Baby & Girlfriend Escape Evil Daddy on ROOF!

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today my girlfriend got stuck on the roof was trying to escape my evil dad things get super crazy and I have to try and save her so make sure to keep watching today and see what happens and subscribe whoa lovely morning I don't know where my dad is it sounds like he was downstairs um oh Dad where are you wait that oh my God wait my dad's in the pool playing with the noodles oh Dad hello hey baby you need to come back to your room I'm preparing a pool party which is for adults only no babies so you're gonna have to stay in your room today because you are not welcome [Music] no baby listen to me get in your room right now before I hit you with this noodle but that's not fair I just want to join in the pool party please don't hit me nope that's it baby get in your room oh you guys my dad's already being super mean oh my God he's trashing his own kitchen and he's locked me in oh no get in your room now baby you have 10 seconds to get to your room oh my God I'm going greatly guys we have to get in my room because I don't want my dad to hit me with a noodle again actually baby why don't you come back downstairs you want me to come to the pool party there's no way wait Dad can I come to the pool party no but you can do some prepared to drink in the food for everyone who comes around later okay I guess I can do that guys I'm gonna give my dad this rotten milk in payback for not inviting me to the pool party hey Dad um how about this chocolate milk how about you maybe you should try it first you know here take this I made it myself it's a chocolate milkshake uh let me try this the that is tastes super funny baby oh my god what have you done um that's you're turning green I think you're gonna be sick oh no oh baby what are you put in this milk um it might have been chocolate but it might have also been pooped from the toilet wait what did you say baby you pooped in my milkshake I'm sorry okay guys I have to be quick I'm hiding under my dad's car he will not see me in the hair look oh my oh my chicken hiding spot oh baby wait till I catch you you're in trouble oh no guys oh he's checking the cupboards oh no we're gonna make a run for it oh you stupid baby where are you running get back here nope you're going up to your room and I'm locking the door you're not useful for anything you're just a stupid dumb baby I'm not a dumb baby don't be so mean here baby get in your room right now you are standing here forever if I catch you escaping you're gonna be the food for all of us adults later on at the party okay I'm sorry Dad guys this is super unfair I just want to go to the pool party so if you think we can escape and get revenge on that which is what we're gonna do then comment the word down below revenge and hopefully it's a team together and we can do this because I'm also going to get my girlfriend to come around my house and help me okay guys I have an idea but it means we got smash my bedroom window ready three two one two oh my God we just washed the window hopefully I didn't hear that we need to just get up here okay guys look my dad is mowing the lawn getting it ready for all of his friends to come around but this is our only Escape it's quite a big drop I might hurt myself but it's our only way out to go and get my girlfriend to help us ready well she's not looking three two one oh oh I think I just heard my head where is he okay he's around there we go in my little toy car oh my God we are about to get the best revenge on my dad hopefully my girlfriend is out here somewhere okay guys we're crossing the road oh my God they're my there's my girlfriend Chloe quick Chloe wait turn around hi hi get a car I have a mission today but I need your help my dad has tried locking me in my bedroom but I've escaped and he's at he is having an adult only pool party so we're going to ruin it do you want to help me of course okay we have to be super sneaky though he's mowing alone right now you ready I'm so ready um let's go see what's in the basement for this party oh my God wait Chloe did you see that my dad's gone in the basement quickly I'm gonna go and shut the doors on him or we can trap him in there quickly ah oh no oh no quick clothes Chloe they're not they're not shutting quick just get in we have to be super quick what we have to do is destroy everything so he can't have a pool party without us are you ready okay let's go I think because my dad said about getting all of the food ready maybe we should be super piggy babies and eat all of the food ourselves what'd you say yeah I'm so hungry let's do it oh my god there we've got burgers and chicken and hot dog oh Chloe this is super tasty oh no maybe we were supposed to cook the foods as well egg fight I take that Chloe you're super silly guys my girlfriend is so silly maybe we should get her to drink some of the chocolate milk oh yeah Chloe drink the milkshake it's super tasty oh really it tastes oh my God oh my poop that is gonna be super angry at you because you've pooped in it there's poop everywhere oh my God no way I don't feel good this is gonna be a super poopy pool party this is so this is what exactly what we need to get revenge on my dad guys this is so good but first we need to finish eating all of the food out of the fridge okay and the final bits of cheese [Music] they're just burps oh no um to eat this and one super fizzy drink that I'm not allowed because I'm a baby and now dad has no no for the party Chloe have you finished pooping now yeah that was disgusting and you've pooped all over the kitchen but I have an idea maybe we should get Barnaby the dog to eat all of this stuff as well good idea oh my God quick follow me whilst dad is still in the basement we have to be super Speedy wait what maybe we should destroy his living room so that when people come in they think that he lives in a mess and they won't come back here again that is such a good idea Chloe guys my girlfriend is so clever Chloe won't you ruin the living room I'm going to get Barnaby I think he's sleeping upstairs okay okay guys it's time to wake up Barnaby hey Barnaby I have a plan for us today and you're gonna help us get revenge on Daddy because he doesn't want us to go to his pool party by the bay it's so sad okay guys we need to go and see Chloe um Chloe are you doing well I've destroyed the living room and look here's dad's stash for the party oh my God is that it's alcohol you can't drink that Chloe do not drink it um okay I don't think it's the baby so I'm gonna choose this one I'm gonna choose this one cheers wow oh my God Chloe what's going on oh my god oh I've been sick everywhere and I'm stuck in the Shelf wait Barnaby is where's Barnaby oh I'm stuck Wanna Be quickly come here I'm sorry was I sick on you Chloe we have to get out of here down oh my God I'm never drinking dad's juice ever again that was horrible okay Chloe now that seems super quiet in the basement but I haven't stolen his tablet so we're gonna spoil him let me just check these cameras wait he's on the diving board Chloe I think he's having a party on his own he's on the diving board something he's he's playing in the pool on his own that is so unfair Chloe I have a perfect idea we should get Barnaby to poop in the pool which means his pool party will be ruined forever oh my God that'd be so cool let's do it let's do it Barnaby get ready to poop oh he's already pooing Chloe we can't go hey babies you've escaped your room and why is your girlfriend here oh in the pool we're in so much trouble you stupid babies get back here you've ruined my pool party Chloe he's gardening starting the three two one [Music] that's behind you come here Chloe it's time for you to swim no don't go guys we need to meet you but my girlfriend down you smelly man come here first we have to get her time to go swimming Chloe Oh no you're going swimming yeah get in the poopy pool Chloe we've got to escape my dad really doesn't like you because you're my girlfriend um Chloe I have one place you might be able to go look up onto the roof okay I'm getting out of here your dad's super scary okay Chloe you run to the roof I'll just strike like that just stay stay safe [Music] oh my God she's on the trampoline she's going so high guys we need to protect my girlfriend from my evil dad he's super angry now guys have an amazing idea I'm gonna set fire to the swings in the garden so that means all of dad's friends can't even play on the swing so the slide is gonna be so much fun okay guys I I have everything I need but we need to be super sneaky oh I'm gonna find you baby hide in this bin hopefully he doesn't see us oh guys he's right there where's he going quick jump out and run oh I'm stuck in the big baby oh no guys I'm stuck in the bed oh wait oh my God I thought I was stuck we're gonna run out close the door whilst my dad is looking for me and set fire to the swings okay we just put the candle here grab this and we spray the swings wait what is that noise I can smell burning oh no guys oh it's my dad go come here you stupid baby um guys we're gonna get on the swing oh it's super hot my diaper I'm sorry Dad this is we've gotta go whoa oh my God Chloe I can see you I'm distracted my dad don't worry Javier used to do it baby you wait till I catch you you're gonna be food for this pool party oh guys we have to keep destroying stuff to ruin Dad's pool party and distract him from Catching my girlfriend okay guys before we get the final revenge on my dad I think I should probably go and check on Chloe because she seems very quiet okay here we go here we go [Applause] are you okay um actually I'm stuck up here I can't get down wait you're stuck I think so what are we gonna do oh no guys guys stuck on the roof Chloe I think we're just gonna have to jump maybe for the slip and slide and hopefully we can land on the water what so scary though I know and this roof is super slidy um I I guess we just jump right and then I have a plan to get revenge on my dad once and for all and it'll ruin his pool party are you ready um okay okay guys wish us good luck by liking the video three two one oh oh okay Chloe jump you can do this wait touch me are you ready um yeah I think so [Music] oh my God Chloe did you make it I'm okay okay clearly follow me we have to be super sneaky if Dad notices you're off the roof he's gonna put both of us in the oven and we don't want to be cooked babies now do we Chloe no but wait what's your plan what are we gonna do we're going to drive dad's car into the pool and then flood his house so we can never have a pool party ever again we're gonna be in so much trouble but let's do it yes we are we're naughty babies come on we have to be super sneaky I think he's in the garden or something looking for me right now okay my dad away types of key in this bin is it in here oh it's in here Chloe can you jump up and open the garage please okay thank you I'll say you can do it oh you did it now we have to jump that scar onto the trampoline and get it over into the pool but this is gonna be so much fun oh oh my God Drive I don't know where I'm going Chloe this is super dangerous because cars are not for babies here we go oh I missed we have to go again here we go Chloe oh guys oh my God oh my God Chloe we've kind of made it but we're a little bit stuck oh my God we have to be super quick quickly I don't think it's gonna fit oh we've kind of got it girl you stupid guy okay Chloe I think you should get a toy car and give me a boost quickly we have to be quick before Dad hears his car in the backyard that's it go we're almost there guys we've almost done it oh Chloe we've got it [Music] you take this oh oh my God guys my girlfriend just saved my life but look dad's car is in the pool Chloe oh no Chloe you stupid babies I've just finished fixing the kitchen and now you throw my car into the pool um I think you better try and save it Dad no my beautiful car come back here wait Chloe whilst dad has gone to save his car we need to close our close the doors and flood the house quickly get in oh my God guys we are about to ruin this pool party once and for all Chloe quick he's almost saved the car hey you stupid babies I'm not finished with you get back here right now uh-oh Chloe get ready quickly oh my God guys this is super scary we're in so much trouble right now are you ready there we go oh we're ready oh no my floaties Chloe the house is gonna flood we are in so much trouble oh oh no Chloe oh my God okay look your dad's got an indoor pool party now oh my God yeah that's it that has got a pool party he wanted and we're involved this is so cool a pool party in a house this is amazing you stupid babies I'm coming for you oh no great Chloe we have to escape this way oh my God oh my God Chloe just run guys if you enjoyed today's video and you want to see more then make sure to subscribe and we'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: Smeep
Views: 1,026,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whos your daddy, whos your daddy game, whos your daddy meme, whos your daddy 2, whos your daddy flood, whos your daddy funny moments, baby game, whos your daddy gameplay, whos your daddy update, baby & girlfriend, daddy's house, lowchi, smeep, leafwyd, flood, baby, girlfriend, find monster, scary monster whos your daddy, evil monster, escape on roof, stuck on roof
Id: Atnckmtkss4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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