BABY ADLEY Roblox Day Care!! Dad is the Nursery Boss! new playing, feeding, and potty training game

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what's your next need what can i do i need to sleep so i i i didn't go to the toilet the blue door the pink door what do i do what do i do what do i do watch out there's a baby [Music] yes please too bad you can't have what i feel like you're harder to take care of in roblox than maybes in real life [Music] and then one day the gum said oh hurry last lap this is the final lap go happily go out there no he's getting close i love you you're getting so big [Music] welcome to every athlete today we're playing some roblox but we can't play roblox without a dad now where's dada is he behind this chair sounds like it alley had the amazing idea to play roblox so what are we playing okay first we are playing oh i got an idea race cars pirates nope dinosaurs daycare daycare and your baby i already have to take care of navy in real life but now i have to take care of baby adley and roblox okay take care i'm transporting i feel like you're harder to take care of in roblox than navy's shirt in real life what car binky oh cute color diaper oh purple diaper you're a cute baby oh and you have cute little red hair pigtails like in real life so i'm a caretaker okay bottle um what color bottle do you want chocolate milk there's no chocolate milk i think orange juice i think orange juice is orange juice i want orange juice okay carrier okay purple purple stroller pink pink face that's your face my face all right let me check in the way help where's that let me just take me away from daycare audley where are you i'm all the way up to the city lovely excuse me front desk do you know where adley is yeah let me check her tracker click click click click click uh she's in the city you need to get over there right now okay i'm going to find her okay where's the city city city hey ally all right well my name's dad i'm going to be taking care of you today do you want to go run in the flowers flowers oh sorry thorns okay what do you want to do today i'm gonna paint read can't wait it's gonna be a busy day all right painting first park park park do i need to do your needs in order let's go camping where do we go cam and then painting them reading the park and then i need to go to the doctors to get these thorns out all right we're at how do we how do we camp what's the i just need marshmallows oh i can give you a hug i want marshmallows i can rock you i want marshmallows how do i get marshmallows just send me down in the high turn off my high chair okay oh here's some marshmallows you like the marshmallows spicy merci merci okay let me cook another one for you can we sleep now yep oh okay well i can't believe we're camping [Music] doesn't need to sleep right now you're not even tired yeah just pretend okay here you go thanks i'll just sit by this campfire and tell ghost stories once upon a time there was a ghost babysitter and he took care of all the babies in daycare and then one day the ghost said okay oddly wake up we need to do your next thing come on yeah you need to sleep too you know i don't sleep i'm a daycare wake up it's the middle of the night all right why are my babysitting you in the middle of the night do you always come to daycare in the middle of the night okay what's your next need drawing let's go drop all right well bro gotta look both ways dad look at me all right ah you're looking all the way um drawing drawing my [Music] hey come here yeah okay that's kind of cool okay i'm gonna figure out where to draw you just ride your airplane around drawing for babies is it upstairs yep our corner found it all right oddly i got the art corner set up come here come here let me catch up get over here you baby on an airplane oh how'd you go through that door where are you oh okay she's outside come here baby hey that door i can't even fit through those slow down you're faster no ben she vented you're looking suspicious wait really how do i get you baby get out of the van um excuse me front that's my baby's stuck in the vent you know how i get her oh i trick her okay yep i gotta get one of these balloons babies love balloons can i pick these up no i can't even pick up the balloons only the babies can pick them up how am i supposed to trick you to tell tell you myself tell the worker why i'm stuck in the van say okay um excuse me front desk my baby is stuck in the vent what do i do well you gotta get her favorite thing and lure her out i think adley let me look at her records she loves chocolate oh chocolate that's a good idea okay the vending machine is right there oh the venting machine hi venting machine i need some chocolate cause my baby's in the van uh okay that's why is it great no i wanted chocolate not green chocolate let me try to get nope it's just green all right oh i wonder if anyone will help me eat this delicious green chocolate he's trying to trick me i know i'll i'll go outside the side i wonder if anyone wants this delicious chocolate hello does anyone want delicious is anyone even in there baby ah she escaped out the outside baby on the run get this baby watch out there's a baby with an escape okay come here i got her okay it's drawing time you've got needs and i've got to take care of them you need to draw and do oh and it's morning time good morning i need poo poos oh no seriously um well just go on your diaper because we need to do art class right now i am your diaper changer i got a picture of a kangaroo okay oh that is what are you drawing is that a kangaroo it's you am i a kangaroo you're silly i'm a silly kangaroo oh she had fun trying okay where to next miss you need oh class you want to go to class okay where's class classroom right here that was easy hi class welcome your new student this is adly she's really [Music] okay where to next a book once upon a time there was a boy named nico he ate a lot of chocolate and turned into a bear he turned into it and they lived happily ever after happy ever after look in your face now don't put this book about get this book out of my face get this out okay drop the book before i pick you up okay no books in my face okay we're going swimming um you're still holding that but okay you need to use my daddy first i can't have a wet i can't have a wet diaper that's true let's go change your diaper where do i change your diaper put you right here let's change that bump oh ooh you are a little bit poopy baby powder oh this is stinky why do i have to do that okay throw it okay clean diaper where to swimming oh i put on a water diaper that's perfect oh you're swimming over here um adley do you know how to swim no it's swimming lessons oh swimming lessons okay welcome to swimming lessons every kid needs to put on sunscreen first okay sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen hey get over here hey no okay what slide do you want to go down it says i i go down the slide and then the dagger catches me and puts me in the pool oh gotcha okay you go down the side here you go i'll be in the pool to catch you i'm going in just got in the pool in my clothes this is weird okay i got you okay you need to sit in the floaties what floaty do you want pink oh you look sad why are you sad i got i need a bottle a bath because this water is corny it has chlorine yeah okay let's go give you a bath you might think this water is from the sink but it's from corollini it's not sink water it's chlorine water okay and i'm sleepy i fell asleep in the pool oh seriously she fell asleep in the pool okay how do i even get out of here oh i gotta go this side's good all right we made it out of the pool i'm this is my first day at daycare i'm learning um uh so what do you need to do i need to you need to sleep no bathroom sleep okay why do i give you a bath and then drink okay where's the bath where's the bath in the diaper changing room okay okay sorry it's my first day at daycare oh okay uh she's asleep in the bathtub i'm i'm asleep splashing sleep splashing that's how you know you've had too much fun today when you're sleep splashing okay so what do you need to do first eat and then bottle and then i need to do quiet time which is not okay eating bottle here we oh baby on the escape baby okay that baby's escaping okay just some milk how do i make food you need milk first i'm thirsty and then i need the food you just okay i'm making some milk and i'm still holding a rubber ducky i'm gonna set you down i gotta figure out how to get food okay guys where's the pantry turn turn um right here no oh sorry straight and that's storage oh tap here to get you know what to do okay i got a refill of baby food oh hi babies you guys having fun uh do you guys have daycare workers here hi you should probably have a daycare uh someone these babies over here need a daycare worker they don't have daycare workers okay i'm going to fill up the food by right behind the fence uh hadley i lost my baby has anyone seen natalie where is she i gotta let's drop this get rid of this okay okay where are you oh i got you busted you were hiding behind the fence all right sit up in your chair you gotta grab the baby food and then put me in the chat okay baby food and feed yourself do you like this this is white pudding cool okay now i need to sleep hey oh she's going to do it okay where's the toilet where's the toilet diapers i'm going i'm going i'm going okay we're trying to potty training baby oddly here okay where's the oh the blue door the pink door what do i do what do i do what do i do it's over there those are for the dolls okay uh potty go oh did we make it in time yeah oh good job you got gotta plus ticker on your chart yeah good job okay are you done yep okay i want to pick out a nighttime stuffy and then i want to read a bit in the story okay let's go get a stuffy which stuffy do you want we've got a bear a unicorn a cat or a monkey or a plane i want this one oh this is such a cute kid and i want a bedtime story and a bedtime story okay rock goodbye in the nursery yes that works every time good night ashley finally get a break i just want to relax in this white couch and relax finally [Music] it's okay it's okay oh did you have a good nap miss sadly park park okay let's go park your car no what car do you want to park i want to play at the park oh play at the park you want to park your car oh okay wait look for cars no car looks like stop looking for cars [Music] let's play oh pick a car you want blue pink yellow or green you're gonna race this little boy red car okay i gotta drop my stuff go on the racetrack all right you ready race go [Applause] oh this is like rainbow road oh no there's a boy racing you go ashley go ashley go hurry one more lap one more lap hurry he's catching up go go go hurry one more lap go loudly oh hurry last lap this is the final left go happily go out we go he's getting closer okay good job my little speed racer okay you having fun at the park i'm gonna go see saw yeah okay here you go no what no oh this is the baby set okay then you [Music] i got some i got some splinters in my toes splinters in your fingers going down on the ground let's take you over to the nursery daycare hospital place thingy let's ride these scooters over to the hospital get on my back ah there we go my dad's taking me to the hospital my dad's taking me to the hospital we're too tall let's see lay her down right here check it out i need magic tonight oh i know we're doing a check-up hold on hey wait your turn this is my baby's turn fix fix fix splinters and her toes are gone how does that feel i need medicine my tummy my tummy eggs back i need medicine from that green chocolate you gave me here's some medicine all right see we're all better here hop on i'll give you a piggy back okay okay oddly i had a fun day today which crib do you want uh they're all the same so i'll just take one of them um this one okay there you go nana baby what hey you fell out of your crib already give me are you ever gonna survive without getting out back in the crib okay let's try a different crib come here this is this this one will work get in this crib okay there you go little baby no no tomorrow bye i'm going poo poo oh no get me out of here uh hey front desk there might be a baby asleep in the crib that needs a bum change bye get on my scooter and i'm out of here going home i live by the beach i live by the beach again next game by the next game finally i don't have to take care of a baby all right what game is next water water wait really water slides i like water slides i'm transporting you just hey we played this one before it's not water slides yeah but then there's an update you go on water slides oh a water slide oh there's rockets dad you're the kid i'm the mom because i'm the kid because i was already the kid that's true my voice is rascaline because i had to make a baby voice okay now i'm the baby i gotta be oh wait i look like a cool dab you gotta make it look cool you gotta make yourself smaller and change your character like a baby uh hi i'm old kid wait i want to change my hair so i look like mikko can i be nico yes okay i can do it like that and i know like that no like that no that looks like nico this no this no that one's pretty good this one let me see yeah yeah yeah we're gonna put down we're moving okay if i was nico bear what would i wear oh these are cool you can't be any of those just the normal shirts but i want to be a gingerbread man run run as fast you can catch me wait wait wait i'm a dog with a suit yeah hold on wait one more i want to be a snowboard boy hey i do look away it's too hot in here a skeleton stop what okay that's creepy i don't want to be that one okay push this one it will make you very cool oh okay i reset oh hey i got my knickers okay yes and then you can change your hair and and get a new hat and change my hair i need niko bear hair get your nico bear hair back where's like that all right i'm ready i am full nico bear and i'm from mama mom mom yes yes uh hi what are we doing oh i need a backpack yeah let's go back and there's a there's um there's a banana backpack oh i want banana backpack look for any backpack you have well oh uh i think this is a banana soup not a banana backpack not that one right oh here got an eagle bear backpack i just gotta get mine okay okay got mine whoa wait mom where'd you go i'm looking for me we gotta go to our car whoa this is like a space park like a rocket ship oh welcome to the fountain of water come on you kid we need to go wait mom where are you oh hi mom sorry i lost mommy okay all right what are we doing mom mom what are we doing follow me where are we going mom we're going to our car okay wait here oh this place is fake our car will show up any minute okay waiting for a car wait whoa the car showed up lately where's the gas i'm i'm the driving now okay i gotta sit in the back seat because i'm just a kid get toppings i'm just a kid and my car is a red car let's go mom hug the horn hunt the horn nope please [Music] okay uh mom where are we going to our new house where do we live on the beach oh even better are we there yet nope oh lighthouse can we go the lighthouse nope oh can i get my hair nails done no i want to go to the pet shop okay wait really yep can i get a pet nope oh look at all these pets mom mom i know what kind of pet i want i want a snake no you just yeah no no no mom i know what i want my spider i want a spot no no mom i want a fish i want purple i want an orange fish okay so the purple one has a kitten and the blue one's a dog which one would you rather have i want a kitty i want a kitty cat kitty kitty kitty okay you're gonna have a kitten for your birthday okay okay let's get back in the car okay mom there's a pole there your birthday's in two days whoa oh a skate park mom can we go to the skate park please please please please please please we're here we're here what number is ours four number four oh we live by the skate park come in i'm home we have a view of the beach we got a purple bed jumping on the bed jumping on the bed mom can i go outside and go to the skate park uh no sweetie come back here i have a question for you and it's really exciting what okay try and guess i'm saying it's your birthday oh tomorrow is my birthday yes i'm so excited for tomorrow i want a skateboard or a scooter for the skate park okay and you run there uh you remember our pinky promise oh that i could get a pet for my birthday yes dill okay but first let me tell you something get yours from suit up i'm taking you somewhere special oh somewhere special okay let me get my swimsuit on a swimsuit i'm getting my swimsuit on i put on my front stand still oh i like your swimsuit mom let's go is that your nico bear swimsuit yeah i just kind of got it let's go in the car okay let's go i brought everything we need the beach right there i see it nope it's a surprise it's a surprise close your eyes the surprise what's the surprise ah you gotta see i know i wanna see are we there yet no are we there yet no are we there yet no are we there yet no are we there yet no how about now mom we're here yeah we're here wait where's here what do we do oh it's a it's a weird building over here oh what happened oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah look there's bubbles everywhere oh i want to there's somebody corn floaties so what's in here the bathroom get out of here um mom i want to go down the slide you can go down the slide i'll watch you okay how do i go up here slides the in the water [Music] mom come with me i'm nervous come with me okay i'm coming thank you mom jump over the water [Music] which one do we go up there's so many different options let's go on this one yeah mom i fell down the stairs it's fine just come back up okay you should really put rope on these stairs they really should it's so dangerous for a little boy like me oh mom wait for me i'm coming mom wait for me catch me at the bottom i can't swim okay do you think i have floaties in here somewhere just get them to put them on hopefully i see a floaty for reals oh never mind that's a pink cookie oh there's something better than a floatie i got a popsicle i'll put it back in my belly that's the best popsicle in the whole world drop it now okay i dropped it in my belly that was delicious mom can we do the blue slide with the jello hold on come here come here you want a slushy yes please too bad you can't have one what you are you just ate a popsicle why did you ask me if i wanted a slushie we got squishy cupcakes whoa a slushie cupcake thanks mom this is delicious actually hold on let's go on water slide yeah water slide uh let's do the blue one because it has a jump yeah wow there's a lost i'm so high up mom there's a lot of stairs i'm tired wow this is a big one whoa whoa mom i can't swim mom my mom water i guess sorry i didn't know i should jump oh thanks sweetie climb up the green one coming climb up stop nope i'm on top of the green one mommy where are you don't go down the slide yet i won't where are you mom i slept and fell down the slide oh that's good um where are you out mom you sat on me well that's good that you go down that side the only is like that you can go on the only side that you can go and buy yourself at the green one you have to wait for mommy for the big ones okay oh mom ice creams can i get ice cream fine the mom there's ice cream right here okay fine i don't have any money i'm just a kid i'll throw you something thanks hi sir my mom threw me this money i'd like one ice cream cone please sweetie get a towel okay we're going in the car oh we're going in the car okay i'm coming it's time to go home okay i'm pretty tired that was a fun day okay hop in the car okay i'm gonna surprise him and i hope he's happy wake up [Music] okay i'm coming where do we go we're going to the beach i love the beach swimming oh yeah i'm glad i'm going to the lighthouse mom i'm here sweetie mom where are you come here okay so i just found out that the lighthouse looked but look behind it what's behind it oh a beach resort wow that's pretty cool i didn't know there's a beach i'm pretty tired me too hey mom where'd you go let's just sleep in the ocean sleep in the ocean are you kidding me oh let's um there's something i can swim mom i'm a mermaid i can breathe underwater okay you stay there i gotta go on the surface to get something no don't go the surface mom it's dangerous we're mermaids look i got you a pet chicken oh you got me a mercat for my birthday oh i always wanted a mermaid cat oh he's so soft this was the best birthday present ever i got a cat and i found out i'm a mermaid boy this was fun mom i guess we're going to sleep good night mom i wasn't actually saying that we're sleeping but if he's asleep if the day's over and when he wakes up he'll have a little surprise i'll hold this on his face tight i guess he's asleep so i might as well go go play them bye [Music] mom mom where are you mom where are you mom where's adley i guess the video's over thanks for watching bye emily where are you
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 58,291,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, morning routine, dog morning routine, best day ever, worlds first cereal baby, fall morning routine, morning routine for school, school, routine, morning, baby brother, family fun, pretend play, night routine, first time, baby sister, adley app reviews, roblox, adley videos, adley show, game, vlog, at the park, a for adley, present, treasure, new games, surprise, toca boca, neighborhood, app, ipad, iphone, phone game, adleys birthday, family, adopt, nursey, daycare, pet
Id: ivJmPMZluNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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