Back to Basics - Day1 Elephant Challenge (April)

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hello everybody Welcome to the how to get started recording and training and challenge everything else in between shout out Bigger Pockets thank you for letting me write a book wealth without cash super excited about that um we officially have hit best sellers list already in the book hasn't even come out so that's super cool um I'm gonna give you guys really quick framework and we're gonna go through the training very quick take out your notes um we are doing a very very basic version and very different than what we've done in the elephant challenge so far we are going to answer the question of how do I get started in real estate okay and I know that we've answered this to some degree in the past we are going to answer very very basically today give you guys some framework help you guys understand some things and then on day two I'll show you guys a couple of other uh really cool things in depth and then day three I'll show you some other things in depth what's up guys good to see everybody in here thank you thank you thank you so much for people watching this in the future please um watch this do not do not go oh this was a pre-recorded training I get the question so often how do I get started how do I get started how do I get started and today I'm going to answer that question for everybody the challenge is you don't know how to get started because there's so many different ways to get started and you get information from one person and then you hear something from somebody else and then you go to a seminar then you read a book then you do this and then you do that and you're all over the place and really there's a path that you need to follow and you need to understand what you're trying to accomplish before you ask that question you need to ask the question is how do I Pace morbi get started is a different answer than how does let's say um Howard wildly okay or wild wildy Howard wildy says how do I get started different freaking answer completely different answer okay so we're going to go through a really cool infographic today keep it very basic and by the time somebody watches this in the future and I share the infographic link with you maybe this is on um maybe this is on some sort of like kajabi thing and there's a link underneath where you can click on it and you can get a copy of the mirror board that mirror board is going to change dramatically over time okay now you can't see what's on this mirror board because I don't want you to see it but this is day number two we're gonna go through this on day number two of how to actually acquire a property and we're going to go through this infographic I'm going to give this to you guys tomorrow you'll have this link tomorrow you will not have this link today and um I will give you that and it will change dramatically okay this is kind of a basic version and I'll end up having a graphic designer clean it up maybe we'll even create some workbooks associated with it a couple of things right from the very beginning I want you guys to know a couple of things I will not be selling you anything okay there are a couple of uh every challenge I've ever been to there's always something to sell okay even challenges I've done right I've done like the AI challenge we sold Astro Blaster not gonna do that today um I've never sold a mentorship or anything like that on any one of these lives in fact I will tell you not to join my mentorship please understand the next three days I will not be trying to sell you anything Gator sub 2 I will however give you some resources that will end up costing you money depending on who you are okay there's a lot of free Avenues and free paths to follow follow down but at some point you are going to have to spend some money on your business right like getting an LLC you're gonna have to spend some money um putting some money into a bank account so you can actually start a bank account you're gonna have to put some money in there um you'll need some sort of tool to comp properties um whether you're a real estate agent or not a real estate agent in order to get really good software to comp properties you are going to have to spend a little bit of money outside of those things the next three days will not be one iota of telling you to buy something do something whatsoever this is simply a how to get started super basic super simple way for you guys to understand why you have been struggling why you currently are struggling maybe why you quit at some point maybe why you started you joined some other person's mentorship it didn't work out maybe it wasn't even because of the teacher maybe it was because you weren't ready or you chose the wrong path we're going to be talking about those things over the next couple of days today I'm going to give you six steps I want everybody to go through through the steps with me and by the way if you guys have really long messages like Cynthia where you dominate my chat I will kick you out please guys do not over do the chat okay the chat gives me energy okay but if you guys are sitting here and like filling the chat up with all sorts of stuff I will have Carly who's in the back kick you out okay please don't do that please can we can we all agree that that's that's okay can give me a yes in this inside comments put your damn name in one time put your phone number in one time it's all you need because what we'll do is we'll save the chat and we'll email it to everybody at the end of the day okay put it in one time who you are what you do all that kind of stuff okay and we'll save the chat and we'll email it to everybody do not spam my chat I will remove you this is my challenge this is my platform this is something that took 10 years to get a thousand people to show up all at one time please do not take advantage of something that I put hard work into please okay thank you all right let's get started I'm literally just going to get right into it very very little deliberation um here's how I would introduce myself very quickly what's my name where do I live have I done a deal or not and how to get get a hold of me okay and if you're a sub 2 student make sure you say I'm a sub 2 student because people need to know who are great leaders in the industry okay all right now the reason why you are having a hard time getting started is because a very very common things we're gonna go through that today number one first step of getting started in real estate let's get into it pull out your notepads pull out your pens okay we are going to get started right now okay look at this I put all this hard we're gonna go through all this today okay step number one okay this is a big deal I know I've talked about this a hundred times but this is Step number one people that are sitting here six months in this business quote unquote have still not set up a company okay so step number one is set up your company why is this so important it's important because psychologically you need to be committed to something you need to have some skin in the game I don't care if you're in my free Facebook group I don't care if you're on my YouTube channel I don't care if you came from Bigger Pockets and you're in the free forums I don't care but you need to have some skin in the game all right guys the time to introduce yourself is over okay the time to introduce yourself is currently over right now you're all pressing enter I'm gonna give you guys 10 seconds to finish it up we're done okay all right guys if you don't if you don't stop I'll just turn the chat off do you want me to turn the chat off all right I I this is this is an unfortunate thing but I got to turn this the okay stop introducing yourself Conrad sir Conrad Spencer stop introducing yourself okay stop it I'm not going to turn it off I actually like the chat just be adults okay the adults thank you thank you thank you thank you stop introducing yourselves everybody's got it thank you so much we will we will email everybody I like the chat I enjoy the chat I don't want to turn it off at this point if you guys come in and you introduce yourself Carly who is in the side she's behind here she okay will be kicking you out I want full respect if I'm putting all this time and energy and I have payroll that's going into this resources places I could be guys I closed a 600 unit multi-family today you think I could have maybe other better places to be right now than doing a free challenge for you guys just respect the chat thank you so much thank you all right so number one set up your company for the people that continually come into free challenges they come into YouTube channels they come into Bigger Pockets guys I'm going to be really mean with you stop being one of these Free People the free people have broken mindsets you are trying to do everything on a budget the person you are trying to be does not budget for anything I don't know any wealthy people that sit there and budget over anything it is interesting to watch people that go out and they're trying to nickel and dime every little thing all the time guys you will never become a millionaire that way I don't care what you say I don't care what you believe Dave Ramsey you guys are going around in nickel and diming everything yet you'll go to Starbucks you'll waste money on Big Mac you'll waste money on stupid clothes but you won't go and buy an LLC get a company set up it is imperative it is something if you don't have an LLC right now you should go to start with stop with the shenanigans okay here's what I find when you are not psychologically committed to this business you've flounder all over the place and so what I'm telling you to do today is I'm telling you the path this is Step number one of that path doing deals making a lot of money the first step of that path is actually creating a business okay so go to who in here is a prime client okay look at all those Prime clients okay Prime is Awesome People obviously love them so these are people that have taken the first step on their Journey guys I will do q a at the end by the way so if you have your hand raised you're gonna have to wait for me till the end I do want to go through the presentation it's nothing fancy but it is the framework of exactly how to get started and it is going to take me two and a half to three hours okay if you do not have an LLC type me in the side chat okay all of you guys that are saying I don't have an LLC yet I'm telling you the first step to starting this business is getting an LLC you want to get a loan on a property you'll need an LLC you want business credit you'll need an LLC you want to buy a property wholesale a property whatever action it is that you want to do you are going to have to do it in an LLC so essentially what you're you're doing is I go hey let's go out and let's catch a bunch of fish let's go out into the ocean let's catch a bunch of fish you me we're spending all this time putting ourselves on a ship we go out into the ocean and I go all right pull out your net and you go nah I don't need a net you said we're gonna catch fish yeah where are we gonna put the fish knucklehead your LLC is where you put your properties it's how you wholesale your deals and you don't have your name on your contracts you absolutely need an LLC it's where you're going to catch the fish whether you're going to fix and flip it are you going to fix and flip in your personal name are you going to wholesale on your personal name are you going to buy and hold real estate in your personal name those are the only three ways to make money in real estate okay you're gonna either wholesale you're gonna Fix and Flip or you're going to buy and hold we'll go through those a little bit today are you gonna do any one of those three in your personal name if the answer is yes well then I guess you don't need an LLC also if you haven't if you don't have an LLC plan on getting a lawsuit plan on people finding you plan on people coming and knocking on your door your tenants coming in finding you my tenants don't even know my name my tenants don't know where I live they don't know who the owner of the property is because my LLC protects my name from ever being seen okay make sure you have the net where you are going to catch the fish this sounds like Common Sense I've said it a thousand times I will have to say it maybe 10 000 more times in my life but people come to me a year into this business and go Pace I'm losing everything I got a lawsuit water damage on this property that my insurance isn't covering everything in my tenants are blah blah blah blah and I'm getting a lawsuit oh well good thing you have an LLC so it protects you nope I did I put it all in my personal name get an LLC okay now the second thing you're going to need this is where kind of this fluffy Duffy stuff comes in the second thing you're going to need in that step step one building a business starting a business step number one is getting an LLC okay step number two is getting a bank account now think about the psychology of this there's so many magical things that have happened in my life where like even yesterday I I um I go to Ken McElroy's office and for some of you guys that watched me on my Instagram stories I go to Ken McElroy's office yesterday and he just shows me what his office looks like that's it he shows me what his office looks like he has the labels of everybody's job description on their door one of the job descriptions was director of philanthropy somebody in Ken McElroy's company they own 6 000 units 6 000 man uh mobile sorry multi-family property six thousand doors he has a full-time position that is the director of philanthropy he says to me that is an effing cool job that lady's job I took her from ASU she worked at ASU for 10 years and now her full-time job is to give our money away and just the psychology of wow that's where when I get to your level that's the way I have to be thinking those little Connections in your life has anybody ever watched a training of mine whether it's YouTube or a free elephant challenge or a video or something where like I've just turned some sort of energy on it reach shapes the way you think thank you for that one thing I can tell you is having a bank account when you are brand new is so important because it sends I know I'm not the mindset person but I'm telling you this is magical it sends a message to the universe that you say I am in business I have a bank account I have a company name I have a a place to put the money in the event that I have a deal now here's a great question okay I Can Only Imagine I just did a deal today with Robin hurt by the way let me call Robin her I don't know if she's on here but let me call her and if I'm gonna scold her if she doesn't have an LLC watch yes I'm here hi hi you're getting paid on a deal today are do you have an LLC or are we paying you in your personal name absolutely have an LLC and you have a bank account and I have a bank account thank goodness that's all I wanted to know thank you so much okay bye this is what I'm talking about if you she randomly so here's what Robin did is Robin found a deal in Mesa that a wholesaler had under contract and she pushed it over to me and we gave we got her page he basically just found a elite for me I paid her 2500 bucks she is what we will get to in a little bit I'll talk to you guys about uh deal finder or a bird dog that's one of the avatars we'll cover today she got paid 2500 bucks you think I'm going to pay that money to her personal name and her personal bank account stop with the craziness that you think you are in business when you don't have a company you don't have an LLC and you do not okay um okay Greg you see that long post you just made I appreciate you brother but those long posts are not okay with me in my in my training please please do not do that no more long messages in the side chat please otherwise I got to turn the side chat off and I like the side chat please don't do that okay so Robin got paid twenty five hundred dollars today and I'm grateful that she has started an LLC so go to start with whoever is has not guys I I don't want to move on to step two that's how fast we're gonna go through these steps there's six steps today and then I'm going to open up the Q a there's only six steps I'm almost done with step one who in here did not have an LLC is now finally taking action and has gone to start with and booked a call to get an LLC set up has anybody done that in here give me a yes Pam white Stacy Nana okay great 100 plus people have done that okay oh she says a lot of people saying I spoke to them today I'm doing it right now watch how easy this is this is how stinking easy this is and we'll continue to go through the steps and you guys are sitting here on a free training you don't have an LLC like you're going to be hanging around okay here you go Prime business exclusive to pacemore referrals book a call watch this okay pops up a calendar they give you an hour look at this they'll give you an hour consult talk okay for next one is available is the 28th they've got three or four time slots right here I choose eight o'clock in the morning and I confirm boom boom boom okay there you go there you go there you go schedule event boom there you go awesome that's it that's step one okay now there's another company that we use for people that um we use a company called start with relay or relay Financial is the name of the company oops I Googled that that's not what I wanted start with and you can get past this silly step that people have okay there you go keeping your business on the money bank with relay a lot of people who has who has relay okay a lot of people have relay people are happy with relay okay cool great we don't need to cover this at all okay get a bank account get a company name there you go now let's get into step two step two let's do this sorry guys my computer is like a little bit slow today because we changed the definition of the TV okay so set up your company in Step One start with prime start with relay get a bank account get a place to actually send money for deals okay um Verdin if you guys want on the last day of this training I'll bring in and show you the perfect corporate structure I'll bring in Prime on day three if you guys really want I'll show you the perfect corporate structure okay now here you go here's step two we're gonna get to get into some good stuff we've never talked about today but I'm I want you guys to go in here and say choose your Market okay choose your Market your own backyard is preferred why is your own backyard preferred your own backyard is preferred because you get to drive around you get to take your wife on dates husband on dates if you're in same-sex marriages don't make me use all the the words we only have three hours okay you gotta drive your Market you get a you get to see everything guess what every time you do a deal as well write this down I want you guys to remember this every time you do a deal you are not just making money what else are you making you are making relationships you are making resources connections you are gobbling up experience in that market so what happens is it's way easier to go meet these people for lunch or see these people at meetups or have them come over to a hangout at your house or go on a hike my the people I do business with I hang out with all the time I go play golf with them I go do things with them there is a significant advantage to doing business in your own backyard okay now here's where I would limit that okay here's where I would limit that if you are in North Dakota or South Dakota and your population is like 3 000 people I would probably advise that you should start in a virtual Market okay if you are Dane Moore says I'm in Australia perfect nothing against your country but you are not the United States I would never invest in Your Country Real Estate wise because I don't understand anything about it so what's gonna happen is you guys might ask questions if you're Canadian and say can this be done in Canada I don't know can this be done in Bangladesh I don't know can it be done in Australia I don't know but one thing it can be done in is America and you can do it virtually just like somebody in South Dakota virtually investing in Phoenix Arizona okay do you got so Luis Galbraith says population is 5 000 here do you think that she's going um to be able to scale a business in a market that has 5 000 people in it okay I mean think about 5 000 people there's no opportunity there right let's say that ninety percent of the people in any population anywhere not selling nor will they sell anytime soon so really you only have 10 percent of the population to kind of go to and probably ninety percent of them are not in stress a stressful situation so what we do is we find opportunity that means that 50 people in your Market are in distress man don't you want to do five deals a month six deals a month seven deals a month that's not a market you're going to be able to do that in okay Tyler Snyder says yeah Trent you're going to be able to do a couple of transactions but not scalable okay Andra says Phoenix in Arizona Detroit Michigan amazing markets I love those markets I think they're great okay I'm more I'm buying in California now we're by I just closed on a deal in Hawaii today uh I bought a a sub 2 deal right on the ocean two acres two two percent interest gonna put that in the portfolio Eric says what about a hundred thousand population I think that I think that that's okay me personally can I are you guys okay if I tell you my personal opinion about my personal business but you don't ever make a decision on your personal business based on my opinion are we okay with that I personally would not invest in an area that doesn't have a population of at least 500 000 people or more that's my personal opinion okay why it's because there's way more activity and I never sit around going man when's my next deal coming around when's my next deal coming around now when's my next deal coming around that doesn't mean you have to do that that just means that that's what I do and I did that for a long time and then when I started branching out into other markets and we branched into markets under 500 000. we just saw that things were a little bit slower and I'm a faster paced type of person so anybody in here is like I don't need to do 20 deals a month like Pace or more I would like to do maybe 20 deals a year okay that's going to be a big part of what we're going to talk about okay yeah Terry Thai pace is a faster paced guy I am I'm a faster paced guy Yvonne says Sandpoint Idaho we are small town but Coeur d'Alene and Boise are better for deals for sure population makes a huge difference yes Sandpoint is super cute great town um I'll be there this summer probably spend a couple of days there but um sandpoint's not a market that I would go and search for now if somebody sent me a deal in Sandpoint Idaho would I buy it yes but would I go out there and start searching for deals the answers no I would not okay Richmond Virginia is a great Market yes I love Richmond Virginia I think that's awesome okay so that's mine now where do we go to kind of figure these things out I'll give you guys a link to the Census Bureau that gives you population and growth patterns okay if you guys go here let me give you guys the link real quick if you go here you'll see the the Census Bureau and their website and you'll be able to come in here and break down population race Hispanic origin housing so check this out this will go to population change I want to go into markets that are in the the mint green okay it looks like Illinois Missouri and West Virginia are actually slowing down they're losing okay they're losing population and then when you zoom in you start seeing all these little brown areas look at this guys you do you want to move or start buying in areas that are in this 29 loss over the year I don't think so right so this helps you determine um There's the link right there please save it okay ma says can someone work yes you can become bro you could here's Maj let me ask you a question if you bought you guys want to know you guys want to know the easiest way to become a millionaire buy three houses and wait that's it being a millionaire homage is that really your goal bro come on millionaire hey guys I've given the link the problem is you weren't ready for it so hold on just a second let me turn the chat off okay do you want do you really only want to shoot for being a millionaire the answer is no of course you don't you don't want to be a millionaire you want to be a multi-millionaire I would say that shooting for being worth 10 million dollars is probably the minimum that people should be looking at I honestly think the minimum you should be shooting for by the time you retire is probably closer to 50 million why two reasons biggest one is inflation biggest reason is inflation think about what your net worth today if you fast forward 50 years from now all right I'm 40 I'm definitely going to leave to live till I'm 90. what do you think my money today is going to be worth in 50 years probably one tenth of it so you have to go and continue to accumulate more and more and more but the answer is yes you can be a millionaire very easily just buy three houses and wait that's this that's the simplest way to do it okay does ever give me an emoji a heart emoji if everybody's got the link in the side chat for the census bureau's government 's got the link awesome awesome awesome hundreds of Hearts thank you guys we have 1500 people here today by the way okay so choose a market this is a big one for me okay let's go back to the map and I'll spend a couple of minutes on this before we move to the next step all right so now I've got a bank account I got an LLC I am in Arizona I'm in kind of a magical area where I live okay if we actually zoom in on where I live you'll see that Maricopa County is a pretty awesome Market we got 500 people on this website now so it's slow which I love it's great I love crashing websites it just means everybody's taking action look it looks like it thinks Arizona and California are the same place say so I won't spend time here because you guys are all on this website which is great but take some time why is this important it's important because of a couple of different things one you're going to be able to get a lot more um growth long term the goal is the goal to be a wholesaler is the goal to be a real estate agent I'm sorry but no it's not the goal is not to be a wholesaler the goal is not to be a fix and Flipper the goal is not to be a real estate agent those might be steps in your path depending on who you are but that's not ultimately the goal everybody has the same goal there's not one person in here that has a different goal than what I'm about to say and that goal is to acquire passive real estate to bring Eternal cash flow that is your goal you will never do that okay you will never do that by being a wholesaler or by being a real estate agent you just won't will being a wholesaler help you get there faster yes will being an agent help you get there faster yes there are advantages and disadvantage to that but that is not the ultimate goal the ultimate goal is for you to hold real estate okay and any wholesaler out there that educates you on Oh no just keep wholesaling guys name me one wholesaler that retired from wholesaling I don't know one okay I don't know one that could retire from wholesale okay Jamil I love him but he didn't retire from wholesaling he built a wholesale franchise and he makes money off other people's wholesale businesses okay very different Ishmael says Pace wear a hat okay I will I'll definitely wear a hat tomorrow thank you so much Ishmael appreciate you okay wholesaling is a good paying job that's it all right so um there you go there's there's step number two pick a market okay and let's go back to some of the things that you need to be aware of when you're doing this pick your own backyard if you can if your Market is not growing and you want to go virtual then I would go on the Census Bureau here's a couple of other things too okay that I use as filters government view on investors should be positive who in here is not in an investor positive area meaning your government hates when people make money off being a real estate investor okay so are those areas that you should maybe be building in politics do matter guys I'm so sorry but politics do matter if you guys are buying in Democrat States Democrats tend to believe that everybody deserves a handout and I'm neither Republican or Democrat I'm part of the entrepreneur party whatever the whatever party is going to benefit me and my business that's what party I'm part of and currently the only one I know about is the entrepreneur party okay can you give us an advice on how to move money back and forth between business and personal account Balera I will do that maybe on day three that is so very much off topic that I'm not going to answer that question but thank you so much okay I'm trying to answer a question of how to get started in real estate so that people in the future can watch this so let's just stay on topic that would be really helpful thank you so much okay love DFW DFW is a great Market I own a lot of property there okay what is the elephant challenge Ishmael um I mean I can't I can't Ishmael this is the last time I read a single question from you you're awesome but you're just teasing me at this point okay um how is the New York City Market here's a question do you know people in the New York City Market that are super happy and they're trying to scale their portfolio in New York if you do then go and ask them do you are you grateful for starting in New York do you wish you started somewhere else okay um zamirian says Dallas is not fourth Fort Worth by the way yes it is all you all you Texans out there think it's different you also think Frisco is not Dallas it is Dallas all of the all of those little surrounding cities nobody can differentiate them they're all connected it's the same city okay um I think I think the whole country is amazing okay I think you can buy in every state and I think that you'll be happy in every single state I think you'll be grateful and of at least getting started in any state okay but make sure that if you are going to go build a portfolio this is why I started on the part where I said hey the goal I'm going to say this again the goal is to not end up as a wholesaler it's not if you want to wholesale and and ultimately make money and see a lot more deals the benefit of being a wholesaler is this okay the benefit of being a wholesaler is that you figure out how to generate leads okay so leads come into your business here's your business if leads come in because you figured out how to be a farmer and you farm you farm deals plant seeds and you make a determination of how you do those You wholesale some You Fix and Flip some and you buy and hold some and what's great is as you are the person that controls the lead Source then you are also the person that controls how fast you can scale in this business so being a wholesaler is magical okay WS stands for wholesaler it's magical in that regard But ultimately the same goal exists nobody wants to be a wholesaler I don't know any wholesaler ever in my life I've never heard of a wholesaler going and doing an IPO I've never heard of a wholesaler selling their wholesale business and say buy my wholesale business and then they go oh wow I just made 100 million dollars and I'm going to sail off into the sunset after I pay my 40 tax on that 100 million I'm walking away with 60 million doesn't exist doesn't happen it does not happen wholesaling is not a business that you will exit from what does an exit mean it means exit the workplace exit the money making world it's retirement is true like I've reached the point of Fu money you don't get that with wholesale wholesaling is I made 10 grand today guess what that means I have no money coming in tomorrow I got to go and find another deal I've done a lot of wholesale deals we still wholesale a little bit but overall I have graduated from wholesale I feel like wholesale is um Elementary School and you've got to get to Junior High at some point and then after Junior High you got to go to college okay or High School sorry high school and After High School you got to go to college okay what does that mean I think wholesaling and being a real estate agent are Elementary School I think fixing and flipping is like middle middle school right you're like on the cusp there you're wholesaling and you're fixing and flipping you're learning how to manage contractors and manage Crews and raise money fixing and flipping it is far more than just fixing and flipping it's learning how to raise Capital it's getting you warmed up to all right I'm doing a project I have a timeline I have teams I'm managing people I'm learning skill sets I'm accumulating resources and I'm getting credibility and showing people hey I can use your money as a PR as a private money lender and I can then tell that story so when I graduate to you know High School which is Buy and Hold okay when I graduate to high school which is Buy and Hold I now have the credibility and it can tell people like hey I did this essay I did this class I did this thing I did this thing I'm I'm credible and I can now borrow more money at a faster pace and so many of you guys that are starting in this business just want to jump right into college what would College be college is typically multi-family or large commercial that's like college that's high level stuff right A lot of people don't ever make it there and then what's funny is people just want to jump into multi-family it's typically the engineer types it's typically the super intelligent people like I'm gonna skip I'm gonna skip elementary junior high and high school I'm going straight to college guess what they might be able to do that I think that there is a very small select group of people less than one percent of one percent could could skip wholesale skip fixing and flipping skip single family accumulation skip small multi-family and just go right into big multi-family maybe they're just wait have a higher IQ right but in when you get into multi-family there's way more moving Parts way more challenges Etc 99.9 percent of people should not start in multi-family and not even touch multi-family for a handful of years okay you don't want to hear that you don't want to hear it because you have shiny object syndrome who who in here type in shiny object syndrome on the side chat you have shiny object syndrome you see all these cool people flying helicopters Jets and cool cars and you're like I want to own multi-family there you go that's I think multi-family is a shiny object syndrome you need to understand it's College you cannot get into college without going through High School okay some of you guys that just want to skip everything go to multifamily good luck with that you'll come back to me in two years and go how do I get started oh you'll go into multi-family you'll spend 35 000 on somebody's education and then you'll come back to me and you'll go that didn't work how do I get started okay Andre Mendoza says that's why I still don't have a deal done I got shiny object syndrome okay Ishmael Peterson are you an engineer by Ishmael let's have a conversation how about that Ishmael oh Ishmael Ishmael he's he's trying to this will be the last time I probably talked to Ishmael Ishmael how you doing man hello is the purpose just purpose can you hear me I can hear you again you're listening on two different devices typical engineer you have one phone thing going you have a computer going it's always the same thing you got one thing going on your Android and one thing going on your computer I'm on my iPhone I don't have Ishmael is your goal to be competitive with everything I have to say my name is Ishmael but no I'm sorry Pace brother if I have to break down even further and even more simple than I'm making this I don't even know where to go like if I if I say 99.9 of people should go through the right process and yes there's people that should go into college that can go to college and they can skip all of those things that does exist right do you remember me saying that about two minutes ago no yeah I remember okay so why did you need to point out to me hey Pace technically people can go to college by skipping High School I don't know why you got to do that bro I shouldn't have done that just chill man people are in here trying to learn participate but you don't need to be you don't need to combat and say stuff all the time like well technically well yeah I just had already said that I said hey 99.9 of people should go through elementary junior high high school before they go into college however there's people way smarter than me that could skip all of that stuff and go directly to college but 99.9 of people should not and your answer to that is well did you know technically people could go to college without going yes bro I just literally said that no yeah I heard you then what was the point of the comment I was just typing I wasn't help me understand where you're coming from so I can understand your comments I'm coming from a good place okay brother if I say something you don't need to come back and say well technically Pace you know what I'm saying no y'all get what you're saying amazing stick with me okay where do you live I live in Houston Texas amazing Market is that the market you're choosing yes this is the market I'm choosing amazing okay stick with me because I'd love to see you at the end of this next two and a half hours that I got left what Market you chose what strategy you're choosing Etc I'd love to see your answers to everything okay no that's what I was asking earlier I didn't say I wasn't asking what is the elephant challenge I was asking what is this month's elephant silence because I wasn't in here this month's elephant challenge at the very beginning you missed it you must have shown up late which is okay I said all I'm trying to do to answer for the next three days is to show people how to get started and to generate their first couple of leads and have all the resources they need just to get started that's it and if you're high level like you already are started and you've done 25 deals this is not the challenge for you okay and if you're somebody out there like I already know I want to be a wholesaler I already have leads generating then do not watch this challenge it's not a challenge for you this is really basic okay okay I got it cool and the reason why I point you out is because I'm trying to get through these steps and every time I go through the steps you're asking questions that are so far off topic and I'm like man is this guy trying to trip me up or is he trying to be helpful no I was definitely trying to be helpful okay brother I I appreciate you and I want to see you in the side chat what what you should be doing is helping people in the side chat that are here for the first time it's their first experience into real estate and those are the people I'm talking to today okay I've been doing the elephant challenge for a year I've done high level stuff mid-level stuff but today it's like baby steps crawling you're not going to learn a lot today because you're you're already probably a little bit more advanced but there's somebody in here who in here is so brand new that you appreciate me just going really really slow okay so Ishmael you see all those people in the side chat right now oh yeah they're going crazy that's who this challenge is for today so help me help those people okay yes sir I got you thank you brother appreciate you all right cool so guys here's what we got I now know I need to get a bank account okay I now know I need to get an LLC done I now know I need to have a market that's step number two you have to have a market so a couple of things on the market go to the Census Bureau okay go to the Census Bureau figure out a population that's growing not slowing my rule of thumb for me is that if a population is growing point eight percent or larger per year over year that means if they're at a hundred thousand people today okay they have a hundred thousand people in the market they're going to grow basically okay a thousand people this coming year okay I want it to grow roughly a thousand people now if they got a million people man they're growing ten thousand people they got four like in in um Maricopa County we have roughly six million people okay so with six million people that means Arizona minimum should be growing 60 000 people per year in order for me to pay attention to that market does that make sense everybody I want to be in markets that are growing not stagnant and the reason for that is again if I'm trying to be a buy-in is anybody here not interested in owning real estate and having passive income okay you see the Chas like basically no give me a yes if you are interested in growing passive income okay great so would it make sense for me to go in and put my time energy resources allocate a good chunk of my life to go into a market and buy real estate that is not in a growing population therefore I cannot raise my rents every two years therefore the value of the property doesn't go up every two years therefore every three the third thing is that new buildings and new jobs and new opportunities are happening in that City new restaurants all sorts of cool things are going on that is why we buy in growing populations does everybody understand give me a thumbs up a yes or some sort of emoji tell me that you understand that part okay there you go so now if I'm brand new and I'm gonna get you're going to have all the resources today so make sure you take the notes if I'm brand new there's six steps to this step number one start a business step number two choose my market okay now who in here Okay who in here does not know their market yet okay okay Cliff sunkel says okay a lot of you guys say me all right cool Jeremiah Dodds let me chat with you Jeremiah Dodds let's let's see if I can help you make a decision Jeremiah Dodds you've got two devices I don't why do people have two devices I don't get that Jeremiah what's up bro not too much can you hear me I can hear you great so Jeremiah why do you why are you hesitant on your Market what's going on in your mind that I can help you overcome okay so I live in Bonham Texas and it's a small town it's got about six thousand to nine thousand people yep that's an absolute no okay but it's about to really literally take off like bro you're taking off in Bonham Texas is an extra 500 to a thousand people a year okay you go to Houston Texas what's your biggest what's your nearest Big City Dallas Dallas okay 100 Dallas would be my market why I'm gonna tell you a couple of reasons why do you guys have uh do you guys have a Nobu in Bonham Texas I'm not sure what that is very there's your problem okay okay Jeremiah can I be really can I pick on you a little bit absolutely yes rich people don't live in Bonham Texas now are there people with a lot of money in Bonham Texas of course there's ranchers there's people with large lots of land but are those guys out there trying to network and going to meet ups and hang out and all that kind of stuff no okay so why would you stay in a small town because small town folk have small town brains yeah I want to collaborate they're very private very religious which religion's a great thing not criticizing religion there's a mindset that comes along with religious folk they don't want to collaborate they're very scared Okay small town folk have small town mites so when you want to go raise money to go buy a let's say a hundred unit apartment complex who are you going to get as a private money lender by focusing on Bonham Texas yeah nobody nobody so you gotta you gotta future proof your plans this is what I'm talking about you go to Growing markets and when you say man my City's about to blow up bro Dallas has more people move there than 10 into one year okay this is what's interesting Dallas has more people moved to Dallas in one year than 10 times the current population of Bonham Texas absolutely I agree okay so you're blowing up is not even one tenth of Dallas at its slowest slowest growth okay so how would you go about like getting tenants and all that kind of stuff with the distance okay I'll get to that you're over now you're thinking way too far ahead okay okay all I'm asking here here's here's a great question for you would you plant an orange tree in the middle of nowhere knowing hey you know what nobody's going to drive by this orange tree but it's going to be pretty easy for me to plant it how are you going to sell those oranges who are who's going to be your customer how are you going to make money from that orange tree if it's in the middle of nowhere yeah not going to happen Okay uh Jeremiah what'd you have for lunch today uh I actually had a Hot Pocket okay so you had a Hot Pocket you probably got it from a local grocery store right correct does the grocery store sit on a main thoroughfare or does the grocery store is it way out in the middle of nowhere and there's no traffic yeah on the main road okay so think about this you want to Future proof your business what is the main road of real estate well it's a population of 500 000 or more that's growing at least one percent a year in a booming Market Jeremiah there's so many things you have not learned experienced Etc your private money lenders are not going to be local farmers that are very humble and very scared to invest their money and things other than their own Farms their own little things their own little businesses you need to go places where there is an abundance of capital okay because here's what's going to happen you're going to do one deal okay and remember what did I say at the beginning doing one deal is actually not about the deal at all what is doing one deal actually doing the relationships Connecting People okay so do you want more relationships in Bonham Texas or do you want more relationships in Dallas Texas where there's an abundance of capital definitely Dallas okay so nobody should be on the fence at that point right you go do a wholesale deal in Bonham guess what you just made a friend or a title company relationship in Bonham Texas that you can't use now in two years three years in the future when you're trying to build your your um portfolio yeah 100 percent uh zamarian wigginton so Jeremiah does that help you absolutely thank you thank you does that help anybody else by the way sometimes I think some people just need to be told exactly what to do right you were basically told what to do your whole life this is a Marion wigginton how you doing I'm good how are you guys I'm really great can I tell you you just brought up a really important point about um being oversaturated let me ask you a question if I could tell you Sumerian You're Gonna Go you get one shot I'm gonna give you a Subway sandwich franchise I'm gonna give you one shot let me buy it for you I'm gonna get the employees ready for you okay do you want to put your Subway sandwich shop next to Blimpy you know what Blimpy is right never heard of it holy you live in a small town where do you live I live in Dallas how do you not know a Blimpy is you guys have Dallas Blimpie in Dallas do you guys do you not get out okay how about um how about um what's another sandwich shop you know about Jersey Mike's Jersey Mike's boom all right so if I say uh and your name is zamarian right that's perfect yep okay cool so let's say that I go all right zamera you have two choices and you can only pick one you can put your Subway sandwich franchise in downtown New York City next to Jersey Mike's you're literally touching your door you could touch both your doors at the same time their door and your door or would you rather put that in Bonham Texas where would you go I'm going to New York why the hell is it not the same thing about real estate huh in a sense it is the same thing I'm going to tell you right now everybody that is my competition becomes my collaborators we sell deals to each other think about this have you ever gone to a sandwich shop a hamburger spot or whatever you show up the line's too long ago oh hell no and you walk to the next door yep okay so technically you're somebody your competition actually brought you business right right there is no such thing as competition brother I want to be around people that are doing business I want to be around write this down I want you to write this down Sumerian somewhere I don't care where you write it your Apple notes wherever you need to be around the activity okay you need to be around the energy of activity okay now zamarian do you ever work out you ever go on a run with music playing all the time okay do you ever you have like let's uh like listen this morning I was listening to Travis Scott sicko mode and it was like being mixed in with um with Skrillex which was insane how much faster how much harder did I work out when I listened to that probably more than what you were already harder than what you were already going I would assume right and then all of a sudden what happens when you get a slow song that comes up in the playlist next I could probably slow you down is it bro you say probably as if you've never experienced this you're either giving me an answer you're not giving me an answer has it slowed you down yeah okay so you go to a small town where there's no competition do you think that's going to elevate your mind is it going to elevate your business or is it going to slow you down and you're going to be frustrated I would say it can do it could definitely Elevate you for sure when it's all around you absolutely right because it's all you think about it's all you hear it's all you speak about all your friends are talking about it your competition becomes your best friends okay now this is the problem is that this is not taught in high school this is not taught in in college youth you are taught everybody is your competition bro Jamil is my competition him and I do not own a single business together yet I have made millions and millions of dollars because I hang out with him okay you need to be around the energy of activity do you want to be in a uh population let's say a city do you want to be in a city that let's say Maricopa County where I live we have 14 000 real estate transactions happen every single month do you want to be in that market or do you want to be in a market like Bonham Texas that has 25 real estate transactions a month I would definitely want to be somewhere where they're having more activity there you go more activity there's more buyers here's another here's another question for you last question let's say that I'm selling T-shirts okay and it's my full-time living I'm selling T-shirts do I want to go where there's a lot more people or a lot less people obviously more people well what if there's other t-shirt people that are selling other t-shirts foreign here's a here's the last question would you rather have a problem with having a lack of customers or would you rather have the problem of having to become a little bit better than your competition which one would you rather have definitely the second problem there you go so when you guys are going into these small little teeny markets okay and you guys are thinking oh there's no competition yeah there's no competition because there's no customers your entire job is to sell a product to a customer that is all you do okay even even when I'm buying and holding zamerian my job is to sell a product to a customer if I'm a buy and holder right I'm a landlord what product am I selling and what is my customer set on housing I'm selling a lease to a tenant do I want to go to a market where nobody's moving because there's no job opportunities or do I want to be in a market where there's an abundance of growth and there's so many people that it's a waiting line to get into my apartment complex yeah I'm sure you're one of the bonus of people there you go guys if we solved the solution about competition yet have we hammered that nail hard everybody give me a yes in the side comment has that answered the question for everybody so Marion has that answered the question for you that answers the questions for me step your game up okay step your step your game up and more importantly make friends with your your competition because they become your greatest collaborators think about this think about this brother are you into rap music at all um yeah okay I'm into rap music a ton okay think about Snoop Dogg and Tupac Back in the day right did those guys not have their own records yeah they did okay but why were they hanging out with each other aren't they competing for the same people to buy the seat their own CDs at the time they were but they probably knew they could help each other as well there you go in fact what they did is they started featuring on each other's albums and helping each other grow that is what collaboration is about they could have easily they attacked each other they could have easily criticized each other said I don't like his style like is this I'm better I'm better I'm better I'm better instead they put each other on each other's albums and they postured each other up okay if you want to win you have to collaborate that's it gotcha cool cool okay no more competition conversation ever again from you hey that's done love it thank you brother great question though teed me up to answer that for everybody else it was that helpful everybody do you hear that okay all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna go over one more thing before we go to step three but I want to make sure everybody says yes I've chosen my market okay yes I've chosen my market and here's one the last way to do this okay here's an easy way to do this if I go to privy we're gonna we're gonna talk about privy tomorrow but if I go to privy I'm going to go in and I'm going to see all the activity that's going on across the country okay so where are some obvious places that I do not want to focus my business tell me some obvious places do you guys think we should be building a business in North Dakota and South Dakota when there's literally four listings in all of South Dakota right now what about Nebraska and the center of Nebraska what about the center of Kansas is that a good place to be is this making sense well hold on guys there's no competition over here guys there's in North Dakota there's no competition so why don't we focus on North Dakota come on guys isn't doesn't make sense like there's no competition in North Dakota and South Dakota like nobody is going to bother me I can just do this myself there you go there's no customers okay the blue bubbles are where activity is happening okay um by the way we will talk about privy tomorrow if you get this is the only tool I told you guys at the very beginning there's about 500 people that showed up late but um the only tool I told you that we're going to tell you guys about is privy because I feel like out of every Avatar that I'll talk about tonight it's the only tool that everybody can use so you guys can go to start with I don't know if you guys have it or not or not hold on start let me spell it correctly first off start with Harley can you give me an actual link because I'm kind of dumb I'm like I can't get my actual Link in there I'm stupid okay so check this out you think maybe Tennessee is a great freaking look at Nashville dude with 2 000. you think Nashville's may be a good place to go where there's a lot of activity and a lot of people for me to talk to and opportunities to see give me an emoji yes okay let's let's do a little test what about St Louis is St Louis maybe a good place to go okay what about Colombia you think Colombia is a good spot to go down give me a no or actually give me a give me a laughing face if you say no okay guys this is not that hard pick a market now you can change your markets I change and add my markets frequently okay but I'm not gonna go to the middle of Nevada I'm not going to go up into the middle of Oregon there's nothing going on here you think I want to go to Bend Oregon and make that my primary place to wholesale deals are there any even any deals going on there no okay so that is the last part of that step so I'm going to go through it one more time before I move to step three step three is really robust and like it's a juicy boy so I want to make sure that we are ready for this and before I move on to step number three I want to make sure everybody says yes I have and I'll open up the chat here in a second okay let me add this real quick add this little step here check activity on start with uh privy by the way guys is the only website that gives MLS data so it's even if you're not a licensed real estate agent you can have basically licensed real estate agent data okay all right so here we go this this is gonna be a juicy boy before I move on to the next step give me a yes as everybody in the side chat give me a yes have you guys all picked your market and if you say yes okay give me uh give me a yes in the side comments and I want to see where did you choose what Market did you choose okay Atlanta Love Atlanta Buffalo awesome cool I'll I I really see all of these as great markets really great markets by the way guys make sure your uh comments are not just on host and panelists make sure your comments are to everyone a lot of you guys have your comments selected to hosts and panelists there you go turn off turn it to everyone turn it to everyone so everybody can see all right okay so for some of the people that are brand new have do you feel like you've moved forward a little bit you've got some information you know how to choose a market give me a yes if you if this has helped you so far I promise you I'm going to help you out so much more because people are like well hold on I don't know tell me where to get a deal tell me where we'll get there one of the reasons why you've failed is because you meanwhile you got doctors going to school for 12 years to perform surgery and some of you people that are trying to get started in real estate can't even wait three hours for an answer okay South Carolina is an amazing Market okay give me a yes in the comments if we have made progress actually type in progress today if you've made progress today type in progress if you've made progress today awesome thank you so much and for the people that are in here um and you're like more advanced thank you for being patient and I know you guys are in here to help thank you guys so much all right here we go let's get into the next step the next step is choosing your avatar now I have multiple avatars some of you guys think you know everything I'm going to say there's a new iteration to this that I just figured out today I thought about this as kind of two categories I thought about it as farmers and Harvesters okay Joel says I'm just lost Joel how could you be lost brother we've barely even started let's have a conversation with you Joel if you started late you're gonna get I'm gonna bark at you Joel yeah how you doing right how are you lost brother you know I I really didn't think you would read that um um I I I'm actually a month in and I'm just I'm just watching a lot of videos and I thought I'll joined the challenge of the uh okay so Joel forget about all the other videos forget about everything else you're learning all I want you to do is focus on this is just going to answer you how to get started that's it yep have you picked your Market but at the moment I need to um wholesale just so I can get some money going on have you picked your Market I'm local and what is that market Bay Area amazing okay so you're in the Bay Area so you know you have we have one of the most amazing NorCal communities of all time Fresno Modesto the Bay Area Sacramento they all get together monthly they even have a zoom every single week and they all help each other and they do deals with each other have you been participating in those zooms yes okay so when you say I'm lost what do you mean by I'm lost help me understand what does that mean okay so here let me give you an example Joel Pace I'm lost because I have not decided where my leads should come from that would be one example of maybe being lost but you got to be more specific than just I'm lost okay uh indecisive um I want to kind of yes I I wanna I'm about to start this and then jump on this and then hear something else I'd click on this and and then you just kind of get rattled around we are going to figure that out for you today yeah I apologize no apology needed I'm just when somebody's saying they're lost I have to speak to them very strongly I've been teaching for a long time so I have to I learn the personality type that gets overwhelmed really easily I need to be strong with you so it gets your attention so you think I'm mad even when I'm not so you pause and you take note and and you absorb what I'm saying yeah okay yeah it's usually Independence okay so you're indecisive we are going to get through that indecisiveness in The Next Step okay you got it okay now everybody please pay attention this whole entire challenge is for people like Joel It's to cut through your because you have that you have accumulated baggage from your parents from your family members from your work life from your church from wherever it is and you're like oh my gosh I've been told what to do my whole life and now I'm in a situation where I have to make a decision and it's all resting on me guess what I was there too for 10 years I know exactly how you feel and that's why I'm doing this okay so Joel yeah you are indecisive because you have not focused on your avatar your avatar will tell you the next step which is how to generate leads and when you have actual leads you don't have a problem of being lost anymore okay do you know where your leads should be coming from Joel well I was doing I started doing the Lanza method oddly enough from the Bay Area and yeah and then you slowly stop because you didn't see results in 30 days I I stopped because I I done driving for dollars in my local area and I was like man I should be attacking this list instead of jumping onto the landing okay so you're you're a shiny object is what you got yes okay guys is this the recipe for success is shiny object no okay so we can't say I'm lost please don't ever guys Joel don't apologize by the way this is a really great example for everybody never ever say the word I'm lost because it's not accurate right it's I'm a victim of shiny object syndrome can you help me focus on one strategy that's really what you need it's not I'm lost oh my gosh I don't know what to do and you're not explaining things properly because that's when somebody's educating and you they hear I'm lost what do you think I think I think I missed something for the last hour but really that's not your actual problem your actual problem is that you are suffering from shiny object syndrome right it's kind of like the guy that wants to get a six-pack right so he's like people oh you got to do sit-ups and you gotta eat less food perfect next thing you know so you see you're at the gym and you see a guy doing a bunch of chest exercises and you're like man he's got a really great chest I should go over there and start doing bench press and then your coach goes you know dude What's going what are you doing oh I don't I don't know he was this guy was over here doing bench press what do you do do get back get your ass back over there and do those sit-ups well I know but I wasn't seeing results do you did anybody in here Saul says by the way Saul says damn that has been me so Joel this is really helpful for a lot of other people okay so I'm not picking on you I'm you I'm actually no no I know I understand you loud and clear Okay cool so um here's the thing anybody in here ever do a diet for two weeks and it just worked and you hit your ideal weight and then you're like dude I'm done for the rest of my life me okay but that's what you're you guys are essentially doing when you go start a business now think about this did Michael Jordan start just he just practiced for like 30 days on his layup and then he's like all right I'm done with my layup I'm gonna go do my for my free throw for 30 days and then he jumped over to three point or did that guy get so damn good at each one of those things over and over and over for years and years and years and years and years just for his high school team to cut him and then he goes perfect I just haven't practiced enough I'm going to go right back to exactly what I know I should be doing and he stayed consistent the problem is this is honestly I'm going to tell you guys the biggest problem you all have here's the biggest problem this is a hard one this is a hard pill to swallow you have been a drone ant for your entire life your parents told you what to do your school teachers told you what to do your church leaders told you what to do then your college professors told you what to do and then you applied to let another adult human being tell you what to do for the rest of your life that is literally your problem you are like just tell me what to do and it's a mindset then a lot of you men go get married because you want another person to tell you what to do or you women got married because you subconsciously watched somebody else get married and you go I just need another person to tell me what to do I just I just want to go through life where somebody just tells me what to do for the rest of my life and I can just be neutral I just want to be in neutral for the rest of my life I'm looking for comfort okay uh Jason says I'm 99.999 right Shannon glanton says why was this the most accurate truth ever does everybody agree with this you've been told what to do your whole life you've never had to actually live out on your own you've never had to figure this out on your own your boss tells you when to show up when you're getting paid what to do more importantly your boss tells you what not to do all the time so you expect that within 30 days you're going to break that chain of being a slave to all of those people you're going to break that chain mindset wise no it's not going to happen okay now I just heard something Joel hopefully this will help you I heard this this is really really good you guys want to hear something really cool I actually saved this I sent it to my my buddy um Alex hermosi I sent this to him and um I was just blown away by he he said this so let's go to saved real quick I saved this it was so good pay attention to this addiction 25 of soldiers who went to Vietnam tried heroin it was like an insane statistic and in the U.S 90 of heroin addicts who go to clinics relapse they have a 10 long-term success rate tough stats are completely reversed from people who got addicted or did heroin in Vietnam and then came back to the US you could draw the line which is it's better to change your environment than to even do anything else because what happens is you eliminate all the triggers and cues that are associated with The Habit that you're trying to destroy people are in the environment that they are addicted they change environments and they go to a clinic they change the environment they change their behavior and then they go back to the same environment and their behavior changes yet again to match the environment and so it's like if you want to change your actions the easiest thing you can do is just change the environment because if you can do that a lot of times a lot of the negative things you have you just don't get triggered you don't get the cue for the behavior it just gets extinguished so there you go your product of your environment none of us are smarter than our environment none of us I'm not you know what I figured out I figured out these six steps that I'm going to give you today Joel these six steps I don't even talk about creative Finance or wholesale at all today I'm not even going to talk about any of those because none of those are important strategy tactics are not important unless you figure these things out and what you're struggling with is you're struggling with mindset stuff and that you've been a slave your entire life guess what so was I all the way until I was 30 years old until somebody grabbed me by the shoulder and forced me to change my environment and force me to change the people I hung out with and guess what I didn't change overnight just like it took me 30 years to become a drone piece of that's what I call myself I was a slave to my environment I was a slave to the people I went to church with I was a slave to my school that I was I basically just became my environment and I had one person come to me and force me to change my environment forced me to change my friends and it took me three years before I woke up and realized where the change actually happened it's going to take you more than 30 days brother how old are you right now Joel 39 turning 40 the September so do you think that you've lived your entire life 39 years old by everybody else telling you what to do and all of a sudden in 30 days of doing the lonza method Everything's Gonna Change not at all mate so we got to be consistent yeah okay thank you for letting me pick on you because I think a lot of people got benefit from that did anybody get benefit from that okay and guess what it's okay I'm not mad at our government people criticize our government and go oh my gosh they want the school system to be like this guys think about this how in the hell is the government supposed to know who are going to be the born entrepreneurs how is the government supposed to figure that out what mechanism is going to figure that out if I was the government I would make a shitty school system exactly the same way I think they're doing the best they possibly can it's our job to break out of it not the governments not our parents not our church goers nobody else it's our job to break free of it 99 of the people you know what I am so grateful for those people because those people 99 of people will never break free of the enslavement and that just means it should be that much easier for me to have 99 less competition when I enter into the entrepreneurial world nobody is consistent except for the one percent and if all I am is imperfectly consistent I make mistakes every day consistent on the thing I'm on the on the focus that I'm on and I'm I'm imperfect I make mistakes I fail every day I try to fail I purposely go to fail every single day I will win by default that's it the problem is most of you guys okay most of you guys think that this is about tactics and strategies nope it's about mindset and focus how do how do you get over your fears Rhonda hang out with better people write this down and don't think that I'm anti-religion because I love my religion but your church sucks and the people that go to church with you suck and the people you hang out with suck and the family members you hang out with suck if you tell me that you make 50 Grand a year I can tell you your five closest friends also make 50 Grand a year I'm sorry but that's poverty okay Brian says I have no friends now well that we're going to change that today okay Joel thank you for letting me pick on you brother super helpful to a lot of people okay do we all agree that this requires you guys to wake up there's people in here that are like Pace just said my church sucks I hate him I'm sorry did I say your God sucks did I say the universe or Jesus or any of that sucks no I didn't the structure of your church and the people in it suck and they've held you down Jackson says no my church don't suck okay I hope that the people at your church are actually helping you make money you are worthless without the ability and skill set to make money I didn't say you're worthless to your mom I didn't say you're worthless to your dad I didn't say you're worthless to your children but you are worthless to the work environment without the skill set of in creating income that's it okay so when you're true when you're mine too okay mine too I go to church I love church it's great but I also know that the people there are poisonous okay I know that when I go to social events and I start listening to people complain about their lives I'm like whoa you guys are poisonous I need to get the hell out of here okay the people that you hang out with are the reason you're successful you're not that's it and it sounds so cliche but anyway let's get let's keep going okay have we figured out our markets can we move on to the next step okay all right step number three you need to choose your avatar now you heard gentlemen right before say that he chose the lonza method oh am I under am I on no I'm on step three Kimberly I'm on step three I've not even gone through step three all right so step three is your avatar now I'm going to break this down into two categories okay you are either a farmer or you are a harvester okay what does that mean the farmer is the person that plants the seed and does the hard work to plant the seed the Harvester is the person who benefits from the farmer's work okay you are not planting seeds okay you are harvesting somebody else's okay lazane Mayer says currently a farmer I need to harvest interesting now let me explain that to you because you don't know the difference okay I don't think a lot of people know the difference if I'm calling a seller directly I am a farmer I am farming opportunities I'm creating opportunities that is a farmer if I'm calling agents directly I am a farmer I'm Farming and creating opportunities okay however if I'm jving with people and helping people find a buyer for their deal am I the farmer did I create the opportunity or did I harvest and benefit from somebody else farming the opportunity okay now I primarily am a farmer because a farmer has control okay Luis Alvarez let's have a conversation here for a second okay Luis Alvarez says what is JV thank you for the question Albert Luis how you doing how you doing brother nice to talk to you thank you so much so JV means joint venture so Luis let's say that I find a house right and I get it under contract right I find a house that's just falling apart I call the seller the seller's like yeah give me I don't even care buy it for 20 grand and I'm like wow I've spent so much time looking for these opportunities I haven't spent any time looking for a buyer because I'm not the buyer Luis do you know how wholesale works uh not really okay so Luis you know that Amazon does not I'm sorry where do you go where do you shop your grocery shop um a Grocery Outlet down the street okay so Grocery Outlet down the street do they um Farm the eggs I don't think so the answer is no no do they Farm the eggs no okay so you can agree that the egg farmer sells their eggs to the grocery store and the grocery store finds the buyer for those eggs and that would be called a joint venture the farmer and the grocery store come together and go let's joint venture you got your own business I got my own business but we benefit each other this is a joint venture got it okay and guess what the grocery store finds you the buyer guess what the whole guess what the grocery store is doing they're wholesaling eggs to you to me the buyer got it okay okay so the same thing goes in real estate did you know that most fix and flippers and most buy-in holders people that are actually holding real estate don't find their own deals how do they generate them the same damn way that you go pick up eggs my brother they rely on the supermarket of deals called wholesalers and real estate agents okay okay does that make sense 100 so if I'm a fix and flipper I can just go down to the supermarket of deals which is called wholesalers and real estate agents and I go to them and I go hey guys I want to buy some eggs and they go yeah no problem so where do they go They're the supermarket so they don't actually have the eggs they go to the seller of those eggs which would be obviously a house that would be the farmer okay does that make sense yes okay so there's so many people that make money in real estate and this is why real estate is so challenging it's because there's so many ways to make money that it confuses people that's me okay so think about this let me tell you something this is even better okay farmer makes the eggs creates the opportunity right yep okay he sells them to the supermarket Supermarket is that the last person that has the ability to make money no who could who else could make money the farmer himself no the farmer's already made money he sold it to the supermarket my question was is he the LA are they the last person the farmer the last person oh bro oh my gosh oh sorry I'm sorry how could he be the last person when he already sold it to the supermarket that's the first step bro you're saying though the the okay hold on hold on hold on you're not great you're not picking you must be on a phone or something yeah okay so can you see my screen right now yeah okay so check it out so you got Farmer John okay he goes and he goes and Farms these eggs right okay he sells his eggs to the supermarket okay and let's say he sells those eggs for a dollar a dozen guys please don't make a comment about the dollar per dozen like somebody's gonna come in here and go oh eggs are way more than money in that shut the hell up we all know for math purposes okay so the farmer sells his eggs to the supermarket right Supermarket then tells you hey eggs over here are three bucks so you Luis go hey I'm gonna feed my family I'm gonna go pay the three dollars for those eggs so you Ben obviously benefited your family okay so let's think about it this way the farmer could be the seller right they they're gonna sell their house who are they going to have represent them probably an agent which would be the supermarket in this example yes okay then the agent sells the house to you and your family and you guys are benefited from that that house because you got to raise your children there right okay that is a simple example of this analogy now let's think about it another way okay now by the way the supermarket is wholesaling this they didn't create the product they found it at a lower price and sold it to you right okay so they wholesaled it makes sense okay cool now is it not possible that maybe an instacart or who what's another instacart kind of company guys Uber Eats Uber Eats there you go so if I want to get um or there's a company called gopuff as well in my neighborhood could these companies not even mark up those eggs even more to sell them to Luis could they not do that they could okay great so you see how every relationship depending on the convenience that is brought to the relationship there's multiple people that get to make money in real estate right yeah so the farmer is the person that can kind of takes the initiative they can start calling sellers this is the seller the seller is the person who basically the the seller is the eggs I should actually say yes and the chicken okay the seller is the chicken they create the eggs they create the everything comes from that chicken does that make sense yeah okay the farmer could be multiple different people and this is where real estate gets confusing the farmer could be a wholesaler could be an agent depends on the situation it depends on the strategy okay so all here's let me explain this to you okay so let's say that I got I got a seller they own a house okay everything starts with the seller and a house right every real estate deal starts with a house we can agree with that right yes okay does every deal come from an agent not always not always okay does every deal come from a wholesaler no no not always and you know what's even more funny than this this is where it gets confusing for people age sometimes the seller sells directly to the consumer right I can go farm to table right yeah Luis couldn't you go on like a phys you could go and buy a for sale by owner on Zillow and you could go directly to the seller yourself and go buy a house to live in directly from buying without an agent without a wholesaler without paying the fees and everything right yeah okay there's so many and all of this exists in real estate it's the same exact thing you here's what's funny Luis and everybody else you guys are living the the real estate world all the time all these relationships you have going on with instacart that's a that's a that's a what we call a micro flipper or Astro student okay you guys Astro students are like the instacarts oh you guys are that lazy oh I'll make I'll make a spread between the super you don't even want to go to the supermarket no problem I'll make a spread between this okay astral flipping yeah so is this starting to sink in just a little bit I can go way more in depth okay this is starting to make a little bit of of sense Okay so every deal starts with a seller and it depends on the situation with the seller if the seller is not highly motivated Luis okay they're typically going to go through a real estate agent or sell on fsbo okay they're gonna call an agent and they're gonna say hey agent will you put this house on the MLS okay great or the seller is like I don't even respect real estate agents so I'm just gonna do a fsbo it's a for sale by owner I'm going to list it myself okay or let's say the seller falls into foreclosure and a real estate investor like me wholesaler or an investor goes oh my gosh this seller's in foreclosure so that wholesaler could call that seller and go hey can I buy your deal so many different ways that seller can sell that house depending on the seller and depending on the situation right yeah okay so there are so many people involved in a real estate transaction so this next section that I'm going to go through is going to help you understand who these people are and how you can make a decision on who you're going to focus on okay okay Beatrice Cruz says Pace how can I do my first deal without an LLC Beatrice why would that even be a question why would that even be a question why are we why why are why is this the choice of questions out of all the questions you could ask the question is pace how can I do things the way you told me not to Beatrice Beatrice all right hello hi hi help me understand where that question is coming from so basically I have everything set up so I have on preview I have I already we already set up at our Market um we're gonna be in Central Florida that's where we're aiming for um but honestly I just had a child as you can hear her crying in the background Beatrice the way I would do it is I would joint venture with somebody else who does have an LLC that's the way I would do it okay who's your best friend in real estate with my best friend in real estate yep and if you don't have an answer then you're a knucklehead just say I'm a knucklehead I'm one knucklehead there you go there's your biggest problem your biggest problem is if you don't have an answer to that question just immediately say that's my problem okay it is and and again I've told people this a hundred times everybody thinks it's about technique you think it's about technique and like how good of a copper I am but the reality is your environment and what you think about and what you talk about on a daily basis and who your friends are and what your what you guys are texting about Beatrice have you had a I I don't want to pick on you I'm going to pick on the audience has any of you guys texted each other's friends in the last couple of weeks and said um hey are you watching the game are you watching the bat the NBA Finals you guys Tech any of you guys out there texting each other there's a couple of guys let's just say yes okay so if that's the so those conversation are they negative no but they take the place of other conversations leading you to a path of money so it's the same thing with do you text your sisters Beatrice yes and they complain about their husbands a little bit Yeah okay do you know now know what your problem is yes I have to get more involved with that subtle Community you have to get involved with people that are also involved in real estate and how did I know you're texting your sisters and they're complaining about their husbands I don't know possibly because your wife does the same thing my wife will never complain about me and her you'll never hear my wife say a complaint about me ever once and you will never hear me complain about my wife to anybody else we elevated from that 10 years ago so my my point is when you're stuck in anything it's because the environment that you're in and I can tell you immediately there's like Beatrice you got a lot of stuff going on in the background so I'm going to mute you but um does every does anybody kind of agree with that you guys understanding where I'm heading with that you guys think it's technique you guys think it's comping you guys think it's the next easy button it is literally the same answer every single time it is are you hanging out with the appropriate people it will completely um oh Kyle Ross says Pace doesn't complain yeah she um I told her I fired my wife as an agent I told her I'm going to put you on payroll I don't ever want you to do another listing ever again I don't want my wife doing that okay Crystal Miller oh my word Crystal Miller oh this is not going to be good for you Crystal Miller hello hi hello hi Crystal can you hear me I can hear you great bye yeah I can hear you guys Crystal yeah you should just give up why because you already did I didn't I did message people online to try to make connections where online like you on on rain w-r-e-i-n on I don't even know what that is multiple you know multiple platforms of women entrepreneurs so I did you know message some people and I said hey do you want to do connections let me tell you right now I'm sorry for the women entrepreneur things okay you the women entrepreneur groups are caddy negative and they're constantly fighting uh-huh tell me I'm right but but you know you did make the comment so I'm just saying that I did you know because I did wholesale go to my free Facebook group and Link in with people that are doing physical meetups in your location so in your Facebook group and I got one person who called me but he said he would call me back and never called me back so I didn't hey nobody ever gonna call you back what are you gonna do when a seller says they're gonna call you back and they don't call you back Crystal I keep on calling and I keep you know being persistent Crystal where did you learn this bad behavior who taught you this I I don't know your parents Maybe no do you think if you're let's let's say this Crystal you have children yep just had a newborn okay perfect so your newborn grows up and they come to you and they go mom I tried this person said they were gonna call me back and I and they didn't call me back are you gonna say yeah F those people or are you gonna say really you tried one time with that one no I only I tried one time in your community but I did reach out to answer my question yeah I don't I do but I just don't want to be how are you going to answer your newborn when they say this person didn't call me back are you gonna say that that's perfectly appropriate or do you are you gonna say are you joking me I'm gonna say be persistent but not too much there's no such thing as too persistent yeah I guess are you gonna is that what you're gonna tell your child no well I mean no no I mean why do you think it's okay for you to do that I just maybe you're right you're a crystal for the first time in your life just say you're right you're right then don't defend yourself okay you're right just go dude you're right if my child was doing this and they grew up and they made a couple of phone calls they did we did a little bit of Outreach and they go you know what people don't want to collaborate with me yeah you would you would I'm sure you'd tell your child yeah you're right just give up this is not a good business for you no okay then why are you doing it I just say I just you can have a conversation by saying you're right you're absolutely right but I just want to tell you something I you are if it's if it's gonna defend yourself then I don't want to hear it okay then you're right there you go Crystal where do you live Pennsylvania for now you're in Pennsylvania who's in Pennsylvania that can link in with her there you go they got six people right there have already made a comment that's great and we want to move to Florida in a couple of months okay well then Link in with people Crystal I'll email you everybody's contact information guys ever if you're in if you're in Pennsylvania can you please uh message Crystal Miller please yes message me please Crystal guess what what do you know how many people I reach out to that don't want to collaborate with me even even me the so-called super Pace guide that you guys think is the super guy you don't know how many people that shun me and go oh you're this guy you're on YouTube You're blah blah blah blah you know what I said I'm like that is awesome you know here's my filter this is what I say I go I didn't deserve your respect today so I'm gonna go earn it and I'll be back right instead of me go oh F these people they don't want to collab with me f them I'm like you know what I'm not doing enough I'm not providing enough value and I'm not being persistent enough I'll be back right I you're right I just didn't want to come off too strong that's why you know like who is this girl messaging me 5 000 times you know what let me let me ask you another thing Crystal when you go and build a business and you hire your first employee do you want the first employee to be an overly persistent person that you're like damn who is this girl or the person you're like man dude where's your heart where's your where's your umph right yes how are you gonna impress me if I if you're trying to come and apply for me or vice versa right okay yes thank you yes Ed Mary Ed Mary says like Grant Cardone the emails me 30 times a week yeah because he got you talking about it in my side chat he successfully was persistent can we not agree with that you literally just talked about him in my side chat homeboy did his job and guess who has more money than me and you and half the people in this room combined shut the hell up about criticism stop the criticism stuff okay and some of you guys that are have been in here and you've already you're Advanced and you want me to move to the next step guys the reason you're failing is because you think we need to move to the next step do you maybe think that I know what the hell I'm doing and when somebody has a mindset issue that would cause them to fail on the next step maybe I would stop and pause and focus on the mindset issue before we move to the next step okay so you guys that are like next step leave and continue on with your life whatever is going on the problem with people is can we agree that Crystal doesn't have a technical issue Crystal has a mindset issue yeah yes if you also have a mindset issue then type the word mindset in the side chat it is not a technical problem that you have it is a mindset issue you have Crystal you agree with me correct yeah I totally agree and do you know why I brought you on here um no but I'm grateful I want here's here's I want you to answer that question this exact way I want you to say because you care about me Crystal do you know why I brought you on here um because you cared about me there you go I'm reading I'm reading your book I got your book so who cares about my book make some damn friends I'm trying I did I'm okay uh yeah you're right okay that's the answer to 99 of every single problem right I'll be more friends I'll I'll be persistent but if I get thrown out somewhere I'm gonna say pace told me to do it yeah yeah and and if you're not posting here's here's what I would do I would post and go guys I just want to make friends reach out to me and then make the post tomorrow then make the post tomorrow then make the post tomorrow right okay there's your problem if anybody I ever ask you what is your problem what do you think the answer should always be guys it should always be me I am my own problem right and then you have to pause and say what is my problem am I being persistent enough do I realize and understand that I have been a slave to whoever's told me what to do my whole life Crystal you probably have a nine-to-five job right or your husband does uh my husband does but I was doing holes thing but in Philly they made it where you had to have a certification my friend said so I stopped it for a couple of months that's a 300 certification why didn't you just get the certificate you got man Crystal you got some mindset stuff going on I I just got really paranoid about the whole thing and then I started um learning about seller financing so I said I'm just gonna dive into that and I because we're moving to Florida in four months anyway I'm telling you Crystal no matter whether you choose wholesale seller finance sub 2 Fix and Flip or anything else you will fail without quality friends in this business I'm trying to get even today I did a Master Class and I re I did on on her Facebook thing I said is it okay if I you know you know write a message and I wrote a message I said I'm looking for other females like-minded women to connect and nobody responded so I didn't want to like women women are really challenging Crystal I got eight sisters okay I grew up in a family of eight girls I know more about girls than most girls know about girls so you'd know how it can be yeah I I wouldn't be going to all female groups to be honest with you I'm being just honest with you right I I watch all female groups I speak in all female groups and they tear each other down they're very territorial that is true that's very true so you know if I wrote the same message five times you know women would probably be like who the heck is this crazy girl so that's why I already I already said that at the beginning I was like why are you in those Facebook groups why not go into my community why not go into my free Facebook group and let my students love on you I am in your Facebook group do you want me to go into my Facebook group right now and look up your name and see how many times you posted and we can then have this conversation because you will be you will I will railroad you I have been posted crazy amount of times but I did post I'm not you know am I right crystal yes you're right okay then don't defend yourself okay just say you're right and you can we can release the conversation you're okay you're right okay now do I believe that there should be all women groups yes I hope that somebody figures out how to make an all women's group not caddy and tear each other down but most of the time yes he's never gonna happen it's really hard that's why I make an all-inclusive thing because we need all all people we need male female people that are binary bipedal we need people that are bipedal at three legs some people need one have one leg we need them all right I would like to you know have anybody here you know who want to work together to contact me you know whatever so put your contact information inside chat thank you you're awesome okay did anybody think that I was only talking to her okay cliff sunkel cool Cliff how you doing man uh all right great question really really great question I would say one of the top questions that people have is like well how do I bring value to anybody right Cliff do you have like a couple of best friends uh yeah a little transitional right now uh try to change friend groups okay but you've had you've had good friends right yeah for sure obviously were you did you just like give them money give them opportunities or did you guys just maybe have a great life where you laughed and had some burgers together a couple of drinks whatever and you just had great camaraderie yeah when we were younger more irresponsible yeah but was that not valuable to you to like grow up with people that you had some good laughs with some some good memories Etc yeah absolutely so do you think Real Estate Investors don't want those same types of experiences no I I see how that could be a thing but like I guess one of my big concerns is I don't want to feel like I'm wasting someone's time because I don't have you know deals I don't have a lot of connections all of that I know I'm not alone in that like I know there are people like that but yeah it's a it's a definitely a small mindset is what is there and there's a lot of people have small mindsets as we can all agree I can tell you most of the people I like hanging out with are people that are genuinely interested in real estate and the people that have learned a thing or two are happy to educate and teach and share what they know Etc and they're like why don't more people like come to rias and come ask me like some questions or ask me like hey can I get five minutes of your time or hey can I you know say thank you for what you do or whatever it is the value you provide to somebody can just be a great human connection at the very core of everything and so I think a lot of times you're overthinking it and um Cliff when was the last time you went to a physical Meetup uh I've only been trying to get into this for less than a month now I just got my LLC set up and okay that double dials with Don and Mike um so I would I would make sure you're going to physical meetups that'd be a big one for me okay yeah I just I only discovered how to even get into your Facebook group I got it I'm just giving you advice I got it so um I would make sure I get some physical meetups and what you're going to do is you're going to find five six or seven other newbies as well and you're gonna be okay to hang out with newbies as well because they at least have the same conversations the same Curiosities as you and you know what's kind of cool about having five or six new friend newbies that are friends is that you guys are all basically crowdsourcing each other's questions and answers so imagine you have five people asking five different sets of questions aggregating all of those answers together and then you guys get together on a zoom once a week and you're like hey let's talk about what we did what did we accomplish what what challenges you're running into and what answers did you figure out and who did you oh there's a meet-up going oh this is great and you become a group of friends talking about things positive in the very um like beginning that's the only value that you can provide and then within about I'd say three four months the value that you can provide even if you've never done a deal before the value that you can provide to somebody is maybe an answer to a question that they're having when you first started that you're like oh somebody goes like for example somebody in here said what is comping Cliff do you know what comping is absolutely is okay so think about the people in here that you could posture up and help out and you can be a giver too you don't always have to be only collaborating with people that are the pace morbies of the world that are doing a deal a day you could be collaborating with people that are just like hey I'm on this I'm on the train you were on Cliff 30 days ago and I'd love to get caught up to speed I would start there in the very basic core level of just being a good human being which you are and I would focus on only that for the next 30 to probably 90 days so I mean I that's this might be a stupid question I can tell you right now it's an overthinking question it's not a stupid question it's an overthinking question it's going to be you overthinking something well I was going to ask what the best avatar for someone like it like I'm not great with cold calls but I aggregate knowledge and I'm a sponge and how could I like best help project that onto people that great question that's like it reads the Gap I guess right well let's talk about that let's get into the avatars let's get into you guys ready for the next step absolutely cool thank you Cliff I appreciate it brother let's get into the next one okay so again guys what's your what's your number one problem is it strategy is it technique or is it maybe your mindset and your lack of human connection with people that are also in the business Community right mindset and Community those are the two most important things I focus on because those are the two things that you will always fail at okay no matter what your Technique is how many zooms you listen to all the things you listen to of mine and you're not sitting there actually becoming friends with each other you're gonna fail that's it okay um Eugene says all of the above still a work in progress me too I'm still a work in progress I'm just at a different level it doesn't it never ends and so as long as you know it never ends it and you start looking at it as an everlasting video game you go man this is just a video game I get to play every single day I'm so grateful for this okay uh by the way everybody knows about my book tour coming up right because people are asking about meetups you guys all know about the book tour coming up okay I guess you guys don't follow me on Instagram I get it I'm not I don't I haven't earned your follow yet I guess I get it I get it I will work harder to earn it how about that okay here is my travel schedule and um it is a book signing tour that I'm doing I'm pulling I'm going to pull this up in just a second you guys can see um where I'm going what I'm doing Etc okay so I've got this week I am speaking in Arizona on Tuesday next week I am doing uh Seattle Washington then I'm going to La then I have Tempe then I have Las Vegas Nevada Salt Lake Denver Colorado Dallas Houston by the way there's eventbrites here so if you ask me where it's going to be I'll karate chop you be resourceful click on the link um it all is all free okay Atlanta Georgia North Carolina Miami Florida and Kansas City and some people are like well where what Kansas City I didn't know until today that there were two Kansas Cities okay Kansas City Missouri awesome I did not know that sounds stupid but uh you know I don't know everything I know some stuff but I don't know everything I know people are like oh Kansas City Kansas and Kansas City Missouri and I'm like okay so those are two different cities but technically it sounds like they're the same freaking City you just have a state line between the two of them great got it so if you guys are sitting here going I want to make more friends pace is right I need more friends to hang out with maybe a good place to start would be go to my book tour they're free you'll be able to meet a ton of my students that are doing a lot of deals and you'll be able to connect with people and become friends with people and break out of your your shell of basically having everybody else tell you what to do with your life and you'll be able to come and hang out with us okay all right um let's see let's go back to avatars okay so avatars I I'm fearful of telling you guys this because what happens is you guys are such like shiny object people that are brand new are very much shiny object and so when I show them my full mirror board they go crazy they stop paying attention do you guys give me an emoji if you agree with that you just stop paying attention you just focus on whatever graphic I give you that you can only just go and focus on that only am I right about that isn't that kind of funny it's like I want to tell you the next step but there's so many there's only so many avatars in this that you won't even pay attention if I give you the graphic okay I'll I'll break it down without the graphic I'll do it with my pen and paper so we can just keep it really really simple okay so the first avatar okay there are basically you have to look at this as Are you a are you gonna go find the opportunities directly from the seller okay so here's the seller every opportunity starts with a seller remember that write that down okay yes I reorganized them every single seller starts with a property that property could be land it could be multi-family it could be single family could be commercial I know there's people in here that are Engineers that just can't help but want to talk about commercial and they want to talk about um it's always the engineer who's in who's an engineer in here that just can't stop thinking about multi-family you literally are an engineer for a living and you just want to do multi-family who are where are you every time I meet an engineer it's all you want to talk about multi-family so excited about multi-family yeah you've never done a deal before so great okay land multi-family single commercial um this is RV parks doesn't matter what it is right always starts with a property there's always a property where every deal starts okay all right so everybody understands where a deal comes from right give me a yes does this does a deal start with an agent does it start with a wholesaler does it start with or does it always start with a seller always starts with a seller okay great now the next question you have to ask yourself is how am I going to reach out to the seller okay where how is this seller going to sell their property okay well there the sellers will typically sell in um a couple of different ways a they're going to sell through an agent okay and there's a lot of opportunity here we can talk about this another day B they're going to sell through a wholesaler because the wholesaler lied to them I'm a wholesaler too I'm not criticizing but wholesalers you guys are lying and you're telling the seller what what do you if you're if you're a wholesaler you're telling the seller what what's what's the lie that you tell sellers I'm a buyer I'm a cash buyer I'm the buyer that's a lie you're not and that's okay it's okay I'm not his multi-family less risk Anson Rickard no multi-family is way more risk way way way more risk okay I will buy your home one of these things is an iteration they are not okay you are not telling them the truth and I'm not upset about it I also lie as well okay what do you tell them when you double close oh do you when you double close we tell them that we're the buyer Anton I I say the same thing I tell people all the time I tell them I say I never I never tell a seller that I'm a wholesaler I always say I'm a cash buyer even when I'm wholesaling it it's how the business works not criticizing I'm not making fun of I'm not critic like at all it's not a bad thing okay you're on the same page there see like guys see Max in the side chat he says you are a cash buyer just maybe not for their house guys we don't have to justify what we're telling people okay you don't have to justify that you don't have to go around your life justifying every little thing that comes out of your mouth and like navigating it's like the other day somebody told me oh I I can't that's a religious conversation I won't get into that okay um but sellers don't care okay at the end of the day sellers don't care what sellers care about is getting the house okay the sellers care about getting their house sold okay that's it so how else can a seller sell a property a seller can sell a property Direct right anybody else anything else that a seller can do to sell a house going through an agent Kevin Hogan Yolanda anything else knuckleheads anything else besides the three that I have listed anything else no okay hold on a second for the people that are saying seller finance and sub 2 are those not going through a wholesaler direct or an agent for sale by owner is direct Anson Rickard say sell it on their own is direct give me one that is not on the list it's only these three all of your guys's strategies all of them foreclosure Bank guys it's Direct sellers losing their house to the bank Direct that's it it's either an agent a wholesaler or direct that is it there is no other there's nothing else 72 sold agent real estate guys come on nope not a probate sale reverse transaction Max Howard how does a reverse transaction work tell me that Max oh my word you guys are digging deep on this one Max what is reverse transaction mean Max five four three two one okay I guess Max doesn't want to talk okay so do we all agree that there is no other way hey Bruce let I think you and I need to have a conversation because Bruce is just throwing out like every strategy under the under the sun and Bruce Dellinger you have two devices Bruce what's up man Bruce what's up how is a Novation agreement sold without any one of those Street three strategies on the on the thing or an executory contract foreign okay so that so we've already covered all three ways that the seller can sell a property correct so a sub 2 transaction goes through an agent goes through a wholesaler or goes directly to the end buyer right right okay what about Novation goes through an agent goes through a wholesaler or goes through the direct right yep any other strategy behind besides these three no okay the answer is no zero zilch other ways a seller can sell a property now I'm not saying what strategy they're selling on cash or creative or anything else okay Bruce is looking for strategies I'm looking for a method or somebody that has to go and find the opportunity okay does that make sense to everybody give me a yes in the comments okay so now why did I hammer that home so hard I hammered that home so hard so that you can understand that there's no other way for you to get a deal without one of those three things happening a seller selling through an agent okay well maybe knowing more agents would get me more deals a seller selling through wholesalers oh so maybe knowing more wholesalers would get me more deals or a seller selling direct which would be foreclosure they'd lose their house on foreclosure but guess what now it's going through a bank and it's direct now you can go directly to the bank and you can buy directly in REO okay Michelle Marion says I'm stuck on the lying part of wholesaling okay Michelle um Michelle come on board and let's have a conversation hey there hi where are you stuck I guess I'm just if we're if if the goal is to help people which then in turn helps ourselves why would we lie to anyone and maybe I'm just naive I just don't get it you're you're naive and and and um now are there wholesalers that don't lie yes there's a lot of wholesalers that don't lie okay but the reality is Michelle agents lie all the time okay sure all the time like agents tell their sellers I'll sell the house in two weeks or yeah the house will sell for that price and they know damn well it won't but they're just desperate because they're competing with their competition Michelle I imagine you've never been in a heavy competitive market fighting for your ability to pay your bills against other business owners as it as you yourself as a business owner Fair okay so you don't know that environment necessarily to understand that every agent and I'm not justifying it and I'm not leading you down a path to go and you go oh okay so it's okay to lie that's not what I'm trying to to get to okay are we on the same page there sure I just want you to understand that you just by the mere question you you're asking me it tells me a lot of the environment that you are currently in you must have a job that does not require you to pit yourself against competition to ultimately lie or massage the truth in order to land business contracts is that correct it's left my nine to five um because they compromised I felt like my character integrity were in a question and so I want that's not how I'm gonna live okay and so I left it to pursue this which I've wanted to do for a very long time and I feel like the doors have just opened and now it's time so who I'm struggling with that part okay I'm gonna there's so many different ways to make money in real estate that maybe being a wholesaler is not the way for you but I'm going to tell you the truth wholesalers lie real estate real estate agent real estate agents lie and can I tell you the truth too about me I also lie very frequently to whoever I'm buying deals from whoever I'm selling deals to I lie all the time can I'll give you a good example okay somebody brings me a deal this happened a couple weeks ago you can see it on my YouTube channel and they go hey I got a deal and um it's I need a twenty thousand dollar assignment fee for this deal and I go man if you can bring this down to ten thousand dollars I got seven other deals I'm looking at today I I could turn the other six away if you could bring your ten thousand you could bring it down to ten thousand dollars otherwise I'm gonna go with the other one of the other six options okay that's called negotiating right which is another word of lying Okay I lied I didn't have I didn't have six other deals I was looking at and even if I did have six other deals maybe I'll buy all six but I'm not gonna tell the truth because if I go hey you know what you're just asking too much money and you want wait you just want to way too much money one it leaves and you know what's funny about lying and negotiating is it actually leaves both parties in a happier place and if I told the truth when you put it into that perspective like negotiating and you know kind of painting your picture as as you have more of an upper hand or whatever then I get it and that's not the context that I took it in so it makes sense yeah I was kind of stuck here's here's where wholesalers lie okay this is where wholesalers flat out lie to sellers they say that I'm a cash buyer why do they say that wholesalers are not cash buyers okay they don't actually buy real estate they get sellers under a contract and then they sell that contract right right so but if they told the seller that I'm not a cash buyer I'm basically going to up yours ten fifteen thousand dollars is the seller gonna allow that wholesaler to solve whatever the seller's problem is no no and so does it actually behoove the seller or the wholesaler to tell the truth in that situation no no and I can tell you also so this is something else Michelle I'm as a wholesaler I'm not buying houses from people that are in really great situations sure that is not the business of wholesaling a lot of people go oh my gosh you know these people I'm like dude these people are in foreclosure they're going through yeah forces they're going through bad situations they need somebody to come in and help them and the last thing you should be talking about is whether you are the one that's actually going to buy the house or not it really is a non-issue to be honest right it's a moot point and I get it that's that's fair so and then but you know here's the thing is there's a lot of different ways to be successful in real estate I'm actually going to go through 22 of them and only five of them really require you to have to kind of FIB a little bit if that makes sense okay yeah well again painting the picture differently as in you know and and I can call it that and you know we can say it's lying we can say it's not you know I get it I understand I call it lying yeah no I I'm I understand I'm with you all right I just I just make it any different but it makes sense when you said that I kind of got hung up on that like what do you mean like where am I not being honest because I want to help people as well as be successful and I want to do it honestly yeah you know so think about this have you ever gone have you ever seen a billboard of a hamburger and it's like the most beautiful hamburger and then you go into the spot and it's like anything but what was on the billboard sure is that not a form of lying as well it it I I get it I pick up what you're putting down I understand cool yeah so I just um I just want to make sure that everybody understands that um and that there's nothing really wrong about that you want to strive to be as you know transparent as possible but here's the thing too is like when I'm in a seller appointment I actually don't say a lot I actually ask a lot more questions and so it's not like I'm sitting there going just so you know I'm a cash buyer I'm a cash buyer I'm a cash buyer a lot of times that doesn't even come up people want to be heard yes yeah and I just tell people I go I'm an investor okay but when you say you're a cash buyer it is not true and so I tell people look just tell them you're an investor because you invested in leads you invested in your education you invested in yourself and you are an investor you invested in a business to wholesale so I just tell people I'm an investor okay 110 yes yeah so you can just change the wording to kind of make sense and um there's nothing wrong with that and you will find that as you get into the business that people will lie about their contracts with the seller in order to get one over on you and it's the same thing with McDonald's and Burger King they're both pitting against and lying about each other like oh they don't do this and I we use all beef patties and it's like really dude those two are frozen for seven months in a freaking truck you know right and I'm in the position now where um I'm looking for uh financing and then there are various lenders that are actually Brokers that um are like yeah you know we can help you with this and then it turns out like they can't because they're having to go find the money they actually aren't asses asset based lenders because they don't have the money directly yeah they're Brokers yeah yeah so what are you Michelle what are you trying to do are you trying to buy and hold are you trying to fix and flip are you trying to wholesale what do you want to do so um at the moment I'm trying to buy and hold I have a property in North Carolina that we bought in 2019 proceeds from um a flip that we did and now on paper I'm not an experienced um I'm not experienced and so now we're having a hard time with financing and we own the property free and clear so then there's that piece so um so we're trying to get the money for the renovation and it's you're not experienced okay well then you have to jump through these hoops and if you're not you know if you're not experienced you can always JV with somebody who has experience and they'll get you qualified I do that for people in fact I did it for Angie milanazzo in here just a couple of weeks ago you'll get lenders that turn you down you just need to get somebody to back you up JV joint venture do you want to back me up you're not one of my students I wouldn't do it I I only I only as of January 1st I only sponsor students loans understood but I have a lot of students that would do it for you you know what you guys did Tech you know I posted in your group a couple of times and you tag some different people and um unfortunately like I I did have a couple conversations and they said they'd call me back and I haven't heard back and and you know maybe they think it's too risky I don't really know because I didn't have any further conversation but but yeah I understand yeah you just got to keep trying and you're doing a good job so are you so if you're trying to wholesale just use the word investor you'll be fine got it awesome thank you thank you so remember guys there's all of these opportunities that you're ever going to look at even Michelle wants to Fix and Flip okay Michelle wants to Fix and Flip is she going to be able to go and Fix and Flip without going through an agent a wholesaler or directly to the seller that herself think about that how Ava Boyd says yes how Ava how how is she going to be if she wants to fix and flip right or Buy and Hold Ava tell me what strategy am I missing I would um um why can't she refinance and she owns the property already I assume there's some equity in it no no no no no if she wants to go and Fix and Flip like we're talking about new projects she wants to go do a new project okay right she's not the project she has in 2019 that's paid off she doesn't want to sell the house so forget about the house if you want to go get an opportunity tomorrow Ava are you going to be able to do it without a real estate agent or a wholesaler or going directly to the seller yourself are you going to be able to do that I don't know did you miss the last 30 minutes of me yelling I didn't know I heard you're yelling I just I didn't get that answer out of your yelling in my apologies do you remember did you see this on my screen I did okay so what are the three ways that I can get a deal I got an agent wholesaler direct I've seen your other your other uh trainings and yes I'm aware of that but I thought why can't you just take some of the equity out of the property and use part of it to fix up the property and then flip it I mean she could okay that's not what we're talking about that's not what trees how did she get that house I don't know how she got it well it only comes down to one of three things she either got it from an agent a wholesaler or directly from the seller herself or it was an inheritance I'm not sure but where did that come from I got it directly from the seller the person who owned it gave it to the person who who got it you have that this is what I'm trying to get you to understand and when you guys keep saying like I'm having a hard time understanding this business these are these little minute things that might seem like Pace why are you belaboring this why are you continually going over this okay it's because I'm trying to dumb this down to a level where you go I want to get a deal tomorrow I want to get a deal tomorrow great are you going to be able to do that without an agent a wholesaler or directly going to the seller yourself are you ever going to be able to physically do that probably not no it's not probably not there's one or two answers no I will not be able to go without the threes physically impossible for you I got it thank you it is impossible so have we broken this down enough yes thank you what do you want to do Ava do you want a wholesale do you want a Fix and Flip or do you want to buy and hold I want to buy and fold okay so the next deal you do you want to buy and hold right yes okay so you you either got to go to an agent you got to go to a wholesaler or you got to call the seller directly yourself those are your three options okay that's it thank you okay is that is that helpful for anybody it was helpful for me okay so people are sitting here going but where do I get my next deal where we're going to talk about that okay thank you so it all starts with a seller okay so even if you find a house on Zillow guess what it's coming from one of those three things it's either coming from an agent it's definitely not going to come from a wholesaler on Zillow because wholesalers don't list stuff on Zillow but it's going to come from either an agent or maybe the seller listed it on Zillow themselves as a fsbo and you got to call the seller directly right Geraldo says you can buy it at auction if you have the cash Direct again my brother Heraldo it is direct who is the owner of that house at that point Geraldo people people still do not get this Geraldo my friend how is it that you do not think that the bank is one of those is one of those three things Geraldo I'm sorry price I was just kidding oh it is direct so the owner of if you buy it from the bank for three or foreclosure who is the owner or an REO property real estate owned so what happens if no the bank the county never owns the house correct correct that's true okay so we all get we're on the same page Ava we on the same page absolutely properties what's that I was thinking overflow properties after they go to the tax auction they don't they lose it the seller loses it then it goes to the overflows County but guess who still owns the property the Stella could still redeem it depending on the state too okay it's all the same answer yes correct okay got it you're making one of three phone calls that's it okay number one you make a call to an agent who's representing the seller number two you call a wholesaler and you go hey I saw you I saw this deal on your website can I buy it or three you called the person who currently owns it directly yourselves those are your three options could it be maybe the bank owns it directly because they foreclosed on the seller and now the bank owns it directly and you got to call them or reach out to their website then you go to the agent that's going to list it there is no agent in that situation unless it's an REO right real estate real estate owned by the bank and now there's an agent that maybe represents it but if you go to the foreclosure and the bank is foreclosing and they're taking the house back and then they're willing to sell it to you at a discounted price isn't that going directly to the seller of the property yes okay so there's no there's no guys there's 1500 people in here we all on the same page is there any other way to get a deal besides those three ways Geraldo any any other thing you're going to try and stunt me with Andre is better than iPhone is it really it depends on the model did you mean to say cheaper Maybe okay um Geraldo thank you for the comments appreciate it okay so Ava that those are the only ways to to get a deal okay so if you're like hey I want to buy and hold how tomorrow now we have a different conversation right now we have a the next level The Next Step okay and we'll get into that now all right so we already know okay we already know that there are only three ways that this can happen I mean if they're going to go to an agent I'm gonna go to a wholesaler or I'm gonna go direct are we ready for the next level are we all on the same page give me a yes okay anybody in here brand new say thank you or type in the word patience if you're brand new and this is pre this is good for you and you're appreciating this this is why I did this elephant challenge this way okay okay so all you Advanced people in here I have already had 300 people leave and I'm so glad that they left because they don't have patience this is why I dominate at this game I have the patience leave go away I'm trying to teach people to slowly get into this business okay all right cool so here are my here are my choices okay one of these three things is going to happen I'm gonna I'm either gonna reach out to the agent their wholesaler or directly uh there so here are the first couple of avatars okay Avatar number one we call this Direct to seller and direct a seller means you are going to spend money or spend time reaching out to the seller directly you are not going to go to a wholesaler and you are not going to go to an agent you are literally going I'm going to go direct to the seller okay what are some ways you can go direct to seller maybe cold call okay A lot of people do not like cold call you can text okay we use for this we use batch for this okay you could also do Billboards anybody doing Billboards I did Billboards for two years okay you could do Direct Mail Direct Mail is just literally directly mailing them to their house okay so this could be postcards or letters or some some other iteration of that okay you can door knock by the way don't tell me driving for deals because driving for deals wouldn't you technically have to go cold call text them or door knock them to talk to them driving for deals is not a way to reach out to sellers directly okay driving for deals is either cold calling texting door knocking or sometimes people send out mailers okay now guys I will get into the software on day three we're not there yet okay you can go to pay-per-click okay where you literally pay per click you go on Facebook ads or Google ads or one of those things and you can spend money okay you can do bandit signs which are they work but they're not really scalable uh yeah Terry Tai pay per click I just explained this I don't know why you know I got to be I got to realize that it's just really interesting that people don't know what pay-per-click is and I gotta remind myself why they don't know is that they're not in this business Terry how you doing man hey Pace you hear me I can hear you what what company do you work for no I'm brand new no I do I really think it's my day in life no no I understand but what company do you work for to make your your bills what company yeah you have a job yeah I'm a teacher okay you're a teacher awesome okay so your T your teacher your your school that you teach for do you know that they go and spend money to recruit people to come work for them right yeah so think about this if they go on like um indeed or they go on other places to like where would a teacher go find a job uh open market okay cool is that a website I think so okay cool so let's just say that there's a website where schools go to apply for a job right so your school will go on there and boost their post by spending money on that post to basically become a sponsored ad on that website right so every time a teacher clicks on that ad your school pays per click does that make sense yeah hey can I explain it can I so when I let's say I go on Facebook Marketplace or I go on um Craigslist or I go to other places I can tell people hey do you want to sell your house cash and I can pay for Facebook ads Google ads I can pay for all sorts of ads on the internet and every time a seller clicks on it to call me I have to pay a fee which is called pay-per-click completely but I was just telling you my feed on my my live stream feed it's a little bit delayed from yours so before you even say pay-per-click I put down pay-per-click like asking is that one of the ways because I know what pay-per-click is oh got it well I was I was just asking this is that one of the ways not because I asked what is it that makes sense thank you brother I appreciate that and thank you for uh really uh this is my first time talking to you when my brother told me to be your in your mentorships as an honor to talk to you right now cool man appreciate you thank you okay um guys is that helpful for some people didn't know what pay-per-click was I know that there's always like probably 20 or 30 people that are like ah you had no idea okay all right so the direct to seller right direct to seller cold call text Billboards direct postcards pay-per-click door knock band designs what else what's another one radio okay some people do TV no title companies hey guys does a title company call the seller for you no how do I directly communicate with the seller is what we're asking nope not a realtor Teresa that's a different strategy okay there you go ski uh nope skip same thing skip uh skip tracing guys is a form wow I got I'm like my level of patience has to be upgraded right now the fact that we even said the word skip tracing as a form of communicating with the seller how can I how can skip tracing get me to talk to the seller Jay says what is Skip tracing skip tracing is finding a seller's house that's in distress and you don't have their phone number right you go to websites that give you their phone number and they call they cost per phone phone number okay so guys if you know that skip tracing is not going to actually pick up the phone for you is Skip tracing going to pick up the phone for you okay so why would we suggest skip tracing as a way to communicate with the seller okay virtual assistant is gonna cold call right guys dumb it down to how it actually communicates with the seller a virtual assistant could either text or cold call we don't need to say virtual assistant because we already said text or cold call does that make sense okay these are the reasons why you guys are struggling to get into real estate is because you don't understand the basics of how you actually okay referrals is not how you talk to sellers Eric that is a lead source and that is also not direct to seller cool Fernando says can I see the Whiteboard again yeah there you go cold call text Billboards Direct Mail postcards pay-per-click door knock bandit signs any of these that are any more that are actually efficient don't give me don't give me any BS ones give me some that are actually efficient are there any other efficient ones all right that's it ringless voicemail is not efficient at all nobody gets deals from social media by the way attorneys are not direct to seller okay voice broadcasting that'd be called radio meeting in person would be door knocking tv ads are already on the screen networking nobody gets deals directly from sellers by networking I'll tell you that right now listen to me you will never get a deal from a seller by using social media ever unless you get to like a level where I'm at where maybe once every two months a seller reaches out to me because of my brand but that's so impossible like it's so basically impossible okay don't use social media to get real estate deals unless you're doing JV joint venture deals cold calling and texting is the number or the number one and number two that's it cold calling and texting great question England Curry says which strategy has given you the most success cold calling and texting will I ever do cold calling myself the answer is no I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever in my life waste my time on cold calling I will hire that out so direct to seller is an avatar okay it's an avatar who in here thinks that direct to seller is the right avatar for you Karma says who is who do you use for cold calling start we use a company called start okay do we all know that when you are doing direct to seller you are spending money give me a yes you are spending money on direct to seller but why do we like direct to seller I like direct to seller because it is controllable it's scalable I the the numbers make sense like here's what happens okay let's let's break this down if I'm cold calling okay I already know that if I have um one acquisition guy or me let's just say it's me and I have one VA I know that one VA will get me between two to three Deals per month okay so if I have a VA doing two to three Deals a month obviously I'm the one negotiating them the VA just sets up the virtual assistant is What's called the VA okay hey uh Carly will you remove John Fernandez he just keeps posting the same thing over and over and over we just remove him please guys if you see people spamming the side chat just please make a comment to Carly and she'll remove them okay Teresa Schwab they work full time the va's work full-time we we use a company called start virtual .com however this costs money if you want you want to generate leads I can tell you right now you will be overwhelmed with leads immediately did you pay people the cold call in the beginning yes Luis I bro I'm gonna tell you right now Luis let's have a little conversation I'm going to answer this for you right now and you guys Luis Lopez I think it was or maybe it's Luis Rivera is Luis Rivera what's up bro how you doing you there okay Luis the reason why I'm doing this Avatar training okay is because I want you guys to know that I think cold calling is a waste of your time I think I've never met an American person Saul Nunez says how much does it get a VA a full-time virtual assistant is going to be like eleven hundred dollars a month okay full time but I hate cold calling but I do way more deals than any wholesaler I've ever met way more deals and I've never I I cold called myself personally I downloaded something I won't even say the name of it because some people wait what was the name of that I downloaded software to do cold calling and I would like be the one doing it I did it for two hours I was like F this if if I have to do this there's no way I'm doing this so I just pay I just hired virtual assistants there's no way I'm cold calling myself now I've got friends of mine okay I've got friends of mine that are like cold call just cold call yourself if you guys want to learn how to cold call go to somebody else's YouTube channel go to somebody else's world I don't want to ever cold call in my life Sunny yes you give the virtual assistant the list start virtual trains the virtual assistant for you okay it's basically about a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars a month okay so uh sip Rodriguez says I only make two thousand dollars a month so VA is out of the question obviously so that's not your avatar I've got 20 other avatars to go through Jennifer McCauley says Where do they get the list Jennifer I give them the list okay if you guys want if you guys want to see how we built a business from scratch a virtual assistant Gavin uh this is great thank you Luis is a virtual assistant man I could literally go do 20 hours of training on one of these topics a virtual assistant is a real person they are typically in the Philippines start virtual uses some people in the Philippines you give them the list okay how many how many all can they usually do in a day Nanny do you really care or do you just really care that they can really produce basically 150 leads a month which generate like two or three Deals a month you guys are asking way too intricate questions okay can you do a video on in depth on each Avatar I've already done that at Eduardo you've skipped all of it and you've come here I'm just giving you for live training today okay um cold calling is a great way to learn how to talk to people Pace doesn't have this problem um yeah so was going to high school and elementary school if you don't if you don't know how to say hello to people then just go get a job and keep a job you do not need to learn how to cold call it to talk you don't need to cold call to learn how to talk to people that's dumb the reality is I love talking to sellers who are actually interested in selling to me I don't enjoy being hung up on all day and wasting my time right Gina says what is the best way to have trained va's to cold call your prospects and leads well first off they're not cold calling let's see Gina um poshki Gina how you doing amazing Pace how are you I'm great so they're not calling prospects and leads they are calling people that we call suspects we don't even we they're not even prospects at this point I'm sure you already know that okay so for example if I pull a list yeah market like mine right and I give it to VA through start virtual how am I going to properly train that VA to start virtual already trained start virtual already trains the VA okay this is why you don't go to like upwork and you pay like three dollars an hour to a virtual assistant has anybody ever hired a virtual assistant in here and had and found out that they were stealing from you the whole entire time see look in the side chat a lot of people say yes so you go to you go to a company called start virtual is the reason why we use them is because you get a customer success manager dedicated to you Gina amazing and your VA is already vetted and trained has already done cold calling and your customer success manager will help you set up your CRM show you how to pull a list get you set up do all the things with you and then what they'll do is they'll get the VA cold calling and the VA will set up appointments for you to talk to people who are actually interested in selling their house very amazing I have just one quick thing what is some feedback that you would give for a person like me that isn't quite there to hire a VA but has put in place and implemented a lot of things I would I would wait to listen to all the other avatars okay I appreciate that very much I'm on Avatar one there's 20 others I appreciate your time and a lot of them don't cost any money it's a pleasure speaking to you thank you no problem Gina yeah a lot of them don't cost any money the challenge with the the biggest benefit with direct to seller Gina is that you have control of how much leads come to you and you can turn it on and turn it off whenever you want however our next Avatar is called direct to agent okay if I'm reaching out into that as well okay so if I'm talking to agents I'm now basing my business on somebody else's business and how they're working and how consistent they are and that's essentially what I'm I'm doing right I'm I'm no I'm no longer in control of my lead flow a hundred percent now I could reach out to every agent and be super proactive and all that kind of stuff but at the end of the day most agents let's be real Gina where do you live Michigan okay I don't know how many people are in Michigan that are licensed but in Maricopa County where I live there's 60 000 real estate agents that are licensed just in my County okay only 15 000 transactions are done on a monthly basis so that means 40 if those 15 000 transactions went to one agent individually that means there's 45 000 licensed agents that did not do a deal that month but the reality is a lot of the agents that are in the top five percent are actually doing two and three Deals a month so it's closer to like 50 to 52 000 of our agents are not active and they are starving as agents so I look at direct to agent and I'm like am I going to build my business entirely off of another real estate agent and for me that's not my favorite strategy Jamil likes it because I think it I think what Jamil likes about it is that he doesn't have to negotiate with sellers directly I prefer to negotiate with sellers directly yes I can relate to that okay I'd rather just chat with people about their problems be able to solve their problem and if if buying real estate at a discount is all about solving a seller's problem how can I do that when there's an agent in between us that doesn't actually want me to discuss or chat with the seller right so again this is kind of the double-edged sword of direct to seller which is Avatar number one do you want to have full control yes do you want to spend a lot of money right now no yeah no if you're brand new I would suggest reading for the other app I'm not 100 brand new I've you know I have a CRM set and a couple things you know and some individual that I've spoken to to create have you produced I have not produced I have not produced um fully on my own now okay so that is what I mean by brand new if you're if you ever I appreciate it if you haven't produced income I would not go and suggest unless you have an abundance of budget right like I have I have some students that make 300 000 a year and work 20 hours a week at their like software programming jobs yeah they have no problem with a budget right I have other students that are like dude I'm a college student I have no money and I'm like do not do direct to seller because it'll wipe your butt you will not only be not eating Ramen you will be eating nothing so you have to make a determination and the reason why I'm going through this and chatting with you Gina is to help you guys have permission to know which way to go so for you Gina I would say direct to sellers not the way to go right now okay I would say I think direct to seller is the only way to scale a real estate like a discount real estate business in a big way but you kind of have to know your goals so let me ask you a couple goals guys pay attention because I'm actually asking all of you guys the same question as I asked Gina these questions you guys need to answer them in the side chat okay Gina what is your ultimate goal is it to just be like I have 20 houses they're cash flowing and I'm chilling on a farm somewhere and you know the the Midwest or do you that sounds ideal but no okay or do you prefer to have like 30 employees and a couple of different businesses and you're managing all of them um yeah so my initial clear goal right now um with creative uh the creative side of real estate is uh to create a team that's like-minded um and be a little bit more present in my uh location with actually attending events okay and not collaborating and networking with people you want a d a team of deal finders that you guys all collaborate and work together like-minded and you essentially will wholesale some of these deals Fix and Flip some of these deals and buy and hold some of these deals as well is that correct correct awesome okay so at some point okay because I have some students I have a student named Elena Tang she's been in my mentorship for a year and four months something like that and she's bought I think she's bought minimum 20 houses last time I checked and she might be closer to 25 houses now in a year and four months okay she doesn't have cold callers she doesn't have a team she doesn't have transaction coordinators she doesn't have any of that kind of stuff she is a different Avatar right and she goes I just want to focus on passive income and build that for like three or four years let my husband keep his day job as an architect and at some point as our passive income outgrows his job then I can have him come join our company full time that's a whole strategy different than my strategy I'm like how do I have a thousand employees and all sorts of big things and so I'm going a different path yours is kind of a hybrid between the two you're like I I like what pace is doing he has a team he has employees that buy his time freedom but they also bring in a conveyor belt of deals that he gets to pick and choose from I think that's the route I want to go is that what you're saying yes cool um then I what I would do is I would start out with one of the other avatars maybe um I would start out you you've already started out with one of my favorite avatars which is working for someone else as one of the avatars I think that's one of the best strategies ever but people don't like it because you're an entrepreneur at heart and you're like I don't want to work for somebody else I want to work for myself exactly right so um you've got a lot of hard work to put in like T Hodges says I want a business that runs without me to have passive income ultimate goals to own apartments and multis how much time let me ask you a question um T Hodges how much time do you think that would take you to sufficiently get to a point where you have enough passive income and a team that does not need you on a daily basis are you asking me or P hash is that question both um I would honestly probably say if it's um 100 persistent from now in five years I think wow that what a great answer I think it's three to five three years if you're really consistent and you do everything I tell people everything I tell you to do it's three years if you take some breaks you have some bad Partnerships in there which you will have in your lifetime um yeah bad Partnerships that derail you and you have some bad things happen to you I think it's five maybe six years thank you so much you're welcome I the challenge is a lot of people that are getting to the business Gina are like oh I'm gonna get I'm going to be financially free in six months yeah I know and then it's like wait you you got people going to become Architects for six years to make 150 Grand a year and accumulate 300 000 in student debt and then you got doctors going for 12 to 16 years to make half a million dollars a year but they walk out with two million dollars in student debt yet people jumping in real estate want to do this with no license no education and be financially free in six months right so um three years if you do everything for me it took me seven years if you it but I didn't have a pace there was right is there a pace out there that's doing 1500 person Zooms for free and just breaking people this stuff down absolutely not doesn't exist it didn't happen it didn't exist when I was doing it everybody was a piece of to me they did they were like no I don't want to take you on an appointment no you can't do this stay my contractor keep flipping my houses for me that was the environment I was in and so my seven years included all of that I feel like having a great Community people that want to collaborate with you a lot of free knowledge and just consistent campfire effect I think that people should be able to reach Financial Freedom doesn't mean you're incredibly wealthy just means you're financially free I think 36 months is a reasonable goal so the ques the question thank you for all that feedback so much of course thank you Gina you're awesome so um here's another question too okay a lot of people will say well what is your Finance what's your financial Independence guys there's no way I'm living on 20 grand a month right like I I live on way more money than that my house payment my the things that I the cars the travel all this stuff like I Anson record is like what oh bro really you ain't live you're not you're not living your fullest life until you're making 20 grand a month yeah Cassandra Olson says 20K a month is the new 5K a month okay um do you do you know what 20K a month would do for me yeah you're a young kid living at your parents house of course it'd probably get you a zamarian you'd probably get you a place to live on your house on your own the reality is that 20 grand a month you don't really make 20 grand a month right if you guys are making 20 grand a month you're really only taking home like maybe 15 grand Terry Ty says I'm living on 1K a month and I'm 33. that's guys do not brag about living on a budget okay um Anson Rickard says uh do you fly private when you travel sometimes but I fly first class primarily um okay don't brag to me about how cheap you live you live one time guys you want to live your life on a budget not me I can guarantee you on my deathbed I will not be saying but you know what I hit my budget every month it ain't something to be proud of to be living on a budget okay it means you need to obtain more skills and make more money that's it okay I was you know I was with um Ken McElroy last night talking about his jet and he's got me motivated for a bunch of cool stuff okay what time will you reach 20K a month Oscar what time will it take to reach if you're working intelligently hard okay let's let's talk about this okay if you're if you're wholesaling guys this is really not that hard y'all are y'all make this way too way too difficult okay well let me change something up real fast my team changed this up and it's kind of funny how they do this but uh cam 2. no I don't want that hold on a sec guys okay camera Five camera one oh there we go okay so um it's pretty simple reverse engineer it okay the average property that I own single family home cash flows 500 a month it's first 36 months okay and after that okay so here think about this I buy a property and that property it has a uh it brings in two thousand dollars of rent and my I'm going to do simple math I know people are like well what about vacancy and repairs guys please just make my life easy today okay so let's say that I have a payment every month of 1500 all my utilities expense everything is all included at 1500 I bring in two thousand dollars from my tenant I make 500 a month guess what happens at the end of 36 months I raised the rent 250 bucks so also now I'm making 750. guess what 36 months later raise the rent another 250 bucks and now I'm making a thousand dollars a month okay that's a beautiful thing about owning real estate is it is actually a hedge against inflation okay so if the average property is Cash flowing me five hundred dollars a month okay and you're saying well I want to make 20 grand a month okay well you need 40 houses in 36 months okay pretty simple that's 20K a month net that's after all expenses everything however after that 40 houses times 250 bucks that's pretty great you just added another eight thousand dollars in additional cash flow because you waited and you raise your rent so now you're you wait another 36 months okay you get another eight thousand So within let's say seven six years within six years those 40 houses will cash flow you about thirty six thousand dollars per month okay so just reverse engineer it's pretty basic okay does that make sense give me a yes if that makes sense okay now I don't know anything that actually has passive income besides real estate you know Bitcoin and all this other crap people do Ecom it's all trash okay so each rental is about 500 bucks that's average right between sober living between regular rental Section 8 you know pad split like all the different strategies I basically average 500 bucks per rental okay now if I want to do Fix and Flip on top of that my average Fix and Flip makes about twenty five thousand dollars each Fix and Flip that's net net net do some of my flips make a hundred thousand yes do some of my flips make ten thousand because something went wrong yes okay Karma yes Gator lending twenty thousand dollars is very possible okay so uh fix and flow Gavin kircher says do you fix and flow that are you talking about the Burr strategy Sean Sean Marie Carmona says I'm a little nervous to do my first Buy and Hold what if it doesn't rent out guess what Sean Marie it's not renting out right now because you don't own it so what would you rather have the problem of not owning a house that doesn't actually have a problem or the problem of having a house that does have a problem I would rather own one I'd rather actually be able to learn how to solve that problem okay instead of constantly putting fake things in your brain as to why you're gonna fail Anthony Frazier we are not talking about private money lenders today okay why not find your renter first that's not a thing okay finding your renter before you have a house is not a thing sorry Anthony Frazier let me let me show you something Anthony Frazier says sad okay watch this Anthony just watch if you're so excited about private money let me show you something go to pacemore with YouTube just click on here by the way you can go in here and you can type in um let's go past more you want to learn about what Gator is Pace morby gator well guess what look at all these Gator things I haven't done uh people pacemory Gator method costs people are so funny dude look a bunch of free Gator training right here go watch that you'll get a bunch of Gator training what about Pace morby private lenders oh damn okay amazing private Capital check this out three hours and 49 minutes all about raising private capital in fact check this out I actually did this like cool little um screen share thing where I showed you guys what each different type of private money lender is and what they look like okay Angie milanazo yes I was your private money lender on a deal so guys if you if you can't wait just go look on my YouTube channel okay give you basic level stuff and then you can go ask my students for the rest okay Okay so um check it out so if I if I'm doing rentals I want 20K a month we already did that 25 000 think about this like I could only do four flips in a year do you guys feel like doing four flips in a year is totally doable for you okay well how much is that that's 100K a year well now guess what you just did you just took your entire need of 40 houses okay for that 20K down to like basically 20 houses okay because of some fix and flips okay and then if you have uh if you do wholesale you could probably do I don't know a hundred thousand dollars a year in wholesale so you could take just mix these up okay I don't think wholesale wholesaling is something that you're going to make 500 000 a year doing I just don't I don't know a lot of wholesalers that actually unless they're an influencer I don't know any wholesaler that actually makes 500 000 a year net take home they might produce five hundred thousand dollars in stuff but they're not really taking home a lot they're taking home maybe 20 30 grand Max but I really I can't tell you a wholesaler that's Edgar I said wholesalers that are not influencers okay I don't I just don't I don't know any wholesalers are actually out there making that kind of money you have in order to make really great money okay you have to do a variety of things wholesale is just kind of one of those varieties right so Fix and Flip rentals Buy and Hold these are the ways to make money passive income this is this is today money wholesale is today money Fix and Flip is tomorrow money okay rental is forever money for me this is where I'm primarily focused right now how do I just accumulate more doors okay einhold is the ultimate goal but in order to get there you have to do you have to make money along the way so if you want to keep your nine to five job it's really easy okay it's really easy if you're going to keep your nine to five job along the way okay so the next Avatar is direct to agent okay hey Carly can we do um maybe not we did this AI challenge it was like three days of how to do direct to agent and Center Rickard says Pace how many doors do you have now Anson why would you want to know that I'll tell you well why would you want to know that is it for motivation or is it to make you feel like oh Anthony Johnson says 6K no I wish we currently have a just a little under 1800 right now we have uh about 300 single family and 1500 multi-family doors um I have a ques I have a question um do you recommend that people okay Anthony magnano man I wish I could pronounce names that's just not something I'm good at Anthony how you doing man Anthony hey all right brother how you doing how you doing you're welcome how are you I'm going to tell you this is this is a problem that I can't answer for everybody as an individual sure I have to and can I tell you something that you're not going to want to hear but you also need to hear yeah the advice people will give you will always be based on your current mindset and capabilities what do you think I would suggest you should go and try out for the MBA right now probably not probably not right so here's the challenge and this hurt my feelings when first somebody first told me this they said keep your day job and years later as a contractor also doing wholesaling both I did both okay I kept my construction business for three years while I was doing wholesale and I was accumulating rentals so I did both I didn't quit to then go full time and there's a couple of pieces of advice here that I got to give you advice piece of advice number one um if you like your W-2 why would you quit yeah I think the problem is Anthony do you have a wife and kids I do not okay so you don't have the same problem that other people make up in their mind they I'll tell you some real hard truths and there's some people in here they're going to hate me for saying this they have nagging wives and kids that have not been trained properly to understand that daddy's job is to go create a legacy for the family and then also the husband or the male in this situation has not clearly communicated to his significant other his plans and why he needs to spend so much more time away from the home going and building something that does not exist and for a year to fail and fail and fail and provide zero results and getting your female on the other page of that is really hard for a lot of men they have marital problems that their wife doesn't believe in them because their wife shouldn't believe in them because they have told their wife I'm going to get in shape I'm going to spend more time with the kids I'm gonna you know take you on more dates and they basically have lied to their wife and so now when they go I want to get into wholesaling it's like a dirty little secret that they want to keep away from their wife because their wife is going to criticize negate and make fun of them for all this new real estate mumbo jumbo you don't have that problem which is awesome um but I see that all the time I get a lot of men that come up to me and they go how do I get my wife on board with me getting into real estate like there's no way your wife wouldn't be on board with you getting in real estate unless your wife is blind deaf and dumb the problem is you must have lied to her so much along the way that she's had to turn into a nag and babysit you like your mother had to and she doesn't have any faith in you as a human being therefore your whole thing of how do I get my wife on board the answer is make keep your promises to her when you say you're going to do something do it and do that for a couple of years and rebuild your trust or rebuild her trust you don't have that problem any women in here agree with me about that men basically saying a bunch of to you and lying to you okay men are full of but if if a man went to a female Anthony you don't have this problem but I am saying this to other people if a man went to a woman and said look I want to try and get into real estate and here's why I want to get into real estate and I think I'm going to fail for a year maybe even two and it's going to cost me some money to learn some lessons and I promise you I won't lose our our current living situation will be tight I'll never gamble that but I'm gonna go do some Uber Eats driving make some extra money pay for some leads you're gonna see hear me calling Sellers and I'm gonna screw it all up and I'm gonna look stupid and I'm gonna make some new friends that are also in real estate and I'm gonna start you know doing some things and you're not going to see a single dollar come into our household for 24 months I think most women would go I'm down I'll support you in that okay see Sherry she says I'll say go for it women who agree with that say yes okay yeah there you go the problem is men are not transparent and they're horrible communicators and they're making their any anyway you so you get all that now outside of that I said that for a lot of the people on the side chat that's their biggest issue outside of that if you have a job do you do you like your job uh not necessarily I I am a I'm a corporate lender so I work for a big bank make multiple six figures don't quit your job yeah all right I can already tell you right now so your tongue one of my students I I brought her up earlier I had a one-on-one third a couple years ago and she was like I'm struggling I'm struggling I'm struggling I'm like why the freak are you struggling and the reason why people struggle is because they need to have an individual one-on-one conversation with another human being is typically what they need and for somebody to understand their situation and um you know this even as being a lender it's like every loan is a little bit different right yep um so for you maybe you don't get up every morning and say hell yeah I'm so excited to go into work today but what if you retrained your brain to go man it's this job that's going to allow me to deploy Capital into and by the way I already know what your your avatar is your avatar is a as a buyer you're not a wholesaler you're not going to go cold call you're not going to negotiate you're not going to go build a team I already know your avatar why in the hell would you ever go do that yeah well I don't know if you're gonna skip all the steps yeah yeah I mean you're not living off multiple six figures I imagine right no okay and how are you investing your money currently uh I've just started to invest basically 18 months ago okay but what are you investing in real estate okay well then there you are you already found your avatar you're a buyer I just don't feel like I'm scaling quickly enough the first couple years always feels like that and by the way you don't have enough friends in real estate that are also buyers for you to glean off of and listen to et cetera it's the same thing in like your big corporate bank you see other lenders doing stuff you get ideas you give them ideas in fact like sometimes when you give them ideas on how to get a loan closed or how to talk to this person you go man I actually sound pretty smart in that situation dang I didn't realize that yeah who are you doing that with in real estate right now just myself you see the price you see how I continually come back to the same issue yep yeah for sure right it's like think think think about if you where do you live Buffalo okay Buffalo first off Buffalo sucks because of how cold it is but it's a great real estate market it's a great cash flow Market I I just so cold man you guys get so much snow um but Buffalo is a good Market so there's a lot of my students are in Buffalo they're buying deals there it's like why aren't you going to the meetups and hanging out with them Fair Point right and why here's a couple of ways to scale step number one get more friends forget about the technique forget about anything else everything comes down to are you part of a community of people that are like-minded that one you can share your expertise and your experience for the last 18 months whatever that may be two you can glean off and be motivated and inspired by other people in your local Town damn I didn't even know you guys were here why weren't we hanging out well because Pace didn't bark at me and tell me I should make more friends um so that's number one that's the first thing you need to do okay second thing that you need to do is you need you do need to learn creative Finance because then let's say you instead of you going and putting 20 or 30 down you could buy a couple seller finance deals a year or a couple of sub two deals a year probably double your intake of deals into your portfolio just by using creative Finance um and then the third thing I would do is I would also become maybe a private money lender to other people that are doing deals right yeah I've got Capital right I do um but you know it's funny a lot of it at least a lot of the cash is tied up in a deal that I'm trying to take up or take down right now so it has money right up at a 401 that could easily be used yeah why don't why don't you self-direct that 401 that's exactly what I'm doing I just I just kind of like learned about that maybe a month or two ago and that's exactly what I'm going through right now if here's what I would do with that self-directed 401 I would go to people in my community in um Buffalo and I would go hey I have money to lend on my 401 what can I what can we do let's sit down let's talk I got money let's chat let's collaborate dude you're gonna get so damn excited about the fact that you have the ability to lubricate and accelerate relationships because you have a self-directed that's going to allow you to go and lend that money tax-free which is pretty awesome um there's your there's your Your solution I I wouldn't even hang out with me on this training for the next two days go take those actions and you'll dominate cool no I appreciate that man yeah I think again if you're making multiple six figures at your job you have good benefits you actually like it you learn things on a daily basis which you do you understand the markets and the cycles and all like you have an advantage over a lot of people because of the job you're in for sure you get to like understand what's the FED doing and that impacts us I got to go research it you get to learn it every day in your job oh yeah see it every day right so you you have multiple advantages to stay at the W-2 um I would say how do you get to a point in the next 36 months you sound like a young guy you're under you're under 40 for sure 34. okay you're 34. you're a Baby Dude yeah okay so how do you say I want to be out of my corporate job by the time I'm 37. because my passive income has over done that and even at that point at 37 you can say do I like this have I figured out how to trick my brain into making this work where I can continually have this job that provides all this amazing choice I call it Choice freedom you other people don't have the freedom of choice that you have because you made good decisions to get a great paying job other people didn't do that right or maybe they grew up in families that didn't Nuance them into that path um but you have an upper hand in that situation not because you didn't work for it you did work for it and I give you credit for that but how can you elevate that to maybe another level maybe at 37 you go yeah I could quit but I also could go to my bosses and say I only want to work three days a week the other two days a week I want to work on my real estate business and I I'll leave if you guys don't give me those other two days off you probably you probably could do that foreign something I try to work towards but here's the thing is if you had the leverage of passive income to lean off of couldn't you go to them and just have the confidence of like hey guys you know on the side I built a real estate portfolio I really want to focus on it more full-time I'd love to take one day off extra a week maybe like Fridays I'd like to not be here on Friday or yeah I'd like to work half days on Thursday and Friday or whatever iteration of that is but your individual answer is somewhere in that vein yeah yeah when you have the leverage like that that's definitely where you get the confidence to be able to walk into the conversation like that yeah there you go um guys tomorrow I actually have somebody coming in here to talk about my self-directed 401 um so we'll we actually have a guest coming in tomorrow he's the first guest of the morning okay um see Stephanie says I have to figure out how to transition from W2 to this full time okay so Anthony very different advice I'm gonna give her but I appreciate your question thank you so much um so Stephanie let's have a quick conversation I'll wrap it up for the night um people can't hang with me people people give up too easy people like wow this dude's going three and a half hours right now how's it going Stephanie hello good afternoon good evening can you hear me yes hi how are you I'm gonna be I'm gonna be really brutal with you okay okay people that think that your nine to five job is the problem should probably just keep a nine to five job okay because I can tell you right now that being an entrepreneur is not a nine to five job it's a five to nine job and what do I mean by that okay think about this you have kids right no I don't then what the hell are you doing with all your extra time trying to learn I've I just got started with the gator so I'm I'm trying to learn I'm doing the training Stephanie you got all the time on the planet with no kids okay you got a demanding uh lover in your life um no but my job is kind of demanding that's that's I'm a city employee and it's not as easy okay it's demanding while you're working there but when you get home you just here's here's what I'm hearing and I talk to thousands of people on a yearly basis so I kind of understand these things really really quickly you can probably tell when I talk to people what's happening is you don't know what to structure after you get off your job how how to spend your time okay I mean you come home and you're doing the same you were doing three months ago today and nothing you're not getting traction so you're like you know what I'm so frazzled I'm all over the place if I could just get out of my W-2 job and just do this full time then it would work that's not the answer the answer is you need to be if you're not structured now you won't be structured when you quit your job okay okay makes sense so how do I know this because I was there for 10 years I would I was blaming everything on my construction company so I had I as a as a contractor I was working five I was out the door at 5am I was coming home at 9 00 pm and my wife just got used to that for for years and I truly was like I don't have any time I don't have any time and then my wife's like why not why can't you do this on Sunday and I was like oh well I just thought like you don't want me doing stuff on something she's like I want you to live your best life whatever you want to do so I started doing stuff on Sundays that was it okay all my appointments with sellers were on Sundays and Sunday sellers were like okay you want to be on Sunday that's cool perfect so um where do you live in Bronx New York easy you know how many do you know uh uh Chris Jean Baptiste one of my students yes I do he's the one who referred me okay amazing so why are why aren't you going on appointments with him like on weekends I'm gonna start okay that's your that's the next step don't worry about quitting your W-2 okay I'm think about this like you have an elevated set of problems which is awesome because you did you made good decisions you got a good job you have an elevated set of problems right versus somebody that's like I'm living on a thousand dollars a month and I can barely survive that's not your problem right right okay so the fact that you are in that elevated position what are you doing with that elevated position Stephanie well you needed me to kind of call you out a little bit maybe give you a little bit of tough love but I can tell you that right now you're not time time blocking and then unapologetically saying I'm doing nothing but my business during these time periods and nothing's going to distract me and you know what's funny is I am easily distracted do you know how I keep myself from being easily distracted I make social commitments with other people that I don't dare break okay that I'm telling you right now I'm it's impossible for me not to come up with shiny uh object syndrome myself so what I do is I go hey what am I doing this week that's going to eat up all my time and I make commitments to other people to do it with me and then that way I'm like even when I don't want to do my damn motivating yourself like going to the gym with friends got it motivating to go to the gym with friends or what I did just recently is I um committed to a Spartan Race with friends and it's like 32 miles plus like 400 obstacles and I was like I know that I'm going to eat way better and I'm gonna work out because I have that and I don't want to look stupid in front of my friends and we're in a group text every day and in the beginning they were like I did three you know 30 push-ups and I did this and I did that and work and we're all motivating each other and I'm like damn and one of my buddies goes Pace what'd you do today have some ice cream I was like oh you so I went out and I ran two miles the next morning then I ran now I'm at a point where I'm running eight miles but it was social accountability and me realizing I'm a human just like anybody else so I relied on me being a human and saying if I create social pressure I will do something but if I'm left to my own devices in my environment I will not do it right I'm not special other than the fact that I know I'm not special and I think the problem is you like I used to think it's like if I just think about really hard and I really commit to myself this week is going to be the week that I finally do the things I know I should do but here we both are I think we both can admit that never in our life has that ever happened right anybody in your entire life like 99 of people are going to say no have you ever just done something on your own because you had no accountability and you're just like I'm just gonna hold myself accountable right right not me all right I'll get it that's the problem so you need to here's what I would do I test I text Chris right now okay all right like literally text him it's 10 30 at night and go I'm talking to Pace on a zoom uh-huh and Pace says that you and I need to go on an appointment or I need to sit next to you while you call sellers this weekend okay and just being in the energy of activity instead of like what would you normally do on a weekend um on the side I do a lot of uh gigs uh work a lot of events concerts festivals like a brand ambassador work so it's not just when I come home I'm just you must be making a lot of money not maintaining okay somewhat but not a lot now okay so you're not so the event stuff is not is what's it bringing in like three or four grand a month less than that okay so I'm telling you right now you do one Gator deal you already made more than that right right I gotta just finish the gator um trainings I'm still in the process of that F that okay go get a gator deal like I'll I'll give you one of my gator deals like you don't need more training you need more action okay so you like literally go to Chris and go Chris help me find a gator deal today okay right and like literally I I do I give Gator deals to you know Gator students all the time because I'm always out of money like right now I just raised three million bucks to buy a 600 unit apartment complex I had no money I the deal came to me and I was like holy crap I have 13 Grand in like all of my accounts combined and I gotta go raise three million bucks and I raised the money really quickly but that's how it always is for me I for me that's another thing that's how I personally operate is I go how do I put my back against the wall that I am always out of money it forces me to go out and go get more money all the time so you got to put your back up against the wongo all right this this week I'm not gonna just hang out with Chris text Chris right now and says Pace says you need to get me a gator deal this week okay all right I will for real I will does everybody does everybody kind of see the underlying tone of this is that we all just need each other and this is why I built a community I built I built the sub 2 community and I built the gator tribe and you guys need each other I need you guys okay for the people that are in here by the way if you're if you're in here and you have never paid for any trainings tell the people in here thank you the sub 2 community and the gator uh tribe tell them thank you for being here and being supportive and and being here for you guys they're the people that are investing in themselves they believe in themselves and they're here to support you guys okay thank you so much pace Stephanie yes I want to see you do a deal I got you I will I'm going to text Chris right now and tell me and he's going to hold you accountable I if you if you don't have a deal in the next 10 days I'm going to be so pissed off we don't want that right have you seen me mad uh I've seen enough videos I can tell okay thank you Stephanie appreciate it God bless you thanks so much okay so guys here's what we're gonna do is we are going to um wrap up for the night we are going to go more in depth on Avatar stuff tomorrow and then we're going to actually bring in one of my Underwriters and we're going to start showing you guys how to underwrite and comp deals are you guys cool with that we got three things tomorrow we're going to finish up there at the avatars and the rest of the steps we got through steps basically two and we'll go through steps three four five tomorrow and we'll have um we'll comp and we'll talk about self-directed money okay and then on uh day three we'll finish step six and we will spend the rest of the day comping and just showing you guys how to how to comp okay sound good same time same link nothing's changed um we'll see you guys tomorrow thank you guys so much appreciate you
Channel: Pace Morby
Views: 30,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate, real estate investing, pace morby, pace morby creative financing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 41sec (12881 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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