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hey hey you guys and welcome back to my channel for those of you who are new here my name is Chelsea and I am a new mom to my daughter right here she's my first daughter and I recently well I guess not recently like three months ago right before she was born did a nursery tour kind of like just where we got everything and how we decorated it and hold on one second all right this maybe it wasn't the best time to do the video but I'm doing it anyway this is raised kind of like fussy time of the day but I mean overall she's super chill and easy but just before bed she gets a little bit more fuzzy so anyway so we've done a nursery tour and I will link that here in the description box below but I've had a lot of requests to do an organizational like tour of the nursery and I thought this would be a good time for me to just show you how I organize all the baby stuff around the house because when I was pregnant I was like Kate what do what kind of things do I need what's the flow of our house can it be like once we have a baby and you know that sort of thing so I'm hoping that this will help anyone out there who's pregnant right now I may be you know in the same about the Iowas and I'm trying to figure out like how should I organize my house and what items am I gonna need and like what's the best way to organize baby stuff around the house so anyway let's get into it and we'll start first with the nursery and high of arranged her clothes and toys and books and things like that so let's get into it okay so here's the nursery when you come in there's a dresser right here and in the dresser we have in the top drawer just the things that we grab the most when we're changing her so we've got diapers right here we have in this little drawer we have her like hair stuff nail clippers that sort of thing we have vitamin D drops right here sorry if you can hear her breathing she is a little bit congested and she's breathing kind of loud right now so sorry about that anyway and then there's like first-aid stuff in here a little syringes the Nosefrida thermometers great water that sort of stuff and then we have binky's and we have this little bracelet that my sister-in-law made for her for a blessing days it's a little precious yes we have inky's in here and I find that this pink even gets really full and then like dwindles down and then they'll be like one in there and then you know that's just how pinkies are they like there's either like a ton or none and then we have bows here like she's obviously not hurting for bows her cousins actually have given her a lot of bows on both my side and Erik's side so we're super grateful and happy for the Hat cuz look how cute these are so these are a little bit bigger bows and more like head wrap type those and then we have socks in here and then right here we've got bibs I go through probably two of these a day right now well she goes through two of them the day because she is teaming I think she's drooling a lot so we're going through a lot of those and then there's some other bids back here and then these little MIT mittens and man if I don't have her wearing these then she likes to scratch her face kind of set but I will try to link anything I can from what I show you guys today in the description box below so check that out if you have any questions on where to get some stuff I get asked questions all the time about these drawer organizers and these are just from Ikea they're like $6 and they come with like four of the small ones or maybe maybe two of these two of the small ones two of the bigger ones and then two of the like more skinny rectangular ones and I'll show you those in a second but yeah just like.he I think for these Thor this is an IKEA dresser by the way and for to fill all of these drawers with those um cubby drawer organizers I think I got I want to say like five or six little sets of them so just for reference okay and then we've got our burp cloths right here these are my very very favorite burped cloths and they're from Burt's Bees I think I got well I got these on Amazon and then someone gave me some and then you can get them at Target - I think and then I love these little changing pad covers I keep one in my like small purse so that if I have to change around the go I can lay that down and then I also just keep one here because then if she makes a mess then we can just throw this in the washer and we don't have to always be changing the changing pad cover because we just have a couple of bees and this one is the Burt's Bees one and I really like it we also have one that I just like got from Amazon so that's a lot cheaper cos these stuff is a little bit more expensive so moving on to the second drawer in here we've got nightgowns right here so these are the nightgowns with the open bottom that are nice or changing at night and then right here we've got some sleep sacks and just warmer like onesies like type things that we could take her out in if it was really cold but it's summertime so we don't really use anything in there right now right here we've got the white onesies just like a bunch of white onesies and we don't fold them we just throw them in there cuz yeah we don't really need a whole clothes these are those longer rectangular cubbies or I don't know what to call storage bins same form IKEA that I was talking about earlier these are just like zip up or button up onesies like PJs and then in here we've got her just leggings and everything in here is pretty much zero out of three months right now because she is 10 weeks old but there are a couple things are still newborn that she's fitting into still so so leggings and bottoms pants these are long-sleeve onesies short-sleeved onesies and that's pretty much it for that drawer okay this bottom drawer is three to six month clothing as well as some I think six to nine month clothing so over here I think is where it starts three to six there's pants nightgown or sleepers I guess I don't even know what to call those ones easly Persians of books I don't know these are here are set so like each little thing goes together and that's just like you know leggings and a onesie together and sing with right here so each little thing goes together um and then these are just like short sleeved onesies and more short sleeve onesies over here these are getting in towards nine months because I know this right here this stuff is nine months these are nine month long sleeve Wednesday's and guys it's so cool my sister gave me a bunch of clothes from her daughter who's now - but her daughter was born in June and me and Ray was born in May so they coordinate they were able to get a lot of air she was able to get a lot of Emma her cousin's clothes because they were poor Nana seems thin so it's super nice so these were from Emma these are long-sleeved onesies and I just can't wait for her to wear that like Christmas time I think that's a six to nine month maybe a nine month when I can't I can't look her but um I mean these are Star Wars onesies that are so few off to show you guys later um and then I believe these are nine month supers and don't you just love the look of these drawer organizers it makes me it's so happy and then I had these in here this is just a halo sleep sack that's a three to six month one and then this is like a three to nine month sleeper I just had these sitting here because I wasn't sure what to do with them yet um I'll just stick em in there for now cuz we don't ever really okay and then I showed you the changing pad table but over next to it we have just this then I got from home goods I believe I really like it's super cute baby stuff and some paste lotion and hand sanitizer and then we've got our hatch baby hot dressed baby what do you call that nightlight / sound machine and guys I love that thing that is such a good it's so amazing like you can just tap on it and it will change from whatever settings you set in your phone it's all Bluetooth capable I talked more about it in my newborn favorites video I will link here and down below so for her books we just got these from these shelves from Ikea and we get asked all the time where we got those from so I'm pretty sure they're called they start with an end I can't really remember what the name of them is it's like most Vonda or something I don't know you know IKEA names are weird but we just got two of them and I like that they're here close to the floor so when she gets a little older she can just publish the books right off the shelf and play and read as she pleases so I think that'll be really fun and we're just continuing to build our book collection and I love it it's so fun then here's where we store a bunch of her little toys that she doesn't play with at all yet but we do use some of these blankets for tummy time and this little thing hanging here is actually a wash bag so I got this from Amazon and I just stick her little mittens and her socks in there and then wash them so that they you know are all together and they don't get lost in the wash because man those little socks and sure get lost all right and then here is her closet so I'll just open that up and so yeah this is what it looks like okay these storage bins right here I got from Target and you can see they're there as well I'll just kind of go through what's in each thing I was gonna get labels for them but I don't know we are we know now what's in there so I don't know if we really need labels but in this one there are just smuggling kids and and here's just like a bunch of random stuff mostly like extra supplies like diaper pails and extra little baby supplies for the bat and stuff like that then here are is her baby baby bjorn and actually underneath that is her like little monthly blanket if you follow me on instagram you can not check out that looks like there and then in these drawers here's hats and just like a random like her swimsuit and a random little coat that's like so cute it's a little pea coat but I don't think she's gonna be able to wear it she'll be too big by the time winter comes around but this is just mostly hats and just kind of like random winter or summer stuff things that we just don't need that much or need to grab that often and then these are all the little bloomers and shorts and here are your shoes which she's never worn shoes yet even though I think these ones will fit her I think these are the only ones that will fit her and then this one's maybe but man baby feet are small like I looked at these and think that they would fit her but no way too big I think those will fit her when she's like a year old okay and then and cozy falling asleep but she's still breathing so loud so I'm sorry you guys if you can hear her but let's keep going okay and here are just changing pad covers as well as health jeez you like in that binky and then pack and play sheets right here are just bed like crib sheets and there's tons cuz we bought a couple and then we were given some that were basically brand new for my sister-in-law and then this one is her little baby carrier or baby wraps that I'm wearing right now and then also this is like a little Star Wars costume because she was named after array from Star Wars I'm not gonna show that because that I'm gonna take a picture of her in that outfit soon and then I'll show it to you guys so make sure you're following me on Instagram so I got her poppy over here and her docket ah we get asked all the time if we like the docket odd and check out my newborn favorites video to hear a little bit more about that and then of course over here we've got a crap ton of diapers but it seems like a lot but you can never have too many diapers and wipes but we have everything from size 1 2 3 I think and 4 or maybe know we just have up to 4 or I mean up to 3 I don't know we have a lot of diapers though but we still have had to buy diapers I think twice so far as far as we had to buy like newborn ones I think twice maybe okay then we've got all of her clothes here and it starts from newborn well she's not really putting into newborn anymore but it's like zero to three months and then all the way till this is 9 months over here and then we've got one year like 12 to 18 months here and then 18 months to I think 3 years old right there some of that every all the clothes we have for her so far and we've got her immuno meta fired there we haven't had to use it yet I don't know how she's breathing today maybe I hope we'll break that out and we'll start using it okay then we've got a bunch of receiving blankets in that basket in this basket there are a bunch of wipes and then here I have this basket because that basket is great for when she grows out of things I just throw them into this basket and then I'll put those away in storage when it gets full which obviously you can see it's pretty dang full so it's about time to box those up and put it in storage all that's all her newborn stuff it's crazy how fast a girl okay wanted to show you this is her little blessing dress that she wore last week so yeah follow me on Instagram and you can see how adorable sure than that but yeah so this chunk right here is zero to three months and she's almost fitting in three month clothing which is about right here and then six months three to six month is here in that name it nine months excuse me and then I got these hanger labels I don't know what do you call these whatever I got these from Amazon so I will link those below and they're so stinking cute and I really like them especially is then like when I organize the pose or it can just come in and he knows exactly like where to pull from when he's dressing her okay now let's go around the house and I'm gonna show you guys how I organized some of the other baby things that we have just throughout the house something to note here I am NOT a hoarder at all if anything I am on the their end of the spectrum I throw things away like crazy I do not like clutter around my house and so I was worried about baby things when I was pregnant like just take I was worried about them taking over my house and so we don't really have a lot of baby things just scattered around the house I'm sure we will she gets older but as of right now it's pretty confined and well organized so I'm just gonna kind of show you how I've achieved Beth so this is our front room and as you can see heipo we don't really have a lot of stuff out right we don't like really any baby things out other than this little diaper caddy that sits right here and so we have four levels in our house but they are only separated by just a few stairs so we've got this level and then it goes up and then it goes down and then there's one more that goes down so we do really enjoy having diaper caddies available on each level just in case we need to change her most of her changing is done at her changing pad but this is nice to have here so there's like some hand sanitizer here some diaper cream and you know just the basics I usually keep a burp cloth here too but I just did laundry and so all of her burp cloths got put up in her room and then right next to our door we keep her diaper bag and this little stroller accessory that just wraps on the front of the stroller and it's got cupholders I talked about this stuff in my newborn favorites this is just a random box of stuff I need to return to friends and Target so here's that stuff that's like ready to go when we need it and I do try to keep her diaper bag packed at all times so that when we're ready to go or we have to take her somewhere to be babysat or whatever then all we have to do is like out a bottle to it and then we're good to go if you guys are interested to see what's in my diaper back video I'd be happy to make that for you and I can show you how I keep this packed yeah just what's in there on a regular basis and you know kind of a tour of this particular diaper bag because it does fit a lot and it was a great deal on Amazon I will link it below I also have this little diaper bag this is what I carry with me when I don't really need a lot of stuff I just have like a little changing pad like little cloth I can lay down I have wipes diapers and I usually put like a burp cloth and a onesie in there binky and some hand sanitizer and that's pretty much it and then just like my wallet and chopstick or whatever I have with me so that is super nice and this is a great backpack because you can wear it as a backpack or you can wear it as like a crossbody over the shoulder purse alright this is one of my most favorite purchases for Ray Arjuna car seat so we just keep this right here ready to go with we always have a blanket on there and then the car seat cover so this is pretty much always right here just for convenience and it's always got its wheels out so that we can strap her in and we don't have to lean over so far down to the ground and then we'll just like pop the wheels into itself and put it in our super nifty I talked more about that in my newborn essentials video as well and of course there's always just a little binky sitting in there and you know you're gonna never know when you pinkey temple okay and if you do bottles this is kind of like our setup so we she is breastfed but we do feed her bottles as well because I do pump but anyway here's this little bowl we keep in here just like gathers all's a little either breast pump accessories or bottle accessories before they need to be washed so we just kind of like toss them in there and just they pile up throughout the day but it's the weekend so I'm home feeding her I do work full-time so during the week that fills up a little bit more she's with my husband throughout the day most days so and then we have our little cleaning error or sorry drying rack over here I've just got this on Amazon and I think you can get it at Target as well so we once they are dry here I will show you where we put our bottles all right next to our fridge we have this cupboard and this is where we keep all of her bottles and accessories and all my pump accessories so in here all her 4 ounce bottles and the lids and caps and all the accessories to those because we do use dr. Brown's bottles and I didn't want I wanted them to be all the parts to be open to the air because I just felt like that was better for keeping them sanitized instead of you know like putting the caps on all of them and stuff we just keep them like this and then we grab the little parts we need as we need them and back there are the 8 ounce bottle accessories and here are the emails we don't really use them as much because she's really eating about 4 to 5 ounces right now HP and then here are some breast milk more bottle Queen accessories and some formula back there and accessories there is just more formula and then some like formula containers and snack containers for when she gets a little bit older it's kind of like our baby feeding shelf for now so it works out well and then I heard underneath that you have post stuff huh alright let's go down the stairs and they can show you a couple more things I was going to lead the way as usual so this is our little family room we have not decorated or done anything in here yet so just don't mind that but we do keep a little diaper caddy here I've done a little review on this in my newborn favorites video this is a great diaper bag if you have a lot of stuff you want to keep in one area of the house because there are so many pockets and then there's this cool zipper on the back and yeah so we just keep diapers in here wipes usually have in this front pocket of burp cloths hand sanitizer but paste which I think I do usually have it right there but I don't know where it is and then another change is headliner you guys these are the bomb and then yeah wipes so and we'll just add to this as we should gets a little older she's not too high-maintenance right now so that's all we need so this is called the MIMO caddy organizer I think and you don't have to just use it for diapers but I did want to let you know that I saw that they are doing an Amazon Prime day deal and this video will probably be posted on Amazon Prime day which is Monday and Tuesday the 15th and 16th of July so if you want to take advantage of their deal I'll try to find a link and link it down below but I think they're doing you can get one buy one of these and get 10% off two for 20% off three prefer 30% off so anyway check that out I'll put some info in the description box below okay guys last level down here is where we watch a lot of movies and it's like kind of Eric's mancave if you've seen our house tour then you've seen this but we like I said watch movies down here together and Eric will sometimes you know if he's playing video games or just hanging out down here I wanted to have another diaper caddy for him available if he had Rhea down here with him so we've got another one right here so that is just makes it you know convenient okay wanted to show you how we have things set up in my bedroom with my nicely unmade bed cuz we took a nap we have not had ray in our room since she was two weeks old so she's been in her own nursery since then so the only thing that we keep in here really is this bouncer which is a BabyBjorn bouncer love this thing so much I just set it right here it comes down anyway and I just set it right here so that I can have her by me while I get ready she loves to just kick her feet and bounce around in that and then we usually do have like a blanket or something in here just yeah for convenience and then in the bathroom we have a little bin of her washcloths and towels so but that is pretty much it as far as baby stuff in our bathroom and bedroom and then we also have the little angel care baby tub oh and then on my nightstand of course we have the monitor and just a burp cloth really sometimes I have a binky in here because somebody was all just nursery while I watch a show or something I'm there and yeah that's that's pretty much it aren't you guys that is it for this video thank you so much for watching I did want to let you guys know that this video will most likely be posted during Amazon crying day which is July 15th and 16th so if you want to take advantage of some of these some of the deals going on with prime day I will have everything linked below everything that you saw as much as I can find available on Amazon as well as like a direct link to my Amazon store which is where I post all of my favorite items that I purchased from Amazon and continue to purchase from Amazon so go ahead and check that out below be sure to follow me on Instagram if you're not already I would love to chat with you over there and I will catch you guys in my next video thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Chelsea Hansen
Views: 85,791
Rating: 4.8162394 out of 5
Keywords: nursery organization, nursery tour, organization tips, baby organization ideas, baby organization small space, baby organization tips, how to prep for a baby, how to organize your house for a baby, nesting pregnancy how long before labor, nesting pregnancy, nesting for baby
Id: qRdEwZK6tY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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