Baby Elephant Cast Aside By His Herd Is Desperately Lonely Until He Meets An Unlikely New Friend

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[Music] le the elephant was just two weeks old but already it looked like time was running out for the poor calf a rescue team found the poor baby alone and afraid at the bond Monsey Game Reserve in Hulu's South Africa elephants are naturally social creatures but le had been rejected by his herd to make matters worse it looked like the young elephant was also desperately ill the rescue team quickly took le to through lathela a game reserve in Zululand to be treated Elly's future didn't look good veterinarians at the reserve diagnosed him with an infected unbiblical hernia a condition that is almost always fatal the area around his bellybutton was essentially an open wound where the infection can rampant being shunned at any age can have devastating effects on an elephant but being shunned while still an infant could destroy le mentally and emotionally even if he was healthy the rescue team suspected the herd have shunned him because of his illness the rescuers treated Ellie's dangerous medical condition and then tried to reunite him with his family but try as they might the herd was done with the little guy instead the team decided to rear him themselves in the fund embell fool a fool awry no orphanage then the team faced another dilemma the calf rejected all of his milk and formula eventually they came up with a combination of boiled rice vital minerals and coconut oil that finally seemed to tempt his palate enough the special dish worked soon le was gobbling it down along with the milk he needed for nourishment his health was finally back on track but it would take a lot more to help him recover from the trauma of being abandoned le seemed perpetually lonely and sad even though he had a team of humans caring for him he wasn't showing much interest in doing anything he was very lethargic very disinterested said Karen trendle a rehabilitation and Crisis Response expert that's when the rescue team decided to try something wild on the game reserved lived a german shepherd named Duma the retired police dog was known for his love of all creatures so the team decided to take a chance and see what would happen if Duma was introduced to le no one was sure how either animal would react once they were introduced however just moments after they met it was clear that a serious friendship was on the rise Duma was delighted with his new friend and le seemed social and happy for the first time It was as if meeting the dog brought Elly back to life for the first time the young calf was expressing interest in something and it was clear from Dumas reaction that the feeling was totally mutual before le met Duma the rescue team was worried about the little elephant's future they plan to introduce him to another herd or to have him start a herd of his own with other orphans but they weren't sure le would survive let alone thrive now they finally had hope but would it last with every month that passed le gu happier and more confident thanks to his burgeoning friendship with juma the dog it seemed that le was out of the woods and that a happy future could exist for this young elephant but sadly fate had other plans just when it seemed that le was out of the woods the worst thing imaginable happened the tiny elephant relapsed collapsing in the enclosure where he slept the rescuers responded the only way they could they treated him with IV fluids and waited tragically just five months after le seemed to recover he passed away from a septic infection that caused the failure of all of his organs the team was absolutely bereft to lose their little friend who came so far it is with great deep sadness and so many tears that we bring the devastating news that le passed away gently shortly before midnight on Tuesday evening the team announced on their Facebook page the entire community joined them in their grief Ellie's brief life contains several hardships between his abandonment and his illness but he also experienced great love and friendship in his time at the reserve Duma the dog transformed Ellie's life and that wasn't something that would be forgotten tough times were not over for those who worked and lived on the game reserve just months after Ellie died poachers invaded the land and killed a baby rhino while maiming other rhinos for their horns the staff at the reserve had to make a very tough decision and they ultimately decided to close the game reserve they opened a new one elsewhere but its location remained a secret so as to better protect the animals who lived there while this story does not have the happy ending that you might wish it had it's important to remember that Ellie's remaining time on earth was pretty special and it was all thanks to his unlikely friendship with Duma the dog you can see how they played here Ellie's story may have a tragic ending but thanks to the hard work and fearless work of others at the game reserve so many other animals will get a chance to live their lives in peace and that's a beautiful thing rest in peace Ellie share this bittersweet post with your friends below [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: videoinspirational
Views: 1,702,277
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Keywords: videos, viral, pictures, top10, Home, Page, youtube, trending, video, viral video, youtube viral, OMG, diy, hacks, Baby, Elephant, Cast, Aside, By, His, Herd, Is, Desperately, Lonely, Until, He, Meets, An, Unlikely, New, Friend, Ellie, the, elephant, Rescued, baby, ellie, beats, odds, with, help, of, his, canine, companion, Most, Funny, and, Cute, Videos, Compilation, throwing, tantrum, Did, herd, reject, this, Abandoned, Makes, Best
Id: ob6uil8qP6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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