Baby reacts to Moonlight Sonata
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Channel: Josh Noftz
Views: 2,257,736
Rating: 4.9260921 out of 5
Keywords: baby, musical baby, moonlight, sonata, moonlight sonata, piano, reaction, cry, cries, crying, played, plays, toddler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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I'm 63 and you still can't take me to hear live music of any kind. Not without kleenex, anyway. All my life music has undone me.
Dude this is legit how I felt the first time I heard Sweets To The Sweet Finale performed by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.
I was a delivery driver for a few years, drove a big box truck, and as I pulled into the parking lot to make a pick up one day (with my radio on NPR of course) the song began. I sat in that truck FIGHTING back the tears as every emotion raced over me. I was so overwhelmed.
It's seldom that i hear a new piece of music that moves me this much. I wish everyone could experience this much emotion from music as this little boy just did.
That's adorable!
I don't want to get all sceptical, but this doesn't look like crying from the beauty of the music - there might be a different reason for the baby's tears. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Moonlight Sonata, but that could be just a good title trick to attract people.
Makes me happy to see him -- and his sister -- growing up so immersed in music. What a great video.
Maybe he's crying about all the wrong notes?
It's a bit weird that we're all gushing about a video of a crying kid without much context.
I mean, sure, music gives you feels and everything, but this seems like it might be a case of confirmation bias, or like a musical kuleshov effect.
Beethoven's great and all, but to me it seems like this kid is holding in a tantrum, not being moved by the music.
In any case, it's just a little bit strange to be gushing over a video of a crying child because we all like classical music.
The video description says it's his sister that is playing. I suppose he's not crying every time his sister practice it at home?