B20VTEC Integra Cracks 230HP With Our Custom Intake

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yo guys what's up welcome back to humble performance today on the dyno we have this badass D Integra from st. Louis is Brandon Duckett's car now we're gonna do is gonna throw it on Dino he can to get it retouched up in tune he's made some modifications to make sure it's good but while we're doing that we're going to show you guys more intake manifold or sorry more intake comparisons so we're gonna do is we're gonna start with the intake on the car they're gonna switch it with the bolos intake with a velocity stack and then we've also gone ahead and custom-made an intake I want to break those down as we get started so we're into another Dino experiment show you guys some dyno numbers give you guys an example so let's go ahead and get started [Music] I also want to add before we throw this car on the dyno guys if you like these videos be sure to hit the thumbs up and also if you leave a comment within the first two hours this video being up and be replying to all the comments and interacting with all you guys so if you guys want to talk with us directly I ask a question ask Alex question ask me a question be sure to leave a comment within the first two hours will comments on everything we see and like I said we should leave the thumbs up but let's go ahead and get this thing on the Dinos alright you guys so on the diner day way let's say we have Brandon duck it's da integra this is a b20 be set up as decent modifications on a good sized header 13/20 header to ultra street intake manifold as a three-inch intake there as well the it1000 injectors a car is on e85 so we're here first we're going to start on the baseline till using the exhaust intake on the car make some bowls get it dialed in from there we're gonna switch over to bolos velocity stack you saw it used on my car we're going to show this and what your power difference there is there from there we made our own custom intake as well so I'm gonna throw that on there and then compare we have no idea of what we made will work so we're just throw it up and show you guys the results whether they're good or bad so you guys gonna see as we test and troubleshoot and put more Rd and the some of these things you guys can see as we're doing it live and build but in goal for us is be able to offer some of these things you guys you guys can pick them up and give you guys a different option when shopping for your intake so you guys know see the proven results just like our bunch of turbo kits want to start throwing these things down get them going so I was gonna make his first pool here in a second you want to see how much power of this thing can bake also I thought that I'd give you guys an update on the lies EK you guys have seen us through the break on its on the stuff you've come in on the weekends I've done plenty of work so the car is now completely wired and ready to go all the field lines are plumb everything's right in the rock just two minor things follow and bollo went ahead and did the the gauge cluster as well so we did a 5-inch carbon fiber attack y ban and oil pressure all the wiring over here now with Pillai simians measurements for his seat to read at the seat in here get that all taken care of and then uh this thing's we fire it up really soon it's all it's it's honestly the fire right now but we're gonna make sure everything is together ready to go before we do anything else we're gonna get this thing knocked out here soon and also you guys see over here carnage is back this is David Lee Chang's all motorcar 420 wheel horsepower we've made some modifications it was a four piston for a little while get some work done by Luke out there it's been redone it makes new power on the new computer trash control and stuff so it's very similar stuff to Alex's car which is right here both cars are ready to go fast this season when it opens back up were to put this thing on the track and I think we're gonna we're gonna do some pretty big things with this car is to stay tuned for this thing is gonna be badass and we're bringing belongs car back in here students whose rent up all throughout motorcars in-house again ready to rock part of the race we get a race available but I thought that I'd show you guys we got going on and it looks like we're about ready to start down on this Integra [Music] first pull their guys of the b20 v2 19 154 she's right a little bit rich Tupelo ever feel that we're gonna see this baseline pool not bad next poll guys I'll ask for guys 10 more horsepower 229 wheel horsepower 155 wheel torque the difference there was the fuel adjustment that blue line under there it means it's gonna rich brought it up there pulled some fuel out to 29 hopefully we can feel her 240 what's that hopefully we can feel sure I'm gonna pull back right now and once we start trying together in take the custom-designed and in taking our whole day away now can't wait for you guys to see it I'm pretty excited even if it doesn't make power look beautiful we'll see we'll see what happens that's pretty promising just snacking fool I already picked up ten horsepower all right get to it back to it guys ten horsepower a second pole and a keypad and see what you can do and like I said the recap on this video we're going to do the pole at the intake it house on the car they're going to switch the intake after we supposed to and say we're going to put our own custom it take on a spring to go from the stock intake to our standard open one from bolos car and then we have one that we've done a little little sauce we're gonna see if makes any difference and we're gonna keep on plugging away [Music] 230 wheel horsepower 156 wheel torque we're seeing all those gains here up from the top end kind of what's going in and out here but on the top end here we're seeing an extra one the two horsepower right there at the go for it he had about two hours prior different soon there was two at the top a little bit in the mid-range here the mid-range and tops were seeing the gains and here it's kind of fluctuate a little bit but not a huge deal 230 horsepower 156 realtor [Music] [Music] now expand adjuster the VTEC transition now it's nice and smooth trying to see the kick isolating our power band on the B Series there or just a VTEC adjustment wants to be taking over the middle from another little he's more of it like the reputable sometimes they engage me like real late cuz they carry a pair they're bigger motor more towards don't rabbit I sample reporter 2.7 like a scram to the moon you kind of like like 8,300 rpm I can leave it there I can take away my trifle of it take you here I don't think it's gonna make much more with this intake I might save them map [Applause] save that map and we'll try it object oh alright longer don't ya alright so how about [Applause] whatever [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people like the numbers already showing it it's like like always say I always refer to God make it more powerful car yeah with less markedly less yeah yeah so think about this when I say all right keep on going but I switch up the intakes here or make another pull this without the intakes lock it in here guys as an idea probably I'm gonna make much more power than this the 231 157 with the intake on the car so what we're gonna do now is going to switch to bolos intake which is just a 3-inch pipe of the velocity stack makes them pull see if we can doubt that in cm which power difference there is and then we're gonna throw our own special conduct concoction on there the the long dick dong or the canon or whatever we want to call it we're gonna throw it on there and see what we can do is so 231 157 is our baseline and we're gonna come back and refer this pool as we go through the intakes and see the differences all right you guys I've got all three intakes here laid out so this is the one off of the car the saw Brandon duck it's car so it's a little 3 inch Club in there air filter so when do now is gonna go over from the 3 inch over to bolos and then we're gonna pull up with this and Lu mate here as well when I start here bolos this is a 3 inch of the 45-degree been in a velocity stack that's it throw it on do the comparison and let's see what the velocity stack on bolos intake will do as far as power real quick no filter and then we'll run over here probably the filter then take the filter off and show you guys comparison between the two that way you can't just say it's because this thing got the fill there's no filter on it so we'll show you guys comparison she pulls a no filter on the new setup and let's go from there all right you guys so I've gone ahead and put bolos intake on here like I said the millionth time here 3-inch for the velocity stack we've got that tool set up out of the engine bay just get away from the heat just give you guys an idea one going to me pass on this thing and see the difference between the two intakes hopefully see a little bit of a positive game but yeah what's up nothing I would say this one pick up a little bit I'm hoping like what what I've been wanting to test her long time gonna be for the test like different motors this one is still kinda like engine compared to the KC right so we designed the intake a little bit different or like a a 20 or a 24 I want to try some different steps but today today we're gonna figure it out right now all right [Music] so first pull in the new intake setup 2:32 158 and then we can see here one or two horsepower gains all the way across on the top in equals output what we're seeing here is games from about 6,000 rpm to about 77 and 3/4 thousand rpm to horsepower difference right there and that's not even the biggest jump between the two so yeah we're looking at about a 2/3 horsepower increase across the entire rev range on the intake change alone not about at all let me take a look here while he's swung that real quick yeah we look at to 15 to 17 to 14 to 12 three horsepower 220 8223 so we're looking at two three horsepower gain across the entire rev range just let intake swap alone we're also running a little bit rich looking here era fuel is about 12 3 12 4 so it's about 6% to rich people about 6% throw up there and put the air peeler needs to be and I think we should see just a little bit more gain not a ton just a little bit how much percent was a rich exactly six percent that's one thing that you gotta keep an eye out and always try to make holes at the same temperature right I was still a little bit cold so adding five percenter hi wide open Toronto is 95 percent so are we gotta wait until warms up a little bit more and then I got it she's run a little bit cold I'm going to do another full that airfield should go up and he'll pick up like maybe alright perfect [Music] misson turns off the progress one so I want to throw on this intake that we've made here guys I'll break it down here in a minute we're gonna take the first one off those foot on here you guys to see the difference here is so between this one versus the old one we saw about a two horsepower gain across the entire rev range so we're gonna switch them out and see if we get another gain out of the new set up let's give a look everyone need to test so you guys can understand we're new with the air filter and without the air filter that way you guys can see very specifically that's not just here about to make any change we'll see what the piping with a filter change and without the filter change does so we're gonna do two separate rooms with the SU setup you see what she does I'll just pulling that off on a break down this pipe Center because this is a three and a half inch Inlet so six inch actual Bell mail sections filter three and a half air steps down to a three inch with a 45 now these are Pike cut so it's not pointless foodist transition but hopefully it makes the point we're gonna throw it on here and see we don't know what it's gonna do so you might as well throw it on here and experiment you guys can experiment here with us we're gonna mix of mad scientist and see what we can find here like Alex said in last video all motor is fun because we consider another fine power all day and if this thing makes power it makes power if it doesn't it doesn't so work the throw it up here and then see it looks way cooler has to say Lisa the only goal here is no losses so if it looks like that it works it's cool so but we'll see here we have a bigger volume of air going in so theoretically it should it should make a little more powers let's see what she can do all right you guys so we've gone ahead and put on the new one that we made for the car here we're gonna double check and see if she works it but does it it doesn't if it does it does but we're just gonna play some games the dyno for you guys you guys can see this troubleshoot as we start researching and developing stuff this is kind of how all motor works and you know not everything works so figure this might as well show you guys all we're up to we're gonna be testing a brand that could scar this intake we made here do without the filter and with the filters let's see what she can do [Music] it's an interesting result so if you guys are looking here at this right here so this car made more peak compared to the original intake it's a spot Riley rough with the intake and then after about 8,000 rpm it picks up over the resilience ache by about three horsepower not a bad check sure as we're looking at a three horsepower difference to it there very interesting [Music] front of our take 235 horsepower and then I've labeled the CHP filter so 232 is that's three horsepower peak difference missing over here on the top end and then across the mid range here gains are probably around one it's a little dips what's up they get food around there that make up at 2:35 I do one more just a little bit more we did the first floor take it off her they compared to his old setup by far motor b20 vtec I think he said it five are replicas be 20 pitches I don't know if they're the RF machine or whichever company's ranking up now and I think this one has a ported head it likes it carrying it up top a little bit better I compared it to both 7,500 before it takes off that's something I reaction you have I got not bad from 2:18 especially here on 65 anarchy doctype our motor against b20 I think you'll be happy I think he said he wanted to see 240 about that was just guessing numbers hope you liked it got screenshots of what it made how many guys we pull up the charts you guys can kind of see the difference tuna - so the lighter blue line is the original intake and then the darker blue line this isn't the highest horsepower on this with the smooth scrap the show - 34 verse - 31 well I can have said in other videos as well the actual petite numbers don't tell the story if you look this dark line here is the intake would be the new set up there it's up across nearly the entire thing I mean how many power will be same I two three each there no six horsepower there's a little dip there in the middle so we're looking at three to five horsepower gains across the entire range on the intake difference alone I'm sure if we sat down and went through it forever I think the really fun you could really like I said earlier we could find horsepower all day and fine-tune it and what were the thing needs to be and everything and modify it but like that a wonderfull down there made 335 and then this this went away I think it works I'm turning it wedding has three to five horsepower across the board yeah yeah two three horsepower and it's not just a fluke like there's three or four pulls every single pools above it I decided to show you the smoothest best-looking one but yeah guys like I said we could sit here do this and now you guys like to see kind of the experiments and things like that and we're just messing around so we got some extra time and things like that and Brendan one it's gonna float the car so there's some more more stuff at it and see in let's see 35 yeah those the highest horsepower pulley at 235 157 lower the researchers right here yeah I might even do one more cool from from this one of the other one to 31 to 35 three to five horsepower across-the-board practically bulleted take her politic harmony makes pretty good above all the ones that come in here so the windows on the car wasn't really bad this one just works a little bit better I'm kind of like other intakes I would like to compare it to just like face it face it can take 15 I think it'd be pretty good at at all three of them the one that we just built today with the highest watch soul keep messing around with if you guys are gonna see more of this be sure to let me know down in the comments down below and yeah I guess maybe do not offer do one more and then holiday there we go what should we name the intent boy bellboy this is this is version one will go through make multiple versions of it and see what should we name the intake alex says long dick dong they met on the comforts down below and I will do one more pull for you guys I will see what she can do for one final cool dad it makes me more power through the shot these are making more I'll put this out there I like what you did with the cylinder head the name that we most like after we start making a little bit more in production and we start testing stuff we will send a free intake to the to the name their remote flight I want to hear what they you want you would like to hear or the name frame name the intake bro the best one that we choose I mean we'll send them in later on as we test for wolf we'll send you a free intake we'll keep testing these things we do be serious k-series Shiraishi Aries do want one - all this stuff will start to be in the K and we'll show you guys the results we go but this is route of testing we'll make another adjustment on an l1 see people work for D Series B Series A Series A Series we just can't go to freeze gonna be series this one a B Series it's it's from three inch to three a half-pay series I'm pretty sure the three to three and a half of work but on a k24 and then if you sorry for even more compression I think three and a half to four or four work better but again we won't like I would I mean the end of a pretty nice but just for Dino stuff we can't ride yeah I think would be pretty cool let's hear some names and stuff and then [Applause] let me know what part you have and stuff and what setup it will build you a free intake all right will do or for going much you guys go [Music] nope [Music] all right so you guys that's gonna wrap up us running on Brandon's car cool it down a little bit so just the kind of recap we put us calling the dyno with the intake you have the car made about 231 horsepower we switch the intake to bolos and take them about another one may 232 and then we switch the stepped in take it made 234 235 we saw about three to five horsepower gain across the entire rev range with the different intake so pretty decent gain but like I said the original intake wasn't awful so it's not too bad too bad a shape but we set up is kind of experiment and see so you guys see we saw about four words for our difference all motor you're running for every little horsepower and those little games add up over times to see if I've four horsepower on the intake changed ahead of you final two three horsepower there Batman IV no find another three to four horsepower there that four horsepower between the two things become eight horsepower and then it just stacks so the thing with an all motor car that's well tuned and well set up it's an accumulation of parts the same way when you're you're reducing weight in the car you're finding a couple pounds here and there and eventually that adds up to 20 30 40 pounds that's how the all motor cars works so you find out three to four horsepower with this another four or five honestly I'm peak so not bad at all but I thought that I would show you guys sound like I said whether or not we saw big gains or didn't it didn't matter we're just kind of playing here and see what we can do we saw a little bit of gain nothing crazy but like I said those things stack up over time so hope you guys enjoy that I know you guys are liking the videos if you like these these experiments let me know I want to throw them case series I think we've got some stuff coming for my case series car here shortly as well we're just gonna do more and more stuff to the little guys you guys can kind of see where you guys can spend your money and find your parts that'll add up those little horsepower gains over time so that's we got for today guys thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing and we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Humble Performance
Views: 57,198
Rating: 4.9676113 out of 5
Keywords: Civic, BoostedBoiz, Turbo Civic, 500HP Civic, 6262 Civic, Turbo Honda, Turbo B18, Honda B18 Turbo, B18 Turbo, GSR Turbo, 500 HP GSR, PFISpeed, Boosted Boyz, Turbo Oddyssey, Turbo EG Hatch, Honda Turbo, Boosted Honda, Boosted Civic, Boosted B18, Humble Performance, Prayoonto Racing, turbocharged civic, supercharged civic, k20 turbo, k20a2 turbo, integra turbo, rsx turbo, ek turbo, ek civic, dc2, how to turbo honda, turbo d series, turbo d16, turbo d15
Id: pi9suyf3L64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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