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welcome to glory stories with dr. Elizabeth bond dr. Vaughn was one of the top eye surgeons in America and has traveled to many countries in the world preaching the Word of God he also opened up an eye surgery center in Beijing China where she did free eye surgery on those in need dr. Vaughn will be sharing many of her personal experiences from God in addition you will hear of others that have known God in an intimate way and seen his miracle-working power as you hear about how God has worked in the lives of others our hope is that you will be changed forever get ready for God to heal you deliver you and transform your life as you sit back and enjoy these glory stories welcome to glory stories I'm going to share with you today a great revival that started in America around 1906 with a man who only had one eye but he had such a passion to know God in a more intimate way actually he spent five hours a day for two and a half years every day praying to God seeking God trying to draw closer to God there was a man named Charles Parham who came to Houston that's where Seymour was was in Houston Texas Charles Parham came there to start a Bible School and he he had become familiar with the baptism in the Holy Spirit which was very unusual at that point in time and Seymour was hungry to know more about that he wanted to more be more know more about God in every way he could so he sat outside the room where parem was teaching about the baptism in the Holy Ghost and he learned all about it and about that time there was a church in Los angeles-area that contacted Seymour and asked him to come be their pastor so he prayed about it and he felt like that was what God wanted him to do so he leaves Houston he goes to Los Angeles and when he gets there he goes to this church and begins preaching about the baptism in the Holy Spirit well they weren't too happy about that in that particular congregation and so it wasn't long until they put a padlock on the door he came that night to preach in church and the door was padlocked tanned he was he was not welcome that church anymore so there he was in Los Angeles and now he didn't have a church anymore but there were some people in that church that had compassion on him and said well you can come stay in our home and you can start a prayer meeting in our home so he did and the Spirit of God was so powerful there such wonderful things happen I remember one lady who didn't know how to play the piano at all one night she sat down to the piano and started playing and singing the piano just like she'd had lessons all of her life by the power of the Holy Spirit those are phenomenal miracles that God just does and so things started happening they started happening and people got wind of it more people started coming to this home and pretty soon there were crowds out in this in the front yard and even into the sidewalks and the authorities said you can't continue having these meetings here because you're far too big to stay here anymore well Seymour was still seeking more of God and he asked the Lord one day he's what can I do to seek you in a more fervent way and God said pray more well remember he's already praying five hours a day so he ups his prayer time to seven hours a day do you know anybody else that's praying seven hours a day I don't anyway that's what Seymour did and so Seymour starts asking the Lord what shall I do what shall I do you're gonna and they said you're gonna have to find another place so he starts looking for another place to have meetings and he found an old warehouse which had also been a stable and that was for rent he thought he might be able to make that into a facility that was adequate but he didn't have the money to rent it so he asked the Lord Lord what should I do I need the money to rent this facility the Lord said get on a streetcar go to Pasadena so that night he got on a streetcar he headed to Pasadena he of course he didn't know where he was going he had no idea but he was obeying the Lord one step at a time got on the streetcar headed to Pasadena and when he got to the right place the Lord told him he said get off the streetcar here he directed him to go to some apartments that were nearby and to go to certain apartment door now what he didn't know was inside that apartment door was a small group of women they'd been praying for the baptism in the Holy Ghost one of them had it a lady named sister Kearney had the baptism already but the rest of them were praying for the baptism and Holy Ghost and they were that day they had spent many hours praying specifically for revival so he knocks on the door he doesn't know what's inside he knocks on the door of course these women it's not 10:30 at night somebody knocking on your door they all go to the door at the same time it's kind of scary they go to the door all together they open the door in here's this man standing here he said you've been praying for revival haven't you they said well yes we have he said I'm the man that God sent to preach the revival so they asked him to come in he comes in he preaches to them about the baptism and Holy Ghost about revival he preaches to them they're in that apartment that night then he takes up an offering and the amount of offering that he got was enough to pay the rent on a Zuza Street so he rinses ooza Street of course having having been a stable you know what stables have in him sister Carney who went with him and helped in Azusa Street she said how grateful she was that Seymour had assigned her to the area to clean up where there were small goats instead of the area where the large cattle and horses were so her cleanup job in the stable was a little easier than some other people she was grateful for that so they cleaned it all out and they began meetings there in April of 1906 I want to read you something that kind of describes what a typical meeting would be like in Azusa Street the beginning of one of the greatest revivals the world has ever known the meetings were spontaneous with no pre-arranged order no special singing no well-known evangelist no collections no advertisements no church organization backing them now have you ever been to a church like that before mmm probably not probably not the Holy Ghost was in control Seymour was the leader he spent most of his time behind the pulpit with his head in a box praying and waiting on the Lord did you hear that with his head in a box praying praying in tongues and waiting on the Lord to tell him what to do what to say God began to manifest his power and the meeting would continue all day long and into the night when well-dressed preachers came in to quote investigate conviction conviction would soon fall on them and they'd soon soon be wallowing on the floor asking God to forgive them in a typical service someone would be talking and suddenly the spirit would fall on the congregation God Himself would give the altar call men would fall all over the house like the slain in battle or rushed to the altar to seek God the building was always full of people praying and services usually began mid-morning and continued till about 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. did you hear that started mid-morning continued to 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. okay I'm going to stop right there I have some more I want to read to you again in a little while but right now I'm going to stop right there because so many miracles happen in Azusa Street and I wanted to tell you about some of those as we already read when the meetings would start Seymour would come out and he would put this box over his head and he would simply pray and wait on God many people with all kinds of problems would come thousands and thousands of people would come from everywhere actually everywhere in the world because people that were hungry for God would flock to wherever a revival was going on and her Bible was definitely going on in Razoo the street so I'm gonna tell you of a few of the things that happened in one instance there was a young boy his parents carried him in because he had had a brain hemorrhage and he couldn't he couldn't even think or understand or move or he just was like a kind of like a vegetable from the brain hemorrhage and he came there for prayer and one of the young men I think the young man was one of the musicians that that there was an there was a man who played the piano and there was a violinist that came along with time and one of those men prayed for this young man with a brain hemorrhage and God immediately had the brain hemorrhage like four or five years before that immediately this whole everything that was wrong with him got healed it spontaneously immediately and he got up and he just started running around and praising God that he was now well that's the kind of thing that happened routinely every day not just once a day but all kinds of miracles all day every day another thing that happened was there was a particular man there named Bill Brown who who loved to pray for people with eye problems and so he prayed for like over 50 people that were blind people and could suddenly see by the power of God when they asked him could he remember a special a special one that meant something special to him he recounted a woman that came in with she didn't even she didn't have any whites to her eyes she was totally blind and her eyes were just black the whites never had developed and when he prayed for her God spontaneously healed her eyes gave her whites to the eyes and she could see and the reason he remembered her is because she screamed because she'd never seen anything before in her life and now she could see everything enlightened people and she was so shocked by seeing the world that she screamed and it scared him it scared him and so he remembered that woman because she scared him but over and over things like that happened even when that man was an elderly man and he was in a retirement home and a Zuza street was long gone he still had this gift of praying for people that had blind eyes so one day they brought to him an older woman who had blindness in her eyes she had one of those canes you know that blind people have they tap along the sidewalk or wherever and they go and and he took the first thing he did he took that cane and he broke it in half now does that tell you that he's expecting the woman to see to me that's a real strong sign of faith when you take the lady's cane and you break it in half before you even pray he took her glasses off dark glasses he praised the prayer of faith for the woman and Jesus makes the woman see instantly spontaneously beautifully so he had that to follow to him a gift all of his life there's another man named Fox and he had a particular interest in ears and he would go to a deaf person and he would just whisper in their ear and he would say spirit of deafness leave this person now in Jesus name and the and he would hear like a whistle kind of a sound or a popping sound and that would indicate to him that that spirit of deafness was gone and the person could hear and this happened over and over he was only 18 years old when he came to Azusa Street and he came there because he wanted to prepare for a missionary a life of being a missionary in in India one day a man who was the teacher of a sign language class you know sign language for people that are deaf you know what I'm talking about sign language he brought 35 of his students to Azusa Street so Fox sees these 35 deaf people and he says you know why did you bring him here he said you're gonna be out of a job because they won't need to know sign language when God finishes with him and and the the instructor says you're you're talking like you think every one of these persons is going to be healed and made to hear and foxes yes I expect that to happen so he had them all stand in a circle and and join hands to remember their death and all of them were deaf he goes to the first person in the circle he whispers in their ear you deaf spirit I command you in Jesus name leave this person now persons the deaf spirit leaves the person can hear the other people in the circle see that this man can now hear and they all get excited in that healing virtue of Jesus starts going through every one of those people in the circle and they all start he didn't have to pray for another one of them it went through the whole Circle Circle and all 35 of them all received their healing all at the same time gets what happened to their instructor he didn't have a job anymore God healed every single one of the deaf people that he brought that day to the meeting so another time a lady came in she was crying and screaming with pain and she had a bloody towel over one over her ear and they didn't know what had happened to this woman and and so one of the ladies came and she took the towel down and there was no ear there was no ear it was just bloody a bloody mess right there no ear you know external ear so she says what in the world happened to you you have no ear she said that she came home people some kind of people she came home and she found another woman in bed with her husband and so the woman in bed starts fighting with the wife this was the wife that came in like this she starts fighting with the wife and she bites the woman's ear off she bites the wife's ear off so the person at Azusa Street says did you bring your ear with you she says oh no I didn't I didn't even think about that I just came straight here so the woman in Azusa Street puts her hand over this bloody mess and prays and ask God to give this woman a new ear and when she takes her hand away there's a brand new ear there that God grew just like this a brand new ear I'm giving you some examples of the kind of miracles that God did it a zoo the street and you know what Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday today and forever so the same Jesus that gave that lady in ear the same Jesus that made thirty five deaf people hear at the same time he's here today and he's ready and able to do the same for you he is alive yes they crucified Jesus but he resident was resurrected from the dead and he is alive today he was alive as a Zuza street doing that he's alive today there for you so if you cry out to Jesus no matter what physical infirmity you have he has ears to hear you he's waiting for you to cry out his name and to ask him believing him that what you ask for you will get just like the people that came to Zuzu street what they came for they got it from the Lord he's they're able to do that for you and wants to do that for you today well another time a lady came in and and she had a great she huge mass hanging off the side of her face the size of half of a basketball is the way they described it and she was holding it she was holding it with her hand and she had a child with her and she came there because it was hopeless the doctors had told her it was way too big for them to try to take it off surgically so she decided to come to the zoo the street so she's holding this great mass off of her face and and asked for someone to pray for her and they so they pray that God will take this mess away and just in front of all their eyes it just it just it just dissolves it goes away this huge mess it just goes away goes away how about that many wonderful things happen now sometimes not all the time but on special at special times there would be fire that would shoot up from the ceiling of the Azusa Street building there would be fire that would shoot down from heaven and they would meet in the air and the Fire Department would get called because there's fire they thought there's really fire in Azusa Street the fire firemen would come they'd come rushing in with all their paraphernalia on there would be no flames anywhere there'd be no smoke anywhere but yet they you know you could go outside and lots of the men went outside and looked and there were there was you could see it there were flames shooting up from the ceiling from the roof of the building and and flames shooting down from heaven and meeting in the middle it was a supernatural phenomenon but when that did happen the miracles in Azusa Street were augmented they were greater they were more astonishing than all the ones I've already told you about when the fire was shooting two things that happened that I recall when the fire was shooting one was a man that was there who had had an industrial accident and his entire arm had been removed he had no arm whatsoever now back in those days were talking in 1906 1907 they didn't have good prosthesis so whatever he had was just hanging there useless to him and Seymour was there and he asked the men can you can you work can you support your family he said well I really can't do much work with just one hand and I just do the best I can and we're bare getting along and so Seymour says well God can solve that for you he can solve that and so Seymour prays that God will give this men a new arm and they're all standing there and they watch with their eyes not none just Seymour alone watching but a you know a group of people they're watching this as the bond begins to grow out of the shoulder socket and behind the bone starts to grow flesh behind that muscles skin tendons everything the whole arms can continues to grow and grow and then they watch the hand grows the fingers grow out fingernails grow out and he has a perfectly normal 100% normal arm and hand just like the other arm this happened while the fire was shooting out of Azusa Street phenomenal another man was there also at a time when the fire was happening and this man had been a chronic smoker he had a cigar that he always just kept in the side of his mouth for years and years and years he kept that cigar in the side of his mouth with time that cigar had caused cancer in the tissue and the cancer had eaten off a lot of his cheek his jaw his lips had eaten into his gums and his teeth and he had basically a great big hole in the side of his face with all of those parts of his Anatomy missing while the fire was shooting they prayed for this man and God created all new teeth in there all new gums in there a new cheek new lips and the whole side of the man's face was completely healed of cancer it was like black and rotting flesh and cancers and God just healed it and made it perfect made it perfect there was there was one lady named sister Kearney she's the one that was in the apartment that helped provide the original funds for Azusa Street she went she specialized in people that were in wheelchairs so that she would always when they saw it when she saw someone in a wheelchair she would go to the wheelchair she would take the the footplates of the wheelchair and lift them up and put their feet on the floor this is when they were still paralyzed put their feet on the floor and then she would pray for them because she knew that God was going to heal him and they were gonna walk and that those foot plates would be in the way so she got him out of the way and in the very beginning and then she would pray and then the people would stand up and they would walk this happened to everybody she ever prayed for in a wheelchair and of course the other people at Azusa Street they saw her always lifting the foot pedal so when they prayed for someone in a wheelchair they too would lift the foot pedal they call it the carny rule that you always had to lift the foot pedals before you prayed for someone that was in a wheelchair so many people got healed from wheelchairs now on occasion when Seymour had the box over his head and he'd been praying sometimes for a short period sometimes for an hour or more than an hour with the Box on his head and when he heard from God and he took off the box sometime he would speak to an area that had cots that were brought from the hospital people that were in terminal stages of diseases that were dying that had to be carried in on cots other people in wheelchairs and Seymour would say something like this every one of you that's on a cot or in a wheelchair you stand up now and take your bed and just go on home because you're healed in Jesus name and the whole section that was in Azusa Street that we're in cots and wheelchairs would all rise up and they would all be well and they would all go home wherever they went they would all leave well completely healed by the power of God so you see why I say that this was one of the strongest revivals and most amazing miraculous revivals that the world had ever seen in fact a lot of people that ended up being well known like John G Lake we'll talk about him later but it was advised that he go to Azusa Street and others like him that wanted to be in full-time ministry that they go to Azusa Street and and and and try to you know acquire that anointing that was there so that they could go on with the with the ministry that they had something very interesting happened in the fall of 1909 Seema were stopped taking that box off putting the box on his head he stopped doing that simultaneous with that Azusa Street pretty much dwindled dwindled down and the flame of the fire bazoo the street started dwindling down and but three people made a prophecy around the end of 2009 the beginning of 2010 they made a prophecy in different parts of the United States and keep in mind this is a time when you didn't have cell phones and communication if you were on the East Coast you didn't know what the West Coast was doing or vice-versa you had you had no way of instant communication so Seymour stood up and on more than one occasion he he prophesied that in about 100 years there would there would be a revival that would be greater than the day of Pentecost that would be greater than Azusa Street and this revival would just not be in one place though it would be in many places it would break out in many places worldwide and that it would even continue the revival would continue until the return of Jesus Christ powerful in about a hundred years remember that was around 1910 simultaneous with this on the East Coast in New York was Charles Parham and he stood up there and he gave a prophetic word that was essentially the same as what Seymour had said in Los Angeles and about the same time Maria Woodworth editor which is another famous servant of God I'll tell you about her later too but Maria would worth it her stood up in San Diego I believe where she was and she gave the similar saying the same thing prophetic word about a greater revival would break out it would be greater than Azusa Street be greater than they have Pentecost it would break out in places all over the world not just one place and it would last until the coming of Jesus Christ so in this day that we're living in now this is approximately a hundred years after those prophetic words were given so we're we're looking for that we're waiting for that we're expecting that really we're expecting you know God spoke to me a long time ago and he said he said the word groundswell I had to go look up what groundswell meant and that's been so many years ago I don't know if I can remember exactly what Webster said but it said something like there was a swelling a tumult in the sea and it would cause waves to come up now you know now we would just call it a tsunami okay let's just say a tsunami and I saw a tsunami of the Holy Spirit that would hit America and cross America I'm sure it'll go to other countries too but a tsunami of the Holy Spirit because really in this day and time with the world situation like it is I'm telling you the truth there's no world power that's going to be the answer there's no president of a country that's going to be the answer there's no great person that's going to be the answer the only answer is going to be Jesus Christ the only answer is going to be God Almighty sending a great tsunami a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit not only across America but across the other nations that are in turmoil turmoil total disruption and turmoil and darkness nothing short of the powerful move of God is going to bring light into that dark the dark areas of the world nothing nothing you want to hear the truth I'm telling you the truth there's nothing but God so if you have if you have any sense at all you should run you I'm talking to you you should run to the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ today you should ask him to forgive you for whatever sins you have in your life it's called repenting you repent it means that you you are sorry that you did those sins it means you're going to make an about-face and instead of heading in the wrong direction you turn around and you head in the right direction in the direction toward God and godliness you begin to read your Bible you begin to pray pray and what is praying praying is simply talking to God just like you'd talk to your friend or your family member you simply talk to God and you know what he wants to talk back to you he wants to talk back to you and then don't neglect assembling of yourselves together with other Christians because the fire of one Christian keeps the fire of another Christian hot you don't want to be isolated if you can possibly avoid it so if you'll make that repentance today and take Jesus as your Savior you will be on the on the right road that's going to head you to heaven when your day comes you'll be headed toward heaven and God will have a matching up there for you no more sorrow no more pain no more crying no more tears and the people that have gone before you that have loved the Lord they'll be up there to meet you and you'll recognize them you'll know you're whoever your friends your parents we look forward to seeing you there we hope that you enjoyed these stories of the glory of God we believe that each story we tell will help build your faith and help to bring a miracle into your life for more information about this program and dr. Elizabeth bond visit her website at God's instrument com4 youtube channel at glory story now or writer at Elizabeth Vaughn ministries incorporated p.o box 454 argon Texas seven six two two six USA
Channel: Glory Stories Now
Views: 396,864
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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