secure positions to build up their resume while in college intend not to be unemployed tl dr most of you aren't geniuses a lot of the smart kids at my high school went on to be very successful we're all in our mid-twenties now and quite a few of the brainiacs are doctors one kid that i was particularly close to moved to california to test robots or something that's all i can tell from his facebook page it's quite inspiring because we came from the worst school in the city parents moved so their children didn't have to attend we had barely any arts or sports funding and our textbooks were from the 1960s fortunately we had amazing teachers that pushed and supported us [Music] teachers might not be the best ones to ask about this and students generally do not keep in touch with them or at least that is the way it is where i live students on the other hand sometimes keep in touch with each other after graduating yeah here are my four smartest college classmates mo class of 2010 one phd in math dropped out and now a hs math teacher 2 harvard mba 3 phd in ecarnage yale 4 md phd mitch i'm a substitute if that counts for anything i'm only a junior in college so i know a lot of the students i teach this one in particular was a good friend of mine she was ridiculously smart valedictorian president of model u.n sharpest witch you've ever encountered she graduated and went on to princeton she stayed there one semester and because of a whole big fish small ponte small fish big pond crisis she ended up dropping out last seen she was bagging groceries and living with a guy who knocked her up at 19. being a substitute counts for a lot in comparison to the parent comments are late i don't know how a girl with such an intellect could make a mistake as big as getting knocked up at 19. the valedictorian we had last year is a mathematics upper level physics wizard his goal is to find a job teaching science courses where he can get grant money to fund his research into some crap i can't even pronounce much less spell interestingly this year we had a brilliant gradual go into journalism quit and become a member of the clergy this thread is filled with negativity so on a more positive note in elementary school we had this program that would take some of the accelerated kids out of class for a few hours once a week to take some more challenging but fun classes there were no grades or anything the intention was to spark an interest in learning beyond the boring repetitiveness in the standard classroom we'd have mock court cases learn about ancient mythology computer programming architecture etc this was always my favorite day of the week that began in fourth grade and students were selected based off of their scores on state tests it's incredible when you look back and see how well 90 of those kids did through hs and college everyone in the top 20 gpas at graduation was also in the program the majority of kids went to ivy league schools and are studying to be doctors and lawyers but to keep the theme of this thread going one kid went on to try and rob our local bank for drug money failed and fled by foot to another bank further down the street our most brilliant student in high school who left two years early to attend a prestigious college at the age of 16 now works as a secretary at a trucking company story told to me by my teacher a kid in ninth grade was taking senior college level classes the current one with this teacher was a basic computer science class now the kid being so smart and young compared to the rest of the class was often teased and picked on mostly by one joke well one day he's on his laptop having finished his work early and the kid next to him is once again teasing and making fun of him for whatever reason keep in mind it's towards the middle of the school year so a big midterm project was due within a week and each person had worked on it for a good two three weeks anyways the genius calmly turns to him and says in the middle of being made fun of hey your email is randomguy123 at right the guy making fun of him pauses and goes yeah why the genius gets up and walks away without another word fast forward to the end of the week all the projects are due and the jerk claims his internet and computer have been down not functioning correctly for the last week the teacher having heard this excuse before tells him to open his laptop and simply show him what he has the jerk opens his computer and logs on to his email he sees he has a new email with the subjects open and without a thought clicks it to read what is most likely spam immediately hundreds of websites begin to open the antivirus is going nuts attempting to block all the input p with insanely loud audio begins to play in a few of these windows and the class is laughing hysterically as he attempts to stop the incoming viruses and pop-ups suddenly the computer simply shuts off the teacher tells him to leave it off and figure it out at home and to bring in the project tomorrow suddenly the computer reboots and returns to the starting screen as if nothing happened he cautiously goes to open his email and nothing is there every email and contact is wiped clean he opens his word documents his random folders of programs games etc all gone it's been the equivalent of factory reset the kid is broken speechless the class is filled with murmurs and rumors begin to flow the teacher settles them down and tells everyone to go back to work then he spots the genius in his usual seat arms crossed and what looks to be a slight grin patting the jerk on the shoulder he looks at him and goes i would love to help but i'm going to do what you should have since the beginning of the year nothing at all tl dr kid bullied for being super smart axe and oxx's bully destroying the bully's computer and midterm project the best part of the story is that there was no actual proof that the little kid did anything wrong turns out she wasn't scary smart just barely did anything other than study study study to seem scary smart then dropped out before she graduated got pregnant and is now supported by the older man who got her pregnant one of my fraternity brothers would qualify as scary smart just graduated with a degree in human biology and plans to become a doctor spent his last semester driving 400 miles each weekend to work at a hospital in his hometown i've never seen anybody who could constantly drink eat once every couple of days and thrive on minimal sleep do so well in school he'd often tell me how he should start studying for a neurobiology or genetics test in a few hours instead of playing video games only to go take the exam and walk out with an a-plus socially he was a bit inept i shared some of his interests so we could get along well but for 95 of the greek students at my university he just couldn't relate i suppose it's a trade-off for his incredible intellect either way both myself and all of my other brothers acknowledge that he'll end up making more money than he'll know what to do with by 30. first i must say that i teach students with autism severe autism one of the younger students has a photographic memory for both auditory and visual information unfortunately his behavior and sensory processing can make it difficult for him to further develop his natural genius i was one of the top 10 guys in my class then i got into med school and quickly found myself in among the bottom 10 of the class med school can do that to you if you're not 100 focused and committed to it yeah most people don't fully understand what smart actually means some people are freaking smart a guy in my graduating class of high school had an innate fascination with physics luckily for him our school's physics teacher was a genius member of mensah and all that so he would spend all of his free time with said teacher working on college-level physics ended up going to college double majoring in physics and mathematics then went on to study and teach in switzerland while obtaining his masters in theoretical physics is now at an ivy league school pursuing his doctorate in theoretical physics as well i haven't seen him in some time but an absolutely brilliant guy and a genuinely nice person in kindergarten i was reading harry potter and the philosopher's stone to the rest of the class and by grade four i was reported to have a collegiate or above reading level i was labeled gifted and was the english vundicant now i am about to enter university with acceptable but not spectacular grades and i spend my spare time either in front of a screen in a dark room or smoking weed doing prescription drugs w000 yet the vunderkins get this effect pretty consistently fast brain development isn't necessarily indicative of long-term genius i always feel bad for them when they are dislocated from their peers and pushed into high-pressure college education they may never have been meant for had they developed at the standard pace vanderkins tend to be pretty psychologically ravaged come the mid-twenties i was good friends with a super smart kid from about seventh grade through graduation he had a mental breakdown at the beginning of his junior year of college dropped out and moved back in with his parents not sure what his job is now but he still lives with his parents at 33 years old teachers have read it and parents never ever tell a child he she is gifted or smarter than the other kids by all means congratulate and encourage them but never give them the impression that they don't have to work as hard as everybody else children will take it literally students of reddit what is your favorite zoom story so far i live in lithuania so most of my teachers don't speak english teacher what does leave meeting mean students in lithuanian it means leave meeting teachers leave the meeting was sitting in class with my usual background up and got hungry so i decided to grab a snack out of the cabinet next to me come back to my teacher asking in chat did i just see encyclopedia pull cookies out of a tree i mean if it was a wood cabinet then technically in my class we have our videos turned on but our audio remained muted except for the professor prof decided to unmute a classmate and get him to read the slide only for us to hear him getting yelled at by his parents the dude just kept reading the slide while his parents yelled at him our prof didn't know what to do and just acted like everything was normal he didn't unmute anyone for the rest of the class though that's kind of sad we played a kahoot and the whole time none of us could see the questions we had told the teacher over and over again and she thought it was something with splitting our screen so she repeatedly told us just switch tabs she kept getting p so we just stopped playing it another time a student asked if he could share his screen and the teacher said yes and left the meeting and we just watched peppa pig for 20 minutes another time a student asked if he could share his screen and the teacher said yes and left the meeting and we just watched peppa pig for 20 minutes ngl this had me in stitches a guy who woke up like five minutes earlier didn't notice i hope that his camera was on he got dressed in front of 100 plus people and this is why if i don't specifically plan to use my camera i disable it in device manager first day of zoom classes a kid fell asleep with his camera still on also one of my professors accidentally kicked herself out of the meeting for five minutes i too fell asleep in the first class my classmates took video of me lol in my defense i didn't sleep anything the night before but yeah didn't help i was in the first row of cameras i use teams and my favorite call is when i accidentally announced to my whole class i was going to go toilet my mic was on and i didn't know it it was super embarrassing but now it's really funny because my reaction was super awkward if you the nerve you could make it a running joke and make it your sign off teacher okay class see you all next time other students bye see you hug etc you don't know about you all but i need the toilet bye second to last class before the final we are already behind on the material it's a three-hour class with a break in the middle the professor said she is going to rest her eyes for a few minutes emailed us about four hours later and said she fell asleep no i didn't do well on the final one thing i've learned from school is that you can learn most of the stuff you need from the textbook and the internet i know this because my teachers were garbage [Music] one of my older teachers didn't know what memes were has no idea what she's doing in a zoom call a couple of weeks before we were supposed to go back to classes the vice principal sent a message to all the teachers to screenshot their calls for the newsletter to show how we were coping as a school fast forward to when we're back and my teacher had screen [ __ ] our whole class with crappy mean green screens in the middle of the call and one of my friends is the center image for the newsletter with the communist flag flying proudly behind her this is just lovely i would have chosen the couch one of my teachers managed to turn off her ability to see the chat nobody knows how so naturally somebody started typing the b movie script it escalated from there very interesting hour our teacher was screen sharing and i randomly discovered a pen button so i clicked on it and turns out you can draw on the shared screen i just started putting some dots there thinking oh this is cool then the teacher said i don't know who's doing it but stop drawing on my scan i kinda freaked out and deleted it it didn't occur to me that everyone could see it xd just start drawing over the teacher's face my sister told me her professor had a guest speaker but they couldn't get connected to the call so the professor straight up facetimed the guest speaker and held the phone up to her computer i actually award points to that professor for creative thinking [Music] i'm definitely the dumbass in this for context as a joke me and my friends have been coming up with pretty outrageous names for our zoom quiz nights anyways the day after my quiz i have to show up to a workshop with one of my lecturers and guess who forgot to change his name i spent the rest of that workshop muted video off and only communicating through the chat so that no one knew it was me and that concludes the tale of bros of mingelbra i did the same thing had to present presented for five minutes before realizing my name was still no one said anything i was in basic french class and there's a short paragraph with a character named vladimir the french teacher asked who is vladimir in the story the one russian girl in class said a bad president [Music] we use teams my class asked whose door's making that noise i turn around to look at my birds who are screaming behind me like normal and one is somehow inside of one of the food bowls they have covers over so only a small hole for them to stick heads in another one is trying to rip another bowl out of the side and the other two are taking and turned sitting on top of each other's heads the class quickly point to me as the culprit for the loud door i got muted i'm not a student but i work for a school district and we had a ton of phone meetings with various people every time we heard barking in the background my boss would try to guess whose dog it was she was surprisingly accurate a lot of people in town have dogs and apparently my boss has met and played with enough of them to recognize their voices over the phone something i witnessed online we were bored out of our minds when this dude starts moaning and making random weird anime noises he thought he was muted until the teacher starts to say i know you are very excited but please mute your mic dude quit the meeting common random weird anime noises please do not describe any further that is enough every day in class i put a random background on one day was an optical illusion one day a wall of toilet paper one day this is fine meme one day a sped up version of a round of play gink i think i got bonus points on one of my chemistry tests for using a periodic table as my background on the day of one of my tests procter through zoom i had a background on which took the old dvd screensaver but instead of the logo reading dvd it said covered my teacher asked if i could turn it off as it was distracting for her i said of course but i don't know if that'll be much better i was in my mom's art room so the background was bright and colorful and significantly more distracting than a slowly moving purple box on a black background i took about 30 seconds in paint to make a solid black background which she greatly appreciated not that interesting but every morning i've been filming myself making breakfast like a cooking show one morning i was doing something else and my teacher got kind of concerned he paused the lecture to ask why i didn't cook that's kinda sweet a work call story one of my co-owners decided to get on with some housework in the background of the call so left a clock with shorts on in front of the camera and pretended it was himself he then added a banana and two balls we don't get much work done [Music] the teacher had bad internet at the time so he got disconnected some random guy got assigned as admin and unmuted us all eventually we all decided just to play a general trivia kahoot with the new host screen sharing to this day it remained the most exciting thing to happen in year 10 science [Music] on april the first i recorded myself pretending not to hear anyone then put the video as a virtual background then went under the table so that i wouldn't be seen in front of the virtual background and started a meeting people were giving me advice on how to turn on the microphone when i literally jumped out of myself lol you should have seen their face xd we had a cahoot and over half the participants got the first question wrong and this one kid that everyone makes fun of was like am i in last place i'm in 40th place and then one of the seniors goes probably is anyone lower than 40th i was in 41st but didn't want to say anything and the poor kid got bashed by like 10 different people and i feel kinda bad kid brought it on himself for asking belgium uni student here two teachers quit their jobs a couple weeks ago they held a team's lecture at one of the teachers house in the afternoon and kept it going until late at night socializing with the students with a beer neighbors called the police because of the noise and the police showed up at the house the police officers happened to be on camera because one teacher invited the other to his house which was forbidden at the time due to corona the police had the right to give them a ticket for that the discussion got heated and one teacher was seizing the opportunity to make some political and under the belgian law racist statements saying things such as belgium as becoming a fascist state and comparing the police to nazis heil hitler and staff the officers got pretty mad but did nothing and left in the end of course some students recorded the zoom lecture and the day after the incident the whole university saw it the board expelled the two teachers but they quit in the end admitting their mistake it's a pretty big stain on the university's image in my opinion one kid shaved off his hair and eyebrows on live a couple days before class so when i saw him i was take off your hat and then the whole class told him to take it off and told the teacher what he did so she was like i want to see it so eventually he did and then we spent the next 30 minutes comparing him to steve harvey and lil bill in the chat good times some kid printed a black piece of paper with the words reconnecting facing the computer lens to avoid a zoom class the only reason he was caught was because the paper had reconnecting sick so all my ass dudes decide to enter the class using adult actresses names there is a list of people with usernames like mia khalifa riley reed madison ivy the teacher was just screaming for about 10 minutes and asking who is mia khalifa while asking us to change our usernames and enter again it would be funnier if the teacher went like oh i know riley read good actress i have seen all her movies during a class my cat jumped on the keyboard i proceeded to take her off and do a very intense baby talk something like oh you're my best friend little fluffy baby asuaru soft baa biba by iii best friend hard to convey in text but add some encore and cooing noises and kid pronunciation until i hear laughs and my teacher saying my mic is on the cat apparently turned it on mortifying imagine a leg on alton's next envy not zoom but teams someone muted my math teacher in the middle of a class and he didn't notice until someone told him it lasted five minutes another one we heard noise of running water for a whole french class no one knows who or what made it last one not me someone in latin class called the teacher a bad word wasn't here so idk what it was the teacher entered at the same moment i have an aquarium in every room i ever work in so there's a constant running water sound when i'm unmuted it was probably that fell asleep during a lecture only to wake up one hour after lecture ended still on the zoom call with three other students never exited out of a window faster in my life [Music] i was gaming and my teacher was calling me for a moment i thought it was my friend so i was like wait wait shut up it's a1v4 i still lost that round comma and my attendance for that day smh imagine just being told shut up man i need to clutch this crap i'm in model united nations and obviously my state's conference was cancelled my school's model u.n club decided it'd be a good idea to do our own little debates and resolutions online we were writing some resolutions and i was giving a lot of input when the leader of our club goes squawks i love you but i'd really like to hear from some other people as well so of course i shut up and let everyone talk except nobody was talking it was dead silence i had only been talking to save her but from the crippling silence she'd have to suffer if i wasn't there but she hadn't seen that and boy oh boy was it quiet our club leader is a junior and she's a sweet person but she gets a little ahead of herself sometimes xd somebody in my sister class give the password to other people so some kid from other school connected to the lesson and cursed of the teacher aggressively this also happened in lithuania same in my class italy one that happened to my class was we had a business studies class and our teacher is one of the best and coolest ones in the whole school she was sharing a presentation with us and kids figured out the right feature and started drawing random crap until she got p off and told whoever it was to stop kid replies by writing sorry mom she asks child did you get everything the kid writes back yes mom you're a very good teacher and ig she must have liked that because for the rest of the meeting the kid would answer her questions by writing on the screen and she wouldn't say anything cause it was always in the corner or something not really interrupting then suddenly a bunch of other kids started drawing random crap too and the og kid writes guys no don't interrupt the meeting and she says something like oh what does this button do and somehow she got a list for everyone who was drawing on the screen and she called them out nobody drew anything else for the meeting except the og kid and i'm sure as heck glad i chose that one subject to not draw anything in one thing that happened to a bunch of 10th graders was some kid screen shared p to the meeting and it got the school to ban zoom calls and the management decided to create a new microsoft teams it for every single kid using a newly created email it's specifically for this using the school domain got our classes cancelled for two days cause they had to create all the ides but iggy was worth stopping all the shithousery shifazori had ha whole year assembly 200 students principal and five other teachers droning about the value of risk taking or whatever everyone's mics on mute but suddenly we heard something something you'll like dong and ball torture from then on the teachers figured out how to automatically disable everyone's mics when they enter the meeting well they did take a risk so the lesson wasn't put to waste our physics exam is about to get rated that's gonna be a great zoom story to tell kids when i am 60 after explaining how 2020 crap hit the fan record it it's not my favorite but it's all those times where the teacher asks something and it goes dead silent i feel bad for the teacher but at the same time i don't want to take one for the team the teacher often just sighs and goes on with the lesson yee it feels really bad especially if the teacher seems to care about his class i accidentally muted the see of a large company for everyone in the call who was guest lecturing our class the stupidest thing ever had a super chill teacher i do online class normally so covered hasn't affected me or my classmates we have a pretty small class nine of us plus teacher since native american studies isn't very popular one day this kid decided it would be a great idea to have a smoke session while our teacher was getting ready for our class teacher comes and sits down in his chair taking a few seconds to look over some papers before looking at the screen meanwhile buddy is sitting on his bed five feet away from his screen blowing a fat cloud out of his bedroom window teacher sees us and stares at him all of us thinking he's gonna get a huge crap weed wasn't legal yet and the teacher finally opens his mouth and says that was impressive name hope you're able to stay awake through class today like it was absolutely nothing my tay will have a theme for every class one day he is in a tux in a ballroom with his water in a wine glass the next day he will be in skiing clothes and in the alps with his water in a beer mug the weirdest one was definitely when he dressed in a white shirt that merged with the background and claimed that he was wearing an invisibility cloak while sitting in the hogwarts main hall that's so cool so i was in portuguese class and this teacher sends a lot of exercises and then asks the students for the answers in comes the turn of a classmate of mine to answer and he says i read it on monday i don't really remember the text and the teacher goes you do know that i can see who opened the file i sent you right and the guy is just silence meanwhile i'm just losing it laughing joined my zoom class my teacher was muted and gone so he just yelled okay today we will learn how to skin a lion in an african accent hilarious my teacher ran out of material ap testing wasn't far away and just started to practice throwing axes in his backyard since that was his hobby it was very cool all right so i had just switched to my new high school right before the pandemic and i was introducing myself to the class via zoom it was going pretty well up until my ap lit class the teacher was in my opinion smoking hot like it looked like she might have been fresh out of college or something i didn't object but at the end instead of saying it was nice meeting you i ended up saying it was nice doing you followed by a pause followed by an audible crap then i left the zoom meeting and drowned my regret and embarrassment with some chinese food oof a girl was having sex with her camera on during a final it was apparently an accident the funny thing is that she didn't even look that into it kid in my old high school decided to name himself in tavares and played gente in the background now the school is on a witch hunt for him for sexual harassment it is an all-boys school and the discipline master is not particularly well liked so no one has ratted him out yet my sister yelling and [ __ ] i got my period and i need to refast this day that was during ramadan and getting a period after 12 p.m means they're gonna keep on fasting till the day end but after ramadan you have to repeat today my worst experience so far people who used to be straight a students but later changed what happened i lost interest i felt myself becoming dumber i realized that college is hard and not as easy as acing school but that did stop me from feeling like i lost it i used to get a's without trying i coasted through a secondary school in the first year of college i'm in the uk didn't revise for exams didn't do homework and still got good grades then the second year of college came around and it was a completely different ball game i trashed my second year and had to reset i'm at university now but i still have that laziness that if i'd worked hard from the beginning i wouldn't have a problem with likewise i coasted through most of school without trying then at the end everyone else caught up to me and i'd never learned to study properly went through a really bad mental health patch where schoolwork became quite a low priority i realized through that that i was wasting too much of my time and effort on something that didn't matter i'm in uni now and still get relatively good grades but i don't let them control my life i had to drop out of my masters because of mental health issues i could stay and die or leave and live i chose the latter with a heavy heart my high school was p poor i was not ready for college to cope i struggled as a c student got into some bad relationships a little bit of we led to lots of weed and a little bit of coke i remember sitting with a policeman smoking weed and asking myself what the frick did i do with my life and being glad i didn't get dragged into the jungle and robbed so after that i turned myself around again thank you random cop in brazil to be fair high school is nothing like college professors don't give a crap about students that don't give a crap no child left behind ends with a high school diploma i did a cost benefit analysis based on my own levels of happiness and comfort essentially there are diminishing returns to working hard and potentially high costs to mental health delayed onset ptsd undiagnosed bipolar everyone knew but couldn't do anything about it because i was under 18 parents wouldn't push for help out of fear that i would get locked up for life it would follow me until i died p.s if your kid is having full on psychotic episodes please take them to a doctor i got easy as all my life without trying never tried on my homework or studied at all passed ap courses exams and entered college with ample credits first year of college was a breeze as well however second year hit me like a train i wasn't partying too hard or anything just the courses became significantly more difficult i barely skirted by and was incredibly worried about losing my scholarships which required i maintain a minimum 3.0 gpa second year i learned how to study for tests third year i learned to do homework more so doing the homework to learn instead of doing the homework as required if i was comfortable with the subjects i would complete it if i still struggled with the concept then i would do unassigned work until i fully grasped it fourth year once again felt easy but i was actually trying this time i did manage to ruin an exam rounding because in a class of 200 people i was the only one to get a 100 on the midterm depression happened as an introvert making friends in college and university was way too hard for me so i just got so alone supposed to finish my degree last august but i couldn't get my crap together failed three papers in that last semester and here i am struggling to finish off my studies good luck i'll be cheering for you over the internet my junior year of high school i got my first c it was for a research project in math class i was p that i had to write a freaking paper for a math class so i didn't finish it i was fine with it to give this more context i hated writing papers with a passion i graduated and started getting paid real money for my efforts instead of accepting the first letter of the alphabet is adequate compensation for all my hard work this guy gets it did the same when i worked more than went to class straight as up to seventh grade but i was ostracized for being the smart kid and desperately wanted to just be normal so i permanently became more apathetic towards good grades and remained a bc student to graduate college with a 2.7 gpa i was studying like two hours max on every test i ever took never pulled an all-nighter and was completely okay with just not even trying the hardest problem on the math sheet and turning it in 95 percent complete still got the internship's job though so no regrets it's so freaking stupid some kids will always pick on you for being different even if that difference is a positive it doesn't make any sense and just makes you look like a massive idiot to everyone else combination of i started smoking weed and started caring more about socializing after school than doing homework and studying family issues still salty after a decade i started to get it together once but then realized i'm not going to get anything out of it everyone around me is socializing dating and i'm alone and getting in math screw that dropped everything to socialize and cope with my issues but did no help still barely got a computer engineering bachelors of 26 i read a quote that said if you give 110 you get left with less than nothing it changed me i realized i was miserable despite being successful now i enjoy coasting through life instead of taking it seriously life is like that puzzle game where you have to construct a bridge to let the truck drive across but the truck is you and the bridge is your decisions in sixth grade i realized that the effort needed to go from a b to an a is gargantuan compared to the effort needed to go from a c to a b the former requires dedication and a lot of studying the latter just required you to not be a freaking idiot so i settled for being a b student went to college it was kind of a shock at first because i got a so easily in every level of school every class before college and was in the top 10 of my graduating class then i got to college and was just average i still got mostly a's and b's with a couple bcs or c's but it was a lot more work especially in classes where the entire grade is based off exams quizzes not to mention the change in teaching when i got to college in high school most of my teachers genuinely cared interacted with students etc in college i had only a couple instructors like that the rest were either tas or graduate students or the professor was far more concerned with their personal research projects and teaching courses came second i was struggling with chemistry at one point the professor would just put slides of the textbook pages with certain sections highlighted and just read them off that was class i did not do well pick the wrong course in university i learned that just because i like to dish out science fun facts at parties to appear smart and i could get etas throughout secondary and high school and science doesn't mean i'd excel at my degree in molecular biology most importantly i turned out to be absolutely crap at molecular lab work careless clumsy no patience no natural intuition acumen for research and basically scraped most of my research-based projects ultimately graduated from a uk university with a 2 1 or roughly the equivalent of a 3.2 gpa a decent but also decidedly average score i have reached a similar conclusion advice to others don't study something you love it will be ruined forever instead study something you are okay at learning and studying are not equivalent i could always learn anything i applied myself to but studying what others think i should know is almost torturous got a job in my field during school and realized how insignificant grades truly are barring certain fields grades don't mean that much people are more interested in you getting things done competently started out gifted in elementary school it slowly went downhill in middle school i grew up in a bad area and was sort of a pretty shy kid when i moved up to middle school it was like starting over since over half of my classmates weren't at that school and the ones that were had regular classes while i was in some special academically enriched classes and later on magnet classes i didn't know how to socialize and it was all happening so fast never found real friends to hang out with besides a few people turned into somewhat of a loner not to mention the magnet kids were sort of pretentious and rude but not in a joking way i just zoned out in a lot of classes and started feeling depressed when i got to high school some classes were okay but for the most part i started to feel even more apathetic about school i stopped doing homework and only did all of the class work and often found it hard to learn due to gang members acting out and being disruptive and a mix of me becoming even more disinterested in school i just went home to play video games all day like i did since i was in elementary to block out the real world i graduated high school with mostly c's i'm glad i feel a lot more alive these days a very close person died in a car accident she probably loved me and i never told her my feelings i loved her we could talk about everything sitting on a bench and just watching the river talking for hours was one of the best experience i have ever had she also introduced me to ballroom dancing which i lucky started again after a four years break it still haunts me that i never told her i always ask myself what if she loved me too please if you love someone let it be your crush your grandma father or mother doesn't matter tell them before it's too late medical school lol i still do pretty well but the level of dedication needed to score in the a range is way higher than college ever required gunners should just kill us i realize that a 3.5 plus is attainable while coasting and still very competitive the extra work and stress of a 4.0 is unnecessary since all it would prove is book smarts critical thinking and adaptability are so much more valuable in the real world depression up until a couple months ago i was a straight a kind of guy now i'm in exam season after spending most of the previous year in bed and a depressive spiral i won't get the a equivalent in university this year my current plan is to try and pass this year over summer work through my issues and come back next year in a better state of mind i got my first b in algebra i in seventh grade i just had a lot of trouble understanding the processes and doing them exactly the way teachers wanted didn't help that my dad tried teaching me shortcuts that weren't in the standardized curriculum confusing me even more i cried when i got that first b i cried and said i'd accept whatever punishment my parents deemed fit because up until this point academic perfection had been expected of me i tried my best and didn't get an a so obviously i hadn't tried my best right there was always more i thought i could do it took struggling through pre-cal in high school and failing the last quarter before i realized it's okay to suck at math i used to be a 98 average student didn't so much enjoy school but enjoyed learning new things in comes depression and anxiety didn't attend but still got a's got principal awards etc got into year 11 constantly drained hair was falling out stressed got very sick very quickly had bad jaundice and couldn't keep anything down eventually my throat swelled up and i couldn't breath properly so mum took me to the doctors ended up i had glandular fever bono and also my liver was failing wiped out for half a year returned to school picked up on my work went back to straight a's and was doing very well got glandular fever again wiped out for another six months was told i could repeat a year that i had almost finished the following year no thanks but dropped out stated working lost motivation along with my self-esteem when you realize that you only do what others tell you to do and not what you want to do the whole deal becomes worthless and you just don't care about it anymore i gotta see in spanish and my dad wasn't happy unhappy at him i was beating for it i remember one time he drove me to school where i had a robotics competition he gets out of the car tells my teacher i got failing grades and won't be going then drives home with me crying in the back seat he was yelling at me i hope you're happy it was my first time learning a foreign language so i didn't catch on so quickly right now i know spanish japanese and mandarin and try to keep as little contact with my dad as possible i didn't need that toxicity in my life i later learned i don't need to be perfect i still strive to do my best but after i left home for college i was okay not getting straight a's knowing there were no physical repercussions i was part of a small group of kids in elementary school that met once a week from across the school district because we were agey or academically gifted we were all straight a students we all wound up staying together through high school and many stayed in the city after graduation or came back after college i've kept up with a few of them and were surprised at how little traditional success the majority achieved and by that i mean they were successful in their own way but not how most people would have expected from the smartest group of kids in a city of about 500 000 here is the breakdown from the ones i kept up with or ran into later in life two drug dealers one prison guard one veterinarian one nurse rn build now a housewife she was valedictorian also one electrician one c-level exec for a small company one youth pastor at a mega church one was stabbed to death by her boyfriend in college i thought for sure everyone would be a doctor lawyer or the proverbial rocket scientist brain damage happened i just graduated with my bachelor's in chemistry i had a 3.6 gpa in my first three years i was under so much stress that i tried to kill myself during my last year i survived but it left me with brain damage seizures trouble concentrating and memory loss i was one semester five classes away from graduation it took me three years to complete those last five classes with a 0.3 gpa the failed classes don't go on my transcript so my gpa is 3.19 but i feel like a complete fraud writing it on my resume i just stopped caring i didn't have the best family home and my achievements didn't seem appreciated by them so i just stopped caring my third grade teacher gave me a grade i felt was lower than i deserved i saw the futility of fighting when something was out of my hands so i did just enough to get by all the way to high school not me but my son he would sit at the dinner table every night and work so hard to get good grades he would cry and get angry if he couldn't figure something out when he was in fourth grade he started getting stomach pains sent him to the doctor all kinds of tests but they couldn't find anything wrong finally one night in the fifth grade he was so upset he was shaking my wife and i told him it wasn't that important just let it go stomach problems largely cleared up and he never got another a again but i think he is much happier a really bad bout of depression really killed my motivation to try in school i started sleeping through most of my classes because i had trouble sleeping at night and because it made me a lot more tired than normal it took me a while to get through but i'm happy to say i am doing much better now i could get as without trying too too hard and could do everything last minute with ease things changed when i got to college drastically found out i had adhd straight a student from freshman to junior year of high school got distracted too much mainly video games during my senior year and my grades dropped but luckily i still managed to get into the best university in my country got where i fat then in university i kept on giving in to video games and had this mentality of winging it got lazy f i graduated with an average of about b to b plus compared to most of my classmates who all got averages of about a to a luckily i did well in the entrance test and i got into the best law school in my country incoming freshmen also managed to slim down i got to stop being so lazy now knowing i could easily mess things up there especially with the dropout rate being so high an indication of future difficulties i got fricked over on a scholarship in middle school i was in line for a scholarship program that would pay for me to go not just to college but to a world-class private prep school for high school and the school's administration intentionally freaked out the paperwork so they could keep my standardized test scores in the public school because they were on the verge of getting their funding cut by the time all was said and done we made enough of a stink that the principal and guidance council are responsible were fired but the damage was done i was already out of the running after that [ __ ] angsty teenager me took the lesson is why bother trying for anything you won't get justly rewarded anyways and started completely slacking off in school i really wish i hadn't developed that mindset or shook it sooner than i did took me till i was 21 and forced to drop out of college because i ran out of money to finally drop the sorry but mopey attitude straight a kid top of the class through elementary and early middle school then i started getting bullied pretty bad and developed some serious anxiety problems and spent my time focusing on social problems and friend drama throughout high school around the same time grades started becoming more weighted on homework and though i kept doing well on tests i could never get all my work in which mixed with apathy about grades due to my general mental state never got addressed as a result of all this i ended up at a middle in college with no scholarship in college i finally started working through my anxiety issues and developing a healthier self-esteem i started doing much better and after getting subsequently diagnosed with adhd and starting treatment i got back up to straight as and was able to graduate with my last two years on the dean's list and i'm now looking at some very rigorous and esteemed grad programs it's never too late to turn around your education if it's something you really care about high school was stupid easy university was stupid hard i was lazy and never learned proper study habits in my younger years because i could read the notes the day of before the exam and pass so easily being popular takes a lot of time away from homework it's the right decision always be popular unless you're my kids then you get the dang homework done i always went overkill with homework and i think i spend all my fs now zero are given even when it's life determining [Music] for me it was the difficulty spike between primary and secondary i settled for not getting a plus s then i settled for as then as till i decided that 50 percent required to pass was good enough except it was not all in high school and before straight a's were easy didn't have to try for anything in high school i regularly skipped class to do what i wanted and hang out with friends and a lot of times i would sleep through class and be perfectly fine as long as i studied last minute then college came around and old habits die hard and you can't really get away with it anymore so instead of my 4.0 gpa in high school i'm now about to be a junior in college and have a 2.22 cause i was lazy then and it's hard to break the habit when i tried i got a's but nobody cared because there was always somebody better or smarter so i stopped trying and got bees and coasted off those until the end of high school when i started to get c's because i chose pot over academia my brain does two things very horribly math and flat out memorizing if you give me an essay question on a concept i get an a if you ask me to memorize 20 things i get to d turns out college is a lot more just repeat the thing than explain the thing i just really lost any motivation to do it it used to come easy and after it became hard i continued to try for a very long time but at one point i just gave up slowly forced myself to not like art so i could get a good job halfway through first semester of junior year of college i finally had a breakdown and stopped going to class and just got really depressed working on saving for art school now left the balls everyone wins elementary school where you learned nothing and teachers were forced to give us to middle school if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun Studios
Views: 557,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: school stories, school, back to school, students, teachers, high school, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: hrEqWoLEKzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 55sec (11335 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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