Baby Fine Hair Tips and Tricks!

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hey this is slapout lash girl melissa welcome back i'm so excited this time to bring you a hair tutorial we're not doing makeup today but we are going to do some hair and i want to show you my favorite products so what do you think this is the end result so let me show you how we do it so just keep watching all right before we get started i want to show you my favorite products that i use for my hair my hair is color treated i usually get it done maybe every four to five weeks and my hair is baby fine like super baby straight fun hair i do have hypothyroidism so that contributes to some of my you know thinning hair too so that's the reason i cut it off it just wasn't looking healthy so i decided not to continue to keep it so long but i have found a shampoo and a conditioner that i truly truly love by accident i was in ulta one day and got a sample of this shampoo and i thought well what the heck i'll just try it it says anti-aging why not i'm a jeans i need to help i need the help so this is called alterna can you see it it may be backwards to you but it comes in shampoo and more and they're both moisturizing anti-aging shampoos uh and conditioner and i love it i tried it and my hair just it makes my hair not fly away it makes it look thicker it helps protect all the you know this chemicals that i put onto my hair and so this is nourishing dry hair i don't particularly have dry hair but my hair loves this it really does and you you know what you only use like a a nickel size amount it doesn't it doesn't like foam up on your hair so it's not going to strip your hair or anything it's like the best stuff ever i love it love it love it i'm going to blow my hair dry my hair feels kind of silky and oh my gosh i haven't had silky hair in a long long time so i've been using this for quite a while now and i absolutely adore these products and i'll i'll link these things below and my other favorite thing is the miracle 10. i love this it's a leave-in uh conditioner oh my gosh it it also comes with keratin so if you have a lot of breakage get the one with keratin this is kind of pricey too i think it's like 27 for this size bottle this one is 10 fluid ounces um i got it at ulta two find everything at ulta but you spray this on your hair while it's wet and then you just leave it it's a leave-in conditioner type spray that's my favorite those so those are my three to go to's right there the shampoo the the conditioner and then the miracle tin i have tried the one with the keratin it works perfectly as well but it gives you a little bit more um strengthening to your hair sometimes you can find it and sometimes you can't so this past time when i went i couldn't i couldn't find it in this and ta-da the best thing on the planet they ever invented was big sexy hairspray now i don't buy the spray and play harder because that is too stiff for my baby fine hair this one is just spray and play spray and play and i love to buy the big jumbo cans because i do a trick with it when i dry my hair and you'll see that in just a few minutes you'll go what is she doing but it works if you have baby fine hair you need to try it um i don't remember where i found out about this trick i just happened to do it one day i think and it works see the fullness and you'll go she's going to use a can to get fullness in her hair yes i am and you're going to love it you're going to love it you're going to love how this comes together so i do love this cut and color i do um play around with it a lot to see if i can wear it different ways and i do curl it as well so i'll show you a picture at the end of what it looks like curly okay so you can do this you can do it try it all right keep watching okay so this is what we're gonna do you're gonna need um some tools you're gonna need a round this is just uh something i got from wally world brush i think it's uh conair maybe i don't know it doesn't have the name on it right now i don't see it or goodies maybe it was a goodies um and then you need a a comb like this a wide toothed comb i love it and you're gonna need a little pick okay so this pick is dirty don't judge because i use it every single day okay i do so my hair is wet and she cut my hair pretty much into a bob but one of my favorite favorite products um that i showed you at the beginning of this is the one that i love love love i use it every day it's really good for baby fine hair it doesn't weigh it down um it's a leave-in product like it says and you can get it with keratin they have two different ones but this one didn't have that and they all kind of pricey but it lasts a long time i think i got this one at ulta and it was like 27 maybe and then you just spray this on your hair everywhere i've already sprayed some and then i just kind of massage it into my scalp like this and then i take my comb and i comb through my hair to make sure that it's all even that kind of thing my hair's so short now i'm not used to it yet i'm really not i'm really i'm so used to it being a little longer especially in the back you know all right so i'm going to use this hair dryer i'm going to go to tj maxx and get me a new one because i dropped this one and it cracked you can see where it cracked but it still works so i'm thinking about going today and finding me one um you can find these at tj maxx they're this one was like what 60 bucks maybe 50. 50 or something like that but you do need to make sure that it has a cool setting has a cool button here because for my hair i need that i don't need um total total heat so what i'm going to do is show you how to start it how i start it and then when i turn the hair dryer on i'll probably play some music or something so you don't have to listen to the hair dryer so this is what i do i comb it i usually will comb everything over and leave this part and i always start on this side first and the best way is to just get going and i will take this and do it like that and then here we go [Music] so [Music] so okay it's totally dry all of it in the back it's a lot it's in layers now you can either have your bangs going this way you could change it over and they go this way sometimes my hair is so baby fine that i will change direction with the part of it but today it looks like it's going to be a good day for parting it this way when you have baby fine hair you never know how it's going to turn out so i want to show you a trick that i do to get fullness you see how kind of flat it is here i like it to be more full um but when you have baby fine hair sometimes that just is not possible so this is a trick that i use with big sexy hairspray now i don't use the spray and play harder this is just spray and play okay so and yes i like the bigger cans because this is how this trick works so i've done this a long time and my hairdresser's like that's genius i'm like yeah i don't like teasing my hair i'm not one to want to tease my hair so what i do is i pull up in a section like this and i spray it and i take the can and i just hold it there then you know count to about 10 seconds and then it's going to stay look at that and you know sometimes when you put all those different products on your hair just to get it fluffy this is really key because it's only at the root and it's not making the rest of your hair but you know my hair is baby fine so it's not making the rest of it kind of like flat so and then i'll take my brush again and then we'll hold it and i'm going to shoot some hot to it like that and just kind of turn the brush a little bit and look at that you see how you get that little instant lift is amazing and then you can do that all the way around i will do it over here on the side right here i have a flat spot right here in the back of my head so i definitely will do it there also so let's do this side so you can see the different spray right at the root hold it count to ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten look at that girl we got some lift going on here so let's and then take this and see that look at that so that is a trick if you have baby fine hair you need to at least try that i mean it is it is the bomb diddy of i don't know where i learned that or how i figured it out i just remember i love doing that and it gives me the fullness now one other thing you can do if you have baby fine hair and you want the fullness you can always kind of lean your hair over to the side and spray it don't move just stay there and stay there real quick and just kind of place it where you want it now i am going to take um see how this is flipping out i am going to take a straight flat iron and kind of iron that out and get these parts straight but this is what i would do to get lift you've got to have a pick i've had this pick probably 20 years at least i think yeah i've had it longer than i had my husband second husband see ah look at that you see how that does and you can do the same thing on this side if you want to now i really have to spray back here i have to do this can back here right at this area running this flat part of my head um but you can also bring down a little lower if you want to you can do the same thing spray it here hold it so you can get a little more lift and it's hot here in alabama and it's a very humid uh place to live so my hair doesn't like this humidity so this is what i do to combat that humidity and you can see it just gives you a nice little lift and then you can do the same thing on this side kind of spray it and lean your head let it let it stay like that just for a minute and it dries and it stays and then you can just come back and use your fingers to you know placement of your bangs whatever so let me get um let me get my clothes on because this is what i wear when i get out of the shower and then we can finish this up okay so my makeup and stuff is done so now we got to finish out this hair i haven't done anything else to my hair here's my new baby that's my new dog her name is sugar and she's laying here beside me we got her from the pound about a week and a half ago so she's a new baby to us i still love my boy there though gosh i cry over him pretty much every day one day i'll think of him and not cry so if you're a dog lover you will understand that i am so let's do um let's finish this out so we remember we used the hairspray to fluff it up now the hairspray is the key to my whole entire look it really is i don't like any other hairspray except for a big sexy that's it that's the only one i've ever used so you see how this one's going out which is not a bad thing if you want to wear it like that but i want to show you how to i kind of straighten it out this is a baby bliss um i love it it's t90 you know for my hair and i i have it it's got different settings on it but it is a nano titanium baby bliss and perfect for your fine baby fine hair perfect for any hair really and i just kind of straightened it out just a little bit you see i like for it to frame into my face a little bit more and you can turn you know turn it just a little bit and it will start coming in now i only do the ends i don't do anywhere else with this i don't need to i just go around and kind of straighten it even in the back i just run it through the bottom and make sure i kind of turn it just a little bit now if i'm going to work on this top part which is probably the hardest part for me is my hair never does the same thing twice so sometimes i have to just go with what the bangs do uh baby find hair if you have baby find here you know what i mean it's flyaway hair it goes flat some days today is a pretty day there's not i mean there's humidity here but this is what i will typically do take this and fluff it up it's like that and you can see that it's in a lot of layers and that's how i get the fullness but this part right here is always a little thinner for some reason and so i'll fix that you must have hairspray hairspray just like that and i'll fix the back of it off camera but pretty much it's just in layers it's just like this except i have to make sure there's no gaps in it because my hair is baby fine and sometimes it will it will do that so i'm going to take these and guess what we're going to do i'm going to take my head and we're going to hold it out and spray it let's kind of hold it there for a second and you can take your fingers and kind of fluff it out if you want it to be fuller but that's basically how i get the fullness in my hair is holding it and fluffing it out because as soon as i hit that humidity outside girlfriend if i don't have this on oh lord it's going to go straight like flat to my head i have a flat spot here and some of us you probably do too you probably have you know being born that's what happens to us i think i must have laid a little bit too long on that one side so i'm going to fix the back of it because i do want to show you the back of it since i can't see it here and i usually have a mirror to do it behind me so let me fix that and then i will come back and i'll just do a turn around and you can see the whole entire thing okay so this is my finished look i love this i absolutely love it let me see if i can turn around and show you the back the back is very layered so it's hard to deal with the back when you can't see it right but i also will post a little picture right here of it being curly so i do i can curl this as well i love the longer layers it's really like a little short bob it's good for baby fine hair for sure if you have thicker hair then it's even going to be better because it's going to be really pretty you're going to be able to swing that hair girlfriend but i have to wear a lot of hairspray so i can't do that but when i do curl it i use this revlon i believe this is revlon um yes it is a revlon so it's just something i found at walmart it i like it because it has different settings here and you can either use this as you can wrap it around which i can't do i'm not good at that there goes my dog sorry i usually just wrap mine in here and then just turn it okay and then i release it and it has the perfect little curl uh my hair so baby fine and in layers it's really hard to wrap it around but if you have longer hair you can do that really love this this one i love the baby bliss though this this was probably these things run around about 100 bucks but they're worth it they're worth it and you can do the beachy waves with this you could take it and turn it and make the beachy waves too so that's another good thing that you can do with this hairstyle i haven't really tried that yet but i hope you've enjoyed this i really love bringing you things that you asked for you wanted to know about my hair so this is it this is my new hairstyle i absolutely love it i just i love this eye look too so if you'd like to have a tutorial on this eye look i actually did a little cut crease and so i did it this past week on my facebook um vip groups and i passed it all around and everybody loved it so i actually did a tutorial on it on my business page there so look at that gorgeous these and these are pressed powder eyeshadows that i've used today so and it's sinus time here i have a lot of sinus right now but thanks for hanging out with me i appreciate it every sunday i'm here you know i'm just going to be here one day a week because that's all i have i work full time and i have a lot going on in my life with my mom lives here and i've got a new dog now and then i have my side business with unique and then i have this i love to do and so i'm very very very busy but my time here with you is special to me so please like and share and click that notification bell let's share it with someone else that you think might find this a value us 50 girls and plus or 40 girls and plus we gotta stick together yes we do we need to give each other our tips our best tips and tricks for how we get through this thing called aging and that's what i try to do every week is bring you something of value and and you ask about my hair and so this is my new hairstyle so this is how i style it my hair is baby fine even if you um have thicker hair i think you can pull off this look it'd probably be even better you'd have some more swinginess like i said all right what do you think what do you think what do you think let me know what you think i will see y'all next sunday y'all have a fabulous week
Channel: Younique by Melissa
Views: 69,280
Rating: 4.9597197 out of 5
Keywords: hair, fine, baby, hair tutorial, thin hair, fine thin hair, how to style baby fine hair, tips and tricks for fine hair, Baby Fine Hair Tips and Tricks, aging fine hair, baby fine hair over 50, products for baby fine thinning hair
Id: a77V827xbug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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