Infinity edge swimming pool in Umbria. Italian Property Virtual Tour. €1,200,000.

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[Music] okay welcome um this is abode italian property my name is nick ferrand and i am going to be uh taking you on this virtual property tour of a property today in umbria called calculoni uh it is a fully restored property um five strokes six bedrooms and it has over 17 hectares of land uh some really fantastic modern features which uh i'll be happy to show you um and so without further ado um let's get cracking right now where are we what's the location uh 17 hectares of land well that's quite a lot what can i see if i look up here i've got a town it's called preju and it's a very uh amazing medieval town and that's the nearest town to this property it does have a bar which also doubles up as a shop and you can buy a bottle of wine there it used to uh pre-covered um have once a year an opera which uh abode used to sponsor it was jolly nice and it went on for about a week now let me just pull back so you get an idea of the house um the garden is west facing uh i'm now basically looking at uh the east side of the property uh which is in the back and the sun is going to set over there later on now what am i going to show you i might show you a bit of the garden first of all as i go around the house it may be a bit windy this morning when i was shooting something else it was jolly windy uh but let's see how we get on so uh 17 plus hectares i think it's 17.5 and uh you have the main house which i've just shown you we're going to go and have a rummage around there in a minute and then down here you've got an independent guest house which is two bedrooms and then you come down here and you've got this amazing west facing far reaching view which looks over the piano de marte if anybody has seen the property which i did is uh uh that house it was jolly nice and uh where is it i don't know i i think it's over over the top of that hill here but you've got lovely kind of rolling kind of hills which are going up and you know this is probably this guy here's looks like he's a farmer it looks like basically there's a restoration project which is happening down here let's go and have a look at the pool area it looks like something's going on and they're filling up the pool the pool has its winter cover on but as we walk around the house you will see that there's a number of things with the house is being prepared for the summer months um so i apologize for that but you know if it looks good now it's going to look fantastic in the summer right here we go what do i see this is the the infinity edge around the pool so here you're going to have your bralleys your seating area i'm sorry if you're getting a bit of wind i apologize for that uh here i'll pull around a bit quickly i don't want the winter you've got a large shed made out of wood which i can see is not with a concrete base which is jolly good which means uh it hasn't any restrictions on planning and inside there let's have a look what have i got uh yeah i just got uh all the pool equipment and other bits and pieces which are there now if i pan around you get a view of the house looking up uh these stainless steel poles that you can see i think they're for a sale which is really very nice that you can have a sale up nowadays uh keep you out of the sun which is great i can see here also that the guest house which we're going to go in and have a look in a mo that looks like it's got a glass conservatory as well so okay all right i don't know where are we going i think main house first don't you all right um i just want to i'm just quite trying to shield the microphone out of the wind for a moment so just bear with me for a sec i'm just gonna see if i can get up get up here quickly what can i see i can see cctv i know this uh house isn't armed because i set the alarm off when i came and we had to call the caretaker um and then he turned it off for me so garden wise um i don't know if you can see come on let's let's go and have a quick quick look because i think this is important there's a white road somebody asked today in the comments uh thank you for your comments i really appreciate them keep them coming and we will reply to all sensible comments um here we go wait no it's not a cypress lines driveway it's an olive lines driveway i'm right at the top just over the top there there are the gates they are not electric but they are metal gates lovely lovely day to day with puffy clouds and nice crisp sunlight and uh you know it sits on its own little hill here and then sweeps away on both sides uh quite a lot of land normally what happens it actually goes down into the gully area and i will show you that and now right oh i can see fencing good right so i believe that the media the immediate surroundings of the house here you've got fencing jolly good keep the wire ball out they can be a problem and so i think basically the land drops away goes down guarantee you there's a little stream down there and that's the boundary of the land and it comes round uh this way and it would do exactly the same on the other side okay right let's go in and see what we've got so restoration completely done there are some bits and pieces which are around so i apologize for that as these houses locked up for the winter months and then they normally only opened at this time as well so come in we've got a jolly nice entrance hall and we've got some architectural features which are here which absolutely look original because uh it's not straight right fantastic i go along with that one and there's another one there which is nice the walls will have new plaster on we walk into here and you've got a nice big reception room and double doors on both sides which are leading out i'm sorry that uh this is overexposed we are now inside the house uh camera can't expose for uh both light sources there you go so but we will do our our very best that's a nice living room isn't it uh nice wood burner and i can see there this is great and uh then if i pull round so you can get the return view on here i don't even see the nice big bright uh reception room leading into your hallway and uh leading into the kitchen we're gonna have a look at that in a minute now we've got here a couple of big double doors uh put away so you can see them and then we leave straight into this uh really lovely paul's at the corner um let's see you can see that great big conservatory it's got a wooden roof on it it's been painted grey it's got a fountain in it i expect it might be a little hot in the summer i probably want to have those doors open uh or potentially look to get an aircon system in here but it's a really lovely place to sit yeah good like that so you've got a mixture of wood and then the original stone which is the outside you can see some quite funky aluminium down lights which are there as well and some wicker chairs that's good all right back into the living room back into the hallway and then moving forward you've got one step up into this a whopper of a kitchen which is basically has a new kitchen area look they've got everything out so i apologize for that there must be cleaning and you know giving it a good spring clean i've looked around the house first of all as i went and opened all the shutters and uh almost every room has a fan which is great uh do you need central heat assembly air con here in uh this part of the woods um it's up to you i i just uh i wouldn't uh do you need it maybe two weeks a year no more than that uh fan would do it so uh you know it's never been really that hot further south you go basically you're going to get a lot more humidity right here in umbria the air is lovely and dry uh but there's is a couple of days a couple of weeks a year where uh it might be uh get a bit more humidity so what have we got we've got a great big great big kitchen i'll put away there look at that that's lovely and uh a fan uh down lights uh fully fitted central oil and that's great now i'm gonna step here so bear with me all right i'm gonna come back in here and then so if you come through here and then you would turn left i'm coming to the right but then you've got this uh another room which i think um has been advertised as bedroom six which is at this moment of time really the tv room uh again french doors i can see some bars and window i can see uh fly screens uh on i can see bars on the double doors and i see flies fly screens on the window and i pull over here you can see basically you can get the kids hanging out uh you know you come in and read a book or let me have a look in here down here you've got a bathroom a lot of light in this room i didn't see if there was another light and i don't i don't see it but anyway let's just pop in here and uh have a look at that so you've got a glass door shower uh with a drain away and then you have a toilet sorry about the quality of that but there's not very much light in here and let's see if i can turn this on right and then i'm going to give you a quick tour that on the ground floor the tech room i can see a gas boiler um i can see kits that you need i can see the pool pump bits and pieces storage the fuse box this is the hot water boiler uh all looks in good nick and then i can see uh a smeg washing machine which is there as well and what else do i see in here which is important no not very much that's the expansion tank and then there's the fuse board for uh the gas boiler the gas boiler is on in the winter it's good to keep the heating on to you know 10 around 10 degrees some people put it on a little bit more i know it's a cost but you know these houses can suffer from some humidity and it's basically it would be better to do that um you don't need to or you have somebody come in once a week and ventilate the house right now ground floor what else have we got and what have we missed what okay i'll tell you what we have missed is that we've missed the downstairs uh downstairs loot which is there and a sink and then that's about it and then we've got these uh quite funky lights which are leading up and it seems to be a nautical theme for somebody because uh you've got these really quite funky stainless steel um poles which are obviously being custom made for the house it's quite nice yeah eight bills and all well right i was at 12. whatever it's telling the time uh i'm gonna look up now and i've got this staircase which is leading up i think that's netting on there just to stop little people playing with it actually i don't think that netting was designed for that uh so let's go up we've got these lights on here so we're first floor main house and what can i see i can see a brand new roof uh which is above it's being stained uh with a dark stain but it has some original terracottas or replaced terracotta roof tiles which are 30 by 50 no they're not actually look they are strange they are thinner oh odd shape i don't think i've seen those before right how interesting okey-dokey um all right so what we've got up here we've got bedrooms and bathrooms and so all the same same doors which is a kind of this battleship gray or it's got a tinge of blue in it as well uh very neutral and very common in these parts has a color to paint so we come in here and then you have a nice big double bedroom uh with a super window uh uh which two windows actually uh this one i'm going to come over here and give you a view i'm going to open it hope there's not too much wind no because i'm inside the house here i'm going to open the other side uh no that's got a lock on it so i'm just going to pull the camera out so you can see it might get a bit of flare uh beautiful west facing view over the umbrian countryside and i think probably far-reaching is tuscany because we're right on the uh um-tuscan border right here and i look down over the guest house which you can see over there and i see the pool shed and i can see the infinity swimming pool as well the price for this property you can find in the details but i have put the price in the description which you have probably read already uh the owners are uh very keen to sell and they would be looking uh or potentially to look for an offer on this property now what do we have so bear that in mind if you want a restoration and you want a big chunk of uh property about 465 square meters five six bedrooms uh and you don't want to go through the pain and sleep that's nice this might be the one for you so coming down here you've got these kind of i had one of those at school actually that was quite so it's quite funky isn't it quite like that uh yeah right good uh so you come around here and you've got a nice shower uh with a nice expensive glass door and i can see uh basically uh a big uh base tray there which has got to be a meter and a bit by meter very good bath and then two sinks here and a nice window with a fly screen on you won't get the same view because it's got a fly screen on which is overlooking the countryside right hand well the house has under floor heating throughout so that's great and quite polar putting that in but once it's in it's fantastic look nice big room someone's made comments of basically where's the storage uh well see these houses i mean they weren't built with storage so but these guys got their really funky kind of holiday home storage things going on there yeah that's quite good right let me have a look up there yeah look at those tiles they're just yeah they're just they're they must have got a oh that's interesting right a bit of mix and match good i like it okay moving forward uh so i didn't say i you saw the fans i'm moving down the hallway now as i said to you before look how do the return of uh the stairs coming back and i think that this this is to stop you know little people from mucking around and playing with it myself uh right so bedroom one bedroom two and so here we go here uh smaller here this bedroom uh you can get a double in and uh again they've got these funky uh kind of now what are they i'm looking for the right word i'll find it in a minute um i couldn't see say the word deconsecrated the other day which i it's kind of tongue tied for a moment right now this doesn't have a window in it it's got an extractor fan that's probably what you can hear but what i can see is basically a heated towel a really nice shower which is here going across a toilet and a sink there and i'm actually going to turn that off because i know they're important and now for regulations but i really hate those fans right down the uh down the corridor i've got a couple of steps and then i've got uh two more bedrooms uh so here we go uh similar to the second bedroom uh the house has been i would say to you designed to maximize the space so you don't have huge bedrooms but what you do have in this room basically is that you've got an ensuite as well and so there you go ensuite it's got one of those semi-circular glass doors which open up uh i don't see a b day here but i do see a toilet and a sink and a handrail which is great and then here uh utilitarian that's the word i was looking for there you are i knew i'd get there in the end look so this is bedroom four uh this room is slightly bigger uh it's got two windows and uh double beds i mean they've all got double beds in so uh and again you've got this i mean you could change those if you wanted to has a holiday home it's actually you know quite good fun uh anyway when do you normally pack your clothes away on holiday uh comments below please i'm gonna be in trouble for that right now looking up what have we got here we've got uh 30 by 15's uh tiles these are reclaimed and i can tell that because they are different colors and so where they've come they've come from other houses which have been dismantled and i can see a toilet a nice round sink a window heated towel well and then basically the shower unit which is the similar to one into the other house right i think that's done oh floyd flooring you've got modern flooring in this house throughout they are squares they look like 30 by 30. and they've all been laid they're very simple to keep clean the italians love them and they are what they are you know some people who wants an aesthetic originality about a property uh will probably not like these tiles uh and if that's you this house is probably not for you some people would like to basically have something which is very manageable and to keep clean and then this house is for you but they're throughout the house from the ground floor up to uh their first floor so have we seen enough have i missed any rooms no i don't think so i think i've done everything here okay let's uh let's pop outside again and uh my favorite saying the camera slowly my technique now has adjusted um a couple of booms today look that's gonna be a beautiful tree yeah what a beautiful tree right people have been watching my videos realized that basically i do love trees and the majority of the woodland around here is oak uh chestnut and cherry they do harvest uh some of the oaks and we do burn uh oak here in our wood burning stoves but uh the uh local authorities who are in charge of the cutting of the woodland um basically which i didn't really know about before is that if you have a woodland you can't just leave it alone i mean you've got to look after it and so uh these guys the forest alley they come along you make an application if you chop down more than you're meant to you just get a whopping big fine so uh they're really taking uh that seriously so and you need permission uh to cut anything down which i think is really great look puffy clouds blue sky rustic farmhouse teal designed lovely view sunsets yeah it's ticking quite a lot of boxes isn't it okay so we come around here and we've got the guest house i think we're going to go and have a look at that right now i can see also another to the left of me here another sail and i think just here this stainless steel pole and i think there's another sail out there you really want to try to keep out of the midday sun i was going to say something but i've forgotten all about it so that's why come back in a minute right so here we go i'm going to pull down this is guesthouse uh independent and uh when i went in here had a bit of a rummage oh no because i'm being so silly i'm gonna show you around uh first of all so you come around here i was looking for the boiler it's been silly i just found it it's quite interesting under italian regulations that you've got to have your boiler in either in a separate room which is not used uh for anything like in the other house or outside uh and i have one of those as well and you know i can't begin to tell you how many times i've had to uh basically uh repair the boiler after the winter because uh it's got cold and it's frozen and something has broken i don't know really why they do that but yeah they do the other thing that one needs to do here in italy is that you have to have your boiler serviced uh by law every year so the land what have we got we i mean we've got a mixture of all these olives which are lurking around which quite easily could be cut down and made this more ornamental oh look lovely blackberries here uh so they'll be ripe in september and then i'm gonna pull back over here sun's gone behind a cloud and get the back view of the house now one of the things which i did notice which i'm going to show you which i'm sure that the owners are aware of uh is that they've got uh kind of subterranean room which is downstairs they've got these three um pieces of glass which obviously i believe that we should be able to one can walk on right i'm standing in the middle one now and uh it's all toughened uh but unfortunately uh they have been leaking so that needs to be dealt with but it brings some lovely lights down into that lower part okay i'm sure we can get that fixed uh you know i'm sure that can be negotiated if you wanted to fix it yourself right so a very similar conservative what's on the main house so let's let's get in up and have a look at that right around you've got some stone walling everywhere uh which is good i'll keep the water away i'm coming back up now turning around uh front door here we go right so immediately and you've got a small hallway i can see a bedroom immediately in front of me bathroom to the left of me and joker's to the right of me no that must be something else and the kitchen to the right of me and you've got a fully fitted kitchen nice uh double doors which lead out into a terrace area so you could have a private space uh that looks all uh modern and new i don't think there is a dishwasher i'm just looking to see what's that that's a refrigerator the door needs to come down now i don't think there is unless it's in here no it's not i suppose you could quite easily put one in uh it is the guest house though so i don't expect you'll be uh kind of using on a regular basis as uh you know cooking us in basically the main house and i know the main house has a dishwasher in it so here we go again really in a very similar vein uh in fact to be honest with you it's almost identical to uh the one in the main house you've got thick that actually looks much thicker i'm just going to keep you there i'm just going to put like well that looks about 50 mil let's see if i'll show you that see that that looks about yeah maybe yeah thick right great and then you've got double doors which lead up and so basically you could run up here or you could sit here or you could look at your view and you know listen to the kids and you know just enjoy your beautiful holiday here in umbria right so here you go into your bathroom and i can see a shower i can see a little bit of humidity there that needs to be sorted out on the floor as well and again i'm sure that the owners will know about that from their caretaker i can see a shower and it's got uh one of those okay yeah you see that all right calcium when you see under there calcium you know we've got quite hard water here you need to keep on top of that all right if you buy a house here uh you should really take them off and you can get them now with little rubber rubber nipples um instead of basically just the holes inside which are much better to be honest with you now again you've got a similar situation as in the main house you've got a double bed exactly the same size and basically the industrial style clothes wardrobe and then again you've got a similar style and similar following to the main house so we're going to come down these stairs here so basically that uh was uh the first bedroom in the guest house and then we come down here and then we've got another bedroom here now i need to check with the plans whether this is a legal bedroom or whether it's a bedroom that the family have put in for their guests or not because we are now underground uh the italians are quite good at doing underground work however uh i just need to check whether that's legal or not so you have to bear with me uh i might have mentioned that or if it didn't so come on let's finish this first of all so you've got storage can i smell damn not really i know you know that's the first thing you do you know so you go around you know i'm english and so we come we live in damp homes so uh what do we do because it rains all the time um what we've got in here we've got a similar bathroom to my shower room as we had in the other building with a semicircle uh shower and i think that's on railings i know it's in the railings yep okay so it goes around so you close in there no b day in here but you do have a nice thing it doesn't have a window in there um and i'm walking down the hallway now and i'm coming into what is basically more storage uh and this could be basically used as a dressing room or something this is more of a tech room and there's another one there let's look at that right what's that more storage okay great so ample storage and this one for all your people who said where's the storage uh what have i got that on you see they've got that on at 14 degrees okay right now get around here uh i hope i'm not boring you might get into this back room here that's really you know it's a photographic studio the light is just gorgeous okay what do i see all right my voice has gone up i see a dehumidifier which is on and when i look up here what do i see i see water infiltration in there so my that's that needs to be sorted out all right lovely space it means to get some beautiful plants in here right maybe it needs uh yeah all right fine all right so i can see uh there's an structure which is there uh and i see basically there's an another strata which is on the other end as well okay very good all right out we go so upstairs again did i mention uh that uh it's alarmed and if i did i'm sorry right okay fine have i missed it ahead from the tour hmm 16.5 hectares okay ah good interesting 30 000 liter water tank from a well which is great and then what else okay right it's got satellite internet infinity pool underfloor heating satellite tv as i mentioned the owners are very keen to sell and they will take an offer okay fantastic my name is nick vernd uh these are abode uh one take uh italian property tours i hope you're enjoying them as much as i am making them i hope i haven't missed anything for you uh can you please subscribe uh which you can do by pushing the button down there and then pulling all the buttons pulling pushing those buttons which are down and you'll get notifications and everything else and would be really kind and give us a like and all those things that any everybody else has to do right calculoni in number looking up a pregil beautiful views uh garden west facing lovely sunsets what can i hear birds okay thank you very much and i hope to see you on the next rummage thank you have a great day bye
Channel: italianproperty
Views: 62,097
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Id: MuMbDJPhd6Y
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Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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