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Hausa comb breads my knees this game is based on an 80s horror movie and it should be pretty [ __ ] funny I'm actually really excited yeah back in the eighties they know how to create tensions is that me oh god about hai Faria we're so glad you can come in such short notice let me take you okay hey why what was that before we go do you have any questions yes why is your son running around in the background talk when we get back they'd really want to get rid of that dolt why don't they said this is me oh god what the [ __ ] am I got myself into oh my gosh come back here there yes there yes I see you blockage now you have to find out how much control that's how I walk to after I snorted bath salts six and my [ __ ] tummy which must think I'm a [ __ ] dummy because I just blew me [ __ ] think I'm broke [ __ ] I hate one Roach I made a lot of money well it looks like we have to find a [ __ ] remote control turn the radio on yes did you have that billy we're all gonna die a lot of money turn on the TV yes the TV's on Oh sitting down oh god it's a phone ringing I know there was a phone there grandma I told you to stop calling me goddamn sick pervert Oh goddamnit it's a grandpa again hello what do you want hey Siri Jill you scare the [ __ ] out of me huh hey remember that guy from the mall are you gonna call him uh yes you [ __ ] what are you going to what don't judge me okay I'm not a [ __ ] I swear I became I refrigerator I hope this game wins an Oscar best game ever you looking for death so creepy Jax give that back you're gonna have to come kitty oh god how am I gonna catch it come back here baby I'm gonna cut you up in little pieces and [ __ ] you out like that yeah dad got you now fine I'll give it back yeah you better give it back that's right five five five nine he answers in a millisecond you don't look oh hey Jack it's Sarah from the mouth oh hey Sarah are you doing anything fun tonight drinking smashing mailboxes tipping cows standard boy behavior cool hey I'm actually out of liquor we can hang out if you have some I think I can't Tom come over at 11:30 sure bye man teenage romance it's just the best how do you know where I am anyway open the liquor cabinet yes thank you it's locked damn it okay maybe maybe bill knows something Mel yeah but then open it okay it's away the key I'll only give it to you if you cooked me something you're lemaistre I need to get rid of Billy let's kill him give me the keys all right we got it you [ __ ] [ __ ] Hey goes from big to small no it goes from big to [ __ ] okay yes let's give this Alison all right so we have liquor hopefully now we can get litter did it break it down now to me Sarah girl she'll beat you before you go sorry all right let's keep playing oh man this [ __ ] game oh no Billy Billy fell asleep better put him to bed have you bros ever babysitting I haven't somebody's ringing the bell unlock the door yes there's no one there what do I do I guess I go out is that a white bear oh oh oh god you're ugly you're an [ __ ] ha ha ha usually see the look on your face well you should look at her face holy [ __ ] I'm not talking to you hey come on lighten up it's Friday night it's Friday right so what do you want to do well I was thinking we could you know hey cool is that Night of the Living Dead I love this movie no just me senpai pls notice me senpai so many [ __ ] rooms in this place holy what was that I heard a noise in the back yard so what so check it out what if so is acting go look and now or you ain't getting no titties fine he just stops hello oh okay oh well it sounds like he was actually brutally murdered what happened to the lice ha ha ha come over what nice angle seriously really this is what you did in games were you you were young try to find an angle not who did that can we take it yes and it immediately became 10 times smaller but chop chop chop chop chop don't worry jack oh my god chop chop chop chop chop are you okay Oh God a screwdriver right in his oh man he doesn't look too good he won't be peeing for a while will you take the screwdriver I mean why waste a good jack yeah stop being lazy you days coming oh god what is he pushing something Oh God look I don't know where I am this is bullsh Oh God he's right there okay don't panic be cool everybody is happy there we go go inside [ __ ] it's locked press action actions Oh yeah that was [ __ ] intense man it would be a lot easier if I actually knew where the [ __ ] I was going oh god I [ __ ] hate this okay what is the action Billy Billy oh my god it worked holy [ __ ] I didn't think that's oh god what hey hey really are you trying to find somewhere to hide why just do it you pay so check I will chop you I have an axe oh god oh god what do I know he's inside that is inside big Hoss I heard creaking oh god man please don't kill me if we go upstairs cuz that always helps in movies hey kitty cat you're my only hope rusted open it yes what did I do jump down the hatch now why would I be crazy and do something like that okay we're doing it Oh goddamn this is even creepier than before why would I go here hello Oh God Edgar farted this is like the worst scenario ever take the bolt cutters what do I do with us oh god that [ __ ] noise man shut up oh god this is so [ __ ] scary Oh God oh [ __ ] hello and I scare myself I'm such an idiot I do not want to be in Sarah's hits right now let's go outside I think we can use the bolt cutter on this although she doesn't even cut to where the thing is quality what are we even needing it gasps yes mine cut the car is out of gas yeah but I have gas Oh gas up the car yes get in the car I can't go anywhere oh god oh god he's crazy he's crazy go go my god am i what am I supposed to do oh god his [ __ ] face why me oh man the goddamn thought that tonight Amelia medical God is coming hey coming Oh Oh God that sense [ __ ] that party's creepy bad Billy I need you to run and find some way to head why that's why [ __ ] oh god this corner is [ __ ] creepy man oh god help me is that a VHS tape oh boy that did I did I did it don't mind me oh god oh god I'm gonna get trapped Oh Oh Oh what the [ __ ] is he doing in here okay let's try not get kill this time we just need to make it up the space oh you're serious right now [ __ ] you where the hell it even come from oh my oh there's the [ __ ] stairs okay we're safe I think [ __ ] karate chopping yeah what if how did he mad at there like I asked teleporting skills don't wait held anyone can open that door faster record your favorite progress you don't have a tape if anybody saw this foot well that's too [ __ ] bad you piece of [ __ ] nice bug oh god shut up Billy I have a gun [ __ ] anyone out there what where oh come on don't you dare don't you ever say all right bring it bring it oh my god oh that is [ __ ] awkward man now not Aquaman at all Aquaman Aquaman aqua are you even paying attention did you tap out I knew it okay here we go and he closes the [ __ ] door oh yeah yeah baby you guess up that [ __ ] oh god no where is he Wow oh god I'm stuck now stop stabbing me what am I doing with my life I don't have any more ammo okay yes Oh No if oh yes Billy I never been so happy to see your ugly face man you look like a tiny little Hitler let's get outta here what's the point of leaving now he's dead thanks for your quick thinking oh god she didn't even wash up did she the kid is okay and your ass need a name Jack I'm so sorry about what she says that I'm so sorry about your boyfriend huh was it his boyfriend what the guy who attacked you is named Nicole Arbour I don't mean to alarm you might what what is it do you look like [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean by the time my office arrived the body was gone but I told him it was dead I show you we doing over Candy's ongoing investigation in the meantime I'm gonna head to somebody to take you deta hey stupid oh yeah be safety babysit a blutbad best game ever I have played better games but man this game was so fun I think it was pretty funny anyway hope you guys enjoyed leave a like if you did I really appreciate it hit subscribe to become a broad today aren't you a brother yet seriously thousand breasts love you you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 13,152,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewdie, pewds, let's play, playthrough, walkthrough, play, walk, through, walk through, video games, Babysitter, bloodbath, halloween game, halloween
Id: rBTsU6JkRec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2014
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