Bachelor's Degree Tier List 2024 (Ranking Top 100 Bachelor Degrees)

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the bachelor's degree tier list of 2023 in today's video I am going to be ranking Bachelor Majors from s tier which is the best to F tier which is the worst so I'm going to be ranking the top 100 most common bachelor's degrees right these are the degrees that a lot of people tend to get because there's actually over a thousand different Bachelor degrees out there and the truth is there's just no way I can make a video about all of them and even if I did by the time I got through them they probably wouldn't even make sense anymore so this is based off of the newest version of my college degree ranker and I put an insane amount of effort into this list right so I've updated the ranker several times I even hired a professional statistician to help me out with it so if you appreciate me making videos like this go ahead and Thor smash that like button with your hammer and let's go ahead and jump into it alright so I'm going to be going through these one by one of course I'm not going to have time to explain my choices and if I went through all of them one by one in detail of course this video would be like three hours long so I'm not going to do that so check out my other videos if you want more detailed explanations alright so first one on the list is going to be Actuarial mathematics I'll put the stats the early career pay mid-career pay salary score demand score meaning and the bachelor grads per year if I can find that if it's updated so I'll put all that stuff up I'm probably going to do it incredibly fast so just go ahead and like pause the video if you need to look at that stuff but yeah Actuarial mathematics pretty good degree at the bachelor's level I'll go ahead and put this one into a tier next one on the list is going to be a business administration so here's the stats up on the screen this one is one of those degrees where you do see relatively decent numbers but I do think it's a case of correlation and not causation but with that being said that's just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt there really is no way to accurately determine whether it's correlation or causation but this one I'll go ahead and put it into B tier next one on the list is nursing great degree BSN is what it's called I'll go ahead and put all the stats up for you this one overall I am going to put it into s tier next one on the list is psychology this is one where at the bachelor's level it's not very good but if you go into it with the right plan if you know that you're gonna have to get a masters at minimum and probably a doctorate this one can be okay but with that being said so many people graduating with this one every year a hundred and five thousand I'm gonna go ahead and put it into C tier next one on the list is going to be Biology another one that a ton of people graduate with every year I would say this is one of the most if not the most overrated degree because everybody says oh stem degrees are great stem degrees are great well the truth is a lot of the science degrees are not that great so yeah 73 000 graduates per year this one is going to go into D tier accounting is going to be next on the list a very very solid degree overall it's also relatively flexible I'm I'm not sure whether I should put it into s tier or a tier really tough one for me I'm gonna go ahead and put accounting into a tier next one on the list is liberal arts this is just a very General Degree for 44 000 grads per year this one goes into F tier next is Humanities this one also goes into F tier next is natural resources I think this is kind of a conglomerate of different degrees about 39 000 grads per year I'll go ahead and put this one into D tier next on the list is going to be finance a really good degree very similar to accounting can be S tier for sure for the right type of person especially if you go to the right college but overall I'm going to put it into a tier next on the list is marketing marketing I I think this is really a case of correlation and not causation I think that there's just a ton of demand for people who have marketing skills but that doesn't necessarily mean that college is going to be good at teaching you marketing skills but with that being said again just my opinion 35 000 grads per year I'll put this one into a tier next one on the list is Political Science one of the better liberal arts related and social science related degrees 33 000 grads per year I'll go ahead and put it into C tier next is government very closely related to political science but not quite the same thing I'm going to put that one into D tier next on the list is mechanical engineering of course engineering degrees are great mechanical engineering is one of the most flexible engineering degrees 32 000 grads per year this one goes into s tier next is English language stats are not very good for this one I'll go ahead and put it into D tier next is going to be economics statistics here are relatively good I'll put it in a tier next is going to be Elementary education education degrees are good in that you're almost guaranteed to get a job but they're bad in almost every other category so education agrees go into C tier next is going to be sociology about 27 000 grads per year this one goes into D tier next is going to be kinesiology at the bachelor's level not a good degree at all if you're planning on doing something at the Masters or the doctorate level where Kinesiology would help you it can be okay but overall all I'll put it into D tier exercise science kind of the same thing at the bachelor's degree it's just it's terrible as a bachelor's degree if you are planning on doing something later on down the line it can be okay so I'll go ahead and put it into D tier liberal arts studies um you know anything with the word studies in it it's kind of a meme 24 000 grads per year this one goes into F tier history is next on the list history is probably my favorite subject personally but as a degree especially at the bachelor's level it is terrible I'll go ahead and put it into F tier computer science I don't think I need to say much about this one clearly s tier social work at the bachelor's level you know this one can be okay just know that you absolutely have to get like at least a masters if not a doctorate so this one I'm going to put into C tier information science is going to be next on the list anything information or data related is really good I'll put this one into a tier mathematics is next on the list can sometimes be a little bit impractical but overall the statistics are relatively good again you kind of have have to question correlation or causation with this one but I'll put it into a tier electrical engineering is next one on the list super super good degree I'll put this into s tier Electronics engineering is also pretty good I'll put that one into s tier as well criminal justice is going to be next on the list this is one where ah I have such mixed feelings about it because a lot of the career paths that you would go down don't actually require you to get a criminal justice degree in fact a lot of them don't even require you to have a bachelor's degree in general but if you are trying to get a job that requires a bachelor's degree you know what I could see criminal justice being okay I'll go ahead and put that one into C tier next one on the list is criminal justice Administration I'll go ahead and put criminal justice into C tier next is going to be chemistry chemistry is actually pretty good for a science related degree especially I'm debating whether I should put it in B tier or like low a I'll be nice and I'll put it into a tier General Studies is next on the list I mean come on General Studies are you kidding me this one clearly goes into f tier civil engineering is going to be next on the list I'll go ahead and put this one into a tier early childhood education is next on the list the numbers are not very good here I'll put this one into D tier Health Administration is going to be next on the list again numbers are not too good I'll put it into C tier journalism is going to be next on the list the numbers are surprisingly okay here but again you kind of have to question here is it correlation or causation I'm debating whether I should put it in C tier or a really low B tier I'll be nice and I'll put it into B tier next one on the list is chemical engineering this one is clearly a super good degree it goes into s tier next is going to be art history not a great degree at all about 10 000 grads per year this one I'm going to put into F tier next is Art also going to put this one into F tier next is going to be Communications I'll put Communications into D tier next is mass communications also goes into detail next is going to be information technology so this is one where you can get into a lot of IT jobs without a bachelor's degree or even an associate's degree but with that being said getting a bachelor's degree is definitely not a bad idea so I'll go ahead and put this one into a tier biochemistry is next on the list and I'm debating whether this one should be B tier or a tier I'm going to go ahead and put it into B tier family studies is next on the list this one clearly goes into F tier drama clearly f-tier Theater Arts F tier international relations um the statistics aren't too bad here and this is kind of a Dark Horse one it could be really good or it could be terrible in the future I think this one you really have to plan it out but I'll go ahead and put it into B tier anthropology is next on the list this one especially at the bachelor's level is going to go into F tier management information is going to be next on the list my favorite Business Degree this one is s tier gender studies is next on the list and do I even need to say anything F tier obviously criminology is going to be next this one ah man again if you have a really good plan it could be okay oh I'm debating D or F tier for this one I'll put it into detail I'll be nice music is going to be next on the list F tier Computer Engineering is clearly s tier Human Services uh this one's F tier biomedical engineering hmm s tier or a tier I'll go with a tier for that one same with bioengineering uh pretty similar just slightly worse stats I'll put that one into a tier physics is going to be next on the list uh this one is quite good but again it's probably a question of correlation or causation because people who are incredibly smart tend to go into physics and people who are incredibly smart tend to do really well in life in terms of finances so I really don't know whether this one's correlation or causation but I'm going to put it into a tier next on the list is human resource management this is is one where you can get into a lot of human resource jobs without getting this degree but at the same time the degree doesn't have terrible statistics so I'm going to put HRM into C tier next one is human resources very similar to HRM I'm also going to put that one into C tier it's slightly less good in terms of the numbers next on the list is environmental science now what's interesting is there is a lot of stuff happening in the sustainability world right now there's a ton of startups starting in sustainability and they are going to need people who are good at that sort of thing so this is definitely a dark horse candidate and I think last year I might have put this one as like d tier F tier but I really do see some positive Trends happening here and so I am going to put environmental science into C tier this year next is public health this is one where there are some jobs it's kind of similar to teacher where you're probably going to be able to get a job but you're going to be somewhat limited so I'll put it into C tier next is physical education teaching this one has really bad statistics just terrible statistics but it is an education degree so I'll put it into D tier next is going to be Environmental Studies this is very similar to environmental science but it has the word studies in it so it goes into D tier next on the list is going to be special education another one doesn't have great statistics but it is an education degree I'll put it into D tier next is Spanish language I'll put that one into D tier next is going to be animal science really really bad statistics if you're planning on becoming a veterinarian I could see this one working out for you but basically anything else probably not such a good idea so this one is going to go into D tier next on the list is neuroscience relatively good statistics here but again it could be a case of correlation and not causation people who are interested in Neuroscience are probably really smart and so therefore they do relatively well in life but I'll go ahead and put this one into B tier international business is going to be next on the list this is another one kinda of a Dark Horse candidate could be really good or bad I'll put it into B tier overall philosophy is going to be next on the list and this one in my opinion is the clearest case of correlation and not causation it actually has relatively good statistics but people who are interested in philosophy tend to be very smart and smart people tend to make more money over a lifetime so I really don't think it has anything to do with philosophy actually helping you in your career and I think it has everything to do with correlation but with that being said it does have good stats so I have to put it into B tier next on the list is geology this is another one with really good stats and there are quite a few jobs out there for geologists so I'll put this one into high B tier next is going to be managerial economics relatively decent statistics um this one is going to go into low B tier next is industrial engineering really great degree I'll put this in s tier next is interdisciplinary studies oh man really really bad this one is going into F tier next is going to be a Supply Chain management really good degree very underrated probably boring to a lot of people but I'll put this one in a tier next is going to be architecture overall this one goes into B tier next is graphic design statistics are actually somewhat okay with this one um so I'll go ahead and put it into C tier next is going to be communication sciences and disorders so if you're planning on going into a very specific career path this could be okay but anybody else is not going to be good so I will put this one into D tier next is going to be radio and television this one goes into F tier next is going to be video production this one goes into D tier next is going to be advertising this one I'm going to put into B tier next is multimedia this one goes into D tier next is aerospace engineering really good degree very solid I'm going to put it into s tier next is going to be Aeronautical Engineering very similar to aerospace engineering this one goes into a tier because the stats aren't as good next is going to be athletic training this one goes into D tier next is organizational leadership I'm also going to put this one into D tier next is exercise physiology I'll put this one into D tier next is Information Systems security anything with information in it is pretty good I'll put this into a tier next is going to be geography statistics on this one are actually relatively decent so I will put geography into B tier next is going to be education this one goes into C tier next is going to be Cinema studies this one goes into D tier next is going to be film studies same thing goes into D tier next is going to be management Sciences relatively decent statistics here I'll go ahead and put it into C tier next is going to be family and consumer science this one goes into F tier next one on the list is going to be nutrition science this one decent statistics I will go ahead and put it into C tier next one on the list is going to not be a degree and that that is getting into careers that don't require a college degree and one of those careers that I really love is going to be digital marketing so I've interviewed a bunch of people on this channel including a 16 year old named James and he was able to get a 40 000 a year job in digital marketing working only 30 hours per week right so if a 16 year old can do it without any education or previous experience you can do it as well and it's a really good career path typically three to four years down the line you're going to hit that hundred thousand dollar a year mark So alternative education and specifically digital marketing is going to go into S Plus tier and if you want to know how you can get into digital marketing yourself go ahead check out the free masterclass from my friend Seth who has gotten the thousands and thousands of people jobs in digital marketing I will put that down in the description as well as the pinned comment below don't go click on that video to check out that interview with James right now you definitely don't want to miss out on it
Channel: Shane Hummus
Views: 234,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shane, Hummus, Shane Hummus, college majors, tier list, college degrees, most worthless degrees, college major tier list, worst college majors, college major pros and cons, college degrees that are worth it, college degrees worth it, the most useless degrees, useless college degrees, major pros and cons, college tier list, computer science, worst college major, degree is uselsss, best college degrees, college major ranking, college degree tier list, picking a college major
Id: XXThUxMc5sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.