πŸ’₯ ULTRA SEASON πŸ’₯ πŸ‘ΆπŸ½ FULL Episodes 🌈 Baby Alive Season 2 πŸ’¦ Crying Babies πŸ’• CARTOONS for KIDS πŸ’•

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[Music] oh really [Music] we kicked the ball outside not inside the house remember [Music] our hands are dirty come on let's go and wash them [Laughter] [Music] please [Music] yeah look at this mess [Music] you okay [Music] be right back with your veggie burgers babies [Music] now that is some sexy styling am I right babies no I said veggie burgers burgers not veggie boogers wow it's gigantic [Music] is disgusting that's it babies we've gotta do something about these bad habits I love it it sounds like Charlie needs our help but we can't go like this [Applause] Pixies let's fly oh um thank goodness you're here grow Pixies these babies are kicking balls inside the house not washing their dirty hands and picking their noses I've tried everything to get them to stop don't worry Charlie know exactly how to help the baby's kidneys bad habits [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] babies you have worked so hard on your bad habits today and that deserves [Music] it's funny you tried so hard today Tilly I am very proud of you no more buggy picking for you Teo and you're gonna kick a ball outside from now on right Lulu yep no more bad habits in this playroom well almost no bad habits [Music] on Earth is oh [Music] poor little things let's get her some warm milk laughs [Music] or no that dog [Music] all right foreign bad boy [Music] Kitty oh no [Music] here kitty kitty [Music] oh it's no use [Music] glow pigs oh look an elephant well it sounds like Charlie needs a little help come on glow Pixies [Music] oh look a cutie oh no she's frightened we want to take care of her but she's too high up to reach and she's too scared to come down well at first things first [Music] do you want to come down now hmm what about if we make it a little easier for you [Music] oh wait I know a cat's love a sprinkle of glitter nip [Music] come on cutie you can do it just a little further oh so cute now all she needs is a name color twinkle [Music] [Music] foreign what's going on in here oh no no no no no no no no no um [Music] baby that must have been so scary don't worry Dr Charlie is here let's start with you tail gotta make sure that Noggin of yours is okay [Music] everything looks good tail but I think you need a bandit just to be safe and now for the medicine let's see that name [Music] looks painful Tilly you are so brave it's not broken but let's see [Music] there that ought to do it can't forget the medicine okay Lulu show me that elbow [Music] is it okay if I check it it's just gonna take some time to get better Lulu here I think I know something that will help I think that's enough boo-boos for one day don't you [Music] are boo-boos oh look at you Brave babies bandages splints and slings and you're still smiling Boomers don't last forever and you know what the best cure for a boo-boo is [Music] this time yeah like yesterday Flowerama [Music] oh my God [Music] oh if [Music] [Music] oh [Music] time to play outside YouTube naughty well looks like Dr Charlie has a few more patients this afternoon huh babies [Music] sounds like someone needs a new diaper [Music] those two can only mean one thing let's go Tilly foreign [Music] [Music] good work Gordon lucky for you lulu I've got a nice clean diaper ready for you not only are they adorable but they're also totally washable reuse them again and again and keep baby bottoms fresh you who would have thought such adorable and eco-friendly diapers could be so stinky [Music] oh no yeah no no no no no no no foreign these diapers are cute but they sure make a lot of laundry I think it's time to try something new [Music] Pixies are you sure this will work just Charlie this is what we do do get it come on that's a dude oh once upon a time there was a bear named Ted now Ted he's getting too big for diapers and it was time for him to start wearing big teddy Underpants and doing his weirdos in a potty and one morning after breakfast Ted felt a funny feeling in his belly [Music] that's right Lulu Ted needed a poo but instead of doing it in his cool new Underpants he used his little potty go Ted do your poopy go Ted do your wheelie now who wants to be like Ted [Music] all right tell me [Music] lului on the potty whoopsie sorry Lulu please [Music] [Music] oh huh [Music] yo potato do your wheelie [Music] [Applause] and you're sure there's nothing we can do about the smell [Music] congratulations have a little party just to say yikes what's wrong Lulu aren't you excited to get your first tooth I bet I know what'll get you into the party Spirit how about it oh Lulu that hurts don't do that [Music] now oh no no no please I need to know what's wrong [Music] it's okay glow fixies help there's nothing like a spa day to make me feel relaxed I hear you Gigi hey Sammy where's your sheep mask oh I couldn't find mine but I kind of feel like I'm breaking it [Music] spot time is over glue Pixies sounds like Charlie needs us and it sounds like big trouble oh I think there's a bug in my mask [Music] Charlie what's wrong are you playing hide and seek because I can totally see you it's Lulu she got a new tooth and she won't stop fighting everything yikes do you think maybe her tooth is sore it could be making her cranky maybe but I can't get close enough to take a look this is serious sounds like Lulu might need a trip to the dentist oh the dentist isn't scary Lulu it's part of taking care of your teeth in fact we can show you [Music] foreign [Music] that's okay um does anyone else want to play dentists wow that's a lot of teeth and a lot of onion open wide and say oh ah looking great Tilly oh okay now you can stop [Music] oh I see something at the back thanks to you sorry it's just so cold are you ready for your checkup Lulu [Music] no wonder you're feeling cranky it looks like you've got two new teeth don't worry I have just the thing to help [Applause] and you know the best bit about getting new teeth get a visit from the tooth fairy you'll be needing this to take care of those awesome new teeth and this is for being such a brave little patient thanks for your help little Pixies I don't know what I'd do without you no problem but I think someone else could use a good toothbrush Gordon come back [Music] babies we need your help [Music] oh I'm so sorry babies well that was quite the entrance hang on glow Pixies did I hear you say that you needed our help hello who is this little cutie and so Sally and she is why we need your help princess Ellie also lives in shermanwood forest and last night there was a huge storm there are branches down everywhere it's a mess we were hoping that Ellie could play here with you and the babies oh we clean up of course what do you think babies that sounds fun huh come on princess Ally there's princess Ellie's things just her pack and her special cup and play with the thanks Charlie be back as soon as we can come on Ellie let's let's [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] that's nice babies look at those beautiful pictures oh baby [Laughter] foreign [Music] ah [Music] a little glow pixie told me that someone loves strawberries one for chili here you go Lulu don't worry tail I didn't forget you oh Tilly don't worry I'll find it aha got it here you go Tilly [Music] okay okay you take this one and I will give Ellie another one too that's so nice if you don't want to share Tilly Tilly we do not throw food Ellie sure has had lots of fun today [Music] you can always come back and play another time now let's go say bye bye to the babies laughs [Music] did Ellie just grow huh [Music] welcome huh [Music] here you go sweet Teo [Music] oh you've been so helpful today princess Nelly yeah those extra interests really come in handy what's up Mega chili be careful Kelly are you okay what are you trying to do honey [Music] oh I get it you want to be taller too huh just like princess Ellie but you're perfect just the way you are princess Ellie's only this tall because she's a magical princess okay okay don't cry Tilly maybe there's something I can do just until Charlie gets back [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this could be a big problem nobody panic I'll just reverse the spell with another magic kiss okay Tilly time to get back to normal let's just put those cookies now [Music] tonight come on Chili it's time to shrink back [Music] let me give you a big kissy kiss it's no use we need backup Charlie [Music] Charlie interesting she was never supposed to get this tall I can't get close enough to reverse it well we have to get her down somehow foreign [Music] we've got cake and I bought a brand new storybook for us to read I just wish you could join us Tilly I think you're gonna love it [Music] yeah yeah [Music] would you like some cake [Music] foreign babies [Music] huh come on babies we better start getting you ready for bed babies tonight I have some very special helpers [Applause] [Music] help me with the four bees of bedtime huh huh but surely what are the Four B's of bedtime oh I am so glad you asked Sienna [Music] the very first beat as you can see is a job I take very seriously been playing all day got food on your face so let's pop it in for a nice swim best time take your time no need to rush then tragic yesterday [Music] oh God it's time for a book called two or three let's snuggle up in bed [Music] that's what she said every single night it's bath brush books and the little bunny hopped away into the magical forest sea and now are we ready for the last bee babies bedtime foreign [Music] [Music] huh what's wrong silly you want to play something else foreign [Music] what do you think [Music] okay okay um what about you Teo what would you like to play [Music] a story that's a great idea Teo [Music] it's okay don't cry look I'm sure the playroom is big enough for three games ah this will be easy peasy [Music] and Rock Paper Scissors Shoot [Music] rock paper scissors silly be careful rock paper scissors [Music] shootiana is the winner now Lulu let's play nice which means cookies for dessert keys wait I thought you wanted cupcakes [Music] oh I don't mind I just love playing Rock Paper Scissors Shoot looks like the cookies will have to wait let's see I don't want to play different games it's a disaster more than trumpet going to need some serious for this come Little Pigs [Music] [Music] okay babies I think I see a way we can all play together but first we're gonna need some costumes [Music] [Music] all right [Music] now for some finishing touches [Music] and even though they were very different they always had the most fun together [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] happily ever after glow Pixies deep in your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh um hmm [Music] whoa It's hilly house [Music] I hope you're hungry [Music] wow that's an interesting look chili [Music] [Music] [Music] um what's wrong Kelly what's got into you today [Music] that's not what I said at all I said oh sounds like Charlie needs our help let's go [Music] what's wrong with Tilly her diapers empty she's not hungry she isn't sick and she keeps doing weird things to her head hmm hey Julie is it okay if I take a look at your hair possible oh coffee one of your beautiful curls has come loose and I'll bet it's been bothering you all day oh that's okay Tilly your hair just needs a little extra love oh I know what to do [Music] take a break Tilly it's okay one of your curls is gone astray but it's nothing we can't fix with a little wash day when your hair makes you sad treat it the right way with love and patience and care and don't forget to play yay [Music] time to rinse [Music] time to come time to style [Music] almost there [Music] you know all hair is great hair it just needs a little care [Music] thanks for all your help glow Pixies we're so glad we could help you well I guess I'd better tidy this stuff away before [Music] oh this old guys nothing to be afraid of he's just a party decoration see hello Sammy do you think we might have brought too many things for the party no way we've gotta go all out for Dia de los Muertos don't forget the candy whoa Sienna Sparkle that's the biggest sugar skull I've ever seen glow pixies that one's way too big to eat it'll make you sick right it'll look great at the party well we better finish decorating before Charlie gets back then we can play some games come on glow Pixies let's do this [Music] I see what you're doing Tilly you want a flower crown for the party huh well come with me [Music] ah these garlands are looking super festive great job Tilly [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] how did this get down here why welcome in Time Charlie will be back any minute and there's still so much to do come on glow Pixies if we work together we can get this done [Music] huh [Music] [Music] going to stay here [Music] do you need a diapers ing boys [Music] it was trapped wind [Music] I'm back the decorations look amazing the babies have been helping us get everything ready well then you definitely deserve some treats I got you all sugar skulls [Music] oh what's wrong babies you don't want any um oh glow Pixies help oh amazing work glow Pixies now we can play some games maybe we'll save the games for next year who wants some delicious panda [Music] Baby Alive got the paintbrushes be right back [Music] [Music] thank you tonight [Music] [Laughter] [Music] whoa [Music] babies stop [Music] those eggs are food babies and we do not waste food I was only gone a minute and look at you [Music] [Laughter] oh come on then let's get you cleaned up that's better now isn't it oh yeah look at this place you babies sure do know how to make a mess tidy up time let's get all those little eggs inside that big one and then we'll be ready for the egg hunt on three oh I just got you cleaned up one this mess is everywhere two glow pizzas we should really see that coming by now sounds like Charlie needs us we gotta get out of here [Music] come on glow Pixies [Music] it's like the eggs and paint have mixed together and turned a glue [Music] I'll have my eggs Sammy side up please this place is a disaster I wanted to do an Easter egg hunt but the babies got to the eggs before I could hide them don't worry I know just how to fix it [Music] that was amazing Gigi I really wish we had more eggs it would have been fun to do an egg hunt with the babies more eggs huh hang on I've got an idea happy Hearts Final GG Sienna get some blindfolds on those babies you too Charlie [Music] okay let the great egg hunt begin grab your baskets and find those eggs no [Music] no [Laughter] I could get used to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] is you have been chosen to adopt a puppy choose us [Music] we are getting a puppy we are getting a puppy we are getting a puppy oh look babies it's our puppy he is too cute [Music] what's wrong Tilly what is it what [Music] says our puppy will be arriving today [Music] we don't have a puppy bed and we don't have any puppy food this playroom is not ready for a puppy at all [Music] [Music] eat all the shoes and naughty puppy and he's gonna break all of our things [Music] [Music] maybe we shouldn't get a puppy after all I don't know what to do glow Pixies oh no you look a bit sad let me help there that's been [Music] let's go hold on looks like your Garden's got the right idea we gotta get moving we'll help you catch your flowers later Sienna right now we have to help Charlie let's butterfly thank you is everything okay no our puppy is coming today and I'm not sure if we should even have a puppy anymore we don't have anything ready a puppy is a lot of work but don't worry Charlie we can help I think all you need is a little practice now every puppy needs a few things to be happy and safe isn't that right pup all you need for a happy pop is yummy food huh oh a safe space with fun toys they're only to play with [Music] they need lots and lots of loving petals oh and plenty of rest huh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that's thoughtful but I don't need the doctor station yet Lulu if at first you don't succeed keep trying right [Music] I thought it would be the ball in the goal not me [Music] thanks Tilly think I've got it this time [Music] [Music] oh that's it [Music] Sammy now you have to sit still and let your wing heal okay I told you I'm fine [Music] [Applause] Anna Gigi are you okay [Music] was it just me or did that sound like Tilly I don't I don't seem to hear anything that cry was definitely Tilly we better get going to handle this one [Music] Charlie Charlie can you hear us Gigi is that you take it easy Charlie we need to make sure that you're not hurt Dr Lulu [Music] oh no Sammy what's wrong oh it's no biggie I just hurt my wing earlier and it's still a bit sore oh thanks Lulu so much better [Music] try try again [Music] now that calls for us [Music] okay baby I'm going to my dance class you'd be good while I'm away okay oh that'll be fine Charlie don't worry bye bye babies bye glow Pixies [Music] dance party [Music] that's right baby get your dance on we may be small but we've got moves to make the biggest party ever now do a little dance with us babies clap your hands together [Music] thank you okay I Shrunk the baby what do we do Charlie will be back from her boat Hotel soon baby babies [Music] [Applause] [Music] they must be here somewhere [Music] this is bad Charlie will be back any minute baby oh pigs well you're gonna Panic perhaps we need a new plan you're right but what I don't have any bright ideas [Music] not now Gordon we've gotta find the babies [Music] I think Gordon knows where they are [Music] Gordon was trying to tell us the whole time what a good boy hi babies I'm back we better fix this quick [Music] what's going on here uh nothing just a little dance party right babies [Music] [Music] oh no that's disgusting what that's it we have to get you babies potty trained starting today huh [Music] so this is a potty from now on when you need to poop or pee you have to sit on this easy [Music] so you have to go in the potty uh okay we'll go over it one more time laughs [Music] yes yes I got it no no it's not dance time it's party time [Music] how am I gonna potty train you you just don't understand [Music] now's your chance to go potty oh Sienna what a truly wonderful Tea Party no Tilly yes and the cakes are simply marvelous why thank you my fellow fancy Pixies come on babies you can do it just use the no three full diapers little pigsies I need your help [Music] what is this I'm trying to potty train the babies but it's just not worthy I'll say fruit bubbles oh good thinking Gigi but there's no time to waste come glow Pixies let's change these things [Music] [Music] this is hazardous material [Music] so you have to go in the potty [Music] you used the potty you're doing amazing sweetie yeah oh [Music] are you sure you want to leave Eddie's bed on the floor Lulu foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just thinks we're playing a game almost got it we need help glow Pixies I am [Music] it sounds like Charlie needs us [Music] hey Charlie what's the problem I think I found the problem Gordon's got Eddie he's Lulu's favorite Teddy but Gordon is too fast to catch and he thinks everything's a game [Music] just needs a timeout I have a bright idea [Music] thank you new game these magic sleep bubbles should help him settle down for a nap [Music] mission accomplished I think we can fix this [Music] what do you think [Music] there we go now Gordon won't be able to reach him and Lulu next time let's remember not to leave our things on the floor and to tidy them away safely foreign [Music]
Channel: HasTV Kids
Views: 358,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby Alive, Baby Alive LIVE, Baby Alive dolls, Baby Alive toys, Baby alive videos, Hasbro, animation, baby, baby alive, baby alive doll, baby alive episodes, baby alive feeding, baby alive full episodes, baby alive glo pixies, baby alive live!, baby alive real as can be, baby alive shows, baby alive videos, baby doll review, cartoons for children, cry, cry babies in english, cry baby, dolls, full episode, kelli maple, kids videos, kitoons in english, unboxing, videos for kids
Id: 7ViU5Va41II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 34sec (4294 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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