Azusa Street Revival 1906-Pentecostal History

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4/9 1906 the location 214 Bonnie Brae Street on the third day of a 10 day fast William Seymore began to preach to the prayer group from Acts chapter 2 verse 4 and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance afterwards mr. Edward Lee asked Seymour to lay hands on him as they did in the scriptures and pray that he would receive the Holy Ghost when they finished lead lifted his hands and began speaking in tongues this experience sent shockwaves through the room and at the same time a young lady named Jenny Moore fell from her stool where she was sitting the power of God fell and I was baptized in the Holy Ghost and far with the evidence of speaking in tongues as I looked at God it seemed as if a vessel broke within me and water surged up through my beam which when it had reached my mouth it poured out in a torrent of languages God had given me I sang under the power of the Spirit in many languages and in the home where the meeting was held the spirit led me to the piano where I played and sang under the inspiration although I have not learned how to play several other believers in the room were knocked to the ground on the power of the Spirit and six of them began to speak in tongues as well their shouts of joy to be heard throughout the neighborhood as the prayer meeting overflow to the front porch many curious neighbors gathered and soon others began speaking in tongues and praising God the word spread rapidly by the next morning the crowd had grown so great that it was difficult to approach the house the port became a pulpit as William Seymore began to preach to the crowd this continued for three days and it has been said that during this three-day street service the house shook under the exuberant praising of a hungry people even on one occasion the port's collapsed at the weight of all the people services continued almost day and night with Healy's reported and hundreds of people filled with the spirit after the third day it was determined that a new location was needed to house the growing crowd of seekers William Seymour and his followers soon found a vacated two-story church building previous used to stable horses it had been converted into apartment housing upstairs with a large unfinished barn light room on the downstairs its address was 312 Azusa Street the revival at Azusa stress from the early morning deep into the evening every day for three and a half years one woman described the services with the following words a sound like a rushing mighty wind filled the room and I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire rivers of joy and love divine flooded my soul God also gave me the Bible evidence of receiving this experience and letting me speak in another language but the greatest joy in my heart was the knowledge that I had received power to witness for Christ and power to tell others what great things God can do in a human life William Seymour would preach and soon following his sermon the altars were flooded with seekers no urging was necessary by the end of the first month you can find 800 people gathered within the building and over 500 gathered outside and it only continued to grow there was such power in the preached word that people would shake in their seats and many would have the power fall on them as a word germinated in their hearts and they would burst out speaking or singing in other languages but they lay hands on them or what they received the baptism and speak with tongues back in the audience or did they have a tarrying room or what well they had a room upstairs that called the upper room where he went to tarry for the Holy Spirit but we could not control the Spirit of God sometimes a person would receive the Holy Ghost right in their audience without even an altar call just stand right up and begin speaking in other tongues as the spirit give up I've maintained you don't have to come to a specific place called an altar you give up in your heart and the Lord will save you've been there whatever you are people heard them speak in their own language the Japanese Chinese and all the different nationalities they heard them speak and the gospel was preached to them you mean they had not learned these oh no they had Naaman because the Spirit of God filled them now you saw this and heard this with your own ears I certainly did thousands of people visited the mission services over the course of three years whether they were drawn by a spiritual hunger or a fascination for the bizarre whatever the case those who came were impacted many who came with unkind motives left full of the Holy Ghost and a desire to spread the message of Pentecost hundreds of people were baptized with the Holy Ghost then hundreds turned into thousands and thousands turned into Millions history records the Azusa Street revival as the greatest revival to ever sweep across North America more than any other time in Earth's history we need the spirit to fall again on us now is the time today is the day we need a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit on our nation like never before [Music] you
Channel: AZUSA STREET 1906
Views: 105,823
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Keywords: azusa street revival, charles parham, william seymore, bonnie brae, pentecostal revival, apostolic, pentecostal people, pentecostal church, holy ghost, upci, united pentecostal church, azusa street 1906, pentecostal preaching
Id: eAUSCg9XcuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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